def login(): """Log in a registered user by adding the user id to the session.""" if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] conn = get_db() cur = conn.cursor() error = None cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s;", (username, )) user = cur.fetchone() if user is None: error = "Felaktigt användarnamn." elif not check_password_hash(user[2], password): error = "Felaktigt lösenord." if error is None: # Store the user id in a new session and return to main page session.clear() session['user_id'] = user[0] return redirect(url_for('start')) cur.close() flash(error) return render_template('auth/login.html')
def result(id): # Get tasting to manage conn = get_db() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM tastings WHERE id=%s;", (id, )) current_tasting = cur.fetchone() tasting_dict = tasting_entry_as_dict(current_tasting) ratings = tasting_dict['ratings'] # Remove potential None ratings for l in ratings: while l.count([None, None, None]) > 0: l.remove([None, None, None]) avg_ratings = [] for grogg_ratings in ratings: avg_rating = [0, 0, 0, 0] for i, rating in enumerate(grogg_ratings): avg_rating[0] += rating[0] avg_rating[1] += rating[1] avg_rating[2] += rating[2] avg_rating[0] /= (i + 1) avg_rating[1] /= (i + 1) avg_rating[2] /= (i + 1) avg_rating[3] = (avg_rating[0] + avg_rating[1] + avg_rating[2]) / 3 avg_ratings.append(avg_rating) return render_template('tasting/result.html', tasting_name=tasting_dict['tasting_name'], grogg_list=tasting_dict['grogg_list'], avg_ratings=avg_ratings)
def load_logged_in_users(): """If a user id is stored in the session, load the user object from the db into ''g.user''.""" user_id = session.get('user_id') if user_id is None: g.user = None else: conn = get_db() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users where id = %s;", (user_id, )) raw_user = cur.fetchone() g.user = {'id': raw_user[0], 'username': raw_user[1]} cur.close()
def create(): if request.method == 'POST': tasting_name = request.form['tasting_name'] grogg_string = request.form['grogg_list'] error = None if len(tasting_name) == 0: error = "Namn på provningen krävs!" elif len(grogg_string) == 0: error = "Groggar krävs!" if error is not None: flash(error) # Split the string with groggs into substring and put in list grogg_list = grogg_string.split(';') grogg_list = [grogg.rstrip() for grogg in grogg_list] grogg_list = [grogg.lstrip() for grogg in grogg_list] # Created by user_id = g.user['id'] # Created time created = # Join code code = str(random.randint(1, 9999)) while len(code) < 4: code = '0' + code # Establish connection to db conn = get_db() cur = conn.cursor() # Add new tasting to db cur.execute( "INSERT INTO tastings (tasting_name, created_by, creation_time, join_code, grogg_list) \ VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING id;", (tasting_name, user_id, created, code, grogg_list)) tasting_id = cur.fetchone()[0] conn.commit() cur.close() # Redirect it to the manage view return redirect(url_for('tasting.manage', id=tasting_id)) return render_template('tasting/create.html')
def manage(id): # Get tasting to manage conn = get_db() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM tastings WHERE id=%s;", (id, )) current_tasting = cur.fetchone() if current_tasting is None: flash("Invalid tasting.") redirect(url_for("start")) tasting_dict = tasting_entry_as_dict(current_tasting) # Verify that correct user is logged in. if g.user['id'] != tasting_dict['created_by']: flash("Skaparen av provningen ej inloggad!") redirect(url_for("start")) if request.method == 'POST': # Increment grogg_idx by one if not completed tasting_dict['current_grogg_idx'] += 1 sql = "UPDATE tastings SET current_grogg_idx = %s WHERE id = %s;" data = (tasting_dict['current_grogg_idx'], id) cur.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() if tasting_dict['current_grogg_idx'] >= len(tasting_dict['grogg_list']): return redirect(url_for('tasting.result', id=id)) # Extract variables used as input to manage template. tasting_name = tasting_dict['tasting_name'] current_grogg = tasting_dict['grogg_list'][ tasting_dict['current_grogg_idx']] join_code = tasting_dict['join_code'] try: rated_by = tasting_dict['rated_by'][tasting_dict['current_grogg_idx']] except IndexError: rated_by = [] return render_template('tasting/manage.html', tasting_name=tasting_name, current_grogg=current_grogg, join_code=join_code, rated_by=rated_by, tasting_id=id)
