def _process(lock, int_from, int_to, infile, outfile, outshape, outtype, method, plan, logfilename):

	# Process the required subset of images:
	for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1):                 
		# Read input image:
		t0 = time()
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		im = tdf.read_tomo(dset,i).astype(float32)		
		t1 = time() 

		# Perform phase retrieval (first time also PyFFTW prepares a plan):		
		if (method == 0):
			im = tiehom(im, plan).astype(float32)			
			im = phrt(im, plan, method).astype(float32)			
		t2 = time() 	
		# Save processed image to HDF5 file (atomic procedure - lock used):
		_write_data(lock, im, i, outfile, outshape, outtype, logfilename, t2 - t1, t1 - t0)
def _process (lock, int_from, int_to, infile, outfile, outshape, outtype, skipflat, plan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, 
			 half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average,
			 ringrem, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, logfilename):

	# Process the required subset of images:
	for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1):                 
		# Read input image:
		t0 = time()
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		im = tdf.read_sino(dset,i).astype(float32)		
		t1 = time() 		

		# Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):	
		if not skipflat:
			if dynamic_ff:
				# Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
				im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, i, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
				im = flat_fielding(im, i, plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)			
		if ext_fov:
			im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
		if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
			im = ring_correction (im, ringrem, flat_end, plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov)
			im = ring_correction (im, ringrem, False, False, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov)
		t2 = time() 		
		# Save processed image to HDF5 file (atomic procedure - lock used):
		_write_data(lock, im, i, outfile, outshape, outtype, logfilename, t2 - t1, t1 - t0)
Esempio n. 3
def _process(lock, int_from, int_to, infile, outfile, outshape, outtype,
             method, plan, logfilename):

    # Process the required subset of images:
    for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1):

        # Read input image:
        t0 = time()
        f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, i).astype(float32)
        t1 = time()

        # Perform phase retrieval (first time also PyFFTW prepares a plan):
        if (method == 0):
            im = tiehom(im, plan).astype(float32)
        elif (method == 1):
            im = tiehom2020(im, plan).astype(float32)
            im = phrt(im, plan, method).astype(float32)
        t2 = time()

        # Save processed image to HDF5 file (atomic procedure - lock used):
        _write_data(lock, im, i, outfile, outshape, outtype, logfilename,
                    t2 - t1, t1 - t0)
def _write_data(lock, im, index, outfile, outshape, outtype, rescale_factor,
                logfilename, cputime, itime):

        t0 = time()
        f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'a')
        f_out_dset = f_out.require_dataset('exchange/data',
        im = im * rescale_factor
        tdf.write_tomo(f_out_dset, index, im.astype(outtype))

        # Set minimum and maximum:
        if (amin(im[:]) < float(f_out_dset.attrs['min'])):
            f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(amin(im[:]))
        if (amax(im[:]) > float(f_out_dset.attrs['max'])):
            f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(amax(im[:]))
        t1 = time()

        # Print out execution time:
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep +
                  "\ttomo_%s processed (CPU: %0.3f sec - I/O: %0.3f sec)." %
                  (str(index).zfill(4), cputime, t1 - t0 + itime))

def _write_data(lock, im, index, outfile, outshape, outtype, rescale_factor, logfilename, cputime, itime):    	      

		t0 = time() 			
		f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'a')					 
		f_out_dset = f_out.require_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, outtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(outshape[0])) 
		im = im * rescale_factor
		# Set minimum and maximum:
		if (amin(im[:]) < float(f_out_dset.attrs['min'])):
			f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(amin(im[:]))
		if (amax(im[:]) > float(f_out_dset.attrs['max'])):
			f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(amax(im[:]))		
		t1 = time() 

		# Print out execution time:
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\ttomo_%s processed (CPU: %0.3f sec - I/O: %0.3f sec)." % (str(index).zfill(4), cputime, t1 - t0 + itime))

def _process(lock, int_from, int_to, infile, outfile, outshape, outtype, skipflat, plan, flat_end, 
			 half_half, half_half_line, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, rotation, interp, border, 
			 rescale_factor, logfilename):

	# Process the required subset of images:
	for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1):                 
		# Read input image:
		t0 = time()
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		im = tdf.read_tomo(dset,i).astype(float32)		
		t1 = time() 		

		# Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):
		if not skipflat:
			if dynamic_ff:
				# Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
				im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark)
				im = flat_fielding(im, i, plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)			
		t2 = time() 		

		# Rotate:
		rows, cols = im.shape
		#if (cols > rows):
		#	angle = - arctan(2.0 / cols) * (rows / 2.0) / 2.0
		#	angle = - arctan(2.0 / rows) * (cols / 2.0) / 2.0
		M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), rotation, 1)

		if interp == 'nearest':
			interpflag = cv2.INTER_NEAREST
		elif interp == 'cubic':
			interpflag = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
		elif interp == 'lanczos':
			interpflag = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4
			interpflag = cv2.INTER_LINEAR 

		if border == 'constant':
			borderflag = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT
			borderflag = cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE

		im = cv2.warpAffine(im, M, (cols, rows), flags = interpflag, borderMode = borderflag)
		# Save processed image to HDF5 file (atomic procedure - lock used):
		_write_data(lock, im, i, outfile, outshape, outtype, rescale_factor, logfilename, t2 - t1, t1 - t0)
Esempio n. 7
def _write_data(lock, im, index, offset, abs_offset, imfilename, timestamp, projorder, tot_files, 
				provenance_dt, outfile, dsetname, outshape, outtype, logfilename, itime, n_images):    	      
	"""To do...


		# Open the HDF5 file to be populated with projections (or sinograms):
		t0 = time.time() 			
		f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'a')					 
		f_out_dset = f_out.require_dataset(dsetname, outshape, outtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(outshape[0])) 
		# Write the projection file or sinogram file:
		if projorder:
			tdf.write_tomo(f_out_dset, index - abs_offset, im)
			tdf.write_sino(f_out_dset, index - abs_offset, im)
		# Set minimum and maximum (without Infs and NaNs):
		tmp = im[:].astype(numpy.float32)
		tmp = tmp[numpy.nonzero(numpy.isfinite(tmp))]
		if (numpy.amin(tmp[:]) < float(f_out_dset.attrs['min'])):
			f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.amin(tmp[:]))
		if (numpy.amax(tmp[:]) > float(f_out_dset.attrs['max'])):
			f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.amax(tmp[:]))	
		f_out_dset.attrs['avg'] = str(float(f_out_dset.attrs['avg']) + numpy.mean(tmp[:])/(1.0*n_images) )
		# Save provenance metadata:
		provenance_dset = f_out.require_dataset('provenance/detector_output', (tot_files,), dtype=provenance_dt)	
		provenance_dset["filename", offset - abs_offset + index] = numpy.string_(os.path.basename(imfilename))
		provenance_dset["timestamp", offset - abs_offset + index] = numpy.string_(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3])
		# Close the HDF5:
		t1 = time.time()

		# Print out execution time:
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\t%s processed (I: %0.3f sec - O: %0.3f sec)." % (os.path.basename(imfilename), itime, t1 - t0))


		io_warning = True

		# Print out execution time:
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tError when writing to TDF %s. File skipped." % (os.path.basename(imfilename)))


Esempio n. 8
def _write_data(lock, im, index, offset, abs_offset, imfilename, newfilename,
                timestamp, projorder, tot_files, provenance_dt, outfile,
                dsetname, outshape, outtype, logfilename, itime):
    """To do...


        # Open the HDF5 file to be populated with projections (or sinograms):
        t0 = time.time()
        f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'a')
        f_out_dset = f_out.require_dataset(dsetname,

        # Write the projection file or sinogram file:
        if projorder:
            tdf.write_tomo(f_out_dset, index - abs_offset, im)
            tdf.write_sino(f_out_dset, index - abs_offset, im)

        # Set minimum and maximum:
        tmp = im[:].astype(numpy.float32)
        tmp = tmp[numpy.nonzero(numpy.isfinite(tmp))]
        if (numpy.amin(tmp[:]) < float(f_out_dset.attrs['min'])):
            f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.amin(tmp[:]))
        if (numpy.amax(tmp[:]) > float(f_out_dset.attrs['max'])):
            f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.amax(tmp[:]))

        # Save provenance metadata:
        provenance_dset = f_out.require_dataset('provenance/detector_output',
                                                (tot_files, ),
        provenance_dset["filename", offset - abs_offset + index] = newfilename
                        offset - abs_offset + index] = numpy.string_(
                            strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3])

        # Close the HDF5:
        t1 = time.time()

        # Print out execution time:
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(os.linesep +
                  "\t%s processed (I: %0.3f sec - O: %0.3f sec)." %
                  (os.path.basename(imfilename), itime, t1 - t0))

Esempio n. 9
def _write_data(im, index, outfile, outshape, outtype):

    f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'a')
    f_out_dset = f_out.require_dataset('exchange/data',
    tdf.write_sino(f_out_dset, index, im.astype(outtype))

    # Set minimum and maximum:
    if (amin(im[:]) < float(f_out_dset.attrs['min'])):
        f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(amin(im[:]))
    if (amax(im[:]) > float(f_out_dset.attrs['max'])):
        f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(amax(im[:]))
Esempio n. 10
def _process(lock, int_from, int_to, infile, outfile, outshape, outtype,
             skipflat, plan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half,
             half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
             ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, dynamic_ff, EFF,
             filtEFF, im_dark, logfilename):

    # Process the required subset of images:
    for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1):

        # Read input image:
        t0 = time()
        f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        im = tdf.read_sino(dset, i).astype(float32)
        t1 = time()

        # Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):
        if not skipflat:
            if dynamic_ff:
                # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
                im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, i, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark,
                                           norm_sx, norm_dx)
                im = flat_fielding(im, i, plan, flat_end, half_half,
                                   half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)
        if ext_fov:
            im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
                                   ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
        if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
            im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, flat_end,
                                 plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                                 half_half_line, ext_fov)
            im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, False, False, half_half,
                                 half_half_line, ext_fov)
        t2 = time()

        # Save processed image to HDF5 file (atomic procedure - lock used):
        _write_data(lock, im, i, outfile, outshape, outtype, logfilename,
                    t2 - t1, t1 - t0)
Esempio n. 11
def _process(lock, int_from, int_to, infile, dset_str, TIFFFormat, projorder, outpath, outprefix, logfilename):
	"""To do...


		f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')	
		dset = f[dset_str]
		# Process the required subset of images:
		for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1):                  			
			# Read input image:
			t0 = time.time()

			if projorder:
				im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, i)				
				im = tdf.read_sino(dset, i)		
			# Cast type (if required but it should never occur):
			if (((im.dtype).type is float64) or ((im.dtype).type is float16)):
				im = im.astype(float32, copy=False)
			if (TIFFFormat):
				fname = outpath + outprefix + '_' + str(i).zfill(4) + '.tif'
				imsave(fname, im)
				fname = outpath + outprefix + '_' + str(i).zfill(4) + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + \
						'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(im.dtype) + '.raw'

			t1 = time.time() 

			# Print out execution time:
			_write_log(lock, fname, logfilename, t1 - t0)
	except Exception: 
Esempio n. 12
def _write_data(lock, im, index, offset, abs_offset, imfilename, timestamp, projorder, tot_files, 
				provenance_dt, outfile, dsetname, outshape, outtype, logfilename, itime):    	      
	"""To do...


		# Open the HDF5 file to be populated with projections (or sinograms):
		t0 = time.time() 			
		f_out = getHDF5( outfile, 'a' )					 
		f_out_dset = f_out.require_dataset(dsetname, outshape, outtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(outshape[0])) 
		# Write the projection file or sinogram file:
		if projorder:
			tdf.write_tomo(f_out_dset, index - abs_offset, im)
			tdf.write_sino(f_out_dset, index - abs_offset, im)
		# Set minimum and maximum:
		if ( numpy.amin(im[:]) < float(f_out_dset.attrs['min']) ):
			f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.amin(im[:]))
		if ( numpy.amax(im[:]) > float(f_out_dset.attrs['max'])):
			f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.amax(im[:]))	
		# Save provenance metadata:
		provenance_dset =  f_out.require_dataset('provenance/detector_output', (tot_files,), dtype=provenance_dt)	
		provenance_dset["filename", offset - abs_offset + index] = numpy.string_(os.path.basename(imfilename))
		provenance_dset["timestamp", offset - abs_offset + index] = numpy.string_(
			datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3])
		# Close the HDF5:
		t1 = time.time()

		# Print out execution time:
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\t%s processed (I: %0.3f sec - O: %0.3f sec)." % (os.path.basename(imfilename), itime, t1 - t0))

Esempio n. 13
def main(argv):
	Print dimensions of HDF5 file
    # Get the parameters:

    infile = argv[0]

    f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')

    if "/tomo" in f:
        dset = f['tomo']
        dset = f['exchange/data']

    print("Projections: " + tdf.get_nr_projs(dset))
    print("Slices: " + tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset))
    print("DetectorSize: " + tdf.get_det_size(dset))
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...


