def panel(panel, sizer, addgroup, exithooks): service_providers = ServiceMetaProviderPanel(sp.get_meta_service_providers(), 40, 3, panel) two = PrefPanel(panel, service_providers, _('Add Accounts')) import services container = services.service_provider.ServiceProviderContainer(profile()) provider_accts = observe.ObservableList(container.get_ordered() or []) def on_change(*a, **k): if not provider_accts.isflagged('being_set'): order = [] for provider in provider_accts: for type_ in ('im', 'email', 'social'): #keep order! - no frozenset! if type_ in provider.accounts: order.append(provider.accounts[type_].id) container.set_order(order) def order_set(*a, **k): @wx.CallAfter def do_set(): new = container.get_ordered() if new[:] != provider_accts[:]: with provider_accts.flagged('being_set'): provider_accts[:] = new container.on_order_changed += order_set def unregister(*a, **k): if order_set in container.on_order_changed: container.on_order_changed -= order_set exithooks += unregister #hook this into on_data_changed accts = ProviderList(panel, provider_accts, row_control = lambda *a, **k: ServiceProviderRow(use_checkbox = False, *a, **k), edit_buttons = None) provider_accts.add_observer(on_change, obj = accts) three = PrefPanel(panel, accts, _('My Accounts')) sizer.Add(two, 0, EXPAND) sizer.Add(three, 1, EXPAND | wx.TOP, 3) four = PrefPanel(panel, choices_sizer(panel, exithooks), _('Account Options')) sizer.Add(four, 0, EXPAND | wx.TOP, 3) return panel
def build_panel(self): AcctPrivacyPanel.build_panel(self) sz = VSizer() allow_chk = wx.CheckBox( self, -1, _('Allow only users on my buddy list to contact me')) allow_chk.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.allow_changed) self.allow_chk = allow_chk hide_os_chk = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _('Hide operating system from other users')) hide_os_chk.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.cb_changed) self.hide_os_chk = hide_os_chk perms = PrefPanel( self, PrefCollection(allow_chk, hide_os_chk, layout=VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, BOTTOM, 6)), _('Permissions')) sz.Add(perms, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) sz.ShowItems(False) self.online_components = sz
def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, "Hey! It's a combo title.", pos=wx.Point(300, 300)) self.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.pp = pp = PrefPanel(self, [ (FakeContent(self, wx.Colour(238, 238, 238)), 'grey'), (FakeContent(self, wx.Colour(238, 238, 255)), 'blue'), (FakeContent(self, wx.Colour(255, 238, 238)), 'red'), (FakeContent(self, wx.Colour(238, 255, 238)), 'green'), (FakeContent(self, wx.Colour(255, 255, 238)), 'yellow'), ]) self.Sizer.Add(pp, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) button = wx.Button(self, -1, 'ZOMG Lazers') self.Sizer.Add(button, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3) button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnLazers) self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, lambda e: wx.GetApp().ExitMainLoop())
def panel(p, sizer, addgroup, exithooks): components = [o() for o in Support.supportoptions.get_enabled()] _supportpanel = Support.supportdialog.SupportPanel(components, p) outerpanel = PrefPanel(p, _supportpanel, _('Support Digsby')) exithooks += _supportpanel.OnClose sizer.Add(outerpanel, 1, wx.EXPAND) return p
def panel(panel, sizer, addgroup, exithooks): collection = PrefCollection(Check( None, _('&Allow Digsby to conduct research during idle itme')), layout=VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, wx.BOTTOM, 6)) help_group = PrefPanel(panel, collection, _('Help Digsby')) sizer.Add(help_group) return panel
def addgroup(titleortuple, *workers, **options): # given as a shortcut to each pref page if isinstance(titleortuple, tuple): title, prefix = titleortuple else: title = titleortuple prefix = '' group = PrefCollection(*workers, **options) panel = PrefPanel(p, group, title, prefix=prefix) szAdd(panel, 0, EXPAND_ALL, 3) return panel
def panel(panel, sizer, newgroup, exithooks): gprivops = PrefPanel( panel, PrefCollection( Check('send_typing_notifications', _('&Let others know that I am typing')), Check( 'www_auto_signin', _('&Automatically sign me into websites (e.g., Yahoo! Mail)')), layout=VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, BOTTOM, 6)), _('Global Privacy Options'), prefix='privacy') privacy_panel = PrefPanel(panel) PageFactory(privacy_panel, exithooks) sizer.Add(gprivops, 0, EXPAND | BOTTOM, 6) sizer.Add(privacy_panel, 1, EXPAND) return panel
def build_panel(self): AcctPrivacyPanel.build_panel(self) ### Online components acct = self.acct self.perm_rbs = perm_rbs = [] def rb_callback(a): acct.connection.set_privacy(*a) silence_notifications(acct.connection) perms = PrefPanel( self, PrefCollection(layout=wx.GridBagSizer(hgap=6), *CheckGridList(self, perm_rbs, self.perm_choices, acct, rb_callback, self.show_editor)), _('Permissions')) self.opts_rbs = opts_rbs = [] opts = PrefPanel( self, PrefCollection( wx.StaticText( self, -1, _('Allow users who know my email address to find:')), layout=VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, BOTTOM, 6), *CheckVList( self, opts_rbs, self.opts_choices, lambda a: acct.connection.set_search_response(*a))), _('Options')) sz = VSizer() sz.Add(perms, 0, EXPAND) sz.Add(opts, 0, EXPAND) sz.ShowItems(False) self.online_components = sz
