Esempio n. 1
def generate_row_model(row_matrix, b, v, c):
    rows_matrix: The matrix, represented as a list of rows
    b: List of variables in b
    v: The target vector
    c: The weights of each column

    # Initializes a model
    mdl = Model('persistenthomologylocalization')

    # Add matrix variables
    x = mdl.addVars(list(b), vtype=GRB.BINARY)

    # Add the dummy variable needed to do arithmetics mod 2
    y = mdl.addVars(list(range(len(row_matrix))), vtype=GRB.INTEGER)

    # Set model to minimization
    mdl.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE

    # Set objective function to minimize
    mdl.setObjective(quicksum(x[j] * c[j] for j in b))

    # Set the constrains
    for i in list(range(len(row_matrix))):
        mdl.addConstr(quicksum(x[j] for j in row_matrix[i]) + v[i] == y[i] * 2)
    return mdl, x, y
    def create_model(self):
        model = Model()
        _A = [(i,t) for i in self.tasks for t in self.periods]
        x = model.addVars(_A, vtype = GRB.BINARY) # create decision variables
        b = model.addVars(_A, vtype = GRB.BINARY) # create decision variables

        # create constraints
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(self.p[i,t] * (1 - x[i,t]) for i in self.tasks) - \
            self.d[t] >= 0 for t in self.periods) # 1
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(b[i,t] for t in self.periods) == 1 \
            for i in self.tasks) # 2
        model.addConstrs(x[i,t] >= b[i,t] for i in self.tasks for t in self.periods) # 3
        model.addConstrs(x[i,t] - x[i,t-1] <= b[i,t] for i in self.tasks \
            for t in self.periods[1:]) # 3, t >= 2
        _tmp =  self.periods[1:]
        # model.addConstrs(x[i,t] <= b[i,t] for t in _tmp \
        #     for i in self.tasks) # 4
        model.addConstrs(x[i,t] + x[i,t-1] + b[i,t] <= 1+self.LP[i] for t in self.periods[1:] \
            for i in self.tasks) # 4
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(x[i,t] for t in self.periods) == self.LP[i] \
            for i in self.tasks) # 5
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(x[i,t] for i in self.tasks) <= self.LT[t] \
            for t in self.periods) # 6
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(b[i,k] for k in self.periods) - b[j,t] >= 0 \
            for t in self.periods for i in self.tasks for j in self.tasks if j!=i) # 7
        model.addConstrs(x[i,t] + x[j,t] <= 1 for t in self.periods \
            for i in self.tasks for j in self.tasks if j!=i) # 8
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(b[i,t] for t in self.periods[:self.L[i]-self.LP[i]+2]) == 1 \
            for i in self.tasks) # 9
        # model.addConstrs(quicksum(x[i,t] == 0 for t in self.U) for i in self.tasks) # 10
        model.addConstrs(x[i,t] == 0 for t in self.U for i in self.tasks) # 10
        model.addConstrs(quicksum((self.MV[i] + self.MH[i] + self.ML[i]) * x[i,t] \
            for i in self.tasks) <= self.AM[t] for t in self.periods) # 11
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(self.V[i] * x[i,t] for i in self.tasks) \
            <= self.AV[t] for t in self.periods) # 12
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(self.H[i] * x[i,t] for i in self.tasks) <= \
            self.AH[t] for t in self.periods) # 13

        # create costs
        C_M, C_T = {}, {}
        for i in self.tasks:
            for t in self.periods:
                C_M[i,t] = self.C_MV[t] * self.MV[i] + self.C_MH[t] * self.MH[i] + \
                    self.C_ML[t] * self.ML[i]
                C_T[i,t] = (self.C_FV * self.V[i] + self.C_FH * self.H[i])/self.LP[i] + \
                    self.C_SV[i,t] * self.V[i] + self.C_SH[i,t] * self.H[i]

        model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
        # create ojective function
        model.setObjective(quicksum((C_M[i,t] + self.C_EQ[i,t] + self.C_I[i,t] + \
            C_T[i,t]) * x[i,t] for t in self.periods for i in self.tasks))
        # model.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
Esempio n. 3
    def generateInstance(self):

        def euc_dist(bor, sh):
            dx = bor["x_coord"] - sh["x_coord"]
            dy = bor["y_coord"] - sh["y_coord"]
            return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)

        model = Model('FireSolver')

        # Generate variables
        x = {}
        for bor in self.boroughs:
            # New firehouses
            for fh in self.new_firehouses + self.old_firehouses:
                name = "x_" + fh["loc_id"] + "_" + bor["loc_id"]
                x[bor["loc_id"], fh["loc_id"]] = model.addVar(name=name, vtype ="b", obj=self.cost_coef * euc_dist(bor, fh))

        # Open variables
        openfh = {}
        for fh in self.new_firehouses:
            openfh[fh["loc_id"]] = model.addVar(name = "open_" + fh["loc_id"], vtype ="b", obj=fh["construction_cost"])

        # Close variables
        closefh = {}
        for fh in self.old_firehouses:
            closefh[fh["loc_id"]] = model.addVar(name = "close_" + fh["loc_id"], vtype ="b", obj=fh["destruction_cost"])

        model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE

        # Constraints: one firehouse / borough
        for bor in self.boroughs:
            model.addConstr(quicksum(x[key] for key in x if key[0] == bor["loc_id"]) == 1)

        # capacity of firehouses
        for fh in self.new_firehouses:
            model.addConstr(quicksum(x[key] for key in x if key[1] == fh["loc_id"]) <= self.capacity * openfh[fh["loc_id"]])

        # If it is not removed, the initial assignment needs to be respected
        for fh in self.old_firehouses:
            for bor in self.boroughs:
                if bor["currently_protected_by"] == fh["loc_id"]:
                    model.addConstr(x[bor["loc_id"], fh["loc_id"]] == 1 - closefh[fh["loc_id"]])
                    model.addConstr(x[bor["loc_id"], fh["loc_id"]] == 0)
        # solve it

        self.model = model
Esempio n. 4
def _mmp_solve(w1_ij, x_ij_keys, n, w2_ij=None):
    """A helper function that solves a weighted maximum matching problem.

    m = Model("MBSA")

    if __debug__:
        log(DEBUG, "")
            DEBUG, "Solving a weighted maximum matching problem with " +
            "%d savings weights." % len(w1_ij))

    # build model
    x_ij = m.addVars(x_ij_keys, obj=w1_ij, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='x')
    _mmp_add_cnts_sum(m, x_ij, x_ij_keys, w1_ij, n)
    m._vars = x_ij
    m.modelSense = GRB.MAXIMIZE

    # disable output
    m.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    m.setParam('TimeLimit', MAX_MIP_SOLVER_RUNTIME)
    m.setParam('Threads', MIP_SOLVER_THREADS)

    # restore SIGINT callback handler which is changed by gurobipy
    signal(SIGINT, default_int_handler)

    if __debug__:
        log(DEBUG - 1, "Gurobi runtime = %.2f" % m.Runtime)

    if m.Status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
        if w2_ij == None:
            max_wt, max_merge = max(
                (w1_ij[k], x_ij_keys[k]) for k, v in enumerate(m.X) if v)
            max_wt, _, max_merge = max((w1_ij[k], w2_ij[k], x_ij_keys[k])
                                       for k, v in enumerate(m.X) if v)

        return max_wt, max_merge[0], max_merge[1]
    elif m.Status == GRB.TIME_LIMIT:
        raise GurobiError(
            10023, "Gurobi timeout reached when attempting to solve GAP")
    elif m.Status == GRB.INTERRUPTED:
        raise KeyboardInterrupt()
    return None
Esempio n. 5
def vrproutes(n, xc, yc, cost_func):
    rnd = np.random
    plt.plot(xc[0], yc[0], c='r', marker='s')
    plt.scatter(xc[1:], yc[1:], c='b')
    N = [i for i in range(1, n + 1)]
    V = [0] + N
    A = [(i, j) for i in V for j in V if i != j]
    # c = {(i, j): np.hypot(xc[i]-xc[j], yc[i]-yc[j]) for i, j in A}
    c = {(i, j): cost_func(i, j) for i, j in A}
    Q = 20
    q = {i: rnd.randint(1, 10) for i in N}

    mdl = Model('CVRP')

    x = mdl.addVars(A, vtype=GRB.BINARY)
    u = mdl.addVars(N, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS)

    mdl.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
    mdl.params.LogToConsole = False
    mdl.setObjective(quicksum(x[i, j] * c[i, j] for i, j in A))

    mdl.addConstrs(quicksum(x[i, j] for j in V if j != i) == 1 for i in N)
    mdl.addConstrs(quicksum(x[i, j] for i in V if i != j) == 1 for j in N)
    mdl.addConstrs((x[i, j] == 1) >> (u[i] + q[j] == u[j]) for i, j in A
                   if i != 0 and j != 0)
    mdl.addConstrs(u[i] >= q[i] for i in N)
    mdl.addConstrs(u[i] <= Q for i in N)

    mdl.Params.MIPGap = 0.001
    mdl.Params.TimeLimit = 60  # seconds

    active_arcs = [a for a in A if x[a].x > 0.5]
    return active_arcs
    def schedule_all(self, timelimit=0):

        if not self.reservation_list:
            return self.schedule_dict

        # populate all the windows, requests, etc

        # weight the priorities in each timeslice by airmass

        # Instantiate a Gurobi Model object
        m = Model("LCOGT Schedule")

        # Constraint: Decision variable (isScheduled) must be binary (eq 4)
        requestLocations = tuplelist()
        scheduled_vars = []
        for r in self.Yik:
            # convert self.Yik to a tuplelist for optimized searches
            # [(reqID, window idx, priority, resource, isScheduled)]
            var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name=str(r[0]))
            requestLocations.append((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], var))

        # update the Gurobi model to use isScheduled variables in constraints

        for i, r in enumerate(self.Yik):
            scheduled_vars[i].start = r[4]


