Esempio n. 1
    def create(self):
        NFine =
        fine = NFine[0]
        x = util.pCoordinates(NFine)

        num_dots = self.num_dots
        epsilon = 0.4
        frequency = 2 * np.pi * num_dots

        displacement_unscaled = 1. / (frequency) * np.column_stack([
            0.5 * (np.sin(0.5 * frequency * x[:, 0]) + 1) *
            np.sin(frequency * x[:, 0]), 0.5 *
            (np.sin(0.5 * frequency * x[:, 1]) + 1) *
            np.sin(frequency * x[:, 1])
        point_tile_index = np.array(np.minimum(np.floor(num_dots * x),
                                               num_dots - 1),
        tile_scaling = epsilon * 2 * np.random.rand(num_dots, num_dots)**2
        point_scaling = tile_scaling[point_tile_index[:, 0],
                                     point_tile_index[:, 1]]

        displacement = displacement_unscaled * point_scaling[..., None]

        self.psi = discrete_mapping.MappingCQ1(NFine, x + displacement)
Esempio n. 2
    def create(self):
        NFine =
        fine = NFine[0]
        xpFine = util.pCoordinates(NFine)

        forward_mapping = np.stack([xpFine[:, 0], xpFine[:, 1]], axis=1)

        xpFine_shaped = xpFine.reshape(fine + 1, fine + 1, 2)

        for i in [1, 3]:
            middle = int((fine + 1) * (i / 4))
            intervall = int((fine + 1) / 8)

            left_2 = middle - int(intervall)
            right_2 = middle + int(intervall)

            left, right = left_2, right_2

            # print(fine + 1, left, right)

            part_x = xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0]
            part_y = xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1]
            left_margin_x = np.min(part_x)
            right_margin_x = np.max(part_x)
            left_margin_y = np.min(part_y)
            right_margin_y = np.max(part_y)

            # print(left_margin_x, right_margin_x, left_margin_y, right_margin_y)

            epsilon = self.bending_factor / (
                right_margin_y - left_margin_y
            )  # why does this have to be so large???

            forward_mapping_partial = np.stack([
                xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0] + epsilon *
                (xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0] - left_margin_x)
                * (right_margin_x -
                   xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0]) *
                (xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1] - left_margin_y)
                * (right_margin_y -
                   xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1]),
                xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1]

            forward_mapping_shaped = forward_mapping.reshape(
                fine + 1, fine + 1, 2)
                                   left_2:right_2, :] = forward_mapping_partial

        forward_mapping = forward_mapping_shaped.reshape((fine + 1)**2, 2)

        self.psi = discrete_mapping.MappingCQ1(NFine, forward_mapping)
Esempio n. 3
    def create(self):
        NFine =
        fine = NFine[0]

        xpFine = util.pCoordinates(NFine)

        forward_mapping = np.stack([xpFine[:, 0], xpFine[:, 1]], axis=1)

        xpFine_shaped = xpFine.reshape(fine + 1, fine + 1, 2)

        left = int((fine + 1) * self.area[0])
        right = int((fine + 1) * self.area[1])

        # TODO: enable other left_2 and right_2
        left_2, right_2 = left, right

        print('left_right ', left, right)

        part_x = xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0]
        part_y = xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1]
        left_margin_x = np.min(part_x)
        right_margin_x = np.max(part_x)
        left_margin_y = np.min(part_y)
        right_margin_y = np.max(part_y)

        print(left_margin_x, right_margin_x, left_margin_y, right_margin_y)

        epsilon = self.bending_factor / (
            right_margin_y - left_margin_y
        )  # why does this have to be so large???

        forward_mapping_partial = np.stack([
            xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0] + epsilon *
            (xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0] - left_margin_x) *
            (right_margin_x - xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0]) *
            (xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1] - left_margin_y) *
            (right_margin_y - xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1]),
            xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1]

        forward_mapping_shaped = forward_mapping.reshape(fine + 1, fine + 1, 2)
                               left_2:right_2, :] = forward_mapping_partial

        forward_mapping = forward_mapping_shaped.reshape((fine + 1)**2, 2)

        self.psi = discrete_mapping.MappingCQ1(NFine, forward_mapping)
Esempio n. 4
    def create(self):
        NFine =
        fine = NFine[0]
        x = util.pCoordinates(NFine)

        x0 = np.array([0.5, 0.5])

        r = np.linalg.norm((x - x0), axis=1)
        r_min = self.r_min
        r_bounded = np.maximum(r, r_min) / r_min

        tapering = * x), axis=1)