def panel(panel, sizer, addgroup, exithooks): # disable skins on mac if config.platform != 'mac': addgroup(_('Application Skin'), lambda p, *a: skin_sizer(p)) addgroup(_('Conversation Theme'), lambda p, *a: conversation_sizer(p, panel)) convo_preview = PrefPanel( panel, lambda parent, _prefix: conversation_preview(parent, exithooks, panel), _('Conversation Preview')) sizer.Add(convo_preview, 1, EXPAND) return panel
def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, "A simple test.", pos=wx.Point(400, 550), size=wx.Size(563, 294)) self.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) pp = PrefPanel(self, NoobContactLayoutPanel(self), ' A test of noobish proportions ') self.Sizer.Add(pp, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, lambda e: wx.GetApp().ExitMainLoop())
def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, "A simple test.", pos=wx.Point(50, 50)) self.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) pp = PrefPanel(self, FakeContent(self, wx.Colour(238, 238, 238)), ' A test of silly proportions ', "A Button", self.AButtonCB) self.Sizer.Add(pp, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, lambda e: wx.GetApp().ExitMainLoop())
def build_panel(self): AcctPrivacyPanel.build_panel(self) self.rbs = rbs = [] perms = PrefPanel( self, PrefCollection(layout=wx.GridBagSizer(hgap=6), *CheckGridList(self, rbs, self.perm_choices, self.acct, self.rb_changed, self.show_editor)), _('Permissions')) sz = VSizer() sz.Add(perms, 0, EXPAND) sz.ShowItems(False) self.online_components = sz
def build_panel(self): AcctPrivacyPanel.build_panel(self) ### Online components # p_box = wx.StaticBox(self,-1, 'Permissions') # perm_sz = MakeEnabledSizer(wx.StaticBoxSizer)(p_box,wx.VERTICAL) check = wx.CheckBox(self, 1, label=_("Allow unknown users to contact me")) check.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.chk_changed) self.check = check perms = PrefPanel( self, PrefCollection( check, PrefCollection( Label(_('Allow List')), Button(_('Edit'), lambda *a: self.show_editor(MSNAllowListEditor)), Label(_('Block List')), Button(_('Edit'), lambda *a: self.show_editor(MSNBlockListEditor)), layout=wx.GridSizer(cols=2, hgap=6), itemoptions=(0, ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | BOTTOM, 6)), layout=VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, BOTTOM, 6)), _('Permissions')) sz = VSizer() sz.Add(perms, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3) sz.ShowItems(False) self.online_components = sz self.mobile_changed()
def build_panel(self): AcctPrivacyPanel.build_panel(self) block_unknowns = wx.CheckBox( self, -1, label=_('Allow only users on my buddy list to contact me')) req_auth = wx.CheckBox( self, -1, label= _('Require authorization before users can add me to their contact list' )) block_urls = wx.CheckBox( self, -1, label=_('Block authorization requests with URLs in them')) web_status = wx.CheckBox( self, -1, label=_('Allow others to view my online status from the web')) req_auth.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.auth_changed) block_urls.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.block_urls_changed) web_status.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.webaware_changed) block_unknowns.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.block_changed) lists = [] for labelclass in ((_('Block List'), ICQBlockListEditor), (_('Visible List'), ICQVisibleListEditor), (_('Invisible List'), ICQInvisibleListEditor)): lists.append(Label(labelclass[0])) lists.append( Button(_('Edit'), lambda b, cls=labelclass[1]: self.show_editor(cls))) perms = PrefPanel( self, PrefCollection(block_unknowns, req_auth, block_urls, web_status, PrefCollection( layout=wx.GridSizer(cols=2, hgap=6), itemoptions=(0, BOTTOM | ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 3), *lists), layout=VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, BOTTOM | ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 6)), _('Permissions')) self._web_status = web_status self._req_auth = req_auth self._block_urls = block_urls self._block_unknowns = block_unknowns sz = VSizer() sz.Add(perms, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) sz.Enable(False) sz.ShowItems(False) self.online_components = sz self.get_check_values()
