def main(blkdatfile, saltfile, lon, lat, lon2=None, lat2=None, sectionid=None, dpi=180):"Salinity file:%s" % saltfile) m = re.match("(.*)_s([0-9]{2})_([0-9a-z]{4}\.nc)", saltfile) if m: tempfile = + "_t" + + "_" + else: msg = "Cant deduce temp file from salt file name" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError, msg"Temp file:%s" % saltfile) sig0 = modeltools.hycom.Sigma(0) sig2 = modeltools.hycom.Sigma(2) # output filename info from season value if int( > 0 and int( < 13: sinfo = elif int( == 0: sinfo = "year" elif int( == 13: sinfo = "jfm" elif int( == 14: sinfo = "amj" elif int( == 15: sinfo = "jas" elif int( == 16: sinfo = "ond" if sectionid: sinfo = sinfo + "_%s" % sectionid s_ncid = netCDF4.Dataset(saltfile, "r") t_ncid = netCDF4.Dataset(tempfile, "r") s_lon = s_ncid.variables["lon"][:] s_lat = s_ncid.variables["lat"][:] dprof = s_ncid["depth"][:] nz = dprof.size #Closest point if lon2 is None or lat2 is None: section = False i = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(numpy.mod(s_lon - lon + 360., 360.))) j = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(s_lat - lat)) salprof = s_ncid["s_an"][0, :, j, i] temprof = t_ncid["t_an"][0, :, j, i] salprof = numpy.expand_dims(salprof, axis=1) temprof = numpy.expand_dims(temprof, axis=1) # Section else: section = True lon2d, lat2d = numpy.meshgrid(s_lon, s_lat) sec = gridxsec.Section([lon, lon2], [lat, lat2], lon2d, lat2d) i, j = sec.grid_indexes salprof = s_ncid["s_an"][0, :, :, :] temprof = t_ncid["t_an"][0, :, :, :] salprof = salprof[:, j, i] temprof = temprof[:, j, i] # MAsk salinity and temperature profiles salprof = == s_ncid["s_an"]._FillValue, salprof) temprof = == t_ncid["t_an"]._FillValue, temprof) # Interface values dprofi dprofi = numpy.zeros(nz + 1) for k in range(dprof.size): if k < dprof.size - 1: dprofi[k] = 0.5 * (dprof[k] + dprof[k + 1]) else: dprofi[k] = dprof[k] # MAx depth in data. TODO. Get from profiles maxd = numpy.zeros(salprof[0, :].shape) for k in range(nz): maxd[~salprof[k, :].mask] = dprof[k]"MAx depth in data is %d m" % numpy.max(maxd)) # Open blkdat.input bp = modeltools.hycom.BlkdatParser(blkdatfile) dp0k = bp["dp0k"] ds0k = bp["ds0k"] sigma = bp["sigma"] kdm = bp["kdm"] nhybrd = bp["nhybrd"] nsigma = bp["nsigma"] thflag = bp["thflag"] kapref = bp["kapref"] isotop = bp["isotop"] eqstate = modeltools.hycom.Sigma(thflag) #eqstate = modeltools.hycom.Sigma12Term(thflag) #Test 12 term sigma #eqstate = modeltools.hycom.Sigma17Term(thflag) #Test 17 term sigma sigprof = eqstate.sig(temprof, salprof) sigprof =, sigprof) # Thermobaricity if kapref <> 0: if thflag == 2: mykappa = modeltools.hycom.Kappa(kapref, 2000.0e4) elif thflag == 0: mykappa = modeltools.hycom.Kappa(kapref, 0.) else: raise ValueError, "Unknown value of thflag" tmp = mykappa.kappaf(salprof.transpose(), temprof.transpose(), sigprof.transpose(), dprof * 9806) #print tmp.shape,sigprof.shape sigprof_tbar = sigprof - tmp.transpose() # Min thickness interface values intf, masks = bp.intf_min_profile(numpy.array(maxd)) dp0 = intf[:, 1:] - intf[:, :-1] intfmid = (intf[:, 1:] + intf[:, :-1]) * .5 #print dp0[numpy.argmax(maxd),:],dp0.shape # We have interface values, now use designated layer sigma values and actual sigma # values to find an approximate vertical coordinate setup. newintf, intsig = dprofi, sigprof, dp0, numpy.array(sigma), isotop) # TODO: Integrate over temp and sal profiles for plotting these # Find segments where its ok to place layer legend import scipy.ndimage.measurements lab, num_features = scipy.ndimage.measurements.label( maxd > numpy.max(maxd) * .25) feat_count = {} for i in range(num_features): feat_count[i + 1] = numpy.count_nonzero(lab == i + 1) tmp = sorted(feat_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # Order by feature count main_feature = tmp[0][0] ft_ind = [] for i_enum, i in enumerate(tmp): "Feature %03d: %d cells" %(i[0],i[1])) tmp = numpy.where(lab == i[0]) ft_ind.append(int(tmp[0].mean())) #print ft_ind #tmp=numpy.where(lab==main_feature) #print tmp #sec_xpind = int (tmp[0].mean()) #print sec_xpind cols = "b" colt = "r" cold = "m" # Plot vertical profile and layers. Two cases: section or not if section: f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 5)) ax.set_title( "sigma-%d layers from lon=%6.2f, lat=%6.2f to lon=%6.2f, lat=%6.2f" % (thflag, lon, lat, lon2, lat2)) x = sec.distance / 1000. ymult = 1. xlim = [x.min(), x.max()] else: f, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.set_title("Sigma-%d profile and layers at lon=%6.2f, lat=%6.2f" % (thflag, lon, lat)) x = numpy.array([-100, 100]) ymult = numpy.ones((2)) ax.plot(sigprof, -dprof, lw=2, color=cold, label="Sigma-%d" % thflag) xlim = ax.get_xlim() #print ax.get_position() ax.set_position([.1, .1, .7, .7]) ylim = [-numpy.max(maxd) + 10, 0.] for k in range(kdm + 1): if k < kdm: ax.plot(x, -newintf[:, k] * ymult, lw=.1, color=".5", label="layer %d: %6.3f" % (k + 1, sigma[k])) if section: ##ind = x.size/2 #ind = numpy.argmax(maxd) #xp = x[ind] #yp = -0.5*(newintf[ind,k] + newintf[ind,k+1]) ##ax.text(xp,yp,"layer %d: %4.2f"%(k+1,sigma[k]),verticalalignment="center",horizontalalignment="left",fontsize=6) #ax.text(xp,yp,"%d"%(k+1),verticalalignment="center",horizontalalignment="left",fontsize=6) for ind in ft_ind: xp = x[ind] yp = -0.5 * (newintf[ind, k] + newintf[ind, k + 1]) #ax.text(xp,yp,"layer %d: %4.2f"%(k+1,sigma[k]),verticalalignment="center",horizontalalignment="left",fontsize=6) ax.text(xp, yp, "%d" % (k + 1), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="left", fontsize=6) # TODO #ind = x.size-x.size/6 #xp = x[ind] #yp = -0.5*(newintf[ind,k] + newintf[ind,k+1]) #ax.annotate("layer %d: %4.2f"%(k+1,sigma[k]), # xy=(xp, yp), xycoords='data', # xytext=(1.01,0.0-k*.03), textcoords='axes fraction', # arrowprops=dict(facecolor='b', shrink=0.01,alpha=.5,ec="none",width=1,headwidth=3,frac=.03), # horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', # fontsize=6 # ) else: xp = numpy.sum(xlim) / 2. yp = -0.5 * (newintf[0, k] + newintf[0, k + 1]) #ax.text(xp,yp,"layer %d: %4.2f"%(k+1,sigma[k]),verticalalignment="center",horizontalalignment="left",fontsize=6) ax.text(xp, yp, "%d" % (k + 1), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="left", fontsize=6) isopyc = numpy.abs(intsig[:, k] - sigma[k]) < 1e-3 ax.fill_between(x, -newintf[:, k + 1] * ymult, -newintf[:, k] * ymult, color="g", alpha=".5", where=isopyc * ymult) else: # Plot sea floor #ax.plot(x,-newintf[:,k]*ymult,lw=2,color="k",label="Sea