def test_exec2_xorsum(self): h2o.beta_features = True SYNDATASETS_DIR = h2o.make_syn_dir() tryList = [ (10000, 1, 'r1', 0, 10, None), ] ullResultList = [] for (rowCount, colCount, hex_key, expectedMin, expectedMax, expected) in tryList: SEEDPERFILE = random.randint(0, sys.maxint) # dynamic range of the data may be useful for estimating error maxDelta = expectedMax - expectedMin csvFilename = 'syn_real_' + str(rowCount) + 'x' + str(colCount) + '.csv' csvPathname = SYNDATASETS_DIR + '/' + csvFilename csvPathnameFull = h2i.find_folder_and_filename(None, csvPathname, returnFullPath=True) print "Creating random", csvPathname (expectedUll, expectedFpSum) = write_syn_dataset(csvPathname, rowCount, colCount, expectedMin, expectedMax, SEEDPERFILE) parseResult = h2i.import_parse(path=csvPathname, schema='local', hex_key=hex_key, timeoutSecs=3000, retryDelaySecs=2) inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=hex_key) print "numRows:", inspect['numRows'] print "numCols:", inspect['numCols'] inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=hex_key, offset=-1) print "inspect offset = -1:", h2o.dump_json(inspect) # looking at the 8 bytes of bits for the h2o doubles # xorsum will zero out the sign and exponent for execExpr in exprList: start = time.time() (execResult, fpResult) = h2e.exec_expr(h2o.nodes[0], execExpr, resultKey=None, timeoutSecs=300) print 'exec took', time.time() - start, 'seconds' print "execResult:", h2o.dump_json(execResult) print "" print "%30s" % "fpResult:", "%.15f" % fpResult ullResult = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong(fpResult) print "%30s" % "bitResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x" % ullResult print "%30s" % "expectedUll (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x" % expectedUll # print "%30s" % "hex(bitResult):", hex(ullResult) ullResultList.append((ullResult, fpResult)) h2o.check_sandbox_for_errors() print "first result was from a sum. others are xorsum" print "ullResultList:" for ullResult, fpResult in ullResultList: print "%30s" % "ullResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (ullResult, fpResult) expectedUllAsDouble = h2o_util.unsignedLongLongToDouble(expectedUll) print "%30s" % "expectedUll (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedUll, expectedUllAsDouble) expectedFpSumAsLongLong = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong(expectedFpSum) print "%30s" % "expectedFpSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedFpSumAsLongLong, expectedFpSum)
def test_exec2_xorsum(self): SYNDATASETS_DIR = h2o.make_syn_dir() tryList = [ (ROWS, 1, 'r1', 0, 10, None), ] for trial in range(10): ullResultList = [] for (rowCount, colCount, hex_key, expectedMin, expectedMax, expected) in tryList: SEEDPERFILE = random.randint(0, sys.maxint) # dynamic range of the data may be useful for estimating error maxDelta = expectedMax - expectedMin csvFilename = 'syn_real_' + str(rowCount) + 'x' + str(colCount) + '.csv' csvPathname = SYNDATASETS_DIR + '/' + csvFilename csvPathnameFull = h2i.find_folder_and_filename(None, csvPathname, returnFullPath=True) print "Creating random", csvPathname (expectedUllSum, expectedFpSum) = write_syn_dataset(csvPathname, rowCount, colCount, expectedMin, expectedMax, SEEDPERFILE) expectedUllSumAsDouble = h2o_util.unsignedLongLongToDouble(expectedUllSum) expectedFpSumAsLongLong = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong(expectedFpSum) parseResult = h2i.import_parse(path=csvPathname, schema='put', hex_key=hex_key, timeoutSecs=3000, retryDelaySecs=2) numRows, numCols, parse_key = h2o_cmd.infoFromParse(parseResult) assert parse_key == hex_key assert numCols == colCount assert numRows == rowCount inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=hex_key) missingList, labelList, numRows, numCols = h2o_cmd.infoFromInspect(inspect) assert len(missingList) == 0 # looking at the 8 bytes of bits for the h2o doubles # xorsum will zero out the sign and exponent for execExpr in exprList: for r in range(10): start = time.time() execResult = h2o_cmd.runExec(ast=execExpr, timeoutSecs=30) fpResult = execResult['scalar'] # (execResult, fpResult) = h2e.exec_expr(h2o.nodes[0], execExpr, resultKey='h', timeoutSecs=300) print r, 'exec took', time.time() - start, 'seconds' print r, "execResult:", h2o.dump_json(execResult) h2o_cmd.runStoreView() ullResult = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong(fpResult) ullResultList.append((ullResult, fpResult)) print "%30s" % "ullResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (ullResult, fpResult) print "%30s" % "expectedUllSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedUllSum, expectedUllSumAsDouble) print "%30s" % "expectedFpSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedFpSumAsLongLong, expectedFpSum) # allow diff of the lsb..either way # if ullResult!=expectedUllSum and abs((ullResult-expectedUllSum)>3): if ullResult!=expectedUllSum: raise Exception("h2o didn't get the same xorsum as python. 0x%0.16x 0x%0.16x" % (ullResult, expectedUllSum)) print "h2o didn't get the same xorsum as python. 0x%0.16x 0x%0.16x" % (ullResult, expectedUllSum) h2o.check_sandbox_for_errors() print "first result was from a sum. others are xorsum" print "ullResultList:" for ullResult, fpResult in ullResultList: print "%30s" % "ullResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (ullResult, fpResult) print "%30s" % "expectedUllSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedUllSum, expectedUllSumAsDouble) print "%30s" % "expectedFpSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedFpSumAsLongLong, expectedFpSum)
def test_exec2_xorsum2(self): h2o.beta_features = True SYNDATASETS_DIR = h2o.make_syn_dir() tryList = [ (ROWS, 1, 'r1', 0, 10, None), ] for trial in range(20): ullResultList = [] NUM_FORMAT_CASES = h2o_util.fp_format() for (rowCount, colCount, hex_key, expectedMin, expectedMax, expected) in tryList: SEEDPERFILE = random.randint(0, sys.maxint) # dynamic range of the data may be useful for estimating error maxDelta = expectedMax - expectedMin csvFilename = 'syn_real_' + str(rowCount) + 'x' + str(colCount) + '.csv' csvPathname = SYNDATASETS_DIR + '/' + csvFilename csvPathnameFull = h2i.find_folder_and_filename(None, csvPathname, returnFullPath=True) print "Creating random", csvPathname sel = random.randint(0, NUM_FORMAT_CASES-1) (expectedUllSum, expectedFpSum) = write_syn_dataset(csvPathname, rowCount, colCount, expectedMin, expectedMax, SEEDPERFILE, sel) expectedUllSumAsDouble = h2o_util.unsignedLongLongToDouble(expectedUllSum) expectedFpSumAsLongLong = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong(expectedFpSum) parseResult = h2i.import_parse(path=csvPathname, schema='local', hex_key=hex_key, timeoutSecs=3000, retryDelaySecs=2) inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=hex_key) print "numRows:", inspect['numRows'] print "numCols:", inspect['numCols'] inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=hex_key, offset=-1) print "inspect offset = -1:", h2o.dump_json(inspect) # looking at the 8 bytes of bits for the h2o doubles # xorsum will zero out the sign and exponent for execExpr in exprList: start = time.time() (execResult, fpResult) = h2e.exec_expr(h2o.nodes[0], execExpr, resultKey=None, timeoutSecs=300) print 'exec took', time.time() - start, 'seconds' print "execResult:", h2o.dump_json(execResult) ullResult = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong(fpResult) ullResultList.append((ullResult, fpResult)) print "%30s" % "ullResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (ullResult, fpResult) print "%30s" % "expectedUllSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedUllSum, expectedUllSumAsDouble) print "%30s" % "expectedFpSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedFpSumAsLongLong, expectedFpSum) # allow diff of the lsb..either way. needed when integers are parsed # okay for a couple of lsbs to be wrong, due to conversion from stringk # ullResult (0.16x): 0x02c1a21f923cee96 2.15698793923e-295 # expectedUllSum (0.16x): 0x02c1a21f923cee97 2.15698793923e-295 # expectedFpSum (0.16x): 0x42f054af32b3c408 2.87294442126e+14 # ullResult and expectedUllSum are Q ints, (64-bit) so can subtract them. # I guess we don't even care about sign, since we zero the first 4 bits (xorsum) to avoid nan/inf issues ALLOWED_BIT_ERR = 0x1f # seeing this amount of error! if ullResult!=expectedUllSum and (abs(ullResult-expectedUllSum)>ALLOWED_BIT_ERR): raise Exception("h2o didn't get the same xorsum as python. 0x%0.16x 0x%0.16x" % (ullResult, expectedUllSum)) print "h2o didn't get the same xorsum as python. 0x%0.16x 0x%0.16x" % (ullResult, expectedUllSum) # print "%30s" % "hex(bitResult):", hex(ullResult) h2o.check_sandbox_for_errors() print "first result was from a sum. others are xorsum" print "ullResultList:" for ullResult, fpResult in ullResultList: print "%30s" % "ullResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (ullResult, fpResult) print "%30s" % "expectedUllSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedUllSum, expectedUllSumAsDouble) print "%30s" % "expectedFpSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedFpSumAsLongLong, expectedFpSum)
def test_exec2_xorsum(self): h2o.beta_features = True SYNDATASETS_DIR = h2o.make_syn_dir() tryList = [ (ROWS, 1, 'r1', 0, 10, None), ] for trial in range(10): ullResultList = [] for (rowCount, colCount, hex_key, expectedMin, expectedMax, expected) in tryList: SEEDPERFILE = random.randint(0, sys.maxint) # dynamic range of the data may be useful for estimating error maxDelta = expectedMax - expectedMin csvFilename = 'syn_real_' + str(rowCount) + 'x' + str( colCount) + '.csv' csvPathname = SYNDATASETS_DIR + '/' + csvFilename csvPathnameFull = h2i.find_folder_and_filename( None, csvPathname, returnFullPath=True) print "Creating random", csvPathname (expectedUllSum, expectedFpSum) = write_syn_dataset(csvPathname, rowCount, colCount, expectedMin, expectedMax, SEEDPERFILE) expectedUllSumAsDouble = h2o_util.unsignedLongLongToDouble( expectedUllSum) expectedFpSumAsLongLong = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong( expectedFpSum) parseResult = h2i.import_parse(path=csvPathname, schema='put', hex_key=hex_key, timeoutSecs=3000, retryDelaySecs=2) inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=hex_key) print "numRows:", inspect['numRows'] print "numCols:", inspect['numCols'] inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=hex_key, offset=-1) print "inspect offset = -1:", h2o.dump_json(inspect) # looking at the 8 bytes of bits for the h2o doubles # xorsum will zero out the sign and exponent for execExpr in exprList: for r in range(10): start = time.time() (execResult, fpResult) = h2e.exec_expr(h2o.nodes[0], execExpr, resultKey='h', timeoutSecs=300) print r, 'exec took', time.time() - start, 'seconds' print r, "execResult:", h2o.dump_json(execResult) h2o_cmd.runStoreView() ullResult = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong(fpResult) ullResultList.append((ullResult, fpResult)) print "%30s" % "ullResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( ullResult, fpResult) print "%30s" % "expectedUllSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( expectedUllSum, expectedUllSumAsDouble) print "%30s" % "expectedFpSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( expectedFpSumAsLongLong, expectedFpSum) # allow diff of the lsb..either way # if ullResult!