Esempio n. 1
def request_index(request, request_id):
    Detail page on a specific request (i.e. DAGManJobId@<submit host>) by
    creating an SVG representation of the executing DAG.
    # Load the template.
    t = loader.get_template('monitor/request_svg.html')

    # Get the bb entries.
    dagManJobId, host = request_id.split('@', 1)
    (dataset, user, requestId, stages) = blackboard.getOSFEntry(dagManJobId)

    # Filter out all the spurious ones.
    # FIXME: Maybe do this a bit better, huh?
    hh = host + '#'
    stages = [s for s in stages if s.GlobalJobId.startswith(hh)]

    # Create the DOT graph.
    dot = pydot.Dot(type='digraph')

    # Keep track of node names vs node ids.
    nodes = {}                          # {node name: [node id1, node id2, ...]}
    for stage in stages:
        nodeId = '%d.%d' % (stage.ClusterId, stage.ProcId)

        # Remember that if a condor job is on hold, it will have an ExitCode =
        # None and a JobState = Exited.
        if(stage.JobState != 'Exited'):
            nodeLabel = '%s - %s' % (stage.DAGNodeName,
        elif(stage.ExitCode == None):
            # The corresponding condor job was put on hold.
            nodeLabel = '%s - %s' % (stage.DAGNodeName,
                                     'On Hold')
            nodeLabel = '%s - %s (%d)' % (stage.DAGNodeName,
        if(stage.JobState == 'Exited' and stage.ExitCode != 0):
            dot.add_node(pydot.Node(nodeId, shape='ellipse', label=nodeLabel,
                                    style="filled", fillcolor="red"))
            dot.add_node(pydot.Node(nodeId, shape='ellipse', label=nodeLabel))

            nodes[stage.DAGNodeName] = [nodeId, ]

    # Now add the edges of the graph.
    for stage in stages:
            nodeId = '%d.%d' % (stage.ClusterId, stage.ProcId)

            parentNames = stage.DAGParentNodeNames.split(',')
            for parentName in parentNames:
                if(not nodes.has_key(parentName)):

                # We have three cases:
                #   1. node.Instances == parent.Instances: 1 to 1
                #   2. node.Instances > parent.Instances:  scatter
                #   3. node.Instances < parent.Instances:  gather
                # We can treat 2. and 3. the same way. !. is different.
                if(len(nodes[stage.DAGNodeName]) == len(nodes[parentName])):
                    # Case 1.
# FIXME: here we assume that ProcIds are the same for parent and child.
                    pClusterId = int(nodes[parentName][0].split('.')[0])
                    pId = '%d.%d' % (pClusterId, stage.ProcId)
                    dot.add_edge(pydot.Edge(pId, nodeId))
                    # Cases 2. and 3.
                    for parentId in nodes[parentName]:
                        dot.add_edge(pydot.Edge(parentId, nodeId))

    # Create the SVG graph.
# This does a system call, which I would rather avoid.
#     rawSvg = dot.create(format='svg')

# This works standalone but not in the web environment... dunno why :-(
#     cLength = ctypes.c_int(1)
#     cSvg = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.create_string_buffer(1))
#     dotString = dot.to_string()
#     gvc = libgvc.gvContext()
#     g = libgraph.agmemread(dotString)
#     libgvc.gvLayout(gvc, g, "dot")
#     libgvc.gvRenderData(gvc, g, "svg",
#                           ctypes.byref(cSvg), ctypes.byref(cLength))
#     libgvc.gvFreeLayout(gvc, g)
#     libgraph.agclose(g)
#     libgvc.gvFreeContext(gvc)
#     rawSvg = ctypes.string_at(cSvg)

    # This works, as long as I convert the unicode to string.
    dotString = dot.to_string()
    rawSvg = grapher.create(str(dotString), 'dot', 'svg')

    # Remove the header.
    svg = rawSvg.split('\n')[6:]

    # Render the template and exit.
    c = Context({'dataset': dataset,
                 'user': user,
                 'requestId': requestId,
                 'svg': '\n'.join(svg)})
    return(HttpResponse(t.render(c), mimetype='application/xhtml+xml'))
Esempio n. 2
#!/usr/bin/env python
import grapher

dot = open('').read()
print(grapher.create(dot, "dot", "svg"))