Esempio n. 1
    def testSorting(self):
        geSourceTest = self._commonSetup()
        for caseName in geSourceTest.cases:
            if not caseName.startswith('gtrack'):
            if 'no_sort' in caseName:
                print 'Test case skipped: ' + caseName
            print caseName
            case = geSourceTest.cases[caseName]
            testFn = self._writeTestFile(case)
            print open(testFn).read()
            sortedContents = sortGtrackFileAndReturnContents(testFn, case.genome)
            print sortedContents

            sourceClass = GenomeElementSource if case.sourceClass is None else case.sourceClass
            forPreProcessor = True if case.sourceClass is None else False
            sortedGeSource = GEDependentAttributesHolder(sourceClass('sortedFile.gtrack', case.genome, \
                                                                     forPreProcessor=forPreProcessor, \
                                                                     printWarnings=False, \
            reprIsDense = TrackFormat.createInstanceFromGeSource(sortedGeSource).reprIsDense()
            if not reprIsDense:
                self.assertEquals(sorted(case.assertElementList), [ge for ge in sortedGeSource])
                for ge in sortedGeSource:
            self.assertEquals(sorted(case.boundingRegionsAssertList), [br for br in sortedGeSource.getBoundingRegionTuples()])
    def testHeaderExpansion(self):
        geSourceTest = self._commonSetup()
        for caseName in geSourceTest.cases:
            if not caseName.startswith('gtrack'):
            if 'no_expand' in caseName:
                print 'Test case skipped: ' + caseName
            onlyGuaranteed = 'no_types_expanded' in caseName
            print caseName
            print '==========='
            case = geSourceTest.cases[caseName]
            headerLines = [line if not self._isHeaderLine(line) else
                            '##' + ': '.join([str(x).lower() for x in Gtrack.getHeaderKeyValue(line.strip())])
                             for line in case.headerLines]
            fullContents = os.linesep.join(headerLines + case.lines)
            print 'Original:\n\n' + fullContents
            case.headerLines = [line for line in headerLines if not self._isExpandableHeader(line, onlyGuaranteed)]
            print '-----'
            print 'With headers removed:\n\n' + os.linesep.join(case.headerLines + case.lines)
            testFn = self._writeTestFile(case)
            expandedContents = expandHeadersOfGtrackFileAndReturnContents(testFn, case.genome, onlyNonDefault=False)

            print '-----'
            print 'With expanded headers:\n\n' + expandedContents
            expandedContentsOnlyNonDefaults = expandHeadersOfGtrackFileAndReturnContents(testFn, case.genome, onlyNonDefault=True)

            print '-----'
            print 'With expanded headers (only non-default headers):\n\n' + expandedContentsOnlyNonDefaults
            origExpandableHeaders = dict([Gtrack.getHeaderKeyValue(line) for line in headerLines \
                                          if self._isExpandableHeader(line, onlyGuaranteed=False)])
            notExpandableHeaders = dict([Gtrack.getHeaderKeyValue(line) for line in case.headerLines \
                                          if self._isHeaderLine(line) and not self._isValueNotKeptHeader(line)])
            expandedHeaders = dict([Gtrack.getHeaderKeyValue(line) for line in expandedContents.split(os.linesep) \
                                    if self._isHeaderLine(line)])
            if 'no_check_expand' in caseName:
                print 'No checks for case: ' + caseName
                for header in origExpandableHeaders:
                    self.assertEquals(origExpandableHeaders[header], expandedHeaders[header])
                for header in notExpandableHeaders:
                    self.assertEquals(notExpandableHeaders[header], expandedHeaders[header])
                for contents in [expandedContents, expandedContentsOnlyNonDefaults]:
                    sourceClass = GenomeElementSource if case.sourceClass is None else case.sourceClass
                    forPreProcessor = True if case.sourceClass is None else False

                    stdGeSource = GEDependentAttributesHolder(sourceClass('expanded.gtrack', case.genome, \
                                                                          forPreProcessor=forPreProcessor, \
                                                                          printWarnings=False, \
                    self.assertEquals(case.assertElementList, [ge for ge in stdGeSource])
                    self.assertEquals(case.boundingRegionsAssertList, [br for br in stdGeSource.getBoundingRegionTuples()])
 def _commonTestComposer(self, withTrackGESource, composerCls, suffix):
     geSourceTest = self._commonSetup()
     for caseName in geSourceTest.cases:
         if not (caseName == suffix or \
                 (caseName.startswith(suffix) and caseName[len(suffix)] in ['_','.'])):
         if 'no_print' in caseName or \
             withTrackGESource and ('no_track_extract' in caseName or \
             print 'Test case skipped: ' + caseName
         print caseName
         case = geSourceTest.cases[caseName]
         testFn = self._writeTestFile(case)
         sourceClass = case.sourceClass if case.sourceClass is not None else GenomeElementSource
         genome = self.GENOME if withTrackGESource else case.genome
         rawCaseGESource = sourceClass(testFn, genome, printWarnings=False)
         caseGESource = GEDependentAttributesHolder(rawCaseGESource)
         #actualSourceClass = caseGESource._geSource.__class__
         if withTrackGESource:
             for x in caseGESource:
             boundingRegionTuples = caseGESource.getBoundingRegionTuples()
             boundingRegions = [br.region for br in boundingRegionTuples]
             if boundingRegions == [] or all(br.chr is None for br in boundingRegions):
                 boundingRegions = GlobalBinSource(self.GENOME)
             trackName = self.TRACK_NAME_PREFIX + case.trackName
             allowOverlaps = True if ('start' in case.prefixList) and not caseName.endswith('_compose_no_overlaps') else False
             inputGESource = TrackGenomeElementSource(self.GENOME, trackName, boundingRegions, \
                                                      printWarnings=False, allowOverlaps=allowOverlaps)
             inputGESource = rawCaseGESource
         composer = composerCls(inputGESource)
         contents = composer.returnComposed()
         print contents
         composedFile = NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='.' + suffix)
         #print actualSourceClass.__name__
         outputGESource = GEDependentAttributesHolder(sourceClass(, genome, printWarnings=False))
         if 'no_check_print' in caseName or withTrackGESource and 'no_check_track_extract' in caseName:
             print 'No checks for case: ' + caseName
             caseGEs = [ge.getCopy() for ge in caseGESource]
             outputGEs = [ge.getCopy() for ge in outputGESource]
             isSortableGE = any(getattr(caseGEs[0], x) is not None for x in ['start','end']) if len(caseGEs) > 0 else False
             if withTrackGESource and isSortableGE and not caseGESource.hasBoundingRegionTuples():
                 caseGEs = sorted(caseGEs)
             self.assertGenomeElementLists(caseGEs, outputGEs)
             self.assertListsOrDicts(caseGESource.getBoundingRegionTuples(), outputGESource.getBoundingRegionTuples())