Esempio n. 1
    def raw_track(self):

        # List of sector IDs missing from the sector map:
        missing = iter([x for x in range(self.nsec) if not x in])
        # Sector map with the missing entries filled in:
        full_map = [next(missing) if x is None else x for x in]

        # Post-index track gap.
        t = encode(bytes(128 * (self.nsec // 11)))

        for nr, sec_id in zip(range(self.nsec), full_map):
            sector = self.sector[sec_id]
            label, data = (bytes(16), bytes(512)) if sector is None else sector
            header = bytes([0xff, self.tracknr, sec_id, self.nsec - nr])
            t += sync_bytes
            t += encode(header)
            t += encode(label)
            t += encode(struct.pack('>I', checksum(header + label)))
            t += encode(struct.pack('>I', checksum(data)))
            t += encode(data)
            t += encode(bytes(2))

        # Add the pre-index gap.
        tlen = 101376 * (self.nsec // 11)
        t += bytes(tlen // 8 - len(t))

        track = MasterTrack(bits=mfm_encode(t), time_per_rev=0.2)
        track.verify = self
        return track
Esempio n. 2
    def raw_track(self):

        areas = heapq.merge(self.iams, self.sectors, key=lambda x: x.start)
        t = bytes()

        for a in areas:
            start = a.start // 16 - self.gap_presync
            gap = max(start - len(t) // 2, 0)
            t += encode(bytes([self.gapbyte] * gap))
            t += encode(bytes(self.gap_presync))
            if isinstance(a, IAM):
                t += iam_sync_bytes
            elif isinstance(a, Sector):
                idam = bytes(
                    [self.IDAM, a.idam.c, a.idam.h, a.idam.r, a.idam.n])
                idam += struct.pack('>H',
                t += sync(idam[0]) + encode(idam[1:])
                start = a.dam.start // 16 - self.gap_presync
                gap = max(start - len(t) // 2, 0)
                t += encode(bytes([self.gapbyte] * gap))
                t += encode(bytes(self.gap_presync))
                dam = bytes([a.dam.mark]) +
                dam += struct.pack('>H',
                t += sync(dam[0]) + encode(dam[1:])

        # Add the pre-index gap.
        tlen = int((self.time_per_rev / self.clock) // 16)
        gap = max(tlen - len(t) // 2, 0)
        t += encode(bytes([self.gapbyte] * gap))

        track = MasterTrack(bits=t, time_per_rev=self.time_per_rev)
        track.verify = self
        track.verify_revs = default_revs
        return track
Esempio n. 3
 def raw_track(self):
     track = MasterTrack(bits=self.bits,
     track.verify = self
     track.verify_revs = 1
     return track
Esempio n. 4
    def get_track(self, cyl, head, writeout=False):
        pi = self.pi
        if head < pi.minhead or head > pi.maxhead:
            return None
        if cyl < pi.mincylinder or cyl > pi.maxcylinder:
            return None

        ti = CapsTrackInfoT2(2)
        res = self.lib.CAPSLockTrack(ct.byref(ti), self.iid, cyl, head,
        error.check(res == 0, "Could not lock IPF track %d.%d" % (cyl, head))

        if not ti.trackbuf:
            return None  # unformatted/empty
        carray_type = ct.c_ubyte * ((ti.tracklen + 7) // 8)
        carray = carray_type.from_address(ct.addressof(ti.trackbuf.contents))
        trackbuf = bitarray(endian='big')
        trackbuf = trackbuf[:ti.tracklen]

        #for i in range(ti.sectorcnt):
        #    si = CapsSectorInfo()
        #    res = self.lib.CAPSGetInfo(ct.byref(si), self.iid,
        #                               cyl, head, 1, i)
        #    error.check(res == 0, "Couldn't get sector info")
        #    range.append((si.datastart, si.datasize))

        weak = []
        for i in range(ti.weakcnt):
            wi = CapsDataInfo()
            res = self.lib.CAPSGetInfo(ct.byref(wi), self.iid, cyl, head, 2, i)
            error.check(res == 0, "Couldn't get weak data info")
            weak.append((wi.start, wi.size))

        timebuf = None
        if ti.timebuf:
            carray_type = ct.c_uint * ti.timelen
            carray = carray_type.from_address(ct.addressof(
            # Unpack the per-byte timing info into per-bitcell
            timebuf = []
            for i in carray:
                for j in range(8):
            # Pad the timing info with normal cell lengths as necessary
            for j in range(len(carray) * 8, ti.tracklen):
            # Clip the timing info, if necessary.
            timebuf = timebuf[:ti.tracklen]

        # We don't really have access to the bitrate. It depends on RPM.
        # So we assume a rotation rate of 300 RPM (5 rev/sec).
        rpm = 300

        track = MasterTrack(bits=trackbuf,
                            time_per_rev=60 / rpm,
        return track
Esempio n. 5
 def get_track(self, cyl, side):
     if (cyl, side) not in self.to_track:
         return None
     bitlen, rawbytes = self.to_track[cyl, side]
     tdat = bitarray(endian='little')
     track = MasterTrack(bits=tdat[:bitlen],
                         time_per_rev=bitlen / (2000 * self.opts.bitrate))
     return track
Esempio n. 6
 def get_track(self, cyl, side, writeout=False):
     if side >= self.nr_sides or cyl < self.start_cyl:
         return None
     off = cyl * self.nr_sides + side
     if off >= len(self.track_list):
         return None
     bitlen, rawbytes = self.track_list[off]
     tdat = bitarray(endian='little')
     track = MasterTrack(bits=tdat[:bitlen],
                         time_per_rev=bitlen / (2000 * self.bitrate))
     return track
Esempio n. 7
    def raw_track(self):

        areas = heapq.merge(self.iams, self.sectors, key=lambda x:x.start)
        t = bytes()

        for a in areas:
            start = a.start//16 - self.gap_presync
            gap = max(start - len(t)//2, 0)
            t += encode(bytes([self.filler] * gap))
            t += encode(bytes(self.gap_presync))
            if isinstance(a, IAM):
                t += iam_sync_bytes
                t += encode(bytes([self.IAM]))
            elif isinstance(a, Sector):
                t += sync_bytes
                idam = bytes([0xa1, 0xa1, 0xa1, self.IDAM,
                              a.idam.c, a.idam.h, a.idam.r, a.idam.n])
                idam += struct.pack('>H',
                t += encode(idam[3:])
                start = a.dam.start//16 - self.gap_presync
                gap = max(start - len(t)//2, 0)
                t += encode(bytes([self.filler] * gap))
                t += encode(bytes(self.gap_presync))
                t += sync_bytes
                dam = bytes([0xa1, 0xa1, 0xa1, a.dam.mark]) +
                dam += struct.pack('>H',
                t += encode(dam[3:])

        # Add the pre-index gap.
        tlen = 200000//16
        gap = max(tlen - len(t)//2, 0)
        t += encode(bytes([self.filler] * gap))

        track = MasterTrack(
            bits = mfm_encode(t),
            time_per_rev = 0.2)
        track.verify = self
        track.verify_revs = default_revs
        return track