def update_gui(window, event, values): """Wrapper method that calls the various update_gui methods. """ KcautoControls.update_gui(window, event, values) GuiTabButtonsLayout.update_gui(window, event, values) Config.update_gui(window, event, values) RuntimeLogger.update_gui(window, event, values) ClickPlotter.update_gui(window, event, values) Settings.update_gui(window, event, values) About.update_gui(window, event, values) # for tkinter-level modifications LayoutBase.update_widgets(window)
def __init__(self, window): self.rm_client = RemarkableClient() # Define app settings font_size = 38 row_height = 30 window_width = 750 window_height = 650 # Subscribe to events self.rm_client.listen_sign_in_event(self) # Window settings window.title("RemaPy Explorer") # Try to start remapy always on the first screen and in the middle. # We assume a resolution width of 1920... if 1920 is too large use # the real resolution x = min(window.winfo_screenwidth(), 1920) / 2 - (window_width / 2) y = (window.winfo_screenheight() / 2) - (window_height / 2) window.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (window_width, window_height, x, y)) # Create different tabs on notebook self.notebook = ttk.Notebook(window) self.notebook.pack(expand=1, fill="both") frame = ttk.Frame(self.notebook) self.file_explorer = FileExplorer(frame, window, font_size=font_size, row_height=row_height) self.notebook.add(frame, text="File Explorer") frame = ttk.Frame(self.notebook) self.notebook.add(frame, text="Backup", state="hidden") frame = ttk.Frame(self.notebook) self.notebook.add(frame, text="Zotero", state="hidden") frame = ttk.Frame(self.notebook) self.notebook.add(frame, text="Mirror", state="hidden") frame = ttk.Frame(self.notebook) self.notebook.add(frame, text="SSH", state="hidden") frame = ttk.Frame(self.notebook) self.settings = Settings(frame, font_size) self.notebook.add(frame, text="Settings") frame = ttk.Frame(self.notebook) self.about = About(frame) self.notebook.add(frame, text="About") # Try to sign in to the rm cloud without a onetime code i.e. we # assume that the user token is already available. If it is not # possible we get a signal to disable "My remarkable" and settings # are shown... self.rm_client.sign_in()
def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.settings = Settings() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.settings.screen_width, self.settings.screen_height)) # type: Surface pygame.display.set_caption("PyCheckers") self.board = Board() self.selected_tile = None self.red_ai = Ai(self.board, Color.RED, 4) self.black_ai = Ai(self.board, Color.BLACK, 4) self.first = True self.num_AIs = 0
def __init__(self, master=None): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, height=270, width=500) # Settings self.main_settings = Settings() self.set = self.main_settings self.lng = self.set.language self.master.title(self.lng['label_about_name'] + ' ' + \ version.__version__) self.pack(padx=0, pady=0, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=0) self.pack_propagate(0) self.master.windows_opened = [] # Conversion class self.tocyr = ToCyr() # Commands for interfaces self.master.main_settings = self.main_settings self.master.lng = self.lng self.master.show_exceptions = self.show_exceptions self.master.show_options = self.show_options self.master.show_filesdir = self.show_filesdir self.master.show_plaintext = self.show_plaintext self.master.show_newversion = self.show_newversion self.master.show_aboutwindow = self.show_aboutwindow self.master.convert = self.convert self.master.update_gui = self.update_gui self.master.kill_program = self.kill_program # Status bar self.create_statusbar() # Create and attach the menu = Dmenu(master) self.master.config( # This is called in to # recreate exceptions menu: self.master.recreate_excetions_menu = # Plain text / file conversion frames self.window_plaintext = PlainText(self) self.window_plaintext.window.forget() self.window_filesdir = FilesDir(self) # Shortcuts self.bind_all("<F2>", self.show_exceptions) self.bind_all("<F3>", self.show_options) self.bind_all("<F7>", self.show_filesdir) self.bind_all("<F8>", self.show_plaintext) # Select default mode #self.show_plaintext() self.show_filesdir()
