Esempio n. 1
def q05_difference_in_gold_medal(path):
    "write your solution here"
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df = df[:-1]
    #golds= df.iloc[:,[2,7]]
    gold_diff = df.iloc[:, 2].astype(int) - df.iloc[:, 7].astype(int)
    return gold_diff.max()
Esempio n. 2
def q03_summer_gold_medals(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df['country name'], df['country_code'] = df['country name'].str.split(
        '(', 1).str
    df.set_index('country name', inplace=True)
    df.drop(labels=['Combined total'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    return df[0:146]
Esempio n. 3
def q06_get_points(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df1 = df.iloc[:, [2, 7, 12]].astype(int).sum(axis=1) * [3]
    df2 = df.iloc[:, [3, 8, 13]].astype(int).sum(axis=1) * [2]
    df3 = df.iloc[:, [4, 9, 14]].astype(int).sum(axis=1)
    df['Points'] = ((df1 + df2 + df3) / 2).astype(int)
    return df['Points']
Esempio n. 4
def q03_summer_gold_medals(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df['country name'], df['country code'] = df['country name'].str.split(
        '(', 1).str
    df.set_index('country name', inplace=True)
    del df['Combined total']
    return df[1:147]
Esempio n. 5
def q06_get_points(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df = df.iloc[:, :-1]
    df_silver = (df['Silver']).astype(int)
    df_gold = (df['Gold']).astype(int)
    df_bronze = (df['Bronze']).astype(int)
    df['To'] = ((np.sum(df_gold * 3, axis=1) / 2) + (np.sum(df_silver * 2, axis=1)/2) + (np.sum(df_bronze * 1, axis = 1)) /2)       
    return (df['To'].astype(int))
Esempio n. 6
def q06_get_points(path):
    'write your solution here'
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df = df[:-1]
    df['Points'] = np.sum(df['Gold'].astype(int) * 3, axis=1) + np.sum(
        df['Silver'].astype(int) * 2, axis=1) + np.sum(
            df['Bronze'].astype(int), axis=1)
    return df['Points']
Esempio n. 7
def q06_get_points(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    gold_points =  df['Gold'].iloc[:-1,2].astype(int)*3
    silver_points =  df['Silver'].iloc[:-1,2].astype(int)*2
    bronze_points =  df['Bronze'].iloc[:-1,2].astype(int)*1
    total_points = gold_points + silver_points + bronze_points
    df['Points'] = total_points
    return total_points
Esempio n. 8
def q05_difference_in_gold_medal(path):
    'write your solution here'
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df=df[:-1] #Drop last row which is total of all individual columns

    df['diff_max'] = pd.DataFrame(df.iloc[:,2].astype('int64')) - pd.DataFrame(df.iloc[:,7].astype('int64'))
    return df['diff_max'].max()
Esempio n. 9
def q03_summer_gold_medals(path):
    'write your solution here'
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df['country name'] = df['country name'].str.replace('(', '-').str.replace(
        ')', '').str.replace('[', '').str.replace(']',
    df.set_index('country name', inplace=True)
    df.drop('Totals', axis=0, inplace=True)
    return df
Esempio n. 10
def q03_summer_gold_medals(path):
    "write your solution here"
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df['country name'] = df['country name'].apply(lambda x: x.split('(')[0])
    new_index = df['country name']
    df.drop(['country name'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    df.index = new_index
    df.drop(labels='Totals', axis=0, inplace=True)
    return df
Esempio n. 11
def q06_get_points(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df.iloc[:, 12:15] = df.iloc[:, 12:15].apply(pd.to_numeric)
    df['Points1'] = (df.iloc[:, 12:13] * 3)
    df['Points2'] = (df.iloc[:, 13:14] * 2)
    df['Points3'] = (df.iloc[:, 14:15] * 1)
    df['Points'] = df['Points1'] + df['Points2'] + df['Points3']
    df['Points'] = df['Points'] * 2
    return (pd.Series(df['Points']))
Esempio n. 12
def q03_summer_gold_medals(path):
    "write your solution here"
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    country_cols = pd.DataFrame(df['country name'].str.split('(', 1).tolist(),
                                columns=['country name', 'country code'])
    df = df.drop(['country name'], axis=1)
    df.loc[:, 'country name'] = country_cols['country name']
    df = df.set_index(keys=['country name'])
    return df[:-1]
Esempio n. 13
def q03_summer_gold_medals(path):
    "write your solution here"
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df_1 = pd.DataFrame(df['country name'].str.split('(').tolist(), columns = ['country name','country code'])
    df = df.drop(['country name'], axis=1)
    df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(df_1['country name']), df], axis=1)
    df = df.set_index('country name')
    df =df.drop(['Totals'], axis=0)
    return df[:-1]
Esempio n. 14
def q05_difference_in_gold_medal(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    dfnew = pd.DataFrame()
    dfnew['Summer_gold'] = df.iloc[:, 2:3].astype(int)
    dfnew['Winter_gold'] = df.iloc[:, 7:8].astype(int)
    dfnew['country'] = df['country name']
    dfnew['diff'] = abs(dfnew['Summer_gold'] - dfnew['Winter_gold'])
    country_diff = (dfnew.loc[dfnew['diff'].idxmax()])[3]
    #country_diff.replace("\xc2\xa0", " ")
    return country_diff
Esempio n. 15
def q06_get_points(path):
    "write your solution here"
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df['Gold'] = df['Gold'].astype(int)
    df['Silver'] = df['Silver'].astype(int)
    df['Bronze'] = df['Bronze'].astype(int)