def __init__(self,parent): SimplePanel.__init__(self, parent, wx.FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) self.BackgroundColour = wx.WHITE self.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(HORIZONTAL) sz = wx.BoxSizer(HORIZONTAL) self.Sizer.Add(sz,1,EXPAND|ALL,3) leftcol = wx.BoxSizer(VERTICAL) acctcombo = self.acctcombo = UberCombo(self, value='',skinkey='AppDefaults.PrefCombo') acctcont = PrefPanel(self,acctcombo,_('Account')) leftcol.Add(acctcont,0,EXPAND|ALL,3) buddylist = self.buddylist = ListOBuddies(self) self.buddies_panel = buddycont = PrefPanel(self, buddylist, _('Buddy')) leftcol.Add(buddycont, 1, EXPAND | TOPLESS, 3) style = wx.NO_BORDER | CAL_SUNDAY_FIRST | CAL_SEQUENTIAL_MONTH_SELECTION | CAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS cal = = CalendarCtrl(self, -1, wx.DateTime.Now(), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style) cal.SetForegroundColour(wx.Color(160, 160, 160)) cal.SetHolidayColours(wx.BLACK, wx.WHITE) cal.SetHeaderColours(Color(160, 160, 160), Color(239, 239, 239)) calcont = PrefPanel(self,cal,_('Date')) leftcol.Add(calcont, 0, EXPAND | TOPLESS, 3) sz.Add(leftcol, 0, EXPAND) viewpanel = wx.Panel(self) viewer = self.viewer = PastBrowserWebkitWindow(viewpanel) # viewer.SetMouseWheelZooms(True) finder = self.finder = FindBar(viewpanel,viewer) menu = UMenu(viewer) menu.AddItem(_('Copy'), id = wx.ID_COPY, callback = lambda *a: viewer.Copy()) viewer.BindWheel(self) viewer.BindScrollWin(self) viewer.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, lambda e: (menu.GetItemById(wx.ID_COPY).Enable(viewer.CanCopy()), menu.PopupMenu(event = e))) viewer.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN,self.OnKeyDown) finder.TextControl.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN,self.OnKeyDown) nav = BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) prev = self.prev = UberButton(viewpanel, label = '<-', skin = BUTTON_SKIN) next = = UberButton(viewpanel, label = '->', skin = BUTTON_SKIN) datelabel = wx.StaticText(viewpanel, -1, style = wx.ALIGN_CENTER| wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) datelabel.SetMinSize((140, -1)) prev.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda e: self.Flip(-1)) next.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda e: self.Flip( 1)) nav.AddStretchSpacer(1) nav.AddMany([(prev, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER), (datelabel, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER), (next, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)]) nav.AddStretchSpacer(1) viewpanel.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) viewpanel.Sizer.AddMany([ (nav, 0, EXPAND), (viewer, 1, EXPAND), (finder, 0, EXPAND) ]) sz.Add(PrefPanel(self, viewpanel, _('Conversation Log')), 1, EXPAND | ALL, 3) Bind = self.Bind Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) def OnAcct(*a): ''' Handle selection of a new account from the Account drop down ''' if self.GroupChatsSelected(): from collections import defaultdict self.groupchats = defaultdict(list) for g in GetGroupChats(): d = g['time'] key = DateTimeFromDMY(, d.month-1, d.year) self.groupchats[key].append(g) #dates = sorted((g['date'], g) for g in self.dates = sorted(self.groupchats.keys()) UpdateCal() self.buddies_panel.SetTitle(_('Chats')) else: buddylist.SetList(GetBuddies(, BuddyRenderer()) OnBuddy() self.buddies_panel.SetTitle(_('Buddy')) def OnBuddy(*a): ''' Handels selection of a buddy from the buddy pannel ''' if not self.GroupChatsSelected(): self.dates = GetDates(buddylist.SelectedBuddy.dir) UpdateCal() else: ViewLogForFile(buddylist.SelectedItem['file'], do_aliases=False) def UpdateCal(): ''' Switches the date to the last date conversed with the selected budy ''' self.prev.Enable(True) if self.dates: = self.dates[-1] OnCalChange() def OnCalChange(*a): ''' Update the Calendar UI to a new date ''' caldate = cal.Date currentyear = caldate.GetYear() currentmonth = caldate.GetMonth() relevantdates = frozenset(date.GetDay() for date in self.dates if date.GetYear() == currentyear and date.GetMonth() == currentmonth and date.GetDay()) SetHoliday, SetAttr = cal.SetHoliday, cal.SetAttr for i in xrange(1, 32): if i in relevantdates: SetHoliday(i) else: SetAttr(i, CalendarDateAttr(Color(160,160,160))) OnDayChange() self.OnCalChange = OnCalChange def ViewLogForDay(date): ''' Load the log file for the specified date for the currently selected buddy ''' logpath = logpath_for_date(buddylist.SelectedBuddy, date) ViewLogForFile(logpath) def ViewLogForFile(logpath, do_aliases=True): ''' Update the log viewer with the file specified ''' with viewer.Frozen(): viewer.SetPageSource(logpath.text('utf-8', 'replace'), logpath.url()) viewer.RunScript('window.scroll(0, 0);') if do_aliases: substitue_aliases() import hooks hooks.notify('digsby.statistics.logviewer.log_viewed') def substitue_aliases(): ''' Swap out buddy names with their allies ''' import gui with open( / 'html' / 'jquery-1.3.2.js', 'rb') as f: viewer.RunScript( buddy = buddylist.SelectedBuddy aliases = IAliasProvider(profile()) import simplejson as json names = set(json.loads(viewer.RunScript("var foo = []; $('.buddy').each(function(){foo.push($(this).html())}); JSON.stringify(foo);"))) for name in names: alias = aliases.get_alias(name, buddy.service, buddy.protocol) or name viewer.RunScript(SUBHTML % (json.dumps(name), json.dumps(alias))) def OnDayChange(*a): ''' Show the log for the day selected in the clander ''' date = cal.Date = date datelabel.SetLabel(date.FormatDate()) if cal.GetAttr(date.GetDay()).IsHoliday(): if self.GroupChatsSelected(): chats = sorted(self.groupchats[date], key=lambda g: g['time'], reverse=True) buddylist.SetList(chats, GroupChatRenderer()) if chats: ViewLogForFile(chats[0]['file'], do_aliases=False) else: ViewLogForDay(date) else: year = str(date.GetYear()) month = date.GetMonth() month = wx.DateTime.GetMonthName(int(month)) day = str(date.GetDay()) specific_day_string = _('{month}, {day}, {year}').format(month=month, day=day, year=year) if self.GroupChatsSelected(): msg = _("There are no chat logs for {specific_day_string}.").format(specific_day_string=specific_day_string) else: msg = _("There are no chat logs for {specific_day_string} with {name}.").format(specific_day_string=specific_day_string, viewer.SetPageSource(msg, 'file:///C:/') viewer.SetFocus() wx.CallAfter(cal.Refresh) self.OnDayChange = OnDayChange acctcombo.SetCallbacks(value = OnAcct) buddylist.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, OnBuddy) cBind = cal.Bind cBind(EVT_CALENDAR_YEAR, OnCalChange) cBind(EVT_CALENDAR_MONTH, OnCalChange) cBind(EVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED, OnDayChange) acctcombo.SetItems(MakeAccountItems(), 0)