        # Constraint: One-of (eq 5)
        i = 0
        for oneof in self.oneof_constraints:
            match = tuplelist()
            for r in oneof:
                reqid = r.get_ID()
                match +=, '*', '*', '*', '*')
                r.skip_constraint2 = True  # does this do what I think it does?
            nscheduled = quicksum(isScheduled for reqid, winidx, priority, resource, isScheduled in match)
            m.addConstr(nscheduled <= 1, "oneof_constraint_" + str(i))
            i = i + 1

        # Constraint: And (all or nothing) (eq 6)
        i = 0
        andtuple = tuplelist()
        for andconstraint in self.and_constraints:
            # add decision variable that must be equal to all "and"ed blocks
            andVar = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="and_var_" + str(i))
            j = 0
            for r in andconstraint:
                reqid = r.get_ID()
                match =, '*', '*', '*', '*')
                nscheduled = quicksum(isScheduled for reqid, winidx, priority, resource, isScheduled in match)
                m.addConstr(andVar == nscheduled, "and_constraint_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j))
                j = j + 1
            i = i + 1

        # Constraint: No more than one request should be scheduled in each (timeslice, resource) (eq 3)
        # self.aikt.keys() indexes the requests that occupy each (timeslice, resource)
        #        for s in self.aikt: # faster??
        for s in self.aikt.keys():
            match = tuplelist()
            for timeslice in self.aikt[s]:
            nscheduled = quicksum(isScheduled for reqid, winidx, priority, resource, isScheduled in match)
            m.addConstr(nscheduled <= 1, 'one_per_slice_constraint_' + s)

        # Constraint: No request should be scheduled more than once (eq 2)
        # skip if One-of (redundant)
        for r in self.reservation_list:
            if not hasattr(r, 'skip_constraint2'):
                reqid = r.get_ID()
                match =, '*', '*', '*', '*')
                nscheduled = quicksum(isScheduled for reqid, winidx, priority, resource, isScheduled in match)
                m.addConstr(nscheduled <= 1, 'one_per_reqid_constraint_' + str(reqid))

        # Objective: Maximize the merit functions of all scheduled requests (eq 1);
        objective = quicksum(
            [isScheduled * (priority + 0.1 / (winidx + 1.0)) for req, winidx, priority, resource, isScheduled in

        # set the objective, and maximize it
        m.modelSense = GRB.MAXIMIZE

        # impose a time limit on the solve
        if timelimit > 0:
            m.params.timeLimit = timelimit
        # Set the tolerance for the model solution to be within 1% of what it thinks is the best solution
        m.params.MIPGap = 0.01

        # Set the Method of solving the root relaxation of the MIPs model to concurrent (default is dual simplex)
        m.params.Method = 3

        # add all the constraints to the model

        # Solve the model

        # Return the optimally-scheduled windows
        r = Result()
        r.xf = []
        for request, winidx, priority, resource, isScheduled in requestLocations: r.xf.append(isScheduled.x)
        return self.unpack_result(r)
Esempio n. 7
y = m.addVars(species, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="select")

D = m.addVar(name="max_diss", obj = 1)

    (x.sum(i,'*') <= 10 * y[i] for i in species), "group")

    (x.sum('*',j) == 1 for j in species), "assign")

m.addConstr(y.sum() == 1)

m.addConstrs(dissimilarity[i][j] * x[i,j] <= D for i in species for j in species)

# The objective is to minimize the group dissimilarity within group and maximize the group dissimilarity between groups
m.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE

# Solve

# Create an empty directed graph
G = nx.DiGraph()
for i in species:
    for j in species:
        if x[i,j].x > 0:
			G.add_edge(i, j, cost=dissimilarity[i][j])

for i in species:
	subNodeList = [];
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This is the GAP per Wolsey, pg 182, using Lagrangian Relaxation
from gurobipy import GRB, Model
model = Model('GAP per Wolsey with Lagrangian Relaxation')
model.modelSense = GRB.MAXIMIZE
model.setParam('OutputFlag', False) # turns off solver chatter
b = [15, 15, 15]
c = [
    [ 6, 10,  1],
    [12, 12,  5],
    [15,  4,  3],
    [10,  3,  9],
    [ 8,  9,  5]
a = [
    [ 5,  7,  2],
    [14,  8,  7],
    [10,  6, 12],
    [ 8,  4, 15],
    [ 6, 12,  5]
# x[i][j] = 1 if i is assigned to j
x = []
for i in range(len(c)):
    x_i = []
    for j in c[i]:
Esempio n. 9
def _solve_gap(N, D_s, d, C, K, L=None, L_ctr_multipiler=1.0):
    """A helper function that Solves VRP as a Generalized Assignment Problem
    to assign customers to vehicles with a objective function that the delivery
    cost as described in (Fisher & Jaikumar 1981).
    D_s is the distance matrix complemented with distances to K seed points.
    That is:
    D_s = [S  ], where D_0 is the first row of the full distance matrix and
                         S is the distances from seed points to node points
    d is the list of customer demands with d[0]=0 being the depot node
    C is the capacity of the K identical trucks
    also, additional (and optional) constraints can be given:
    L is the maximum tour cost/duration/length
    L_ctr_multipiler allows iteratively adjusting the max route cost
     approximation constraint in order to avoid producing assignments that are
     ruled infeasible by the feasibility checker. 
    Fisher, M. L. and Jaikumar, R. (1981), A generalized assignment 
    heuristic for vehicle routing. Networks, 11: 109-124.

    ## build the cost approximation matrix "insertion_cost"

    # it is ~ a insertion cost matrix, where each coefficient is the cost
    #  of inserting customer i to the route consisting visit to seed k.
    # we assume that distances are symmetric, but if asymmetric
    #  distances are to be used, take min
    # d_{ik} = min(c_{0i}+c_{i{i_k}}+c_{i{i_k}},
    #              c_{0{i_k}}+c_[{i_k}i}+c_{i0})
    #              -(c_{0{i_k}}+c_{{i_k}0})

    m = Model("GAPCVRP")

    # the order of the keys is important when we interpret the results
    Y_ik_keys = [(i, k) for k in range(K) for i in range(1, N)]

    # delivery cost approximation coefficients for the objective function
    insertion_cost = {(i,k): D_s[0,i]+D_s[k,i]-D_s[k,0] \
                              for i,k in Y_ik_keys}

    # variables and the objective
    Y_ik = m.addVars(Y_ik_keys, obj=insertion_cost, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='y')

    ## constraints

    # c1, the capacity constraint and optional tour cost constraint cl
    approx_route_cost_constraints = []
    if C: c1_coeffs = d[1:]
    for k in range(K):
        ck_vars = [Y_ik[i, k] for i in range(1, N)]
        if C:
            c1_lhs = LinExpr(c1_coeffs, ck_vars)
            #c1_lhs =, '*', k)
            m.addConstr(c1_lhs <= C, "c1_k%d" % k)

        # ct = optional tour cost constraints
        #  it is a bit hidden, but the additional side constraint can be found
        #  from Fisher & Jaikumar (1981) p121, 2. paragraph.
        # However, for whatever reason, this does not seem to produce the
        #  same results as reported in their paper as the constraint easily
        #  starts to make the problem infeasible and the exact mechanism to
        #  recover that is not specified in the paper.
        if L:
            ct_coeffs = [
                insertion_cost[(i, k)] * L_ctr_multipiler for i in range(1, N)
            ct_lhs = LinExpr(ct_coeffs, ck_vars)
            #ct_lhs =, '*', k)
            constr_l = m.addConstr(ct_lhs <= L, "cl_k%d" % k)

    # c2, the assignment constraints
    for i in range(1, N):
        # c2_1..N every node assigned only to 1 route
        m.addConstr(Y_ik.sum(i, '*') == 1, "c1_i%d" % i)

    ## update the model and solve
    m._vars = Y_ik
    m.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
    # disable output
    m.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    m.setParam('Threads', MIP_SOLVER_THREADS)
    m.setParam('MIPFocus', 3)
    m.setParam('TimeLimit', MAX_MIP_SOLVER_RUNTIME)


    # restore SIGINT callback handler which is changed by gurobipy
    signal(SIGINT, default_int_handler)

    if __debug__:
        log(DEBUG - 1, "Gurobi runtime = %.2f" % m.Runtime)

    if m.Status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
        return _decision_variables_to_assignments(m, Y_ik, N, K)
    elif m.Status == GRB.INFEASIBLE and L:
        # relax the model and allow violating minimal number of the approximate
        #  route length constraints
        pens = [1.0] * len(approx_route_cost_constraints)
        m.feasRelax(1, True, None, None, None, approx_route_cost_constraints,
        # TODO: not sure if feasRelax can change Status, test it someday
        if m.Status == GRB.INTERRUPTED:
            raise KeyboardInterrupt()  # pass it on

        # restore SIGINT callback handler which is changed by gurobipy
        signal(SIGINT, default_int_handler)

        status = m.Status
        if __debug__:
            log(DEBUG - 1, "Relaxed problem Gurobi runtime = %.2f" % m.Runtime)
        if status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
            return _decision_variables_to_assignments(m, Y_ik, N, K)
        elif status == GRB.TIME_LIMIT:
            raise GurobiError(
                "Gurobi timeout reached when attempting to solve relaxed SCPCVRP"
        elif m.Status == GRB.INTERRUPTED:
            raise KeyboardInterrupt()  # pass it on
        return None
    elif m.Status == GRB.TIME_LIMIT:
        raise GurobiError(
            10023, "Gurobi timeout reached when attempting to solve GAP")
    elif m.Status == GRB.INTERRUPTED:
        raise KeyboardInterrupt()  # pass it on
    return None
Esempio n. 10
    def generateInstance(self):
        # Check that variables have been intialized correctly
        if (not self.planes) or (self.n == 0) or (self.T == 0):
            logging.error('Store is not initialized correctly. Check for completeness of input-file.')
            return None

        model = Model("PlaneSolver")

            r: Earliest landing possibility
            b: Best landing
            d: latest landing
            g: penalty for each time earlier from best
            h: penalty for each time later from best
            s_ij: if i lands before j: s needs to pass in time

            x_i: Landing time for i
            p_i: positive divertion from bi
            n_i: negative divertion from bi


        bigM = max([max(x["s"]) for x in self.planes])
        logging.debug("Using bigM punishment: " + str(bigM))