	The following line processes the first ten TIFF files of input path 
	"/home/in" and saves the processed files to "/home/out" with the 
	application of the Boin and Haibel filter with smoothing via a Butterworth
	filter of order 4 and cutoff frequency 0.01:

	destripe /home/in /home/out 1 10 1 0.01 4    

	lock = Lock()
	rescale_factor = 10000.0 # For 16-bit floating point

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1])
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[2]
	outfile = argv[3]	
	# Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
	flat_end = True if argv[4] == "True" else False
	half_half = True if argv[5] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[6])

	# Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
	dynamic_ff = True if argv[7] == "True" else False

	# Parameters for rotation:
	rotation = float(argv[8])
	interp = argv[9]
	border = argv[10]
	# Nr of threads and log file:
	nr_threads = int(argv[11])
	logfilename = argv[12]		

	# Log input parameters:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file: %s" % (infile))	
	log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))		
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")	
	log.write(linesep + "\tOpening input dataset...")	
	# Remove a previous copy of output:
	if exists(outfile):
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')

	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']

		tomoprefix = 'tomo'
		flatprefix = 'flat'
		darkprefix = 'dark'
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
			prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']		
			tomoprefix = prov_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix']
			flatprefix = prov_dset.attrs['flat_prefix']
			darkprefix = prov_dset.attrs['dark_prefix']
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)
	if (num_sinos == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	

	# Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
	if ((int_to >= num_proj) or (int_to == -1)):
		int_to = num_proj - 1

	# Prepare the work plan for flat and dark images:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
	log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")				

	# Extract flat and darks:
	skipflat = False
	skipdark = False

	# Following variables make sense only for dynamic flat fielding:
	EFF = -1
	filtEFF = -1
	im_dark = -1
	# Following variable makes sense only for conventional flat fielding:
	plan = -1

	if not dynamic_ff:
		plan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
		if (isscalar(plan['im_flat']) and isscalar(plan['im_flat_after'])):
			skipflat = True
			skipflat = False		
		# Dynamic flat fielding:
		if "/tomo" in f_in:				
			if "/flat" in f_in:
				flat_dset = f_in['flat']
				if "/dark" in f_in:
					im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
					skipdark = True
				skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
			if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
				flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
				if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
					im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
					skipdark = True
				skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
		# Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
		if not skipflat:	
			EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)
	# Get the corrected outshape (in this case it's easy):
	im = tdf.read_tomo(dset,0).astype(float32)	
	outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_proj)			
	# Create the output HDF5 file:
	f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'w')
	#f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, im.dtype)
	f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, float16) 
	f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(amin(im[:]))
	f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(amax(im[:]))
	f_out_dset.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
	f_out_dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
	f_out_dset.attrs['rescale_factor'] = str(rescale_factor)

	# Log infos:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\tWork plan prepared correctly.")	
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
	log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming pre processing...")			

	# Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads
	# completion:
	for num in range(nr_threads):
		start = (num_proj / nr_threads) * num
		if (num == nr_threads - 1):
			end = num_proj - 1
			end = (num_proj / nr_threads) * (num + 1) - 1
		Process(target=_process, args=(lock, start, end, infile, outfile, outshape, float16, skipflat, plan, 
				   flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, rotation, interp, border, 
				   rescale_factor, logfilename)).start()
Esempio n. 15
def main(argv):    
	"""Extract a 2D image (projection or sinogram) from the input TDF file (DataExchange HDF5) and
	creates a 32-bit RAW file to disk.

    argv[0] : string
		The absolute path of the input TDF.

	argv[1] : int
		The relative position of the image within the dataset.

	argv[2] : string
		One of the following options: 'tomo', 'sino', 'flat', 'dark'.

	argv[3] : string
		The absolute path of the output 32-bit RAW image file. Filename will be modified by adding 
		image width, image height, minimum and maximum value of the input TDF dataset.

	tools_extractdata "S:\\dataset.tdf" 128 tomo "R:\\proj"	

		# Get input parameters:
		infile   = argv[0]
		index    = int(argv[1]) 
		imtype   = argv[2]
		outfile  = argv[3]		
		# Body
		# Check if file exists:
		if not os.path.exists(infile):		
			#log = open(logfilename,"a")
			#log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: input TDF file not found. Process will end.")				

		# Open the HDF5 file:

		f = getHDF5( infile, 'r' )
		if (imtype == 'sino'):
			if "/tomo" in f:
				dset = f['tomo']	
				dset = f['exchange/data']
			im = tdf.read_sino( dset, index )	
		elif (imtype == 'dark'):
			if "/dark" in f:
				dset = f['dark']	
				dset = f['exchange/data_dark']	
			im = tdf.read_tomo( dset, index )
		elif (imtype == 'flat'):
			if "/flat" in f:
				dset = f['flat']	
				dset = f['exchange/data_white']	
			im = tdf.read_tomo( dset, index )
			if "/tomo" in f:
				dset = f['tomo']	
				dset = f['exchange/data']	
			im = tdf.read_tomo( dset, index )

		min = float(numpy.nanmin(im[:]))
		max = float(numpy.nanmax(im[:]))
		# Get global attributes (if any):
			if ('version' in f.attrs):
				if (f.attrs['version'] == '1.0'):	
					min = float(dset_tomo.attrs['min'])
					max = float(dset_tomo.attrs['max'])			
		# Cast type:
		im = im.astype(float32)
		# Modify file name:
		outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(min) + '$' + str(max)	
		# Write RAW data to disk:
Esempio n. 16
def main(argv):          
	Converts a TDF file (HDF5 Tomo Data Format) into a sequence of TIFF (uncompressed) files.
	from : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) data, a subset of the volume can 
		be specified, ranging from the parameter "from" to the parameter "to" 
		(see next). In most cases, this parameter is 0.
	to : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) data, a subset of the volume can 
		be specified, ranging from the parameter "from" (see previous parameter) to 
		the parameter "to". If the value -1 is specified, all the projection (or sinogram)
		data will be considered.
	in_file : string
		path with filename of the TDF to read from (e.g. "Z:\\sample1.tdf").
	out_path : string
		path that will contain the sequence of TIFF files (e.g. "Z:\\sample1\\tomo\\"). WARNING: 
		the program does NOT automatically create non-existing folders and subfolders specified 
		in the path. Moreover, if files with the same name already exist they will be automatically 
	file_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to create for the projection (or 
		sinogram) data. E.g. "tomo" will create files having name "tomo_0001.tif", "tomo_0002.tif".
	flat_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to create for the flat (white field)
		data. E.g. "flat" will create files having name "flat_1.tif", "flat_2.tif". If dark or flat data have
		to be skipped the string "-" can be specified.
	dark_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to create for the dark (dark field)
		data. E.g. "dark" will create files having name "dark_1.tif", "dark_2.tif". If dark or flat data have
		to be skipped the string "-" can be specified.
	projection_order : boolean string
		specify the string "True" to create TIFF files for projections (the most common case), "False" 
		for sinograms.		

	TIFF_format : boolean string
		specify the string "True" to create TIFF files, "False" for RAW files.	

	nr_threads : int
		number of multiple threads (actually processes) to consider to speed up the whole conversion process.
	log_file : string
		path with filename of a log file (e.g. "R:\\log.txt") where info about the conversion is reported.

	no return value
	Example call to convert all the projections data to a sequence of tomo*.tif files:
		python 0 -1 "C:\Temp\wet12T4part2.tdf" "C:\Temp\tomo" tomo flat dark True True 3 "C:\Temp\log.txt"
	- Python 2.7 with the latest NumPy, SciPy, H5Py.
	- TIFFFile from C. Gohlke
	Tested with WinPython-64bit- (Windows) and Anaconda 2.1.0 (Linux 64-bit).		


	lock = Lock()

	# To be used without flat fielding (just conversion):
	first_done = False	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1]) # -1 means "all files"
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[2]
	outpath = argv[3]
	fileprefix = argv[4]
	flatprefix = argv[5]
	darkprefix = argv[6]
	if (flatprefix == "-"):
		skipflat = True
		skipflat = False

	if (darkprefix == "-"):
		skipdark = True
		skipdark = False

	if (fileprefix == "-"):
		skiptomo = True
		skiptomo = False
	projorder = argv[7]
	if projorder == "True":
		projorder = True
		projorder = False	
	TIFFFormat = argv[8]
	if TIFFFormat == "True":
		TIFFFormat = True
		TIFFFormat = False	
	nr_threads = int(argv[9])
	logfilename = argv[10]
	# Check prefixes and path:
	if not outpath.endswith(os.path.sep): outpath += os.path.sep
	# Init variables:
	num_files = 0
	num_flats = 0
	num_darks = 0

	# Get the files in infile:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tInput TDF: %s" % (infile))
	if (TIFFFormat):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tOutput path where TIFF files will be created: %s" % (outpath))		
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tOutput path where RAW files will be created: %s" % (outpath))		
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")			
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tFile output prefix: %s" % (fileprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tFlat images output prefix: %s" % (flatprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tDark images output prefix: %s" % (darkprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")	
	if (not (skiptomo)):
		if (int_to != -1):
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tThe subset [%d,%d] of the data will be considered." % (int_from, int_to))
		if (projorder):
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tProjection order assumed.")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tSinogram order assumed.")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")	

	if not os.path.exists(infile):		
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: input TDF file not found. Process will end.")				

	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	oldTDF = False
		dset = f['tomo']			
		oldTDF = True
	except Exception:
	if not oldTDF:
			dset = f['exchange/data']
		#except Exception:
		#	log = open(logfilename,"a")
		#	log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: invalid TDF format.  Process will end.")
		#	log.close()
		#	exit()
	if projorder:
		num_files = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)	
		num_files = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)			

	# Get attributes:
		f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if ('version' in f.attrs) and (f.attrs['version'] == 'TDF 1.0'):	
			log = open(logfilename,"a")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tTDF version 1.0 found.")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: TDF version unknown. Some features will not be available.")				
		log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")

	# Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
	if ((int_to >= num_files) or (int_to == -1)):
		int_to = num_files - 1

	# Spawn the process for the conversion of flat images:
	if not skipflat:

		f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if oldTDF:
			dset_str = 'flat'
			dset_str = 'exchange/data_white'
		num_flats = tdf.get_nr_projs(f[dset_str])

		if (num_flats > 0):
			Process(target=_process, args=(lock, 0, num_flats - 1, infile, dset_str, TIFFFormat, 
											True, outpath, flatprefix, logfilename)).start()
			#_process(lock, 0, num_flats - 1, infile, dset_str, TIFFFormat, projorder,
			#outpath, flatprefix, logfilename)

	# Spawn the process for the conversion of dark images:
	if not skipdark:

		f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if oldTDF:
			dset_str = 'dark'
			dset_str = 'exchange/data_dark'
		num_darks = tdf.get_nr_projs(f[dset_str])

		if (num_darks > 0):
			Process(target=_process, args=(lock, 0, num_darks - 1, infile, dset_str, TIFFFormat, 
											True, outpath, darkprefix, logfilename)).start()
			#_process(lock, 0, num_darks - 1, infile, dset_str, TIFFFormat, projorder,
			#outpath, darkprefix, logfilename)

	# Spawn the processes for the conversion of projection or sinogram images:
	if not skiptomo:

		if oldTDF:
			dset_str = 'tomo'
			dset_str = 'exchange/data'
		# Start the process for the conversion of the projections (or sinograms) in a
		# multi-threaded way:
		for num in range(nr_threads):
			start = ((int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads) * num + int_from
			if (num == nr_threads - 1):
				end = int_to
				end = ((int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads) * (num + 1) + int_from - 1

			Process(target=_process, args=(lock, start, end, infile, dset_str, TIFFFormat, 
											projorder, outpath, fileprefix, logfilename)).start()
Esempio n. 17
def main(argv):
    """Extract a 2D image (projection or sinogram) from the input TDF file (DataExchange HDF5) and
	creates a 32-bit RAW file to disk.

	argv[0] : string
		The absolute path of the input TDF.

	argv[1] : int
		The relative position of the image within the dataset.

	argv[2] : string
		One of the following options: 'tomo', 'sino', 'flat', 'dark'.

	argv[3] : string
		The absolute path of the output 32-bit RAW image file. Filename will be modified by adding 
		image width, image height, minimum and maximum value of the input TDF dataset.

	tools_extractdata "S:\\dataset.tdf" 128 tomo "R:\\proj"	

        # Get input parameters:
        infile = argv[0]
        index = int(argv[1])
        imtype = argv[2]
        outfile = argv[3]

        # Body

        # Check if file exists:
        if not os.path.exists(infile):
            #log = open(logfilename,"a")
            #log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: input TDF file not found. Process will end.")

        # Open the HDF5 file:

        f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
        if (imtype == 'sino'):
            if "/tomo" in f:
                dset = f['tomo']
                dset = f['exchange/data']
            im = tdf.read_sino(dset, index)
        elif (imtype == 'dark'):
            if "/dark" in f:
                dset = f['dark']
                dset = f['exchange/data_dark']
            im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, index)
        elif (imtype == 'flat'):
            if "/flat" in f:
                dset = f['flat']
                dset = f['exchange/data_white']
            im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, index)
            if "/tomo" in f:
                dset = f['tomo']
                dset = f['exchange/data']
            im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, index)

        # Remove Infs e NaNs
        tmp = im[:].astype(numpy.float32)
        tmp = tmp[numpy.nonzero(numpy.isfinite(tmp))]

        # Sort the gray levels:
        tmp = numpy.sort(tmp)

        # Return as minimum the value the skip 0.30% of "black" tail and 0.05% of "white" tail:
        low_idx = int(tmp.shape[0] * 0.0030)
        high_idx = int(tmp.shape[0] * 0.9995)
        min = tmp[low_idx]
        max = tmp[high_idx]

        # Modify file name:
        outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(
            im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(min) + '$' + str(max)

        # Cast type:
        im = im.astype(float32)

        # Write RAW data to disk:


Esempio n. 18
def process(sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, corr_plan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, 
			half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average,
			ringrem, phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod, phrt_param1, phrt_param2, 
			energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad, approx_win, angles, offset, logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad, method, 
			zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, postprocess_required, convert_opt, 
			crop_opt, nr_threads, angles_from, angles_to, logfilename, lock, slice_prefix):
	"""To do...

	slice_nr = sino_idx
	# Perform reconstruction (on-the-fly preprocessing and phase retrieval, if required):
	if (phaseretrieval_required):
		# In this case a bunch of sinograms is loaded into memory:		

		# Load the temporary data structure reading the input TDF file.
		# To know the right dimension the first sinogram is pre-processed.

