def __init__(self, viewwin): """Initialize the Layers list. Takes a single parameter, viewwin, which is the view window for which this is a layer list. Its only purpose is to access the viewarea because we don't want to reference it directly """ gtk.Frame.__init__(self) scrlwin = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrlwin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scrlwin.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE) self.viewwin = viewwin #setup connection to view area self.viewwin.viewarea.connect('active-changed', self.active_layer_changed) self.UImgr = gtk.UIManager() self.setup_actions() self.make_popup_menu() self.updating = True icons = ('ly_r','ly_p','ly_l','ly_a','ly_t') # layer on icon set self.layer_on = [create_pixbuf(icon+'_on') for icon in icons] # layer off icon set self.layer_off = [create_pixbuf(icon+'_off') for icon in icons] #the main layout widget shell = gtk.VBox() self.add(shell) shell.pack_start(scrlwin) tree_view = self.make_tree_view() scrlwin.add(tree_view) tree_view.connect('button-press-event', self.list_clicked) tree_view.connect('select-row', self.row_selected) # Option buttons opts = ((gtk.STOCK_GO_UP, _("Move Up"), self.raise_layer), (gtk.STOCK_GO_DOWN, _("Move Down"), self.lower_layer), (gtk.STOCK_REMOVE, _("Remove All Layers"), self.remove_all), (gtk.STOCK_DELETE, _("Remove Layer"), self.delete_layer)) self.butbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=1, homogeneous=True) shell.pack_start(self.butbox, expand=False) for stock,tip,cb in opts: but = create_stock_button(stock, cb) self.butbox.pack_start(but) but.set_tooltip_text(tip) self.connect('realize', self.realize) self.publish('deleted-layer') shell.show_all() self.tree_view = tree_view self.updating = False
def __init__(self, action=None): sym_list = gtk.ListStore(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str) for sym_name in ogrfs_symbol_names: ogr_sym,sym_img = ogrfs_symbols[sym_name] pixbuf = create_pixbuf(sym_img) sym_list.append( (pixbuf,sym_name) ) pgu.ComboBox.__init__(self, sym_list, action)
def __init__(self, action=None): pen_list = gtk.ListStore(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str) for pen_name in ogrfs_pen_names: ogr_pen,pen_img = ogrfs_pens[pen_name] pixbuf = create_pixbuf(pen_img) pen_list.append( (pixbuf, pen_name) ) pgu.ComboBox.__init__(self, pen_list, action)