Esempio n. 1
def get_public_key_permissions(session, public_key):
    # type: (Session, PublicKey) -> List[Permission]
    """Returns the permissions that this public key has. Namely, this the set of permissions
    that the public key's owner has, intersected with the permissions allowed by this key's

        a list of all permissions this public key has
    # TODO: Fix circular dependency
    from grouper.permissions import permission_intersection
    my_perms = user_permissions(session, public_key.user)
    for tag in get_public_key_tags(session, public_key):
        my_perms = permission_intersection(
            my_perms, get_public_key_tag_permissions(session, tag))

    return list(my_perms)
Esempio n. 2
def get_public_key_permissions(session, public_key):
    # type: (Session, PublicKey) -> List[Permission]
    """Returns the permissions that this public key has. Namely, this the set of permissions
    that the public key's owner has, intersected with the permissions allowed by this key's

        a list of all permissions this public key has
    # TODO: Fix circular dependency
    from grouper.permissions import permission_intersection
    my_perms = user_permissions(session, public_key.user)
    for tag in get_public_key_tags(session, public_key):
        my_perms = permission_intersection(my_perms,
            get_public_key_tag_permissions(session, tag))

    return list(my_perms)
Esempio n. 3
def test_permission_intersection(standard_graph, session, users, groups, permissions):
    p = namedtuple("Permission", ["name", "argument"])
    astar = p("a", "*")
    ar = p("a", "r")
    at = p("a", "t")
    aundef = p("a", "")
    bstar = p("b", "*")
    br = p("b", "r")
    cstar = p("c", "*")
    cr = p("c", "r")

    assert permission_intersection([astar], [astar]) == set([astar]), "The intersection of two identical lists should be the set of the contents of the list"
    assert permission_intersection([ar], [ar]) == set([ar]), "The intersection of two identical lists should be the set of the contents of the list"
    assert permission_intersection([astar], [ar]) == set([ar]), "The intersection of perm, * with perm, blah should be perm, blah"
    assert permission_intersection([ar], [astar]) == set([ar]), "The intersection of perm, blah with perm, * should be perm, blah"

    assert permission_intersection([astar], [bstar]) == set(), "The intersection of two disjoint lists should be the empty set"
    assert permission_intersection([ar], [br]) == set(), "The intersection of two disjoint lists should be the empty set"
    assert permission_intersection([ar], [at]) == set(), "The intersection of two disjoint lists should be the empty set"

    assert permission_intersection([astar], [ar, at]) == set([ar, at]), "Wildcards should result in all applicable permissions being in the result"
    assert permission_intersection([aundef], [ar, at]) == set([aundef]), "Unargumented permissions are always granted by argumented permissions"
    assert permission_intersection([ar, at], [aundef]) == set([aundef]), "Unargumented permissions are always granted by argumented permissions"
    assert permission_intersection([astar, ar, br, cr], [at, bstar, cr]) == set([at, br, cr]), "This should work"
Esempio n. 4
def test_permission_intersection(
    standard_graph, session, users, groups, permissions  # noqa: F811
    p = namedtuple("Permission", ["name", "argument"])
    astar = p("a", "*")
    ar = p("a", "r")
    at = p("a", "t")
    aundef = p("a", "")
    bstar = p("b", "*")
    br = p("b", "r")
    cr = p("c", "r")

    assert permission_intersection([astar], [astar]) == set(
    ), "The intersection of two identical lists should be the set of the contents of the list"
    assert permission_intersection([ar], [ar]) == set(
    ), "The intersection of two identical lists should be the set of the contents of the list"
    assert permission_intersection([astar], [ar]) == set(
    ), "The intersection of perm, * with perm, blah should be perm, blah"
    assert permission_intersection([ar], [astar]) == set(
    ), "The intersection of perm, blah with perm, * should be perm, blah"

    assert (
        permission_intersection([astar], [bstar]) == set()
    ), "The intersection of two disjoint lists should be the empty set"
    assert (
        permission_intersection([ar], [br]) == set()
    ), "The intersection of two disjoint lists should be the empty set"
    assert (
        permission_intersection([ar], [at]) == set()
    ), "The intersection of two disjoint lists should be the empty set"

    assert permission_intersection([astar], [ar, at]) == set(
        [ar, at]
    ), "Wildcards should result in all applicable permissions being in the result"
    assert permission_intersection([aundef], [ar, at]) == set(
    ), "Unargumented permissions are always granted by argumented permissions"
    assert permission_intersection([ar, at], [aundef]) == set(
    ), "Unargumented permissions are always granted by argumented permissions"
    assert permission_intersection([astar, ar, br, cr], [at, bstar, cr]) == set(
        [at, br, cr]
    ), "This should work"