def test_biggest_city(self): """ Tests the biggest city :return: true if all tests pass """ graph = Graph() graph.add_from_json('../Data/map_data.json') biggest = graph.biggest_city() self.assertEqual(biggest[2], 34000000) self.assertTrue(biggest[1] in ("TYO", "Tokyo")) self.assertTrue(biggest[0] in ("TYO", "Tokyo")) pass
class Console(Cmd): def __init__(self): """ Constructor for the Console class """ Cmd.__init__(self) self.prompt = "=>> " self.intro = "Welcome to CSAir!\nInput a command or type help for more" self.graph = Graph() self.graph.add_from_json('../Data/map_data.json') self.graph.add_from_json('../Data/cmi_hub.json') def do_all_cities(self, args): """ Grabs a list of all the cities this airline can fly to and its code :param args: nothing, leave blank. Type all_cities :return: all the cities this airline can fly to with its name and code """ for key, val in self.graph.vertices.items(): print("City: {}, code: {}".format(, val.code)) def do_city(self, args): """ Grabs city information by its argument i.e. city SCL :param args: code, name, country, continent, timezone, coordinates (lat & long), population, region :return: specific argument requested, such as the code or the name or tells the user it's not there """ string = args.split() if len(string) <= 0: print("Enter a valid argument") else: if args in self.graph.vertices: for key, val in vars(self.graph.vertices[args]).items(): print("{}: {}".format(key, val)) else: print("Enter a valid city") def do_all_single_flights(self, args): """ Grabs a list of all the other cities accessible via a single nonstop flight Enter by code name and it'll find all cities it can go to as well as distance :param args: city code, i.e. SCL for Santiago :return: a list of all flights from the city """ if args in self.graph.edges: for edge in self.graph.edges[args]: print("City: {}, distance: {}".format(edge.destination, edge.distance)) else: print("City does not exist!") def do_longest_flight(self, args): """ Displays the longest flight in this network of flights :param args: nothing, can type longest_flight :return: longest flight by codes and distance """ longest = self.graph.longest_flight() print("Longest flight is from {} to {} and distance is {}".format(longest[0], longest[1], longest[2])) def do_shortest_flight(self, args): """ Displays the shortest flight in this network of flights :param args: nothing, can type shortest_flight :return: shortest flight by codes and distance """ shortest = self.graph.shortest_flight() print("Shortest flight is from {} to {} and distance is {}".format(shortest[0], shortest[1], shortest[2])) def do_average_flight(self, args): """ Displays the average distance of all the flights in this network of flights :param args: nothing, can type average_flight :return: average distance of all the flights """ print("Average distance is {}".format(self.graph.average_distance())) def do_biggest_city(self, args): """ Displays the biggest city of all the cities in the network :param args: nothing, can type biggest_city :return: biggest city by code, name, and population size """ biggest = self.graph.biggest_city() print("Biggest city is: {} {} and population is: {}".format(biggest[0], biggest[1], biggest[2])) def do_smallest_city(self, args): """ Displays the smallest city of all the cities in the network :param args: nothing, type smallest_city :return: smallest city by code, name, and population size """ smallest = self.graph.smallest_city() print("Smallest city is: {} {} and population is: {}".format(smallest[0], smallest[1], smallest[2])) def do_average_city_size(self, args): """ Displays the average size of all the cities in the network :param args: nothing, type average_city_size :return: average size of the cities rounded down """ print("Average size of the cities is: {}".format(self.graph.average_city_size())) def do_continents_and_cities(self, args): """ Displays all the continents and the cities each one :param args: nothing, type continents_and_cities :return: all the continents and cities that belong in each one """ list_all = self.graph.continents_and_cities() for continent, cities in list_all.items(): print(continent, end=": ") print(", ".join(cities)) def do_hubs(self, args): """ Displays the top 5 hubs based on the number of outgoing connections :param args: nothing, type hubs :return: the top 5 hubs by code """ hubs = self.graph.hubs() for cities in hubs: print("{} with {} outgoing routes".format(cities[0], cities[1])) def do_visualize(self, args): """ Displays a map of the entire route This function displays the link as well as opens it in a browser for you :param args: nothing, type visualize :return: