Esempio n. 1
 def write_povrayscene_file(self):
     Writes a POV-Ray Scene file of the current scene in the GLPane to the POV-Ray Scene Files directory.
     If successful, returns errorcode=0 and the absolute path of povrayscene file.
     Otherwise, returns errorcode=1 with text describing the problem writing the file.
     ini, pov, out = self.get_povfile_trio() # pov includes the POV-Ray Scene Files directory in its path.
     if not ini:
         return 1, "Can't get POV-Ray Scene filename"
     #print "write_povrayscene_file(): povrayscene_file=", pov
     writepovfile(self.assy.part, self.assy.o, pov)
     return 0, pov
Esempio n. 2
 def write_povrayscene_file(self):
     Writes a POV-Ray Scene file of the current scene in the GLPane to the POV-Ray Scene Files directory.
     If successful, returns errorcode=0 and the absolute path of povrayscene file.
     Otherwise, returns errorcode=1 with text describing the problem writing the file.
     ini, pov, out = self.get_povfile_trio(
     )  # pov includes the POV-Ray Scene Files directory in its path.
     if not ini:
         return 1, "Can't get POV-Ray Scene filename"
     #print "write_povrayscene_file(): povrayscene_file=", pov
     writepovfile(self.assy.part, self.assy.o, pov)
     return 0, pov
Esempio n. 3
    def raytrace_scene(self, tmpscene=False):
        Render scene. 
        If tmpscene is False, the INI and pov files are written to the 'POV-Ray Scene Files' directory.
        If tmpscene is True, the INI and pov files are written to a temporary directory (~/Nanorex/POV-Ray).
        Callers should set <tmpscene> = True when they want to render the scene but don't need to 
        save the files and create a POV-Ray Scene node in the MT (i.e. 'View > POV-Ray').
        The caller is responsible for adding the POV-Ray Scene node (self) to the model tree, if desired.
        Prints any necessary error messages to history; returns nothing.
        #bruce 060710 corrected inaccuracies in docstring
        cmd = greenmsg("POV-Ray: ")
        if env.debug():
            #bruce 060707 (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8)
            # compromise with what's best, so it can be ok for A8 even if only on some platforms
            env.history.message(_graymsg("POV-Ray: "))
            )  ###@@@ will this help? is it safe? should h_update do it?

        ini, pov, out = self.get_povfile_trio(tmpscene)

        if not ini:
            ## return 1, "Problem getting POV-Ray filename trio."
            # [bruce 060710 replaced the above with the following, since it no longer matches the other return statements, or any calls]
                cmd + redmsg("Problem getting POV-Ray filename trio."))
            ###e should fix this to improve the message, by including errortext from get_povfile_trio retval (which is nim)

        if tmpscene or not os.path.isfile(self.povrayscene_file):
            # write a new .pov file and save its name in self
            #bruce 060711 comment (about a bug, not yet reported): ###@@@
            #   If an existing pov file has unexpectedly gone missing,
            # this code (I think) rerenders the current model, without even informing the user of the apparent error.
            #   That is extremely bad behavior, IMHO. What it ought to do is put up a dialog to inform the
            # user that the file is missing, and allow one of three actions: cancel, rerender current model,
            # or browse for the file to try to find it. If that browse is cancelled, it should offer the other
            # options, or if that finds the file but it's external, it should offer to copy it or make an
            # external link (or cancel), and then to continue or do no more. All this is desirable for any kind
            # of file node, not just PovrayScene. As it is, this won't be fixed for Mac A8; don't know about 8.1.
            self.povrayscene_file = pov
            writepovfile(self.assy.part, self.assy.o, self.povrayscene_file)
            # bruce 060711 question (possible bug): what sets self.width, self.height,  self.output_type in this case,
            # if the ones used by writepovfile differ from last time they were set in this node?
            # Guess: nothing does (bug, not yet reported). ###@@@

        # figure out renderer to use (POV-Ray or MegaPOV), its path, and its include_dir
        # (note: this contains most of the error checks that used to be inside launch_povray_or_megapov)
        # [bruce 060711 for Mac A8]
        win = self.assy.w
        ask_for_help = True  # give user the chance to fix problems in the prefs dialog
        errorcode, errortext_or_info = decode_povray_prefs(win,
        if errorcode:
            errortext = errortext_or_info
                cmd + redmsg(errortext)
            )  # redmsg in Mac A8, orangemsg in Windows A8 [bruce 060711]
        info = errortext_or_info
        (program_nickname, program_path, include_dir) = info

        pov = self.povrayscene_file  ###k btw, is this already true?

