Esempio n. 1
simulation.set_cell(10, 10, (255, 0, 0))
simulation.remove_cell(10, 10)
# Red is Infected, Green is Recovered, Blue is susceptible, Cyan is dead
colors = [(200, 0, 0), (0, 200, 0), (0, 0, 200), (0, 255, 255)]
for m in range(0, 60):
    for p in range(0, 40):
        if random() > 0.875:
            simulation.set_cell(m, p, colors[randint(1, 2)])
done = False

# set up grid for the time that each cell has been infected for
infectedlife = []
for n in range(60):
    infectedlife.append([0] * 40)
while not done:
    done = simulation.process_events()
    for cell in simulation.cells:
        # create new infected
        # print(simulation.cells[cell])
        if simulation.cells[cell] == (0, 0, 200):
            infectchance = 0
            # 1 square away
            onesquare = simulation.get_surroundings(cell[0], cell[1], 1)
            onep = 0
            for r in onesquare:
                for t in r:
                    if t == (200, 0, 0):
                        onep += 1
def Infected(cell, InfectionPercent):
    if randint(0,100)<=InfectionPercent:
        sim.set_cell(cell[0], cell[1], SIRD[1])

def DeathChance(cell, Death):
    if randint(0,1000)<=(Death*10):
        sim.set_cell(cell[0], cell[1], SIRD[3])
        return False

def Recovery(cell, RecoveryRate):
    if randint(0,1000)<=(RecoveryRate*10):
        sim.set_cell(cell[0], cell[1], SIRD[2])

while not done:
    done = sim.process_events()
    if setup==False:
        for i in range(0, 300):
            sim.set_cell(randint(0, 60), randint(0,40), SIRD[randint(0,1)])
    if time!=0:
        for cell in sim.cells:
            color = sim.get_cell(cell[0], cell[1])
            if color==SIRD[0]:
                InfectionPercent=sweep(cell, InfectionPercent)
                Infected(cell, InfectionPercent)
    elif time==0:
        for cell in sim.cells:
            color = sim.get_cell(cell[0], cell[1])