def find_evaluation_parameter_dependencies(parameter_expression):
    """Parse a parameter expression to identify dependencies including GE URNs.

        parameter_expression: the parameter to parse

        a dictionary including:
          - "urns": set of strings that are valid GE URN objects
          - "other": set of non-GE URN strings that are required to evaluate the parameter expression

    expr = EvaluationParameterParser()

    dependencies = {"urns": set(), "other": set()}
    # Calling get_parser clears the stack
    parser = expr.get_parser()
        _ = parser.parseString(parameter_expression, parseAll=True)
    except ParseException as err:
        raise EvaluationParameterError(
            f"Unable to parse evaluation parameter: {str(err)} at line {err.line}, column {err.column}"
    except AttributeError as err:
        raise EvaluationParameterError(
            f"Unable to parse evaluation parameter: {str(err)}"

    for word in expr.exprStack:
        if isinstance(word, (int, float)):

        if not isinstance(word, str):
            # If we have a function that itself is a tuple (e.g. (trunc, 1))

        if word in expr.opn or word in expr.fn or word == "unary -":
            # operations and functions

        # if this is parseable as a number, then we do not include it
            _ = float(word)
        except ValueError:

            _ = ge_urn.parseString(word)
        except ParseException:
            # This particular evaluation_parameter or operator is not a valid URN

        # If we got this far, it's a legitimate "other" evaluation parameter

    return dependencies
def build_evaluation_parameters(expectation_args,
    """Build a dictionary of parameters to evaluate, using the provided evaluation_parameters,
    AND mutate expectation_args by removing any parameter values passed in as temporary values during
    exploratory work.
    evaluation_args = copy.deepcopy(expectation_args)

    # Iterate over arguments, and replace $PARAMETER-defined args with their
    # specified parameters.
    for key, value in evaluation_args.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict) and "$PARAMETER" in value:
            # We do not even need to search for a value if we are not going to do interactive evaluation
            if not interactive_evaluation:

            # First, check to see whether an argument was supplied at runtime
            # If it was, use that one, but remove it from the stored config
            if "$PARAMETER." + value["$PARAMETER"] in value:
                evaluation_args[key] = evaluation_args[key][
                    "$PARAMETER." + value["$PARAMETER"]]
                del expectation_args[key]["$PARAMETER." + value["$PARAMETER"]]

            elif evaluation_parameters is not None:
                # parse_evaluation_parameter will raise EvaluationParameterError if we cannot find a suitable value
                evaluation_args[key] = parse_evaluation_parameter(
                    value["$PARAMETER"], evaluation_parameters)

                # If we haven't been able to continue already, we failed to find a parameter
                raise EvaluationParameterError(
                    "No value found for $PARAMETER " + value["$PARAMETER"])

    return evaluation_args
def parse_evaluation_parameter(parameter_expression,
    """Use the provided evaluation_parameters dict to parse a given parameter expression.

        parameter_expression (str): A string, potentially containing basic arithmetic operations and functions,
            and variables to be substituted
        evaluation_parameters (dict): A dictionary of name-value pairs consisting of values to substitute

    The parser will allow arithmetic operations +, -, /, *, as well as basic functions, including trunc() and round() to
    obtain integer values when needed for certain expectations (e.g. expect_column_value_length_to_be_between).

    Valid variables must begin with an alphabetic character and may contain alphanumeric characters plus '_' and '$',
    EXCEPT if they begin with the string "urn:great_expectations" in which case they may also include additional
    characters to support inclusion of GE URLs (see :ref:`evaluation_parameters` for more information).
    if evaluation_parameters is None:
        evaluation_parameters = {}

    # Calling get_parser clears the stack
    parser = expr.get_parser()
        L = parser.parseString(parameter_expression, parseAll=True)
    except ParseException as err:
        L = [
            "Parse Failure", parameter_expression,
            (str(err), err.line, err.column)

    if len(L) == 1 and L[0] not in evaluation_parameters:
        # In this special case there were no operations to find, so only one value, but we don't have something to
        # substitute for that value
        raise EvaluationParameterError("No value found for $PARAMETER " +

    elif len(L) == 1:
        # In this case, we *do* have a substitution for a single type. We treat this specially because in this
        # case, we allow complex type substitutions (i.e. do not coerce to string as part of parsing)
        return evaluation_parameters[L[0]]

    elif len(L) == 0 or L[0] != "Parse Failure":
        for i, ob in enumerate(expr.exprStack):
            if isinstance(ob, str) and ob in evaluation_parameters:
                expr.exprStack[i] = str(evaluation_parameters[ob])