        # generate Variables
        x = {}  # Landing time
        p = {}  # Positive divertion from optimal landing time
        n = {}  # Negative divertion from optimal landing time
        s = {}  # 1 iff plane i lands before j + buffer is invalid
        s1 = {}  # for these, see constraints
        s2 = {}
        h1 = {}
        h2 = {}
        for i in range(len(self.planes)):
            x[i] = model.addVar(name="x_%d" % (i+1), vtype="i", lb=self.planes[i]["r"], ub=self.planes[i]["d"])
            p[i] = model.addVar(name="p_%d" % (i+1), vtype="i", obj=self.planes[i]["h"], lb=0, ub=self.planes[i]["d"] - self.planes[i]["b"])
            n[i] = model.addVar(name="n_%d" % (i+1), vtype="i", obj=self.planes[i]["g"], lb=0, ub=self.planes[i]["b"] - self.planes[i]["r"])

            for j in range(len(self.planes)):
                s[i, j] = model.addVar(name="s_%d_%d" % (i+1, j+1), vtype="b", obj=bigM, lb=0, ub=1)
                s1[i, j] = model.addVar(name="s1_%d_%d" % (i+1, j+1), vtype="b", obj=0, lb=0, ub=1)
                s2[i, j] = model.addVar(name="s2_%d_%d" % (i+1, j+1), vtype="b", obj=0, lb=0, ub=1)
                h1[i, j] = model.addVar(name="h1_%d_%d" % (i+1, j+1), vtype="i", obj=0, lb=0)
                h2[i, j] = model.addVar(name="h2_%d_%d" % (i+1, j+1), vtype="i", obj=0, lb=0)

        model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE

        for y in model.getVars():
            if y.ub < 10000:
                logging.debug("%10s\t[%5d:%5d]\tobj %4d", y.varName,, y.ub, y.obj)

        # Constraints
        for i in range(len(self.planes)):
            logging.debug("{} == {} + {} - {}".format(x[i].varName, self.planes[i]["b"], p[i].varName, n[i].varName))
            model.addConstr(x[i] == self.planes[i]["b"] + p[i] - n[i])

            for j in range(len(self.planes)):
                if j == i:
                # model.addConstr(x[j] - x[i] )
                # Force s = s1 AND s2
                model.addConstr(s[i, j] <= s1[i, j])
                model.addConstr(s[i, j] <= s2[i, j])
                model.addConstr(s[i, j] >= s1[i, j] + s2[i, j] - 1)

                # s2 == xj - xi > 0
                logging.debug("{}\t <= {}\t - {}\t - {}\t".format(s2[i, j].varName, x[j].varName, x[i].varName, h1[i, j].varName))
                model.addConstr(s2[i, j] <= x[j] - x[i] + h1[i, j])
                logging.debug("{}\t >= 1\t".format(h1[i, j].varName))
                model.addConstr(h1[i, j] >= 1)
                logging.debug("{}\t - {}\t + {}\t <= {}\t*{}\t".format(x[j].varName, x[i].varName, h1[i, j].varName, s2[i, j].varName, bigM))
                model.addConstr(x[j] - x[i] + h1[i, j] <= s2[i, j]*bigM)

                # s1 == xi + sij - xj > 0
                logging.debug("{}\t + {}\t - {}\t >= {}\t".format(x[i].varName, self.planes[i]["s"][j], x[j].varName, s1[i, j].varName))
                model.addConstr(s1[i, j] <= x[i] + self.planes[i]["s"][j] - x[j] + h2[i, j])
                logging.debug("{}\t + {}\t - {}\t <= {}\t*{}\t".format(x[i].varName, self.planes[i]["s"][j], x[j].varName, s1[i, j].varName, bigM))
                model.addConstr(x[i] + self.planes[i]["s"][j] - x[j] <= s1[i, j]*bigM)

        # solve it

        # Debugging printouts
        dbgStrs = {}
        for y in model.getVars():
            if y.varName[0:2] not in dbgStrs:
                dbgStrs[y.varName[0:2]] = []
            dbgStrs[y.varName[0:2]].append("%8s = %4s [%4s]" % (y.varName, int(y.x), int(y.x*y.obj) if y.obj else ""))
        for x in dbgStrs:

        while dbgStrs:
            printed = False
            keys = [x for x in dbgStrs.keys()]
            logStr = ""
            for x in keys:
                if dbgStrs[x]:
                    logStr += dbgStrs[x][0]
                    dbgStrs[x] = dbgStrs[x][1::]
                    printed = True
                    logStr += " "*22
            if not printed:

        self.model = model
Esempio n. 11
    def generateInstance(self):
        # Check that variables have been intialized correctly
        if (not self.planes) or (self.n == 0) or (self.T == 0):
                'Store is not initialized correctly. Check for completeness of input-file.'
            return None

        model = Model("PlaneSolver")
            r: Earliest landing possibility
            b: Best landing
            d: latest landing
            g: penalty for each time earlier from best
            h: penalty for each time later from best
            s_ij: if i lands before j: s needs to pass in time

            x_i: Landing time for i
            p_i: positive divertion from bi
            n_i: negative divertion from bi


        bigM = max([max(x["s"]) for x in self.planes])
        logging.debug("Using bigM punishment: " + str(bigM))

        # generate Variables
        x = {}  # Landing time
        p = {}  # Positive divertion from optimal landing time
        n = {}  # Negative divertion from optimal landing time
        s = {}  # 1 iff plane i lands before j + buffer is invalid
        s1 = {}  # for these, see constraints
        s2 = {}
        h1 = {}
        h2 = {}
        for i in range(len(self.planes)):
            x[i] = model.addVar(name="x_%d" % (i + 1),
            p[i] = model.addVar(name="p_%d" % (i + 1),
                                ub=self.planes[i]["d"] - self.planes[i]["b"])
            n[i] = model.addVar(name="n_%d" % (i + 1),
                                ub=self.planes[i]["b"] - self.planes[i]["r"])

            for j in range(len(self.planes)):
                s[i, j] = model.addVar(name="s_%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1),
                s1[i, j] = model.addVar(name="s1_%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1),
                s2[i, j] = model.addVar(name="s2_%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1),
                h1[i, j] = model.addVar(name="h1_%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1),
                h2[i, j] = model.addVar(name="h2_%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1),

        model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE

        for y in model.getVars():
            if y.ub < 10000:
                logging.debug("%10s\t[%5d:%5d]\tobj %4d", y.varName,,
                              y.ub, y.obj)

        # Constraints
        for i in range(len(self.planes)):
            logging.debug("{} == {} + {} - {}".format(x[i].varName,
            model.addConstr(x[i] == self.planes[i]["b"] + p[i] - n[i])

            for j in range(len(self.planes)):
                if j == i:
                # model.addConstr(x[j] - x[i] )
                # Force s = s1 AND s2
                model.addConstr(s[i, j] <= s1[i, j])
                model.addConstr(s[i, j] <= s2[i, j])
                model.addConstr(s[i, j] >= s1[i, j] + s2[i, j] - 1)

                # s2 == xj - xi > 0
                logging.debug("{}\t <= {}\t - {}\t - {}\t".format(
                    s2[i, j].varName, x[j].varName, x[i].varName,
                    h1[i, j].varName))
                model.addConstr(s2[i, j] <= x[j] - x[i] + h1[i, j])
                logging.debug("{}\t >= 1\t".format(h1[i, j].varName))
                model.addConstr(h1[i, j] >= 1)
                logging.debug("{}\t - {}\t + {}\t <= {}\t*{}\t".format(
                    x[j].varName, x[i].varName, h1[i, j].varName,
                    s2[i, j].varName, bigM))
                model.addConstr(x[j] - x[i] + h1[i, j] <= s2[i, j] * bigM)

                # s1 == xi + sij - xj > 0
                logging.debug("{}\t + {}\t - {}\t >= {}\t".format(
                    x[i].varName, self.planes[i]["s"][j], x[j].varName,
                    s1[i, j].varName))
                model.addConstr(s1[i, j] <= x[i] + self.planes[i]["s"][j] -
                                x[j] + h2[i, j])
                logging.debug("{}\t + {}\t - {}\t <= {}\t*{}\t".format(
                    x[i].varName, self.planes[i]["s"][j], x[j].varName,
                    s1[i, j].varName, bigM))
                    x[i] + self.planes[i]["s"][j] - x[j] <= s1[i, j] * bigM)

        # solve it

        # Debugging printouts
        dbgStrs = {}
        for y in model.getVars():
            if y.varName[0:2] not in dbgStrs:
                dbgStrs[y.varName[0:2]] = []
                "%8s = %4s [%4s]" %
                (y.varName, int(y.x), int(y.x * y.obj) if y.obj else ""))
        for x in dbgStrs:

        while dbgStrs:
            printed = False
            keys = [x for x in dbgStrs.keys()]
            logStr = ""
            for x in keys:
                if dbgStrs[x]:
                    logStr += dbgStrs[x][0]
                    dbgStrs[x] = dbgStrs[x][1::]
                    printed = True
                    logStr += " " * 22
            if not printed:

        self.model = model
Esempio n. 12
def populate_dual_subproblem(data, upper_cost=None, flow_cost=None):
    Function that populates the Benders Dual Subproblem, as suggested by the
    paper "Minimal Infeasible Subsystems and Bender's cuts" by Fischetti,
    Salvagnin and Zanette.
    :param data:        Problem data structure
    :param upper_cost:  Link setup decisions fixed in the master
    :param flow_cost:   This is the cost of the continuous variables of the
                        master problem, as explained in the paper
    :return:            Numpy array of Gurobi model objects