floor") ax.fill_between(x, -newintf[:, k] * ymult, -10 * numpy.ones(x.shape) * maxd.max(), color=".5") # # Some dummy plots for the legend # ax.plot([-100,100],[1e5,1e5],lw=.1,color=".5",label="Layer interface") # Set up final grid ax.grid(False) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_ylabel("Depth[m]") if section: ax.set_xlabel("Distance along section[km]") else: ax.set_xlabel("Sigma-%d [$kg / m^3$]" % thflag, color=cold) for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): if not section: t.set_color(cold) t.set_size(8) t.set_rotation(-45) #ax.legend(loc="lower left") leg = ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=-.5) ltext = leg.get_texts() plt.setp(ltext, fontsize=4) # fname = "layers_%s.png" % sinfo"Layers in %s" % fname) plt.gcf().savefig(fname, dpi=dpi) # ax.set_ylim(-750, 0) fname = "layers750_%s.png" % sinfo"Layers for top 750m in %s" % fname) plt.gcf().savefig("layers750_%s.png" % sinfo, dpi=dpi) # ax.set_ylim(-100, 0) fname = "layers100_%s.png" % sinfo"Layers for top 100m in %s" % fname) plt.gcf().savefig("layers100_%s.png" % sinfo, dpi=dpi) # Plot density of original data f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 5)) if section: P = ax.pcolormesh(x, -dprof, sigprof, cmap="Paired") CS = ax.contour(x, -dprof, sigprof, sigma) ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=4) ax.set_xlabel("x[m]") ax.set_ylabel("Depth [m]") ax.set_title("Sigma-%d along section [$kg / m^3$]" % (thflag)) f.colorbar(P, ax=ax) else: ax.plot(sigprof, -dprof, lw=2, color=cold, label="Sigma-%d" % thflag) ax.set_ylabel("Depth[m]") ax.set_xlabel("Sigma-%d Density [$kg / m^3$]" % thflag, color=cold) ax.set_title("Sigma-%d density profile at %6.2fE,%6.2fN" % (thflag, lon, lat)) for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): t.set_color(cold) #t.set_size(8) #t.set_rotation(-45) ax.grid(True) f.savefig("dens_data_%s.png" % sinfo, dpi=dpi) # Plot density of original data if kapref > 0: f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 5)) if section: P = ax.pcolormesh(x, -dprof, sigprof_tbar, cmap="Paired") CS = ax.contour(x, -dprof, sigprof_tbar, sigma) ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=4) ax.set_xlabel("x[m]") ax.set_ylabel("Depth [m]") ax.set_title("In-situ Sigma-%d along section [$kg / m^3$]" % (thflag)) f.colorbar(P, ax=ax) else: ax.plot(sigprof_tbar, -dprof, lw=2, color=cold, label="Sigma-%d" % thflag) ax.set_ylabel("Depth[m]") ax.set_xlabel("Sigma-%d Density [$kg / m^3$]" % thflag, color=cold) ax.set_title("In-situ Sigma-%d density profile at %6.2fE,%6.2fN" % (thflag, lon, lat)) for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): t.set_color(cold) #t.set_size(8) #t.set_rotation(-45) ax.grid(True) f.savefig("dens_data_kappa%d_%s.png" % (kapref, sinfo), dpi=dpi) # Plot vertical density gradient of original data #print sigprof.shape,dprof.shape dsigprof = numpy.zeros(sigprof.shape) for k in range(nz): #print k,nz if k < nz - 1: dsigprof[k, :] = (sigprof[k + 1, :] - sigprof[k, :]) / dprof[k] else: dsigprof[k, :] = dsigprof[k - 1, :] dsigprof = > 1e10, dsigprof) dsigprof = dsigprof * 100 # DS per 100 meters f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 5)) if section: P = ax.pcolormesh(x, -dprof, dsigprof, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=0.001, vmax=10), cmap="Paired") CS = ax.contour(x, -dprof, sigprof, sigma) ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=4) ax.set_title("Delta rho [$kg / m^3$] per 100 meter in the vertical") ax.set_ylabel("Depth[m]") ax.set_xlabel("Distance along section") f.colorbar(P, ax=ax) else: ax.plot(dsigprof, -dprof, lw=2, color=cold, label="Sigma-%d" % thflag) ax.set_ylabel("Depth[m]") ax.set_xlabel("Density Difference [$kg / m^3$]", color=cold) ax.set_title( "Delta rho per 100 meter in the vertical at %8.2fE , %8.2fN" % (lon, lat)) for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): t.set_color(cold) #t.set_size(8) #t.set_rotation(-45) ax.grid(True) f.savefig("densgrad_data_%s.png" % sinfo, dpi=dpi) # Plot Buoyancy frequency Nsq = dsigprof / 100. * 9.81 / 1000. f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 5)) if section: P = ax.pcolormesh(x, -dprof, Nsq, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=1e-9, vmax=1e-4), cmap="Paired") #CS=ax.contour(x,-dprof,Nsq,sigma) ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=4) f.colorbar(P, ax=ax) ax.set_title("$N^2$ along section") ax.set_ylabel("Depth[m]") ax.set_xlabel("Distance along section") else: ax.plot(Nsq, -dprof, lw=2, color=cold, label="Sigma-%d" % thflag) ax.set_ylabel("Depth[m]") ax.set_xlabel("$N^2$[I always forget the units]", color=cold) ax.set_title("$N^2$ at %6.2fE,%6.2fN" % (lon, lat)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.2g')) for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): t.set_color(cold) #t.set_size(8) #t.set_rotation(-45) ax.grid(True) f.savefig("Nsq_data_%s.png" % sinfo, dpi=dpi)
def main(region,experiment,tracer,month,axis,layer,cmap,clim,workdir,\ section,ijspace): user = getpass.getuser() if region == 'TP0' or region == 'TP2' or region == 'TP5' or region == 'NAT': version = 'new' elif region == 'TP4' or region == 'NA2': version = 'old' else: print('wrong or not implemented domain is provided') quit() if axis == 'horizontal' or axis == 'vertical': pass else: print('provide arguments "horizontal" or "vertical"') quit() if region == "TP0": region = "TP0a1.00" if region == "TP2": region = "TP2a0.10" if region == "TP4": region = "TP4a0.12" if region == "TP5": region = "TP5a0.06" if region == "NAT": region = "NATa1.00" if region == "NA2": region = "NA2a0.80" if tracer == "nitrate" or tracer == 'phosphate' or \ tracer == 'silicate' or tracer == "oxygen" or \ tracer == 'dic' or tracer == "alkalinity" or \ tracer == 'temperature' or tracer == "salinity" : pass else: print('tracer name not correct') print('choose: nitrate, phosphate, silicate, \ oxygen, dic, alkalinity, temperature, salinity') quit() units = "(mgC m$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$), tracer converted to C" key = "trc" # trc for tracers, below tem and sal is set if necessary if version == "new": if tracer == "nitrate": name = "relax.ECO_no3" elif tracer == "phosphate": name = "relax.ECO_pho" elif tracer == "silicate": name = "relax.ECO_sil" elif tracer == "oxygen": name = "relax.ECO_oxy" units = "mmol m$^{-3}$" elif tracer == "dic": name = "relax.CO2_dic" units = "mmol m$^{-3}$" elif tracer == "alkalinity": name = "relax.CO2_alk" units = "mEq m$^{-3}$" elif tracer == "temperature": name = "relax_tem" key = "tem" units = "$^{o}C$" elif tracer == "salinity": name = "relax_sal" key = "sal" units = "psu" if version == "old": if tracer == "nitrate": name = "relax_nit" elif tracer == "phosphate": name = "relax_pho" elif tracer == "silicate": name = "relax_sil" elif tracer == "oxygen": name = "relax_oxy" units = "mmol m$^{-3}$" elif tracer == "dic": name = "relax_dic" units = "mmol m$^{-3}$" elif tracer == "alkalinity": name = "relax_alk" units = "mEq m$^{-3}$" elif tracer == "temperature": name = "relax_tem" key = "tem" units = "$^{o}C$" elif tracer == "salinity": name = "relax_sal" key = "sal" units = "psu" abgrid = abfile.ABFileGrid(workdir + user + "/" + \ region + "/topo/regional.grid","r") plon = abgrid.read_field("plon") plat = abgrid.read_field("plat") jdm, idm = plon.shape abdepth = abfile.ABFileBathy(workdir + user + "/" + \ region + "/relax/" + experiment + "/SCRATCH/regional.depth.b", \ "r",idm=idm,jdm=jdm) depthm = abdepth.read_field("depth") abrelax = abfile.ABFileRelax(workdir + user + "/" + \ region + "/relax/" + experiment + \ "/" + name + ".a","r") # now plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5), facecolor='w') ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_position([0.01, 0.02, 0.865, 0.96]) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) ax.set_facecolor('xkcd:gray') if axis == 'horizontal': if layer is None: print(" ") print("provide the layer number to be plotted, e.g. --layer=1") print("quitting ...") print(" ") quit() else: relax = abrelax.read_field(key,, - 1) abrelax.close() pmesh = plt.pcolormesh(relax, cmap=cmap) cb = ax.figure.colorbar(pmesh) if clim is not None: pmesh.set_clim(clim) if axis == 'vertical': if section is None: print(" ") print("provide the section to be plotted") print("--section='lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2'") print("--section='-30.1,2.5,50.0,75.5'") print("quitting ...") print(" ") quit() else: lon1 = section[0] lon2 = section[1] lat1 = section[2] lat2 = section[3] # pick up indexes if ijspace: sec = gridxsec.SectionIJSpace([lon1, lon2], [lat1, lat2], plon, plat) else: sec = gridxsec.Section([lon1, lon2], [lat1, lat2], plon, plat) I, J = sec.grid_indexes dist = sec.distance slon = sec.longitude slat = sec.latitude dpname = modeltools.hycom.layer_thickness_variable["archive"] # get arbitrary relaxation thicknesses dummy = sorted(fnmatch.filter(\ os.listdir(workdir + user + "/" + \ region + "/relax/" + experiment), \ 'relax.0000_[012]*_00.a')) dummyarch = workdir + user + "/" + \ region + "/relax/" + experiment + \ "/" + dummy[] dummyfile = abfile.ABFileArchv(dummyarch, "r") kdm = max(dummyfile.fieldlevels) intfsec = np.zeros((kdm + 1, I.size)) datasec = np.zeros((kdm + 1, I.size)) for k in range(kdm): dp2d = dummyfile.read_field(dpname, k + 1) data2d = abrelax.read_field(key, k + 1, - 1) dp2d =, 0.) dp2d = dp2d / modeltools.hycom.onem data2d =, 1e30) intfsec[k + 1, :] = intfsec[k, :] + dp2d[J, I] if k == 0: datasec[k, :] = data2d[J, I] datasec[k + 1, :] = data2d[J, I] datasec = > 0.5 * 1e30, datasec) x = dist / 1000. # km pmesh = ax.pcolormesh(x, -intfsec, datasec, cmap=cmap) cb = ax.figure.colorbar(pmesh) if clim is not None: pmesh.set_clim(clim) axm = fig.add_subplot(212) axm.set_position([0.85, 0.85, 0.15, 0.15]) axm.set_facecolor('xkcd:gray') pmesh2 = plt.pcolormesh(dummyfile.read_field(dpname, 1) * 0., cmap=cmap) pltsec = plt.plot(I, J, 'r', lw=2) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.text(0.015,1.05, "%s %s %s" %(tracer, "relaxation month:",\ month.zfill(2)),transform=ax.transAxes,FontSize=13) if axis == 'horizontal': plt.text(0.015, 1.005, units + " @layer=" + layer, transform=ax.transAxes, FontSize=8) else: plt.text(0.015, 1.005, units, transform=ax.transAxes, FontSize=8) # save figure counter = 0 plottemp = workdir + user + "/" + \ region + "/relax/" + experiment + \ "/" + name + "_" + axis + "_%s" + ".png" plotname = plottemp % (np.str(counter).zfill(3)) while os.path.isfile(plotname): counter += 1 plotname = plottemp % (np.str(counter).zfill(3)) fig.canvas.print_figure(plotname, dpi=180) print(" ") print("figure: " + plotname) print(" ")
def main(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, variable, files, filetype="archive", clim=None, sectionid="", ijspace=False, xaxis="distance", section_map=False, dens=False, dpi=180):"Filetype is %s" % filetype) gfile = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid", "r") plon = gfile.read_field("plon") plat = gfile.read_field("plat") # Set up section info if ijspace: sec = gridxsec.SectionIJSpace([lon1, lon2], [lat1, lat2], plon, plat) else: sec = gridxsec.Section([lon1, lon2], [lat1, lat2], plon, plat) I, J = sec.grid_indexes dist = sec.distance print('dit.shae=', dist.shape) slon = sec.longitude slat = sec.latitude"Min max I-index (starts from 0):%d %d" % (I.min(), I.max()))"Min max J-index (starts from 0):%d %d" % (J.min(), J.max())) # # if section_map: ll_lon = slon.min() - 10. ur_lon = slon.max() + 10. ll_lat = np.maximum(-90., slat.min() - 10.) ur_lat = np.minimum(90., slat.max() + 10.) proj = ccrs.Stereographic(central_latitude=90.0, central_longitude=-40.0) pxy = proj.transform_points(ccrs.PlateCarree(), plon, plat) px = pxy[:, :, 0] py = pxy[:, :, 1] x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(slon.shape[0]), np.arange(slat.shape[0])) figure = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) ax = figure.add_subplot(111) ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.set_extent([-179, 179, 53, 85], ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature('auto', edgecolor='grey')) ax.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature('auto', facecolor='grey')) ax.gridlines() ax.plot(slon, slat, "r-", lw=1) pos = ax.get_position() asp = pos.height / pos.width w = figure.get_figwidth() h = asp * w figure.set_figheight(h) if sectionid: figure.canvas.print_figure("map_%s.png" % sectionid, dpi=dpi) else: figure.canvas.print_figure("map.png", dpi=dpi) # Get layer thickness variable used in hycom dpname = modeltools.hycom.layer_thickness_variable[filetype]"Filetype %s: layer thickness variable is %s" % (filetype, dpname)) if xaxis == "distance": x = dist / 1000. xlab = "Distance along section[km]" elif xaxis == "i": x = I xlab = "i-index" elif xaxis == "j": x = J xlab = "j-index" elif xaxis == "lon": x = slon xlab = "longitude" elif xaxis == "lat": x = slat xlab = "latitude" else: logger.warning("xaxis must be i,j,lo,lat or distance") x = dist / 1000. xlab = "Distance along section[km]" # Loop over archive files figure = plt.figure() ax = figure.add_subplot(111) pos = ax.get_position() for fcnt, myfile0 in enumerate(files): # Remove [ab] ending if present m = re.match("(.