def on_change(self, s): if self.panel: size = self.view.size() if s.endswith('\t'): basedir = gs.basedir_or_cwd(self.view.file_name()) lc = 'go ' hist = self.settings.get('cmd_hist') if gs.is_a(hist, {}): hist = hist.get(basedir) if hist and gs.is_a(hist, []): lc = hist[-1] s = s.strip() if s and s not in ('', 'go'): l = [] for i in self.subcommands: if i.startswith(s): l.append(i) if len(l) == 1: s = '%s ' % l[0] elif lc: s = '%s ' % lc edit = self.panel.begin_edit() try: self.panel.replace(edit, sublime.Region(0, self.panel.size()), s) finally: self.panel.end_edit(edit)
def do(method, arg, shell=False): maybe_install() header, _ = gs.json_encode({'method': method, 'token': ''}) body, _ = gs.json_encode(arg) s = '%s %s' % (header, body) s = 'base64:%s' % base64.b64encode(s) out, err, _ =[MARGO9_BIN, '-do', s], stderr=None, shell=shell) res = {'error': err} if out: try: for ln in out.split('\n'): ln = ln.strip() if ln: r, err = gs.json_decode(ln, {}) if err: res = {'error': 'Invalid response %s' % err} else: if r.get('token') == '': res = r.get('data') or {} if gs.is_a({}, res) and r.get('error'): r['error'] = res['error'] return res res = {'error': 'Unexpected response %s' % r} except Exception: res = {'error': gs.traceback()} return res
def bcall(method, arg, shell=False): maybe_install() header, _ = gs.json_encode({"method": method, "token": ""}) body, _ = gs.json_encode(arg) s = "%s %s" % (header, body) s = "base64:%s" % base64.b64encode(s) out, err, _ =[MARGO9_BIN, "-do", s], stderr=gs.LOGFILE, shell=shell) res = {"error": err} if out: try: for ln in out.split("\n"): ln = ln.strip() if ln: r, err = gs.json_decode(ln, {}) if err: res = {"error": "Invalid response %s" % err} else: if r.get("token") == "": res = r.get("data") or {} if gs.is_a({}, res) and r.get("error"): r["error"] = res["error"] return res res = {"error": "Unexpected response %s" % r} except Exception: res = {"error": gs.traceback()} return res
def expand_jdata(v): if gs.is_a(v, {}): for k in v: v[k] = expand_jdata(v[k]) elif gs.is_a_string(v) and v.startswith('base64:'): try: v = base64.b64decode(v[7:]) except Exception: v = '' gs.error_traceback(DOMAIN) return v
def do_sync_active_view(view): fn = view.file_name() if fn: gs.set_attr('last_active_fn', fn) if fn.lower().endswith('.go'): gs.set_attr('last_active_go_fn', fn) if gs.is_pkg_view(view): m = {} psettings = view.settings().get('GoSublime') if psettings and gs.is_a(psettings, {}): m = gs.mirror_settings(psettings) gs.set_attr('last_active_project_settings', gs.dval(m, {}))
def fix_shell_cmd(shell, cmd): if not gs.is_a(cmd, []): cmd = [cmd] if shell: sh = gs.setting('shell') cmd_str = ' '.join(cmd) if sh: shell = False cmd = [] for v in sh: if v: cmd.append(str(v).replace('$CMD', cmd_str)) else: cmd = [cmd_str] return (shell, [gs.astr(v) for v in cmd])
def fix_shell_cmd(shell, cmd): if not gs.is_a(cmd, []): cmd = [cmd] if shell: sh = gs.setting('shell') cmd_str = ' '.join(cmd) cmd_map = {'CMD': cmd_str} if sh: shell = False cmd = [] for v in sh: if v: cmd.append(string.Template(v).safe_substitute(cmd_map)) else: cmd = [cmd_str] return (shell, [gs.astr(v) for v in cmd])
def cb(s): file_name = self.view.file_name() or '' s = GO_PLAY_PAT.sub(r'\1go run\2', s) s = s.strip() if s and s.lower() != "go" and self.change_history: hist = self.settings.get('cmd_hist') if not gs.is_a(hist, {}): hist = {} basedir = gs.basedir_or_cwd(file_name) hist[basedir] = [s] # todo: store a list of historical commands hst = {} for k in hist: # :| hst[gs.ustr(k)] = gs.ustr(hist[k]) self.settings.set('cmd_hist', hst) sublime.save_settings('GoSublime-GsShell.sublime-settings') if GO_SHARE_PAT.match(s): s = '' host = "" warning = 'Are you sure you want to share this file. It will be public on %s' % host if not sublime.ok_cancel_dialog(warning): return try: c = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) src = gs.astr(self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()))) c.request('POST', '/share', src, {'User-Agent': 'GoSublime'}) s = 'http://%s/p/%s' % (host, c.getresponse().read()) except Exception as ex: s = 'Error: %s' % ex self.show_output(s, focus=True) return if GO_RUN_PAT.match(s): if not file_name: # todo: clean this up after the command runs err = '' tdir, _ = gs.temp_dir('play') file_name = hashlib.sha1(gs.view_fn(self.view) or 'a').hexdigest() file_name = os.path.join(tdir, ('%s.go' % file_name)) try: with open(file_name, 'w') as f: src = gs.astr(self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()))) f.write(src) except Exception as ex: err = str(ex) if err: self.show_output('Error: %s' % err) return s = ['go', 'run', file_name] self.view.window().run_command("exec", { 'kill': True }) if gs.is_a(s, []): use_shell = False else: use_shell = True s = [s] gs.println('running %s' % ' '.join(s)) self.view.window().run_command("exec", { 'shell': use_shell, 'env': gs.env(), 'cmd': s, 'file_regex': '^(.