        displacement = np.column_stack([
            tapering * self.displacement_factor * (r_bounded)**-2,
            tapering * self.displacement_factor * (r_bounded)**-2

        self.psi = discrete_mapping.MappingCQ1(NFine, x + displacement)
Esempio n. 5
def create_psi_function():
    cq1 = np.zeros((int(fine) + 1, int(fine) + 1))
    for c in range(number_of_channels):
        count = 0
        for i in range(np.size(ref_array)):
            if ref_array[i] == 1:
                count += 1
            if count == (c + 1) * thick:
                begin = i + 1 - space // 2
                end = i + 1 + thick + space // 2

        increasing_length = (end - begin) // 2 - thick - 1
        constant_length = (end - begin) - increasing_length * 2
        epsilon = np.random.binomial(increasing_length - 2, 0.2)
        minus = random.sample([-1, 1], 1)[0]
        epsilon *= minus
        #epsilon = random.sample(list(np.arange(-increasing_length+3,increasing_length-2,1)), 1)[0]
        maximal_walk = increasing_length * walk_with_perturbation
        walk = epsilon * walk_with_perturbation
        for i in range(increasing_length):
            cq1[:, begin + 1 + i] = (i + 1) / increasing_length * walk
            cq1[:, begin + increasing_length + i +
                constant_length] = walk - (i + 1) / increasing_length * walk

        for i in range(constant_length):
            cq1[:, begin + increasing_length + i] = walk

    cq1 = cq1.flatten()

    alpha = 1.

    for_mapping = np.stack(
        (xpFine[:, 0] + alpha * func.evaluateCQ1(Nmapping, cq1, xpFine),
         xpFine[:, 1]),
    psi = discrete_mapping.MappingCQ1(NFine, for_mapping)
    return psi, cq1
Esempio n. 6
    def create(self):
        NFine =
        fine = NFine[0]
        xpFine = util.pCoordinates(NFine)

        number_of_perturbed_channels = 4

        now = 0
        count = 0
        for i in range(np.size(self.ref_array)):
            if self.ref_array[i] == 1:
                count += 1
            if count == 8 * self.thick:  # at the 8ths shape (which is the last dot in one line, the cq starts)
                begin = i + 1
        count = 0
        for i in range(np.size(self.ref_array)):
            if self.ref_array[i] == 1:
                count += 1
            if count == 13 * self.thick - 3:  # it ends after the last channel
                end = i

        # Discrete mapping
        Nmapping = np.array([int(fine), int(fine)])
        cq1 = np.zeros((int(fine) + 1, int(fine) + 1))

        # I only want to perturb on the fine mesh.
        size_of_an_element = 1. / fine
        walk_with_perturbation = size_of_an_element

        channels_position_from_zero =
        channels_end_from_zero = channels_position_from_zero + self.thick

        # The next only have the purpose to make the psi invertible.
        increasing_length = (end - begin) // (number_of_perturbed_channels +
                                              1) - self.thick - 2
        constant_length = (end - begin) - increasing_length * 2
        maximum_walk = (increasing_length - 6) * walk_with_perturbation
        walk_with_perturbation = maximum_walk
        for i in range(increasing_length):
            cq1[:, begin + 1 +
                i] = (i + 1) / increasing_length * walk_with_perturbation
            cq1[:, begin + increasing_length + i +
                constant_length] = walk_with_perturbation - (
                    i + 1) / increasing_length * walk_with_perturbation
        for i in range(constant_length):
            cq1[:, begin + increasing_length + i] = walk_with_perturbation

        # Check what purtubation I have
        if self.plot_mapping:
            plt.plot(np.arange(0, fine + 1),
                     cq1[, :],
                     label='$id(x) - \psi(x)$')
            plt.title('Domain mapping')

        cq1 = cq1.flatten()

        xpFine = util.pCoordinates(NFine)

        alpha = 1.

        for_mapping = np.stack(
            (xpFine[:, 0] + alpha * func.evaluateCQ1(Nmapping, cq1, xpFine),
             xpFine[:, 1]),
        self.psi = discrete_mapping.MappingCQ1(NFine, for_mapping)
Esempio n. 7
    def create(self):
        NFine =
        fine = NFine[0]
        xpFine = util.pCoordinates(NFine)

        Nmapping = np.array([int(fine), int(fine)])

        size_of_an_element = 1. / fine
        print('the size of a fine element is {}'.format(size_of_an_element))
        walk_with_perturbation = size_of_an_element

        epsilonT = []
        cq1 = np.zeros((int(fine) + 1, int(fine) + 1))
        cs = np.random.randint(0, 2, self.number_of_channels)
        cs = [c * random.sample([-1, 1], 1)[0] for c in cs]

