def build_cloud_with_hosts(node_count=None, **kwargs): sys.stdout = h2o.OutWrapper(sys.stdout) # legacy: we allow node_count to be positional. # if it's used positionally, stick in in kwargs (overwrite if there too) if node_count is not None: # we use h2o_per_host in the config file. will translate to node_count for build_cloud kwargs['h2o_per_host'] = node_count # set node_count to None to make sure we don't use it below. 'h2o_per_host' should be used node_count = None # randomizing default base_port used offset = random.randint(0,31) # for new params: # Just update this list with the param name and default and you're done allParamsDefault = { 'use_flatfile': None, 'use_hdfs': True, # default to true, so when we flip import folder to hdfs+s3n import on ec2, the cloud is built correctly 'hdfs_name_node': None, 'hdfs_config': None, 'hdfs_version': None, 'base_port': None, 'java_heap_GB': None, 'java_heap_MB': None, 'java_extra_args': None, 'timeoutSecs': 60, 'retryDelaySecs': 2, 'cleanup': True, 'slow_connection': False, 'h2o_per_host': 2, 'ip':'[""]', # this is for creating the hosts list 'base_port': 54300 + offset, 'username':'******', 'password': None, 'rand_shuffle': True, 'use_home_for_ice': False, 'key_filename': None, 'aws_credentials': None, 'redirect_import_folder_to_s3_path': None, 'redirect_import_folder_to_s3n_path': None, 'disable_h2o_log': False, 'enable_benchmark_log': False, 'h2o_remote_buckets_root': None, 'conservative': False, 'create_json': False, # pass this from cloud building to the common "release" classes # for deciding whether keys should be deleted when a test ends. 'delete_keys_at_teardown': False, 'clone_cloud': False, 'cloud_name': None, } # initialize the default values paramsToUse = {} for k,v in allParamsDefault.iteritems(): paramsToUse[k] = allParamsDefault.setdefault(k, v) # allow user to specify the config json at the command line. config_json is a global. if h2o.config_json: configFilename = find_config(h2o.config_json) else: # configs may be in the testdir_hosts configFilename = find_config(h2o.default_hosts_file()) h2o.verboseprint("Loading host config from", configFilename) with open(configFilename, 'rb') as fp: hostDict = json.load(fp) for k,v in hostDict.iteritems(): # Don't take in params that we don't have in the list above # Because michal has extra params in here for ec2! and comments! if k in paramsToUse: paramsToUse[k] = hostDict.setdefault(k, v) # Now overwrite with anything passed by the test # whatever the test passes, always overrules the config json for k,v in kwargs.iteritems(): paramsToUse[k] = kwargs.setdefault(k, v) # Let's assume we should set the h2o_remote_buckets_root (only affects # schema=local), to the home directory of whatever remote user # is being used for the hosts. Better than living with a decision # we made from scanning locally (remote might not match local) # assume the remote user has a /home/<username> (linux targets?) # This only affects import folder path name generation by python tests if paramsToUse['username']: paramsToUse['h2o_remote_buckets_root'] = "/home/" + paramsToUse['username'] h2o.verboseprint("All build_cloud_with_hosts params:", paramsToUse) #******************** global hosts hosts = [] # Update: special case paramsToUse['ip'] = [""] and use the normal build_cloud # this allows all the tests in testdir_host to be run with a special config that points to # hosts should be None for everyone if normal build_cloud is desired if paramsToUse['ip']== [""]: hosts = None else: h2o.verboseprint("About to RemoteHost, likely bad ip if hangs") hosts = [] for h in paramsToUse['ip']: h2o.verboseprint("Connecting to:", h) # expand any ~ or ~user in the string key_filename = paramsToUse['key_filename'] if key_filename: # don't try to expand if None