		# Open the TDF file and get the dataset:
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		# Downscaling and decimation factors considered when determining the approximation window:
		zrange = arange(sino_idx - approx_win*downsc_factor/2, sino_idx + approx_win*downsc_factor/2, downsc_factor)
		zrange = zrange[ (zrange >= 0) ]
		zrange = zrange[ (zrange < num_sinos) ]
		approx_win = zrange.shape[0]
		# Approximation window cannot be odd:
		if (approx_win % 2 == 1):
			approx_win = approx_win-1 
			zrange     = zrange[0:approx_win]
		# Read one sinogram to get the proper dimensions:
		test_im = tdf.read_sino(dset, zrange[0]*downsc_factor).astype(float32)		
		# Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
		test_im = test_im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]

		# Perform the pre-processing of the first sinogram to get the right dimension:
		if (preprocessing_required):
			test_im = flat_fielding (test_im, zrange[0], corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, 
										half_half_line/decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)	
			if ext_fov:
				test_im = extfov_correction (test_im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap/downsc_factor, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average).astype(float32)			
			test_im = ring_correction (test_im, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, 
											half_half_line/decim_factor, ext_fov).astype(float32)	
		# Now we can allocate memory for the bunch of slices:		
		tmp_im = empty((approx_win, test_im.shape[0], test_im.shape[1]), dtype=float32)
		tmp_im[0,:,:] = test_im

		# Reading all the the sinos from TDF file and close:
		for ct in range(1, approx_win):
			test_im = tdf.read_sino(dset, zrange[ct]*downsc_factor).astype(float32)
			test_im = test_im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]
			# Perform the pre-processing for each sinogram of the bunch:
			if (preprocessing_required):
				test_im = flat_fielding (test_im, zrange[ct], corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, 
											half_half_line/decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)	
				if ext_fov:
					test_im = extfov_correction (test_im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap/downsc_factor, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average).astype(float32)			
				test_im = ring_correction (test_im, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, 
											half_half_line/decim_factor, ext_fov).astype(float32)	
			tmp_im[ct,:,:] = test_im

		# Now everything has to refer to a downscaled dataset:
		sino_idx = ((zrange == sino_idx).nonzero())

		# Perform phase retrieval:

		# Prepare the plan:		
		if (phrtmethod == 0):
			# Paganin's:
			phrtplan = tiehom_plan (tmp_im[:,0,:], phrt_param1, phrt_param2, energy, distance, pixsize*downsc_factor, padding=phrtpad)
			phrtplan = phrt_plan (tmp_im[:,0,:], energy, distance, pixsize*downsc_factor, phrt_param2, phrt_param1, phrtmethod, padding=phrtpad)
		# Process each projection (whose height depends on the size of the bunch):
		for ct in range(0, tmp_im.shape[1]):
			if (phrtmethod == 0):
				tmp_im[:,ct,:] = tiehom(tmp_im[:,ct,:], phrtplan).astype(float32)			
				tmp_im[:,ct,:] = phrt(tmp_im[:,ct,:], phrtplan, phrtmethod).astype(float32)	
		# Extract the requested sinogram:
		im = tmp_im[sino_idx[0],:,:].squeeze()	


		# Read only one sinogram:
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		im = tdf.read_sino(dset,sino_idx * downsc_factor).astype(float32)		

		# Downscale and decimate the sinogram:
		im = im[::decim_factor,::downsc_factor]
		#sino_idx = sino_idx/downsc_factor	
		# Perform the preprocessing of the sinogram (if required):
		if (preprocessing_required):
			im = flat_fielding (im, sino_idx, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line/decim_factor, 
								norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)		
			if ext_fov:
				test_im = extfov_correction (test_im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap/downsc_factor, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average).astype(float32)			
			im = ring_correction (im, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, 
								half_half_line/decim_factor, ext_fov)

	# Log infos:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")	
	log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming reconstruction with multiple centers of rotation...")			
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")		

	# Split the computation into multiple processes:
	for num in range(nr_threads):
		start = ( (angles_to - angles_from + 1) / nr_threads)*num + angles_from
		if (num == nr_threads - 1):
			end = angles_to
			end = ( (angles_to - angles_from + 1) / nr_threads)*(num + 1) + angles_from - 1

		Process(target=reconstruct, args=(im, angles, offset/downsc_factor, logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad, method, 
					   zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, corr_offset, postprocess_required, convert_opt, crop_opt, start, end, 
		               outpath, slice_nr, downsc_factor, decim_factor, logfilename, lock, slice_prefix)).start()
Esempio n. 19
def main(argv):          
	Converts a sequence of TIFF files into a TDF file (HDF5 Tomo Data Format).
	from : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) files, a subset of files can be specified, 
		ranging from the parameter "from" to the parameter "to" (see next). In most 
		cases, this parameter is 0.
	to : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) files, a subset of files can be specified, 
		ranging from the parameter "from" (see previous parameter) to the parameter 
		"to". If the value -1 is specified, all the projection files will be considered.
	in_path : string
		path containing the sequence of TIFF files to consider (e.g. "Z:\\sample1\\tomo\\").
	out_file : string
		path with filename of the TDF to create (e.g. "Z:\\sample1.tdf"). WARNING: the program 
		does NOT automatically create non-existing folders and subfolders specified in the path. 
		Moreover, if a file with the same name already exists it will be automatically deleted and 
	crop_top : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the top of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_bottom : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the bottom of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_left : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the left of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_right : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the right of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	file_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to consider for the projection (or 
		sinogram) files. 	E.g. "tomo" will consider files having name "tomo_0001.tif", "tomo_0002.tif". 
	flat_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to consider for the flat (white field)
		files. E.g. "flat" will consider files having name "flat_1.tif", "flat_2.tif". If dark or flat files have
		to be skipped the string "-" can be specified.
	dark_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to consider for the dark (dark field)
		files. E.g. "dark" will consider files having name "dark_1.tif", "dark_2.tif". If dark or flat files have
		to be skipped the string "-" can be specified.
	projection_order : boolean string
		specify the string "True" if the TIFF files represent projections (the most common case), "False" 
		for sinograms.
	privilege_sino : boolean string
		specify the string "True" if the TDF will privilege a fast read/write of sinograms (the most common 
		case), "False" for fast read/write of projections.
	compression : scalar, integer
		an integer value in the range of [1,9] to be used as GZIP compression factor in the HDF5 file, where
		1 is the minimum compression (and maximum speed) and 9 is the maximum (and slow) compression.
		The value 0 can be specified with the meaning of no compression.

	nr_threads : int
		number of multiple threads (actually processes) to consider to speed up the whole conversion process.
	log_file : string
		path with filename of a log file (e.g. "R:\\log.txt") where info about the conversion is reported.

	no return value
	Example call to convert all the tomo*.tif* projections to a TDF with no cropping and minimum compression:
		python 0 -1 "Z:\\rawdata\\c_1\\tomo\\" "Z:\\work\\c1_compr9.tdf" 0 0 0 0 tomo flat 
		dark True True 1 "S:\\conversion.txt"
	- Python 2.7 with the latest NumPy, SciPy, H5Py.
	- TIFFFile from C. Gohlke's website 
	  (consider also to install TIFFFile.c for performances).
	Tested with WinPython-64bit- (Windows) and Anaconda 2.1.0 (Linux 64-bit).		

	lock = Lock()

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to   = int(argv[1]) # -1 means "all files"
	# Get paths:
	inpath  = argv[2]
	outfile = argv[3]
	crop_top    = int(argv[4])  # 0 for all means "no cropping"
	crop_bottom = int(argv[5])
	crop_left   = int(argv[6])
	crop_right  = int(argv[7])

	tomoprefix = argv[8]
	flatprefix = argv[9]   # - means "do not consider flat or darks"
	darkprefix = argv[10]  # - means "do not consider flat or darks"

	if (flatprefix == "-") or (darkprefix == "-"):
		skipflat = True
		skipflat = False
	projorder = True if argv[11] == "True" else False		
	privilege_sino = True if argv[12] == "True" else False

	# Get compression factor:
	compr_opts = int(argv[13])
	compressionFlag = True;
	if (compr_opts <= 0):
		compressionFlag = False;
	elif (compr_opts > 9):
		compr_opts = 9		
	nr_threads  = int(argv[14])
	logfilename = argv[15]	
	# Check prefixes and path:
	if not inpath.endswith(os.path.sep): inpath += os.path.sep

	# Get the files in inpath:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")	
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tInput path: %s" % (inpath))	
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))		
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")			
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tProjection file prefix: %s"  % (tomoprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tDark file prefix: %s" % (darkprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tFlat file prefix: %s" % (flatprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")			
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tCropping:")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tTop: %d pixels" % (crop_top))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tBottom: %d pixels" % (crop_bottom))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tLeft: %d pixels" % (crop_left))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tRight: %d pixels" % (crop_right))
	if (int_to != -1):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tThe subset [%d,%d] of the input files will be considered." % (int_from, int_to))
	if (projorder):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tProjection order assumed.")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tSinogram order assumed.")
	if (privilege_sino):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tFast I/O for sinograms privileged.")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tFast I/O for projections privileged.")
	if (compressionFlag):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tTDF compression factor: %d" % (compr_opts))
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tTDF compression: none.")
	if (skipflat):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: flat/dark images (if any) will not be considered.")		
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")	
	# Remove a previous copy of output:
	if os.path.exists(outfile):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: an output file with the same name was overwritten.")
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tBrowsing input files...")	
	# Pythonic way to get file list:
	if os.path.exists(inpath):
		tomo_files = sorted(glob(inpath + tomoprefix + '*.tif*'))
		num_files = len(tomo_files)
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: input path does not exist. Process will end.")				
	if (num_files == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: no projection files found. Check input path and file prefixes.")				

	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tInput files browsed correctly.")	

	# Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
	if ( (int_to >= num_files) or (int_to == -1) ):
		int_from = 0
		int_to   = num_files - 1

	# In case of subset specified:
	num_files = int_to - int_from + 1

	# Prepare output HDF5 output (should this be atomic?):	
	im = imread(tomo_files[0])	

	# Crop:
	im = im[crop_top:im.shape[0]-crop_bottom,crop_left:im.shape[1]-crop_right]		
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tPreparing the working plan...")	
	#dsetshape = (num_files,) + im.shape
	if projorder:			
		#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_files)
		datashape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_files)
		#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], num_files, im.shape[0])
		datashape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], num_files, im.shape[0])
	if not os.path.isfile(outfile):									
		f = getHDF5( outfile, 'w' )
		f.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
		f.attrs['implements'] = "exchange:provenance"
		echange_group  = f.create_group( 'exchange' )			
		if (compressionFlag):
			dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data', datashape, im.dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(im.shape[1]), 
				compression="gzip", compression_opts=compr_opts, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True)
			dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data', datashape, im.dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(im.shape[1]))		

		if privilege_sino:			
			dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
			dset.attrs['axes'] = "theta:y:x"
		dset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.amin(im[:]))
		dset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.amax(im[:]))	

		# Get the total number of files to consider:
		tot_files = num_files	
		if not skipflat:		
			num_flats = len(sorted(glob(inpath + flatprefix + '*.tif*')))			
			num_darks = len(sorted(glob(inpath + darkprefix + '*.tif*')))	
			tot_files = tot_files + num_flats + num_darks
		# Create provenance dataset:
		provenance_dt   = numpy.dtype([("filename", numpy.dtype("S255")), ("timestamp",  numpy.dtype("S255"))])
		metadata_group  = f.create_group( 'provenance' )
		provenance_dset = metadata_group.create_dataset('detector_output', (tot_files,), dtype=provenance_dt)	
		provenance_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix'] = tomoprefix;
		provenance_dset.attrs['dark_prefix'] = darkprefix;
		provenance_dset.attrs['flat_prefix'] = flatprefix;
		provenance_dset.attrs['first_index'] = int(tomo_files[0][-8:-4]);
		# Handle the metadata:
		if (os.path.isfile(inpath + 'logfile.xml')):
			with open (inpath + 'logfile.xml', "r") as file:
				xml_command =
			tdf.parse_metadata(f, xml_command)