*)\.[ab]", myfile0) if m: myfile = else: myfile = myfile0 # Add more filetypes if needed. By def we assume archive if filetype == "archive": i_abfile = abf.ABFileArchv(myfile, "r") elif filetype == "restart": i_abfile = abf.ABFileRestart(myfile, "r", idm=gfile.idm, jdm=gfile.jdm) else: raise NotImplementedError("Filetype %s not implemented" % filetype) # kdm assumed to be max level in ab file kdm = max(i_abfile.fieldlevels) # Set up interface and daat arrays xx = np.zeros((kdm + 1, I.size)) intfsec = np.zeros((kdm + 1, I.size)) datasec = np.zeros((kdm + 1, I.size)) if dens: datasec_sal = np.zeros((kdm + 1, I.size)) sigma_sec = np.zeros((kdm + 1, I.size)) # Loop over layers in file."File %s" % (myfile)) for k in range(kdm): logger.debug("File %s, layer %03d/%03d" % (myfile, k, kdm)) # Get 2D fields dp2d = i_abfile.read_field(dpname, k + 1) data2d = i_abfile.read_field(variable, k + 1) dp2d =, 0.) / modeltools.hycom.onem data2d =, 1e30) # Place data into section arrays intfsec[k + 1, :] = intfsec[k, :] + dp2d[J, I] if k == 0: datasec[k, :] = data2d[J, I] datasec[k + 1, :] = data2d[J, I] if dens: data2d_sal = i_abfile.read_field('salin', k + 1) data2d_sal =, 1e30) datasec_sal[k + 1, :] = data2d_sal[J, I] i_maxd = np.argmax(np.abs(intfsec[kdm, :])) for k in range(kdm + 1): xx[k, :] = x[:] datasec = > 0.5 * 1e30, datasec) print("datasec min, max=", datasec.min(), datasec.max()) if dens: datasec_sal = > 0.5 * 1e30, datasec_sal) print("datasec_sal min, max=", datasec_sal.min(), datasec_sal.max()) sigma_sec = mod_hyc2plot.sig(datasec, datasec_sal) sigma_sec = < 0.0, sigma_sec) datasec = sigma_sec # Set up section plot datasec = > 0.5 * 1e30, datasec) print("min, max=", datasec.min(), datasec.max()) if clim is None: clim = [datasec.min(), datasec.max()] #clim=[0.0,13] print("clim=", clim[0], clim[1]) if clim is not None: lvls = MaxNLocator(nbins=70).tick_values(clim[0], clim[1]) mf = 'sawtooth_fc100.txt' LinDic = mod_hyc2plot.cmap_dict(mf) my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap( 'my_colormap', LinDic) cmap = my_cmap norm = BoundaryNorm(lvls, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True) P = ax.contourf(xx, -intfsec, datasec, cmap=cmap, levels=lvls) # Plot layer interfaces for k in range(1, kdm + 1): if k % 100 == 0: PL = ax.plot(x, -intfsec[k, :], "-", color="k") textx = x[i_maxd] texty = -0.5 * (intfsec[k - 1, i_maxd] + intfsec[k, i_maxd]) ax.text(textx, texty, str(k), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=6) elif k % 5 == 0: PL = ax.plot(x, -intfsec[k, :], "--", color="k", linewidth=0.5) textx = x[i_maxd] texty = -0.5 * (intfsec[k - 1, i_maxd] + intfsec[k, i_maxd]) ax.text(textx, texty, str(k), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=6) else: if k > 2 and k % 2 == 0: PL = ax.plot(x, -intfsec[k, :], "-", color=".5", linewidth=0.5) textx = x[i_maxd] texty = -0.5 * (intfsec[k - 1, i_maxd] + intfsec[k, i_maxd]) ax.text(textx, texty, str(k), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=6) else: continue # Print figure ax.set_facecolor('xkcd:gray') aspect = 90 pad_fraction = 0.25 divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) width = axes_size.AxesY(ax, aspect=1. / aspect) pad = axes_size.Fraction(pad_fraction, width) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=width, pad=pad) cb = ax.figure.colorbar(P, cax=cax) if clim is not None: P.set_clim(clim) if dens: ax.set_title('[P. density ]: ' + myfile) else: ax.set_title('[' + variable + ']: ' + myfile) ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') ax.set_xlabel(xlab) # Print in different y-lims suff = os.path.basename(myfile) if sectionid: suff = suff + "_" + sectionid if dens: variable = "dens" figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_%s_full_%s.png" % (variable, suff), dpi=dpi) ax.set_ylim(-1000, 0) figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_%s_1000m_%s.png" % (variable, suff), dpi=dpi) # Close input file i_abfile.close() # ax.clear() cb.remove()
def main(lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2,variable,files,filetype="archive",clim=None,sectionid="", ijspace=False,xaxis="distance",section_map=False,ncfiles="",dpi=180) : #TP4Grd='/cluster/work/users/aal069/TP4a0.12/mfile/'"Filetype is %s"% filetype) gfile = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid","r") plon=gfile.read_field("plon") plat=gfile.read_field("plat") # Set up section info if ijspace : sec = gridxsec.SectionIJSpace([lon1,lon2],[lat1,lat2],plon,plat) else : sec = gridxsec.Section([lon1,lon2],[lat1,lat2],plon,plat) I,J=sec.grid_indexes dist=sec.distance print('dit.shae=',dist.shape) slon=sec.longitude slat=sec.latitude # In testing #J,I,slon,slat,case,dist=sec.find_intersection(qlon,qlat) #print I,J #raise NameError,"test""Min max I-index (starts from 0):%d %d"%(I.min(),I.max()))"Min max J-index (starts from 0):%d %d"%(J.min(),J.max())) # # if section_map : ll_lon=slon.min()-10. ur_lon=slon.max()+10. ll_lat=np.maximum(-90.,slat.min()-10.) ur_lat=np.minimum(90. ,slat.max()+10.) proj=ccrs.Stereographic(central_latitude=90.0,central_longitude=-40.0) #pxy = proj.transform_points(ccrs.PlateCarree(), plon, plat) #px=pxy[:,:,0] #py=pxy[:,:,1] #x,y=np.meshgrid(np.arange(slon.shape[0]),np.arange(slat.shape[0])) figure =plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) ax=figure.add_subplot(111,projection=proj) #ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.set_extent([-179, 179, 53, 85],ccrs.PlateCarree()) #ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Stereographic()) ax.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature('auto', edgecolor='grey')) ax.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature('auto', facecolor='grey')) ax.gridlines() #ax.coastlines(resolution='110m') ax.plot(slon,slat,"r-",lw=1,transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) pos = ax.get_position() asp=pos.height/pos.width w=figure.get_figwidth() h=asp*w figure.set_figheight(h) if sectionid : figure.canvas.print_figure("map_%s.png"%sectionid,dpi=dpi,bbox_inches='tight') else : figure.canvas.print_figure("map.png",dpi=dpi,bbox_inches='tight') # Get layer thickness variable used in hycom dpname = modeltools.hycom.layer_thickness_variable[filetype]"Filetype %s: layer thickness variable is %s"%(filetype,dpname)) if xaxis == "distance" : x=dist/1000. xlab="Distance along section[km]" elif xaxis == "i" : x=I xlab="i-index" elif xaxis == "j" : x=J xlab="j-index" elif xaxis == "lon" : x=slon xlab="longitude" elif xaxis == "lat" : x=slat xlab="latitude" else : logger.warning("xaxis must be i,j,lo,lat or distance") x=dist/1000. xlab="Distance along section[km]" # get kdm from the first file: # Remove [ab] ending if present print('firstfilw', files[0]) m=re.match("(.