Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self):
Esempio n. 2
# arguments for demostration purpose
will_change1 = Par('string', 'val')
will_change2 = Par('int', 14)
demo3 = Par('int', 20)
demo_var4 = Par('float', 1.2)
demo_change = Par('float', 20.0)
#demo_uri = Par('string', 'file')

# define a mouse listener and register it to Plot1
def __single_click__(e):
    print e.getX()

def __double_click__(e):
    frame_id.value = int(e.getX())
mli1 = MouseListener()
mli1.on_double_click = __double_click__

# Make a new plot
if not 'Plot4' in globals() or Plot4 is None or Plot4.is_disposed() :
    Plot4 = Plot(title = 'Integration')
__cur_ds__ = None
def jump_to_frame(fid):
    global __cur_ds__
    print 'jump_to_frame(' + str(fid) + ')'
    if not __cur_ds__ is None :
        ds_size = len(__cur_ds__)
        if fid >= 0 and fid < ds_size :