def panel(p, sizer, addgroup, exithooks): widgetlist = WidgetList(p, profile.widgets) browser = Browser(p) browser.SetMinSize((235, -1)) preview = PrefPanel(p, browser, _('Widget Preview')) preview.SetMinSize((235, -1)) embedpanel = wx.Panel(p) es = embedpanel.Sizer = VSizer() embedtext = wx.TextCtrl(embedpanel, -1, '', style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY) embedtext.SetMinSize((-1, 60)) copybutton = wx.Button( embedpanel, -1, _('&Copy To Clipboard'), style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT if platformName == 'mac' else 0) if platformName == 'mac': copybutton.SetWindowVariant(wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL) button_flags = 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | RIGHT | TOP | BOTTOM, 3 else: button_flags = 0, EXPAND | TOP, 3 es.Add(embedtext, 1, EXPAND) es.Add(copybutton, *button_flags) def docopy(e): clip = wx.TheClipboard if clip.Open(): clip.SetData(wx.TextDataObject(embedtext.Value)) clip.Close() copybutton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, docopy) copybutton.Enable(False) def show_widget(widget_embed_text): browser.SetPage(widget_embed_text) def on_widget_selection(e): i = e.Int'widget %d selected', i) if i != -1: widget = widgetlist.GetDataObject(i) embedtext.Value = widget.embed_tag copybutton.Enable(bool(embedtext.Value)) wx.CallLater(150, show_widget, widget.embed_creator(*browser.Size)) else: copybutton.Enable(False) widgetlist.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, on_widget_selection) widgets = PrefPanel(p, widgetlist, _('Widgets'), _('New Widget'), lambda b: widgetlist.OnNew()) embed = PrefPanel(p, embedpanel, _('Embed Tag')) top = HSizer() top.Add(widgets, 1, EXPAND) top.Add(preview, 0, EXPAND | LEFT, 6) sizer.Add(top, 1, EXPAND) sizer.Add(embed, 0, EXPAND | TOP, 6) p.on_close = widgetlist.on_close wx.CallLater( 10, lambda: browser.SetPage(preview_placeholder % tuple(browser.Size))) return p
def panel(panel, sizer, newgroup, exithooks): display_choices = [(n, str(n + 1)) for n in xrange(Monitor.GetCount())] dddict = { '{location_dropdown}': ('notifications.popups.location', popupchoices), '{monitor_dropdown}': ('notifications.popups.monitor', display_choices) } popup_panel = wx.Panel(panel) popup_sizer = popup_panel.Sizer = HSizer() popupposstr = _( 'Enable &pop-up notifications in the {location_dropdown} on monitor {monitor_dropdown}' ) pattern = re.compile('(.*?)(\{\w*\})(.*?)(\{\w*\})(.*)') m = startstr = dd1 = middlestr = dd2 = endstr = popup_sizer.Add( CheckChoice('notifications.enable_popup', dddict[dd1][0], startstr, dddict[dd1][1])(popup_panel), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND) choice2 = Choice(dddict[dd2][0], dddict[dd2][1], caption=middlestr)(popup_panel) choice2.Enable(get_pref('notifications.enable_popup')) profile.prefs.add_observer( lambda *a: choice2.Enable(get_pref('notifications.enable_popup')), 'notifications.enable_popup', obj=panel) popup_sizer.Add(choice2, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND) if endstr: popup_sizer.Add(Label(endstr)(popup_panel), 0, 3) top = PrefPanel(panel, PrefCollection(popup_panel, Check('enable_sound', _('Enable &sounds'))), _('Notifications'), prefix='notifications') notifications_view = build_notification_area(panel) notifications_view.SetFocus() bottom = PrefPanel(panel, notifications_view, _('Events')) restore_default_button = Button( panel, _('Restore Defaults'), lambda: restore_default_notifications(notifications_view)) if platformName == 'mac': restore_default_button.SetWindowVariant(wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL) sizer.AddMany([ (top, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3), (bottom, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3), (restore_default_button, 0, wx.BOTTOM | wx.LEFT, 4 if platformName == 'mac' else 0), ]) return panel