        err_str, err_line, err_col = L[-1]
        raise EvaluationParameterError(
            f"Parse Failure: {err_str}\nStatement: {err_line}\nColumn: {err_col}"

        result = expr.evaluate_stack(expr.exprStack)
    except Exception as e:
        exception_traceback = traceback.format_exc()
        exception_message = (
            f'{type(e).__name__}: "{str(e)}".  Traceback: "{exception_traceback}".'
        logger.debug(exception_message, e, exc_info=True)
        raise EvaluationParameterError(
            "Error while evaluating evaluation parameter expression: " +

    return result
def parse_evaluation_parameter(
        parameter_expression: str,
        evaluation_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        data_context: Optional[
            Any] = None,  # Cannot type 'DataContext' due to import cycle
) -> Any:
    """Use the provided evaluation_parameters dict to parse a given parameter expression.

        parameter_expression (str): A string, potentially containing basic arithmetic operations and functions,
            and variables to be substituted
        evaluation_parameters (dict): A dictionary of name-value pairs consisting of values to substitute
        data_context (DataContext): A data context to use to obtain metrics, if necessary

    The parser will allow arithmetic operations +, -, /, *, as well as basic functions, including trunc() and round() to
    obtain integer values when needed for certain expectations (e.g. expect_column_value_length_to_be_between).

    Valid variables must begin with an alphabetic character and may contain alphanumeric characters plus '_' and '$',
    EXCEPT if they begin with the string "urn:great_expectations" in which case they may also include additional
    characters to support inclusion of GE URLs (see :ref:`evaluation_parameters` for more information).
    if evaluation_parameters is None:
        evaluation_parameters = {}

    # Calling get_parser clears the stack
    parser = expr.get_parser()
        L = parser.parseString(parameter_expression, parseAll=True)
    except ParseException as err:
        L = [
            "Parse Failure", parameter_expression,
            (str(err), err.line, err.column)

    # Represents a valid parser result of a single function that has no arguments
    if len(L) == 1 and isinstance(L[0], tuple) and L[0][2] is False:
        # Necessary to catch `now()` (which only needs to be evaluated with `expr.exprStack`)
        # NOTE: 20211122 - Chetan - Any future built-ins that are zero arity functions will match this behavior

    elif len(L) == 1 and L[0] not in evaluation_parameters:
        # In this special case there were no operations to find, so only one value, but we don't have something to
        # substitute for that value
            res = ge_urn.parseString(L[0])
            if res["urn_type"] == "stores":
                store = data_context.stores.get(res["store_name"])
                return store.get_query_result(res["metric_name"],
                                              res.get("metric_kwargs", {}))
                    "Unrecognized urn_type in ge_urn: must be 'stores' to use a metric store."
                raise EvaluationParameterError(
                    "No value found for $PARAMETER " + str(L[0]))
        except ParseException as e:
                f"Parse exception while parsing evaluation parameter: {str(e)}"
            raise EvaluationParameterError("No value found for $PARAMETER " +
        except AttributeError:
                "Unable to get store for store-type valuation parameter.")
            raise EvaluationParameterError("No value found for $PARAMETER " +

    elif len(L) == 1:
        # In this case, we *do* have a substitution for a single type. We treat this specially because in this
        # case, we allow complex type substitutions (i.e. do not coerce to string as part of parsing)
        # NOTE: 20201023 - JPC - to support MetricDefinition as an evaluation parameter type, we need to handle that
        # case here; is the evaluation parameter provided here in fact a metric definition?
        return evaluation_parameters[L[0]]

    elif len(L) == 0 or L[0] != "Parse Failure":
        for i, ob in enumerate(expr.exprStack):
            if isinstance(ob, str) and ob in evaluation_parameters:
                expr.exprStack[i] = str(evaluation_parameters[ob])

        err_str, err_line, err_col = L[-1]
        raise EvaluationParameterError(
            f"Parse Failure: {err_str}\nStatement: {err_line}\nColumn: {err_col}"

        result = expr.evaluate_stack(expr.exprStack)
        result = convert_to_json_serializable(result)
    except Exception as e:
        exception_traceback = traceback.format_exc()
        exception_message = (
            f'{type(e).__name__}: "{str(e)}".  Traceback: "{exception_traceback}".'
        logger.debug(exception_message, e, exc_info=True)
        raise EvaluationParameterError(
            "Error while evaluating evaluation parameter expression: " +

    return result