=expectedUllSum and abs((ullResult-expectedUllSum)>3): if ullResult != expectedUllSum: raise Exception( "h2o didn't get the same xorsum as python. 0x%0.16x 0x%0.16x" % (ullResult, expectedUllSum)) print "h2o didn't get the same xorsum as python. 0x%0.16x 0x%0.16x" % ( ullResult, expectedUllSum) h2o.check_sandbox_for_errors() print "first result was from a sum. others are xorsum" print "ullResultList:" for ullResult, fpResult in ullResultList: print "%30s" % "ullResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( ullResult, fpResult) print "%30s" % "expectedUllSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( expectedUllSum, expectedUllSumAsDouble) print "%30s" % "expectedFpSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( expectedFpSumAsLongLong, expectedFpSum)
def test_exec2_xorsum2(self): SYNDATASETS_DIR = h2o.make_syn_dir() tryList = [ (ROWS, 1, 'r1', 0, 10, None), ] for trial in range(3): ullResultList = [] NUM_FORMAT_CASES = h2o_util.fp_format() for (rowCount, colCount, hex_key, expectedMin, expectedMax, expected) in tryList: SEEDPERFILE = random.randint(0, sys.maxint) # dynamic range of the data may be useful for estimating error maxDelta = expectedMax - expectedMin csvFilename = 'syn_real_' + str(rowCount) + 'x' + str( colCount) + '.csv' csvPathname = SYNDATASETS_DIR + '/' + csvFilename csvPathnameFull = h2i.find_folder_and_filename( None, csvPathname, returnFullPath=True) print "Creating random", csvPathname sel = random.randint(0, NUM_FORMAT_CASES - 1) (expectedUllSum, expectedFpSum) = write_syn_dataset( csvPathname, rowCount, colCount, expectedMin, expectedMax, SEEDPERFILE, sel) expectedUllSumAsDouble = h2o_util.unsignedLongLongToDouble( expectedUllSum) expectedFpSumAsLongLong = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong( expectedFpSum) parseResult = h2i.import_parse(path=csvPathname, schema='put', hex_key=hex_key, timeoutSecs=3000, retryDelaySecs=2) inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=hex_key) print "numRows:", inspect['numRows'] print "numCols:", inspect['numCols'] inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=hex_key, offset=-1) print "inspect offset = -1:", h2o.dump_json(inspect) # looking at the 8 bytes of bits for the h2o doubles # xorsum will zero out the sign and exponent for execExpr in exprList: for repeate in range(3): start = time.time() (execResult, fpResult) = h2e.exec_expr(h2o.nodes[0], execExpr, resultKey=None, timeoutSecs=300) print 'exec took', time.time() - start, 'seconds' print "execResult:", h2o.dump_json(execResult) ullResult = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong(fpResult) ullResultList.append((ullResult, fpResult)) print "%30s" % "ullResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( ullResult, fpResult) print "%30s" % "expectedUllSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( expectedUllSum, expectedUllSumAsDouble) print "%30s" % "expectedFpSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( expectedFpSumAsLongLong, expectedFpSum) # allow diff of the lsb..either way. needed when integers are parsed # okay for a couple of lsbs to be wrong, due to conversion from stringk # ullResult (0.16x): 0x02c1a21f923cee96 2.15698793923e-295 # expectedUllSum (0.16x): 0x02c1a21f923cee97 2.15698793923e-295 # expectedFpSum (0.16x): 0x42f054af32b3c408 2.87294442126e+14 # ullResult and expectedUllSum are Q ints, (64-bit) so can subtract them. # I guess we don't even care about sign, since we zero the first 4 bits (xorsum) to avoid nan/inf issues if ullResult != expectedUllSum and ( abs(ullResult - expectedUllSum) > ALLOWED_DELTA): emsg = "h2o didn't get the same xorsum as python. 