    # Gurobi model objects
    subproblems = np.empty(shape=(data.periods, data.commodities),

    # Construct model for period/commodity 0.
    # Then, copy this and change the coefficients
    dual_subproblem = Model('dual_subproblem_(0,0)')

    # Ranges we are going to need
    arcs, periods, commodities = xrange(data.arcs.size), xrange(
        data.periods), xrange(data.commodities)

    # Origins and destinations of commodities
    origins, destinations =, data.destinations

    # We use arrays to store variable indexes and variable objects. Why use
    # both? Gurobi wont let us get the values of individual variables
    # within a callback.. We just get the values of a large array of
    # variables, in the order they were initially defined. To separate them
    # in variable categories, we will have to use index arrays
    flow_index = np.zeros(shape=data.nodes, dtype=int)
    flow_duals = np.empty_like(flow_index, dtype=object)
    ubounds_index = np.zeros(shape=len(arcs), dtype=int)
    ubounds_duals = np.empty_like(ubounds_index, dtype=object)

    # Makes sure we don't add variables more than once
    flow_duals_names = set()

    if upper_cost is None:
        upper_cost = np.zeros(shape=(len(periods), len(arcs)), dtype=float)
    if flow_cost is None:
        flow_cost = np.zeros(shape=(len(periods), len(commodities)),

    # Populate all variables in one loop, keep track of their indexes
    # Data for period = 0, com = 0
    count = 0
    for arc in arcs:
        ubounds_duals[arc] = dual_subproblem.addVar(
            obj=-upper_cost[0, arc], lb=0., name='ubound_dual_a{}'.format(arc))
        ubounds_index[arc] = count
        count += 1
        start_node, end_node = get_2d_index(data.arcs[arc], data.nodes)
        start_node, end_node = start_node - 1, end_node - 1
        for node in (start_node, end_node):
            var_name = 'flow_dual_n{}'.format(node)
            if var_name not in flow_duals_names:
                obj, ub = 0., GRB.INFINITY
                if[0] == node:
                    obj = 1.
                if data.destinations[0] == node:
                    obj = -1.
                    ub = 0.
                flow_duals[node] = \
                        obj=obj, lb=0., name=var_name)
                flow_index[node] = count
                count += 1
    opt_var = dual_subproblem.addVar(obj=-flow_cost[0, 0],
    dual_subproblem.params.threads = 2
    dual_subproblem.params.LogFile = ""

    # Add constraints
    demand = data.demand[0, 0]
    for arc in arcs:
        start_node, end_node = get_2d_index(data.arcs[arc], data.nodes)
        start_node, end_node = start_node - 1, end_node - 1
        lhs = flow_duals[start_node] - flow_duals[end_node] \
              - ubounds_duals[arc] - \
              opt_var * data.variable_cost[arc] * demand
        dual_subproblem.addConstr(lhs <= 0., name='flow_a{}'.format(arc))

    # Original Fischetti model
    lhs = quicksum(ubounds_duals) + opt_var
    dual_subproblem.addConstr(lhs == 1, name='normalization_constraint')

    # Store variable indices
    dual_subproblem._ubounds_index = ubounds_index
    dual_subproblem._flow_index = flow_index
    dual_subproblem._all_variables = np.array(dual_subproblem.getVars())
    dual_subproblem._flow_duals = np.take(dual_subproblem._all_variables,
    dual_subproblem._ubound_duals = np.take(dual_subproblem._all_variables,

    dual_subproblem.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    dual_subproblem.modelSense = GRB.MAXIMIZE

    subproblems[0, 0] = dual_subproblem

    for period, com in product(periods, commodities):
        if (period, com) != (0, 0):
            model = dual_subproblem.copy()
            optimality_var = model.getVarByName('optimality_var')
            optimality_var.Obj = -flow_cost[period, com]
            demand = data.demand[period, com]
            for node in xrange(data.nodes):
                variable = model.getVarByName('flow_dual_n{}'.format(node))
                if origins[com] == node:
                    obj = 1.
                elif destinations[com] == node:
                    obj = -1.
                    obj = 0.
                variable.obj = obj
            for arc in arcs:
                variable = model.getVarByName('ubound_dual_a{}'.format(arc))
                variable.Obj = -np.sum(upper_cost[:period + 1, arc])
                constraint = model.getConstrByName('flow_a{}'.format(arc))
                model.chgCoeff(constraint, optimality_var,
                               -demand * data.variable_cost[arc])
            model._all_variables = np.array(model.getVars())
            subproblems[period, com] = model
    return subproblems
Esempio n. 13
def optimize(parameter, obj):
    global ft

    N = parameter[0]
    D = parameter[1]
    A = parameter[2]
    R = parameter[3]
    M = parameter[4]
    u = parameter[5]
    q = parameter[6]
    e = parameter[7]
    l = parameter[8]
    vehicles = parameter[9]
    m = parameter[10]
    clients = parameter[11]
    Q = parameter[12]
    V = parameter[13]
    c = parameter[14]
    xc = parameter[15]
    yc = parameter[16]
    k = parameter[17]
    n = clients

    #model in gurobipy
    mdl = Model("MDCCVRPTW")

    x = mdl.addVars(V, V, R, vtype=GRB.BINARY)  #X variable
    t = mdl.addVars(V, R, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS)  #t variable

    if obj == 1:
        mdl.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
        mdl.setObjective(quicksum(t[i, k] for i in N
                                  for k in R))  #objective function 1
    elif obj == 2:
        mdl.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
        mdl.setObjective(quicksum(t[i, k] - e[i] for i in N
                                  for k in R))  #objective function 2
    elif obj == 3:
        mdl.modelSense = GRB.MAXIMIZE
        mdl.setObjective(quicksum(l[i] - t[i, k] for i in N
                                  for k in R))  #objective function 3
    elif obj == 4:
        mdl.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
        mdl.setObjective((1 / n) * quicksum((t[i, k] - e[i]) / (l[i] - e[i])
                                            for i in N
                                            for k in R))  #objective function 4

        quicksum(x[i, j, k] for i in V for k in R if i != j) == 1
        for j in N)  #(2)
        (quicksum(x[i, j, k]
                  for i in V if i != j) - quicksum(x[j, i, k]
                                                   for i in V if i != j)) == 0
        for j in N for k in R)  #(3)
    mdl.addConstrs(quicksum(x[i, j, k] for i in D for j in V) == 1
                   for k in R)  #(4)
    mdl.addConstrs(quicksum(x[j, i, k] for i in D for j in V) == 1
                   for k in R)  #(5)
        quicksum(q[j] * x[i, j, k] for i in V for j in V if i != j) <= Q
        for k in R)  #(6)
    #mdl.addConstrs(t[i,k]+c[i,j]+u[i]-t[j,k]<=(1-x[i,j,k])*M for i in V for j in N for k in R if i!=j) #(7) NUEVA
    mdl.addConstrs((x[i, j, k] == 1) >>
                   (t[i, k] + c[i, j] + u[i] - t[j, k] <= 0) for i in V
                   for j in N for k in R if i != j)  #(7) NUEVA
    mdl.addConstrs(e[i] <= t[i, k] for i in V for k in R)  #(8) NUEVA
    mdl.addConstrs(t[i, k] + u[i] <= l[i] for i in V for k in R)  #(9) NUEVA
    mdl.addConstrs(t[i, k] >= 0 for i in V for k in R)

    #mdl.Params.MIPGap= 0.1
    mdl.Params.Timelimit = 3600
    first_sol = 'Not Found'

        if len(ft) > 0:
            first_sol = min(ft)
        ft = []

        obj = mdl.getObjective()
        sol = []

        for i in V:
            for j in V:
                for k in R:
                    if x[i, j, k].x > 0.7:
                        s = "x[{},{},{}]={}, t[{},{}]={}".format(
                            i, j, k, x[i, j, k].x, i, k, t[i, k].x)
        for i in V:
                         (xc[i - 1], yc[i - 1])).set_fontsize(3)

        colors = itertools.cycle(["r", "b", "g", "c", "m", "y", "k"])

        #plot active arcs
        #for i,j in active_arcs:
        #    plt.plot([xc[i-1],xc[j-1]],[yc[i-1],yc[j-1]],c=next(colors), linewidth=.85)

        for k in R:
            prox_color = next(colors)
            for i in V:
                for j in V:
                    if x[i, j, k].x > 0.9:
                        plt.plot([xc[i - 1], xc[j - 1]],
                                 [yc[i - 1], yc[j - 1]],

        plt.scatter(xc[0:clients], yc[0:clients], c='b', s=10, zorder=2)
        plt.scatter(xc[clients:], yc[clients:], c='r', s=10, zorder=2)
        #plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=80)
        #fig.suptitle('test title', fontsize=20)
        plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 4})
        name = str(n) + 'x' + str(m) + '_' + str(k) + '.png'
        plt.savefig('Images\\' + name, dpi=400, bbox_inches=0)

        return obj.getValue(
        ), mdl.Runtime, vehicles, clients, m, mdl.MIPGap, first_sol, sol

    except gp.GurobiError as e:
        print('Error code ' + str(e.errno) + ': ' + str(e))

    except AttributeError:
        print('Encountered an attribute error')
        return [
            'Not Found', mdl.Runtime, vehicles, clients, m, 'Not Found',
        ] + [[None]]
Esempio n. 14
def populate_dual_subproblem(data):
    Function that populates the Benders Dual Subproblem, as suggested by the
    paper "Minimal Infeasible Subsystems and Bender's cuts" by Fischetti,
    Salvagnin and Zanette.
    :param data:        Problem data structure
    :param upper_cost:  Link setup decisions fixed in the master
    :param flow_cost:   This is the cost of the continuous variables of the
                        master problem, as explained in the paper
    :return:            Numpy array of Gurobi model objects

