class ImpactCalculatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test the InaSAFE plugin stub"""

    def setUp(self):
        """Create shared resources that all tests can use"""
        self.calculator = ISImpactCalculator()
        self.vectorPath = os.path.join(TESTDATA, 'Padang_WGS84.shp')
        self.rasterShakePath = os.path.join(HAZDATA,
        # UTM projected layer

        fn = 'tsunami_max_inundation_depth_BB_utm.asc'
        self.rasterTsunamiBBPath = os.path.join(TESTDATA, fn)
        self.rasterExposureBBPath = os.path.join(TESTDATA,

        self.rasterPopulationPath = os.path.join(EXPDATA, 'glp10ag.asc')
        self.calculator.setFunction('Earthquake Guidelines Function')

    def tearDown(self):
        """Tear down - destroy the QGIS app"""

    def test_properties(self):
        """Test if the properties work as expected."""

        myMessage = 'Vector property incorrect.'
        assert (self.calculator.exposureLayer() ==
                self.vectorPath), myMessage

        myMessage = 'Raster property incorrect.'
        assert (self.calculator.hazardLayer() ==
                self.rasterShakePath), myMessage

        myMessage = 'Function property incorrect.'
        assert (self.calculator.function() ==
                'Earthquake Guidelines Function'), myMessage

    def test_run(self):
        """Test that run works as expected in non threading mode"""
            myRunner = self.calculator.getRunner()
            # run non threaded
            myMessage = myRunner.result()
            myImpactLayer = myRunner.impactLayer()
            myFilename = myImpactLayer.get_filename()
            assert(myFilename and not myFilename == '')
            assert(myMessage and not myMessage == '')
        except Exception, e:
            myMessage = 'Calculator run failed. %s' % str(e)
            assert(), myMessage
    def setUp(self):
        """Create shared resources that all tests can use"""
        self.calculator = ISImpactCalculator()
        self.vectorPath = os.path.join(TESTDATA, 'Padang_WGS84.shp')
        self.rasterShakePath = os.path.join(HAZDATA,
        # UTM projected layer

        fn = 'tsunami_max_inundation_depth_BB_utm.asc'
        self.rasterTsunamiBBPath = os.path.join(TESTDATA, fn)
        self.rasterExposureBBPath = os.path.join(TESTDATA,

        self.rasterPopulationPath = os.path.join(EXPDATA, 'glp10ag.asc')
        self.calculator.setFunction('Earthquake Guidelines Function')