    df['points'] = np.sum(df['Gold'] * 3, axis=1) + np.sum(
        df['Silver'] * 2, axis=1) + np.sum(df['Bronze'] * 1, axis=1)
    return df['points']
Esempio n. 16
def q06_get_points(path):
    "write your solution here"
    df = q02_rename_columns(path="./data/olympics.csv")
    pt_g = df['Gold'].astype(int) * 3
    pt_s = df['Silver'].astype(int) * 2
    pt_b = df['Bronze'].astype(int) * 1
    gold_pts = pt_g.iloc[:, 0] + pt_g.iloc[:, 1] + pt_g.iloc[:, 2]
    silver_pts = pt_s.iloc[:, 0] + pt_s.iloc[:, 1] + pt_s.iloc[:, 2]
    bronze_pts = pt_b.iloc[:, 0] + pt_b.iloc[:, 1] + pt_b.iloc[:, 2]
    Points = gold_pts + silver_pts + bronze_pts
    return Points
Esempio n. 17
def q05_difference_in_gold_medal(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    #print pd.DataFrame(df.iloc[:,2]) - pd.DataFrame(df.iloc[:,7])
    cols = list(df.columns)
    cols[2] = 'SGold'
    cols[7] = 'WGold'
    cols[12] = 'TGold'
    df.columns = cols
    df['diff'] = pd.to_numeric(df['SGold']) - pd.to_numeric(df['WGold'])
    df = df.drop(147)
    return max(df['diff'])
Esempio n. 18
def q03_summer_gold_medals(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path="./data/olympics.csv")
    c = []
    "write your solution here"
    for i in df['country name']:
        n_co = i.split('(')[0].rstrip()
    df['country name'] = c
    ndf = df.set_index('country name')
    fdf = ndf.drop('Totals')
    return fdf
Esempio n. 19
def q03_summer_gold_medals(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    country = []
    for i in df['country name']:
        i = i.rsplit('(')[0]
        i = i.replace("\xc2\xa0", "")
    df['country name'] = country

    df = df.set_index('country name')
    df = df.drop(['Totals'])
    return df
Esempio n. 20
def q05_difference_in_gold_medal(path):

    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df1 = df.loc[:, ['country name', 'Gold']]
    df2 = df1.iloc[:, [0, 1, 2]]
    df3 = df2.set_index(keys='country name')
    df3.loc[:, :] = df3.loc[:, :].apply(pd.to_numeric)
    df3.drop(['Totals'], inplace=True)
    df4 = df3.iloc[:, 0] - df3.iloc[:, 1]
    df4 = df4.abs()

    return df4.max()
Esempio n. 21
def q06_get_points(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df1 = df.loc[:, ['country name', 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze']]
    df2 = df1.iloc[:, [0, 3, 6, 9]]
    df3 = df2
    df3 = df3.loc[:, ['Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze']].apply(pd.to_numeric)
    df3['Points'] = df3.loc[:,
                            'Gold'] * 3 + df3.loc[:,
                                                  'Silver'] * 2 + df3.loc[:,
                                                                          'Bronze'] * 1
    df3.drop(labels=['Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    return df3['Points']
Esempio n. 22
def q05_difference_in_gold_medal(path):
    'write your solution here'
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df = df[:-1]
    df1 = df.rename(columns={
        '01 !': 'Gold',
        '02 !': 'Silver',
        '03 !': 'Bronze'
    df_Sumer = pd.to_numeric(df1.iloc[:, 2])
    df_win = pd.to_numeric(df1.iloc[:, 7])
    df_1 = (df_Sumer) - (df_win)
    return (df_1).max()
Esempio n. 23
def q03_summer_gold_medals(path):
    'write your solution here'
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    cname = df.loc[:, 'country name']

    for i in range(1, cname.shape[0]):
        cname[i] = cname[i].split('(')[0].rstrip(
        )  #Split the characters with '(' and strip the unnecessary characters using rstrip()

