Esempio n. 1
    def get_table_metadata(self, table, cursor):
        self._ensure_valid_table(cursor, table)
        cursor.execute("select column_name, data_type, data_length, "
                       "data_precision, data_scale, nullable, "
                       "char_col_decl_length from all_tab_columns "
                       "where lower(table_name) = '%s'" % table.lower())
        results = []
        rs = cursor.fetchone()
        while rs:
            column = rs[0]
            coltype = rs[1]
            data_length = rs[2]
            precision = rs[3]
            scale = rs[4]
            nullable = (rs[5] == 'Y')
            declared_char_length = rs[6]

            if declared_char_length:
                length = declared_char_length
                length = data_length

            results += [
                TableMetadata(column, coltype, length, precision, scale,
            rs = cursor.fetchone()

        return results
Esempio n. 2
    def get_table_metadata(self, table, cursor):
        self._ensure_valid_table(cursor, table)
        dbi = self.get_import()
        cursor.execute('DESC %s' % table)
        rs = cursor.fetchone()
        results = []
        while rs is not None:
            column = rs[0]
            coltype = rs[1]
            null = False if rs[2] == 'NO' else True

            match = self.TYPE_RE.match(coltype)
            if match:
                coltype =
                size =
                if size:
                    size = size[1:-1]
                if coltype in ['varchar', 'char']:
                    max_char_size = size
                    precision = None
                    max_char_size = None
                    precision = size

            data = TableMetadata(column, coltype, max_char_size, precision, 0,
            results += [data]
            rs = cursor.fetchone()

        return results
Esempio n. 3
    def get_table_metadata(self, table, cursor):
        self._ensure_valid_table(cursor, table)

        cursor.execute("SELECT column_name FROM __columns__ "
                       "WHERE table_name = '%s'" % table.upper())
        result = []
        column_names = []
        for row in cursor.fetchall():
            result += [TableMetadata(row[0], 'object', None, None, None, True)]
        return result
Esempio n. 4
    def get_table_metadata(self, table, cursor):
        self._ensure_valid_table(cursor, table)
        sel = """\
        SELECT a.attname, pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),
                    (SELECT substring(d.adsrc for 128)
                     FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d
                     WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND
                     d.adnum = a.attnum AND a.atthasdef) AS DEFAULT,
                    a.attrelid as table_oid
             FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
             WHERE a.attrelid =
             (SELECT c.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
             LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
             WHERE (pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)) AND c.relname = '%s'
             AND c.relkind in ('r','v'))
             AND a.attnum > 0
             AND NOT a.attisdropped
             ORDER BY a.attnum"""

        cursor.execute(sel % table)
        rs = cursor.fetchone()
        results = []
        while rs is not None:
            column = rs[0]
            coltype = rs[1]
            null = not rs[3]

            match = self.TYPE_RE.match(coltype)
            if match:
                coltype =
                size =
                if size:
                    size = size[1:-1]
                if 'char' in coltype:
                    max_char_size = size
                    precision = None
                    max_char_size = None
                    precision = size

            data = TableMetadata(column, coltype, max_char_size, precision, 0,
            results += [data]
            rs = cursor.fetchone()

        return results
Esempio n. 5
    def get_table_metadata(self, table, cursor):
        self._ensure_valid_table(cursor, table)
        dbi = self.get_import()
        cursor.execute("SELECT column_name, data_type, " \
                       "character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, " \
                       "numeric_scale, is_nullable "\
                       "FROM information_schema.columns WHERE "\
                       "LOWER(table_name) = '%s'" % table)
        rs = cursor.fetchone()
        results = []
        while rs is not None:
            is_nullable = False
            if rs[5] == 'YES':
                is_nullable = True

            data = TableMetadata(rs[0], rs[1], rs[2], rs[3], rs[4], is_nullable)
            results += [data]
            rs = cursor.fetchone()
        return results
Esempio n. 6
    def get_table_metadata(self, table, cursor):
        self._ensure_valid_table(cursor, table)

        # The table_info pragma returns results looking something like this:
        # cid name            type              notnull dflt_value pk
        # --- --------------- ----------------- ------- ---------- --
        # 0   id              integer           99      NULL       1
        # 1   action_time     datetime          99      NULL       0
        # 2   user_id         integer           99      NULL       0
        # 3   content_type_id integer           0       NULL       0
        # 4   object_id       text              0       NULL       0
        # 5   object_repr     varchar(200)      99      NULL       0
        # 6   action_flag     smallint unsigned 99      NULL       0
        # 7   change_message  text              99      NULL       0

        cursor.execute('PRAGMA table_info(%s)' % table)
        rs = cursor.fetchone()
        result = []

        char_field_re = re.compile(r'(varchar|char)\((\d+)\)')
        while rs is not None:
            (id, name, type, not_null, default_value, is_primary) = rs
            m = char_field_re.match(type)
            if m:
                type =
                    max_char_size = int(
                except ValueError:
                    log.error('Bad number in "%s" type for column "%s"' %
                              (type, name))
                max_char_size = 0

            data = TableMetadata(name, type, max_char_size, 0, 0, not not_null)
            result += [data]

            rs = cursor.fetchone()

        return result