key_filename=os.path.expanduser(key_filename) hosts.append(h2o.RemoteHost(addr=h, username=paramsToUse['username'], password=paramsToUse['password'], key_filename=key_filename)) # done with these, don't pass to build_cloud paramsToUse.pop('ip') # this was the list of ip's from the config file, replaced by 'hosts' to build_cloud # we want to save username in the node info. don't pop # paramsToUse.pop('username') paramsToUse.pop('password') paramsToUse.pop('key_filename') # handles hosts=None correctly h2o.write_flatfile( node_count=paramsToUse['h2o_per_host'], base_port=paramsToUse['base_port'], hosts=hosts, rand_shuffle=paramsToUse['rand_shuffle'] ) if hosts is not None: # this uploads the flatfile too h2o.upload_jar_to_remote_hosts(hosts, slow_connection=paramsToUse['slow_connection']) # timeout wants to be larger for large numbers of hosts * h2oPerHost # use 60 sec min, 5 sec per node. timeoutSecs = max(60, 8*(len(hosts) * paramsToUse['h2o_per_host'])) else: # for case timeoutSecs = 60 paramsToUse.pop('slow_connection') # sandbox gets cleaned in build_cloud # legacy param issue node_count = paramsToUse['h2o_per_host'] paramsToUse.pop('h2o_per_host') print "java_heap_GB", paramsToUse['java_heap_GB'] h2o.build_cloud(node_count, hosts=hosts, **paramsToUse)
def build_cloud_with_hosts(node_count=None, **kwargs): # legacy: we allow node_count to be positional. # if it's used positionally, stick in in kwargs (overwrite if there too) if node_count is not None: # we use h2o_per_host in the config file. will translate to node_count for build_cloud kwargs['h2o_per_host'] = node_count # set node_count to None to make sure we don't use it below. 'h2o_per_host' should be used node_count = None # randomizing default base_port used offset = random.randint(0, 31) # for new params: # Just update this list with the param name and default and you're done allParamsDefault = { 'use_flatfile': None, 'use_hdfs': True, # default to true, so when we flip import folder to hdfs+s3n import on ec2, the cloud is built correctly 'hadoop': False, 'hdfs_name_node': None, 'hdfs_config': None, 'hdfs_version': None, 'base_port': None, 'java_heap_GB': None, 'java_heap_MB': None, 'java_extra_args': None, 'sigar': False, 'timeoutSecs': 60, 'retryDelaySecs': 2, 'cleanup': True, 'slow_connection': False, 'h2o_per_host': 2, 'ip': '[""]', # this is for creating the hosts list 'base_port': 54300 + offset, 'username': '******', 'password': None, 'rand_shuffle': True, 'use_home_for_ice': False, 'key_filename': None, 'aws_credentials': None, 'redirect_import_folder_to_s3_path': None, 'redirect_import_folder_to_s3n_path': None, 'disable_h2o_log': False, 'enable_benchmark_log': False, } # initialize the default values paramsToUse = {} for k, v in allParamsDefault.iteritems(): paramsToUse[k] = allParamsDefault.setdefault(k, v) # allow user to specify the config json at the command line. config_json is a global. if h2o.config_json: configFilename = find_config(h2o.config_json) else: # configs may be in the testdir_hosts configFilename = find_config(h2o.default_hosts_file()) h2o.verboseprint("Loading host config from", configFilename) with open(configFilename, 'rb') as fp: hostDict = json.load(fp) for k, v in hostDict.iteritems(): # Don't take in params that we don't have in the list above # Because michal has extra params in here for ec2! and comments! if k in paramsToUse: paramsToUse[k] = hostDict.setdefault(k, v) # Now overwrite with anything passed by the test # whatever the test passes, always overrules the config json for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): paramsToUse[k] = kwargs.setdefault(k, v) h2o.verboseprint("All build_cloud_with_hosts params:", paramsToUse) #******************** global hosts # Update: special case paramsToUse['ip'] = [""] and use the normal build_cloud # this