    df1 = df.drop(labels='country name', axis=1)
    df1.index = cname
    df2 = df1.drop(labels='Totals', axis=0)

    return df2
Esempio n. 24
def q05_difference_in_gold_medal(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df_gold_medals = df.iloc[:, [0, 2, 7]]
    df_gold_medals_new = df_gold_medals.iloc[:, [1, 2]].astype(int)
    df_gold_medals.drop(labels=['Gold'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    df_gold_medals_new = pd.concat([df_gold_medals_new, df_gold_medals],
        'Difference'] = df_gold_medals_new.iloc[:,
                                                0] - df_gold_medals_new.iloc[:,
    df_gold_final = df_gold_medals_new.iloc[:, [2, 3]][0:146]
    return df_gold_final[df_gold_final['Difference'] ==
                         df_gold_final['Difference'].max()].iloc[0, 1]
Esempio n. 25
def q03_summer_gold_medals(path):
    'write your solution here'
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    a = df['country name']
    b = a.str.split('(', expand=True)
    c = b[0]
    #     d = b[1]
    #     e = d.str.split(')', expand=True)
    #     f = list(e[0])
    df = df.set_index(c)
    #     df['country code'] = f
    df.drop(['Totals'], axis=0, inplace=True)
    df.drop(['country name'], axis=1, inplace=True) = 'country name'
    return df
Esempio n. 26
def q05_difference_in_gold_medal(path):
    l1 = []
    l2 = []
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    summer = df.iloc[:, 2]
    winter = df.iloc[:, 7]
    for i in summer:
    for j in winter:

    big_dif = [abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(l1, l2)]
    df['Summer - Winter'] = big_dif

    df.drop(axis=0, labels=[147], inplace=True)
    diff = df['Summer - Winter'].max()
    return diff
Esempio n. 27
def q03_summer_gold_medals(path):
    "write your solution here"
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)

    #To split the country name into name and code based on '('
    new_columns = pd.DataFrame(df['country name'].str.split('(', 1).tolist(),
                               columns=['country_name', 'country_code'])

    #drop existing country name column
    df = df.drop(['country name'], axis=1)

    #Add new column country name based on above split step
    df.loc[:, 'country name'] = new_columns['country_name']

    #set the newly added country name column as index.
    df = df.set_index(keys=['country name'])

    return df[:-1]
Esempio n. 28
def q06_get_points(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    cols = list(df.columns)
    cols[2] = 'SGold'
    cols[3] = 'SSilver'
    cols[4] = 'SBronze'
    cols[7] = 'WGold'
    cols[8] = 'WSilver'
    cols[9] = 'WBronze'
    cols[12] = 'TGold'
    cols[13] = 'TSilver'
    cols[14] = 'TBronze'
    df.columns = cols
    df1 = pd.DataFrame()
    df['Points'] = ((pd.to_numeric(df['TGold']) * 3) +
                    (pd.to_numeric(df['TSilver']) * 2) +
                    (pd.to_numeric(df['TBronze']))) * 2
    return df['Points']
Esempio n. 29
def q06_get_points(path):
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)
    df_gsb = df.iloc[:, [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14]]
    df_gsb = df_gsb.astype('int')
    df_gsb['Total_Gold'] = df_gsb.iloc[:, 0] + df_gsb.iloc[:,
                                                           3] + df_gsb.iloc[:,
    df_gsb['Total_Silver'] = df_gsb.iloc[:,
                                         1] + df_gsb.iloc[:,
                                                          4] + df_gsb.iloc[:,
    df_gsb['Total_Bronze'] = df_gsb.iloc[:,
                                         2] + df_gsb.iloc[:,
                                                          5] + df_gsb.iloc[:,
    df_gsb['Points'] = df_gsb['Total_Gold'] * 3 + df_gsb[
        'Total_Silver'] * 2 + df_gsb['Total_Bronze'] * 1

    return (df_gsb['Points'])
Esempio n. 30
def q06_get_points(path):
    'write your solution here'
    df = q02_rename_columns(path)

    a = df.iloc[:-1, 2].astype(int)
    aa = df.iloc[:-1, 7].astype(int)
    aaa = df.iloc[:-1, 12].astype(int)
    gold = (a + aa + aaa) * 3

    b = df.iloc[:-1, 3].astype(int)
    bb = df.iloc[:-1, 8].astype(int)
    bbb = df.iloc[:-1, 13].astype(int)
    silver = (b + bb + bbb) * 2

    c = df.iloc[:-1, 4].astype(int)
    cc = df.iloc[:-1, 9].astype(int)
    ccc = df.iloc[:-1, 14].astype(int)
    bronze = c + cc + ccc

    points = gold + silver + bronze
    df['Points'] = points

    return df['Points']