Esempio n. 1
    def neutralDepth(self,
        at = np.where(np.asarray(self.ipres) == p)[0][0]

        depths = (np.asarray(self.ipres[:]) + p) / 2.0

        selfdensities = gsw.rho(self.isals[:],\

        refdensities = gsw.rho([s]*(len(depths)),\

        Es = selfdensities - refdensities

        zero_crossings = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(Es)))[0]
        smallest = np.argmin(np.abs(Es))
        if len(zero_crossings) >= 1:
            if abs(self.ipres[zero_crossings[0]] -
                   self.ipres[zero_crossings[-1]]) > 100:
                return [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]
            a = np.asarray(zero_crossings)
            #print("More than one crossing")
            return np.mean(self.isals[a]), np.mean(self.itemps[a]), np.mean(
                np.asarray(self.ipres)[a]), np.mean(self.igamma[a])
            return [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]
    def neutralDepthInSituAnom(self,p2,depth,debug=False,searchrange=100,depthname=None):
        depth = int(depth)
        plowerbound = max(self.ipres[0],p2.ipres[0])
        pupperbound = min(self.ipres[-1],p2.ipres[-1])
        at = np.where(np.asarray(self.ipres) == depth)[0][0]
        prange = pupperbound - plowerbound
        p2offset = p2.ipres[0] - plowerbound
        selfoffset = self.ipres[0] - plowerbound
        if self.ipres[-1] < p2.ipres[0] or p2.ipres[-1] <self.ipres[0]:
            return None
        if self.ipres[0] < p2.ipres[0] :
            p2offset = 0
            selfoffset = np.where(np.asarray(self.ipres) == p2.ipres[0])[0][0]
        elif p2.ipres[0] < self.ipres[0]:
            selfoffset = 0
            p2offset = np.where(np.asarray(p2.ipres) == self.ipres[0])[0][0]
            selfoffset = 0
            p2offset = 0

        if p2.ipres[p2offset] != self.ipres[selfoffset]:
        depths =  np.asarray(p2.ipres[p2offset:p2offset+prange])

        p2densities = gsw.rho(p2.isals[p2offset:p2offset+len(depths)],\

        selfdensities = gsw.rho([self.isals[at]]*(len(depths)),\

        minlen = min(len(p2densities),len(selfdensities))
        Es = p2densities[:minlen]-selfdensities[:minlen]
        if len(Es)<2:
            return None

        zero_crossings = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(Es)))[0]
        smallest = np.argmin(np.abs(Es))
        if len(zero_crossings)>=1 :
            if abs(p2.ipres[zero_crossings[0]] - p2.ipres[zero_crossings[-1]])>100:
                return None

            a  =np.asarray(p2offset+zero_crossings)
            sol = np.asarray(p2.ipres)[a]
            if len(sol) == 1 or sol[-1]-sol[0] < 40:

                p2.neutraldepth[depthname] = np.mean(np.asarray(p2.ipres)[a])
                return p2.neutraldepth[depthname]
                print("More than one crossing {}".format(sol[-1]-sol[0] ))
                return None
            return None
Esempio n. 3
def calculate_density(T, p, C, lat, long):
    """Calculates density from temp, pressure, conductivity, and lat/long.
    All parameters and output are float or array-like.
    :param T: temperature (deg C)
    :param p: pressure (bar)
    :param C: conductivity (S/m)
    :param lat: latitude (decimal deg)
    :param long: longitude (decimal deg)
    :return: density (kg/m^3)
    # pressure in dbars = pressure * 10
    if type(p) == float:
        p_dbar = p * 10
        p_dbar = [pi * 10 for pi in p]

    # conductivity in mS/cm = conductivity * 10
    if type(C) == float:
        C_mScm = C * 10
        C_mScm = [Ci * 10 for Ci in C]

    # calculate SP from conductivity (mS/cm), in-situ temperature (deg C), and gauge pressure (dbar)
    SP = gsw.SP_from_C(C_mScm, T, p_dbar)
    # calculate SA from SP (unitless), gauge pressure (dbar), longitude and latitude (decimal degrees)
    SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p_dbar, long, lat)
    # calculate CT from SA (g/kg), in-situ temperature (deg C), and gauge pressure (dbar)
    CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, T, p_dbar)
    # calculate density
    return gsw.rho(SA, CT, p_dbar)
Esempio n. 4
def water_properties(sp, t, p, lon=0.0, lat=0.0):
    Calculates seawater density and sound speed using the TEOS-10 equations.

    Uses the gsw toolbox, which is an implementation of the TEOS-10 equations.

        :sp: Practical salinity [PSU]
        :t: Temperature [degC]
        :p: Pressure [dbar]
        :lon: Longitude (optional - use named parameters) [decimal degrees]
        :lat: Latitude (optional - use named parameters) [decimal degrees] 

        :c: speed of sound in water [m/s]
        :rho: density of water [kg/m^3]
        The accuracy of sound speed and density that we need is such that it 
        doesn't matter what latitude and longitude is used.

    sa = gsw.SA_from_SP(sp, p, lon, lat)
    ct = gsw.CT_from_t(sa, t, p)

    c = gsw.sound_speed(sa, ct, p)
    rho = gsw.rho(sa, ct, p)

    return c, rho
Esempio n. 5
def SWdensityFromCTD(SA, t, p, potential=False):
    """Calculate seawater density at CTD depth

    SA: ndarray
        Absolute salinity, g/kg
    t: ndarray
        In-situ temperature (ITS-90), degrees C
    p: ndarray
        Sea pressure (absolute pressure minus 10.1325 dbar), dbar

    rho: ndarray
        Seawater density, in-situ or potential, kg/m^3
    import numpy
    import gsw

    CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, t, p)

    # Calculate potential density (0 bar) instead of in-situ
    if potential:
        p = numpy.zeros(len(SA))

    return gsw.rho(SA, CT, p)
 def _validate_transforms(self, rdt_in, rdt_out):
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rdt_in['time'], rdt_out['time']))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rdt_in['lat'], rdt_out['lat']))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rdt_in['lon'], rdt_out['lon']))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rdt_in['TEMPWAT_L0'], rdt_out['TEMPWAT_L0']))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rdt_in['CONDWAT_L0'], rdt_out['CONDWAT_L0']))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rdt_in['PRESWAT_L0'], rdt_out['PRESWAT_L0']))
     # TEMPWAT_L1 = (TEMPWAT_L0 / 10000) - 10
     t1 = (rdt_out['TEMPWAT_L0'] / 10000) - 10
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rdt_out['TEMPWAT_L1'], t1))
     # CONDWAT_L1 = (CONDWAT_L0 / 100000) - 0.5
     c1 = (rdt_out['CONDWAT_L0'] / 100000) - 0.5
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rdt_out['CONDWAT_L1'], c1))
     # Equation uses p_range, which is a calibration coefficient - Fixing to 679.34040721
     #   PRESWAT_L1 = (PRESWAT_L0 * p_range / (0.85 * 65536)) - (0.05 * p_range)
     p1 = (rdt_out['PRESWAT_L0'] * 679.34040721 / (0.85 * 65536)) - (0.05 * 679.34040721)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rdt_out['PRESWAT_L1'], p1))
     # PRACSAL = gsw.SP_from_C((CONDWAT_L1 * 10), TEMPWAT_L1, PRESWAT_L1)
     ps = gsw.SP_from_C((rdt_out['CONDWAT_L1'] * 10.), rdt_out['TEMPWAT_L1'], rdt_out['PRESWAT_L1'])
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rdt_out['PRACSAL'], ps))
     # absolute_salinity = gsw.SA_from_SP(PRACSAL, PRESWAT_L1, longitude, latitude)
     # conservative_temperature = gsw.CT_from_t(absolute_salinity, TEMPWAT_L1, PRESWAT_L1)
     # DENSITY = gsw.rho(absolute_salinity, conservative_temperature, PRESWAT_L1)
     abs_sal = gsw.SA_from_SP(rdt_out['PRACSAL'], rdt_out['PRESWAT_L1'], rdt_out['lon'], rdt_out['lat'])
     cons_temp = gsw.CT_from_t(abs_sal, rdt_out['TEMPWAT_L1'], rdt_out['PRESWAT_L1'])
     rho = gsw.rho(abs_sal, cons_temp, rdt_out['PRESWAT_L1'])
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rdt_out['DENSITY'], rho))
Esempio n. 7
def rho(SP, t, p, lon=-45.401666, lat=-23.817233):
    Calculates in situ density from practical salinity, in situ 
    temperature and pressure (depth).
    SP : array like
        Salinity (PSS-78) [1e-3]
    t : array like
        Temperature (ITS-90) [degC]
    p : array like
        Pressure [dbar]
    lon : array like, float, optional
        Longitude, decimal degrees east
    lat : array like, float, optional
        Latitude, decimal degrees north
    rho : array like
        In situ density [kg m-3]
    # Calculates Absolute Salinity from Practical Salinity
    SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p, lon, lat)
    # Calcualtes Conservative Temperature from in situ temperature
    CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, t, p)
    # Calculates and returns density
    return gsw.rho(SA, CT, p)
Esempio n. 8
    def water_data(self):
        """Compute averages of the water-quality data."""

        # TODO: It is strongly recommended to limit the range of the
        #       data in the netcdf valid_range attribute.
        # compute variables from RBR
        pH = simple_despike(self.rbr["ph"])
        Sw = simple_despike(self.rbr["salinity"])
        Tw = simple_despike(self.rbr["temperature"])
        Cw = simple_despike(self.rbr["conductivity"])
        depth = simple_despike(self.rbr["depth"])
        rhow = gsw.rho(Sw, Tw, depth)
        dissoxy = simple_despike(self.rbr["dissoxy"])

        # save data in the output dictionary
        list_of_variables = {
            "pH": "pH",
            "Sw": "water_salinity",
            "Tw": "water_temperature",
            "Cw": "water_conductivity",
            "rhow": "water_density",
            "depth": "water_depth",
            "dissoxy": "dissolved_oxygen",
        for k, v in list_of_variables.items():
            self.r[k] = eval(k)
        # append to global list of variables
        self.list_of_variables = {
Esempio n. 9
def rho(SP, t, p, lon=-45.401666, lat=-23.817233):
    Calculates in situ density from practical salinity, in situ 
    temperature and pressure (depth).
    SP : array like
        Salinity (PSS-78) [1e-3]
    t : array like
        Temperature (ITS-90) [degC]
    p : array like
        Pressure [dbar]
    lon : array like, float, optional
        Longitude, decimal degrees east
    lat : array like, float, optional
        Latitude, decimal degrees north
    rho : array like
        In situ density [kg m-3]
    # Calculates Absolute Salinity from Practical Salinity
    SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p, lon, lat)
    # Calcualtes Conservative Temperature from in situ temperature
    CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, t, p)
    # Calculates and returns density
    return gsw.rho(SA, CT, p)
Esempio n. 10
def rho_sp(cond, temp, pres, lat=46.0, lon=-124.5):
    """density and salinity from a CTD.
    Returns in-situ density and practical salinity from 
    conductivity, temperature, pressure, latitude, and 
    longitude as reported from any standard CTD.
        Rho, SP = rho_sp(cond, temp, pres, lat, lon)
        Rho = in-situ density, [kg/m^3]
        SP = practical salinity, [pss]
        cond = conductivity, [mS/cm]
        temp = temperature, [deg C]
        pres = pressure, [dbar]
        lat = latitude, decimal degrees +N
        lon = longitude, decimal degrees +E
    SP = gsw.SP_from_C(cond, temp, pres)
    SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, pres, lon, lat)
    CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, temp, pres)
    Rho = gsw.rho(SA, CT, pres)
    return Rho, SP
Esempio n. 11
def density(dataset, salinity, temperature, pressure):
    """Calculate in-situ density.