allows all the tests in testdir_host to be run with a special config that points to # hosts should be None for everyone if normal build_cloud is desired if paramsToUse['ip'] == [""]: hosts = None else: h2o.verboseprint("About to RemoteHost, likely bad ip if hangs") hosts = [] for h in paramsToUse['ip']: h2o.verboseprint("Connecting to:", h) hosts.append( h2o.RemoteHost(addr=h, username=paramsToUse['username'], password=paramsToUse['password'], key_filename=paramsToUse['key_filename'])) # done with these, don't pass to build_cloud paramsToUse.pop( 'ip' ) # this was the list of ip's from the config file, replaced by 'hosts' to build_cloud paramsToUse.pop('username') paramsToUse.pop('password') paramsToUse.pop('key_filename') # handles hosts=None correctly h2o.write_flatfile(node_count=paramsToUse['h2o_per_host'], base_port=paramsToUse['base_port'], hosts=hosts, rand_shuffle=paramsToUse['rand_shuffle']) if not paramsToUse['hadoop'] and hosts is not None: # this uploads the flatfile too h2o.upload_jar_to_remote_hosts( hosts, slow_connection=paramsToUse['slow_connection']) # timeout wants to be larger for large numbers of hosts * h2oPerHost # use 60 sec min, 5 sec per node. timeoutSecs = max(60, 8 * (len(hosts) * paramsToUse['h2o_per_host'])) else: # for case timeoutSecs = 60 paramsToUse.pop('slow_connection') # sandbox gets cleaned in build_cloud # legacy param issue node_count = paramsToUse['h2o_per_host'] paramsToUse.pop('h2o_per_host') print "java_heap_GB", paramsToUse['java_heap_GB'] h2o.build_cloud(node_count, hosts=hosts, **paramsToUse)
def build_cloud_with_hosts(node_count=None, **kwargs): ## if not h2o.disable_time_stamp: ## sys.stdout = h2o.OutWrapper(sys.stdout) # legacy: we allow node_count to be positional. # if it's used positionally, stick in in kwargs (overwrite if there too) if node_count is not None: # we use h2o_per_host in the config file. will translate to node_count for build_cloud kwargs['h2o_per_host'] = node_count # set node_count to None to make sure we don't use it below. 'h2o_per_host' should be used node_count = None # randomizing default base_port used offset = random.randint(0, 31) # for new params: # Just update this list with the param name and default and you're done allParamsDefault = { 'use_flatfile': None, 'use_hdfs': True, # default to true, so when we flip import folder to hdfs+s3n import on ec2, the cloud is built correctly 'hdfs_name_node': None, 'hdfs_config': None, 'hdfs_version': None, 'base_port': None, 'java_heap_GB': None, 'java_heap_MB': None, 'java_extra_args': None, 'timeoutSecs': 60, 'retryDelaySecs': 2, 'cleanup': True, 'slow_connection': False, 'h2o_per_host': 2, 'ip': '[""]', # this is for creating the hosts list 'base_port': 54300 + offset, 'username': '******', 'password': None, 'rand_shuffle': True, 'use_home_for_ice': False, 'key_filename': None, 'aws_credentials': None, 'redirect_import_folder_to_s3_path': None, 'redirect_import_folder_to_s3n_path': None, 'disable_h2o_log': False, 'enable_benchmark_log': False, 'h2o_remote_buckets_root': None, 'conservative': False, 'create_json': False, # pass this from cloud building to the common "release" classes # for deciding whether keys should be deleted when a test ends. 'delete_keys_at_teardown': False, 'clone_cloud': False, 'cloud_name': None, } # initialize the default values paramsToUse = {} for k, v in allParamsDefault.iteritems(): paramsToUse[k] = allParamsDefault.setdefault(k, v) # allow user to specify the config json at the command line. config_json is a global. if h2o.config_json: configFilename = find_config(h2o.config_json) else: # configs may be in the testdir_hosts configFilename = find_config(h2o.default_hosts_file()) h2o.verboseprint("Loading host config from", configFilename) with open(configFilename, 'rb') as fp: hostDict = json.load(fp) for k, v in hostDict.iteritems(): # Don't take in params that we don't have in the list above # Because michal has extra params in here for ec2! and comments! if k in paramsToUse: paramsToUse[k] = hostDict.setdefault(k, v) # Now overwrite with anything passed by the test # whatever the test passes, always overrules the config json for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): paramsToUse[k] = kwargs.setdefault(k, v) # Let's assume we should set the h2o_remote_buckets_root (only affects # schema=local), to the home directory of whatever remote user # is being used for the hosts. Better than living with a decision # we made from scanning locally (remote might not match local) # assume the remote user has a /home/<username> (linux targets?) # This only affects import folder path name generation by python tests if paramsToUse['username']: paramsToUse[ 'h2o_remote_buckets_root'] = "/home/" + paramsToUse['username'] h2o.verboseprint("All build_cloud_with_hosts params:", paramsToUse) #******************** global hosts hosts = [] # Update: special case paramsToUse['ip'] = [""] and use the normal build_cloud # this allows all the tests in testdir_host to be run with a special config that points to # hosts should be None for everyone if normal build_cloud is desired if paramsToUse['ip'] == [""]: hosts = None else: h2o.verboseprint("About to RemoteHost, likely bad ip if hangs") hosts = [] for h in paramsToUse['ip']: h2o.verboseprint("Connecting to:", h) # expand any ~ or ~user in the string key_filename = paramsToUse['key_filename'] if key_filename: # don't try to expand if None key_filename = os.path.expanduser(key_filename) hosts.append( h2o.RemoteHost(addr=h, username=paramsToUse['username'], password=paramsToUse['password'], key_filename=key_filename)) # done with these, don't pass to build_cloud paramsToUse.pop( 'ip' ) # this was the list of ip's from the config file, replaced by 'hosts' to build_cloud # we want to save username in the node info. don't pop # paramsToUse.pop('username') paramsToUse.pop('password') paramsToUse.pop('key_filename') # flatfile is going into sandbox (LOG_DIR) clean it first (will make sandbox dir if it doesn't exist already) h2o.clean_sandbox() # handles hosts=None correctly h2o.write_flatfile( node_count=paramsToUse['h2o_per_host'], # let the env variable H2O_PORT_OFFSET add in there base_port=paramsToUse['base_port'], hosts=hosts, rand_shuffle=paramsToUse['rand_shuffle'], port_offset=h2o.get_port_offset(), ) if hosts is not None: # this uploads the flatfile too h2o.upload_jar_to_remote_hosts( hosts, slow_connection=paramsToUse['slow_connection']) # timeout wants to be larger for large numbers of hosts * h2oPerHost # use 60 sec min, 5 sec per node. timeoutSecs = max(60, 8 * (len(hosts) * paramsToUse['h2o_per_host'])) else: # for case timeoutSecs = 60 paramsToUse.pop('slow_connection') # sandbox gets cleaned in build_cloud # legacy param issue node_count = paramsToUse['h2o_per_host'] paramsToUse.pop('h2o_per_host') print "java_heap_GB", paramsToUse['java_heap_GB'] # don't wipe out or create the sandbox. already did here, and put flatfile there h2o.build_cloud(node_count, hosts=hosts, init_sandbox=False, **paramsToUse)
def build_cloud_with_hosts(node_count=None, **kwargs): # legacy: we allow node_count to be positional. # if it's used positionally, stick in in kwargs (overwrite if there too) if node_count is not None: # we use h2o_per_host in the config file. will translate to node_count for build_cloud kwargs["h2o_per_host"] = node_count # set node_count to None to make sure we don't use it below. 