        #k is out equal to whatever in self might store it, if anything? maybe it's not stored in self.

        write_povray_ini_file(ini, pov, out, info, self.width, self.height,

        if tmpscene:
            msg = "Rendering scene. Please wait..."
            msg = "Rendering raytrace image from POV-Ray Scene file. Please wait..."
        env.history.message(cmd + msg)
        )  #bruce 060707 (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8): try to make this message visible sooner
        # (doesn't work well enough, at least on Mac -- do we need to emit it before write_povray_ini_file?)
        )  ###@@@ will this help? is it safe? should h_update do it?
        ###e these history widget updates fail to get it to print. Guess: we'd need qapp process events. Fix after Mac A8.
        # besides, we need this just before the launch call, not here.

        if os.path.exists(
        ):  #bruce 060711 in Mac A8 not Windows A8 (probably all of Mac A8 code will also be in Linux A8)
            #e should perhaps first try moving the file to a constant name, so user could recover it manually if they wanted to
            #e (better yet, we should also try to avoid this situation when choosing the filename)
            msg = "Warning: image file already exists; removing it first [%s]" % out
            env.history.message(cmd + orangemsg(msg))
                # this code was tested with a fake exception [060712 1041am]
                msg1 = "Problem removing old image file"
                msg2a = " [%s]" % out
                msg2b = "-- will try to overwrite it, "\
                      "but undetected rendering errors might leave it unchanged [%s]" % out
                print_compact_traceback("%s: " % (msg1 + msg2a))
                msg = redmsg(msg1) + msg2b
                #e should report the exception text in the history, too

        # Launch raytrace program (POV-Ray or MegaPOV)
        errorcode, errortext = launch_povray_or_megapov(win, info, ini)

        if errorcode:
                cmd + redmsg(errortext)
            )  # redmsg in Mac A8, orangemsg in Windows A8 [bruce 060711]

        #bruce 060707 (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8): make sure the image file exists.
        # (On Mac, on that date [not anymore, 060710], we get this far (no error return, or maybe another bug hid one),
        # but the file is not there.)
        if not os.path.exists(out):
            msg = "Error: %s program finished, but failed to produce expected image file [%s]" % (
                program_nickname, out)
            env.history.message(cmd + redmsg(msg))

        env.history.message(cmd + "Rendered image: " + out)

        # Display image in a window.
        imageviewer = ImageViewer(out, win)
        #bruce 060707 comment: if the file named <out> doesn't exist, on Mac,
        # this produces a visible and draggable tiny window, about 3 pixels wide and maybe 30 pixels high.

        return  # from raytrace_scene out
Esempio n. 4
    def raytrace_scene(self, tmpscene = False):
        Render scene. 
        If tmpscene is False, the INI and pov files are written to the 'POV-Ray Scene Files' directory.
        If tmpscene is True, the INI and pov files are written to a temporary directory (~/Nanorex/POV-Ray).
        Callers should set <tmpscene> = True when they want to render the scene but don't need to 
        save the files and create a POV-Ray Scene node in the MT (i.e. 'View > POV-Ray').
        The caller is responsible for adding the POV-Ray Scene node (self) to the model tree, if desired.
        Prints any necessary error messages to history; returns nothing.
        #bruce 060710 corrected inaccuracies in docstring
        cmd = greenmsg("POV-Ray: ")
        if env.debug():
            #bruce 060707 (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8)
            # compromise with what's best, so it can be ok for A8 even if only on some platforms
            env.history.message(_graymsg("POV-Ray: "))
            env.history.widget.update() ###@@@ will this help? is it safe? should h_update do it?
        ini, pov, out = self.get_povfile_trio(tmpscene)
        if not ini:
            ## return 1, "Problem getting POV-Ray filename trio."
            # [bruce 060710 replaced the above with the following, since it no longer matches the other return statements, or any calls]
            env.history.message(cmd + redmsg("Problem getting POV-Ray filename trio."))
                ###e should fix this to improve the message, by including errortext from get_povfile_trio retval (which is nim)

