Esempio n. 1
    def test_overwrite(self):
        Non-default command-line argument values overwrite config values.
        # This config environment should set the values we look at to False and
        # a filename in omit-patterns
        s = StringIO()
        gs = GreenStream(s)
        saved_stdout = config.sys.stdout
        config.sys.stdout = gs
        self.addCleanup(setattr, config.sys, 'stdout', saved_stdout)
        with ModifiedEnvironment(GREEN_CONFIG=self.env_filename,
            new_args = copy.deepcopy(config.default_args)

            new_args.omit_patterns  = 'omitstuff'
            new_args.run_coverage   = True
            new_args.logging        = True
            new_args.no_skip_report = True
            new_args.version        = True

            new_args.config = self.cmd_filename
            computed_args = config.mergeConfig(new_args, testing=True)

            self.assertEqual(computed_args.omit_patterns,  'omitstuff')
            self.assertEqual(computed_args.run_coverage,   new_args.run_coverage)
            self.assertEqual(computed_args.logging,        new_args.logging)
            self.assertEqual(computed_args.no_skip_report, new_args.no_skip_report)
            self.assertEqual(computed_args.version,        new_args.version)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_targets(self):
     "The targets passed in make it through mergeConfig"
     "The specified target gets parsed"
     config.sys.argv = ['', 'target1', 'target2']
     args = config.parseArguments()
     args = config.mergeConfig(args)
     self.assertEqual(args.targets, ['target1', 'target2'])
Esempio n. 3
        def run_tests(self, test_labels, extra_tests=None, **kwargs):
            Run the unit tests for all the test labels in the provided list.

            Test labels should be dotted Python paths to test modules, test
            classes, or test methods.

            A list of 'extra' tests may also be provided; these tests
            will be added to the test suite.

            Returns the number of tests that failed.
            # Django setup
            django_db = self.setup_databases()

            # Green
            if type(test_labels) == tuple:
                test_labels = list(test_labels)
                raise ValueError("test_labels should be a tuple of strings")
            if not test_labels:
                test_labels = ['.']

            args = mergeConfig(default_args, default_args)
            args.targets = test_labels
            stream = GreenStream(sys.stdout)
            suite = loadTargets(args.targets)
            result = run(suite, stream, args)

            # Django teardown
            return self.suite_result(suite, result)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_targets(self):
     The targets passed in make it through mergeConfig, and the specified
     target gets parsed
     config.sys.argv = ['', 'target1', 'target2']
     args = config.parseArguments()
     args = config.mergeConfig(args)
     self.assertEqual(args.targets, ['target1', 'target2'])
Esempio n. 5
 def test_no_overwrite(self):
     Default command-line arguments do not overwrite config values.
     # This config environment should set logging to True
     with ModifiedEnvironment(GREEN_CONFIG=self.env_filename, HOME=""):
         # The default for logging in arguments is False
         da = config.default_args
         computed_args = config.mergeConfig(da, da)
         self.assertEqual(computed_args.logging, True)
Esempio n. 6
 def test_no_overwrite(self):
     Default unspecified command-line args do not overwrite config values.
     # This config environment should set logging to True
     with ModifiedEnvironment(GREEN_CONFIG=self.env_filename, HOME=""):
         # The default for logging in arguments is False
         da = copy.deepcopy(config.default_args)
         computed_args = config.mergeConfig(da, testing=True)
         self.assertEqual(computed_args.logging, True)
Esempio n. 7
def run_test(path):
    args = config.parseArguments()
    args = config.mergeConfig(args)
    args.verbose = 3

    args.targets = path

    stream = GreenStream(sys.stdout)

    loader = GreenTestLoader()
    test_suite = loader.loadTargets(args.targets)
    result = run(test_suite, stream, args)

    return result
Esempio n. 8
 def test_specified_command_line(self):
     Specified command-line arguments always overwrite config file values
     with ModifiedEnvironment(HOME=self.tmpd):
         new_args = copy.deepcopy(config.default_args)
         new_args.failfast = True  # same as config, for sanity
         new_args.logging = True  # different than config, not default
         del(new_args.version)  # Not in arguments, should get config value
         new_args.termcolor = False  # override config, set back to default
         computed_args = config.mergeConfig(new_args, testing=True)
         self.assertEqual(computed_args.failfast, True)
         self.assertEqual(computed_args.logging, True)
         self.assertEqual(computed_args.version, False)
         self.assertEqual(computed_args.termcolor, False)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_run_coverage(self, mock_loadTargets, mock_run, mock_GreenTestSuite, mock_mergeConfig):
        If no tests are found, we create an empty test suite and run it.
        args = mergeConfig(Namespace())
        args.run_coverage = True
        args.cov = MagicMock()
        mock_mergeConfig.return_value = args
        dr = djangorunner.DjangoRunner()