    This function calculated in-situ density from absolute salinity and
    conservative temperature, using the `gsw.rho` function. Returns a new
    sequence with the data.

    # find sequence
    for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "bounds" should be used on a Sequence.')

    selection = sequence[,,]
    rows = [tuple(row) for row in selection.iterdata()]
    data = np.rec.fromrecords(
        rows, names=['salinity', 'temperature', 'pressure'])
    rho = gsw.rho(data['salinity'], data['temperature'], data['pressure'])

    out = SequenceType("result")
    out['rho'] = BaseType("rho", units="kg/m**3") = np.rec.fromrecords(rho.reshape(-1, 1), names=['rho'])
    return out
Esempio n. 12
def calculate_density(temperature, pressure, salinity, latitude, longitude):
    """Calculates density given glider practical salinity, pressure, latitude,
    and longitude using Gibbs gsw SA_from_SP and rho functions.

        temperature (C), pressure (dbar), salinity (psu PSS-78),
        latitude (decimal degrees), longitude (decimal degrees)

        density (kg/m**3),

    correct_sizes = (temperature.size == pressure.size == salinity.size ==
                     latitude.size == longitude.size)
    if correct_sizes is False:
        raise ValueError('Arguments must all be the same length')

    with warnings.catch_warnings():

        absolute_salinity = SA_from_SP(salinity, pressure, longitude, latitude)

        conservative_temperature = CT_from_t(absolute_salinity, temperature,

        density = rho(absolute_salinity, conservative_temperature, pressure)

        return density
Esempio n. 13
def add_density(netCDFfile):
    # loads the netcdf file
    ds = Dataset(netCDFfile, 'a')

    if 'DENSITY' in list(ds.variables):

        return "file already contains density"

    # extracts the variables from the netcdf
    var_temp = ds.variables["TEMP"]
    var_psal = ds.variables["PSAL"]
    var_pres = ds.variables["PRES"]
    var_lon = ds.variables["LONGITUDE"]
    var_lat = ds.variables["LATITUDE"]

    # extracts the data from the variables
    t = var_temp[:]
    psal = var_psal[:]
    p = var_pres[:]
    lon = var_lon[:]
    lat = var_lat[:]

    # calculates absolute salinity
    SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(psal, p, lon, lat)

    # calculates conservative temperature
    CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, t, p)

    # calculates density
    density = gsw.rho(SA, CT, p)

    # generates a new variable 'DENSITY' in the netcdf
    ncVarOut = ds.createVariable(
        "DENSITY", "f4", ("TIME", ), fill_value=np.nan,
        zlib=True)  # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max

    # assigns the calculated densities to the DENSITY variable, sets the units as kg/m^3, and comments on the variable's origin
    ncVarOut[:] = density
    ncVarOut.units = "kg/m^3"
    ncVarOut.long_name = "sea_water_density"
    ncVarOut.standard_name = "sea_water_density"
    ncVarOut.valid_max = np.float32(
    )  #
    ncVarOut.valid_min = np.float32(1000)

    ncVarOut.comment = "calculated using gsw-python"

    # update the history attribute
        hist = ds.history + "\n"
    except AttributeError:
        hist = ""

        'history', hist + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") +
        " : added DENSITY from TEMP, PSAL, PRES, LAT, LON")

Esempio n. 14
def comp_rhostar(Si, Ti, lat):
    pi = gsw.p_from_z(-zref, lat)
    cs = gsw.sound_speed(Si, Ti, pi)

    Ri = gsw.rho(Si, Ti, pi)
    g = gsw.grav(lat, pi[0])
    E = np.zeros((len(zref), ))
    #plt.plot(Ri, -zref)
    f = interpolate.interp1d(zref, cs)

    def e(x):
        return -g / f(x)**2

    if True:
        for k, z in enumerate(zref):
            if k == 0:
                r, E[k] = 0., 1.
                #r1,p = integrate.quad(e,zref[k-1],z,epsrel=1e-1)
                x = np.linspace(zref[k - 1], z, 10)
                dx = x[1] - x[0]
                r1 = integrate.trapz(e(x), dx=dx)
                r += r1
                E[k] = np.exp(r)
    return Ri * E, E
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self,
        if (temperature is None or salinity is None
                or not isinstance(temperature, TemperatureTS)
                or not isinstance(salinity, SalinityTS)):
            raise ValueError('Must provide temperature and salinity '
                             'time series Environment objects')

        if len(temperature.time.time) > len(salinity.time.time):
            density_times = temperature.time
            density_times = salinity.time

        dummy_pt = np.array([
            [0, 0],

        import gsw
        from gnome import constants

        data = [
            gsw.rho(, t),
          , t, units='C'),
                    constants.atmos_pressure * 0.0001)
            for t in density_times.time

Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self,
        if (temperature is None or
                salinity is None or
                not isinstance(temperature, TemperatureTS) or
                not isinstance(salinity, SalinityTS)):
            raise ValueError('Must provide temperature and salinity '
                             'time series Environment objects')

        if len(temperature.time.time) > len(salinity.time.time):
            density_times = temperature.time
            density_times = salinity.time

        dummy_pt = np.array([[0, 0], ])

        import gsw
        from gnome import constants

        data = [gsw.rho(, t),
              , t, units='C'),
                        constants.atmos_pressure * 0.0001)
                for t in density_times.time]

        TimeseriesData.__init__(self, name, units, time=density_times,
def compute_pot_density(prefix, inGridName, inDir):
    config = MpasAnalysisConfigParser()'mpas_analysis/config.default')

    outDescriptor = get_comparison_descriptor(config, 'antarctic')
    outGridName = outDescriptor.meshName
    description = 'Monthly potential density climatologies from ' \
                  '2005-2010 average of the Southern Ocean State ' \
                  'Estimate (SOSE)'
    botDescription = 'Monthly potential density climatologies at sea ' \
                     'floor from 2005-2010 average from SOSE'

    for gridName in [inGridName, outGridName]:
        outFileName = '{}_pot_den_{}.nc'.format(prefix, gridName)
        TFileName = '{}_pot_temp_{}.nc'.format(prefix, gridName)
        SFileName = '{}_salinity_{}.nc'.format(prefix, gridName)
        if not os.path.exists(outFileName):
            with xarray.open_dataset(TFileName) as dsT:
                with xarray.open_dataset(SFileName) as dsS:
                    dsPotDensity = dsT.drop(['theta', 'botTheta'])

                    lat, lon, z = xarray.broadcast(, dsS.lon, dsS.z)
                    pressure = gsw.p_from_z(z.values, lat.values)
                    SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(dsS.salinity.values, pressure,
                                        lon.values, lat.values)
                    CT = gsw.CT_from_pt(SA, dsT.theta.values)
                    dsPotDensity['potentialDensity'] = (dsS.salinity.dims,
                                                        gsw.rho(SA, CT, 0.))
                    dsPotDensity.potentialDensity.attrs['units'] = \
                        'kg m$^{-3}$'
                    dsPotDensity.potentialDensity.attrs['description'] = \

                    lat, lon, z = xarray.broadcast(, dsS.lon, dsS.zBot)
                    pressure = gsw.p_from_z(z.values, lat.values)
                    SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(dsS.botSalinity.values, pressure,
                                        lon.values, lat.values)
                    CT = gsw.CT_from_pt(SA, dsT.botTheta.values)
                    dsPotDensity['botPotentialDensity'] = \
                        (dsS.botSalinity.dims, gsw.rho(SA, CT, 0.))
                    dsPotDensity.botPotentialDensity.attrs['units'] = \
                        'kg m$^{-3}$'
                    dsPotDensity.botPotentialDensity.attrs['description'] = \

                    write_netcdf(dsPotDensity, outFileName)
Esempio n. 18
 def test_density_from_depth(self):
     self.ambient = pyplume.Ambient(self.z_max,
         gsw.rho(self.salinity, self.temperature, self.pressure).tolist())
Esempio n. 19
def ts(datadir):
    Plot T S for all files
    temp = []
    sal = []
    depth = []
    # pdens = []
    for filename in os.listdir(datadir):
        data = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir,filename))
        for (t,s,d) in zip(data.ptemp_bal.values, data.ab_sal_bal.values, data.DEPTH.values):
            # pdens.append(gsw.rho(s,t,d))
    #save lists as arrays

    #### Generate density contours
    smin = np.nanmin(sal) - (0.01 * np.nanmin(sal))
    smax = np.nanmax(sal) + (0.01 * np.nanmax(sal))
    tmin = np.nanmin(temp) - (0.1 * np.nanmin(temp))
    tmax = np.nanmax(temp) + (0.1 * np.nanmax(temp))
    # Calculate how many gridcells we need in the x and y dimensions
    xdim =int(round((smax-smin)/0.1+1,0))
    ydim = int(round((tmax-tmin)+1,0))
    # Create empty grid of zeros
    dens = np.zeros((ydim,xdim))
    # # Create temp and salt vectors of appropriate dimensions
    ti = np.linspace(0,ydim-1,ydim)+tmin
    si = np.linspace(0,xdim-1,xdim)*0.1+smin
    # print(si)
    # # Loop to fill in grid with densities
    for j in range(0,int(ydim)):
        for i in range(0, int(xdim)):

    # print(dens)
    fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(5,5))
    scatt = ax.scatter(sal,temp,c=depth,s=3,cmap='viridis_r')
    cb = plt.colorbar(scatt)
    cb.set_label('Depth (m)')
    CS = ax.contour(si,ti,dens, linestyles='dashed', colors='Gray',alpha=0.6)
    ax.clabel(CS, fontsize=12, inline=1, fmt='%1.0f') # Label every second level
    ax.set_xlabel('Absolute salinity (psu)')
    ax.set_ylabel(u'Temperature ($^{\circ}$C)')
Esempio n. 20
def wallPlume(z, y, ambient, z_max, MELT=True):
    """Solve the equations for a wallPlume

    wallPlume formulation (halfCone in Cowton et al.)
    See: Cowton et al. (2015) DOI: 10.1002/2014JC010324

    # this was a safety check at some point - is it still needed?!
    if z > z_max:
        return None

    # initialise array for output
    ydot = np.zeros(y.shape)

    # calculate melt rate if required
    if MELT:
        t_b, s_b, mdot = get_melt(y[1], y[2], y[3], ambient.get_pres_z(z))
        t_b = 0.
        s_b = 0.
        mdot = 0.