    # Gurobi model objects
    subproblems = np.empty(shape=(data.periods, data.commodities),

    # Construct model for period/commodity 0.
    # Then, copy this and change the coefficients
    subproblem = Model('subproblem_(0,0)')

    # Ranges we are going to need
    arcs, periods, commodities, nodes = xrange(data.arcs.size), xrange(
        data.periods), xrange(data.commodities), xrange(data.nodes)

    # Other data
    demand, var_cost = data.demand, data.variable_cost

    # Origins and destinations of commodities
    origins, destinations =, data.destinations

    # We use arrays to store variable indexes and variable objects. Why use
    # both? Gurobi wont let us get the values of individual variables
    # within a callback.. We just get the values of a large array of
    # variables, in the order they were initially defined. To separate them
    # in variable categories, we will have to use index arrays
    flow_vars = np.empty_like(arcs, dtype=object)

    # Populate all variables in one loop, keep track of their indexes
    # Data for period = 0, com = 0
    for arc in arcs:
        flow_vars[arc] = subproblem.addVar(obj=demand[0, 0] * var_cost[arc],

    # Add constraints
    for node in nodes:
        out_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)[0] == node + 1
        in_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)[1] == node + 1
        lhs = quicksum(flow_vars[out_arcs]) - quicksum(flow_vars[in_arcs])
        subproblem.addConstr(lhs == 0., name='flow_bal{}'.format(node))

    # Store variables
    subproblem._all_variables = flow_vars.tolist()

    # Set parameters
    subproblem.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    subproblem.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
    subproblem.params.threads = 2
    subproblem.params.LogFile = ""

    subproblems[0, 0] = subproblem

    for period, com in product(periods, commodities):
        if (period, com) != (0, 0):
            model = subproblem.copy()
            model.ModelName = 'subproblem_({},{})'.format(period, com)
            flow_cost = data.demand[period, com] * var_cost
            model.setObjective(LinExpr(flow_cost.tolist(), model.getVars()))
            model.setAttr('rhs', model.getConstrs(), [0.0] * data.nodes)

            model._all_variables = model.getVars()
            subproblems[period, com] = model

    return subproblems
Esempio n. 15
    def generateInstance(self):
        # Check that store has been intialized correctly
        if not all([x in for x in ["Timehorizon", "h", "K", "a", "d", "s", "st"]]):
            logging.error('Store is not initialized correctly. Check for completeness of input-file.')
            return None

        model = Model("LotSolver")

        tHor =["Timehorizon"]
        nPr =["nProducts"]

        timeRange = range(1, tHor + 1)
        prodRange = range(1, nPr + 1)

        # Assume that production of products costs at least 1h, so a max of K products can be produced per period
        bigM = max(["K"])

        # generate Variables
        # boolean production
        bx = {}
        # lager
        l = {}
        # production
        x = {}
        for t in timeRange:
            for p in prodRange:
                x[p, t] = model.addVar(name="x_%d_%d" % (p, t), vtype="i")
                bx[p, t] = model.addVar(name="bx_%d_%d" % (p, t), vtype="b")
        for t in range(0, tHor + 1):
            for p in prodRange:
                l[p, t] = model.addVar(name="l_%d_%d" % (p, t), vtype="i", obj=float(["h"][p-1]))

        # switch costs
        s = {}
        for t in range(0, tHor+1):
            for p1 in prodRange:
                for p2 in prodRange:
                    # Switching to the same product does not cost anything - even if the file may say otherwise
                    objective = float(["s"][p1-1][p2-1]) if p1 != p2 else 0
                    s[p1, p2, t] = model.addVar(name="s_%d_%d_%d" % (p1, p2, t), vtype="b", obj=objective)

        model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE

        for y in model.getVars():
            logging.debug("%s obj %s", y.varName, y.obj)

        # Constraints

        # Initially only allow a single product
        logging.debug("%s == 1", [s[key].varName for key in s if key[2] == 0])
        model.addConstr(quicksum(s[key] for key in s if key[2] == 0) == 1, name="single_switch_" + str(t))

        # Only allow products in each period that actually has been switched to
        for t in timeRange:
            for p in prodRange:
                logging.debug("(%s) == %s", [s[key].varName for key in s if key[2] == t and (key[1] == p or key[0] == p)], bx[p, t].varName)
                model.addConstr(quicksum(s[key] for key in s if key[2] == t and (key[1] == p or key[0] == p)) >= bx[p,t], name="single_switch_" + str(t))

                # Force bx = 1 iff x != 0
                model.addConstr(x[p,t] >= bx[p,t])
                model.addConstr(x[p,t] <= bigM * bx[p,t])

        for t in timeRange:
            # Allow only a single switch each period
            logging.debug('Single switch constraint for ' + str([s[key].varName for key in s if key[2] == t]))
            model.addConstr(quicksum(s[key] for key in s if key[2] == t) == 1, name="single_switch_" + str(t))

            # Only allow connected switches between t-1 and t
            for p in prodRange:
                logging.debug('valid_switch for ' + str([s[key].varName for key in s if key[2] == (t-1) and key[1] == p]) + " and " + str([s[key].varName for key in s if key[2] == t and key[0] == p]))
                model.addConstr(quicksum(s[key] for key in s if key[2] == (t-1) and key[1] == p) == quicksum(s[key] for key in s if key[2] == t and key[0] == p), 
                    name="valid_switch_%d_%d" % (p, t))

        # Machine can't be occupied for more then K hours / period
        for t in timeRange:
            logging.debug("sum {} + sum {} <= {}".format([x[key].varName + "*" + str(["a"][key[0]-1]) for key in x if key[1] == t],
                [s[key].varName + "*" + str(["st"][key[0]-1][key[1]-1]) for key in s if key[2] == t],["K"][t-1]))
            model.addConstr(quicksum(x[key]*["a"][key[0]-1] for key in x if key[1] == t) + quicksum(s[key]*["st"][key[0]-1][key[1]-1] for key in s if key[2] == t) <=["K"][t-1])

        # Initial warehouse stock
        for p in prodRange:
            logging.debug("%s == %s", l[p, 0].varName,["l"][p-1])
            model.addConstr(l[p, 0] ==["l"][p-1])
        # Update warehouse stock inbetween periods + enforce demand to be met
        for t in range(1, tHor+1):
            for p in prodRange:
                logging.debug("{} = {} + {} - {}".format(l[p, t].varName, l[p, t-1].varName, x[p, t].varName,["d"][p-1][t-1]))
                model.addConstr(l[p, t] == l[p, t-1] + x[p, t] -["d"][p-1][t-1])

        # solve it

        # Debugging printouts
        for y in model.getVars():
            if y.x >= 0.001:
                logging.debug("%s = %s cost %d", y.varName, y.x, y.x*y.obj)

        for t in timeRange:
            logging.debug("%s + %s", (["{}[{}] * {}".format(x[key].x, x[key].varName,["a"][key[0]-1]) for key in x if key[1] == t]), ([str(s[key].varName) + "*" + str(["st"][key[0]-1][key[1]-1]) for key in s if key[2] == t and s[key].x >= 0.001]))           

        self.model = model
Esempio n. 16
def solvePerfectInformation(gp, I, K, W, l_init, q_init, c_init):
    L_min= 50
# loop over all sample paths
    for k in range(K):
# Model
        perfectInfo = Model("GenAndUpg")

        for x_G in range(I):
            Gen.append(perfectInfo.addVar(lb=0 , vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, 
                                          obj=-W[x_G, k, 0]*gp[5]*np.power(gp[6], x_G),
                                          name="Gen[%d]" %x_G))
        for x_U in range(I):
                Up.append(perfectInfo.addVar(lb=0, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, 
                                             obj=gp[7]*np.power(gp[6], x_U),
                                             name="Up[%d]" %x_U))
        for x_S in range(I):
            Sp.append(perfectInfo.addVar(lb=0, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, 
                                         name="Sp[%d]" %x_S))    

        for x_R in range(I):
            Ref.append(perfectInfo.addVar(lb=0, vtype=GRB.BINARY, 
                                          name="Ref[%d]" %x_R))     
        for xi_G in range(I):
            Gen_b.append(perfectInfo.addVar(lb=0, vtype=GRB.BINARY, 
                                            name="Gen_b[%d]" %xi_G))   

        for xi_F in range(I):
            Flr.append(perfectInfo.addVar(lb=0, vtype=GRB.BINARY, 
                                          obj=(100)* np.power(gp[6], xi_F),
                                          name="Flr[%d]" %xi_F))      

        for q in range(I):
            Cap.append(perfectInfo.addVar(lb=0 , vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, 
                                          name="Cap[%d]" %q))    
        for l in range(I):
            Res.append(perfectInfo.addVar(lb= L_min, ub=L_max, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, 
                                          name="Res[%d]" %l))  
        for c in range(I):
            Con.append(perfectInfo.addVar(lb=0 , ub=1, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, 
                                          name="Con[%d]" %c))      
        #robust part
        perfectInfo.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
                (Res[0]- l_init == 0), "initial reservior")
                (Cap[0]- q_init == 0), "initial capacity")
                (Con[0]- c_init == 0), "initial condition")    
        for i in range(I):  
                    (Gen[i]- Cap[i] <= 0), "Generation")

        for i in range(I):     
                    (Gen[i]- Res[i] <= 0))   

        for i in range(I):     
                    (Up[i]- gp[4] * Ref[i] <= 0))    

        for i in range(I):     
                    ( Gen_b[i] + Ref[i] <= 1)) 
        for i in range(I):     
                    ( Gen[i] - M* Gen_b[i] <= 0)) 

        for i in range(I):     
                    (Ref[i]- Flr[i] <= 0)) 

