Esempio n. 1
def functionDetails(request, queryParams, name):
    if request.method != 'GET':
        return HttpResponse(status=405)

        if queryParams.get('type') == 'pie':
            func = PieFunction(name)
            func = SeriesFunction(name)
    except KeyError:
        raise HttpError('Function not found: %s' % name, status=404)

    return functionInfo(name, func)
Esempio n. 2
def renderView(request):
    start = time()
    (graphOptions, requestOptions) = parseOptions(request)
    useCache = 'noCache' not in requestOptions
    cacheTimeout = requestOptions['cacheTimeout']
    # TODO: Make that a namedtuple or a class.
    requestContext = {
        'startTime': requestOptions['startTime'],
        'endTime': requestOptions['endTime'],
        'now': requestOptions['now'],
        'localOnly': requestOptions['localOnly'],
        'template': requestOptions['template'],
        'tzinfo': requestOptions['tzinfo'],
        'forwardHeaders': requestOptions['forwardHeaders'],
        'data': [],
        'prefetched': {},
        'xFilesFactor': requestOptions['xFilesFactor'],
    data = requestContext['data']

    response = None

    # First we check the request cache
    if useCache:
        requestKey = hashRequest(request)
        response = cache.get(requestKey)
        if response:
            log.cache('Request-Cache hit [%s]' % requestKey)
            log.rendering('Returned cached response in %.6f' %
                          (time() - start))
            return response

        log.cache('Request-Cache miss [%s]' % requestKey)

    # Now we prepare the requested data
    if requestOptions['graphType'] == 'pie':
        for target in requestOptions['targets']:
            if target.find(':') >= 0:
                    name, value = target.split(':', 1)
                    value = float(value)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError("Invalid target '%s'" % target)
                data.append((name, value))
                seriesList = evaluateTarget(requestContext, target)

                for series in seriesList:
                    func = PieFunction(requestOptions['pieMode'])
                    data.append((, func(requestContext, series)
                                 or 0))

    elif requestOptions['graphType'] == 'line':
        # Let's see if at least our data is cached
        cachedData = None
        if useCache:
            targets = requestOptions['targets']
            startTime = requestOptions['startTime']
            endTime = requestOptions['endTime']
            dataKey = hashData(targets, startTime, endTime,
            cachedData = cache.get(dataKey)
            if cachedData:
                log.cache("Data-Cache hit [%s]" % dataKey)
                log.cache("Data-Cache miss [%s]" % dataKey)

        if cachedData is not None:
            requestContext['data'] = data = cachedData
        else:  # Have to actually retrieve the data now
            targets = requestOptions['targets']

            data.extend(evaluateTarget(requestContext, targets))

            if useCache:
                cache.add(dataKey, data, cacheTimeout)

        renderStart = time()

        format = requestOptions.get('format')
        if format == 'csv':
            response = renderViewCsv(requestOptions, data)
        elif format == 'json':
            response = renderViewJson(requestOptions, data)
        elif format == 'dygraph':
            response = renderViewDygraph(requestOptions, data)
        elif format == 'rickshaw':
            response = renderViewRickshaw(requestOptions, data)
        elif format == 'raw':
            response = renderViewRaw(requestOptions, data)
        elif format == 'pickle':
            response = renderViewPickle(requestOptions, data)
        elif format == 'msgpack':
            response = renderViewMsgPack(requestOptions, data)

    # if response wasn't generated above, render a graph image
    if not response:
        format = 'image'
        renderStart = time()
        response = renderViewGraph(graphOptions, requestOptions, data)

    if useCache:
        cache.add(requestKey, response, cacheTimeout)
        patch_response_headers(response, cache_timeout=cacheTimeout)

    log.rendering('%s rendering time %6f' % (format, time() - renderStart))
    log.rendering('Total request processing time %6f' % (time() - start))

    return response