    # get ambient conditions at whatever depth we're at
    t_amb = ambient.get_temp_z(z)
    s_amb = ambient.get_sal_z(z)
    rho_a = ambient.get_rho_z(z)

    # approximate pressure at the current depth in dbar
    pressure = ambient.get_pres_z(z)

    # calculate current plume density (needs pressure in decibar)
    # gives density in kg/m3
    rho_p = gsw.rho(y[3], y[2], pressure)

    # check if Neutral Buoyancy is reached, if so this forces values to be nan
    if rho_p > rho_a:
        y[0] = np.nan
        y[1] = np.nan

    # Solve the plume equations and store in ydot
    ydot[0] = (2. * const.E_0 + 4. * mdot / (math.pi * y[1]) - y[0] * const.G *
               (rho_a - rho_p) / (2. * y[1] * y[1] * const.RHO_REF) + 2. *
               (const.C_D / math.pi))

    ydot[1] = (-2. * const.E_0 * y[1] / y[0] - 4. * mdot / (math.pi * y[0]) +
               const.G * (rho_a - rho_p) / (y[1] * const.RHO_REF) -
               4. * const.C_D * y[1] / (math.pi * y[0]))

    ydot[2] = (2. * const.E_0 * (t_amb - y[2]) / y[0] + 4. * mdot *
               (t_b - y[2]) / (math.pi * y[0] * y[1]) - 4. * const.GAM_T *
               (const.C_D**0.5) * (y[2] - t_b) / (math.pi * y[0]))

    ydot[3] = (2. * const.E_0 * (s_amb - y[3]) / y[0] + 4. * mdot *
               (s_b - y[3]) / (math.pi * y[0] * y[1]) - 4. * const.GAM_S *
               (const.C_D**0.5) * (y[3] - s_b) / (math.pi * y[0]))

    return ydot
Esempio n. 21
 def _get_density(self, salinity, temp):
     use lru cache so we don't recompute if temp is not changing
     temp_c = uc.convert('Temperature', self.units['temperature'], 'C',
     # sea level pressure in decibar - don't expect atmos_pressure to change
     # also expect constants to have SI units
     rho = gsw.rho(salinity, temp_c, constants.atmos_pressure * 0.0001)
     return rho
Esempio n. 22
def TSdiagram(TripNo, Savefig, Figpath, Form):
    # Get trip data
    Hydr, Data = TurData(TripNo)

    # Create variables with user-friendly names
    temp = Data.temp
    salt = Data.sal
    ox = Data.ox

    # Figure out boudaries (mins and maxs)
    # round down or up to nearest 0.1 decimal
    smin, smax = varmin(salt), varmax(salt)
    tmin, tmax = varmin(temp), varmax(temp)

    # Calculate how many gridcells we need in the x and y dimensions
    sdim = round((smax - smin) * 10)
    tdim = round((tmax - tmin) * 100)

    # Create temp and salt vectors of appropiate dimensions
    ti = np.linspace(tmin, tmax, num=tdim)
    si = np.linspace(smin, smax, num=sdim)

    # Create empty grid of zeros
    dens = np.zeros((tdim, sdim))
    # Loop to fill in grid with densities - 1000
    for j in range(0, int(tdim)):
        for i in range(0, int(sdim)):
            dens[j, i] = gsw.rho(si[i], ti[j], 0) - 1000

    fig1 = plt.figure()
    plt.title('Trip number: {}'.format(TripNo), fontsize=14)
    plt.xlabel('Salinity', fontsize=14)
    plt.ylabel('Temperature (C)', fontsize=14)

    C1 = plt.contour(si, ti, dens, linestyles='dashed', colors='k')
    plt.clabel(C1, fontsize=12, inline=1, fmt='%2.2f')

    for StNum in Hydr.index:
        # Create variables with user-friendly names
        Temp = temp.loc[StNum]
        Salt = salt.loc[StNum]
        Ox = ox.loc[StNum]

        C2 = plt.scatter(Salt, Temp, c=Ox, s=50, marker='o', cmap='rainbow')

    cbar = plt.colorbar(C2)'oxygen')

    if Savefig:
        path = Figpath + 'TSdiagram.{}'.format(Form)
        plt.savefig(path, format=Form, dpi=400, bbox_inches='tight')
Esempio n. 23
    def _get_density(self, salinity, temp):
        use lru cache so we don't recompute if temp is not changing
        temp_c = uc.convert('Temperature', self.units['temperature'], 'C',
        # sea level pressure in decibar - don't expect atmos_pressure to change
        # also expect constants to have SI units
        rho = gsw.rho(salinity, temp_c, constants.atmos_pressure * 0.0001)

        return rho
Esempio n. 24
def calc_buoyancyflux(ds,xv,yv):
    import gsw
    # Calculate buoyancy flux
    r0 = gsw.rho(ds.variables['vosaline'][0,0,yv,xv],ds.variables['votemper'][0,0,yv,xv],0)
    alpha = gsw.alpha(ds.variables['vosaline'][0,0,yv,xv],ds.variables['votemper'][0,0,yv,xv],0)
    beta = gsw.beta(ds.variables['vosaline'][0,0,yv,xv],ds.variables['votemper'][0,0,yv,xv],0)
    D_T = -(alpha/gsw.cp0)*ds.variables['sohefldo'][0,yv,xv]
    D_S = r0*beta*ds.variables['vosaline'][0,0,yv,xv]*ds.variables['sowaflup'][0,yv,xv]/1000
    return D_T + D_S
    def test(self):
        sal = np.array([0.1, 0.1])  #
        temp = np.array([4., 21.])  # Celsius
        pres = np.array([10., 20.])
        rho = gsw.rho(sal, temp, pres)
        print("density", rho)

        lat = [43.2, 43.2]
        CT = gsw.CT_from_t(sal, temp, pres)
        N2, p_mid = gsw.Nsquared(sal, CT, pres, lat=lat)
        print("N2", N2)
        print("p_mid", p_mid)
Esempio n. 26
    def potentialVorticityAtHautala(self,depth,debug=False,halfdistance=35):
        index = np.where(np.asarray(self.ipres) == depth)[0]
        if index >36:
            index = index[0]
            densities = gsw.rho(self.isals,\

            drhodz,notvalue =,densities,35)
            pv = -(self.f/notvalue)*drhodz

            return pv,drhodz
        return None,None
    def test_L2_params(self):
        self.contexts = _get_pc_dict('tempwat_l1', 'condwat_l1', 'preswat_l1',
                                     'pracsal', 'density')

        self.value_classes = {}

        dom_set = SimpleDomainSet((10, ))

        # Add the callback for retrieving values
        for n, p in self.contexts.iteritems():
            if hasattr(p, '_pval_callback'):
                p._pval_callback = self._get_param_vals
                p._ctxt_callback = self._ctxt_callback
                self.value_classes[n] = get_value_class(p.param_type, dom_set)

        # Get the L2 data
        psval = get_value_class(self.contexts['pracsal'].param_type, dom_set)
        rhoval = get_value_class(self.contexts['density'].param_type, dom_set)

        # Perform assertions - involves "manual" calculation of values
        # Get the L0 data needed for validating output
        latvals = self._get_param_vals('lat', slice(None))
        lonvals = self._get_param_vals('lon', slice(None))

        # Get the L1 data needed for validating output
        t1val = get_value_class(self.contexts['tempwat_l1'].param_type,
        c1val = get_value_class(self.contexts['condwat_l1'].param_type,
        p1val = get_value_class(self.contexts['preswat_l1'].param_type,

        # Density & practical salinity calucluated using the Gibbs Seawater library - available via python-gsw project:
        # &

        # pracsal = gsw.SP_from_C((condwat_l1 * 10), tempwat_l1, preswat_l1)
        import gsw
        ps = gsw.SP_from_C((c1val[:] * 10.), t1val[:], p1val[:])
        np.testing.assert_allclose(psval[:], ps)

        # absolute_salinity = gsw.SA_from_SP(pracsal, preswat_l1, longitude, latitude)
        # conservative_temperature = gsw.CT_from_t(absolute_salinity, tempwat_l1, preswat_l1)
        # density = gsw.rho(absolute_salinity, conservative_temperature, preswat_l1)
        abs_sal = gsw.SA_from_SP(psval[:], p1val[:], lonvals, latvals)
        cons_temp = gsw.CT_from_t(abs_sal, t1val[:], p1val[:])
        rho = gsw.rho(abs_sal, cons_temp, p1val[:])
        np.testing.assert_allclose(rhoval[:], rho)
Esempio n. 28
def teos10_insitu_dens(t, s, z, lat, lon):
    Computes the insitu density from potential temperature and salinity using the
    Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10; IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010).


    depth = np.ones_like(t) * z[None, :, None]
    lat = np.ones_like(t) * lat[None, None, :]
    lon = np.ones_like(t) * lon[None, None, :]

    p = gsw.p_from_z(-depth, lat)
    SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(s, p, lon, lat)
    CT = gsw.CT_from_pt(SA, t)
    rho = gsw.rho(SA, CT, p)

    return rho
Esempio n. 29
def get_seawater_densities(file_ctd_mat, t, lon, lat, max_depth):
    import gsw
    import numpy

    transects = read_matlab(file_ctd_mat)

    # Find nearest station
    nearest_key, nearest_idx, min_dist = find_nearest_station(
        lon, lat, transects)

    # Cacluate mean salinity above 18m
    mean_sal = calc_mean_salinity(transects, nearest_key, nearest_idx,

    SA = numpy.asarray([mean_sal] * len(t))
    p = numpy.zeros(len(t))

    return gsw.rho(SA, t, p)
Esempio n. 30
def sa_ct_rho_sigmatheta(temperature,
    Get common thermodynamic conversions of T-S data.

    temperature: float or 1D array
        In situ temperature.
    salinity: float or 1D array
        Practical salinity.
    pressure: float or 1D array
        Sea pressure (dBar).
    longitude, latitude: float or 1D array
        Geographical coordinates.