	# Print out about plan preparation:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tWorking plan prepared succesfully.")	
	# Get the files in inpath:
	if not skipflat:
		# Flat part
		flat_files = sorted(glob(inpath + flatprefix + '*.tif*'))
		num_flats = len(flat_files)		
		if ( num_flats > 0):
			# Create acquisition group:				
			im = imread(flat_files[0])								
			im = im[crop_top:im.shape[0]-crop_bottom,crop_left:im.shape[1]-crop_right]
			#flatshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_flats)
			flatshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_flats)
			f = getHDF5( outfile, 'a' )	
			if (compressionFlag):
				dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_white', flatshape, im.dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(im.shape[1]), 
					compression="gzip", compression_opts=compr_opts, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True)
				dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_white', flatshape, im.dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(im.shape[1]))		
			dset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.amin(im[:]))
			dset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.amax(im[:]))
			if privilege_sino:			
				dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
				dset.attrs['axes'] = "theta:y:x"
			#process(lock, 0, num_flats - 1, 0, flat_files, True, outfile, 'exchange/data_white', dsetshape, im.dtype, 
			#	crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, tot_files, provenance_dt, logfilename )
			log = open(logfilename,"a")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: flat files not found.")
		# Dark part
		dark_files = sorted(glob(inpath + darkprefix + '*.tif*'))
		num_darks = len(dark_files)				
		if ( num_darks > 0):
			im = imread(dark_files[0])			
			im = im[crop_top:im.shape[0]-crop_bottom,crop_left:im.shape[1]-crop_right]
			#darkshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_flats)
			darkshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_darks)
			f = getHDF5( outfile, 'a' )	
			if (compressionFlag):
				dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_dark', darkshape, im.dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(im.shape[1]), 
					compression="gzip", compression_opts=compr_opts, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True)
				dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_dark', darkshape, im.dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(im.shape[1]))	
			dset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.amin(im))
			dset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.amax(im))
			if privilege_sino:			
				dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
				dset.attrs['axes'] = "theta:y:x"
			#process(lock, 0, num_darks - 1, num_flats, dark_files, True, outfile, 'exchange/data_dark', dsetshape, im.dtype, 
			#	crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right,  tot_files, provenance_dt, logfilename )

			log = open(logfilename,"a")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: dark files not found.")
	# Process the required subset of images:
	if not skipflat:
		flatdark_offset = num_flats + num_darks
		flatdark_offset = 0

	# Spawn the process for the conversion of flat images:
	Process(target=_process, args=(lock, 0, num_flats - 1, 0, 0, flat_files, True, outfile, 'exchange/data_white', 
		flatshape, im.dtype, crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, tot_files, provenance_dt, logfilename )).start()

	# Spawn the process for the conversion of dark images:
	Process(target=_process, args=(lock, 0, num_darks - 1, num_flats, 0, dark_files, True, outfile, 'exchange/data_dark', 
		darkshape, im.dtype, crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, tot_files, provenance_dt, logfilename )).start()

	# Start the process for the conversion of the projections (or sinograms) in a multi-threaded way:
	for num in range(nr_threads):
		start = ( (int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads)*num + int_from
		if (num == nr_threads - 1):
			end = int_to
			end = ( (int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads)*(num + 1) + int_from - 1

		Process(target=_process, args=(lock, start, end, flatdark_offset, int_from, tomo_files, projorder, outfile, 'exchange/data', 
				datashape, im.dtype, crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, tot_files, provenance_dt, logfilename )).start()
Esempio n. 20
def main(argv):
    """To do...

    # Get the zero-order index of the sinogram to pre-process:
    idx = int(argv[0])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[1]
    outfile = argv[2]

    # Normalization parameters:
    norm_sx = int(argv[3])
    norm_dx = int(argv[4])

    # Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
    flat_end = True if argv[5] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[6] == "True" else False
    half_half_line = int(argv[7])

    # Params for extended FOV:
    ext_fov = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_rot_right = argv[9]
    if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
        ext_fov_rot_right = True
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_sx = 0
        ext_fov_rot_right = False
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_dx = 0
    ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[10])

    ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[11] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_average = True if argv[12] == "True" else False

    # Method and parameters coded into a string:
    ringrem = argv[13]

    # Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
    dynamic_ff = True if argv[14] == "True" else False

    # Tmp path and log file:
    tmppath = argv[15]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep
    logfilename = argv[16]

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')

        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']

        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tError reading input dataset. Process will end.")

    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    # Check if the HDF5 makes sense:
    if (num_sinos == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Get flat and darks from cache or from file:
    skipflat = False
    skipdark = False
    if not dynamic_ff:
            corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
        except Exception as e:
            #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
            corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
            if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat'])
                    and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
                skipflat = True
                plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)
        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            if "/flat" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat:
            EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

    # Read input image:
    im = tdf.read_sino(dset, idx).astype(float32)

    # Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):
    if not skipflat:
        if dynamic_ff:
            # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
            im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, idx, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark,
                                       norm_sx, norm_dx)
            im = flat_fielding(im, idx, corrplan, flat_end, half_half,
                               half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)
    if ext_fov:
        im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
                               ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
    if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
        im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, flat_end,
                             corrplan['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                             half_half_line, ext_fov)
        im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, False, False, half_half,
                             half_half_line, ext_fov)

    # Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):
    im = im.astype(float32)
    outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(
        im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(nanmin(im)) + '$' + str(nanmax(im))
Esempio n. 21
def main(argv):          
	Converts a set of HIS files into a TDF file (HDF5 Tomo Data Format).
	from : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) files, a subset of files can be specified, 
		ranging from the parameter "from" to the parameter "to" (see next). In most 
		cases, this parameter is 0.
	to : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) files, a subset of files can be specified, 
		ranging from the parameter "from" (see previous parameter) to the parameter 
		"to". If the value -1 is specified, all the projection files will be considered.
	data_in_path : string
		path of the HIS file of the projections (e.g. "Z:\\sample1.his").
	dark_in_path : string
		path of the HIS file of the flat (e.g. "Z:\\sample1_dark.his").
	flat_in_path : string
		path of the HIS file of the flat (e.g. "Z:\\sample1_flat.his").
	postdark_in_path : string
		path of the HIS file of the flat (e.g. "Z:\\sample1_postdark.his").
	postflat_in_path : string
		path of the HIS file of the flat (e.g. "Z:\\sample1_postflat.his").
	out_file : string
		path with filename of the TDF to create (e.g. "Z:\\sample1.tdf"). WARNING: the program 
		does NOT automatically create non-existing folders and subfolders specified in the path. 
		Moreover, if a file with the same name already exists it will be automatically deleted and 
	crop_top : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the top of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_bottom : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the bottom of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_left : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the left of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_right : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the right of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.	

	privilege_sino : boolean string
		specify the string "True" if the TDF will privilege a fast read/write of sinograms (the most common 
		case), "False" for fast read/write of projections.
	compression : scalar, integer
		an integer value in the range of [1,9] to be used as GZIP compression factor in the HDF5 file, where
		1 is the minimum compression (and maximum speed) and 9 is the maximum (and slow) compression.
		The value 0 can be specified with the meaning of no compression.
	log_file : string
		path with filename of a log file (e.g. "R:\\log.txt") where info about the conversion is reported.

	no return value
	Example call to convert all the tomo*.tif* projections to a TDF with no cropping and minimum compression:
		python 0 -1 "tomo.his" "dark.his" "flat.his" "postdark.his" "postflat.his" "dataset.tdf" 0 0 0 0 
		True True 1 "S:\\conversion.txt"
	- Python 2.7 with the latest NumPy, SciPy, H5Py.
	Tested with WinPython-64bit- (Windows) and Anaconda 2.1.0 (Linux 64-bit).		
	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1]) # -1 means "all files"
	# Get paths:
	tomo_file = argv[2]
	dark_file = argv[3]
	flat_file = argv[4]
	darkpost_file = argv[5]
	flatpost_file = argv[6]
	outfile = argv[7]
	crop_top      = int(argv[8])  # 0 for all means "no cropping"
	crop_bottom = int(argv[9])
	crop_left      = int(argv[10])
	crop_right    = int(argv[11])
	projorder = argv[12]
	if projorder == "True":
		projorder = True
		projorder = False
	privilege_sino = argv[13]
	if privilege_sino == "True":
		privilege_sino = True
		privilege_sino = False

	# Get compression factor:
	compr_opts = int(argv[14])
	compressionFlag = True;
	if (compr_opts <= 0):
		compressionFlag = False;
	elif (compr_opts > 9):
		compr_opts = 9		
	logfilename = argv[15]		

	# Get the files in inpath:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")	
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tInput HIS files:")	
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tProjections: %s" % (tomo_file))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tDark: %s" % (dark_file))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tFlat: %s" % (flat_file))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tPost dark: %s" % (darkpost_file))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tPost flat: %s" % (flatpost_file))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))		
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")			
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tCropping:")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tTop: %d pixels" % (crop_top))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tBottom: %d pixels" % (crop_bottom))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tLeft: %d pixels" % (crop_left))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tRight: %d pixels" % (crop_right))
	if (int_to != -1):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tThe subset [%d,%d] of the input files will be considered." % (int_from, int_to))
	if (projorder):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tProjection order assumed.")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tSinogram order assumed.")
	if (privilege_sino):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tFast I/O for sinograms privileged.")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tFast I/O for projections privileged.")
	if (compressionFlag):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tTDF compression factor: %d" % (compr_opts))
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tTDF compression: none.")

	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")	
	# Remove a previous copy of output:
	if os.path.exists(outfile):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: an output file with the same name was overwritten.")
	# Check input file:
	if not os.path.exists(tomo_file):		
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: input HIS file for projections does not exist. Process will end.")				
	# First time get the plan:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tPreparing the working plan...")	
	# Get info from projection file:
	dim1, dim2, dimz, dtype = _getHISdim ( tomo_file )	
	if ( ((int_to - int_from + 1) > 0) and ((int_to - int_from + 1) < dimz) ):
		dimz = int_to - int_from + 1
	#dsetshape = (num_files,) + im.shape
	if projorder:			
		#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_files)
		dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right, dim2 - crop_top - crop_bottom, dimz)
		#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], num_files, im.shape[0])
		dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right, dim2 - crop_top - crop_bottom, dimz)
	f = getHDF5( outfile, 'w' )
	print dsetshape
	f.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
	f.attrs['implements'] = "exchange:provenance"
	echange_group  = f.create_group( 'exchange' )			
	if (compressionFlag):
		dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data', dsetshape, dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right), compression="gzip", compression_opts=compr_opts, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True)
		dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data', dsetshape, dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right))		

	if privilege_sino:			
		dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
		dset.attrs['axes'] = "theta:y:x"
	dset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.iinfo(dtype).max)
	dset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.iinfo(dtype).min)

	# Get the total number of files to consider:
	num_darks = 0
	num_flats = 0
	num_postdarks = 0
	num_postflats = 0
	if os.path.exists(dark_file):	
		dim1, dim2, num_darks, dtype = _getHISdim ( dark_file )	
	if os.path.exists(flat_file):	
		dim1, dim2, num_flats, dtype = _getHISdim ( flat_file )	
	if os.path.exists(darkpost_file):	
		dim1, dim2, num_postdarks, dtype = _getHISdim ( darkpost_file )		
	if os.path.exists(flatpost_file):	
		dim1, dim2, num_postflats, dtype = _getHISdim ( flatpost_file )	
	tot_files = dimz + num_darks + num_flats + num_postdarks + num_postflats
	# Create provenance dataset:
	provenance_dt    = numpy.dtype([("filename", numpy.dtype("S255")), ("timestamp",  numpy.dtype("S255"))])
	metadata_group  = f.create_group( 'provenance' )
	provenance_dset = metadata_group.create_dataset('detector_output', (tot_files,), dtype=provenance_dt)	
	provenance_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix'] = 'tomo';
	provenance_dset.attrs['dark_prefix'] = 'dark';
	provenance_dset.attrs['flat_prefix'] = 'flat';
	provenance_dset.attrs['first_index'] = 1;
	# Handle the metadata:
	if (os.path.isfile(os.path.dirname(tomo_file) + os.sep + 'logfile.xml')):
		with open (os.path.dirname(tomo_file) + os.sep + 'logfile.xml', "r") as file:
			xml_command =
		tdf.parse_metadata(f, xml_command)				

	# Print out about plan preparation:
	first_done = True
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tWorking plan prepared succesfully.")	
	# Get the data from HIS:
	if (num_darks > 0) or (num_postdarks > 0):
		#dsetshape = (num_files,) + im.shape
		if projorder:			
			#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_files)
			dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right, dim2 - crop_top - crop_bottom, num_darks + num_postdarks)
			#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], num_files, im.shape[0])
			dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right, dim2 - crop_top - crop_bottom, num_darks + num_postdarks)
		if (compressionFlag):
			darkdset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_dark', dsetshape, dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right), compression="gzip", compression_opts=compr_opts, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True)
			darkdset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_dark', dsetshape, dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right))		

		if privilege_sino:			
			darkdset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
			darkdset.attrs['axes'] = "theta:y:x"
		darkdset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.iinfo(dtype).max)
		darkdset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.iinfo(dtype).min)
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: dark images (if any) not considered.")		
	if (num_flats > 0) or (num_postflats > 0):
		#dsetshape = (num_files,) + im.shape
		if projorder:			
			#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_files)
			dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right, dim2 - crop_top - crop_bottom, num_flats + num_postflats)
			#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], num_files, im.shape[0])
			dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right, dim2 - crop_top - crop_bottom, num_flats + num_postflats)
		if (compressionFlag):
			flatdset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_white', dsetshape, dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right), compression="gzip", compression_opts=compr_opts, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True)
			flatdset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_white', dsetshape, dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right))		

		if privilege_sino:			
			flatdset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
			flatdset.attrs['axes'] = "theta:y:x"
		flatdset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.iinfo(dtype).max)
		flatdset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.iinfo(dtype).min)
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: flat images (if any) not considered.")		
	# Process the HIS:
	provenance_offset = 0
	if num_flats > 0:
		provenance_offset = _processHIS( flat_file, flatdset, 0, provenance_dset, provenance_offset, 
			0, 'flat', crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, logfilename )	
	if num_postflats > 0:
		provenance_offset = _processHIS( flatpost_file, flatdset, num_flats, provenance_dset, provenance_offset, 
			7, 'flat', crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, logfilename )

	if num_darks > 0:
		provenance_offset = _processHIS( dark_file, darkdset, 0, provenance_dset, provenance_offset,  
			0, 'dark', crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, logfilename )	
	if num_postdarks > 0:
		provenance_offset = _processHIS( darkpost_file, darkdset, num_darks, provenance_dset, provenance_offset, 
			7, 'dark', crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, logfilename )

	provenance_offset = _processHIS( tomo_file, dset, 0, provenance_dset, provenance_offset, 
			0, 'tomo', crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, logfilename, int_from, int_to )	

	# Close TDF:
Esempio n. 22
def process(sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outfile, preprocessing_required, corr_plan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, 
			half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ringrem, phaseretrieval_required, beta, delta, 
			energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad, approx_win, angles, offset, logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad, method, 
			zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, postprocess_required, convert_opt, 
			crop_opt, nr_threads, logfilename):
	"""To do...

