Esempio n. 1
    episode_count = -1
    while True:

        #if episode is done
        if done:
            episode_count += 1
  "Episode: %i", episode_count)
            #reset env
            state_np = env.reset()
            #set render flag based on time
            render = (time.time() - last_render_time) > 5

        #Get an action from our agent
        action = agent.get_action(state_np)

        #take a step in the environment
        new_state_np, reward, done, info_dict = env.step(action)

        #let the agent record the experience
        agent.record_experience(state_np, action, reward, done)

        #update the state
        state_np = new_state_np

        #if render is set then render this episode
        if render:
            #update the time so that its not rendered for a while
            last_render_time = time.time()