    SA: float or 1D array
        Absolute salinity.
    CT: float or 1D array
        Conservative temperature.
    rho: float or 1D array
        In situ density.
    ST: float or 1D array
        Potential density anomaly.

    # Get absolute salinity
    SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(salinity, pressure, longitude, latitude)

    # Get conservative temperature
    CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, temperature, pressure)

    # Get in situ density
    rho = gsw.rho(SA, CT, pressure)

    # Get density anomaly
    sigma_theta = gsw.density.sigma0(SA, CT)

    return SA, CT, rho, sigma_theta
    def test_L2_params(self):
        self.contexts = _get_pc_dict('tempwat_l1', 'condwat_l1', 'preswat_l1',
                                     'pracsal', 'density')

        self.value_classes = {}

        dom_set = SimpleDomainSet((10,))

        # Add the callback for retrieving values
        for n, p in self.contexts.iteritems():
            if hasattr(p, '_pval_callback'):
                p.param_type.callback = self._get_param_vals
                p._ctxt_callback = self._ctxt_callback
                self.value_classes[n] = get_value_class(p.param_type, dom_set)

        # Get the L2 data
        psval = get_value_class(self.contexts['pracsal'].param_type, dom_set)
        rhoval = get_value_class(self.contexts['density'].param_type, dom_set)

        # Perform assertions - involves "manual" calculation of values
        # Get the L0 data needed for validating output
        latvals = self._get_param_vals('lat', slice(None))
        lonvals = self._get_param_vals('lon', slice(None))

        # Get the L1 data needed for validating output
        t1val = get_value_class(self.contexts['tempwat_l1'].param_type, dom_set)
        c1val = get_value_class(self.contexts['condwat_l1'].param_type, dom_set)
        p1val = get_value_class(self.contexts['preswat_l1'].param_type, dom_set)

        # Density & practical salinity calucluated using the Gibbs Seawater library - available via python-gsw project:
        # &

        # pracsal = gsw.SP_from_C((condwat_l1 * 10), tempwat_l1, preswat_l1)
        import gsw
        ps = gsw.SP_from_C((c1val[:] * 10.), t1val[:], p1val[:])
        np.testing.assert_allclose(psval[:], ps)

        # absolute_salinity = gsw.SA_from_SP(pracsal, preswat_l1, longitude, latitude)
        # conservative_temperature = gsw.CT_from_t(absolute_salinity, tempwat_l1, preswat_l1)
        # density = gsw.rho(absolute_salinity, conservative_temperature, preswat_l1)
        abs_sal = gsw.SA_from_SP(psval[:], p1val[:], lonvals, latvals)
        cons_temp = gsw.CT_from_t(abs_sal, t1val[:], p1val[:])
        rho = gsw.rho(abs_sal, cons_temp, p1val[:])
        np.testing.assert_allclose(rhoval[:], rho)
Esempio n. 32
def SA_CT_plot(SA, CT, p_ref=0, isopycs=5, title_string=''):
    # if less than two input vars, error: "You need to supply both
    # Absolute Salinity and Conservative Temperature"
    # if len(p_ref)>1: error: Multiple reference pressures
    min_SA_data = np.amin(SA)
    max_SA_data = np.amax(SA)
    min_CT_data = np.amin(CT)
    max_CT_data = np.amax(CT)

    SA_min = max(0.0, min_SA_data - 0.1 * (max_SA_data - min_SA_data))
    SA_max = max_SA_data + 0.1 * (max_SA_data - min_SA_data)
    SA_axis = np.arange(SA_min, SA_max + (SA_max - SA_min) / 400,
                        (SA_max - SA_min) / 200)

    CT_freezing = gsw.CT_freezing(SA_axis, p_ref, 0)
    CT_min = min_CT_data - 0.1 * (max_CT_data - min_CT_data)
    CT_max = max_CT_data + 0.1 * (max_CT_data - min_CT_data)
    if CT_min > np.min(CT_freezing):
        CT_min = min_CT_data - 0.1 * (max_CT_data - min(CT_freezing))
    CT_axis = np.arange(CT_min, CT_max + (CT_max - CT_min) / 400,
                        (CT_max - CT_min) / 200)

    SA_gridded, CT_gridded = np.meshgrid(SA_axis, CT_axis)

    isopycs_gridded = gsw.rho(SA_gridded, CT_gridded, p_ref) - 1000.0

    c1 = plt.contour(SA_gridded,
    plt.clabel(c1, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    c2 = plt.plot(SA, CT, '.-', linewidth=2, markersize=10)

    # axis square?
    plt.axis((SA_min, SA_max, CT_min, CT_max))
    plt.xlabel('Absolute Salinity $\it{S}_A$ (g kg$^{-1}$)')
    plt.ylabel('Conservative Temperature, $\Theta$ ($^\circ$C)')
    if len(title_string) > 0:
        plt.title('$\it{S}_A$ - $\Theta$ diagram:' + ' p$_{ref}$ = ' +
                  str(p_ref) + ' dbar')
    plt.plot(SA_axis, CT_freezing, '--')
Esempio n. 33
def get_contour_arrays(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max):
    """Calculate how many gridcells we need in the x and y dimensions.

    Assuming x_key = Salinity and y_key = Temperature
    xdim = int(round((x_max - x_min) / 0.1 + 1, 0))
    ydim = int(round((y_max - y_min) / 0.1 + 1, 0))
    t_m = np.zeros((ydim, xdim))
    s_m = np.zeros((ydim, xdim))
    dens = np.zeros((ydim, xdim))
    ti = np.linspace(1, ydim - 1, ydim) * 0.1 + y_min
    si = np.linspace(1, xdim - 1, xdim) * 0.1 + x_min
    for j in range(0, int(ydim)):
        for i in range(0, int(xdim)):
            dens[j, i] = gsw.rho(si[i], ti[j], 0)
            s_m[j, i] = si[i]
            t_m[j, i] = ti[j]
    dens = dens
    return dens, t_m, s_m
Esempio n. 34
    def __init__(self,

        if depth is None and pressure is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Must pass either pressure or depth as an argument to Ambient")
        elif depth is None and pressure is not None:
            if min(pressure) != 0.:
                raise ValueError("Profile must start from the surface for the " \
                "interpolation, try copying the minimum depth values to be the " \
                "surface values")
            self.pressure = pressure
            self.depth = pressure / (1027. * 9.81 * 1.e-4)
        elif depth is not None and pressure is None:
            if min(depth) != 0:
                raise ValueError("Profile must start from the surface for the " \
                "interpolation, try copying the minimum depth values to be the " \
                "surface values")

            self.pressure = depth * (1027. * 9.81 * 1.e-4)
            self.depth = depth
            if np.any(depth != pressure / (1027. * 9.81 * 1.e-4)):
                print("UserWarning: You specified a pressure and depth profile "\
                "which may not match assumptions used elsewhere in this model")
            self.pressure = pressure
            self.depth = depth

        self.z_max = z_max
        self.z = z_max - self.depth
        self.salinity = salinity
        self.temperature = temperature
        self.rho = gsw.rho(salinity, temperature, self.pressure)

        # internal functions to return interpolated values at arbitrary depths
        self.__f_sal_d = interp1d(self.depth, salinity)
        self.__f_temp_d = interp1d(self.depth, temperature)
        self.__f_rho_d = interp1d(self.depth, self.rho)
        self.__f_pres_d = interp1d(self.depth, self.pressure)
Esempio n. 35
def gsw_SA_CT_rho_sigma0(temperature, salinity, pressure, lon=-60, lat=47):
    Get abs. sal., cons. temp, in situ and potential densities.

    temperature: float or array
        In situ temperature [degreeC].
    salinity: float or array
        Practical salinity [PSU].
    pressure: float or array
        Sea pressure or depth [m or decibars].
    lon: float or array
        Longitude of measurement [degrees+east].
    lat: float or array
        Latitude of measurement [degrees+north].

    float or array
        Absolute salinity.
    float or array
        Conservative temperature.
    float or array
        In situ density.
    float or array
        Potential density.

    # Get absolute salinity
    SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(salinity, pressure, lon, lat)

    # Get conservative temperature
    CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, temperature, pressure)

    # Get in situ density
    rho = gsw.rho(SA, CT, pressure)

    # Get density anomaly
    sigma0 = gsw.density.sigma0(SA, CT)

    return SA, CT, rho, sigma0
Esempio n. 36
def tef_2d_show(p, s, t, path, filename, plot_dens=True):

    fs = 20
    p = p.transpose()  #transpose q from tef_2d output, to be able to plot it
    if plot_dens:
        #calculate density lines in plot
        ydim = np.shape(t)[0]
        xdim = np.shape(s)[0]

        dens = np.zeros(shape=(xdim, ydim))
        for i in range(0, int(xdim)):
            dens[:, i] = gsw.rho(s[i], t, 0)
        dens = dens - 1000.0
    vmax = np.max(p)
    #do the plot:
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    fig.set_size_inches(10, 10)
    ax = plt.subplot()
    p4 = ax.pcolor(s, t, p, cmap='seismic', vmin=-vmax, vmax=vmax)
    #p4=ax.scatter(ss, tt, c=qq/1000000.0, marker='o', s = 4**2,cmap='seismic',vmin=-vmax,vmax=vmax,edgecolors='face')
    #levels = np.linspace(-vmax,vmax,64)
    #p4=ax.contourf(s_new2, t_new2, qv/1000000.0, levels=levels, cmap='seismic',vmin=-vmax,vmax=vmax)
    CS = ax.contour(s, t, dens, linestyles='dashed', colors='k')
    plt.clabel(CS, fontsize=12, inline=1, fmt='%1.1f')
    ax.tick_params('both', colors='black', labelsize=fs)
    ax.set_xlabel('salinity [g/kg]', fontsize=fs)
    ax.set_ylabel('temperature [$^\circ$C]', fontsize=fs)
    v = np.linspace(-vmax, vmax, 10, endpoint=True)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(p4, ticks=v, format="%.2f")
    cbar.set_label('p [m$^3$s$^{-1}$(g/kg)$^{-1}$K$^{-1}$]', fontsize=fs)
    plt.ylim([t[0], t[-1]])
    plt.xlim([s[0], s[-1]])
    print('saving png...')
    plt.savefig(path + filename, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')