def panel(panel, sizer, addgroup, exithooks): startup = wx.CheckBox(panel, label=_('&Launch Digsby when this computer starts')) try: startupval = bool(startup_shortcuts()) except Exception: startupval = False startup.Disable() startup.Value = startupval startup.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, lambda e: on_startup_change(startup.Value)) # FIXME: Implement this for OS X (and GTK/Linux of course!) grp1 = PrefPanel( panel, PrefCollection( startup, #Check('startup.launch_on_login', _('&Launch Digsby when this computer starts')), #Check('startup.default_im_check', _('Check to see if &Digsby is the default IM client on this computer')), Check('digsby.updater.auto_download', _("&Automatically download software updates")), Check( 'login.reconnect.attempt', _('&If connection to IM service is lost, automatically attempt to reconnect' )), Check( 'social.feed_ads', _('Show trending news articles in social network feeds (powered by OneRiot)' )), layout=VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, wx.BOTTOM | wx.TOP, 3)), _('General Options')) p, input, chk = build_profile_panel(panel) panel.get_profile = lambda: input.GetFormattedValue() panel.get_promote = lambda: chk.Value exithooks += lambda: save_profile(panel.get_profile()) #exithooks += lambda: input.SaveStyle(input.formatpref) profile_grp = PrefPanel(panel, p, _('Profile (AIM Only)')) ico = build_buddy_icon_panel(panel, 'bicon') buddy_icon_grp = PrefPanel(panel, ico, _('Buddy Icon')) # Profile and Buddy Icon sizer innersz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) innersz.Add(profile_grp, 1, wx.EXPAND) innersz.Add(buddy_icon_grp, 0, wx.LEFT, 6) lang_choices = [ ('en', 'English'), ] # langpanel = VSizer() langchoice = Choice('locale', lang_choices)(panel) # langchoice.SetMinSize((200,-1)) # langpanel.Add(langchoice) lang_grp = PrefPanel(panel, langchoice, _('Language')) sizer.AddMany([ (grp1, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3), (innersz, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3), (lang_grp, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3), ]) #(40, 40) sizer.AddStretchSpacer() wx.CallAfter(input.SetFormattedValue, profile.profile) panel.Layout() return panel
def panel(panel, sizer, addgroup, exithooks): try: import researchdriver.driver except ImportError: default_cpu_num = 75 default_bandwidth_num = 90 else: default_cpu_num = int(researchdriver.driver.get_cpu_percent()) default_bandwidth_num = int( researchdriver.driver.get_bandwidth_percent()) description = PrefPanel( panel, build_description_webview, _('Research Module'), prefix='', ) options = PrefPanel( panel, PrefCollection( PrefCollection( PC.Check( 'local.research.enabled', _('Allow Digsby to use CPU time to conduct research after %2(research.idle_time_min)d minutes of idle time' )), layout=PC.VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, wx.ALL, 3), ), PrefCollection( lambda parent, prefix: PC.Slider( PC.pname(prefix, 'local.research.cpu_percent'), _('Maximum CPU Usage:'), start=1, stop=101, step=1, value=int( PC.get_pref('local.research.cpu_percent', default=default_cpu_num)), default=int( PC.get_pref('local.research.cpu_percent', default=default_cpu_num)), fireonslide=True, unit=_('{val}%')) (parent)[ 0 ], # Slider returns the sizer and the control, we just want the sizer lambda parent, prefix: PC.Slider( PC.pname(prefix, 'local.research.bandwidth_percent'), _('Maximum Bandwidth Usage:'), start=1, stop=101, step=1, value=int( PC.get_pref('local.research.bandwidth_percent', default=default_bandwidth_num)), default=int( PC.get_pref('local.research.bandwidth_percent', default=default_bandwidth_num)), fireonslide=True, unit=_('{val}%')) (parent)[ 0 ], # Slider returns the sizer and the control, we just want the sizer layout=PC.HSizer(), itemoptions=(0, wx.ALL, 3), ), layout=PC.VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, wx.BOTTOM | wx.TOP, 3)), _('Options'), prefix='', ) sizer.Add(description, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, 3) sizer.Add(options, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, 3) return panel
def panel(panel, sizer, addgroup, exithooks): top = HSizer() top_right = VSizer() debug = PrefPanel(panel, PrefCollection(Check('advanced_prefs', _('Advanced Prefs')), Check('console', _('Enable Debug Console')), Check('reenable_online', _('Allow Reconnect if --start-offline')), layout = VSizer(), itemoptions = (0, BOTTOM | TOP, 3)), _('Debug'), prefix = 'debug', ) digsby = PrefPanel(panel, PrefCollection(Check('allow_add', _('Allow Adding\n Digsby Buddies')), layout = VSizer(), itemoptions = (0, BOTTOM | TOP, 3)), _('Digsby Protocol'), prefix = 'digsby', ) top.Add(debug, 1, EXPAND | ALL, 3) top_right.Add(digsby, 1, EXPAND | ALL, 3) top.Add(top_right, 1, EXPAND | ALL, 0) email_value_text = Text(panel, 'email.signature.value', style = wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_AUTO_SCROLL )#| wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) email_value_text.Enable(pref('email.signature.enabled', type = bool)) email_value_text.SetMinSize((-1, 60)) email = PrefPanel(panel, PrefCollection(Check('email.signature.enabled', _('Append signature'), callback = email_value_text.Enable), (email_value_text, 1, wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND, 18), layout = VSizer()), _('Email'), ) bottom = VSizer() bottom.Add(email, -1, EXPAND | ALL, 3) #TODO: defaults for text fields. try: pref('research.percent') except KeyError: setpref('research.percent', 75) try: pref('research.revive_interval_seconds') except KeyError: setpref('research.revive_interval_seconds', 60*60) plura = PrefPanel(panel, PrefCollection( PrefCollection( Check('local.research.enabled', _('Enabled'), default = True), Check('research.debug_output', _("Print debug output to console. (don't use pipes)"), default = False), Check('research.always_on', _('Always On'), default = False), Check('research.battery_override', _('Run when on battery'), default = False), layout = VSizer(), itemoptions = (0, ALL, 3)), PrefCollection( Label('Percent:'), lambda parent, prefix: Text(parent, pname(prefix, 'research.percent'), validator=NumericLimit(2, 100), _type=int), Label('Revive in x seconds:'), lambda parent, prefix: Text(parent, pname(prefix, 'research.revive_interval_seconds'), _type=int), layout = VSizer(), itemoptions = (0, ALL, 3)), layout = HSizer(), itemoptions = (0, BOTTOM | TOP, 3)), _('Plura'), prefix = '', ) social = PrefPanel(panel, PrefCollection(Check('social.use_global_status', _('Use Global Status Dialog (may require restart)'), default = False), Check('twitter.scan_urls', _('Scan tweets for URLs (for popup click action)'), default = False), layout = VSizer(), itemoptions = (0, BOTTOM | TOP, 3) ), _('Social accounts'), prefix = '', ) bottom.Add(top, 0, EXPAND | ALL, 0) bottom.Add(plura, 0, EXPAND | ALL, 3) bottom.Add(social, 0, EXPAND | ALL, 3) sizer.Add(bottom, 0, EXPAND | BOTTOM) return panel
def panel(p, sizer, addgroup, exithooks): #idle_panel = wx.Panel(p) # Idle message checkbox, minutes box, and status box addgroup( _('Status Options'), Check('digsby.status.promote_tag.enabled', _('Promote Digsby in my IM status messages'), default=True, help=''), # Check('plugins.nowplaying.show_link', # _('Help Digsby by linking album when sharing "Listening to..." as status')), Check( 'messaging.become_idle', _('Let others know that I am idle after ' '%2(messaging.idle_after)d minutes of inactivity')), ) bottom = HSizer() when_away = PrefPanel( p, PrefCollection(Check('autorespond', _('Autorespond with status message')), Check('disable_sound', _('Disable sounds')), Check('disable_popup', _('Disable pop-up notifications')), layout=VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, BOTTOM | TOP, 3)), _('When away...'), prefix='messaging.when_away', ) bottom.Add(when_away, 1, EXPAND | ALL, 3) if config.platformName != 'mac': fullscreen = PrefPanel( p, PrefCollection(Check('hide_convos', _('&Hide new conversation windows')), Check('disable_sounds', _('&Disable sounds')), Check('disable_popups', _('Disable &pop-up notifications')), layout=VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, BOTTOM | TOP, 3)), _('When running full screen applications...'), prefix='fullscreen', # Check('disable_alerts', _('Disable &alerts')), ) bottom.Add(fullscreen, 1, EXPAND | ALL, 3) sizer.Add(bottom, 0, EXPAND | BOTTOM) statuses = StatusList(p, profile.statuses) msgs = PrefPanel(p, statuses, _('Status Messages'), buttonlabel=_('New Status Message'), buttoncb=lambda b: statuses.add_status_message()) sizer.Add(msgs, 1, wx.EXPAND) return p
def __init__(self, parent): SimplePanel.__init__(self, parent, wx.FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) if platformName != 'mac': self.BackgroundColour = WHITE sz = self.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(VERTICAL) top = wx.BoxSizer(HORIZONTAL) radpanel = wx.Panel(self) rs = radpanel.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(VERTICAL) RADIO = wx.RadioButton overrads = self.overrads = dict( NONPROX=RADIO(radpanel, ID_NONPROX, _("&No proxy"), style=wx.RB_GROUP, name='override'), SYSPROX=RADIO(radpanel, ID_SYSPROX, _("Use &default system settings"), name='override'), SETPROX=RADIO(radpanel, ID_SETPROX, _("&Specify proxy settings"), name='override')) rs.Add(overrads["NONPROX"], 0, ALL, 2) rs.Add(overrads["SYSPROX"], 0, ALL, 2) rs.Add(overrads["SETPROX"], 0, ALL, 2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proxyp = wx.Panel(self) ps = proxyp.Sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(2, 2) TEXT = lambda s: wx.StaticText(proxyp, -1, s) INPUT = lambda d, v=wx.DefaultValidator: wx.TextCtrl( proxyp, -1, d, validator=v) hosti = self.hosti = INPUT('') porti = self.porti = INPUT('', NumericLimit(65535)) ps.Add(TEXT(_("&Host:")), 0, ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | ALL, 2) ps.Add(hosti, 0, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | EXPAND | ALL, 2) ps.Add(TEXT(_("P&ort:")), 0, ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | ALL, 2) ps.Add(porti, 0, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | ALL, 2) ps.AddGrowableCol(1, 1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protop = wx.Panel(self) prs = protop.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(VERTICAL) protorads = self.protorads = dict( HTTP=RADIO(protop, ID_HTTP, "&HTTP", style=wx.RB_GROUP, name='proxytype'), #HTTPS = RADIO(protop, ID_HTTPS, "HTTPS", name = 'proxytype'), SOCKS4=RADIO(protop, ID_SOCKS4, "SOCKS &4", name='proxytype'), SOCKS5=RADIO(protop, ID_SOCKS5, "SOCKS &5", name='proxytype')) prs.Add(protorads["HTTP"], 0, ALL, 2) #prs.Add(protorads["HTTPS"], 0, ALL, 2) prs.Add(protorads["SOCKS4"], 0, ALL, 2) prs.Add(protorads["SOCKS5"], 0, ALL, 2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- authp = wx.Panel(self) aus = authp.Sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(2, 2) TEXT = lambda s: wx.StaticText(authp, -1, s) INPUT = lambda d, style=0: wx.TextCtrl(authp, -1, d, style=style) aus.Add(TEXT(_("&Username:"******"&Password:"******"Proxy