*)\.[ab]",files[0]) print('m=', fi_abfile = abf.ABFileArchv(myf,"r") kdm=max(fi_abfile.fieldlevels) # Loop over archive files figure = plt.figure() ax=figure.add_subplot(111) pos = ax.get_position() count_sum=0 intfsec_sum=np.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) datasec_sum=np.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) for fcnt,myfile0 in enumerate(files) : count_sum=count_sum+1 print('count_sum==', count_sum) print('fcnt=', fcnt) print('mfile0=', myfile0) # Remove [ab] ending if present m=re.match("(.*)\.[ab]",myfile0) if m : else : myfile=myfile0 # Add more filetypes if needed. By def we assume archive if filetype == "archive" : i_abfile = abf.ABFileArchv(myfile,"r") elif filetype == "restart" : i_abfile = abf.ABFileRestart(myfile,"r",idm=gfile.idm,jdm=gfile.jdm) else : raise NotImplementedError("Filetype %s not implemented"%filetype) # kdm assumed to be max level in ab file kdm=max(i_abfile.fieldlevels) # Set up interface and daat arrays xx=np.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) intfsec=np.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) datasec=np.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) # Loop over layers in file."File %s"%(myfile)) for k in range(kdm) : logger.debug("File %s, layer %03d/%03d"%(myfile,k,kdm)) # Get 2D fields dp2d=i_abfile.read_field(dpname,k+1) data2d=i_abfile.read_field(variable,k+1) #print('---mn,mx data=', data2d.min(),data2d.max()) if (k%kdm==49): print("---Reach bottom layer" ),0.)/modeltools.hycom.onem,1e30) # Place data into section arrays intfsec[k+1,:] = intfsec[k,:] + dp2d[J,I] if k==0 : datasec[k,:] = data2d[J,I] datasec[k+1,:] = data2d[J,I] intfsec_sum=intfsec_sum + intfsec datasec_sum=datasec_sum + datasec #print 'prs_intafce=', np.transpose(intfsec[:,15]) i_abfile.close() # end loop over files intfsec_avg=intfsec_sum/count_sum datasec_avg=datasec_sum/count_sum if ncfiles : MLDGS_sum=np.zeros((1,I.size)) count_sum=0 for fcnt,ncfile in enumerate(ncfiles) : count_sum=count_sum+1 print('ncfile count_sum==', count_sum) print('ncfile fcnt=', fcnt) print('ncfilefile=', ncfile) MLDGS=np.zeros((1,I.size)) ncfile0 = netCDF4.Dataset(ncfile,'r') MLD_2D = ncfile0.variables['GS_MLD'][:] #MLD_2D = ncfile0.variables['mlp'][:] MLDGS[0,:]=MLD_2D[0,J,I] MLDGS_sum= MLDGS_sum + MLDGS ncfile0.close() # end loop over files MLDGS_avg=MLDGS_sum/count_sum # #----------------------------------------------------------------- # read from clim mld TP5netcdf if ncfiles : if 'TP2' in files[0]: fh=netCDF4.Dataset('') else: fh=netCDF4.Dataset('') fhmldintrp = fh.variables['TP5mld'][:] fh.close() #fhMLDintrp_sum=np.zeros((760,800)) MLDclim_sum=np.zeros((1,I.size)) cunt_sum=0 for ii in range(12) : cunt_sum=cunt_sum +1 MLDclim=np.zeros((1,I.size)) MLDclim[0,:]=fhmldintrp[ii,J,I] MLDclim_sum= MLDclim_sum + MLDclim print('clim count_sum==', cunt_sum) MLDclim_avg=MLDclim_sum/cunt_sum #----------------------------------------------------------------- i_maxd=np.argmax(np.abs(intfsec_avg[kdm,:])) #print i_maxd for k in range(kdm+1) : xx[k,:] = x[:] # Set up section plot #datasec =,datasec) datasec_avg =>0.5*1e30,datasec_avg) #print datasec.min(),datasec.max() #P=ax.pcolormesh(dist/1000.,-intfsec,datasec) #print i_maxd for k in range(kdm+1) : xx[k,:] = x[:] if clim is not None : lvls = MaxNLocator(nbins=30).tick_values(clim[0], clim[1]) #print 'levels=', lvls mf='sawtooth_0-1.txt' LinDic=mod_hyc2plot.cmap_dict(mf) my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap',LinDic) cmap=my_cmap #cmap = matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap('gist_rainbow_r') norm = BoundaryNorm(lvls, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True) print('x.shape=' , x.shape) print('x.min,xmax=' , x.min(),x.max()) print('xx.shape=' , xx.shape) print('xx.min,xxmax=' , xx.min(),xx.max()) print('intfsec_avg.shape=', intfsec_avg.shape) print('datasec_avg.shape=', datasec_avg.shape) #P=ax.pcolormesh(x,-intfsec,datasec,cmap=cmap) P=ax.contourf(xx,-intfsec_avg,datasec_avg,extend='both',cmap=cmap,levels=lvls) if 'sal' in variable: P1=ax.contour(xx,-intfsec_avg,datasec_avg,levels=[32.0,33.0,34.0,35.0,35.5], colors=('k',),linestyles=('-',),linewidths=(1.5,)) else: P1=ax.contour(xx,-intfsec_avg,datasec_avg,levels=[-1,0.0,2.0], colors=('k',),linestyles=('-',),linewidths=(1.5,)) matplotlib.pyplot.clabel(P1, fmt = '%2.1d', colors = 'k', fontsize=10) #contour line labels # Plot layer interfaces for k in range(1,kdm+1) : if k%100 == 0 : PL=ax.plot(x,-intfsec_avg[k,:],"-",color="k") elif k%5 == 0 and k <= 10: PL=ax.plot(x,-intfsec_avg[k,:],"--",color="k", linewidth=0.5) textx = x[i_maxd] texty = -0.5*(intfsec_avg[k-1,i_maxd] + intfsec_avg[k,i_maxd]) ax.text(textx,texty,str(k),verticalalignment="center",horizontalalignment="center",fontsize=6) elif k%2 and k > 10 : PL=ax.plot(x,-intfsec_avg[k,:],"--",color="k", linewidth=0.5) textx = x[i_maxd] texty = -0.5*(intfsec_avg[k-1,i_maxd] + intfsec_avg[k,i_maxd]) ax.text(textx,texty,str(k),verticalalignment="center",horizontalalignment="center",fontsize=6) if ncfiles : PL=ax.plot(x,-MLDGS_avg[0,:],"-",color="w", linewidth=1.50) PL=ax.plot(x,-MLDclim_avg[0,:],"--",color="r", linewidth=1.50) ### else : ### PL=ax.plot(x,-intfsec_avg[k,:],"-",color=".5") # Print figure and remove wite space. aspect = 50 pad_fraction = 0.25 divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) width = axes_size.AxesY(ax, aspect=1./aspect) pad = axes_size.Fraction(pad_fraction, width) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=width, pad=pad) cb=ax.figure.colorbar(P,cax=cax,extend='both') #cb=ax.figure.colorbar(P,extend='both') if clim is not None : P.set_clim(clim) #cb=ax.figure.colorbar(P,extend='both') ax.set_title(variable+':'+myfile+'AVG-') ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') ax.set_xlabel(xlab) #ax.set_position(pos) #matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout() # Print in different y-lims suff=os.path.basename(myfile) if sectionid : suff=suff+"_"+sectionid figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_AVG_%s_full_%s.png"%(variable,suff),dpi=dpi) #ax.set_ylim(-1000,0) if 'Fram' in sectionid or 'Svin' in sectionid: print('sectionid=', sectionid) ax.set_ylim(-600,0) figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_AVG_%s_600m_%s.png"%(variable,suff),dpi=dpi) else: #ax.set_ylim(-2500,0) #figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_AVG_%s_2500m_%s.png"%(variable,suff),dpi=dpi) ax.set_ylim(-3000,0) figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_AVG_%s_3000m_%s.png"%(variable,suff),dpi=dpi) # Close input file #i_abfile.close() # ax.clear() cb.remove()