    return ('done')
Esempio n. 37
def SA_CT_plot(SA, CT, p_ref=0, isopycs=5, title_string=''):
    # if less than two input vars, error: "You need to supply both
    # Absolute Salinity and Conservative Temperature"
    # if len(p_ref)>1: error: Multiple reference pressures
    min_SA_data = np.amin(SA)
    max_SA_data = np.amax(SA)
    min_CT_data = np.amin(CT)
    max_CT_data = np.amax(CT)
    SA_min = max(0.0, min_SA_data-0.1*(max_SA_data - min_SA_data))
    SA_max = max_SA_data + 0.1*(max_SA_data - min_SA_data)
    SA_axis = np.arange(
        SA_min, SA_max + (SA_max-SA_min)/400, (SA_max-SA_min)/200)
    CT_freezing = gsw.CT_freezing(SA_axis, p_ref, 0)
    CT_min = min_CT_data - 0.1*(max_CT_data - min_CT_data)
    CT_max = max_CT_data + 0.1*(max_CT_data - min_CT_data)
    if CT_min > np.min(CT_freezing):
        CT_min = min_CT_data - 0.1*(max_CT_data - min(CT_freezing))
    CT_axis = np.arange(
        CT_min, CT_max + (CT_max-CT_min)/400, (CT_max-CT_min)/200)
    SA_gridded, CT_gridded = np.meshgrid(SA_axis, CT_axis)
    isopycs_gridded = gsw.rho(SA_gridded, CT_gridded,p_ref) - 1000.0
    c1 = plt.contour(
        SA_gridded, CT_gridded, isopycs_gridded, isopycs, colors='k')
    plt.clabel(c1, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    c2 = plt.plot(SA, CT, '.-', linewidth=2, markersize=10)
    # axis square?
    plt.axis((SA_min, SA_max, CT_min, CT_max))
    plt.xlabel('Absolute Salinity $\it{S}_A$ (g kg$^{-1}$)')
    plt.ylabel('Conservative Temperature, $\Theta$ ($^\circ$C)')
    if len(title_string) > 0:
        plt.title('$\it{S}_A$ - $\Theta$ diagram:' + ' p$_{ref}$ = '
                  + str(p_ref) + ' dbar')
    plt.plot(SA_axis, CT_freezing, '--')
Esempio n. 38
def process_ctd(ctd, lat=0, lon=0):
    Calculate practical-salinity and in-situ density from a raw
    CTD data-set.

    :param ctd: raw CTD data-set
    :type ctd: :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
    :param lat: data-set latitude in degrees
    :param lon: data-set longitude in degrees
    :returns: processed CTD data-set
    :rtype: :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
    pracsal = gsw.SP_from_C(ctd['condwat'], ctd['tempwat'], ctd['preswat'])
    sa = gsw.SA_from_SP(pracsal, ctd['preswat'], lon, lat)
    ct = gsw.CT_from_t(sa, ctd['tempwat'], ctd['preswat'])
    density = gsw.rho(sa, ct, ctd['preswat'])
    return pd.DataFrame({'timestamp': ctd['timestamp'],
                         'pracsal': pracsal,
                         'tempwat': ctd['tempwat'],
                         'preswat': ctd['preswat'],
                         'density': density})
Esempio n. 39
def process_optode(ctd, optode, fc, lat=0, lon=0):
    Calculate dissolved oxygen from processed CTD and raw
    Optode data.

    :param ctd: processed CTD data-set
    :type ctd: :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
    :param optode: raw Optode data-set
    :type ctd: :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
    :param fc: Optode foil calibration coefficients
    :type fc: numpy array
    :param lat: data-set latitude in degrees
    :param lon: data-set longitude in degrees
    :returns: processed Optode data-set
    :rtype: :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
    # Interpolate CTD data onto the sample times of
    # the Optode data
    d = {}
    nan = float('NaN')
    for column in ('pracsal', 'tempwat', 'preswat'):
        d[column] = np.interp(optode['timestamp'],
    # Mask off any sample points that are outside of the
    # interpolation range.
    mask = ~(np.isnan(d['pracsal']))
    sa = gsw.SA_from_SP(d['pracsal'][mask], d['preswat'][mask], lon, lat)
    ct = gsw.CT_from_t(sa, d['tempwat'][mask], d['preswat'][mask])
    pdens = gsw.rho(sa, ct, np.zeros(len(sa)))
    do = dosv(optode['doconcs'][mask],
              pdens, fc)
    return pd.DataFrame({'timestamp': optode['timestamp'][mask],
                         'doxygen': do,
                         'preswat': d['preswat'][mask]})
Esempio n. 40
def ts(salt, temp, p=0, **kw):
    Plot a Temperature-Salinity diagram (a.k.a TS-diagram).

        salt : Absolute salinity (in PSU), numpy array or python list
        temp : Conservative temperaure (in  degree C), numpy array or python list
        p    : sea pressure (in dbar),[ i.e. absolute pressure - 10.1325 dbar ]
               This is scalar value.

        rholevels: numpy.array object or python list. A series of scalar value of
            density anomaly contours to be displayed  on the TS-diagram.

        Eyram K. Apetcho

        [email protected]


        BSD License, See the license
    salt = np.array(salt)
    temp = np.array(temp)
    p    = np.array(p)
    rholevels = kw.pop('rholevels', None)
    if len(salt.shape) == 2 and len(temp.shape)==2:
        ms, ns = salt.shape
        mt, nt = temp.shape
        if not ((ms == mt) and ( ns == nt)):
            raise ValueError(''' The first two input must at most 2D arrays of
            same shape''')
        salt = salt.reshape((ms*ns, ))
        temp = temp.reshape((mt*nt, ))
    elif len(salt.shape) > 2 or len(temp.shape) > 2:
        raise ValueError('''I don't know how to handle array of more 2
        dimensions ''')

    smin = np.nanmin(salt) - 0.01 * np.nanmin(salt)
    smax = np.nanmax(salt) + 0.01 * np.nanmax(salt)
    tmin = np.nanmin(temp) - 0.1 * np.nanmin(temp)
    tmax = np.nanmax(temp) - 0.1 * np.nanmax(temp)

    xdim = int(np.round((smax - smin)/0.1 + 1))
    ydim = int(np.round((tmax - tmin) + 1))

    # Remove NaNs from the input data sets.
    #n_elts, = salt.shape
    #new_temp= np.nan * np.zeros(temp.shape)
    #new_salt= np.nan * np.zeros(salt.shape)

    #for i in range(n_elts):

    rho  = np.zeros((ydim, xdim))
    tempi= np.linspace(0, ydim-1, ydim) + tmin
    salti= np.linspace(0, xdim-1, xdim)*0.1 + smin

    x , y = np.meshgrid( salti, tempi)

    rho = gsw.rho(x, y, p*np.ones(x.shape)) - 1000

    if rholevels is None:
        cs = plt.contour(x, y, rho, colors='k',linestyles='dashed',
        rholevels = np.array(rholelvels)
        cs = plt.contour(x, y, rho, rholevels, colors='k', linestyles='dashed',
    plt.clabel(cs, inline=True, colors='b', fmt='%.2f')
    plt.xlabel(r' Salinity $(PSU)$')
    plt.ylabel(r' Temperature $ (^\circ C) $')
    plt.plot(salt, temp, 'or', markersize=9)
Esempio n. 41
def plot_do(files, strait='DS', maxyear=None, savefig=False, figname=None):
    files = sorted(files)

    # make sure all files exist
    for fname in files:
        if not os.path.isfile(fname):
            raise IOError('File not found: ' + fname)
    # keyword arguments for reading the files
    kwargs = dict(key='df')
    if maxyear:
        kwargs['where'] = 'ModelYear<={}'.format(maxyear)

    fig,axx = plt.subplots(
            nrows=len(fieldsets), ncols=len(fieldsets[0]), 
            sharex='all', sharey='row', figsize=(16,9))
    spt = fig.suptitle('Strait: {}'.format(strait))

    cases = [os.path.basename(fname).split('.do.h5')[0] for fname in files]

    # loop through files
    for nf, fname in enumerate(files):
        label = cases[nf]

        df = pd.read_hdf(fname, **kwargs)
        df = df.loc[strait]

        for i, fields in enumerate(fieldsets):
            for j, varn in enumerate(fields):
                ax = axx[i,j]
                if varn.startswith('rho_'):
                    # compute density from T,S
                    salt = rolling_mean(df[varn.replace('rho_','S')],365).values
                    temp = rolling_mean(df[varn.replace('rho_','T')],365).values
                    series = gsw.rho(salt, temp, 0)-1e3
                    # get series directly from file
                    series = rolling_mean(df[varn],365).values
                x = df.index.get_level_values('ModelYear')
                ax.plot(x, series, label=label)
                # only once
                if nf == 0:
                    # plot observations
                        values = observations[strait][varn]
                            obs_handle = ax.axhspan(values[0], values[1], **obs_props)
                        except TypeError:
                            ax.axhline(values, color='0.6666', linewidth=2)
                    except KeyError:

    # legend with patch for observations
    handles, labels = axx.flat[0].get_legend_handles_labels()
    obs_handle = mpatches.Patch(**obs_props)
    handles += [obs_handle]
    labels += ['observations']
    lgd = fig.legend(handles, labels, 
            bbox_to_anchor=(0.82,0.5), loc='center left',

    # save figure to file
    if savefig or figname:
        figname = figname or 'ovf_props_{}_{}.pdf'.format(strait,'_'.join(cases))
        fig.savefig(figname, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,spt,), bbox_inches='tight')
Esempio n. 42
S2  =  32.0

p0  =  0         # dbar pressure at surface
lat =  45        # N
lon = -30        # E

# First convert the measurments to absolute salinity 
Sa1 = sw.SA_from_SP(S1,p0,lon,lat)
Sa2 = sw.SA_from_SP(S2,p0,lon,lat)

# ...and conservative temperature.
Tc1 = sw.CT_from_t(Sa1,T1,p0)
Tc2 = sw.CT_from_t(Sa2,T2,p0)

# Now calculate the density of each water parcel? 
rho1 = sw.rho(Sa1,T1,p0)
rho2 = sw.rho(Sa2,T2,p0)

#Which water mass is denser?
print"The measurement 1 is", round(rho1-rho2,SF),"kg/m^2 denser than measurement 2."
#What is their average density?
print"Their average density is",round((rho1+rho2)/2,SF),"."

