Esempio n. 1
test_rmax = False
test_realpca = False  #True
test_alias = False
test_complete = False

def compare_all_phi(gw):
    data = []
    for s in gw.states:
        for a in gw.actions:
            data.append(gw.phi(s, a))
    print(next(find_duplicates(data)))  # stop iteration?

if test_rmax:
    gw = GridworldGui(nrows=5, ncols=5, endstates=[0], walls=[])

    # try:
    #     raise ValueError # for new trace
    #     t = pickle.load(open("rmax_trace.pck"))
    # except:
    #     t = gw.trace(100, show = True)
    #     pickle.dump(t, open("rmax_trace.pck","w"), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    policy0 = np.zeros(gw.nfeatures())
    t = []
    # TODO - The tolerances for lsqr need to be related to the tolerances for the policy. Otherwise the number of iterations will be far larger than needed.
    w0, weights0 = LSPIRmax(t,
Esempio n. 2
test_walls = False
test_fakepca = False
test_rmax = False
test_realpca = False #True
test_alias = False
test_complete = False

def compare_all_phi(gw):
    data = []
    for s in gw.states:
        for a in gw.actions:
    print find_duplicates(data).next() # stop iteration?

if test_rmax:
    gw = GridworldGui(nrows = 5, ncols = 5, endstates = [0], walls = [])
    # try:
    #     raise ValueError # for new trace
    #     t = pickle.load(open("rmax_trace.pck"))
    # except:
    #     t = gw.trace(100, show = True)
    #     pickle.dump(t, open("rmax_trace.pck","w"), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    policy0 = np.zeros(gw.nfeatures())
    t = []
    # TODO - The tolerances for lsqr need to be related to the tolerances for the policy. Otherwise the number of iterations will be far larger than needed.
    w0, weights0 = LSPIRmax(t, 0.003, gw, policy0, maxiter = 1000, show = True, resample_epsilon = 0.0, rmax = 1000)
    pi = [gw.linear_policy(w0,s) for s in range(gw.nstates)]
Esempio n. 3
#! /usr/bin/env python
Author: Jeremy M. Stober
Program: TEST_GUI.PY
Date: Wednesday, June  6 2012
Description: Code to test gui changes.

from gridworld.gridworldgui import GridworldGui
from lspi import LSPI
import numpy as np

endstates = [32, 2016, 1024, 1040, 1056, 1072]
gw = GridworldGui(nrows=32,ncols=64,endstates=endstates,walls=[])
t = gw.trace(10000)
z = np.zeros(gw.nfeatures())
#import pdb
#w = LSPI(t,0.0001,gw,z)

Esempio n. 4
Date: Wednesday, July  4 2012
Description: Try different solution methods for gridworld problems.

from gridworld.gridworldgui import GridworldGui
import pdb
from lspi import LSPI
import numpy as np
from td import TDQ,TD,Sarsa,SampleModelValueIteration
import time

# endstates = [40]
# gw = GridworldGui(nrows=9,ncols=9,endstates=endstates, walls=[])

endstates = [32, 2016, 1024, 1040, 1056, 1072]
gw = GridworldGui(nrows=32,ncols=64,endstates=endstates, walls=[])


#learner = TDQ(8,81,0.1,0.9,0.9)
#learner = TD(81,0.1,0.9,0.9)
#learner = Sarsa(8,81, 0.3, 0.9,0.9, 0.4)
learner = SampleModelValueIteration(8,81)

# rw_model, transition_model
# pdb.set_trace()
# v,pi = learner.learn(100,gw,verbose=True)

v,pi = gw.value_iteration()
#pi = np.ones(gw.nstates,dtype='int')
Esempio n. 5
Date: Wednesday, July  4 2012
Description: Try different solution methods for gridworld problems.

from gridworld.gridworldgui import GridworldGui
import pdb
from lspi import LSPI
import numpy as np
from td import TDQ, TD, Sarsa, SampleModelValueIteration
import time

# endstates = [40]
# gw = GridworldGui(nrows=9,ncols=9,endstates=endstates, walls=[])

endstates = [32, 2016, 1024, 1040, 1056, 1072]
gw = GridworldGui(nrows=32, ncols=64, endstates=endstates, walls=[])


#learner = TDQ(8,81,0.1,0.9,0.9)
#learner = TD(81,0.1,0.9,0.9)
#learner = Sarsa(8,81, 0.3, 0.9,0.9, 0.4)
learner = SampleModelValueIteration(8, 81)

# rw_model, transition_model
# pdb.set_trace()
# v,pi = learner.learn(100,gw,verbose=True)

v, pi = gw.value_iteration()
#pi = np.ones(gw.nstates,dtype='int')
Esempio n. 6
#! /usr/bin/env python
Author: Jeremy M. Stober
Program: TEST_GUI.PY
Date: Wednesday, June  6 2012
Description: Code to test gui changes.

from gridworld.gridworldgui import GridworldGui
from lspi import LSPI
import numpy as np

endstates = [32, 2016, 1024, 1040, 1056, 1072]
gw = GridworldGui(nrows=32,ncols=64,endstates=endstates,walls=[])
t = gw.trace(10000)
z = np.zeros(gw.nfeatures())
#import pdb
#w = LSPI(t,0.0001,gw,z)
print gw.phi(0,0)
print gw.phi(0,1)
print w