Esempio n. 1
    def process_record(self, record):
        #TODO: yield the value for processing to gratia ()
        # logfile attribute (if present) is used to keep track and delete files

        DebugPrint(5, "Creating JUR for %s" % record)

        # Filter out uninteresting records (and remove their files)
        if False:
            if 'gratia_logfile' in record:
                    1, 'Deleting transient record file: ' +
            raise IgnoreRecordException("Ignoring record.")

        # Define the record
        # UsageRecord is defined in
        # setters have the name of the attribute
        # Set resource type ( Batch, BatchPilot, GridMonitor, Storage, ActiveTape )
        resource_type = "Batch"
        r = Gratia.UsageRecord(resource_type)

        # fill r using the values in record

        # remember to specify the transient file (that will be removed if the record
        # is acquired successfully)
        if 'logfile' in record:

        return r
Esempio n. 2
def removeCertInfoFile(xmlDoc, userIdentityNode, namespace):
    ''' Use localJobID and probeName to find cert info file and remove file'''
    # Collect data needed by certinfo reader

    DebugPrint(4, 'DEBUG: Get JobIdentity')
    jobIdentityNode = GetNode(
        xmlDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespace, 'JobIdentity'))
    if jobIdentityNode == None:
    DebugPrint(4, 'DEBUG: Get JobIdentity: OK')
    localJobId = GetNodeData(
        jobIdentityNode.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespace, 'LocalJobId'))
    DebugPrint(4, 'DEBUG: Get localJobId: ', localJobId)
    usageRecord = userIdentityNode.parentNode
    probeName = GetNodeData(
        usageRecord.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespace, 'ProbeName'))
    DebugPrint(4, 'DEBUG: Get probeName: ', probeName)

    # Use _findCertinfoFile to find and remove the file, XML is ignored
    # Looking only for exact match, globbing is disabled.
    # Use _findCertinfoFile(localJobId, probeName) to look for more files with globbing if the exact matck
    # is not found (gratia_certinfo_*_localJobId*)
        4, 'DEBUG: call _findCertinfoFile(' + str(localJobId) + r', ' +
        str(probeName) + ')')
    certinfo_touple = _findCertinfoFile(localJobId, probeName)
    if not certinfo_touple:
        # matching certinfo file not found
        DebugPrint(4, 'DEBUG: unable to find and remove  certinfo file')
        return None
    # Get results and remove file
    certinfo_fname = certinfo_touple[0]
    DebugPrint(4, 'DEBUG: removing certinfo file' + str(certinfo_fname))
    file_utils.RemoveFile(certinfo_fname)  # Clean up.
    return certinfo_fname
Esempio n. 3
def classadToCertinfo(filename, output_dir):
    Process the classad of the finished job into a certinfo file in the same
    directory.  On failure, do not throw an exception, but quarantine the
    classad file.
    On success, the classad history file is deleted.

    This function should not throw and does not return anything
    DebugPrint(4, "Converting ClassAd %s to certinfo file." % filename)
        fd = open(filename)
    except IOError as ie:
        DebugPrint(1, "Unable to open ClassAd %s for certinfo conversion" \
            ": %s" % (filename, str(ie)))

    for classad in fdToClassad(fd):

        if not createCertinfoFile(classad, output_dir):
            DebugPrint(0, "Failed to convert certinfo file %s; sending to " \
                "quarantine." % filename)
            sandbox_mgmt.QuarantineFile(filename, False)

Esempio n. 4
    def finalize_record(self, record_id):
        """Delete the file containing the record (the file name is passed as record_id)

        :param record_id: file name of the record
        :return: True if the record is found and the action performed
        if os.path.isfile(record_id):
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 5
def readCertInfoFile(localJobId, probeName):
    ''' Look for and read contents of cert info file if present. And delete the file'''
    certinfo_touple = _findCertinfoFile(localJobId, probeName)
    if not certinfo_touple:
        # matching certinfo file not found
        return None
    # Get results and remove file
    result = {
        'DN': GetNodeData(certinfo_touple[1].getElementsByTagName('DN'), 0),
        'VO': GetNodeData(certinfo_touple[1].getElementsByTagName('VO'), 0),
        'FQAN': GetNodeData(certinfo_touple[1].getElementsByTagName('FQAN'), 0)
    DebugPrint(4, 'readCertInfo: removing ' + str(certinfo_touple[0]))
    file_utils.RemoveFile(certinfo_touple[0])  # Clean up.
    return result
Esempio n. 6
    def process_record(self, record):
        #TODO: yield the value for processing to gratia ()
        # logfile attribute (if present) is used to keep track and delete files

        DebugPrint(5, "Creating JUR for %s" % record)

        # Filter out uninteresting records (and remove their files)
        if False:
            if 'gratia_logfile' in record:
                    1, 'Deleting transient record file: ' +
            raise IgnoreRecordException("Ignoring record.")

        # Define the record
        # UsageRecord is defined in
        # setters have the name of the attribute
        # Set resource type ( Batch, BatchPilot, GridMonitor, Storage, ActiveTape )
        resource_type = "Batch"
        r = Gratia.UsageRecord(resource_type)

        # fill r using the values in record

        # remember to specify the transient file (that will be removed if the record
        # is acquired successfully)
        if 'logfile' in record:

        return r

# TODO: end of part to remove

# Some references
Esempio n. 7
        fd = open(filename)
    except IOError, ie:
        DebugPrint(1, "Unable to open ClassAd %s for certinfo conversion" \
            ": %s" % (filename, str(ie)))

    for classad in fdToClassad(fd):

        if not createCertinfoFile(classad, output_dir):
            DebugPrint(0, "Failed to convert certinfo file %s; sending to " \
                "quarantine." % filename)
            sandbox_mgmt.QuarantineFile(filename, False)


historyRe = re.compile("history\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+")

def processHistoryDir():
    Condor schedd will write one file per finished job into this directory.
    We must convert it from a Condor ClassAd to a certinfo file and rename it
    based on the routed job's name.
    history_dir = Config.get_CondorCEHistoryFolder()
    output_dir = Config.get_DataFolder()
    if not history_dir:
        DebugPrint(3, "No Condor-CE history specified; will not process for" \