def activate(): """Allows activation of admin account. Checks that account exists in db and is inactivated and that temp password matches. """ if request.method == "POST": username = request.form['username'] old_password = request.form['old_password'] new_password = request.form['new_password'] conn = get_db() cur = conn.cursor() error = None if not username: error = "Användarnamn krävs!" elif not old_password: error = "Gammalt lösenord krävs!" elif not new_password: error = "Nytt lösenord krävs!" if error is None: # Everything alright so far cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s;", (username, )) user = cur.fetchone() if user is None or user[3] or user[2] != old_password: error = "Användaren hittades inte, är redan aktiverad eller så är lösenordet felaktigt." if error is None: # Ready to activate the user cur.execute( "UPDATE users SET password = %s, activated = TRUE WHERE id = %s;", (generate_password_hash(new_password), user[0])) conn.commit() cur.close() return redirect(url_for("auth.login")) cur.close() flash(error) return render_template('auth/activate.html')
def join(): if request.method == 'POST': join_code = request.form['join_code'] nickname = request.form['nickname'] error = None if len(join_code) == 0: error = "Anslutningskod krävs!" elif len(nickname) == 0: error = "Smeknamn krävs!" if error is not None: flash(error) # Establish connection to db conn = get_db() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM tastings WHERE join_code = %s;", (join_code, )) tasting = cur.fetchone() if tasting is None: flash("Felaktig anslutningskod.") else: # Store nickname and id of joined tasting in a new session tasting_dict = tasting_entry_as_dict(tasting) session.clear() session['nickname'] = nickname session['joined_tasting'] = tasting_dict['id'] flash(f"Managed to join tasting {join_code}.") return redirect( url_for("tasting.participate", id=tasting_dict['id'])) return render_template('tasting/join.html')
def participate(id): # Get tasting to manage #TODO: Duplicated code with manage conn = get_db() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM tastings WHERE id=%s;", (id, )) current_tasting = cur.fetchone() if current_tasting is None: flash("Invalid tasting.") redirect(url_for("start")) tasting_dict = tasting_entry_as_dict(current_tasting) tasting_name = tasting_dict['tasting_name'] current_grogg = tasting_dict['grogg_list'][ tasting_dict['current_grogg_idx']] join_code = tasting_dict['join_code'] if request.method == 'POST': current_guest = session['nickname'] grogg_idx = tasting_dict['current_grogg_idx'] rated_by = tasting_dict['rated_by'] try: rated_by[grogg_idx] except IndexError: rated_by.append([]) # Check that guest has not already voted if current_guest in rated_by[grogg_idx]: flash("Du har redan röstat, ditt fule fan!") return render_template('tasting/participate.html', tasting_name=tasting_name, current_grogg=current_grogg, join_code=join_code, tasting_id=id) update_rated_by_list(rated_by, grogg_idx, current_guest) ratings = tasting_dict['ratings'] try: ratings[grogg_idx] except IndexError: ratings.append([]) update_ratings_list(ratings, grogg_idx, [ int(request.form['taste']), int(request.form['smell']), int(request.form['feeling']) ]) conn = get_db() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( "UPDATE tastings SET ratings = %s, rated_by = %s WHERE id = %s;", (ratings, rated_by, id)) conn.commit() cur.close() return render_template('tasting/participate.html', tasting_name=tasting_name, current_grogg=current_grogg, join_code=join_code, tasting_id=id) return render_template('tasting/participate.html', tasting_name=tasting_name, current_grogg=current_grogg, join_code=join_code, tasting_id=id)