Server")), 1, EXPAND | ALL, 2) top.Add(PrefPanel(self, protop, _("Protocol")), 0, EXPAND | ALL, 2) sz.Add(PrefPanel(self, radpanel, _("How to Connect")), 0, EXPAND | ALL, 2) sz.Add(top, 1, EXPAND) sz.Add(PrefPanel(self, authp, _("Authentication")), 1, EXPAND | ALL, 2) pd = self.proxy_dict override = pd.get('override', "SYSPROX") try: override = int(override) except: pass else: override = ['SYSPROX', 'SETPROX'][override] self.override = override self.overrads[self.override].Value = True self.addr = pd.get('addr', '') self.port = pd.get('port', '') self.proxytype = pd.get('proxytype', 'HTTP') self.protorads[self.proxytype].Value = True self.username = pd.get('username', '') self.password = pd.get('password', '') self.Enablement() Bind = self.Bind Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnRadio) if platformName != 'mac': Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
class ProfilePanel(SimplePanel): WRAP_WIDTH = 356 def __init__(self, parent, validator=None): SimplePanel.__init__(self, parent, wx.FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) self.validator = validator if platformName != 'mac': self.BackgroundColour = WHITE sz = self.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(VERTICAL) profile_type = wx.Panel(self) rs = profile_type.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(VERTICAL) RADIO = wx.RadioButton overrads = self.overrads = dict( NEWPROFILE=RADIO(profile_type, ID_NEWPROFILE, _("&New Profile"), style=wx.RB_GROUP), IMPORTPROFILE=RADIO( profile_type, ID_IMPORTPROFILE, _("&Import an existing profile from the Digsby servers"))) rs.Add(overrads["NEWPROFILE"], 0, ALL, 2) rs.Add(overrads["IMPORTPROFILE"], 0, ALL, 2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- login_info = wx.Panel(self) ps = wx.FlexGridSizer(2, 2) TEXT = lambda s: wx.StaticText(login_info, -1, s) INPUT = lambda d, style=0, v=wx.DefaultValidator: wx.TextCtrl( login_info, -1, d, style=style, validator=v) digsby_username = self.digsby_username = INPUT('') digsby_password = self.digsby_password = INPUT('', style=wx.TE_PASSWORD) ps.Add(TEXT(_("&Digsby Username:"******"Digsby &Password:"******"&Profile Name:")), 0, ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | ALL, 2) aus.Add(profile_name, 0, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | EXPAND | ALL, 2) aus.Add(TEXT(_("&Profile Password:"******"&Re-Enter Password:"******"Profile Info")) self.login_info_panel = PrefPanel(self, login_info, _("Login Info")) self.login_info_panel.Show(False) sz.Add(PrefPanel(self, profile_type, _("Profile Type")), 0, EXPAND | ALL, 2) sz.Add(self.profile_info_panel, 0, EXPAND | ALL, 2) sz.Add(self.login_info_panel, 0, EXPAND | ALL, 2) Bind = self.Bind Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnRadio) Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.validate_form) if platformName != 'mac': Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.validate_form() def SetImportStatusText(self, text, red=False): '''Sets the text below the "import account" section.''' self.login_status_text.SetLabel(text) self.login_status_text.Wrap(356) self.login_status_text.Show(bool(text)) self.login_status_text.SetForegroundColour(wx.RED if red else wx.BLACK) self.Layout() def validate_form(self, evt=None): valid = True if self.is_new_profile: if not self.profile_name.Value: valid = False if not self.profile_password.Value: valid = False else: if not self.digsby_username.Value: valid = False if not self.digsby_password.Value: valid = False if self.validator: self.validator(valid) def passwords_match(self): if self.is_new_profile: return self.profile_password.Value and self.profile_password.Value == self.profile_password_2.Value else: return True def OnRadio(self, event): new = self.is_new_profile self.profile_info_panel.Show(new) self.login_info_panel.Show(not new) self.Layout() def OnPaint(self, event): dc = wx.PaintDC(self) rect = wx.RectS(self.ClientSize) dc.Brush = wx.WHITE_BRUSH dc.Pen = wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect) @property def is_new_profile(self): return self.overrads['NEWPROFILE'].Value
def __init__(self, parent, validator=None): SimplePanel.__init__(self, parent, wx.FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) self.validator = validator if platformName != 'mac': self.BackgroundColour = WHITE sz = self.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(VERTICAL) profile_type = wx.Panel(self) rs = profile_type.