def main(lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2,variable,files,filetype="archive",clim=None,sectionid="", ijspace=False,xaxis="distance",section_map=False,dpi=180) : TP4Grd='/cluster/work/users/aal069/TP4a0.12/mfile/'"Filetype is %s"% filetype) gfile = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid","r") plon=gfile.read_field("plon") plat=gfile.read_field("plat") # Set up section info if ijspace : sec = gridxsec.SectionIJSpace([lon1,lon2],[lat1,lat2],plon,plat) else : sec = gridxsec.Section([lon1,lon2],[lat1,lat2],plon,plat) I,J=sec.grid_indexes dist=sec.distance print('dit.shae=',dist.shape) slon=sec.longitude slat=sec.latitude # In testing #J,I,slon,slat,case,dist=sec.find_intersection(qlon,qlat) #print I,J #raise NameError,"test""Min max I-index (starts from 0):%d %d"%(I.min(),I.max()))"Min max J-index (starts from 0):%d %d"%(J.min(),J.max())) # # if section_map : ll_lon=slon.min()-10. ur_lon=slon.max()+10. ll_lat=np.maximum(-90.,slat.min()-10.) ur_lat=np.minimum(90. ,slat.max()+10.) proj=ccrs.Stereographic(central_latitude=90.0,central_longitude=-40.0) #pxy = proj.transform_points(ccrs.PlateCarree(), plon, plat) #px=pxy[:,:,0] #py=pxy[:,:,1] #x,y=np.meshgrid(np.arange(slon.shape[0]),np.arange(slat.shape[0])) figure =plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) ax=figure.add_subplot(111,projection=proj) #ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.set_extent([-179, 179, 53, 85],ccrs.PlateCarree()) #ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Stereographic()) ax.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature('auto', edgecolor='grey')) ax.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature('auto', facecolor='grey')) ax.gridlines() #ax.coastlines(resolution='110m') ax.plot(slon,slat,"r-",lw=1,transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) pos = ax.get_position() asp=pos.height/pos.width w=figure.get_figwidth() h=asp*w figure.set_figheight(h) if sectionid : figure.canvas.print_figure("map_%s.png"%sectionid,dpi=dpi,bbox_inches='tight') else : figure.canvas.print_figure("map.png",dpi=dpi,bbox_inches='tight') # Get layer thickness variable used in hycom dpname = modeltools.hycom.layer_thickness_variable[filetype]"Filetype %s: layer thickness variable is %s"%(filetype,dpname)) if xaxis == "distance" : x=dist/1000. xlab="Distance along section[km]" elif xaxis == "i" : x=I xlab="i-index" elif xaxis == "j" : x=J xlab="j-index" elif xaxis == "lon" : x=slon xlab="longitude" elif xaxis == "lat" : x=slat xlab="latitude" else : logger.warning("xaxis must be i,j,lo,lat or distance") x=dist/1000. xlab="Distance along section[km]" # get kdm from the first file: # Remove [ab] ending if present myfile0=files[0] print( 'myfile0', myfile0) m=re.match("(.*)\.[ab]",myfile0) print('m=', if m : else : myfile=myfile0 dta_afile = abf.AFile(gfile.idm,gfile.jdm,myfile0,"r") #intfl='../../../relax/010/relax_int.a' intfl=myfile[:-3] + 'int.a' int_afile = abf.AFile(gfile.idm,gfile.jdm,intfl,"r") # lyr=1 #record_num,xmn,xmx=dta_afile.get_record_number(variable,lyr) #print 'record_num, variable, layer ===', record_num-1, variable, lyr #print 'mn,mx=',xmn,xmx # for record in record_num : record_num=1 record_var=record_num-1 fld = dta_afile.read_record(record_var) print('mn,mx data=',fld.min(),fld.max()) #np.testing.assert_approx_equal(xmn,fld.min(),significant=8) #np.testing.assert_approx_equal(xmx,fld.max(),significant=8) # presure interfc #record_num,xmn,xmx=int_afile.get_record_number('int',lyr) #print 'record_num, variable, layer ===', record_num-1, 'int', lyr #print 'mn,mx=',xmn,xmx # for record in record_num : record_prs=record_num-1 fld = int_afile.read_record(record_prs) print('mn,mx intface=',fld.min(),fld.max()) #np.testing.assert_approx_equal(xmn,fld.min(),significant=8) #np.testing.assert_approx_equal(xmx,fld.max(),significant=8) # #kdm=max(fi_abfile.fieldlevels) kdm=50 # Loop over archive files figure = plt.figure() ax=figure.add_subplot(111) pos = ax.get_position() count_sum=0 intfsec_sum=np.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) datasec_sum=np.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) # for mnth in range(12) : count_sum=count_sum+1"Reading data and presure interface for month %s"%(mnth+1)) record_var_pnt=record_var + mnth*kdm record_prs_pnt=record_prs + mnth*kdm print('pointing at record num: record_var_pnt', record_var_pnt) print('pointing at record num: record_prs_pnt', record_prs_pnt) # Set up interface and daat arrays xx=np.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) intfsec=np.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) datasec=np.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) # Loop over layers in file."File %s"%(myfile))"intfac_File %s"%(intfl)) #loop over 50 records for k in range(kdm) : logger.debug("File %s, layer %03d/%03d"%(myfile,k,kdm)) r_var=record_var_pnt+k r_prs=record_prs_pnt+k # Get 2D fields dp2d = int_afile.read_record(r_prs) data2d=dta_afile.read_record(r_var) #print('reading rec num: r_var,r_dp=', r_var, r_prs,' ','data.min,data.max=',data2d.min(),data2d.max()) print('data: month,layer, range', (mnth+1),'',(r_var)%kdm,data2d.min(),data2d.max()) #dp2d=i_abfile.read_field(dpname,k+1) #data2d=i_abfile.read_field(variable,k+1) if ((r_var)%kdm==49): print('mn,mx intface=',dp2d.min(),dp2d.max()) print('mn,mx data=', data2d.min(),data2d.max()) print( "Reach bottom layer" ),0.)