	# Perform reconstruction (on-the-fly preprocessing and phase retrieval, if required):
	if (phaseretrieval_required):
		# In this case a bunch of sinograms is loaded into memory:		

		# Load the temporary data structure reading the input TDF file.
		# To know the right dimension the first sinogram is pre-processed.

		# Open the TDF file and get the dataset:
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		# Downscaling and decimation factors considered when determining the approximation window:
		zrange = arange(sino_idx - approx_win*downsc_factor/2, sino_idx + approx_win*downsc_factor/2, downsc_factor)
		zrange = zrange[ (zrange >= 0) ]
		zrange = zrange[ (zrange < num_sinos) ]
		approx_win = zrange.shape[0]
		# Approximation window cannot be odd:
		if (approx_win % 2 == 1):
			approx_win = approx_win-1 
			zrange     = zrange[0:approx_win]
		# Read one sinogram to get the proper dimensions:
		test_im = tdf.read_sino(dset, zrange[0]).astype(float32)		
		test_im = test_im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]

		# Perform the pre-processing of the first sinogram to get the right dimension:
		if (preprocessing_required):
			test_im = flat_fielding (test_im, zrange[0]/downsc_factor, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, 
										half_half_line/decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)	
			test_im = extfov_correction (test_im, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap/downsc_factor).astype(float32)			
			test_im = ring_correction (test_im, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, 
											half_half_line/decim_factor, ext_fov).astype(float32)	
		# Now we can allocate memory for the bunch of slices:		
		tmp_im = empty((approx_win, test_im.shape[0], test_im.shape[1]), dtype=float32)
		tmp_im[0,:,:] = test_im

		# Reading all the the sinos from TDF file and close:
		for ct in range(1, approx_win):
			test_im = tdf.read_sino(dset, zrange[ct]).astype(float32)
			test_im = test_im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]
			# Perform the pre-processing for each sinogram of the bunch:
			if (preprocessing_required):
				test_im = flat_fielding (test_im, zrange[ct]/downsc_factor, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, 
											half_half_line/decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)	
				test_im = extfov_correction (test_im, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap/downsc_factor).astype(float32)	
				test_im = ring_correction (test_im, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, 
											half_half_line/decim_factor, ext_fov).astype(float32)	
			tmp_im[ct,:,:] = test_im

		# Now everything has to refer to a downscaled dataset:
		sino_idx = ((zrange == sino_idx).nonzero())

		# Perform phase retrieval:

		# Prepare the plan:		
		phrtplan = prepare_plan (tmp_im[:,0,:], beta, delta, energy, distance, pixsize*downsc_factor, padding=phrtpad)
		# Process each projection (whose height depends on the size of the bunch):
		for ct in range(0, tmp_im.shape[1]):
			tmp_im[:,ct,:] = phase_retrieval(tmp_im[:,ct,:], phrtplan).astype(float32)			
		# Extract the requested sinogram:
		im = tmp_im[sino_idx[0],:,:].squeeze()	


		# Read only one sinogram:
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		im = tdf.read_sino(dset,sino_idx).astype(float32)		

		# Downscale and decimate the sinogram:
		im = im[::decim_factor,::downsc_factor]
		sino_idx = sino_idx/downsc_factor	
		# Perform the preprocessing of the sinogram (if required):
		if (preprocessing_required):
			im = flat_fielding (im, sino_idx, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line/decim_factor, 
								norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)		
			im = extfov_correction (im, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap)
			#imsave('C:\\Temp\\StupidFolder\\sinoprimaringrem.tif', im.astype(float32))
			im = ring_correction (im, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, 
								half_half_line/decim_factor, ext_fov)
			#imsave('C:\\Temp\\StupidFolder\\sinodoporingrem.tif', im.astype(float32))

	# Actual reconstruction:
	im = reconstruct(im, angles, offset/downsc_factor, logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad, method, 
					zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, corr_offset).astype(float32)	

	# Apply post-processing (if required):
	if postprocess_required:
		im = postprocess(im, convert_opt, crop_opt)
		# Create the circle mask for fancy output:
		if (circle == True):
			siz = im.shape[1]
			if siz % 2:
				rang = arange(-siz / 2 + 1, siz / 2 + 1)
				rang = arange(-siz / 2,siz / 2)
			x,y = meshgrid(rang,rang)
			z = x ** 2 + y ** 2
			a = (z < (siz / 2 - int(round(abs(offset)/downsc_factor)) ) ** 2)
			im = im * a			

    # Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):		
	im = im.astype(float32)
	outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str( amin(im)) + '$' + str( amax(im) )	
Esempio n. 23
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...


	The following line processes the first ten TIFF files of input path 
	"/home/in" and saves the processed files to "/home/out" with the 
	application of the Boin and Haibel filter with smoothing via a Butterworth
	filter of order 4 and cutoff frequency 0.01:

	reconstruct 0 4 C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\output 
	9.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 true sino slice C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\tomo_conv flat dark

	skip_flat = False
	skip_flat_after = True	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	sino_idx = int(argv[0])
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[1]
	outfile = argv[2]

	# Essential reconstruction parameters::
	angles = float(argv[3])
	offset = float(argv[4])
	param1 = argv[5]	
	scale  = int(float(argv[6]))
	overpad = True if argv[7] == "True" else False
	logtrsf = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	circle = True if argv[9] == "True" else False
	# Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
	preprocessing_required = True if argv[10] == "True" else False		
	flat_end = True if argv[11] == "True" else False		
	half_half = True if argv[12] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[13])
	ext_fov = True if argv[14] == "True" else False
	norm_sx = int(argv[17])
	norm_dx = int(argv[18])	
	ext_fov_rot_right = argv[15]
	if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
		ext_fov_rot_right = True
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_sx = 0
		ext_fov_rot_right = False
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_dx = 0
	ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[16])
	skip_ringrem = True if argv[19] == "True" else False
	ringrem = argv[20]
	# Extra reconstruction parameters:
	zerone_mode = True if argv[21] == "True" else False		
	corr_offset = float(argv[22])
	reconmethod = argv[23]	
	decim_factor = int(argv[24])
	downsc_factor = int(argv[25])
	# Parameters for postprocessing:
	postprocess_required = True if argv[26] == "True" else False
	convert_opt = argv[27]
	crop_opt = argv[28]

	# Parameters for on-the-fly phase retrieval:
	phaseretrieval_required = True if argv[29] == "True" else False		
	beta = double(argv[30])   # param1( e.g. regParam, or beta)
	delta = double(argv[31])   # param2( e.g. thresh or delta)
	energy = double(argv[32])
	distance = double(argv[33])    
	pixsize = double(argv[34]) / 1000.0 # pixsixe from micron to mm:	
	phrtpad = True if argv[35] == "True" else False
	approx_win = int(argv[36])	

	preprocessingplan_fromcache = True if argv[37] == "True" else False
	nr_threads = int(argv[38])	
	tmppath = argv[39]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep
	logfilename = argv[40]		
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']	
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
			prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']				
	dset_min = -1
	dset_max = -1
	if (zerone_mode):
		if ('min' in dset.attrs):
			dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])								
			zerone_mode = False
		if ('max' in dset.attrs):
			dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])				
			zerone_mode = False	
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset) # Pay attention to the downscale factor
	if (num_sinos == 0):	

	# Check extrema:
	if (sino_idx >= num_sinos):
		sino_idx = num_sinos - 1
	# Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
	corrplan = 0	
	if (preprocessing_required):		
		# Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file and cache it for faster re-use:
		if (preprocessingplan_fromcache):
				corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
			except Exception as e:
				#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
				corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
				plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)
			corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)		
			plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)	

		# Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan['im_flat'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]		
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan['im_dark'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan['im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan['im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]			


	# Run computation:	
	process( sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outfile, preprocessing_required, corrplan, norm_sx, 
				norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ringrem, 
				phaseretrieval_required, beta, delta, energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad, approx_win, angles, offset, 
				logtrsf, param1, circle, scale, overpad, reconmethod, zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, 
				downsc_factor, corr_offset, postprocess_required, convert_opt, crop_opt, nr_threads, logfilename )		
Esempio n. 24
def main(argv):          
	Converts a set of HIS files into a TDF file (HDF5 Tomo Data Format).
	from : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) files, a subset of files can be specified, 
		ranging from the parameter "from" to the parameter "to" (see next). In most 
		cases, this parameter is 0.
	to : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) files, a subset of files can be specified, 
		ranging from the parameter "from" (see previous parameter) to the parameter 
		"to". If the value -1 is specified, all the projection files will be considered.
	data_in_path : string
		path of the HIS file of the projections (e.g. "Z:\\sample1.his").
	dark_in_path : string
		path of the HIS file of the flat (e.g. "Z:\\sample1_dark.his").
	flat_in_path : string
		path of the HIS file of the flat (e.g. "Z:\\sample1_flat.his").
	postdark_in_path : string
		path of the HIS file of the flat (e.g. "Z:\\sample1_postdark.his").
	postflat_in_path : string
		path of the HIS file of the flat (e.g. "Z:\\sample1_postflat.his").
	out_file : string
		path with filename of the TDF to create (e.g. "Z:\\sample1.tdf"). WARNING: the program 
		does NOT automatically create non-existing folders and subfolders specified in the path. 
		Moreover, if a file with the same name already exists it will be automatically deleted and 
	crop_top : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the top of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_bottom : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the bottom of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_left : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the left of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_right : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the right of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.	

	privilege_sino : boolean string
		specify the string "True" if the TDF will privilege a fast read/write of sinograms (the most common 
		case), "False" for fast read/write of projections.
	compression : scalar, integer
		an integer value in the range of [1,9] to be used as GZIP compression factor in the HDF5 file, where
		1 is the minimum compression (and maximum speed) and 9 is the maximum (and slow) compression.
		The value 0 can be specified with the meaning of no compression.
	log_file : string
		path with filename of a log file (e.g. "R:\\log.txt") where info about the conversion is reported.

	no return value
	Example call to convert all the tomo*.tif* projections to a TDF with no cropping and minimum compression:
		python 0 -1 "tomo.his" "dark.his" "flat.his" "postdark.his" "postflat.his" "dataset.tdf" 0 0 0 0 
		True True 1 "S:\\conversion.txt"
	- Python 2.7 with the latest NumPy, SciPy, H5Py.
	Tested with WinPython-64bit- (Windows) and Anaconda 2.1.0 (Linux 64-bit).		
	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1]) # -1 means "all files"
	# Get paths:
	tomo_file = argv[2]
	flat_file = argv[3]
	outfile = argv[4]
	crop_top = int(argv[5])  # 0 for all means "no cropping"
	crop_bottom = int(argv[6])
	crop_left = int(argv[7])
	crop_right = int(argv[8])
	projorder = argv[9]
	if projorder == "True":
		projorder = True
		projorder = False
	privilege_sino = argv[10]
	if privilege_sino == "True":
		privilege_sino = True
		privilege_sino = False

	# Get compression factor:
	compr_opts = int(argv[11])
	compressionFlag = True
	if (compr_opts <= 0):
		compressionFlag = False
	elif (compr_opts > 9):
		compr_opts = 9		
	logfilename = argv[12]		

	# Get the files in inpath:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")	
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tInput PiXirad files:")	
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tProjections: %s" % (tomo_file))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tFlat: %s" % (flat_file))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))		
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")			
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tCropping:")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tTop: %d pixels" % (crop_top))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tBottom: %d pixels" % (crop_bottom))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tLeft: %d pixels" % (crop_left))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tRight: %d pixels" % (crop_right))
	if (int_to != -1):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tThe subset [%d,%d] of the input files will be considered." % (int_from, int_to))
	if (projorder):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tProjection order assumed.")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tSinogram order assumed.")
	if (privilege_sino):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tFast I/O for sinograms privileged.")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tFast I/O for projections privileged.")
	if (compressionFlag):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tTDF compression factor: %d" % (compr_opts))
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tTDF compression: none.")

