Esempio n. 1
def copy_edge_attributes(g_to: gt.Graph, edge_to: gt.Edge, g_from: gt.Graph,
                         edge_from: gt.Edge):
    for p_type, ep_name in
        if p_type != 'e':
        old_ep = g_from.ep[ep_name]
        if ep_name not in g_to.ep:
            g_to.ep[ep_name] = g_to.new_ep(old_ep.value_type())
        new_ep = g_to.ep[ep_name]
        new_ep[edge_to] = deepcopy(old_ep[edge_from])
Esempio n. 2
    def __make_graph(self, X):
        # make a graph
        g = Graph(directed=False)
        # define node properties
        # kind: docs - 0, words - 1
        kind = g.vp["kind"] = g.new_vp("int")
        if self.weighted_edges:
            ecount = g.ep["count"] = g.new_ep("int")

        # add all documents first
        doc_vertices = [g.add_vertex() for _ in range(X.shape[0])]
        word_vertices = [g.add_vertex() for _ in range(X.shape[1])]

        # add all documents and words as nodes
        # add all tokens as links
        X = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(X)

        if not self.weighted_edges and X.dtype != int:
            X_int = X.astype(int)
            if not np.allclose(,
                raise ValueError('Data must be integer if '
            X = X_int

        for row, col, count in zip(X.row, X.col,
            doc_vert = doc_vertices[row]
            kind[doc_vert] = 0
            word_vert = word_vertices[col]
            kind[word_vert] = 1

            if self.weighted_edges:
                e = g.add_edge(doc_vert, word_vert)
                ecount[e] = count
                for n in range(count):
                    g.add_edge(doc_vert, word_vert)
        return g
Esempio n. 3
def ep_map(g: gt.Graph,
           e_property: str,
           p_type: str = 'int') -> gt.PropertyMap:
    if e_property not in g.ep:
        g.ep[e_property] = g.new_ep(p_type)
    return g.ep[e_property]
Esempio n. 4
class GraphAdapter(AdapterBase):
    def __init__(
                'gene': 'vector<bool>',
                'gen': 'int',
                'fitness': 'vector<long>',
                'score': 'long'
                'label': 'string',
                'gen': 'int'

        self.seed = seed_str = name
        self.file_extension = file_extension
        self.graph = Graph()

        # Create graph properties = self.graph.new_gp('vector<string>') = [seed_str] = self.graph.new_gp('string') =

        # Create vertex properties
        for key in vertex_schema:
            self.graph.vp[key] = self.graph.new_vp(vertex_schema[key])

        # Create edge properties
        for key in edge_schema:
            self.graph.ep[key] = self.graph.new_ep(edge_schema[key])

    def add_node(self, gene, gen=0, attrs={}):
        v = self.graph.add_vertex()
        self.graph.vp.gene[v] = gene
        self.graph.vp.gen[v] = gen
        self.set_props(v, attrs)

        return self.graph.vertex_index[v]

    def add_edge(self, TAG, srcID, destID, attrs={}):
        e = self.graph.add_edge(srcID, destID)
        self.graph.ep.label[e] = TAG
        for key in attrs:
            self.graph.ep[key][e] = attrs[key]
        return self.graph.edge_index[e]

    def getNode(self, nodeID):
        return self.graph.vertex(nodeID)

    def getEdge(self, edgeID):
        return self.graph.edge(edgeID)

    def fetchIndividual(self, individual):
        targets = graph_tool.util.find_vertex(self.graph, self.graph.vp.gene,
        # find the last node, the one with highest `gen`
        if targets:
            # guaranteed to be in order!!
            return self.graph.vertex_index[targets[-1]]
            return None

    def walk_edge(self, TAG, startID):

    def update_fitness(self, nodeID, fitness):
        v = self.graph.vertex(nodeID)
        self.set_props(v, {'fitness': fitness})

    def update_score(self, nodeID, score):
        v = self.graph.vertex(nodeID)
        self.set_props(v, {'score': score})

    def set_props(self, v, attrs):
        for key in attrs:
            self.graph.vp[key][v] = attrs[key]

    def save(self):
        filename = os.path.join('graphs',
                       + '.' + self.file_extension
        return filename