0x%0.16x 0x%0.16x" % ( ullResult, expectedUllSum) if STOP_ON_ERROR: raise Exception(emsg) else: print emsg # print "%30s" % "hex(bitResult):", hex(ullResult) h2o.check_sandbox_for_errors() print "first result was from a sum. others are xorsum" print "ullResultList:" for ullResult, fpResult in ullResultList: print "%30s" % "ullResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( ullResult, fpResult) print "%30s" % "expectedUllSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( expectedUllSum, expectedUllSumAsDouble) print "%30s" % "expectedFpSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % ( expectedFpSumAsLongLong, expectedFpSum)
def test_exec2_xorsum(self): SYNDATASETS_DIR = h2o.make_syn_dir() tryList = [ (ROWS, 1, 'r1', 0, 10, None), ] for trial in range(10): ullResultList = [] for (rowCount, colCount, hex_key, expectedMin, expectedMax, expected) in tryList: SEEDPERFILE = random.randint(0, sys.maxint) # dynamic range of the data may be useful for estimating error maxDelta = expectedMax - expectedMin csvFilename = 'syn_real_' + str(rowCount) + 'x' + str(colCount) + '.csv' csvPathname = SYNDATASETS_DIR + '/' + csvFilename csvPathnameFull = h2i.find_folder_and_filename(None, csvPathname, returnFullPath=True) print "Creating random", csvPathname (expectedUllSum, expectedFpSum) = write_syn_dataset(csvPathname, rowCount, colCount, expectedMin, expectedMax, SEEDPERFILE) expectedUllSumAsDouble = h2o_util.unsignedLongLongToDouble(expectedUllSum) expectedFpSumAsLongLong = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong(expectedFpSum) parseResult = h2i.import_parse(path=csvPathname, schema='put', hex_key=hex_key, timeoutSecs=3000, retryDelaySecs=2) numRows, numCols, parse_key = h2o_cmd.infoFromParse(parseResult) assert parse_key == hex_key assert numCols == colCount assert numRows == rowCount inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=hex_key) missingList, labelList, numRows, numCols = h2o_cmd.infoFromInspect(inspect) assert len(missingList) == 0 # looking at the 8 bytes of bits for the h2o doubles # xorsum will zero out the sign and exponent for execExpr in exprList: for r in range(10): if 1==0: execResult = h2o_cmd.runExec(ast=execExpr, timeoutSecs=30) fpResult = execResult['scalar'] else: (execResult, fpResult) = h2e.exec_expr(h2o.nodes[0], execExpr, resultKey='x', timeoutSecs=300) # print dump_json(h2o.n0.frames(key="h")) # (execResult, fpResult) = h2e.exec_expr(h2o.nodes[0], execExpr, resultKey='h', timeoutSecs=300) # print dump_json(h2o.n0.frames(key="r1")) print r, "execResult:", h2o.dump_json(execResult) h2o_cmd.runStoreView() ullResult = h2o_util.doubleToUnsignedLongLong(fpResult) ullResultList.append((ullResult, fpResult)) print "%30s" % "ullResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (ullResult, fpResult) print "%30s" % "expectedUllSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedUllSum, expectedUllSumAsDouble) print "%30s" % "expectedFpSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedFpSumAsLongLong, expectedFpSum) # allow diff of the lsb..either way # if ullResult!=expectedUllSum and abs((ullResult-expectedUllSum)>3): if ullResult!=expectedUllSum: raise Exception("h2o didn't get the same xorsum as python. 0x%0.16x 0x%0.16x" % \ (ullResult, expectedUllSum)) print "h2o didn't get the same xorsum as python. 0x%0.16x 0x%0.16x" % \ (ullResult, expectedUllSum) h2o.check_sandbox_for_errors() print "first result was from a sum. others are xorsum" print "ullResultList:" for ullResult, fpResult in ullResultList: print "%30s" % "ullResult (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (ullResult, fpResult) print "%30s" % "expectedUllSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedUllSum, expectedUllSumAsDouble) print "%30s" % "expectedFpSum (0.16x):", "0x%0.16x %s" % (expectedFpSumAsLongLong, expectedFpSum)