/modeltools.hycom.onem,1e30) # Place data into section arrays #intfsec[k+1,:] = intfsec[k,:] + dp2d[J,I] #print("data2d.shape=",data2d.shape) #print("data2d[J,I].size=",data2d[J,I].size) intfsec[k+1,:] = dp2d[J,I] if k==0 : datasec[k,:] = data2d[J,I] datasec[k+1,:] = data2d[J,I] intfsec_sum=intfsec_sum + intfsec datasec_sum=datasec_sum + datasec #print 'prs_intafce=', np.transpose(intfsec[:,15]) dta_afile.close() int_afile.close() # end loop over files print ('count_sum=',count_sum) intfsec_avg=intfsec_sum/count_sum datasec_avg=datasec_sum/count_sum # i_maxd=np.argmax(np.abs(intfsec_avg[kdm,:])) #print i_maxd for k in range(kdm+1) : xx[k,:] = x[:] # Set up section plot #datasec =,datasec) datasec_avg =>0.5*1e30,datasec_avg) #print datasec.min(),datasec.max() #P=ax.pcolormesh(dist/1000.,-intfsec,datasec) #print i_maxd for k in range(kdm+1) : xx[k,:] = x[:] if clim is not None : lvls = MaxNLocator(nbins=30).tick_values(clim[0], clim[1]) #print 'levels=', lvls mf='sawtooth_0-1.txt' LinDic=mod_hyc2plot.cmap_dict(mf) my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap',LinDic) cmap=my_cmap #cmap = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow_r') norm = BoundaryNorm(lvls, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True) print('x.shape=' , x.shape) print('x.min,xmax=' , x.min(),x.max()) print('xx.shape=' , xx.shape) print('xx.min,xxmax=' , xx.min(),xx.max()) print('intfsec_avg.shape=', intfsec_avg.shape) print('datasec_avg.shape=', datasec_avg.shape) #P=ax.pcolormesh(x,-intfsec,datasec,cmap=cmap) P=ax.contourf(xx,-intfsec_avg,datasec_avg,extend='both',cmap=cmap,levels=lvls) if 'sal' in variable: P1=ax.contour(xx,-intfsec_avg,datasec_avg,levels=[32.0,33.0,34.0,35.0,35.5], colors=('k',),linestyles=('-',),linewidths=(1.5,)) else: P1=ax.contour(xx,-intfsec_avg,datasec_avg,levels=[-1.0,0.0,2.0], colors=('k',),linestyles=('-',),linewidths=(1.5,)) plt.clabel(P1, fmt = '%2.1d', colors = 'k', fontsize=10) #contour line labels # Plot layer interfaces for k in range(1,kdm+1) : if k%100 == 0 : PL=ax.plot(x,-intfsec_avg[k,:],"-",color="k") elif k%5 == 0 and k <= 10: PL=ax.plot(x,-intfsec_avg[k,:],"--",color="k", linewidth=0.5) textx = x[i_maxd] texty = -0.5*(intfsec_avg[k-1,i_maxd] + intfsec_avg[k,i_maxd]) ax.text(textx,texty,str(k),verticalalignment="center",horizontalalignment="center",fontsize=6) elif k%2 == 0 and k > 10: PL=ax.plot(x,-intfsec_avg[k,:],"--",color="k", linewidth=0.5) textx = x[i_maxd] texty = -0.5*(intfsec_avg[k-1,i_maxd] + intfsec_avg[k,i_maxd]) ax.text(textx,texty,str(k),verticalalignment="center",horizontalalignment="center",fontsize=6) ### else : ### PL=ax.plot(x,-intfsec_avg[k,:],"-",color=".5") # Print figure and remove wite space. aspect = 50 pad_fraction = 0.25 divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) width = axes_size.AxesY(ax, aspect=1./aspect) pad = axes_size.Fraction(pad_fraction, width) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=width, pad=pad) cb=ax.figure.colorbar(P,cax=cax,extend='both') #cb=ax.figure.colorbar(P,extend='both') if clim is not None : P.set_clim(clim) #cb=ax.figure.colorbar(P,extend='both') ax.set_title(variable+':'+myfile+'AVG-') ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') ax.set_xlabel(xlab) #ax.set_position(pos) #plt.tight_layout() # Print in different y-lims suff=os.path.basename(myfile) if sectionid : suff=suff+"_"+sectionid figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_AVG_%s_full_%s.png"%(variable,suff),dpi=dpi) if 'Fram' in sectionid or 'Svin' in sectionid: ax.set_ylim(-600,0) figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_AVG_%s_600m_%s.png"%(variable,suff),dpi=dpi) else : ax.set_ylim(-3000,0) figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_AVG_%s_3000m_%s.png"%(variable,suff),dpi=dpi) #ax.set_ylim(-600,0) #figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_AVG_%s_600m_%s.png"%(variable,suff),dpi=dpi) # Close input file #i_abfile.close() # ax.clear() cb.remove()
def main(lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2,variable,files,filetype="archive",clim=None,sectionid="", ijspace=False,xaxis="distance",section_map=False,dpi=180) :"Filetype is %s"% filetype) gfile = abfile.ABFileGrid("regional.grid","r") plon=gfile.read_field("plon") plat=gfile.read_field("plat") qlon=gfile.read_field("qlon") qlat=gfile.read_field("qlat") # Set up section info if ijspace : sec = gridxsec.SectionIJSpace([lon1,lon2],[lat1,lat2],plon,plat) else : sec = gridxsec.Section([lon1,lon2],[lat1,lat2],plon,plat) I,J=sec.grid_indexes dist=sec.distance slon=sec.longitude slat=sec.latitude # In testing #J,I,slon,slat,case,dist=sec.find_intersection(qlon,qlat) #print I,J #raise NameError,"test""Min max I-index (starts from 0):%d %d"%(I.min(),I.max()))"Min max J-index (starts from 0):%d %d"%(J.min(),J.max())) if section_map : ll_lon=slon.min()-10. ur_lon=slon.max()+10. ll_lat=numpy.maximum(-90.,slat.min()-10.) ur_lat=numpy.minimum(90. ,slat.max()+10.) m = Basemap(projection='mill', llcrnrlon=ll_lon, llcrnrlat=ll_lat, urcrnrlon=ur_lon, urcrnrlat=ur_lat, resolution='l') (x,y) = m(slon,slat) figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() ax=figure.add_subplot(111) m.drawcoastlines() #m.fillcontinents(color='coral',lake_color='aqua') m.drawparallels(numpy.arange(-90.,120.,30.),labels=[1,0,0,0]) # draw parallels m.drawmeridians(numpy.arange(0.,420.,60.),labels=[0,0,0,1]) # draw meridians m.drawmapboundary() # draw a line around the map region m.plot(x,y,"r",lw=3) m.etopo() #m.scatter(x,y,s=20,c=dist) pos = ax.get_position() #print pos asp=pos.height/pos.width #print asp w=figure.get_figwidth() #print w h=asp*w figure.set_figheight(h) if sectionid : figure.canvas.print_figure("map_%s.png"%sectionid,dpi=dpi) else : figure.canvas.print_figure("map.png",dpi=dpi) # Get layer thickness variable used in hycom dpname = modeltools.hycom.layer_thickness_variable[filetype]"Filetype %s: layer thickness variable is %s"%(filetype,dpname)) if xaxis == "distance" : x=dist/1000. xlab="Distance along section[km]" elif xaxis == "i" : x=I xlab="i-index" elif xaxis == "j" : x=J xlab="j-index" elif xaxis == "lon" : x=slon xlab="longitude" elif xaxis == "lat" : x=slat xlab="latitude" else : logger.warning("xaxis must be i,j,lo,lat or distance") x=dist/1000. xlab="Distance along section[km]" # Loop over archive files figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() ax=figure.add_subplot(111) pos = ax.get_position() for fcnt,myfile0 in enumerate(files) : # Remove [ab] ending if present m=re.match("(.*)\.[ab]",myfile0) if m : else : myfile=myfile0 # Add more filetypes if needed. By def we assume archive if filetype == "archive" : i_abfile = abfile.ABFileArchv(myfile,"r") elif filetype == "restart" : i_abfile = abfile.ABFileRestart(myfile,"r",idm=gfile.idm,jdm=gfile.jdm) else : raise NotImplementedError,"Filetype %s not implemented"%filetype # kdm assumed to be max level in ab file kdm=max(i_abfile.fieldlevels) # Set up interface and daat arrays intfsec=numpy.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) datasec=numpy.zeros((kdm+1,I.size)) # Loop over layers in file."File %s"%(myfile)) for k in range(kdm) : logger.debug("File %s, layer %03d/%03d"%(myfile,k,kdm)) # Get 2D fields dp2d=i_abfile.read_field(dpname,k+1) data2d=i_abfile.read_field(variable,k+1),0.)