        for i in range(I):     
                    (quicksum(Gen[i+j] for j in range(min(T_R_down, I-i )))- M* (1-Ref[i]) <=0))
        for i in range(I):     
                    (quicksum(Gen[i+j] for j in range(min(T_F_down, I-i )))- M* (1-Flr[i]) <=0))
        for i in range(I-1):
                    (Res[i+1]- Res[i]+ Gen[i] - W[i , k, 1] + Sp [i]==0 ))
        for i in range(I-1):
                    (Cap[i+1]- Cap[i] - Up[i] ==0 ))
        for i in range(I-1):
                    (Con[i+1]- Con[i] -  W[i, k, 2]* Gen_b[i] -(0- Con[i])* Ref[i] ==0 ))
        print('Up[0]: {}, Sp[0]:{}, Ref[0]:{}, Flr[0]:{} \n'. format(
                         Up[0].x, Sp[0].x, Ref[0].x, Flr[0].x ))
        print('Power: {}, Inflow: {}, Detereoration: {}\n'. format(
                W[i, 0, 0], W[i, 0, 1],  W[i, 0, 2] ))  
        print('Sample path: {:.4f}'.format(
                k ))
        if perfectInfo.status == GRB.Status.OPTIMAL:
            print('Optimal objective: %g' % perfectInfo.objVal)
            ub[k]= -perfectInfo.objVal
#        else:
#            ub[k]= M
        elif perfectInfo.status == GRB.Status.INF_OR_UNBD:
            print('Model is infeasible or unbounded')
        elif perfectInfo.status == GRB.Status.INFEASIBLE:
            print('Model is infeasible')
        elif perfectInfo.status == GRB.Status.UNBOUNDED:
            print('Model is unbounded')
            print('Optimization ended with status %d' % perfectInfo.status)
        #refering to decisions at current period
       # pdb.set_trace()    
        GenAvg+= Gen[0].x
        print('Optimal generation: {:.4f}'. format( Gen[0].x))
        UpAvg+= Up[0].x
        SpAvg+= Sp[0].x
        RefAvg+= Ref[0].x 
        FlrAvg+= Flr[0].x
    # average of actions in the sample paths    
    RefAvg= RefAvg/K
    if RefAvg> 0.5:
        UpAvg= UpAvg
        GenAvg= 0

    XAvg=[GenAvg, UpAvg, SpAvg, RefAvg, FlrAvg]
    return ub, XAvg  
Esempio n. 17
from gurobipy import GRB, Model
from datetime import datetime
startTime =

model = Model('GAP per Wolsey')
model.modelSense = GRB.MAXIMIZE
model.setParam('OutputFlag', False)  # turns off solver chatter

b = [15, 15, 15]
c = [[6, 10, 1], [12, 12, 5], [15, 4, 3], [10, 3, 9], [8, 9, 5]]
a = [[5, 7, 2], [14, 8, 7], [10, 6, 12], [8, 4, 15], [6, 12, 5]]

# x[i][j] = 1 if i is assigned to j
x = []
for i in range(len(c)):
    x_i = []
    for j in c[i]:

# We have to update the model so it knows about new variables

# sum j: x_ij <= 1 for all i
for x_i in x:
    model.addConstr(sum(x_i) <= 1)

# sum i: a_ij * x_ij <= b[j] for all j
for j in range(len(b)):
    model.addConstr(sum(a[i][j] * x[i][j] for i in range(len(x))) <= b[j])
Esempio n. 18
def _solve_set_covering(N,
    """A helper function that solves a set covering problem. The inputs are
    a list of node sets and corresponding costs for the set.
    Fisher, M. L. and Jaikumar, R. (1981), A generalized assignment 
    heuristic for vehicle routing. Networks, 11: 109-124.

    m = Model("SCPCVRP")
    nactive = len(active_ptls.routes)
    nrelaxed = len(relaxed_ptls.routes)
    nforbidden = len(forbidden_combos)

    # the order of the keys is important when we interpret the results
    X_j_keys = range(nactive + nrelaxed)
    # variables and the objective
    X_j_costs = active_ptls.costs + relaxed_ptls.costs
    X_j_node_sets = active_ptls.nodes + relaxed_ptls.nodes
    #update forbidden indices to match the current active petal set
    X_j_forbidden_combos = []
    for fc in forbidden_combos:
        if all(i < nactive for i in fc):
                [i if i >= 0 else -i - 1 + nactive for i in fc])

    #print("REMOVEME: Solving with K=%d, %d node sets, and %d solutions forbidden" % (K, nactive+nrelaxed,nforbidden))

    if __debug__:
            DEBUG, "Solving over-constrained VRP as a set covering problem " +
            "with %d petals, where %d of the possible configurations are forbidden."
            % (nactive + nrelaxed, nforbidden))
        if nforbidden > 0:
            log(DEBUG - 2, " and with following solutions forbidden:")
            log(DEBUG - 3, "(petal indices = %s)" % str(X_j_forbidden_combos))
            for fc in X_j_forbidden_combos:
                fc_sol = [0]
                for i in fc:
                    if i < nactive:
                        fc_sol.extend(relaxed_ptls.routes[i - nactive][1:])
                fc_sol = without_empty_routes(fc_sol)
                log(DEBUG - 2, "%s (%.2f)" % (fc_sol, objf(fc_sol, D)))

    X_j = m.addVars(X_j_keys, obj=X_j_costs, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='x')

    ## constraints
    c1_constrs, c2_constrs, c3_constrs = _add_set_covering_constraints(
        m, N, K, X_j, X_j_keys, X_j_node_sets, X_j_forbidden_combos)

    ## update the model and solve
    m._vars = X_j
    m.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
    # disable output
    m.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    m.setParam('TimeLimit', MAX_MIP_SOLVER_RUNTIME)
    m.setParam('Threads', MIP_SOLVER_THREADS)

    # restore SIGINT callback handler which is changed by gurobipy
    signal(SIGINT, default_int_handler)

    if __debug__:
        log(DEBUG - 2, "Gurobi runtime = %.2f" % m.Runtime)
        if m.Status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
            log(DEBUG - 3,
                "Gurobi objective = %.2f" % m.getObjective().getValue())

    if m.Status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
        return _decision_variables_to_petals(m.X, active_ptls,
                                             relaxed_ptls), True
    elif m.Status == GRB.TIME_LIMIT:
        raise GurobiError(
            10023, "Gurobi timeout reached when attempting to solve SCPCVRP")
    elif m.Status == GRB.INTERRUPTED:
        raise KeyboardInterrupt()
    # Sometimes the solution is infeasible, try to relax it a little.
    elif m.Status == GRB.INFEASIBLE and allow_infeasible:
        return _relax_customer_constraints_with_feasRelax(
            m, c1_constrs, active_ptls, relaxed_ptls)
    return None, False
Esempio n. 19
    def Mater_Problem(self):
        [R_turbine, routes, NumTechs] = self.Generating_Feasible_Routes()
        model = Model()

        # set parameters
        A = []
        for v in range(self.num_V):
            for t in range(self.period):
                for b in range(self.num_B):
                    for wf in range(self.num_WF):
                        if R_turbine[v][t][b][wf] == []:
                            # print (['(v,t,b,wf)[%d,%d,%d,%d]' % (v,t,b,wf)])
                        for r in range(np.size(R_turbine[v][t][b][wf][0], 1)):
                            A.append((v, t, b, wf, r))
        x = model.addVars(A, vtype=GRB.BINARY)

        # add constraints
        for v in range(self.num_V):
            for t in range(self.period):
                tmp1 = 0
                for b in range(self.num_B):
                    for wf in range(self.num_WF):
                        if R_turbine[v][t][b][wf] == []:
                        ntmp = np.size(R_turbine[v][t][b][wf][0], 1)
                        tmp1 += sum(x[v, t, b, wf, r] for r in range(ntmp))
                model.addConstr(tmp1 <= 1)

        # explore every turbines in the farm
        for b in range(self.num_B):
            for wf in range(self.num_WF):
                for j in range(len(self.WF_tech[wf])):
                    tmp = 0
                    for v in range(self.num_V):
                        for t in range(self.period):
                            if R_turbine[v][t][b][wf] == []:
                            ntmp = np.size(R_turbine[v][t][b][wf][0], 1)
                            tmp += quicksum(x[v, t, b, wf, r] * R_turbine[v][t][b][wf][0][j, r] \
                                            for r in range(ntmp))
                    model.addConstr(tmp == 1)

        for b in range(self.num_B):
            for t in range(self.period):
                for p in self.types:
                    tmp = 0
                    for v in range(self.num_V):
                        for wf in range(self.num_WF):
                            if R_turbine[v][t][b][wf] == []:
                            tmp += quicksum(x[v, t, b, wf, r] * NumTechs[v][t][b][wf][r][p] \
                                            for r in range(np.size(R_turbine[v][t][b][wf][0], 1)))
                    model.addConstr(tmp <= self.B_tech[b][p][t])

        ctmp = 0
        for v in range(self.num_V):
            for t in range(self.period):
                for b in range(self.num_B):
                    for wf in range(self.num_WF):
                        if R_turbine[v][t][b][wf] == []:
                        ctmp += quicksum(R_turbine[v][t][b][wf][0][-1, r] * x[v, t, b, wf, r] \
                                         for r in range(np.size(R_turbine[v][t][b][wf][0], 1)))

        model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
        model.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)