        dr.setup_test_environment        = MagicMock()
        dr.setup_databases               = MagicMock()
        dr.teardown_databases            = MagicMock()
        dr.teardown_test_environment     = MagicMock()
        mock_loadTargets.return_value    = None
        mock_GreenTestSuite.return_value = 123

        dr.run_tests((), testing=True)

        self.assertEqual(mock_run.call_args[0][0], 123)
Esempio n. 10
    def test_run_coverage(self, mock_loadTargets, mock_run,
                          mock_GreenTestSuite, mock_mergeConfig):
        If no tests are found, we create an empty test suite and run it.
        args = mergeConfig(Namespace())
        args.run_coverage = True
        args.cov = MagicMock()
        mock_mergeConfig.return_value = args
        dr = djangorunner.DjangoRunner()

        dr.setup_test_environment = MagicMock()
        dr.setup_databases = MagicMock()
        dr.teardown_databases = MagicMock()
        dr.teardown_test_environment = MagicMock()
        mock_loadTargets.return_value = None
        mock_GreenTestSuite.return_value = 123

        dr.run_tests((), testing=True)

        self.assertEqual(mock_run.call_args[0][0], 123)
Esempio n. 11
        def run_tests(self, test_labels, extra_tests=None, **kwargs):
            Run the unit tests for all the test labels in the provided list.

            Test labels should be dotted Python paths to test modules, test
            classes, or test methods.

            A list of 'extra' tests may also be provided; these tests
            will be added to the test suite.

            Returns the number of tests that failed.
            # Django setup
            django_db = self.setup_databases()

            # Green
            if type(test_labels) == tuple:
                test_labels = list(test_labels)
                raise ValueError("test_labels should be a tuple of strings")
            if not test_labels:
                test_labels = ["."]

            args = mergeConfig(Namespace())
            if self.verbose != -1:
                args.verbose = self.verbose
            args.targets = test_labels
            stream = GreenStream(sys.stdout)
            suite = self.loader.loadTargets(args.targets)
            if not suite:
                suite = GreenTestSuite()
            result = run(suite, stream, args)

            # Django teardown
            return self.suite_result(suite, result)
Esempio n. 12
def _main(argv, testing):
    args = config.parseArguments(argv)
    args = config.mergeConfig(args, testing)

    if args.shouldExit:
        return args.exitCode

    # Clear out all the passed-in-options just in case someone tries to run a
    # test that assumes sys.argv is clean.  I can't guess at the script name
    # that they want, though, so we'll just leave ours.
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1]

    # Set up our various main objects
    from green.loader import GreenTestLoader, getCompletions
    from green.runner import run
    from green.output import GreenStream, debug
    import green.output
    from green.suite import GreenTestSuite

    GreenTestSuite.args = args

    if args.debug:
        green.output.debug_level = args.debug

    stream = GreenStream(sys.stdout, disable_windows=args.disable_windows)

    # Location of shell completion file
    if args.completion_file:
        print(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ""))
        return 0

    # Argument-completion for bash and zsh (for test-target completion)
    if args.completions:
        return 0

    # Option-completion for bash and zsh
    if args.options:
        return 0

    # Add debug logging for stuff that happened before this point here
    if config.files_loaded:
        debug("Loaded config file(s): {}".format(", ".join(

    # Discover/Load the test suite
    if testing:
        test_suite = None
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        loader = GreenTestLoader()
        test_suite = loader.loadTargets(args.targets,

    # We didn't even load 0 tests...
    if not test_suite:
            "No test loading attempts succeeded.  Created an empty test suite."
        test_suite = GreenTestSuite()

    # Actually run the test_suite
    result = run(test_suite, stream, args, testing)

    # Generate a test report if required
    if args.junit_report:
        from green.junit import JUnitXML

        adapter = JUnitXML()
        with open(args.junit_report, "w") as report_file:
            adapter.save_as(result, report_file)

    return int(not result.wasSuccessful())
Esempio n. 13
def main(testing=False, coverage_testing=False):
    args = config.parseArguments()
    args = config.mergeConfig(args, testing, coverage_testing)
    if getattr(args, 'html', False): # pragma: no cover
The --html flag is scheduled to be removed in version 2.0 due to it being a pain
to maintain and no one using it.  If you actually use it, please open an issue
stating so!  Unless some people
request it, it will be removed in 2.0
        import time
    if args.shouldExit:
        return args.exitCode

    # Clear out all the passed-in-options just in case someone tries to run a
    # test that assumes sys.argv is clean.  I can't guess at the script name
    # that they want, though, so we'll just leave ours.
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1]

    # Set up our various main objects
    from green.loader import loadTargets
    from green.runner import run
    from green.output import GreenStream, debug
    import green.output
    from green.suite import GreenTestSuite
    GreenTestSuite.args = args

    if args.debug:
        green.output.debug_level = args.debug

    stream = GreenStream(sys.stdout, html = args.html)