'h2o_per_host' should be used node_count = None # randomizing default base_port used offset = random.randint(0, 31) # for new params: # Just update this list with the param name and default and you're done allParamsDefault = { "use_flatfile": None, "use_hdfs": None, "hdfs_name_node": None, "hdfs_config": None, "hdfs_version": None, "base_port": None, "java_heap_GB": None, "java_heap_MB": None, "java_extra_args": None, "sigar": False, "timeoutSecs": 60, "retryDelaySecs": 2, "cleanup": True, "slow_connection": False, "h2o_per_host": 2, "ip": '[""]', # this is for creating the hosts list "base_port": 54300 + offset, "username": "******", "password": None, "rand_shuffle": True, "use_home_for_ice": False, "key_filename": None, "aws_credentials": None, "redirect_import_folder_to_s3_path": None, "disable_h2o_log": False, "enable_benchmark_log": False, } # initialize the default values paramsToUse = {} for k, v in allParamsDefault.iteritems(): paramsToUse[k] = allParamsDefault.setdefault(k, v) # allow user to specify the config json at the command line. config_json is a global. if h2o.config_json: configFilename = find_config(h2o.config_json) else: # configs may be in the testdir_hosts configFilename = find_config(h2o.default_hosts_file()) h2o.verboseprint("Loading host config from", configFilename) with open(configFilename, "rb") as fp: hostDict = json.load(fp) for k, v in hostDict.iteritems(): # Don't take in params that we don't have in the list above # Because michal has extra params in here for ec2! and comments! if k in paramsToUse: paramsToUse[k] = hostDict.setdefault(k, v) # Now overwrite with anything passed by the test # whatever the test passes, always overrules the config json for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): paramsToUse[k] = kwargs.setdefault(k, v) h2o.verboseprint("All build_cloud_with_hosts params:", paramsToUse) # ******************** global hosts # Update: special case paramsToUse['ip'] = [""] and use the normal build_cloud # this allows all the tests in testdir_host to be run with a special config that points to # hosts should be None for everyone if normal build_cloud is desired if paramsToUse["ip"] == [""]: hosts = None else: h2o.verboseprint("About to RemoteHost, likely bad ip if hangs") hosts = [] for h in paramsToUse["ip"]: h2o.verboseprint("Connecting to:", h) hosts.append( h2o.RemoteHost( addr=h, username=paramsToUse["username"], password=paramsToUse["password"], key_filename=paramsToUse["key_filename"], ) ) # done with these, don't pass to build_cloud paramsToUse.pop("ip") # this was the list of ip's from the config file, replaced by 'hosts' to build_cloud paramsToUse.pop("username") paramsToUse.pop("password") paramsToUse.pop("key_filename") # handles hosts=None correctly h2o.write_flatfile( node_count=paramsToUse["h2o_per_host"], base_port=paramsToUse["base_port"], hosts=hosts, rand_shuffle=paramsToUse["rand_shuffle"], ) if hosts is not None: # this uploads the flatfile too h2o.upload_jar_to_remote_hosts(hosts, slow_connection=paramsToUse["slow_connection"]) # timeout wants to be larger for large numbers of hosts * h2oPerHost # use 60 sec min, 5 sec per node. timeoutSecs = max(60, 8 * (len(hosts) * paramsToUse["h2o_per_host"])) else: # for case timeoutSecs = 60 paramsToUse.pop("slow_connection") # sandbox gets cleaned in build_cloud # legacy param issue node_count = paramsToUse["h2o_per_host"] paramsToUse.pop("h2o_per_host") h2o.build_cloud(node_count, hosts=hosts, **paramsToUse)
