Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, filename, filetype='autodetect', opts=None, transfo_opts=None):
        if opts is None:
            opts = []
        if not isinstance(opts, list):
            raise ValueError('opts must be a list of option names! Received: type=%s val=%s',
                             type(opts), opts)

        if transfo_opts is None:
            transfo_opts = {}
        if not isinstance(transfo_opts, dict):
            raise ValueError('transfo_opts must be a dict of { transfo_name: (args, kwargs) }. ' +
                             'Received: type=%s val=%s', type(transfo_opts), transfo_opts)

        valid_filetypes = ('autodetect', 'subtitle', 'info', 'video',
                           'movie', 'moviesubtitle', 'movieinfo',
                           'episode', 'episodesubtitle', 'episodeinfo')
        if filetype not in valid_filetypes:
            raise ValueError("filetype needs to be one of %s" % valid_filetypes)
        if not PY3 and not isinstance(filename, unicode):
            log.warning('Given filename to matcher is not unicode...')
            filename = filename.decode('utf-8')

        filename = normalize_unicode(filename)

        self.filename = filename
        self.match_tree = MatchTree(filename)
        self.filetype = filetype
        self.opts = opts
        self.transfo_opts = transfo_opts
        self._transfo_calls = []

        # sanity check: make sure we don't process a (mostly) empty string
        if clean_string(filename) == '':

            mtree = self.match_tree
            mtree.guess.set('type', filetype, confidence=1.0)

            for transformer in transfo_manager.get_transformers():

            log.debug('Found match tree:\n%s' % u(mtree))
        except TransfoException as e:
            log.debug('An error has occured in Transformer %s: %s' % (e.transformer, e.message))
Esempio n. 2
def display_properties():
    print('Available transformers:')
    for transformer in transfo_manager.get_transformers():
        priority = 0
        if hasattr(transformer, 'priority'):
            priority = transformer.priority
        print('\t%s [%i]' % (transformer.__name__, priority))
        if hasattr(transformer, 'supported_properties'):
            for property_name, possible_values in transformer.supported_properties.items():
                order_values = sorted(list(set(possible_values)), key=unicode.lower)
                values_str = u''
                for v in order_values:
                    if values_str:
                        values_str += ', '
                    values_str += v
                print('\t\t%s: [%s]' % (property_name, values_str))
    print('Available properties:')