    # Location of shell completion file
    if args.completion_file:
        print(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ''))
        return 0

    # Argument-completion for bash and zsh (for test-target completion)
    if args.completions:
        from green.loader import getCompletions
        return 0

    # Option-completion for bash and zsh
    if args.options:
        return 0

    # Add debug logging for stuff that happened before this point here
    if config.files_loaded:
        debug("Loaded config file(s): {}".format(
            ', '.join(config.files_loaded)))

    # Discover/Load the test suite
    if testing:
        test_suite = None
        test_suite = loadTargets(args.targets, file_pattern = args.file_pattern)

    # We didn't even load 0 tests...
    if not test_suite:
            "No test loading attempts succeeded.  Created an empty test suite.")
        test_suite = GreenTestSuite()

    # Actually run the test_suite
    if testing:
        result = lambda: None
        result.wasSuccessful = lambda: 0
        result = run(test_suite, stream, args) # pragma: no cover

    if args.run_coverage and ((not testing) or coverage_testing):
        args.cov.combine(), omit=args.omit_patterns)
    return(int(not result.wasSuccessful()))
Esempio n. 14
def main(testing=False):
    args = config.parseArguments()
    args = config.mergeConfig(args, testing)

    if args.shouldExit:
        return args.exitCode

    # Clear out all the passed-in-options just in case someone tries to run a
    # test that assumes sys.argv is clean.  I can't guess at the script name
    # that they want, though, so we'll just leave ours.
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1]

    # Set up our various main objects
    from green.loader import loadTargets
    from green.runner import run
    from green.output import GreenStream, debug
    import green.output
    from green.suite import GreenTestSuite
    GreenTestSuite.args = args

    if args.debug:
        green.output.debug_level = args.debug

    stream = GreenStream(sys.stdout, disable_windows=args.disable_windows)

    # Location of shell completion file
    if args.completion_file:
        print(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ''))
        return 0

    # Argument-completion for bash and zsh (for test-target completion)
    if args.completions:
        from green.loader import getCompletions
        return 0

    # Option-completion for bash and zsh
    if args.options:
        return 0

    # Add debug logging for stuff that happened before this point here
    if config.files_loaded:
        debug("Loaded config file(s): {}".format(
            ', '.join(config.files_loaded)))

    # Discover/Load the test suite
    if testing:
        test_suite = None
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        test_suite = loadTargets(args.targets, file_pattern=args.file_pattern)

    # We didn't even load 0 tests...
    if not test_suite:
            "No test loading attempts succeeded.  Created an empty test suite.")
        test_suite = GreenTestSuite()

    # Actually run the test_suite
    result = run(test_suite, stream, args, testing)

    return(int(not result.wasSuccessful()))
Esempio n. 15
def main(testing=False, coverage_testing=False):
    args = config.parseArguments()
    args = config.mergeConfig(args, testing, coverage_testing)
    if args.shouldExit:
        return args.exitCode

    # Clear out all the passed-in-options just in case someone tries to run a
    # test that assumes sys.argv is clean.  I can't guess at the script name
    # that they want, though, so we'll just leave ours.
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1]

    # Set up our various main objects
    from green.loader import loadTargets
    from green.runner import GreenTestRunner
    from green.output import GreenStream, debug
    import green.output
    if args.debug:
        green.output.debug_level = args.debug

    stream = GreenStream(sys.stdout, html = args.html)
    runner = GreenTestRunner(verbosity = args.verbose, stream = stream,
            termcolor=args.termcolor, subprocesses=args.subprocesses,
            run_coverage=args.run_coverage, omit=args.omit)

    # Location of shell completion file
    if args.completion_file:
        print(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ''))
        return 0

    # Argument-completion for bash and zsh (for test-target completion)
    if args.completions:
        from green.loader import getCompletions
        return 0

    # Option-completion for bash and zsh
    if args.options:
        return 0

    # Add debug logging for stuff that happened before this point here
    if config.files_loaded:
        debug("Loaded config file(s): {}".format(
            ', '.join(config.files_loaded)))

    # Discover/Load the TestSuite
    if testing:
        test_suite = None
        test_suite = loadTargets(args.targets)

    # We didn't even load 0 tests...
    if not test_suite:
            "No test loading attempts succeeded.  Created an empty test suite.")
        test_suite = unittest.suite.TestSuite()

    # Actually run the test_suite
    if testing:
        result = lambda: None
        result.wasSuccessful = lambda: 0
        result = # pragma: no cover

    if args.run_coverage and ((not testing) or coverage_testing):
        args.cov.combine(), omit=args.omit)
    return(int(not result.wasSuccessful()))