def _sock_send(self, msg): try: if isinstance(msg, six.text_type): msg = msg.encode("ascii") if self.sock: self.sock.send(msg) except Exception: Logger.warning(self, "Error sending message to statsd", exc_info=True)
def _sock_send(self, msg): try: if isinstance(msg, str): msg = msg.encode("ascii") # if self.dogstatsd_tags: msg = msg + b"|#" + self.dogstatsd_tags.encode('ascii') if self.sock: self.sock.send(msg) except Exception: Logger.warning(self, "Error sending message to statsd", exc_info=True)
def log(self, lvl, msg, *args, **kwargs): """Log a given statistic if metric, value and type are present """ try: extra = kwargs.get("extra", None) if extra is not None: metric = extra.get(METRIC_VAR, None) value = extra.get(VALUE_VAR, None) typ = extra.get(MTYPE_VAR, None) if metric and value and typ: if typ == GAUGE_TYPE: self.gauge(metric, value) elif typ == COUNTER_TYPE: self.increment(metric, value) elif typ == HISTOGRAM_TYPE: self.histogram(metric, value) else: pass # Log to parent logger only if there is something to say if msg: Logger.log(self, lvl, msg, *args, **kwargs) except Exception: Logger.warning(self, "Failed to log to statsd", exc_info=True)
def warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): Logger.warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs) self.increment("gunicorn.log.warning", 1)