        if tmpscene or not os.path.isfile(self.povrayscene_file):
            # write a new .pov file and save its name in self
            #bruce 060711 comment (about a bug, not yet reported): ###@@@
            #   If an existing pov file has unexpectedly gone missing,
            # this code (I think) rerenders the current model, without even informing the user of the apparent error.
            #   That is extremely bad behavior, IMHO. What it ought to do is put up a dialog to inform the
            # user that the file is missing, and allow one of three actions: cancel, rerender current model,
            # or browse for the file to try to find it. If that browse is cancelled, it should offer the other
            # options, or if that finds the file but it's external, it should offer to copy it or make an
            # external link (or cancel), and then to continue or do no more. All this is desirable for any kind
            # of file node, not just PovrayScene. As it is, this won't be fixed for Mac A8; don't know about 8.1.
            self.povrayscene_file = pov
            writepovfile(self.assy.part, self.assy.o, self.povrayscene_file)
                # bruce 060711 question (possible bug): what sets self.width, self.height,  self.output_type in this case,
                # if the ones used by writepovfile differ from last time they were set in this node?
                # Guess: nothing does (bug, not yet reported). ###@@@

        # figure out renderer to use (POV-Ray or MegaPOV), its path, and its include_dir
        # (note: this contains most of the error checks that used to be inside launch_povray_or_megapov)
        # [bruce 060711 for Mac A8]
        win = self.assy.w
        ask_for_help = True # give user the chance to fix problems in the prefs dialog
        errorcode, errortext_or_info = decode_povray_prefs(win, ask_for_help, greencmd = cmd)
        if errorcode:
            errortext = errortext_or_info
            env.history.message(cmd + redmsg(errortext)) # redmsg in Mac A8, orangemsg in Windows A8 [bruce 060711]
        info = errortext_or_info
        (program_nickname, program_path, include_dir) = info

        pov = self.povrayscene_file ###k btw, is this already true?

        #k is out equal to whatever in self might store it, if anything? maybe it's not stored in self.

        write_povray_ini_file(ini, pov, out, info, self.width, self.height, self.output_type)
        if tmpscene:
            msg = "Rendering scene. Please wait..."
            msg = "Rendering raytrace image from POV-Ray Scene file. Please wait..."
        env.history.message(cmd + msg)
        env.history.h_update() #bruce 060707 (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8): try to make this message visible sooner
            # (doesn't work well enough, at least on Mac -- do we need to emit it before write_povray_ini_file?)
        env.history.widget.update() ###@@@ will this help? is it safe? should h_update do it?
        ###e these history widget updates fail to get it to print. Guess: we'd need qapp process events. Fix after Mac A8.
        # besides, we need this just before the launch call, not here.

        if os.path.exists(out): #bruce 060711 in Mac A8 not Windows A8 (probably all of Mac A8 code will also be in Linux A8)
            #e should perhaps first try moving the file to a constant name, so user could recover it manually if they wanted to
            #e (better yet, we should also try to avoid this situation when choosing the filename)
            msg = "Warning: image file already exists; removing it first [%s]" % out
            env.history.message(cmd + orangemsg(msg))
                # this code was tested with a fake exception [060712 1041am]
                msg1 = "Problem removing old image file"
                msg2a = " [%s]" % out
                msg2b = "-- will try to overwrite it, "\
                      "but undetected rendering errors might leave it unchanged [%s]" % out
                print_compact_traceback("%s: " % (msg1 + msg2a))
                msg = redmsg(msg1) + msg2b
                #e should report the exception text in the history, too
        # Launch raytrace program (POV-Ray or MegaPOV)
        errorcode, errortext = launch_povray_or_megapov(win, info, ini)
        if errorcode:
            env.history.message(cmd + redmsg(errortext)) # redmsg in Mac A8, orangemsg in Windows A8 [bruce 060711]
        #bruce 060707 (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8): make sure the image file exists.
        # (On Mac, on that date [not anymore, 060710], we get this far (no error return, or maybe another bug hid one),
        # but the file is not there.)
        if not os.path.exists(out):
            msg = "Error: %s program finished, but failed to produce expected image file [%s]" % (program_nickname, out)
            env.history.message(cmd + redmsg(msg))
        env.history.message(cmd + "Rendered image: " + out)
        # Display image in a window.
        imageviewer = ImageViewer(out, win)
            #bruce 060707 comment: if the file named <out> doesn't exist, on Mac,
            # this produces a visible and draggable tiny window, about 3 pixels wide and maybe 30 pixels high.
        return # from raytrace_scene out