	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")	
	# Remove a previous copy of output:
	if os.path.exists(outfile):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: an output file with the same name was overwritten.")
	# Check input file:
	if not os.path.exists(tomo_file):		
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: input PiXirad file for projections does not exist. Process will end.")				
	# First time get the plan:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")	
	# Get info from projection file:
	data = _read_pixirad_data(tomo_file)
	dim1 = data.shape[0]
	dim2 = data.shape[1]
	dimz = data.shape[2]
	dtype = data.dtype
	if (((int_to - int_from + 1) > 0) and ((int_to - int_from + 1) < dimz)):
		dimz = int_to - int_from + 1
	#dsetshape = (num_files,) + im.shape
	if projorder:			
		#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], im.shape[0],
		dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right, dim2 - crop_top - crop_bottom, dimz)
		#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], num_files,
		dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right, dim2 - crop_top - crop_bottom, dimz)
	f = getHDF5(outfile, 'w')
	f.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
	f.attrs['implements'] = "exchange:provenance"
	echange_group = f.create_group('exchange')			
	if (compressionFlag):
		dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data', dsetshape, dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right), \
            compression="gzip", compression_opts=compr_opts, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True)
		dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data', dsetshape, dtype)		

	if privilege_sino:			
		dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
		dset.attrs['axes'] = "theta:y:x"
	dset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.iinfo(dtype).max)
	dset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.iinfo(dtype).min)

	# Get the total number of files to consider:
	num_flats = 0
	if os.path.exists(flat_file):	
		data = _read_pixirad_data(flat_file)
		dim1 = data.shape[0]
		dim2 = data.shape[1]
		num_flats = data.shape[2]
		dtype = data.dtype
	tot_files = dimz + num_flats
	# Create provenance dataset:
	provenance_dt = numpy.dtype([("filename", numpy.dtype("S255")), ("timestamp",  numpy.dtype("S255"))])
	metadata_group = f.create_group('provenance')
	provenance_dset = metadata_group.create_dataset('detector_output', (tot_files,), dtype=provenance_dt)	
	provenance_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix'] = 'tomo'
	provenance_dset.attrs['flat_prefix'] = 'flat'
	provenance_dset.attrs['first_index'] = 1
	# Handle the metadata:
	if (os.path.isfile(os.path.dirname(tomo_file) + os.sep + 'logfile.xml')):
		with open(os.path.dirname(tomo_file) + os.sep + 'logfile.xml', "r") as file:
			xml_command =
		tdf.parse_metadata(f, xml_command)				

	# Print out about plan preparation:
	first_done = True
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tWork plan prepared succesfully.")	
	# Get the data from Pixirad:
	if (num_flats > 0) or (num_postflats > 0):
		#dsetshape = (num_files,) + im.shape
		if projorder:			
			#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], im.shape[0],
			dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right, dim2 - crop_top - crop_bottom, num_flats)
			#dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], num_files,
			dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right, dim2 - crop_top - crop_bottom, num_flats)
		if (compressionFlag):
			flatdset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_white', dsetshape, dtype, chunks=tdf.get_dset_chunks(dim1 - crop_left - crop_right), compression="gzip", compression_opts=compr_opts, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True)
			flatdset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_white', dsetshape, dtype)		

		if privilege_sino:			
			flatdset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
			flatdset.attrs['axes'] = "theta:y:x"
		flatdset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.iinfo(dtype).max)
		flatdset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.iinfo(dtype).min)
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: flat images (if any) not considered.")		
	# Process the Pixirad data:
	provenance_offset = 0
	# (Stupid idea for time offset):
	if num_flats > 0:
		provenance_offset = _process_dset(flat_file, flatdset, 0, provenance_dset, provenance_offset, 
			0, 'flat', crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, logfilename)	
	provenance_offset = _process_dset(tomo_file, dset, 0, provenance_dset, provenance_offset, 
			0, 'tomo', crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, logfilename, int_from, int_to)	

	# Close TDF:
Esempio n. 25
def main(argv):
    """To do...

    # Get the zero-order index of the sinogram to pre-process:
    idx = int(argv[0])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[1]
    outfile = argv[2]

    # Normalization parameters:
    norm_sx = int(argv[3])
    norm_dx = int(argv[4])

    # Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
    flat_end = True if argv[5] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[6] == "True" else False
    half_half_line = int(argv[7])

    # Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
    dynamic_ff = True if argv[8] == "True" else False

    # Parameters for rotation:
    rotation = float(argv[9])
    interp = argv[10]
    border = argv[11]

    # Tmp path and log file:
    tmppath = argv[12]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep
    logfilename = argv[13]

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')

        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']

        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tError reading input dataset. Process will end.")

    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    # Check if the HDF5 makes sense:
    if (num_sinos == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Get flat and darks from cache or from file:
    skipflat = False
    skipdark = False
    if not dynamic_ff:
            corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
        except Exception as e:
            #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
            corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
            if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat'])
                    and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
                skipflat = True
                plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)
        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            if "/flat" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat:
            EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

    # Read input image:
    im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, idx).astype(float32)

    # Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):
    if not skipflat:
        if dynamic_ff:
            # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
            im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark)
            im = flat_fielding(im, idx, corrplan, flat_end, half_half,
                               half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)

    # Rotate:
    rows, cols = im.shape
    M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), rotation, 1)

    if interp == 'nearest':
        interpflag = cv2.INTER_NEAREST
    elif interp == 'cubic':
        interpflag = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
    elif interp == 'lanczos':
        interpflag = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4
        interpflag = cv2.INTER_LINEAR

    if border == 'constant':
        borderflag = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT
        borderflag = cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE

    im = cv2.warpAffine(im,
                        M, (cols, rows),

    # Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):
    im = im.astype(float32)
    outfile2 = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(
        im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(nanmin(im)) + '$' + str(
            nanmax(im)) + '_after.raw'
Esempio n. 26
def _process(lock, int_from, int_to, num_sinos, infile_1, infile_2, infile_3,
             outfile_abs, outfile_ref, outfile_sca, r1, r2, r3, d1, d2, d3,
             dd1, dd2, dd3, shiftVert_1, shiftHoriz_1, shiftVert_2,
             shiftHoriz_2, shiftVert_3, shiftHoriz_3, outshape, outtype,
             skipflat_1, skipflat_2, skipflat_3, plan_1, plan_2, plan_3,
             norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov,
             ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize,
             ext_fov_average, ringrem, dynamic_ff, EFF_1, EFF_2, EFF_3,
             filtEFF_1, filtEFF_2, filtEFF_3, im_dark_1, im_dark_2, im_dark_3,

    # Process the required subset of images:
    for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1):

        # Read input image for top, left and right:
        t0 = time()
        f_in = getHDF5(infile_1, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            flat_avg1 = float(f_in['flat'].attrs['avg'])
            dark_avg1 = float(f_in['dark'].attrs['avg'])
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']
            flat_avg1 = float(f_in['exchange/data_white'].attrs['avg'])
            dark_avg1 = float(f_in['exchange/data_dark'].attrs['avg'])
        # Processing in the sinogram domain so a vertical shift of the
        # projection requires loading a different sinogram:
        idx1 = min(max(0, i - shiftVert_1), num_sinos - 1)
        im_1 = tdf.read_sino(dset, idx1).astype(float32)

        f_in = getHDF5(infile_2, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            flat_avg2 = float(f_in['flat'].attrs['avg'])
            dark_avg2 = float(f_in['dark'].attrs['avg'])
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']
            flat_avg2 = float(f_in['exchange/data_white'].attrs['avg'])
            dark_avg2 = float(f_in['exchange/data_dark'].attrs['avg'])
        # Processing in the sinogram domain so a vertical shift of the
        # projection requires loading a different sinogram:
        idx2 = min(max(0, i - shiftVert_2), num_sinos - 1)
        im_2 = tdf.read_sino(dset, idx2).astype(float32)

        f_in = getHDF5(infile_3, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            flat_avg3 = float(f_in['flat'].attrs['avg'])
            dark_avg3 = float(f_in['dark'].attrs['avg'])
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']
            flat_avg3 = float(f_in['exchange/data_white'].attrs['avg'])
            dark_avg3 = float(f_in['exchange/data_dark'].attrs['avg'])
        # Processing in the sinogram domain so a vertical shift of the projection
        # requires loading a different sinogram:
        idx3 = min(max(0, i - shiftVert_3), num_sinos - 1)
        im_3 = tdf.read_sino(dset, idx3).astype(float32)
        t1 = time()

        # Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):
        if not skipflat_1:
            if dynamic_ff:
                # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
                im_1 = dynamic_flat_fielding(im_1, idx1, EFF_1, filtEFF_1, 2,
                                             im_dark_1, norm_sx, norm_dx)
                im_1 = flat_fielding(im_1, idx1, plan_1, flat_end, half_half,
                                     half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)
        if ext_fov:
            im_1 = extfov_correction(im_1, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
                                     ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)

        if not skipflat_1 and not dynamic_ff:
            im_1 = ring_correction(im_1, ringrem, flat_end,
                                   plan_1['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                                   half_half_line, ext_fov)
            im_1 = ring_correction(im_1, ringrem, False, False, half_half,
                                   half_half_line, ext_fov)

        # Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):
        if not skipflat_2:
            if dynamic_ff:
                # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
                im_2 = dynamic_flat_fielding(im_2, idx2, EFF_2, filtEFF_2, 2,
                                             im_dark_2, norm_sx, norm_dx)
                im_2 = flat_fielding(im_2, idx2, plan_2, flat_end, half_half,
                                     half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)
        if ext_fov:
            im_2 = extfov_correction(im_2, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
                                     ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)

        if not skipflat_2 and not dynamic_ff:
            im_2 = ring_correction(im_2, ringrem, flat_end,
                                   plan_2['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                                   half_half_line, ext_fov)
            im_2 = ring_correction(im_2, ringrem, False, False, half_half,
                                   half_half_line, ext_fov)

        # Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):
        if not skipflat_3:
            if dynamic_ff:
                # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
                im_3 = dynamic_flat_fielding(im_3, idx3, EFF_3, filtEFF_3, 2,
                                             im_dark_3, norm_sx, norm_dx)
                im_3 = flat_fielding(im_3, idx3, plan_3, flat_end, half_half,
                                     half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)
        if ext_fov:
            im_3 = extfov_correction(im_3, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
                                     ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)

        if not skipflat_3 and not dynamic_ff:
            im_3 = ring_correction(im_3, ringrem, flat_end,
                                   plan_3['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                                   half_half_line, ext_fov)
            im_3 = ring_correction(im_3, ringrem, False, False, half_half,
                                   half_half_line, ext_fov)

        t2 = time()

        # Processing in the sinogram domain so a vertical shift of the
        # projection requires loading a different sinogram:
        # Only horizontal shift can be considered at a sinogram level:
        if (shiftHoriz_1 != 0):
            im_1 = _shift_horiz(im_1, shiftHoriz_1)

        if (shiftHoriz_2 != 0):
            im_2 = _shift_horiz(im_2, shiftHoriz_2)

        if (shiftHoriz_3 != 0):
            im_3 = _shift_horiz(im_3, shiftHoriz_3)

        # Re-normalize with average of the flat-field images:
        max_val = amax(
                mean(flat_avg1 - dark_avg1),
                mean(flat_avg2 - dark_avg2),
                mean(flat_avg3 - dark_avg3)

        im_1 = im_1 * (flat_avg1 - dark_avg1) / max_val
        im_2 = im_2 * (flat_avg2 - dark_avg2) / max_val
        im_3 = im_3 * (flat_avg3 - dark_avg3) / max_val

        # Apply GDEI:
        (im_abs, im_ref, im_sca) = gdei(im_1, im_2, im_3, r1, r2, r3, d1, d2,
                                        d3, dd1, dd2, dd3)

        # Save processed image to HDF5 file (atomic procedure - lock used):
            t3 = time()
            _write_data(im_abs, i, outfile_abs, outshape, outtype)
            _write_data(im_ref, i, outfile_ref, outshape, outtype)
            _write_data(im_sca, i, outfile_sca, outshape, outtype)
            t4 = time()

            # Print out execution time:
            log = open(logfilename, "a")
                linesep +
                "\tsino_%s processed (CPU: %0.3f sec - I/O: %0.3f sec)." %
                (str(i).zfill(4), t2 - t1, (t1 - t0) + (t4 - t3)))

Esempio n. 27
def main(argv):
    """To do...