# Now allow the two water masses to mix. When they mix, they homogenize their conservative temperature and absolute salinity. 
T3  = (T1+T2)/2
Sa3 = (Sa1+Sa2)/2
# What is the density of the new water mass?
rho3 = sw.rho(Sa3,T3,p0) #sw.rho_CT() doesn't work, so I used rho(Sa,t,p)
print"The density of the new water mass is",round(rho3,SF),"."
print"The density of the new water mass is > rho1("+str(round(rho1,SF))+") and < rho2("+str(round(rho2,SF))+"), and",\
    round(rho3-(rho1+rho2)/2,SF),"kg/m^2 denser than the average of the two water masses."
def mld(S,thetao,depth_cube,latitude_deg):
	"""Compute the mixed layer depth.
	SA : array_like
		 Absolute Salinity  [g/kg]
	CT : array_like
		 Conservative Temperature [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]
	p : array_like
		sea pressure [dbar]
	criterion : str, optional
			   MLD Criteria
	Mixed layer depth criteria are:
	'temperature' : Computed based on constant temperature difference
	criterion, CT(0) - T[mld] = 0.5 degree C.
	'density' : computed based on the constant potential density difference
	criterion, pd[0] - pd[mld] = 0.125 in sigma units.
	`pdvar` : computed based on variable potential density criterion
	pd[0] - pd[mld] = var(T[0], S[0]), where var is a variable potential
	density difference which corresponds to constant temperature difference of
	0.5 degree C.
	MLD : array_like
		  Mixed layer depth
	idx_mld : bool array
			  Boolean array in the shape of p with MLD index.
	>>> import os
	>>> import gsw
	>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
	>>> from oceans import mld
	>>> from gsw.utilities import Bunch
	>>> # Read data file with check value profiles
	>>> datadir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gsw.utilities.__file__), 'data')
	>>> cv = Bunch(np.load(os.path.join(datadir, 'gsw_cv_v3_0.npz')))
	>>> SA, CT, p = (cv.SA_chck_cast[:, 0], cv.CT_chck_cast[:, 0],
	...              cv.p_chck_cast[:, 0])
	>>> fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharey=True)
	>>> l0 = ax0.plot(CT, -p, 'b.-')
	>>> MDL, idx = mld(SA, CT, p, criterion='temperature')
	>>> l1 = ax0.plot(CT[idx], -p[idx], 'ro')
	>>> l2 = ax1.plot(CT, -p, 'b.-')
	>>> MDL, idx = mld(SA, CT, p, criterion='density')
	>>> l3 = ax1.plot(CT[idx], -p[idx], 'ro')
	>>> l4 = ax2.plot(CT, -p, 'b.-')
	>>> MDL, idx = mld(SA, CT, p, criterion='pdvar')
	>>> l5 = ax2.plot(CT[idx], -p[idx], 'ro')
	>>> _ = ax2.set_ylim(-500, 0)
	.. [1] Monterey, G., and S. Levitus, 1997: Seasonal variability of mixed
	layer depth for the World Ocean. NOAA Atlas, NESDIS 14, 100 pp.
	Washington, D.C.
	""" =,[360,180,1]),0,2))
	MLD_out = S.extract(iris.Constraint(depth = np.min(
	MLD_out_data =
	for i in range(np.shape(MLD_out)[0]):
		print'calculating mixed layer for year: ',i
		thetao_tmp = thetao[i]
		S_tmp = S[i] = np.abs(
		depth_cube = depth_cube * (-1.0)
		p = gsw.p_from_z(, # dbar
		SA =*1.004715
		CT = gsw.CT_from_pt(SA, - 273.15)
		SA, CT, p = map(np.asanyarray, (SA, CT, p))
		SA, CT, p = np.broadcast_arrays(SA, CT, p)
		SA, CT, p = map(ma.masked_invalid, (SA, CT, p))
		p_min, idx = p.min(axis = 0), p.argmin(axis = 0)
		sigma = SA.copy()
		to_mask = np.where(sigma ==
		sigma = gsw.rho(SA, CT, p_min) - 1000.
		sigma[to_mask] = np.NAN
		sig_diff = sigma[0,:,:].copy()
		sig_diff += 0.125 # Levitus (1982) density criteria
		sig_diff = np.tile(sig_diff,[np.shape(sigma)[0],1,1])
		idx_mld = sigma <= sig_diff
		MLD = ma.masked_all_like(
		MLD[idx_mld] =[idx_mld] * -1
		MLD_out_data[i,:,:] =,axis=0) 
	return MLD_out_data
lat = -40

# Convert depth to pressure
p = gsw.p_from_z(-depth, lat)

# Convert practical salinity to absolute salinity
SA_CTRL = gsw.SA_from_SP(S_CTRL, p, lon, lat)
SA_A1B = gsw.SA_from_SP(S_A1B, p, lon, lat)

# Convert in-situ temperature to conservative temperature
TC_CTRL = gsw.CT_from_t(SA_CTRL, T_CTRL, p)
TC_A1B = gsw.CT_from_t(SA_A1B, T_A1B, p)

# Calculate density on a T-S grid
T_grid, S_grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,35,0.05), np.arange(33,37,0.001))
rho = gsw.rho(S_grid, T_grid, 0) # SHOULD calc pot. dens. NOT in-situ density assuming no depth

# Plot

CS = plt.contour(S_grid, T_grid, rho, levels=np.arange(1018,1032,1), colors='k')
plt.plot(SA_CTRL, TC_CTRL, 'k-', marker='o', markeredgecolor='k', linewidth=2)
plt.plot(SA_A1B, TC_A1B, 'r-', marker='o', markeredgecolor='r', linewidth=2)

plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10, manual=True) # ESC to end selection

plt.xlabel('Absolute salinity [g/kg]')
plt.ylabel(r'Conservative Temperature [$^\circ$C]')
Esempio n. 45
def convert_to_mll(o2, s, t, p):
    '''Convert dissolved oxygen concentration from um/kg to ml/l.
    return gsw.rho(s, t, p) * o2 / 44.66 / 1000.0
Esempio n. 46
    def post_process(self, verbose=True):

        print("\nPost processing")

        # Very basic
        self.ascent = self.hpid % 2 == 0
        self.ascent_ctd = self.ascent*np.ones_like(self.UTC, dtype=int)
        self.ascent_ef = self.ascent*np.ones_like(self.UTCef, dtype=int)

        # Estimate number of observations.
        self.nobs_ctd = np.sum(~np.isnan(self.UTC), axis=0)
        self.nobs_ef = np.sum(~np.isnan(self.UTCef), axis=0)

        # Figure out some useful times.
        self.UTC_start = self.UTC[0, :]
        self.UTC_end = np.nanmax(self.UTC, axis=0)

        if verbose:
            print("Creating time variable dUTC with units of seconds.")
        self.dUTC = (self.UTC - self.UTC_start)*86400
        self.dUTCef = (self.UTCef - self.UTC_start)*86400

        if verbose:
            print("Interpolated GPS positions to starts and ends of profiles.")
        # GPS interpolation to the start and end time of each half profile.
        idxs = ~np.isnan(self.lon_gps) & ~np.isnan(self.lat_gps)
        self.lon_start = np.interp(self.UTC_start, self.utc_gps[idxs],
        self.lat_start = np.interp(self.UTC_start, self.utc_gps[idxs],
        self.lon_end = np.interp(self.UTC_end, self.utc_gps[idxs],
        self.lat_end = np.interp(self.UTC_end, self.utc_gps[idxs],

        if verbose:
            print("Calculating heights.")
        # Depth.
        self.z = gsw.z_from_p(self.P, self.lat_start)
#        self.z_ca = gsw.z_from_p(self.P_ca, self.lat_start)
        self.zef = gsw.z_from_p(self.Pef, self.lat_start)

        if verbose:
            print("Calculating distance along trajectory.")
        # Distance along track from first half profile.
        self.__ddist = utils.lldist(self.lon_start, self.lat_start)
        self.dist = np.hstack((0., np.cumsum(self.__ddist)))

        if verbose:
            print("Interpolating distance to measurements.")
        # Distances, velocities and speeds of each half profile.
        self.profile_ddist = np.zeros_like(self.lon_start)
        self.profile_dt = np.zeros_like(self.lon_start)
        self.profile_bearing = np.zeros_like(self.lon_start)
        lons = np.zeros((len(self.lon_start), 2))
        lats = lons.copy()
        times = lons.copy()

        lons[:, 0], lons[:, 1] = self.lon_start, self.lon_end
        lats[:, 0], lats[:, 1] = self.lat_start, self.lat_end
        times[:, 0], times[:, 1] = self.UTC_start, self.UTC_end

        self.dist_ctd = self.UTC.copy()
        nans = np.isnan(self.dist_ctd)
        for i, (lon, lat, time) in enumerate(zip(lons, lats, times)):
            self.profile_ddist[i] = utils.lldist(lon, lat)
            # Convert time from days to seconds.
            self.profile_dt[i] = np.diff(time)*86400.

            d = np.array([self.dist[i], self.dist[i] + self.profile_ddist[i]])
            idxs = ~nans[:, i]
            self.dist_ctd[idxs, i] = np.interp(self.UTC[idxs, i], time, d)

        self.dist_ef = self.__regrid('ctd', 'ef', self.dist_ctd)

        if verbose:
            print("Estimating bearings.")
        # Pythagorian approximation (?) of bearing.
        self.profile_bearing = np.arctan2(self.lon_end - self.lon_start,
                                          self.lat_end - self.lat_start)

        if verbose:
            print("Calculating sub-surface velocity.")
        # Convert to m s-1 calculate meridional and zonal velocities.
        self.sub_surf_speed = self.profile_ddist*1000./self.profile_dt
        self.sub_surf_u = self.sub_surf_speed*np.sin(self.profile_bearing)
        self.sub_surf_v = self.sub_surf_speed*np.cos(self.profile_bearing)

        if verbose:
            print("Interpolating missing velocity values.")
        # Fill missing U, V values using linear interpolation otherwise we
        # run into difficulties using cumtrapz next.
        self.U = self.__fill_missing(self.U)
        self.V = self.__fill_missing(self.V)

        # Absolute velocity

        if verbose:
            print("Calculating thermodynamic variables.")
        # Derive some important thermodynamics variables.

        # Absolute salinity.
        self.SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(self.S, self.P, self.lon_start,
        # Conservative temperature.
        self.CT = gsw.CT_from_t(self.SA, self.T, self.P)

        # Potential temperature with respect to 0 dbar.
        self.PT = gsw.pt_from_CT(self.SA, self.CT)

        # In-situ density.
        self.rho = gsw.rho(self.SA, self.CT, self.P)

        # Potential density with respect to 1000 dbar.
        self.rho_1 = gsw.pot_rho_t_exact(self.SA, self.T, self.P, p_ref=1000.)

