def try_image_to_kitti():
    # loading data
    directory = r'D:\output-datasets\offroad-14\1'
    base_name = '000084'
    rgb_file = os.path.join(directory, '{}.jpg'.format(base_name))
    depth_file = os.path.join(directory, '{}-depth.tiff'.format(base_name))
    stencil_file = os.path.join(directory, '{}-stencil.png'.format(base_name))
    json_file = os.path.join(directory, '{}.json'.format(base_name))
    rgb = np.array(
    depth = tifffile.imread(depth_file)
    stencil = np.array(
    with open(json_file) as f:
        data = json.load(f)

    # creating pointcloud for original data
    csv_name = base_name + '-orig'
    vecs, _ = points_to_homo(data, depth, tresholding=False)
    vecs_p = ndc_to_view(vecs, data['proj_matrix'])
    vecs_p_world = view_to_world(vecs_p, np.array(data['view_matrix']))
    a = np.asarray(vecs_p_world[0:3, :].T)
    np.savetxt(os.path.join('kitti-format', "points-{}.csv".format(csv_name)), a, delimiter=",")

    # whole gta to kitti transformation
    rgb, depth, stencil = image_gta_to_kitti(rgb, depth, stencil, data['width'], data['height'], data['camera_fov'])
    data['proj_matrix'] = get_kitti_proj_matrix(np.array(data['proj_matrix'])).tolist()
    data['width'], data['height'] = get_kitti_img_size()

    # saving new images
    Image.fromarray(rgb).convert(mode="RGB").save(os.path.join('kitti-format', '{}.jpg'.format(base_name)))
    tifffile.imsave(os.path.join('kitti-format', '{}-depth-orig.tiff'.format(base_name)), depth)
    tifffile.imsave(os.path.join('kitti-format', '{}-depth-lzma.tiff'.format(base_name)), depth, compress='lzma')
    tifffile.imsave(os.path.join('kitti-format', '{}-depth-zip-5.tiff'.format(base_name)), depth, compress=5)
    tifffile.imsave(os.path.join('kitti-format', '{}-depth-zip-9.tiff'.format(base_name)), depth, compress=9)
    tifffile.imsave(os.path.join('kitti-format', '{}-depth-zip-zstd.tiff'.format(base_name)), depth, compress='zstd')
    Image.fromarray(stencil).save(os.path.join('kitti-format', '{}-stencil.jpg'.format(base_name)))
    with open(os.path.join('kitti-format', '{}.json'.format(base_name)), 'w+') as f:
        json.dump(data, f)

    data['view_matrix'] = np.array(data['view_matrix'])

    check_proj_matrices(depth, data)

    # creating pointcloud for kitti format data
    csv_name = base_name + '-kitti'
    vecs, _ = points_to_homo(data, depth, tresholding=False)
    vecs_p = ndc_to_view(vecs, data['proj_matrix'])
    vecs_p_world = view_to_world(vecs_p, np.array(data['view_matrix']))
    a = np.asarray(vecs_p_world[0:3, :].T)
    np.savetxt(os.path.join('kitti-format', "points-{}.csv".format(csv_name)), a, delimiter=",")
def check_proj_matrices(depth, data):
    calib = load_calibration_cam_to_cam('kitti-calibration-example/calib_cam_to_cam.txt')
    kitti_proj_matrix = calib['P_rect'][2]
    proj_matrix = np.array(data['proj_matrix'])
    cropped_proj_matrix = proj_matrix[(0, 1, 3), :]
    width, height = get_kitti_img_size()
    to_pixel_matrix = np.array([
        [width/2, 0, width/2],
        [0, -height/2, height/2],
        [0, 0, 1],
    result = to_pixel_matrix @ cropped_proj_matrix

    data['cam_far_clip'] = 1000
    points_ndc, pixels = points_to_homo(data, depth, tresholding=True)
    points_meters = ndc_to_view(points_ndc, proj_matrix)
    points_meters[2, :] *= -1

    points_pixels = np.zeros((3, points_ndc.shape[1]))
    points_pixels[0] = pixels[1] * points_meters[2, :]
    points_pixels[1] = pixels[0] * points_meters[2, :]
    points_pixels[2] = points_meters[2, :]
    # points_pixels must contain point values after the normalization (dividing by depth),
    # so now they must be multiplied by depth

    points_meters = points_meters[0:3, :]