    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    sino_idx = int(argv[0])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[1]
    outfile = argv[2]

    # Essential reconstruction parameters:
    angles = float(argv[3])
    offset = float(argv[4])
    recpar = argv[5]
    scale = int(float(argv[6]))

    overpad = True if argv[7] == "True" else False
    logtrsf = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
    circle = True if argv[9] == "True" else False

    # Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
    preprocessing_required = True if argv[10] == "True" else False
    flat_end = True if argv[11] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[12] == "True" else False

    half_half_line = int(argv[13])

    ext_fov = True if argv[14] == "True" else False

    norm_sx = int(argv[19])
    norm_dx = int(argv[20])

    ext_fov_rot_right = argv[15]
    if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
        ext_fov_rot_right = True
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_sx = 0
        ext_fov_rot_right = False
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_dx = 0

    ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[16])

    ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[17] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_average = True if argv[18] == "True" else False

    skip_ringrem = True if argv[21] == "True" else False
    ringrem = argv[22]

    # Extra reconstruction parameters:
    zerone_mode = True if argv[23] == "True" else False
    corr_offset = float(argv[24])

    reconmethod = argv[25]
    # Force overpadding in case of GRIDREC for unknown reasons:
    if reconmethod == "GRIDREC":
        overpad = True

    decim_factor = int(argv[26])
    downsc_factor = int(argv[27])

    # Parameters for postprocessing:
    postprocess_required = True if argv[28] == "True" else False
    polarfilt_opt = argv[29]
    convert_opt = argv[30]
    crop_opt = argv[31]

    # Parameters for on-the-fly phase retrieval:
    phaseretrieval_required = True if argv[32] == "True" else False
    phrtmethod = int(argv[33])
    phrt_param1 = double(argv[34])  # param1( e.g.  regParam, or beta)
    phrt_param2 = double(argv[35])  # param2( e.g.  thresh or delta)
    energy = double(argv[36])
    distance = double(argv[37])
    pixsize = double(argv[38]) / 1000.0  # pixsixe from micron to mm:
    phrtpad = True if argv[39] == "True" else False
    approx_win = int(argv[40])

    angles_projfrom = int(argv[41])
    angles_projto = int(argv[42])

    rolling = True if argv[43] == "True" else False
    roll_shift = int(int(argv[44]) / decim_factor)

    preprocessingplan_fromcache = True if argv[45] == "True" else False
    dynamic_ff = True if argv[46] == "True" else False

    nr_threads = int(argv[47])
    tmppath = argv[48]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep

    logfilename = argv[49]

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
            prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']

    dset_min = -1
    dset_max = -1
    if (zerone_mode):
        if ('min' in dset.attrs):
            dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])
            zerone_mode = False

        if ('max' in dset.attrs):
            dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])
            zerone_mode = False

    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)  # Pay attention to the downscale factor

    if (num_sinos == 0):

    # Check extrema:
    if (sino_idx >= num_sinos / downsc_factor):
        sino_idx = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1

    # Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
    skipflat = False

    corrplan = 0
    im_dark = 0
    EFF = 0
    filtEFF = 0
    if (preprocessing_required):
        if not dynamic_ff:
            # Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file
            # and cache it for faster re-use:
            if (preprocessingplan_fromcache):
                    corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
                except Exception as e:
                    #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
                    corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
                    if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat'])
                            and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
                        skipflat = True
                        plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)
                corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
                if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat'])
                        and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
                    skipflat = True
                    plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

            # Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan[
                    'im_flat'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan[
                    'im_dark'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan[
                    'im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan[
                    'im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]

            # Dynamic flat fielding:
            if "/tomo" in f_in:
                if "/flat" in f_in:
                    flat_dset = f_in['flat']
                    if "/dark" in f_in:
                        im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
                        skipdark = True
                    skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case
                if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
                    flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
                    if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
                        im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
                        skipdark = True
                    skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case

            # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
            if not skipflat:
                EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

                # Downscale images if necessary:
                im_dark = im_dark[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
                EFF = EFF[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor, :]
                filtEFF = filtEFF[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor, :]


    # Run computation:
    process(sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outfile, preprocessing_required,
            corrplan, skipflat, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half,
            half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
            ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem,
            phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod, phrt_param1, phrt_param2,
            energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad, approx_win, angles,
            angles_projfrom, angles_projto, offset, logtrsf, recpar, circle,
            scale, overpad, reconmethod, rolling, roll_shift, zerone_mode,
            dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset,
            postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt,
            dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, nr_threads, logfilename,
Esempio n. 28
def main(argv):
	"""To do...

	lock = Lock()

	skip_flat = True
	first_done = False	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	idx = int(argv[0])
	# Get full paths of input TDF and output TDF:
	infile = argv[1]
	outfile = argv[2]
	# Get the phase retrieval parameters:
	beta = double(argv[3])   # param1( e.g. regParam, or beta)
	delta = double(argv[4])   # param2( e.g. thresh or delta)
	energy = double(argv[5])
	distance = double(argv[6])    
	pixsize = double(argv[7]) / 1000.0 # pixsixe from micron to mm:	
	pad = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	# Tmp path and log file:
	tmppath = argv[9]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep		
	logfilename = argv[10]		

	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)
	# Check if the HDF5 makes sense:
	if (num_proj == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	

	# Get flats and darks from cache or from file:
		corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
	except Exception as e:
		#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
		corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, True, logfilename)
		plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

	# Read projection:
	im = tdf.read_tomo(dset,idx).astype(float32)		

	# Apply simple flat fielding (if applicable):
	if (isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray) and isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray) and
		isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray) and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray)) :	
		if (idx < num_proj/2):
			im = (im - corrplan['im_dark']) / (abs(corrplan['im_flat'] - corrplan['im_dark']) + finfo(float32).eps)
			im = (im - corrplan['im_dark_after']) / (abs(corrplan['im_flat_after'] - corrplan['im_dark_after']) 
				+ finfo(float32).eps)	
	# Prepare plan:
	im = im.astype(float32)
	plan = prepare_plan (im, beta, delta, energy, distance, pixsize, padding=pad)

	# Perform phase retrieval (first time also PyFFTW prepares a plan):		
	im = phase_retrieval(im, plan)
	# Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):		
	im = im.astype(float32)
	outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str( nanmin(im)) + '$' + str( nanmax(im) )	
def main(argv):          
	"""Try to guess the amount of overlap in the case of extended FOV CT.

    infile  : array_like
        HDF5 input dataset

    outfile : string
        Full path where the identified overlap will be written as output

	scale   : int
        If sub-pixel precision is interesting, use e.g. 2.0 to get an overlap 
		of .5 value. Use 1.0 if sub-pixel precision is not required

	tmppath : int
        Temporary path where look for cached flat/dark files
	# Get path:
	infile  = argv[0]  # The HDF5 file on the SSD
	outfile  = argv[1]  # The txt file with the proposed center
	scale  = float(argv[2])
	tmppath = argv[3]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep	

	# Create a silly temporary log:
	tmplog  = tmppath + basename(infile) + str(time.time())	

	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5( infile, 'r' )
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)

	# Get first and 180 deg projections: 	
	im1 = tdf.read_tomo(dset,0).astype(float32)
	im2 = tdf.read_tomo(dset,num_proj/2).astype(float32)

	# Get flats and darks from cache or from file:
		corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
	except Exception as e:
		#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
		corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, True, tmplog)
		plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

	# Apply simple flat fielding (if applicable):
	if (isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray) and isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray) and
		isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray) and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray)) :		
		im1 = ((abs(im1 - corrplan['im_dark'])) / (abs(corrplan['im_flat'] - corrplan['im_dark'])  + finfo(float32).eps)).astype(float32)	
		im2 = ((abs(im2 - corrplan['im_dark_after'])) / (abs(corrplan['im_flat_after'] - corrplan['im_dark_after'])  + finfo(float32).eps)).astype(float32)		

	# Scale projections (if required) to get subpixel estimation:
	if ( abs(scale - 1.0) > finfo(float32).eps ):	
		im1 = imresize(im1, (int(round(scale*im1.shape[0])), int(round(scale*im1.shape[1]))), interp='bicubic', mode='F');	
		im2 = imresize(im2, (int(round(scale*im2.shape[0])), int(round(scale*im2.shape[1]))), interp='bicubic', mode='F');

	# Find the center (flipping left-right im2): DISTINGUISH BETWEEN AIR ON THE RIGHT AND ON THE LEFT??????
	cen = findcenter.usecorrelation(im1, im2[ :,::-1])
	cen = (cen / scale)*2.0	
	# Print center to output file:
	text_file = open(outfile, "w")
	# Close input HDF5:
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...



	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	sino_idx = int(argv[0])
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[1]
	outfile = argv[2]

	# Essential reconstruction parameters:
	angles = float(argv[3])	
	offset = float(argv[4])
	recpar = argv[5]	
	scale = int(float(argv[6]))
	overpad = True if argv[7] == "True" else False
	logtrsf = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	circle = True if argv[9] == "True" else False
	# Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
	preprocessing_required = True if argv[10] == "True" else False		
	flat_end = True if argv[11] == "True" else False		
	half_half = True if argv[12] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[13])
	ext_fov = True if argv[14] == "True" else False
	norm_sx = int(argv[19])
	norm_dx = int(argv[20])	
	ext_fov_rot_right = argv[15]
	if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
		ext_fov_rot_right = True
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_sx = 0
		ext_fov_rot_right = False
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_dx = 0
	ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[16])
	ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[17] == "True" else False
	ext_fov_average = True if argv[18] == "True" else False
	skip_ringrem = True if argv[21] == "True" else False
	ringrem = argv[22]
	# Extra reconstruction parameters:
	zerone_mode = True if argv[23] == "True" else False		
	corr_offset = float(argv[24])
	reconmethod = argv[25]	
	# Force overpadding in case of GRIDREC for unknown reasons:
	if reconmethod == "GRIDREC":
		overpad = True
	decim_factor = int(argv[26])
	downsc_factor = int(argv[27])
	# Parameters for postprocessing:
	postprocess_required = True if argv[28] == "True" else False
	polarfilt_opt = argv[29]
	convert_opt = argv[30]
	crop_opt = argv[31]

	# Parameters for on-the-fly phase retrieval:
	phaseretrieval_required = True if argv[32] == "True" else False		
	phrtmethod = int(argv[33])
	phrt_param1 = double(argv[34])   # param1( e.g.  regParam, or beta)
	phrt_param2 = double(argv[35])   # param2( e.g.  thresh or delta)
	energy = double(argv[36])
	distance = double(argv[37])    
	pixsize = double(argv[38]) / 1000.0 # pixsixe from micron to mm:
	phrtpad = True if argv[39] == "True" else False
	approx_win = int(argv[40])	

	angles_projfrom = int(argv[41])	
	angles_projto = int(argv[42])	

	rolling = True if argv[43] == "True" else False
	roll_shift = int(int(argv[44]) / decim_factor)

	preprocessingplan_fromcache = True if argv[45] == "True" else False
	dynamic_ff = True if argv[46] == "True" else False

	nr_threads = int(argv[47])	
	tmppath = argv[48]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep
	logfilename = argv[49]		
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']	
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
			prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']				
	dset_min = -1
	dset_max = -1
	if (zerone_mode):
		if ('min' in dset.attrs):
			dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])								
			zerone_mode = False
		if ('max' in dset.attrs):
			dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])				
			zerone_mode = False	
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset) # Pay attention to the downscale factor
	if (num_sinos == 0):	

	# Check extrema:
	if (sino_idx >= num_sinos / downsc_factor):
		sino_idx = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1
	# Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
	skipflat = False
	corrplan = 0	
	im_dark = 0
	EFF = 0
	filtEFF = 0
	if (preprocessing_required):
		if not dynamic_ff:
			# Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file
			# and cache it for faster re-use:
			if (preprocessingplan_fromcache):
					corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
				except Exception as e:
					#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
					corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
					if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat']) and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
						skipflat = True
						plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)		
				corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)		
				if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat']) and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
					skipflat = True
					plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)	

			# Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan['im_flat'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]		
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan['im_dark'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan['im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan['im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]			

			# Dynamic flat fielding:
			if "/tomo" in f_in:				
				if "/flat" in f_in:
					flat_dset = f_in['flat']
					if "/dark" in f_in:
						im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
						skipdark = True
					skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
				if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
					flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
					if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
						im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])	
						skipdark = True
					skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
			# Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
			if not skipflat:
				EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

				# Downscale images if necessary:
				im_dark = im_dark[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]
				EFF = EFF[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor,:]	
				filtEFF = filtEFF[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor,:]	

	# Run computation:
	process(sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outfile, preprocessing_required, corrplan, skipflat, norm_sx, 
				norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, 
				ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod, phrt_param1, 
				phrt_param2, energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad, approx_win, angles, angles_projfrom, 
				angles_projto, offset, logtrsf, recpar, circle, scale, overpad, reconmethod, rolling, 
				roll_shift, zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, 
				postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, 
                im_dark, nr_threads, logfilename, tmppath)		
Esempio n. 31
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...

	lock = Lock()
	skip_flat = False
	skip_flat_after = True	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	sino_idx = int(argv[0])
	# Get paths:
	infile  = argv[1]
	outpath = argv[2]

	# Essential reconstruction parameters::
	angles   = float(argv[3])
	offset   = float(argv[4])
	param1   = argv[5]	
	scale    = int(float(argv[6]))
	overpad  = True if argv[7] == "True" else False
	logtrsf  = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	circle   = True if argv[9] == "True" else False
	# Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
	preprocessing_required = True if argv[10] == "True" else False		
	flat_end = True if argv[11] == "True" else False		
	half_half = True if argv[12] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[13])
	ext_fov = True if argv[14] == "True" else False
	norm_sx = int(argv[19])
	norm_dx = int(argv[20])	
	ext_fov_rot_right = argv[15]
	if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
		ext_fov_rot_right = True
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_sx = 0
		ext_fov_rot_right = False
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_dx = 0
	ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[16])

	ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[17] == "True" else False
	ext_fov_average = True if argv[18] == "True" else False
	skip_ringrem = True if argv[21] == "True" else False
	ringrem = argv[22]
	# Extra reconstruction parameters:
	zerone_mode = True if argv[23] == "True" else False		
	corr_offset = float(argv[24])
	reconmethod = argv[25]	
	decim_factor = int(argv[26])
	downsc_factor = int(argv[27])
	# Parameters for postprocessing:
	postprocess_required = True if argv[28] == "True" else False
	convert_opt = argv[29]
	crop_opt = argv[30]