        _routes = [[] for i in range(self.num_V)]
        if model.status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
            cost_opt = model.objVal
            # print('Master Problem: OPTIMAL\n', 'total cost: ', round(cost_opt, 2))
            # for v in range(self.num_V):
            #     for t in range(self.period):
            #         nums = 0
            #         for b in range(self.num_B):
            #             for wf in range(self.num_WF):
            #                 if R_turbine[v][t][b][wf] == []:
            #                         continue
            #                 for r in range(np.size(R_turbine[v][t][b][wf][0],1)):
            #                     if x[v,t,b,wf,r].x == 1:
            #                         nums += 1
            #         # print ('(v,t)[%d,%d]' % (v,t), 'nums: ', nums)

            for b in range(self.num_B):
                for wf in range(self.num_WF):
                    if R_turbine[v][t][b][wf] == []:
                    turbines = []
                    for v in range(self.num_V):
                        for t in range(self.period):
                            # if R_turbine[v][t][b][wf] == []:
                            #     continue
                            if sum(x[v, t, b, wf, r].x for r in range(
                                            1))) < 1:
                            for r in range(
                                    np.size(R_turbine[v][t][b][wf][0], 1)):
                                if x[v, t, b, wf, r].x == 1:
                                    print('(b,wf,v,t)[%d,%d,%d,%d]' % (b, wf, v, t), \
                                          'routes: ', routes[v][t][b][wf][r])
            print('_routes: \n', _routes)
            return [cost_opt, _routes]
            print('Master Problem: Infeasible')
            return [None, None]
Esempio n. 20
def solve(n, width, height, startNodes, targetNodes, startTimes, endTimes):
    model = Model("BoatSolver")

    def toGrid(val, y=0):
        if isinstance(val, list):
            return val[0] + val[1] * width
        return val + y * width

    T = max(endTimes)

    x = {}
    wait = {}
    for i, j, t in itertools.product(range(n), range(width * height), range(T)):
        x[i, j, t] = model.addVar(name="x_%d_%d_%d" % (i+1, j+1, t+1), vtype="b", obj=1)
        wait[i, j, t] = model.addVar(name="wait_%d_%d_%d" % (i+1, j+1, t+1), vtype="i", obj=-1)

    model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE

    # Force startpositions
    for i, (sN, sT) in enumerate(zip(startNodes, startTimes)):
        for t in range(sT):
            for j in range(width * height):
                if j == toGrid(sN - 1) and t == sT - 1:
                    logging.debug("start: %s == 1", x[i, j, t].varName)
                    model.addConstr(x[i, j, t] == 1)
                    logging.debug("start: %s == 0", x[i, j, t].varName)
                    model.addConstr(x[i, j, t] == 0)

    # Force endpositions
    for i, (eN, eT) in enumerate(zip(targetNodes, endTimes)):
        j = toGrid(eN - 1)
        logging.debug("end: %s == 1", x[i, j, eT - 1].varName)
        model.addConstr(x[i, j, eT - 1] == 1)
        # Container vanishes after endTime
        for t in range(eT, T):
            logging.debug("end: %s == 0", x[i, j, t].varName)
            model.addConstr(x[i, j, t] == 0)

    # single container per node
    for j, t in itertools.product(range(width * height), range(T)):
        logging.debug("%s <= 1", [x[i, j, t].varName for i in range(n)])
        model.addConstr(quicksum(x[i, j, t] for i in range(n)) <= 1)

    # Force valid container movement
    for w, h in itertools.product(range(width), range(height)):
        vals = [toGrid(w, h)]
        if h >= 1:
            vals += [toGrid(w, h - 1)]
        if w >= 1:
            vals += [toGrid(w - 1, h)]
        if h+1 < height:
            vals += [toGrid(w, h + 1)]
        if w+1 < width:
            vals += [toGrid(w + 1, h)]

        for i, t in itertools.product(range(n), range(1, T)):
            if endTimes[i] > t and startTimes[i] <= t:
                logging.debug("sum(%s) >= %s", [x[i, j, t].varName for j in vals], x[i, toGrid(w, h), t - 1].varName)
                model.addConstr(quicksum(x[i, j, t] for j in vals) >= x[i, toGrid(w, h), t - 1])
                logging.debug("skipped(%s) >= %s", [x[i, j, t].varName for j in vals], x[i, toGrid(w, h), t - 1].varName)

        for i, t in itertools.product(range(n), range(1, T)):
            logging.debug("sum(%s) <= 1", [x[i, j, t].varName for j in vals])
            model.addConstr(quicksum(x[i, j, t] for j in vals) <= 1)

    # Force continous line through grid
    for i, t in itertools.product(range(n), range(0, T)):
        if endTimes[i] > t and startTimes[i] <= t + 1:
            logging.debug("sum(%s) == 1", [x[i, j, t].varName for j in range(width * height)])
            model.addConstr(quicksum(x[i, j, t] for j in range(width * height)) == 1)
            logging.debug("sum(%s) == 0", [x[i, j, t].varName for j in range(width * height)])
            model.addConstr(quicksum(x[i, j, t] for j in range(width * height)) == 0)

    # Prevent ships from passing over same link
    for t in range(1, T):
        for w, h in itertools.product(range(width - 1), range(height)):
            for i in range(n):
                for k in range(i+1, n):
                    model.addConstr(x[i, toGrid(w, h), t - 1] + x[i, toGrid(w + 1, h), t] + x[k, toGrid(w, h), t] + x[k, toGrid(w + 1, h), t - 1] <= 3)
                    model.addConstr(x[i, toGrid(w, h), t] + x[i, toGrid(w + 1, h), t - 1] + x[k, toGrid(w, h), t - 1] + x[k, toGrid(w + 1, h), t] <= 3)
        for w, h in itertools.product(range(width), range(height - 1)):
            for i in range(n):
                for k in range(i+1, n):
                    model.addConstr(x[i, toGrid(w, h), t - 1] + x[i, toGrid(w, h + 1), t] + x[k, toGrid(w, h), t] + x[k, toGrid(w, h + 1), t - 1] <= 3)
                    model.addConstr(x[i, toGrid(w, h), t] + x[i, toGrid(w, h + 1), t - 1] + x[k, toGrid(w, h), t - 1] + x[k, toGrid(w, h + 1), t] <= 3)

    # Allow free waiting
    for i, j, t in itertools.product(range(n), range(width * height), range(0, T)):
        if t < startTimes[i]:
            model.addConstr(x[i, j, t] == wait[i, j, t])
            model.addConstr(x[i, j, t - 1] + x[i, j, t] - 1 <= wait[i, j, t])
            model.addConstr(x[i, j, t - 1] >= wait[i, j, t])
            model.addConstr(x[i, j, t] >= wait[i, j, t])


    for y in model.getVars():
        if y.x:
            logging.warning("%s = %d", y.varName, y.x)

    return model
Esempio n. 21
    def Solving_MILP(self, turbines, dist, travelTime, vessel, t, base, farm, \
                     R, routes, Techs, visited):

        for t_1 in range(1, t):
            for b_1 in range(self.num_B):
                if turbines not in visited[vessel][t_1][b_1][farm]:
                index = visited[vessel][t_1][b_1][farm].index(turbines)
                if self.time_window[vessel][t][farm] == self.time_window[
                    c_t = R[vessel][t_1][b_1][farm][0][-4, index]
                    c_p = R[vessel][t_1][b_1][farm][0][-3, index]
                    c_lr = sum(max(0, t - self.WF_deadline[farm][j]) \
                               * self.WF_penCost[farm][j] for j in turbines)
                    c_total = c_t + c_p + c_lr
                    path = routes[vessel][t_1][b_1][farm][index]
                    NumTechs = Techs[vessel][t_1][b_1][farm][index]
                    return [[c_t, c_p, c_lr, c_total], path, NumTechs]

        # total num of turbines in the wind farm
        n = len(self.WF_deadline[farm])
        # set of drop off nodes [1,...,n]
        dropoff = list(map(lambda qq: qq + 1, turbines))
        d1 = list(range(n + 1, 2 * n + 1))
        # set of pick up nodes [n+1, n+2,...,2n]
        pickup = [d1[i - 1] for i in dropoff]
        # set of nodes need vessels to be present
        waiting = [i + 1 for i in turbines if self.WF_present[farm][i] == 1]
        nodes = [0] + dropoff + pickup + [2 * n + 1]

        model = Model()
        T = model.addVars(nodes, lb=0.0, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS)
        A = [(i, j) for i in nodes for j in nodes if i != j]
        B = [(p, i) for p in self.types for i in nodes]
        y = model.addVars(A, vtype=GRB.BINARY)
        Q = model.addVars(B, lb=0, vtype=GRB.INTEGER)

        model.addConstr(y[2 * n + 1, 0] == 1)
            quicksum(y[i, j] for j in nodes if i != j) == 1
            for i in nodes)  # 9
        model.addConstr(quicksum(y[0, j] for j in dropoff) == 1)  # 10
        model.addConstr(quicksum(y[j, 2 * n + 1] for j in pickup) == 1)  # 11
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(y[i, j] for j in nodes if i != j) == \
                         quicksum(y[j, i] for j in nodes if i != j) for i in nodes)  # 12
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(y[i, j] for j in nodes if i != j) == \
                         quicksum(y[n + i, j] for j in nodes if n + i != j) for i in dropoff)  # 13
        model.addConstrs(y[i, n + i] == 1 for i in waiting)  # 14
        model.addConstrs(T[n + i] - T[i] >= self.WF_mainTime[farm][i - 1] \
                         + self.V_transTime[vessel] for i in dropoff)  # 15
            T[2 * n + 1] <= self.time_window[vessel][t][farm])  # 16
        model.addConstr(T[0] == 0)  # 17
        model.addConstrs(y[0, j] == 0 for j in pickup)
        model.addConstrs(y[j, 2 * n + 1] == 0 for j in dropoff)
            quicksum(Q[p, 0] for p in self.types) <= self.V_tech[vessel])  # 18
        model.addConstrs(Q[p, 0] <= self.B_tech[base][p][t]
                         for p in self.types)
        model.addConstrs(Q[p, 0] >= Q[p, i] for p in self.types for i in nodes)

        for i in nodes[1:-1]:
            for j in dropoff:
                if i == j:
                model.addConstrs((y[i, j] == 1) >> \
                                 (Q[p, i] - Q[p, j] == self.WF_tech[farm][j - 1][p]) for p in self.types)
            for j in pickup:
                if i == j:
                model.addConstrs((y[i, j] == 1) >> \
                                 (Q[p, j] - Q[p, i] == self.WF_tech[farm][j - n - 1][p]) for p in self.types)

        model.addConstrs((y[0, j] == 1) >> \
                         (T[0] + travelTime[0, j] <= T[j]) for j in dropoff)
        model.addConstrs((y[j, 2 * n + 1] == 1) >> (T[j] + self.V_transTime[vessel] \
                                                    + travelTime[j - n, 0] <= T[2 * n + 1]) for j in pickup)

        for i in nodes[1:-1]:
            for j in nodes[1:-1]:
                if j == i + n or i == j:
                i1 = i if i <= n else i - n
                j1 = j if j <= n else j - n
                model.addConstr((y[i, j] == 1) >> \
                                (T[i] + self.V_transTime[vessel] + travelTime[i1, j1] <= T[j]))  # 19