        ## or manually
        cs[2] = 0
        cs[3] = -1
        cs[4] = 0
        cs[5] = 0


        last_value = 0
        for i, c in enumerate(cs):
            platform = // 2 + 2 * self.thick
            begin = platform // 2 + i * ( + self.thick)
            end = begin + - platform + self.thick

            epsilon = c * walk_with_perturbation
            walk = epsilon - last_value

            constant_length = platform + self.thick
            increasing_length = end - begin

            for i in range(increasing_length):
                cq1[:, begin +
                    i] = last_value + (i + 1) / increasing_length * walk

            for i in range(constant_length):
                cq1[:, begin + increasing_length + i] = epsilon

            last_value = epsilon

        # ending
        begin += + self.thick
        end = begin + - platform + self.thick
        epsilon = 0
        walk = epsilon - last_value
        increasing_length = end - begin
        for i in range(increasing_length):
            cq1[:, begin + i] = last_value + (i + 1) / increasing_length * walk

        if self.plot_mapping:
            plt.plot(np.arange(0, fine + 1),
                     cq1[, :],
                     label='$id(x) - \psi(x)$')
            plt.title('Domain mapping')

        print('These are the results of the shift epsilon', epsilonT)
        cq1 = cq1.flatten()

        alpha = 1.

        for_mapping = np.stack(
            (xpFine[:, 0] + alpha * func.evaluateCQ1(Nmapping, cq1, xpFine),
             xpFine[:, 1]),
        self.psi = discrete_mapping.MappingCQ1(NFine, for_mapping)
Esempio n. 8
    def create(self):
        NFine =
        fine = NFine[0]
        xpFine = util.pCoordinates(NFine)

        epsilonT = []

        forward_mapping = np.stack([xpFine[:, 0], xpFine[:, 1]], axis=1)

        xpFine_shaped = xpFine.reshape(fine + 1, fine + 1, 2)
        left, right = 0, fine + 1

        for c in range(self.number_of_channels):
            count = 0
            for i in range(np.size(self.ref_array)):
                if self.ref_array[i] == 1:
                    count += 1
                if count == (c + 1) * self.thick:
                    begin = i + 1 - // 2
                    end = i + 1 + self.thick + // 2
            print(begin, end)
            left_2, right_2 = begin, end
            if c == 3:
                epsilon = 25
            # elif c == 4:
            #    epsilon = -25
            # elif c % 2 == 0:
            #    epsilon = 0
                epsilon = np.random.uniform(-10, 10)

            part_x = xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0]
            part_y = xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1]
            left_margin_x = np.min(part_x)
            right_margin_x = np.max(part_x)
            left_margin_y = np.min(part_y)
            right_margin_y = np.max(part_y)

            print(left_margin_x, right_margin_x, left_margin_y, right_margin_y)

            forward_mapping_partial = np.stack([
                xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0] + epsilon *
                (xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0] - left_margin_x)
                * (right_margin_x -
                   xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 0]) *
                (xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1] - left_margin_y)
                * (right_margin_y -
                   xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1]),
                xpFine_shaped[left:right, left_2:right_2, 1]

            forward_mapping_shaped = forward_mapping.reshape(
                fine + 1, fine + 1, 2)
                                   left_2:right_2, :] = forward_mapping_partial


        forward_mapping = forward_mapping_shaped.reshape((fine + 1)**2, 2)

        print('Those are the results of the shift epsilon', epsilonT)

        self.psi = discrete_mapping.MappingCQ1(NFine, forward_mapping)
N = 8

alpha = 3./8.

xpFine = util.pCoordinates(NFine)
xtFine = util.tCoordinates(NFine)

# Explicit psi
#psi = psi_functions.plateau_2d_on_one_axis(NFine, alpha)

# Discrete mapping
e = np.exp(1)
mapping = (np.exp(xpFine)-1)/(e-1)
psi = discrete_mapping.MappingCQ1(NFine, mapping)

# Compute grid points and mapped grid points
# Grid naming:
# ._pert   is the grid mapped from reference to perturbed domain
# ._ref    is the grid mapped from perturbed to reference domain
xpFine_pert = psi.evaluate(xpFine)
xpFine_ref = psi.inverse_evaluate(xpFine)

xtFine_pert = psi.evaluate(xtFine)
xtFine_ref = psi.inverse_evaluate(xtFine)

bg = 0.1 		#background
val = 1			#values

CoefClass = buildcoef2d.Coefficient2d(NCoeff,