/modeltools.hycom.onem,1e30) # Place data into section arrays intfsec[k+1,:] = intfsec[k,:] + dp2d[J,I] if k==0 : datasec[k,:] = data2d[J,I] datasec[k+1,:] = data2d[J,I] i_maxd=numpy.argmax(numpy.abs(intfsec[kdm,:])) #print i_maxd # Set up section plot #datasec =,datasec) datasec =>0.5*1e30,datasec) #print datasec.min(),datasec.max() #figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() #ax=figure.add_subplot(111) #P=ax.pcolormesh(dist/1000.,-intfsec,datasec) P=ax.pcolormesh(x,-intfsec,datasec,cmap="jet") if clim is not None : P.set_clim(clim) # Plot layer interfaces for k in range(1,kdm+1) : if k%10 == 0 : PL=ax.plot(x,-intfsec[k,:],"--",color="k",lw=.5) elif k%5 == 0 : PL=ax.plot(x,-intfsec[k,:],"--",color="k",lw=.5) else : PL=ax.plot(x,-intfsec[k,:],"--",color=".5",lw=.5) textx = x[i_maxd] texty = -0.5*(intfsec[k-1,i_maxd] + intfsec[k,i_maxd]) ax.text(textx,texty,str(k),verticalalignment="center",horizontalalignment="center",fontsize=6) cb=ax.figure.colorbar(P) ax.set_title(myfile) ax.set_ylabel(variable) ax.set_xlabel(xlab) #ax.set_position(pos) #matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout() # Print in different y-lims suff=os.path.basename(myfile) if sectionid : suff=suff+"_"+sectionid figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_%s_full_%s.png"%(variable,suff),dpi=dpi) ax.set_ylim(-1000,0) figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_%s_1000m_%s.png"%(variable,suff),dpi=dpi) ax.set_ylim(-300,0) figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_%s_300m_%s.png"%(variable,suff),dpi=dpi) # Close input file i_abfile.close() # ax.clear() cb.remove()
def main(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, variable, files, filetype="archive", clim=None, sectionid="", ijspace=False, xaxis="distance", section_map=False, dpi=180):"Filetype is %s" % filetype) gfile = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid", "r") plon = gfile.read_field("plon") plat = gfile.read_field("plat") # Set up section info if ijspace: sec = gridxsec.SectionIJSpace([lon1, lon2], [lat1, lat2], plon, plat) else: sec = gridxsec.Section([lon1, lon2], [lat1, lat2], plon, plat) I, J = sec.grid_indexes dist = sec.distance slon = sec.longitude slat = sec.latitude print(slon.shape) print(slat.shape)"Min max I-index (starts from 0):%d %d" % (I.min(), I.max()))"Min max J-index (starts from 0):%d %d" % (J.min(), J.max())) if section_map: ll_lon = slon.min() - 10. ur_lon = slon.max() + 10. ll_lat = np.maximum(-90., slat.min() - 10.) ur_lat = np.minimum(90., slat.max() + 10.) proj = ccrs.Stereographic(central_latitude=90.0, central_longitude=-40.0) pxy = proj.transform_points(ccrs.PlateCarree(), plon, plat) px = pxy[:, :, 0] py = pxy[:, :, 1] x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(slon.shape[0]), np.arange(slat.shape[0])) figure = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) ax = figure.add_subplot(111) ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.set_extent([-179, 179, 53, 85], ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature('auto', edgecolor='grey')) ax.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature('auto', facecolor='grey')) ax.gridlines() ax.plot(slon, slat, "r-", lw=1) pos = ax.get_position() asp = pos.height / pos.width w = figure.get_figwidth() h = asp * w figure.set_figheight(h) if sectionid: figure.canvas.print_figure("map_%s.png" % sectionid, dpi=dpi) else: figure.canvas.print_figure("map.png", dpi=dpi) # Get layer thickness variable used in hycom dpname = modeltools.hycom.layer_thickness_variable[filetype]"Filetype %s: layer thickness variable is %s" % (filetype, dpname)) if xaxis == "distance": x = dist / 1000. xlab = "Distance along section[km]" elif xaxis == "i": x = I xlab = "i-index" elif xaxis == "j": x = J xlab = "j-index" elif xaxis == "lon": x = slon xlab = "longitude" elif xaxis == "lat": x = slat xlab = "latitude" else: logger.warning("xaxis must be i,j,lo,lat or distance") x = dist / 1000. xlab = "Distance along section[km]" # Loop over archive files figure = plt.figure() ax = figure.add_subplot(111) pos = ax.get_position() for fcnt, myfile0 in enumerate(files): # Remove [ab] ending if present m = re.match("(.*)\.[ab]", myfile0) if m: myfile = else: myfile = myfile0 # Add more filetypes if needed. By def we assume archive if filetype == "archive": i_abfile = abf.ABFileArchv(myfile, "r") elif filetype == "restart": i_abfile = abf.ABFileRestart(myfile, "r", idm=gfile.idm, jdm=gfile.jdm) else: raise NotImplementedError("Filetype %s not implemented" % filetype) # kdm assumed to be max level in ab file kdm = max(i_abfile.fieldlevels) # Set up interface and daat arrays intfsec = np.zeros((kdm + 1, I.size)) datasec = np.zeros((kdm + 1, I.size)) # Loop over layers in file."File %s" % (myfile)) for k in range(kdm): logger.debug("File %s, layer %03d/%03d" % (myfile, k, kdm)) # Get 2D fields dp2d = i_abfile.read_field(dpname, k + 1) data2d = i_abfile.read_field(variable, k + 1) dp2d =, 0.) / modeltools.hycom.onem data2d =, 1e30) # Place data into section arrays intfsec[k + 1, :] = intfsec[k, :] + dp2d[J, I] if k == 0: datasec[k, :] = data2d[J, I] datasec[k + 1, :] = data2d[J, I] i_maxd = np.argmax(np.abs(intfsec[kdm, :])) # Set up section plot datasec = > 0.5 * 1e30, datasec) P = plt.pcolormesh(x, -intfsec, datasec, cmap="jet", shading='auto') if clim is not None: P.set_clim(clim) # Plot layer interfaces for k in range(1, kdm + 1): if k % 10 == 0: PL = ax.plot(x, -intfsec[k, :], "--", color="k", lw=.5) elif k % 5 == 0: PL = ax.plot(x, -intfsec[k, :], "--", color="k", lw=.5) else: PL = ax.plot(x, -intfsec[k, :], "--", color=".5", lw=.5) textx = x[i_maxd] texty = -0.5 * (intfsec[k - 1, i_maxd] + intfsec[k, i_maxd]) ax.text(textx, texty, str(k), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=6) cb = ax.figure.colorbar(P) ax.set_title(myfile) ax.set_ylabel(variable) ax.set_xlabel(xlab) # Print in different y-lims suff = os.path.basename(myfile) if sectionid: suff = suff + "_" + sectionid figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_%s_full_%s.png" % (variable, suff), dpi=dpi) ax.set_ylim(-1000, 0) figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_%s_1000m_%s.png" % (variable, suff), dpi=dpi) ax.set_ylim(-300, 0) figure.canvas.print_figure("sec_%s_300m_%s.png" % (variable, suff), dpi=dpi) # Close input file i_abfile.close() # ax.clear() cb.remove()