def test_size(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( [2, 3], gridpp.Grid([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]], [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]).size()) np.testing.assert_array_equal([0, 0], gridpp.Grid([[], []], [[], []]).size())
def test_get_box_almost_empty(self): """Check case where grid is 1x2 and no box exists""" grid = gridpp.Grid([[0, 0]], [[0, 1]]) self.assertFalse(grid.get_box(0.4, 1.25)[0])
def test_get_box_empty(self): """Check case where grid is empty""" grid = gridpp.Grid() self.assertFalse(grid.get_box(0.4, 1.25)[0])
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Runs gridpp benchmarks for processing performance') parser.add_argument('-j', type=int, help='Run multiple cores', dest='num_cores') parser.add_argument( '-s', type=int, default=1, help='Enlarge the inputs by this scaling factor to run a bigger test', dest='scaling') parser.add_argument('-n', type=int, default=1, help='Number of iterations to average over', dest='iterations') parser.add_argument('-t', help='Run only this function', dest="function") # if len(sys.argv) == 1: # parser.print_help() # sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() input = dict() grids = dict() points = dict() np.random.seed(1000) for i in [10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 10000]: input[i] = np.random.rand(i * args.scaling, i) * 10 for i in [10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000]: grids[i] = gridpp.Grid(*np.meshgrid( np.linspace(0, 1, i), np.linspace(0, 1, i * args.scaling))) for i in [1000, 100000]: # points[i] = gridpp.Points(np.linspace(0, 1, i), np.zeros(i)) points[i] = gridpp.Points( np.random.rand(i) * 10, np.random.rand(i) * 10) structure = gridpp.BarnesStructure(10000) radius = 7 quantile = 0.5 thresholds = np.linspace(0, 1, 11) run = collections.OrderedDict() run[(gridpp.Grid, "1000²")] = { "expected": 0.74, "args": np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, 1000 * args.scaling), np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)) } run[(gridpp.neighbourhood, "10000²")] = { "expected": 2.05, "args": (np.zeros([10000, 10000]), radius, gridpp.Mean) } run[(gridpp.neighbourhood, "2000² max")] = { "expected": 0.99, "args": (input[2000], radius, gridpp.Max) } run[(gridpp.neighbourhood_quantile_fast, "2000²")] = { "expected": 1.23, "args": (input[2000], quantile, radius, thresholds) } run[(gridpp.neighbourhood_quantile, "500²")] = { "expected": 1.70, "args": (input[500], quantile, radius) } run[(gridpp.bilinear, "1000²")] = { "expected": 1.68, "args": (grids[1000], grids[1000], input[1000]) } run[(gridpp.bilinear, "1000² x 50")] = { "expected": 4.42, "args": (grids[1000], grids[1000], np.repeat(np.expand_dims(input[1000], 0), 50, axis=0)) } run[(gridpp.nearest, "1000²")] = { "expected": 1.52, "args": (grids[1000], grids[1000], input[1000]) } run[(gridpp.nearest, "1000² x 50")] = { "expected": 2.30, "args": (grids[1000], grids[1000], np.repeat(np.expand_dims(input[1000], 0), 50, axis=0)) } run[(gridpp.optimal_interpolation, "1000² 1000")] = { "expected": 1.57, "args": (grids[1000], input[1000], points[1000], np.zeros(1000), np.ones(1000), np.ones(1000), structure, 20) } run[(gridpp.dewpoint, "1e7")] = { "expected": 0.53, "args": (np.zeros(10000000) + 273.15, np.zeros(10000000)) } run[(gridpp.fill, "1e5")] = { "expected": 0.52, "args": (grids[1000], np.zeros([1000, 1000]), points[100000], np.ones(100000) * 5000, 1, False) } run[(gridpp.doping_square, "1e5")] = { "expected": 0.16, "args": (grids[1000], np.zeros([1000, 1000]), points[100000], np.ones(100000) * 1, np.ones(100000, 'int') * 5, False) } run[(gridpp.doping_circle, "1e5")] = { "expected": 0.52, "args": (grids[1000], np.zeros([1000, 1000]), points[100000], np.ones(100000) * 1, np.ones(100000) * 5000, False) } print("Gridpp version %s" % gridpp.version()) if args.num_cores is not None: print( "Function Expected Time Diff Scaling" ) else: print( "Function Expected Time Diff") num_cores = [1] if args.num_cores is not None and args.num_cores != 1: num_cores += [args.num_cores] for key in run.keys(): timings = dict() for num_core in num_cores: timings[num_core] = 0 if isinstance(key, tuple): name = key[0].__name__ + " " + str(key[1]) func = key[0] else: name = key.__name__ func = key if args.function is not None: if func.__name__ != args.function: continue # Allow functions to fail (useful when benchmarking older versions of gridpp # where functions may not be defined). try: for num_core in num_cores: gridpp.set_omp_threads(num_core) for it in range(args.iterations): s_time = time.time() func(*run[key]["args"]) e_time = time.time() curr_time = e_time - s_time timings[num_core] += curr_time except Exception as e: print("Could not run %s" % key) continue # print("%s() Expected: %.2f s Time: %.2f s" % (func.