def project_strain(self, hplus, hcross, skypoint, psi): """ Project hplus and hcross onto the detector frame assuming a given sky location and polarization of the source. Apply consistent time delay due to wave propagation. hplus, hcross: plus and cross polarisation (REAL8TimeSeries) skypoint: Skypoint object psi: polarization angle in radians This function uses SimDetectorStrainREAL8TimeSeries() that takes equatorial coordinates (RA and dec) and the epoch signal epoch to define the sky location and corresponding mapping to an Earth-fixed coordinate system. If the skypoint is given in the geographic coordinate system, they are mapped to the equatorial coordinate system with reference time set to the epoch of hplus and hcross. """ assert ==, \ 'The polarization time series must have same size' assert hplus.deltaT == hcross.deltaT, \ 'The polarization time series must have the same sampling step' assert hplus.epoch == hcross.epoch, \ 'The polarization time series must have the same epoch' assert skypoint.coordsystem.is_valid(), "Unsupported coordinate system" # If the skypoint is in the geographic coordinate system we transform # to the equatorial frame at the signal epoch if == 'geographic': skypoint = skypoint.transformed_to( Coordsystem('equatorial', hplus.epoch)) #print(skypoint.coords(fmt='lonlat',unit='radians')) return TimeSeries.from_lal(SimDetectorStrainREAL8TimeSeries( \ hplus, hcross, \ *skypoint.coords(fmt='lonlat',unit='radians'), \ psi, self.descriptor))
def burst_inject(ts_data, loc=0.5, duration=0.1, hrss=0.0275, amp=100., plot=True, sine=False): ''' Inject burst signal in time series data Parameters ---------- ts_data : TimeSeries Time series magnetic field data duration : float Duration of the burst hrss : float hrss Return ------ ts_data : TimeSeries New time series data with injected burst hp : TimeSeries Time series data of the burst signal only ''' # Define sampling rate sample_rate = float(ts_data.sample_rate) # Define time period from sampling rate delta_t = 1.0 / sample_rate # Define start time of the time series t0 = float(ts_data.start_time) # Define final time of the time series t1 = t0 + len(ts_data) / sample_rate if sine: # First method to create sine gaussian burst f_0 = 18 filter_band = 4 q = math.sqrt(2) * f_0 / filter_band * 2 # Create sine gaussian burst hp, hx = SimBurstSineGaussian(q * 2, f_0, hrss, 1, 0, delta_t) else: # Create gaussian burst hp, hx = SimBurstGaussian(duration, hrss, delta_t) hp = TimeSeries.from_lal(hp) hx = TimeSeries.from_lal(hx) # We rescale the amplitude to hide or expose it in the data a bit better hp *= amp if plot: # Plot fake burst signal pyplot.plot(hp.times, hp, 'k-') #pyplot.xlim([-0.5, 0.5]) #pyplot.ylim([-0.1, 0.1]); pyplot.xlabel('Time (s)') pyplot.ylabel('Magnitude') pyplot.savefig('fakesignal.png') pyplot.close() # Define burst epoch hp.epoch = int(t0 + loc * (t1 - t0)) # Define burst first timestamp st = int((hp.epoch.value - t0) * sample_rate - len(hp) / 2) # Define burst final timestamp en = st + len(hp) # Convert time series into gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries format ts_data = TimeSeries(ts_data, sample_rate=sample_rate, epoch=t0) # Include burst in data ts_data[st:en] += hp # Convert back to pycbc.types.TimeSeries format ts_data = types.TimeSeries(ts_data.value, delta_t=1.0 / sample_rate, epoch=t0) # Return time series with burst included return ts_data, hp