def build_cloud_with_hosts(node_count=None, use_flatfile=None, use_hdfs=None, hdfs_name_node=None, hdfs_config=None, hdfs_version=None, base_port=None, java_heap_GB=None, java_extra_args=None, **kwargs): # For seeing example of what we want in the json, if we add things # import h2o_config # allow user to specify the config json at the command line. config_json is a global. # shouldn't need this?? if h2o.config_json: configFilename = find_config(h2o.config_json) else: # configs may be in the testdir_hosts configFilename = find_config(h2o.default_hosts_file()) h2o.verboseprint("Loading host config from", configFilename) with open(configFilename, 'rb') as fp: hostDict = json.load(fp) slow_connection = hostDict.setdefault('slow_connection', False) hostList = hostDict.setdefault('ip','') h2oPerHost = hostDict.setdefault('h2o_per_host', 2) # default should avoid colliding with sri's demo cloud ports: 54321 # we get some problems with sticky ports, during back to back tests in regressions # to avoid waiting, randomize the port to make it less likely? # at least for the hosts case offset = random.randint(0,31) basePort = hostDict.setdefault('base_port', 55300 + offset) username = hostDict.setdefault('username','0xdiag') # stupid but here for clarity password = hostDict.setdefault('password', None) sigar = hostDict.setdefault('sigar', False) useFlatfile = hostDict.setdefault('use_flatfile', False) useHdfs = hostDict.setdefault('use_hdfs', False) hdfsNameNode = hostDict.setdefault('hdfs_name_node', '') hdfsVersion = hostDict.setdefault('hdfs_version', 'cdh3u5') hdfsConfig = hostDict.setdefault('hdfs_config', None) # default to none, which means the arg isn't used and java decides for us # useful for small dram systems, and for testing that javaHeapGB = hostDict.setdefault('java_heap_GB', None) javaExtraArgs = hostDict.setdefault('java_extra_args', None) use_home_for_ice = hostDict.setdefault('use_home_for_ice', False) # key file key_filename = hostDict.setdefault('key_filename', None) # host aws configuration aws_credentials = hostDict.setdefault('aws_credentials', None) # can override the json with a caller's argument # FIX! and we support passing othe kwargs from above? but they don't override # json, have to fix here if that's desired if node_count is not None: h2oPerHost = node_count if use_flatfile is not None: useFlatfile = use_flatfile if use_hdfs is not None: useHdfs = use_hdfs if hdfs_name_node is not None: hdfsNameNode = hdfs_name_node if hdfs_version is not None: hdfsVersion = hdfs_version if hdfs_config is not None: hdfsConfig = hdfs_config if java_heap_GB is not None: javaHeapGB = java_heap_GB if java_extra_args is not None: javaExtraArgs = java_extra_args if base_port is not None: basePort = base_port h2o.verboseprint("host config: ", username, password, h2oPerHost, basePort, sigar, useFlatfile, useHdfs, hdfsNameNode, hdfsVersion, hdfsConfig, javaHeapGB, use_home_for_ice, hostList, key_filename, aws_credentials, **kwargs) #******************** global hosts # Update: special case hostList = [""] and use the normal build_cloud # this allows all the tests in testdir_host to be run with a special config that points to # hosts should be None for everyone if normal build_cloud is desired if hostList == [""]: hosts = None else: h2o.verboseprint("About to RemoteHost, likely bad ip if hangs") hosts = [] for h in hostList: h2o.verboseprint("Connecting to:", h) hosts.append(h2o.RemoteHost(addr=h, username=username, password=password, key_filename=key_filename)) # handles hosts=None correctly h2o.write_flatfile(node_count=h2oPerHost, base_port=basePort, hosts=hosts) if hosts is not None: # this uploads the flatfile too h2o.upload_jar_to_remote_hosts(hosts, slow_connection=slow_connection) # timeout wants to be larger for large numbers of hosts * h2oPerHost # use 60 sec min, 5 sec per node. timeoutSecs = max(60, 8*(len(hosts) * h2oPerHost)) else: # for case timeoutSecs = 60 # sandbox gets cleaned in build_cloud h2o.build_cloud(h2oPerHost, base_port=basePort, hosts=hosts, timeoutSecs=timeoutSecs, sigar=sigar, use_flatfile=useFlatfile, use_hdfs=useHdfs, hdfs_name_node=hdfsNameNode, hdfs_version=hdfsVersion, hdfs_config=hdfsConfig, java_heap_GB=javaHeapGB, java_extra_args=javaExtraArgs, use_home_for_ice=use_home_for_ice, aws_credentials=aws_credentials, **kwargs)