        # cost for technicians
        c_qr = sum(Q[p, 0] * self.tech_cost[p] for p in self.types)
        # travel cost (fuel cost)
        c_tr = 0
        for i in nodes:
            for j in nodes:
                if i != j:
                    if i == 2 * n + 1:
                        i1 = 0
                    elif i <= n:
                        i1 = i
                        i1 = i - n
                        i1 = i if i <= n else i - n
                    if j == 2 * n + 1:
                        j1 = 0
                    elif j <= n:
                        j1 = j
                        j1 = j - n
                    c_tr += self.V_cost[vessel] * travelTime[i1, j1] * y[i, j]

        # penalty cost
        c_lr = sum(max(0, t + 1 - self.WF_deadline[farm][j]) \
                   * self.WF_penCost[farm][j] for j in turbines)
        # ojective function
        model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
        model.setObjective(c_qr + c_tr + c_lr)
        model.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)

        if model.status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
            c_total = model.objVal
            # cost for technicians
            c_q = sum(Q[p, 0].x * self.tech_cost[p] for p in self.types)
            # travel cost (fuel cost)
            c_t = 0
            for i in nodes:
                for j in nodes:
                    if i != j:
                        if i == 2 * n + 1:
                            i1 = 0
                        elif i <= n:
                            i1 = i
                            i1 = i - n
                            i1 = i if i <= n else i - n
                        if j == 2 * n + 1:
                            j1 = 0
                        elif j <= n:
                            j1 = j
                            j1 = j - n
                        c_t += self.V_cost[vessel] * travelTime[i1,
                                                                j1] * y[i, j].x

            path = []  # store the optimal route without base
            # path = [0]
            TT = [0]
            rr = 0
            ii = 0
            while rr < len(nodes) - 2:
                for k in nodes:
                    if ii != k and round(y[ii, k].x) == 1:
                        ii = k
                        path.append(k - 1 if k <= n else k - n - 1)
                        TT.append(round(T[k].x, 2))
                        # path.append(k)
                rr += 1
            [c_t, c_q, c_lr,
             c_total] = [round(i, 2) for i in [c_t, c_q, c_lr, c_total]]
            num_techs = [Q[p, 0].x for p in self.types]
            # print('nodes: ', nodes)
            # print('path: ', ['vessel[%d]' % vessel] + ['period[%d]' % t] + \
            #      ['wf[%d]' % farm] + ['b[%d]' % base] + path)
            # print ('T: ', TT)
            # print ('###############\n \n')
            return [[c_t, c_q, c_lr, c_total], path, num_techs]
            return [[None], None, None]
    def Solver(self):
        model = Model()
        n = len(self.WF_mainTime[0])
        dropoff = list(range(1, n+1))
        pickup = list(range(n+1, 2*n+1))
        nodes = list(range(2*n+2))
        B = list(range(self.num_B))
        WF = list(range(self.num_WF))
        D = list(range(self.period))
        V = list(range(self.num_V))
        P = list(range(len(self.B_tech[0])))
        waiting = [[i for i in dropoff if self.WF_present[wf][i-1] == 1] for wf in WF]
        # calculate distance
        dist = [[] for b in B]
        for b in B:
            for wf in WF:
                if self.lambda_bf[b][wf] == 1:
                    dist[b].append(self.createDistanceMatrix(self.WF_coordinate[wf], \
                else: dist[b].append([])
        # print (dist)

        # calculate travel time
        travelTime = [[] for v in V]
        for v in V:
            for b in B:
                if self.B_vessel[b][v] == 1:
                    for wf in WF:
                        if self.lambda_bf[b][wf] == 1:
                        else: travelTime[v].append([])        
        # set decision variables
        AA = [(v,t,wf,i,j) for i in nodes for j in nodes for wf in WF \
            for t in D for v in V]
        BB = [(v,t,wf,i) for i in nodes for wf in WF for t in D for v in V]
        CC = [(v,t,wf,p,i) for i in nodes for p in P for wf in WF for t in D for v in V]
        DD = [(wf,i) for i in dropoff for wf in WF]
        y = model.addVars(AA, vtype = GRB.BINARY)
        T = model.addVars(BB, lb = 0, vtype = GRB.CONTINUOUS)
        Q = model.addVars(CC, lb = 0, vtype = GRB.INTEGER)
        x = model.addVars(DD, lb = 0, vtype = GRB.INTEGER)

################# Constraints ####################
        model.addConstrs(y[v,t,wf,i,i] == 0 for i in nodes for wf in WF \
            for t in D for v in V)
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(y[v,t,wf,0,j] for j in dropoff) <= 1  for wf in WF \
            for t in D for v in V)
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(y[v,t,wf,j,2*n+1] for j in pickup) <= 1 for wf in WF \
            for t in D for v in V)
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(y[v,t,wf,i,j] for i in nodes for t in D \
            for v in V) == 1 for j in pickup for wf in WF)
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(y[v,t,wf,i,j] for j in nodes) == \
            quicksum(y[v,t,wf,j,i] for j in nodes) for i in nodes for wf in WF \
            for t in D for v in V)
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(y[v,t,wf,i,j] for j in nodes) ==\
            quicksum(y[v,t,wf,n+i,j] for j in nodes) for i in dropoff for wf in WF \
            for t in D for v in V)
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(y[v,t,wf,i,n+i] for t in D for v in V) == 1 \
            for wf in WF for i in waiting[wf])
        model.addConstrs(T[v,t,wf,0] == 0 for wf in WF for t in D for v in V)
        model.addConstrs(T[v,t,wf,n+i] - T[v,t,wf,i] >= quicksum(y[v,t,wf,0,j] \
            for j in dropoff) * (self.WF_mainTime[wf][i-1] + self.V_transTime[v]) \
            for i in dropoff for v in V for t in D for wf in WF)
        model.addConstrs((y[v,t,wf,0,j]==1) >> (T[v,t,wf,j] >= travelTime[v][wf][0,j]) \
            for j in dropoff for wf in WF for t in D for v in V)
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(Q[v,t,wf,p,0] for p in P) <= self.V_tech[v] \
             for wf in WF for t in D for v in V)
        model.addConstrs(quicksum(Q[v,t,wf,p,0] * self.B_vessel[b][v] for v in V \
            for wf in WF) <= self.B_tech[b][p][t] for p in P for t in D for b in B)
        model.addConstrs(Q[v,t,wf,p,i] <= Q[v,t,wf,p,0] for p in P for i in nodes \
            for t in D for v in V for wf in WF)
        for i in nodes[1:-1]:
            for j in dropoff:
                model.addConstrs((y[v,t,wf,i,j] == 1) >> \
                    (Q[v,t,wf,p,i] - Q[v,t,wf,p,j] == self.WF_tech[wf][j-1][p]) \
                    for p in P for wf in WF for t in D for v in V)
            for j in pickup:
                model.addConstrs((y[v,t,wf,i,j] == 1) >> \
                    (Q[v,t,wf,p,j] - Q[v,t,wf,p,i] == self.WF_tech[wf][j-n-1][p]) \
                    for p in P for wf in WF for t in D for v in V)
            for j in nodes[1:]:
                if j == i+n:
                model.addConstrs((y[v,t,wf,i,j]==1) >> (T[v,t,wf,j] - T[v,t,wf,i] >=\
                    self.V_transTime[v] + travelTime[v][wf][i,j]) for wf in WF for t in D \
                    for v in V)

        model.addConstrs(quicksum(t * y[v,t,wf,i,j] - x[wf,j] for i in nodes for v in V \
            for t in D) <= self.WF_deadline[wf][j-1] for wf in WF for j in dropoff)

        model.addConstrs(y[v,t,wf,j,2*n+1] == 0 for j in dropoff for wf in WF \
            for t in D for v in V)
        model.addConstrs(y[v,t,wf,n+i,i] == 0 for i in dropoff for wf in WF \
            for t in D for v in V)
        model.addConstrs(y[v,t,wf,0,j] == 0 for j in pickup for wf in WF \
            for t in D for v in V)
        model.addConstrs(y[v,t,wf,i,j] <= self.lambda_bf[b][wf] for i in nodes \
            for j in nodes for t in D for v in V for wf in WF for b in B)
        model.addConstrs(y[v,t,wf,i,j] <= self.B_vessel[b][v] for i in nodes \
            for j in nodes for t in D for wf in WF for b in B for v in V)

        c_qr = quicksum(Q[v,t,wf,p,0] * self.tech_cost[p] for p in P \
            for wf in WF for t in D for v in V)
        c_tr = quicksum(self.V_cost[v] * travelTime[v][wf][i,j] * y[v,t,wf,i,j] \
            for i in nodes for j in nodes for wf in WF for t in D for v in V)
        c_lr = quicksum(x[wf,j] * self.WF_penCost[wf][j-1] for j in dropoff for wf in WF)
        model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
        if model.status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
            c_total = model.objVal
            print (c_total)