    def numNodes(self):
        return self.graph.num_vertices()
Esempio n. 5
def load_graph_from_kgtk(
    kr: KgtkReader,
    directed: bool = False,
    eprop_types: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
    hashed: bool = True,
    hash_type: str = "string",  # for future support
    ecols: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[int, int]] = None,
    out: typing.TextIO = sys.stderr,
    verbose: bool = False,
    """Load a graph from a `KgtkReader` file containing a list of edges and edge
    properties.  This code is based on load_graph_from_csv(...) in
    `graph-tool/src/graph_tool/`, downloaded from on

    kr : ``KgtkReader``

    directed : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``False``)
        Whether or not the graph is directed.

    eprop_types : list of ``str`` (optional, default: ``None``)
        List of edge property types to be read from remaining columns (if this
        is ``None``, all properties will be of type ``string``.

    hashed : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``True``)
        If ``True`` the vertex values in the edge list are not assumed to
        correspond to vertex indices directly. In this case they will be mapped
        to vertex indices according to the order in which they are encountered,
        and a vertex property map with the vertex values is returned.

    hash_type : ``str`` (optional, default: ``string``)
        If ``hashed == True``, this will determined the type of the vertex values.
        It can be any property map value type (see :class:`PropertyMap`).

        Note: As of 29-Jul-2020, this parameter to graph.add_edge_list(...) is
        supported in the git version of graph_tools, but is not mentioned in
        the graph-tools 2.33 documentation.

    ecols : pair of ``int`` (optional, default: ``(0,1)``)
        Line columns used as source and target for the edges.

    g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph`
        The loaded graph. It will contain additional columns in the file as
        internal edge property maps. If ``hashed == True``, it will also contain
        an internal vertex property map with the vertex names.

    r = kr  # R may be wrapped for column reordering and/or non-hashed use.

    if ecols is None:
        ecols = (kr.node1_column_idx, kr.node2_column_idx)

    if ecols != (0, 1):

        def reorder(rows):
            for row in rows:
                row = list(row)
                s = row[ecols[0]]
                t = row[ecols[1]]
                del row[min(ecols)]
                del row[max(ecols) - 1]
                yield [s, t] + row

        r = reorder(r)

    if not hashed:

        def conv(rows):
            for row in rows:
                row = list(row)
                row[0] = int(row[0])
                row[1] = int(row[1])
                yield row

        r = conv(r)

    g = Graph(directed=directed)

    if eprop_types is None:
        if verbose:
            print("eprop_types is None", file=out, flush=True)
        eprops = [g.new_ep("string") for x in kr.column_names[2:]]
        if verbose:
            print("eprop_types: [%s]" %
                  (", ".join([repr(x) for x in eprop_types])),
        if len(eprop_types) != kr.column_count - 2:
            raise ValueError("There are %d eprop columns and %d eprop types." %
                             (kr.column_count - 2, len(eprop_types)))
        eprops = [g.new_ep(t) for t in eprop_types]

    # 29-Jul-2020: This is supported in the repository, and
    # presumably will be supported in a future release.  Unfortunately, graph-tool
    # doesn't appear to include a version indicator or API version indicator
    # easily accessible from Python.
    # The graph-tool 2.33 documentation does not include the hash_type parameter.
    # name = g.add_edge_list(itertools.chain([line], r), hashed=hashed,
    #                       hash_type=hash_type, eprops=eprops)
    if verbose:
        print("Adding edges from the input file.", file=out, flush=True)
    name = g.add_edge_list(r, hashed=hashed, eprops=eprops)
    if verbose:
        print("Done adding edges from the input file.", file=out, flush=True) = name

    eprop_names: typing.List[str] = list(kr.column_names)
    del eprop_names[min(ecols)]
    del eprop_names[max(ecols) - 1]
    if verbose:
        print("eprop_names: [%s]" % (", ".join([repr(x)
                                                for x in eprop_names])),

    for i, p in enumerate(eprops):
        ename = eprop_names[i]
        g.ep[ename] = p
        if verbose:
            print("prop %d name=%s" % (i, repr(ename)), file=out, flush=True)

    return g