def gui_main(): """Primary method for composing and initializing the kcauto GUI. """ Log.log_success("Starting kcauto GUI.") layout = [ GuiTabButtonsLayout.get_layout(), [ Config.get_layout(), RuntimeLogger.get_layout(), ClickPlotter.get_layout(), Settings.get_layout(), About.get_layout(), ], ConfigControls.get_layout(), KcautoControls.get_layout(), ] # initialize window window = sg.Window('kcauto', layout, use_default_focus=False, element_padding=(0, 0), margins=(3, 7), debugger_enabled=False, finalize=True) # initialize misc values secondary_event = None kcauto_proc = None kcauto_proc_poll = None proc_reader = None gui_queue = queue.Queue() timeout = None # load default config and refresh UI event, values = init_cfg_path = window['cfg_path'].Get() cfg_load(window, event, values, init_cfg_path) event, values = update_gui(window, event, values) while True: # primary loop event, values = if event != '__TIMEOUT__': # print(event) pass if event in ( None, 'Cancel', ): break if event == 'save': ConfigControls.save_cfg(values['cfg_path'], window, values) if event == 'save_cfg_path': new_cfg = values['save_cfg_path'] if new_cfg: window['cfg_path'].Update(new_cfg) ConfigControls.update_cfg_filename(window, new_cfg) ConfigControls.save_cfg(new_cfg, window, values) if event == 'load_cfg_path': new_cfg = values['load_cfg_path'] if new_cfg: cfg_load(window, event, values, new_cfg) secondary_event = 'load' event, values = if event == 'run_chrome': if values['gui.chrome_path'] and values['general.chrome_dev_port']: chrome_cmd_list = [ values['gui.chrome_path'], '--remote-debugging-port=' + str(values['general.chrome_dev_port']) ] Log.log_msg(f"Running chrome: {' '.join(chrome_cmd_list)}") if event == 'run_kcauto': timeout = 150 # automatically switch to log tab GuiTabButtonsLayout.switch_to_tab(window, 'log') # generate run command for kcauto run_cmd_list = values['gui.python_command'].split(' ') run_cmd_list.extend( ['kcauto', '--cli', '--cfg-path', window['cfg_path'].Get()]) if not values['gui.track_clicks']: run_cmd_list.append('--no-click-track') if values['gui.debug_output']: run_cmd_list.append('--debug-output') # run kcauto Log.log_msg(f"Running kcauto: {' '.join(run_cmd_list)}") kcauto_proc = RuntimeLogger.run_command(run_cmd_list) proc_reader = threading.Thread(target=RuntimeLogger.output_reader, args=(kcauto_proc, gui_queue)) proc_reader.start() window['run_kcauto'].Update(disabled=True) window['stop_kcauto'].Update( disabled=False, button_color=LayoutBase.COLORS_ALERT_BUTTON) window.TKroot.bind('<Escape>', lambda e, w=window, k=kcauto_proc, p= proc_reader: esc_bind(e, w, k, p)) if kcauto_proc and proc_reader: # process messages from kcauto to logger kcauto_proc_poll = (RuntimeLogger.process_queue( window, kcauto_proc, gui_queue)) if event == 'stop_kcauto' or kcauto_proc_poll is not None: RuntimeLogger.terminate(window, kcauto_proc, proc_reader) window['run_kcauto'].Update(disabled=False) window['stop_kcauto'].Update( disabled=True, button_color=LayoutBase.COLORS_ALERT_BUTTON_DISABLED) kcauto_proc_poll = None timeout = None update_gui(window, event, values) if secondary_event == 'load': window['scheduler.rules'].Update(window['scheduler.rules'].Values) secondary_event = None RuntimeLogger.terminate(window, kcauto_proc, proc_reader) window.close() Log.log_success("Shutting down kcauto GUI.")
def __init__(self, window_title: str = None, theme: str = "dark"): """ Constructor for the GUI :param window_title: (optional) Title in the upper bar of the window. :param theme: (optional) dark or light (default dark). """ # --- L A Y O U T --- # M A I N W I N D O W self.window = tk.Tk() # Configuration: self.theme = theme self.active_color = "#ad7fa8" self.bg_default = None self.fg_default = None self.window_config(window_title) # W I D G E T S # --- Frames: self.frm_image = ttk.Frame(master=self.window, style="Booklet.TFrame") self.frm_notebook = ttk.Frame(master=self.window, style="Booklet.TFrame") self.frm_settings = ttk.Frame(master=self.frm_notebook, style="Booklet.TFrame") self.frm_colormap = ttk.Frame(master=self.frm_notebook, style="Booklet.TFrame") # --- Labels: # self.lbl_date = None # IMAGE header_image_dark = tk.PhotoImage( file=join_path(STORE, "Fibonacci-dark.png")).subsample(2, 2) header_image_light = tk.PhotoImage( file=join_path(STORE, "Fibonacci-light.png")).subsample(2, 2) self.img_head_light = ttk.Label(self.frm_image, image=header_image_light, style="Title.TLabel") self.img_head_dark = ttk.Label(self.frm_image, image=header_image_dark, style="Title.TLabel") # TITLE self.lbl_title = ttk.Label(self.window, text='Booklet Machine', style="Title.TLabel") # NOTEBOOK self.ntb_instance = ttk.Notebook(self.frm_notebook, style="NB.TNotebook") self.frm_browse = BrowseIO() self.ntb_instance.add(self.frm_browse, text="Home") self.frm_settings = Settings(self.window_config) self.ntb_instance.add(self.frm_settings, text="Settings") # P A K S self.frm_image.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) # Packed in Window self.update_image() self.lbl_title.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True, padx=10, pady=10) # Packed in window self.frm_notebook.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) # Packed in window self.ntb_instance.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True, padx=10, pady=10) # Packed in Notebook # M A I N - L O O P self.main_loop()