        # Buoyancy frequency regridded onto ctd grid.
        N2_ca, __ = gsw.Nsquared(self.SA, self.CT, self.P, self.lat_start)
        self.N2 = self.__regrid('ctd_ca', 'ctd', N2_ca)

        if verbose:
            print("Calculating float vertical velocity.")
        # Vertical velocity regridded onto ctd grid.
        dt = 86400.*np.diff(self.UTC, axis=0)  # [s]
        Wz_ca = np.diff(self.z, axis=0)/dt
        self.Wz = self.__regrid('ctd_ca', 'ctd', Wz_ca)

        if verbose:
            print("Renaming Wp to Wpef.")
        # Vertical water velocity.
        self.Wpef = self.Wp.copy()
        del self.Wp

        if verbose:
            print("Calculating shear.")
        # Shear calculations.
        dUdz_ca = np.diff(self.U, axis=0)/np.diff(self.zef, axis=0)
        dVdz_ca = np.diff(self.V, axis=0)/np.diff(self.zef, axis=0)
        self.dUdz = self.__regrid('ef_ca', 'ef', dUdz_ca)
        self.dVdz = self.__regrid('ef_ca', 'ef', dVdz_ca)

        if verbose:
            print("Calculating Richardson number.")
        N2ef = self.__regrid('ctd', 'ef', self.N2)
        self.Ri = N2ef/(self.dUdz**2 + self.dVdz**2)

        if verbose:
            print("Regridding piston position to ctd.\n")
        # Regrid piston position.
        self.ppos = self.__regrid('ctd_ca', 'ctd', self.ppos_ca)

Esempio n. 47
def read_tabs(table, buoy, dstart, dend):
    '''Read in TABS data from mysql. Also process variables as needed.

    Time from database is in UTC. dstart, dend are datetime objects.'''

    engine = tools.setup_engine()
    query = tools.query_setup(engine, buoy, table, dstart.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
                              dend.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
    df = pd.read_sql_query(query, engine, index_col=['obs_time'])
    df.drop(df.index[df.index.isnull()], inplace=True)  # drop bad rows
    df[(df == -99.0) | (df == -999.0) | (df == -999.00)] = np.nan  # replace missing values

    if 'date' in df.keys():
        df.drop(['date', 'time'], inplace=True, axis=1)
    for key in df.keys():
        if (df[key]==0).all():
            df.loc[:, key] = np.nan
        # if more than a quarter of the entries are 0, must be wrong
        elif (df[key][1::2]==0).sum() > len(df)/4:
            df.loc[1::2, key] = np.nan
        elif (df[key][::2]==0).sum() > len(df)/4:
            df.loc[::2, key] = np.nan

    if table == 'ven':
        ind = df.tx.isnull()
        df.drop(df.index[ind], inplace=True)  # drop bad rows
        names = ['East [cm/s]', 'North [cm/s]', 'Dir [deg T]', 'WaterT [deg C]', 'Tx', 'Ty', 'Speed [cm/s]', 'Across [cm/s]', 'Along [cm/s]']            # df.columns = names
        df['Speed [cm/s]'] = np.sqrt(df['veast']**2 + df['vnorth']**2)
        df['Speed [cm/s]'] = df['Speed [cm/s]'].round(2)
        # Calculate along- and across-shelf
        # along-shelf rotation angle in math angle convention
        theta = np.deg2rad(-(bys[buoy]['angle']-90))  # convert from compass to math angle
        df['Across [cm/s]'] = df['veast']*np.cos(-theta) - df['vnorth']*np.sin(-theta)
        df['Along [cm/s]'] = df['veast']*np.sin(-theta) + df['vnorth']*np.cos(-theta)
        # dictionary for rounding decimal places
        rdict = {'Speed [cm/s]': 2, 'Across [cm/s]': 2, 'Along [cm/s]': 2, 'Dir [deg T]': 0}

    elif table == 'eng':
        names = ['VBatt [Oper]', 'SigStr [dB]', 'Comp [deg M]', 'Nping', 'Tx', 'Ty', 'ADCP Volt', 'ADCP Curr', 'VBatt [sleep]']
        rdict = {}

    elif table == 'met':
        names = ['East [m/s]', 'North [m/s]', 'AirT [deg C]', 'AtmPr [mb]', 'Gust [m/s]', 'Comp [deg M]', 'Tx', 'Ty', 'PAR ', 'RelH [%]', 'Speed [m/s]', 'Dir from [deg T]']
        df['Speed [m/s]'] = np.sqrt(df['veast']**2 + df['vnorth']**2)
        df['Dir from [deg T]'] = 90 - np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-df['vnorth'], -df['veast']))
        rdict = {'Speed [m/s]': 2, 'Dir from [deg T]': 0}

    elif table == 'salt':
        names = ['WaterT [deg C]', 'Cond [ms/cm]', 'Salinity', 'Density [kg/m^3]', 'SoundVel [m/s]']
        rdict = {}

        # density is all 0s, so need to overwrite
        df['density'] = gsw.rho(df['salinity'], df['twater'], np.zeros(len(df)))

    elif table == 'wave':
        names = ['WaveHeight [m]', 'MeanPeriod [s]', 'PeakPeriod [s]']
        rdict = {}

    df.columns = names = 'Dates [UTC]'
    df = df.round(rdict)

    return df
Esempio n. 48
def read_model(buoy, which, dstart, dend, timing='recent', units='Metric',
               tz='utc', s_rho=-1):
    '''Read in model output.

    dstart and dend are datetime objects.
    s_rho (-1, surface) is the index of model output depth. -1 for surface, a
      number between 0 and 29 for other depth levels, and -999 for all depths.

    # separate out which model type we want
    # links in list are in order they are tried by the system
    if timing == 'hindcast':
        locs = ['',
    elif timing == 'recent':
        locs = ['',
    elif timing == 'forecast':
        locs = ['',

    varstot = ['u', 'v', 'temp', 'salt', 'dye_01', 'dye_02', 'dye_03', 'dye_04',
               'Uwind', 'Vwind', 'Pair', 'Tair', 'Qair', 'zeta', 'shflux', 'sustr', 'svstr']

    # Try different locations for model output. If won't work, give up.
    # loop over station files first since faster if can use, then regular files
    ibuoy = bp.station(buoy)  # get location in stations file for buoy
    for i, loc in enumerate(locs):
            ds = xr.open_dataset(loc)
            # make sure all variables present
            assert np.asarray([var in ds for var in varstot]).all()
        except KeyError as e:
            if i < len(locs)-1:  # in case there is another option to try
                logging.warning('For model timing %s and buoy %s, station file loc %s did not work due to a KeyError. Trying with loc %s instead...' % (timing, buoy, loc, locs[i+1]))
            else:  # no more options to try
                logging.warning('For model timing %s and buoy %s, station file loc %s did not work due to a KeyError. No more options.' % (timing, buoy, loc))
                ds = None
        except RuntimeError as e:
            if i < len(locs)-1:  # in case there is another option to try
                logging.warning('For model timing %s and buoy %s, loc %s did not work due to a RuntimeError. Trying with loc %s instead...' % (timing, buoy, loc, locs[i+1]))
            else:  # no more options to try
                logging.warning('For model timing %s and buoy %s, loc %s did not work due to a RuntimeError. No more options.' % (timing, buoy, loc))
                ds = None
        except IOError as e:  # if link tried is not working
            if i < len(locs)-1:  # in case there is another option to try
                logging.warning('For model timing %s and buoy %s, loc %s did not work due to an IOError. Trying with loc %s instead...' % (timing, buoy, loc, locs[i+1]))
            else:  # no more options to try
                logging.warning('For model timing %s and buoy %s, loc %s did not work due to an IOError. No more options.' % (timing, buoy, loc))
                ds = None
        except Exception as e:
            if i < len(locs)-1:  # in case there is another option to try
                logging.warning('For model timing %s and buoy %s, loc %s did not work with an unexpected exception. Trying with loc %s instead...' % (timing, buoy, loc, locs[i+1]))
            else:  # no more options to try
                logging.warning('For model timing %s and buoy %s, an unexpected exception occurred. No more options.' % (timing, buoy))
            ds = None

    # only do this if dend is less than or equal to the first date in the model output
    # check if last data datetime is less than 1st model datetime or
    # first data date is greater than last model time, so that time periods overlap
    # sometimes called ocean_time and sometimes time
    # this case catches when the timing of the model is output the desired times
    if ds is None or dend <= pd.Timestamp(ds['ocean_time'].isel(ocean_time=0).data, tz='utc') or \
       dstart >= pd.Timestamp(ds['ocean_time'].isel(ocean_time=-1).data, tz='utc'):
        df = None
        return df

        vars = ['u', 'v', 'temp', 'salt', 'dye_01', 'dye_02', 'dye_03', 'dye_04']
        varnames = ['Along [cm/s]', 'Across [cm/s]', 'WaterT [deg C]', 'Salinity',
                    'Dissolved oxygen concentration [uM]',
                    'Mississippi passive tracer', 'Atchafalaya passive tracer',
                    'Brazos passive tracer']
        vars_w = ['w']  # on vertical grid w
        varnames_w = ['Vertical velocity [m/s]']
        if s_rho == -999:  # all depths at once
            # don't add 2d variables if all depths requested
            # need to deal separately with s_rho and s_w grid
            df = ds[vars].sel(ocean_time=slice(dstart, dend)).isel(station=ibuoy).to_dataframe()
            # this brings in all times but cannot easily separate times. Just average.
            zr = octant.roms.nc_depths(netCDF.Dataset(loc), 'rho').get_station_depths().mean(axis=0)[:,ibuoy]
            df = df.reset_index(['s_rho'])
            df['s_rho'] = np.tile(zr, int(len(df)/zr.size))

            df2 = ds[vars_w].sel(ocean_time=slice(dstart, dend)).isel(station=ibuoy).to_dataframe()
            # this brings in all times but cannot easily separate times. Just average.
            zw = octant.roms.nc_depths(netCDF.Dataset(loc), 'w').get_station_depths().mean(axis=0)[:,ibuoy]
            df2 = df2.reset_index(['s_w'])
            df2['s_w'] = np.tile(zw, int(len(df2)/zw.size))
            # df2.rename(columns={'s_w': 'Depth [m]'}, inplace=True)
            df2.drop(['lon_rho', 'lat_rho', 's_w'], axis=1, inplace=True, errors='ignore')