a map of the entire network of flights """ url = "" for code, _list in self.graph.edges.items(): for edge in _list: url = "{}{}-{},".format(url, edge.start, edge.destination) print(url) def do_del_city(self, args): """ Deletes a city from the network Note that this deletes the city both ways in the network as well :param args: city code to remove :return: city removed or not """ if self.graph.remove_city(args): print("City removed") else: print("City not found") def do_del_route(self, args): """ Deletes a route from the network This deletes both way Argument must consist of two codes, i.e. del_route TYO LAX :param args: two codes for the cities :return: route removed or not """ route = args.split() if len(route) <= 1: print("Enter a valid number of arguments") else: if self.graph.remove_route(route[0], route[1]): print("Edge removed") else: print("Edge couldn't be found") def do_add_city(self, args): """ Adds a city to the network Asks for user input and calls the graph class afterwards :param args: none, can simply call add_city :return: city added or not """ city = {"code": input("Enter city code"), "name": input("Enter city name"), "country": input("Enter city country"), "continent": input("Enter city continent"), "timezone": input("Enter city timezone")} coordinates = input("Enter coordinates, i.e. N 5 W 74") coordinates = coordinates.strip() while len(coordinates) < 4: coordinates = input("Please enter a valid coordinate parameter, i.e. N 5 W 74") coordinates = coordinates.split() city["coordinates"] = {coordinates[0]: coordinates[1], coordinates[2]: coordinates[3]} population = input("Enter city population") while int(population) < 0: population = input("Please enter a valid population size") city["population"] = population city["region"] = input("Enter city region") self.graph.add_city(city) print("City added!") def do_add_route(self, args): """ Takes in three parameters for args so that we can add them to the network Must add in the order of distance start destination :param args: three different parameters, i.e. 5000 TYO LAX :return: route added """ route = args.split() if len(route) < 3: print("Enter valid parameters") else: self.graph.add_route(route[0], route[1], route[2]) print("Route added!") def do_edit_city(self, args): """ Takes in three parameters to edit the city Must add in order of the code, key, value :param args: three different parameters, i.e. LAX name somecity :return: city edited """ city = args.split() if len(city) < 3: print("Enter valid parameters") else: if city[0] in self.graph.vertices: self.graph.edit_city(city[0], city[1], city[2]) print("City edited!") else: print("City does not exist!") def do_save_json(self, args): """ Saves the data to the json Simply call by save_json :param args: none :return: JSON saved """ self.graph.save_to_json() def do_load_json(self, args): """ Loads the data from the json :param args: none, simply uses the same file :return: JSON loaded """ self.graph.vertices.clear() self.graph.edges.clear() self.graph.add_from_json('../Data/save.json') def do_route_info(self, args): """ Checks if a route is valid based on argument of spaces :param args: code names separated by spaces :return: true or false on whether a route is valid """ route = args.split() result = self.graph.route_info(route) print(result) if result is not None: print("Total distance is {} km, cost is {} dollars, and time is {} hours".format(result[0], result[1], result[2])) else: print("Invalid route") def do_shortest_route(self, args): """ Gets the shortest route from two cities :param args: two city codes, i.e. CMI NYC :return: shortest route between the two """ route = args.split() if len(route) < 1: print("Enter two cities") else: path = self.graph.djikstra(route[0], route[1]) print("Route is ", end="") route = "" for code in path: if code is not path[-1]: print(code, end="->") else: print(code) route = route + " " + code self.do_route_info(route) def do_help(self, args): """ Gets help for a certain command :param args: Any input you need help with :return: Documented comments about the command """ Cmd.do_help(self, args) def do_quit(self, args): """ Exits on system end or EOF :param args: :return: """ exit() def emptyline(self): """ Defines what happens when nothing is typed in :return: Output telling user to type something in """ print("Please input something. Type help for available commands") def default(self, line): """ Defines what happens when anything other than these commands are typed :param line: random input the user types :return: Output telling user to type in a valid command """ print("Command not recognized. Type help for available commands")