    calculated_kitti_proj, residuals, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(points_meters.T, points_pixels.T)
    calculated_kitti_proj = calculated_kitti_proj.T  # need to transpose it because of matrix multiplication from the other side
def obtain_toyota_projection_matrix_from_image():
    directory = r'D:\output-datasets\onroad-3'
    base_name = '2018-07-31--17-45-30--020'
    rgb_file = os.path.join(directory, '{}.jpg'.format(base_name))
    depth_file = os.path.join(directory, '{}-depth.png'.format(base_name))
    json_file = os.path.join(directory, '{}.json'.format(base_name))
    depth = np.array(
    depth = depth / np.iinfo(np.uint16).max  # normalizing into NDC
    with open(json_file, mode='r') as f:
        data = json.load(f)

    proj_matrix = np.array(data['proj_matrix'])
    data['cam_far_clip'] = 1000
    points_ndc, pixels = points_to_homo(data, depth, tresholding=True)
    points_meters = ndc_to_view(points_ndc, proj_matrix)
    points_meters *= 1000  # distances are calculated in mm
    points_meters[2, :] *= -1

    points_pixels = np.zeros((3, points_ndc.shape[1]))
    points_pixels[0] = pixels[1] * points_meters[2, :]
    points_pixels[1] = pixels[0] * points_meters[2, :]
    points_pixels[2] = points_meters[2, :]
    # points_pixels must contain point values after the normalization (dividing by depth),
    # so now they must be multiplied by depth

    points_meters = points_meters[0:3, :]

    toyota_proj, residuals, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(points_meters.T,
    toyota_proj = toyota_proj.T  # need to transpose it because of matrix multiplication from the other side

    # centering to image check
    assert np.isclose((data['width'] / 2) - 0.5, toyota_proj[0, 2])
    assert np.isclose((data['height'] / 2) - 0.5, toyota_proj[1, 2])

    # zeros where they should be checking
    assert np.isclose(0, toyota_proj[0, 1], atol=2e-6)
    assert np.isclose(0, toyota_proj[1, 0], atol=2e-6)
    assert np.isclose(0, toyota_proj[2, 0], atol=2e-6)
    assert np.isclose(0, toyota_proj[2, 1], atol=2e-6)

    assert np.isclose(1, toyota_proj[2, 2])

    # fov should be same for x and y
    # fov in pixel size checking
    assert np.isclose(toyota_proj[0, 0], -toyota_proj[1, 1], atol=5e-1)

    print(toyota_proj.T, ' is the projection matrix')
    print((toyota_proj[0, 0] - toyota_proj[1, 1]) / 2,
          'is the fov you are looking for')
def camera_to_pointcloud(cam):
    # start = time.time()
    name = cam['imagepath']
    depth = load_depth(name)
    cam['cam_far_clip'] = MAX_DISTANCE
    # print('load_depth:', time.time() - start)
    # start = time.time()
    vecs, _ = points_to_homo(cam, depth)
    # print('points_to_homo:', time.time() - start)
    # start = time.time()
    assert(vecs.shape[0] == 4)
    vecs_p = ndc_to_view(vecs, cam['proj_matrix'])
    vecs_p_world = view_to_world(vecs_p, cam['view_matrix'])
    # print('ndc_to_world:', time.time() - start)
    assert(vecs_p_world.shape[0] == 4)
    return vecs_p_world[0:3, :]
Esempio n. 5
import os
from gta_math import points_to_homo, ndc_to_view, view_to_world
from PIL import Image
import json

def save_csv(vecs_p, name):
    a = np.asarray(vecs_p[0:3, :].T)
    np.savetxt("points-{}.csv".format(name), a, delimiter=",")

directory = r'D:\output-datasets\offroad-7\0'

file_name = '2018-08-13--11-15-01--499'
rgb_file = os.path.join(directory, '{}.jpg'.format(file_name))
depth_file = os.path.join(directory, '{}-depth.png'.format(file_name))
json_file = os.path.join(directory, '{}.json'.format(file_name))

rgb = np.array(
depth = np.array(
depth = depth / np.iinfo(np.uint16).max  # normalizing into NDC
with open(json_file, mode='r') as f:
    data = json.load(f)
data['proj_matrix'] = np.array(data['proj_matrix'])
data['view_matrix'] = np.array(data['view_matrix'])

vecs, _ = points_to_homo(data, depth, tresholding=False)
vecs_p = ndc_to_view(vecs, np.array(data['proj_matrix']))
vecs_p_world = view_to_world(vecs_p, np.array(data['view_matrix']))
save_csv(vecs_p, 'my-points-'+file_name)