def main(): grid = g.read_grid('grid.txt') # grid = g.make_grid(20, 20) g.print_grid(grid) print() start = get_user_coords(grid, 'start') end = get_user_coords(grid, 'goal') print('-' * 15) # Randomly toggles search and heuristic methods path, num_states = informed_search(grid, start, end, greedy=choice([True, False]), manhattan=choice([True, False])) print('Number of nodes expanded:', num_states) print('-' * 15) fname = 'path.txt' if path is None: print('No path found.') else: print('Path length: {} nodes'.format(len(path))) print('Total cost:', path[0][1]) print() g.output_grid(fname, grid, start, end, [x[0] for x in path]) print() print('Path: coordinate - cost') print('\n'.join('\t{} - {:02d}'.format(coord, cost) for coord, cost in path[::-1]))
def ship_phase(): """The function for the ship deployment phase. prompts the player to deploy all his ships and after confirming deployment, deploys the AI's ships""" grid.print_grid(participants.player.ship_grid) for ship in participants.player.ship_locations: while True: try: cords ="Where do you want to put " + ship + "? [Size of this ship=" + str(cfg.ships[ship]['size']) + " cells] ")) ans = input("I understood " + str(cords.groups()) + " is this correct?(y/n) ") if ans.strip().lower()[0] == 'y': Ycoord = int( - 1 Xcoord = ord( - 97 direction = input("In which direction? (up/down/left/right) ") if direction.lower() not in cfg.directions_list: print("That's not a valid direction") continue else: valid, Ystep, Xstep = grid.check_location_validity(participants.player, participants.player.ship_grid, ship, Xcoord, Ycoord, direction.lower()) if valid == 0: continue else: grid.lay_ship(participants.player, ship, Xcoord, Ycoord, Ystep, Xstep) grid.print_grid(participants.player.ship_grid) break else: continue except AttributeError: print("I didn't detect coordinates. ", end='') print("write a coordinate in the form 'LetterNumber' (ie A10 or B9)") continue while True: answer = input("This is your final layout, proceed?" "(y = proceed - n = restart the process) ") if answer.strip().lower()[0] == 'y': grid.lay_ai_ships() battle_phase() return elif answer.strip().lower()[0] == 'n': participants.player.ship_grid = [['-' for x in range(cfg.h)] for y in range(cfg.w)] ship_phase() else: print("Not a valid answer") continue
def print_current_board(board, mask): grid.print_grid(board) for j, row in enumerate(mask): result = "" for i, col in enumerate(row): tmp_char = "" if not mask[j][i]: tmp_char = "X" else: tmp_cell = board[j][i] tmp_char = tmp_cell if tmp_cell != None else " " result += str(tmp_char) print(result)
def get_location(vessel_index) : global column global row global direction name = grid.VESSEL_NAMES[vessel_index] size = grid.VESSEL_SIZES[vessel_index] print('Enter placement of your', name, '(', size, 'spaces)') column = input('\tLeft Column (A-J): ') row = int(input('\tTop Row (1-10): ')) direction = input('\tDirection (h)orizontal or (v)ertical: ') column = ord(column) - ord('A') row = row - 1 if(column >= grid.GRID_WIDTH or column < 0) : print('The column entered is invalid, it must be a value between A and J.') get_location(vessel_index) elif(row >= grid.GRID_HEIGHT or row < 0) : print('The row entered is invalid, it must be between 1 and 10.') get_location(vessel_index) else : if (direction == 'h' and column + size > grid.GRID_WIDTH) : print('Invalid column. The vessel is directed horizontally to the right') print('and does not fit on the grid with this starting column.') get_location(vessel_index) elif (direction == 'v' and row + size > grid.GRID_HEIGHT) : print('Invalid row. The vessel is directed vertically downwards') print('and does not fit on the grid with this starting now.') get_location(vessel_index) else : if (direction != 'h' and direction != 'v') : print('The direction entered is invalid, it must be either (h)orizontal or (v)ertical.') get_location(vessel_index) else : overlap = grid.has_overlap(vessel_index, row, column, direction, defend_grid) if(overlap == True) : print('The vessel entered overlaps another one! Please place your new vessel elsewhere.') get_location(vessel_index) else : grid.add_vessel(vessel_index, row, column, direction, defend_grid) grid.print_grid(defend_grid)
def get_location(vessel_index) : global column global row global direction import random name = grid.VESSEL_NAMES[vessel_index] size = grid.VESSEL_SIZES[vessel_index] column = random.choice('ABCDEFGHIJ') row = random.randint(1,10) direction = random.choice('hv') column = ord(column) - ord('A') row = row - 1 if(column >= grid.GRID_WIDTH or column < 0) : get_location(vessel_index) elif(row >= grid.GRID_HEIGHT or row < 0) : get_location(vessel_index) else : if (direction == 'h' and column + size > grid.GRID_WIDTH) : get_location(vessel_index) elif (direction == 'v' and row + size > grid.GRID_HEIGHT) : get_location(vessel_index) else : if (direction != 'h' and direction != 'v') : get_location(vessel_index) else : overlap = grid.has_overlap(vessel_index, row, column, direction, defend_grid) if(overlap == True) : get_location(vessel_index) else : grid.add_vessel(vessel_index, row, column, direction, defend_grid) grid.print_grid(defend_grid)
def main(): # prints VESSEL_NAME[index], location, and orientation of a vessel print_titlescreen() grid.print_grid() # Ask user to place all 5 ships i = 0 for i in range(5): # for loop human.get_location(i) grid.print_grid() ai.get_location(i) grid.print_grid() enter_choice() return
def optionC(self): grid.print_grid(participants.player.guess_grid)
def optionB(self): grid.print_grid(participants.player.ship_grid)
def main(): for i in range(grid.NUM_OF_VESSELS): #human.get_location(i) grid.add_vessel(human.grid_defend, i, i, 0, 'h') ai.get_location(i) print("AI Grid:") grid.print_grid(ai.grid_defend) print("Human Grid:") grid.print_grid(human.grid_defend) while not (grid.all_vessels_sunk(ai.grid_defend) and grid.all_vessels_sunk(human.grid_defend)): human.enter_choice() row, col = human.get_choice() grid.drop_bomb(ai.grid_defend, human.grid_attack, row, col) row, col = ai.get_choice() grid.drop_bomb(human.grid_defend, ai.grid_attack, row, col) print("AI Grid:") grid.print_grid(ai.grid_defend) print("Human Grid:") grid.print_grid(human.grid_defend) print("AI Grid A:") grid.print_grid(ai.grid_attack) print("Human Grid A:") grid.print_grid(human.grid_attack)