+\.go):([0-9]+):(?:([0-9]+):)?\s*(.*)', })
def cb(s): file_name = self.view.file_name() or '' s = GO_PLAY_PAT.sub(r'\1go run\2', s) s = s.strip() if s and s.lower() != "go" and self.change_history: hist = self.settings.get('cmd_hist') if not gs.is_a(hist, {}): hist = {} basedir = gs.basedir_or_cwd(file_name) hist[basedir] = [s ] # todo: store a list of historical commands hst = {} for k in hist: # :| hst[gs.ustr(k)] = gs.ustr(hist[k]) self.settings.set('cmd_hist', hst) sublime.save_settings('GoSublime-GsShell.sublime-settings') if GO_SHARE_PAT.match(s): s = '' host = "" warning = 'Are you sure you want to share this file. It will be public on %s' % host if not sublime.ok_cancel_dialog(warning): return try: c = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) src = gs.astr( self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()))) c.request('POST', '/share', src, {'User-Agent': 'GoSublime'}) s = 'http://%s/p/%s' % (host, c.getresponse().read()) except Exception as ex: s = 'Error: %s' % ex self.show_output(s, focus=True) return if GO_RUN_PAT.match(s): if not file_name: # todo: clean this up after the command runs err = '' tdir, _ = gs.temp_dir('play') file_name = hashlib.sha1(gs.view_fn(self.view) or 'a').hexdigest() file_name = os.path.join(tdir, ('%s.go' % file_name)) try: with open(file_name, 'w') as f: src = gs.astr( self.view.substr( sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()))) f.write(src) except Exception as ex: err = str(ex) if err: self.show_output('Error: %s' % err) return s = ['go', 'run', file_name] self.view.window().run_command("exec", {'kill': True}) if gs.is_a(s, []): use_shell = False else: use_shell = True s = [s] gs.println('running %s' % ' '.join(s)) self.view.window().run_command( "exec", { 'shell': use_shell, 'env': gs.env(), 'cmd': s, 'file_regex': '^(.+\.go):([0-9]+):(?:([0-9]+):)?\s*(.*)', })
def cb(s): file_name = self.view.file_name() or "" s = GO_PLAY_PAT.sub(r"\1go run\2", s) s = s.strip() if s and s.lower() != "go" and self.change_history: hist = self.settings.get("cmd_hist") if not gs.is_a(hist, {}): hist = {} basedir = gs.basedir_or_cwd(file_name) hist[basedir] = [s] # todo: store a list of historical commands hst = {} for k in hist: # :| hst[gs.ustr(k)] = gs.ustr(hist[k]) self.settings.set("cmd_hist", hst) sublime.save_settings("GoSublime-GsShell.sublime-settings") if GO_SHARE_PAT.match(s): s = "" host = "" warning = "Are you sure you want to share this file. It will be public on %s" % host if not sublime.ok_cancel_dialog(warning): return try: c = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) src = gs.astr(self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()))) c.request("POST", "/share", src, {"User-Agent": "GoSublime"}) s = "http://%s/p/%s" % (host, c.getresponse().read()) except Exception as ex: s = "Error: %s" % ex self.show_output(s, focus=True) return if GO_RUN_PAT.match(s): if not file_name: # todo: clean this up after the command runs err = "" tdir, _ = gs.temp_dir("play") file_name = hashlib.sha1(gs.view_fn(self.view) or "a").hexdigest() file_name = os.path.join(tdir, ("%s.go" % file_name)) try: with open(file_name, "w") as f: src = gs.astr(self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()))) f.write(src) except Exception as ex: err = str(ex) if err: self.show_output("Error: %s" % err) return s = ["go", "run", file_name] self.view.window().run_command("exec", {"kill": True}) if gs.is_a(s, []): use_shell = False else: use_shell = True s = [s] gs.println("running %s" % " ".join(s)) self.view.window().run_command( "exec", { "shell": use_shell, "env": gs.env(), "cmd": s, "file_regex": "^(.+\.go):([0-9]+):(?:([0-9]+):)?\s*(.*)", }, )