__name__, run[key]["expected"], e_time - s_time)) for num_core in num_cores: timings[num_core] /= args.iterations diff = (timings[1] - run[key]["expected"] * args.scaling) / ( run[key]["expected"] * args.scaling) * 100 string = "%-36s %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %%" % ( name, run[key]["expected"] * args.scaling, timings[1], diff) if args.num_cores is not None: scaling = timings[1] / timings[args.num_cores] / args.num_cores expected = timings[1] / args.num_cores scaling = 1 - (timings[args.num_cores] - expected) / (timings[1] - expected) # scaling = (1 - timings[args.num_cores] / timings[1]) * (args.num_cores + 1) string += " %8.2f %%" % (scaling * 100) print(string)
def horizontal_oi(geo, background, observations, gelevs, glafs, hlength=10000., vlength=10000., wlength=0.5, elev_gradient=0, structure_function="Barnes", land_only=False, max_locations=50, epsilon=0.5, minvalue=None, maxvalue=None, interpol="bilinear"): if gridpp is None: raise Exception("You need gridpp to perform OI") glats = geo.lats glons = geo.lons def obs2vectors(my_obs): return my_obs.lons, my_obs.lats, my_obs.stids, my_obs.elevs, \ my_obs.values, my_obs.cis, my_obs.lafs vectors = np.vectorize(obs2vectors) lons, lats, stids, elevs, values, pci, lafs = vectors(observations) glats = np.transpose(glats) glons = np.transpose(glons) background = np.transpose(background) gelevs = np.transpose(gelevs) glafs = np.transpose(glafs) bgrid = gridpp.Grid(glats, glons, gelevs) points = gridpp.Points(lats, lons, elevs) if interpol == "bilinear": pbackground = gridpp.bilinear(bgrid, points, background) elif interpol == "nearest": pbackground = gridpp.nearest(bgrid, points, background, elev_gradient) else: raise NotImplementedError variance_ratios = np.full(points.size(), epsilon) if structure_function == "Barnes": # No land/sea weight when land_only = True if land_only: wlength = 0. structure = gridpp.BarnesStructure(hlength, vlength, wlength) else: raise NotImplementedError field = gridpp.optimal_interpolation(bgrid, background, points, values, variance_ratios, pbackground, structure, max_locations) field = np.asarray(field) if minvalue is not None: field[field < minvalue] = minvalue if maxvalue is not None: field[field > maxvalue] = maxvalue if land_only: no_land = np.where(glafs == 0) field[no_land] = background[no_land] return np.transpose(field)
from __future__ import print_function import unittest import gridpp import numpy as np lons, lats = np.meshgrid([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]) grid = gridpp.Grid(lats, lons) points = gridpp.Points([0, 1], [0, 1]) class Test(unittest.TestCase): def test_invalid_radii(self): values = np.zeros([3, 3]) radii = [-1, -1] value = 1 for outside in [False, True]: with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e: gridpp.fill(grid, values, points, radii, value, outside) def test_invalid_number_of_radii(self): values = np.zeros([3, 3]) for outside in [False, True]: with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e: gridpp.fill(grid, values, points, [1], value, outside) def test_dimension_mismatch(self): values = np.zeros([3, 2]) radii = [1, 1] value = 1 for outside in [False, True]:
mpl.gca().set_aspect(2) cb = mpl.colorbar() cb.set_label(r"Temperature ($\degree C$)") mpl.savefig("titan_sct.png", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=125) mpl.clf() # Read NWP background from file import gridpp import numpy as np with netCDF4.Dataset('', 'r') as file: index_control = 0 blats_2500m = file.variables['latitude'][:] blons_2500m = file.variables['longitude'][:] belevs_2500m = file.variables['surface_geopotential'][0, 0, index_control, :, :] / 9.81 bgrid_2500m = gridpp.Grid(blats_2500m, blons_2500m, belevs_2500m) background_2500m = file.variables['air_temperature_2m'][0, 0, index_control, :, :] with netCDF4.Dataset('', 'r') as file: blats = file.variables['latitude'][:] blons = file.variables['longitude'][:] belevs = file.variables['altitude'][:] bgrid = gridpp.Grid(blats, blons, belevs) # Downscaling gradient = -0.0065 background = gridpp.simple_gradient(bgrid_2500m, bgrid, background_2500m, gradient) points = gridpp.Points(obs_lats[index_valid_obs], obs_lons[index_valid_obs], obs_elevs[index_valid_obs]) pbackground = gridpp.bilinear(bgrid, points, background)
def make_grid(lats, lons): latlats, lonlons = np.meshgrid(lats, lons) ECMWF_grid = gridpp.Grid(latlats, lonlons) return ECMWF_grid