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(VERTICAL) RADIO = wx.RadioButton overrads = self.overrads = dict( NEWPROFILE=RADIO(profile_type, ID_NEWPROFILE, _("&New Profile"), style=wx.RB_GROUP), IMPORTPROFILE=RADIO( profile_type, ID_IMPORTPROFILE, _("&Import an existing profile from the Digsby servers"))) rs.Add(overrads["NEWPROFILE"], 0, ALL, 2) rs.Add(overrads["IMPORTPROFILE"], 0, ALL, 2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- login_info = wx.Panel(self) ps = wx.FlexGridSizer(2, 2) TEXT = lambda s: wx.StaticText(login_info, -1, s) INPUT = lambda d, style=0, v=wx.DefaultValidator: wx.TextCtrl( login_info, -1, d, style=style, validator=v) digsby_username = self.digsby_username = INPUT('') digsby_password = self.digsby_password = INPUT('', style=wx.TE_PASSWORD) ps.Add(TEXT(_("&Digsby Username:"******"Digsby &Password:"******"&Profile Name:")), 0, ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | ALL, 2) aus.Add(profile_name, 0, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | EXPAND | ALL, 2) aus.Add(TEXT(_("&Profile Password:"******"&Re-Enter Password:"******"Profile Info")) self.login_info_panel = PrefPanel(self, login_info, _("Login Info")) self.login_info_panel.Show(False) sz.Add(PrefPanel(self, profile_type, _("Profile Type")), 0, EXPAND | ALL, 2) sz.Add(self.profile_info_panel, 0, EXPAND | ALL, 2) sz.Add(self.login_info_panel, 0, EXPAND | ALL, 2) Bind = self.Bind Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnRadio) Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.validate_form) if platformName != 'mac': Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.validate_form()
def panel(panel, sizer, newgroup, exithooks): warncheck = Check( 'messaging.tabs.warn_on_close', 'Warn me when I attempt to close multiple conversations')(panel) checkbox_enabled_when_pref(warncheck, 'messaging.tabs.enabled') window_options = [ Check('conversation_window.always_on_top', _('&Keep on top of other applications')) ] window_options.extend([ Check('messaging.tabs.enabled', _("Group multiple conversations into one tabbed window")), warncheck ]) if platformName != 'mac': window_options.append((Choice('conversation_window.new_action', new_im_choices, caption=_('New conversation windows: ')), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.BOTTOM, 3)) window_options.append( Choice('messaging.tabs.icon', (('buddy', _("buddy icon")), ('service', _("service icon")), ('status', _("status icon"))), _("Identify conversations with the contact's: "))) winops = PrefPanel(panel, PrefCollection(*window_options), _('Window Options')) conops = PrefPanel(panel, get_conversation_entries(panel, exithooks), _('Conversation Options')) disable_flash = Check('imwin.ads_disable_flash', _("Don't show flash ads"))(panel) checkbox_enabled_when_pref(disable_flash, '') ad_options = PrefPanel( panel, PrefCollection( Label( _('Help keep Digsby free by showing an\nadvertisement in the IM window.' )), Check('', _('Support Digsby development with an ad')), disable_flash, Choice('imwin.ads_position', ad_position_options, _('Location of ad in IM window: ')), layout=wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL), itemoptions=(0, wx.EXPAND | wx.BOTTOM, 8), ), _('Ad Options')) hsizer = HSizer() hsizer.AddMany([(conops, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3), (ad_options, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3)]) textform = PrefPanel(panel, build_format_preview(panel, exithooks), _('Text Formatting')) panel._conops = conops sizer.AddMany([(winops, 0, EXPAND | BOTTOM, 6), (hsizer, 0, EXPAND | BOTTOM, 6), (textform, 1, EXPAND | BOTTOM, 6)]) return panel
def panel(panel, sizer, addgroup, exithooks): two = PrefPanel(panel, sorting_sizer(panel, exithooks), _('Sorting and Groups')) autohide_panel = wx.Panel(panel) aps = autohide_panel.Sizer = HSizer() if config.platform == 'win': # Setting autohide has to modify taskbar settings, so focus jumps to # the buddylist. This meant you wouldn't immediately see the effect # of checking the box if the blist was already docked, though. # # Now 50ms after checking it, the checkbox gets focus again, and the # buddylist will then slide away. def on_autohide_check(v): if v: wx.CallLater(50, autohide.SetFocus) else: def on_autohide_check(v): pass autohide = Check('local.buddylist.dock.autohide', _('Autohide when not in &focus'), callback=on_autohide_check)(autohide_panel) aps.Add(autohide, 0, LEFT, 18) dock = Check('local.buddylist.dock.enabled', _('Automatically &dock when near edge of screen'), callback=lambda v: autohide.Enable(v))(panel) autohide.Enable(dock.IsChecked()) three = PrefPanel( panel, PrefCollection(Check('buddylist.always_on_top', _('&Keep on top of other applications')), Check('buddylist.show_in_taskbar', _('Show in taskbar')), dock, autohide_panel, layout=VSizer(), itemoptions=(0, BOTTOM, 6)), _('Window Options')) # The autohide checkbox is slightly indented, and disabled when the "dock" # checkbox is unhecked. h = HSizer() h.Add(two, 1, EXPAND | RIGHT, 3) h.Add(three, 0, EXPAND | LEFT, 3) v = VSizer() v.Add(h, 0, EXPAND) from functools import partial four = PrefPanel(panel, partial(contact_layout_panel, exithooks=exithooks), _('Contact Layout'), prefix='buddylist.layout') def AdvancedToggleCB(button): val = not pref('buddylist.layout.ez_layout', False) mark_pref('buddylist.layout.ez_layout', val) ezmode = val ez = four.content.ez_panel adv = four.content.adv_panel four.content.Sizer.Clear() four.content.Show(False) if ezmode: adv.Destroy() adv = None easy_layout_panel(four.content, 'buddylist.layout') else: ez.Destroy() ez = None advanced_layout_panel(four.content, 'buddylist.layout', exithooks=exithooks) button.SetLabel(_('Advanced') if ezmode else _('Basic')) four.content.Layout() four.content.Show(True) panel.Layout() four.SetButton( _('Advanced') if four.content.ez_panel else _('Basic'), lambda button: wx.CallAfter(AdvancedToggleCB, button)) v.Add(four, 0, EXPAND | TOP, 5) sizer.Add(v, 1, EXPAND) return panel