            # interpolate ws to rho vertical grid
            df['w'] = np.nan
            ii = 0
            for i in range(0,int(len(df2)/31),31):
                # i is for df2, ii is for df
                df['w'].iloc[ii*30:ii*30+30] = (df2['w'][i:i+30] + df2['w'][i+1:i+31])/2
                ii += 1

            if s_rho in [-1, 29]:  # surface, more variables
                vars += ['Uwind', 'Vwind', 'Pair',
                        'Tair', 'Qair', 'zeta',
                          'shflux', 'sustr', 'svstr']
                varnames += ['East [m/s]', 'North [m/s]', 'AtmPr [mb]', 'AirT [deg C]',
                            'RelH [%]', 'Free surface [m]', 'Surface net heat flux [W/m^2]',
                            'Surface u-momentum stress [N/m^2]', 'Surface v-momentum stress [N/m^2]']
            df = ds[vars].sel(ocean_time=slice(dstart, dend)).isel(station=ibuoy, s_rho=s_rho).to_dataframe()
            # this brings in all times but cannot easily separate times. Just average.
            zr = octant.roms.nc_depths(netCDF.Dataset(loc), 'rho').get_station_depths().mean(axis=0)[s_rho,ibuoy]
            df = df.reset_index(level=0).set_index('ocean_time')

        # adjustments
        df['s_rho'] = np.tile(zr, int(len(df)/zr.size))
        df.rename(columns={'s_rho': 'Depth [m]'}, inplace=True)
        df.index.rename('Dates [UTC]', inplace=True)
        df.drop(['lon_rho', 'lat_rho', 's_w'], axis=1, inplace=True, errors='ignore')
        df.rename(columns={var: varname for var, varname in zip(vars, varnames)}, inplace=True)
        df['Density [kg/m^3]'] = gsw.rho(df['Salinity'], df['WaterT [deg C]'], np.zeros(len(df)))
        if s_rho in [-1, 29]:
            df['RelH [%]'] *= 100

        # un-rotate velocities, then rerotate to match TABS website angles
        # also convert to cm/s
        df['Along [cm/s]'] *= 100
        df['Across [cm/s]'] *= 100
        # rotate from curvilinear to cartesian
        anglev = ds['angle'][ibuoy]  # using at least nearby grid rotation angle
        # Project along- and across-shelf velocity rather than use from model
        # so that angle matches buoy
        df['East [cm/s]'], df['North [cm/s]'] = tools.rot2d(df['Along [cm/s]'], df['Across [cm/s]'], anglev)  # approximately to east, north
        theta = np.deg2rad(-(bys[buoy]['angle']-90))  # convert from compass to math angle
        if ~np.isnan(theta):
            df['Across [cm/s]'] = df['East [cm/s]']*np.cos(-theta) - df['North [cm/s]']*np.sin(-theta)
            df['Along [cm/s]'] = df['East [cm/s]']*np.sin(-theta) + df['North [cm/s]']*np.cos(-theta)

    return df
Esempio n. 49
def mld(SA, CT, p, criterion='pdvar'):
    Compute the mixed layer depth.

    SA : array_like
         Absolute Salinity  [g/kg]
    CT : array_like
         Conservative Temperature [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]
    p : array_like
        sea pressure [dbar]
    criterion : str, optional
               MLD Criteria

    Mixed layer depth criteria are:

    'temperature' : Computed based on constant temperature difference
    criterion, CT(0) - T[mld] = 0.5 degree C.

    'density' : computed based on the constant potential density difference
    criterion, pd[0] - pd[mld] = 0.125 in sigma units.

    `pdvar` : computed based on variable potential density criterion
    pd[0] - pd[mld] = var(T[0], S[0]), where var is a variable potential
    density difference which corresponds to constant temperature difference of
    0.5 degree C.

    MLD : array_like
          Mixed layer depth
    idx_mld : bool array
              Boolean array in the shape of p with MLD index.

    >>> import os
    >>> import gsw
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> from oceans import mld
    >>> from gsw.utilities import Bunch
    >>> # Read data file with check value profiles
    >>> datadir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gsw.utilities.__file__), 'data')
    >>> cv = Bunch(np.load(os.path.join(datadir, 'gsw_cv_v3_0.npz')))
    >>> SA, CT, p = (cv.SA_chck_cast[:, 0], cv.CT_chck_cast[:, 0],
    ...              cv.p_chck_cast[:, 0])
    >>> fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharey=True)
    >>> l0 = ax0.plot(CT, -p, 'b.-')
    >>> MDL, idx = mld(SA, CT, p, criterion='temperature')
    >>> l1 = ax0.plot(CT[idx], -p[idx], 'ro')
    >>> l2 = ax1.plot(CT, -p, 'b.-')
    >>> MDL, idx = mld(SA, CT, p, criterion='density')
    >>> l3 = ax1.plot(CT[idx], -p[idx], 'ro')
    >>> l4 = ax2.plot(CT, -p, 'b.-')
    >>> MDL, idx = mld(SA, CT, p, criterion='pdvar')
    >>> l5 = ax2.plot(CT[idx], -p[idx], 'ro')
    >>> _ = ax2.set_ylim(-500, 0)

    .. [1] Monterey, G., and S. Levitus, 1997: Seasonal variability of mixed
    layer depth for the World Ocean. NOAA Atlas, NESDIS 14, 100 pp.
    Washington, D.C.


    SA, CT, p = list(map(np.asanyarray, (SA, CT, p)))
    SA, CT, p = np.broadcast_arrays(SA, CT, p)
    SA, CT, p = list(map(ma.masked_invalid, (SA, CT, p)))

    p_min, idx = p.min(), p.argmin()

    sigma = gsw.rho(SA, CT, p_min) - 1000.

    # Temperature and Salinity at the surface,
    T0, S0, Sig0 = CT[idx], SA[idx], sigma[idx]

    # NOTE: The temperature difference criterion for MLD
    Tdiff = T0 - 0.5  # 0.8 on the matlab original

    if criterion == 'temperature':
        idx_mld = (CT > Tdiff)
    elif criterion == 'pdvar':
        pdvar_diff = gsw.rho(S0, Tdiff, p_min) - 1000.
        idx_mld = (sigma <= pdvar_diff)
    elif criterion == 'density':
        sig_diff = Sig0 + 0.125
        idx_mld = (sigma <= sig_diff)
        raise NameError("Unknown criteria %s" % criterion)

    MLD = ma.masked_all_like(p)
    MLD[idx_mld] = p[idx_mld]

    return MLD.max(axis=0), idx_mld
Esempio n. 50
 fname = (
     + "N-"
     + str(years[tind])
     + "-"
     + str(months[tind]).zfill(2)
     + "-"
     + str(days[tind]).zfill(2)
     + "T"
     + str(hours[tind]).zfill(2)
     + ".npz"
 if not os.path.exists(fname):
     salt = d.variables["salt"][tind, :, :, :]
     temp = d.variables["temp"][tind, :, :, :]
     rho = gsw.rho(salt, temp, 0)
     zeta = d.variables["zeta"][tind, :, :]
     zwt = octant.depths.get_zw(
     Ntemp =
         np.sqrt(-g / rho0 * ((rho[2:, :, :] - rho[:-2, :, :]) / (zwt[2:, :, :] - zwt[:-2, :, :]))),
Esempio n. 51
def diagram_ts(T, S, p=0, lon=None, lat=None, use_teos10=True, is_state=True, dsigma=1., result='default', debug=False, **kwargs):
    """Plots T-S diagram.

    Under TEOS-10, the observed values of practical salinity and in situ
    temperature t need to be converted into absolute salinity and
    conservative temperature.

    T : array like
        In situ or conservative temperature [degC].
    S : array like
        Practical or absolute salinity [unitless, g kg-1], according.
    p : array like
        Pressure [dbar]. If not given, assumes sea surface.
    lon, lat: float, array like
        To plot state diagram, longitude and latitude have to be given
        in decimal degrees.
    use_teos10 : boolean, optional
        If true (default), uses conservative temperature and absolute
        salinity according to the Thermodynamic Equation of SeaWater
        2010 (TEOS-10). If longitude and latitude are not given,
        assumes that T and S have already been converted according to
    is_state : boolean, optional
        If true (default), plots the state diagram: density
        anomalies referenced to surface.
    dsigma : float, optional
        Sets the interval for each isopycnal in the state diagram.
        Default is 1.
    result : string, optional
        If `default` returns axis and handles objects. If `results` also
        returns converted absolute salinity and conservative temperature.
    debug : boolean, optional
        If true prints some statistics on screen.

    ax : axis
    hs : handles
    [CA, CT] : array_like

    keys = kwargs.keys()
    if 'format' not in keys:
        kwargs['format'] = '.'
    if 'zorder' not in keys:
        kwargs['zorder'] = 99
    kwargs['return_handles'] = True

    # Calculates absolute salinity and conservative temperature.
    if use_teos10 and (lon is not None) and (lat is not None):
        SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(S, p, lon, lat)
        CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, T, p)
        SA = S
        CT = T

    if debug == True:
        dump = ['Mean differences', '----------------']
        dT, dS = T - CT, S - SA
        dump.append('Temperature: {:.4f} � {:.4f}'.format(dT.mean(), dT.std()))
        dump.append('Salinity: {:.4f} � {:.4f}'.format(dS.mean(), dS.std()))
        print '\n'.join(dump)

    # Plots Theta - SA diagram.
    ax, hs = plot(SA, CT, **kwargs)

    # Calculates in-situ density from absolute salinity (SA) and conservative
    # temperature using `gsw` module.
    if is_state:
        #if (lon == None) | (lat == None):
        #       raise ValueError('Missing longitude and latitude.')
        SA_lim = ax.get_xlim()
        CT_lim = ax.get_ylim()
        SA_range = numpy.linspace(SA_lim[0], SA_lim[1], 100)
        CT_range = numpy.linspace(CT_lim[0], CT_lim[1], 100)
        sigma_range = numpy.arange(0, 50.5, dsigma)
        SA_grid, CT_grid = numpy.meshgrid(SA_range, CT_range)
        sigma_grid = gsw.rho(SA_grid, CT_grid, 0) - 1000
        cs = ax.contour(SA_grid, CT_grid, sigma_grid, sigma_range,
            colors='k', alpha=0.5, zorder=-98)
        cs.clabel(colors='k', alpha=0.5, fmt='%1.1f')

    if result == 'default':
        return ax, hs
    elif result == 'results':
        return ax, hs, SA, CT
        raise ValueError('Invalid return type `{}`'.format(result))