	# Parameters for on-the-fly phase retrieval:
	phaseretrieval_required = True if argv[31] == "True" else False		
	phrtmethod = int(argv[32])
	phrt_param1 = double(argv[33])   # param1( e.g. regParam, or beta)
	phrt_param2 = double(argv[34])   # param2( e.g. thresh or delta)
	energy = double(argv[35])
	distance = double(argv[36])    
	pixsize = double(argv[37]) / 1000.0 # pixsixe from micron to mm:	
	phrtpad = True if argv[38] == "True" else False
	approx_win = int(argv[39])	

	preprocessingplan_fromcache = True if argv[40] == "True" else False
	tmppath    = argv[41]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep

	nr_threads = int(argv[42])	
	angles_from = float(argv[43])
	angles_to   = float(argv[44])

	slice_prefix = argv[45]
	logfilename = argv[46]	

	if not exists(outpath):
	if not outpath.endswith(sep): outpath += sep	

	# Log info:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(linesep + "\tInput dataset: %s" % (infile))	
	log.write(linesep + "\tOutput path: %s" % (outpath))		
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")		
	log.write(linesep + "\tLoading flat and dark images...")	
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']	
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
			prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']				
	dset_min = -1
	dset_max = -1
	if (zerone_mode):
		if ('min' in dset.attrs):
			dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])								
			zerone_mode = False
		if ('max' in dset.attrs):
			dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])				
			zerone_mode = False	
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset) # Pay attention to the downscale factor
	if (num_sinos == 0):	

	# Check extrema:
	if (sino_idx >= num_sinos / downsc_factor):
		sino_idx = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1
	# Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
	corrplan = 0	
	if (preprocessing_required):		
		# Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file and cache it for faster re-use:
		if (preprocessingplan_fromcache):
				corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
			except Exception as e:
				#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
				corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
				plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)
			corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)		
			plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)	

		# Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan['im_flat'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]		
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan['im_dark'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan['im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan['im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]			


	# Log infos:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming preprocessing...")			

	# Run computation:	
	process( sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, corrplan, norm_sx, 
			norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, 
			ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, 
			phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod, phrt_param1, phrt_param2, energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad, 
			approx_win, angles, offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale, overpad, reconmethod, zerone_mode, 
			dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, postprocess_required, convert_opt, 
			crop_opt, nr_threads, angles_from, angles_to, logfilename, lock, slice_prefix )		
def main(argv):
	"""To do...

	lock = Lock()

	skip_flat = True
	first_done = False	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1])
	# Get full paths of input TDF and output TDF:
	infile = argv[2]
	outfile = argv[3]
	# Get the phase retrieval parameters:
	method = int(argv[4])
	param1 = double(argv[5])   # e.g. regParam, or beta
	param2 = double(argv[6])   # e.g. thresh or delta
	energy = double(argv[7])
	distance = double(argv[8])    
	pixsize = double(argv[9]) / 1000.0 # pixsixe from micron to mm:	
	pad = True if argv[10] == "True" else False
	# Number of threads (actually processes) to use and logfile:
	nr_threads = int(argv[11])
	logfilename = argv[12]		

	# Log infos:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file: %s" % (infile))	
	log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))		
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
	if (method == 0):
		log.write(linesep + "\tMethod: TIE-Hom (Paganin et al., 2002)")		
		log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")	
		log.write(linesep + "\tDelta/Beta: %0.1f" % ((param2/param1))	)
	#	log.write(linesep + "\tMethod: Projected CTF (Moosmann et al., 2011)")		
	#	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")	
	#	log.write(linesep + "\tDelta/Beta: %0.1f" % ((param2/param1))	)
	log.write(linesep + "\tEnergy: %0.1f keV" % (energy))
	log.write(linesep + "\tDistance: %0.1f mm" % (distance))
	log.write(linesep + "\tPixel size: %0.3f micron" % (pixsize*1000))
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")	
	log.write(linesep + "\tBrowsing input files...")	
	# Remove a previous copy of output:
	if exists(outfile):
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)
	if (num_proj == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\tInput files browsed correctly.")	

	# Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
	if ( (int_to >= num_proj) or (int_to == -1) ):
		int_to = num_proj - 1

	if ( (int_from < 0) ):
		int_from = 0

	# Prepare the plan:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")	

	im = tdf.read_tomo(dset,0).astype(float32)	

	outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_proj)			
	f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'w')
	f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, float32) 
	f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(amin(im[:]))
	f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(amax(im[:]))
	f_out_dset.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
	f_out_dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"

	if (method == 0):
		# Paganin's:
		plan = tiehom_plan (im, param1, param2, energy, distance, pixsize, pad)
		plan = phrt_plan (im, energy, distance, pixsize, param2, param1, method, pad)

	# Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads completion:
	for num in range(nr_threads):
		start = (num_proj / nr_threads)*num
		if (num == nr_threads - 1):
			end = num_proj - 1
			end = (num_proj / nr_threads)*(num + 1) - 1
		Process(target=_process, args=(lock, start, end, infile, outfile, outshape, float32, method, plan, logfilename)).start()
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...

	# Get the zero-order index of the sinogram to pre-process:
	idx = int(argv[0])
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[1]
	outfile = argv[2]
	# Normalization parameters:
	norm_sx = int(argv[3])
	norm_dx = int(argv[4])
	# Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
	flat_end = True if argv[5] == "True" else False
	half_half = True if argv[6] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[7])
	# Params for extended FOV:
	ext_fov = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	ext_fov_rot_right = argv[9]
	if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
		ext_fov_rot_right = True
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_sx = 0
		ext_fov_rot_right = False
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_dx = 0		
	ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[10])

	ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[11] == "True" else False
	ext_fov_average = True if argv[12] == "True" else False
	# Method and parameters coded into a string:
	ringrem = argv[13]	
	# Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
	dynamic_ff = True if argv[14] == "True" else False
	# Tmp path and log file:
	tmppath = argv[15]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep		
	logfilename = argv[16]		

	# Open the HDF5 file:	
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']		
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']		
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tError reading input dataset. Process will end.")		
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)
	# Check if the HDF5 makes sense:
	if (num_sinos == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	

	# Get flat and darks from cache or from file:
	skipflat = False
	skipdark = False
	if not dynamic_ff:
			corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
		except Exception as e:
			#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
			corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
			if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat']) and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after']) ):
				skipflat = True
				plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)					
		# Dynamic flat fielding:
		if "/tomo" in f_in:				
			if "/flat" in f_in:
				flat_dset = f_in['flat']
				if "/dark" in f_in:
					im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
					skipdark = True
				skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case			
			if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
				flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
				if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
					im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
					skipdark = True
				skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
		# Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
		if not skipflat:	
			EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

	# Read input image:
	im = tdf.read_sino(dset,idx).astype(float32)	

	# Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):	
	if not skipflat:
		if dynamic_ff:
			# Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
			im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, idx, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
			im = flat_fielding(im, idx, corrplan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)	
	if ext_fov:			
		im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
	if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
		im = ring_correction (im, ringrem, flat_end, corrplan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov)		
		im = ring_correction (im, ringrem, False, False, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov)						

	# Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):		
	im = im.astype(float32)
	outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str( nanmin(im)) + '$' + str( nanmax(im) )	
Esempio n. 34
def main(argv):
    """To do...



    lock = Lock()

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    int_from = int(argv[0])
    int_to = int(argv[1])

    # Get paths:
    infile_1 = argv[2]
    infile_2 = argv[3]
    infile_3 = argv[4]

    outfile_abs = argv[5]
    outfile_ref = argv[6]
    outfile_sca = argv[7]

    # Normalization parameters:
    norm_sx = int(argv[8])
    norm_dx = int(argv[9])

    # Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
    flat_end = True if argv[10] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[11] == "True" else False
    half_half_line = int(argv[12])

    # Params for extended FOV:
    ext_fov = True if argv[13] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_rot_right = argv[14]
    if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
        ext_fov_rot_right = True
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_sx = 0
        ext_fov_rot_right = False
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_dx = 0
    ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[15])

    ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[16] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_average = True if argv[17] == "True" else False

    # Method and parameters coded into a string:
    ringrem = argv[18]

    # Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
    dynamic_ff = True if argv[19] == "True" else False

    # Shift parameters:
    shiftVert_1 = int(argv[20])
    shiftHoriz_1 = int(argv[21])
    shiftVert_2 = int(argv[22])
    shiftHoriz_2 = int(argv[23])
    shiftVert_3 = int(argv[24])
    shiftHoriz_3 = int(argv[25])

    # DEI coefficients:
    r1 = float(argv[26])
    r2 = float(argv[27])
    r3 = float(argv[28])
    d1 = float(argv[29])
    d2 = float(argv[30])
    d3 = float(argv[31])
    dd1 = float(argv[32])
    dd2 = float(argv[33])
    dd3 = float(argv[34])

    # Nr of threads and log file:
    nr_threads = int(argv[35])
    logfilename = argv[36]

    # Log input parameters:
    log = open(logfilename, "w")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file #1: %s" % (infile_1))
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file #2: %s" % (infile_2))
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file #3: %s" % (infile_3))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file for Absorption: %s" % (outfile_abs))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file for Refraction: %s" % (outfile_ref))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file for Scattering: %s" % (outfile_sca))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tOpening input dataset...")

    # Remove a previous copy of output:
    #if exists(outfile):
    #	remove(outfile)

    # Open the HDF5 files:
    f_in_1 = getHDF5(infile_1, 'r')
    f_in_2 = getHDF5(infile_2, 'r')
    f_in_3 = getHDF5(infile_3, 'r')

    if "/tomo" in f_in_1:
        dset_1 = f_in_1['tomo']

        tomoprefix_1 = 'tomo'
        flatprefix_1 = 'flat'
        darkprefix_1 = 'dark'
        dset_1 = f_in_1['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in_1:
            prov_dset_1 = f_in_1['provenance/detector_output']

            tomoprefix_1 = prov_dset_1.attrs['tomo_prefix']
            flatprefix_1 = prov_dset_1.attrs['flat_prefix']
            darkprefix_1 = prov_dset_1.attrs['dark_prefix']

    if "/tomo" in f_in_2:
        dset_2 = f_in_2['tomo']

        tomoprefix_2 = 'tomo'
        flatprefix_2 = 'flat'
        darkprefix_2 = 'dark'
        dset_2 = f_in_2['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in_2:
            prov_dset_2 = f_in_2['provenance/detector_output']

            tomoprefix_2 = prov_dset_2.attrs['tomo_prefix']
            flatprefix_2 = prov_dset_2.attrs['flat_prefix']
            darkprefix_2 = prov_dset_2.attrs['dark_prefix']

    if "/tomo" in f_in_3:
        dset_3 = f_in_3['tomo']

        tomoprefix_3 = 'tomo'
        flatprefix_3 = 'flat'
        darkprefix_3 = 'dark'
        dset_3 = f_in_3['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in_3:
            prov_dset_3 = f_in_1['provenance/detector_output']

            tomoprefix_3 = prov_dset_3.attrs['tomo_prefix']
            flatprefix_3 = prov_dset_3.attrs['flat_prefix']
            darkprefix_3 = prov_dset_3.attrs['dark_prefix']

    # Assuming that what works for the dataset #1 works for the other two:
    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset_1)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset_1)

    if (num_sinos == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
    if ((int_to >= num_sinos) or (int_to == -1)):
        int_to = num_sinos - 1

    # Prepare the work plan for flat and dark images:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")

    # Extract flat and darks:
    skipflat_1 = False
    skipdark_1 = False
    skipflat_2 = False
    skipdark_2 = False
    skipflat_3 = False
    skipdark_3 = False

    # Following variables make sense only for dynamic flat fielding:
    EFF_1 = -1
    filtEFF_1 = -1
    im_dark_1 = -1

    EFF_2 = -1
    filtEFF_2 = -1
    im_dark_2 = -1

    EFF_3 = -1
    filtEFF_3 = -1
    im_dark_3 = -1

    # Following variable makes sense only for conventional flat fielding:
    plan_1 = -1
    plan_2 = -1
    plan_3 = -1

    if not dynamic_ff:
        plan_1 = extract_flatdark(f_in_1, flat_end, logfilename)
        if (isscalar(plan_1['im_flat']) and isscalar(plan_1['im_flat_after'])):
            skipflat_1 = True
            skipflat_1 = False

        plan_2 = extract_flatdark(f_in_2, flat_end, logfilename)
        if (isscalar(plan_2['im_flat']) and isscalar(plan_2['im_flat_after'])):
            skipflat_2 = True
            skipflat_2 = False

        plan_3 = extract_flatdark(f_in_3, flat_end, logfilename)
        if (isscalar(plan_3['im_flat']) and isscalar(plan_3['im_flat_after'])):
            skipflat_3 = True
            skipflat_3 = False

        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in_1:
            if "/flat" in f_in_1:
                flat_dset_1 = f_in_1['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in_1:
                    im_dark_1 = _medianize(f_in_1['dark'])
                    skipdark_1 = True
                skipflat_1 = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in_1:
                flat_dset_1 = f_in_1['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in_1:
                    im_dark_1 = _medianize(f_in_1['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark_1 = True
                skipflat_1 = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat_1:
            EFF_1, filtEFF_1 = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset_1, 16, im_dark_1)

        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in_2:
            if "/flat" in f_in_2:
                flat_dset_2 = f_in_2['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in_2:
                    im_dark_2 = _medianize(f_in_2['dark'])
                    skipdark_2 = True
                skipflat_2 = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in_2:
                flat_dset_2 = f_in_2['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in_2:
                    im_dark_2 = _medianize(f_in_2['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark_2 = True
                skipflat_2 = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat_2:
            EFF_2, filtEFF_2 = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset_2, 16, im_dark_2)

        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in_3:
            if "/flat" in f_in_3:
                flat_dset_3 = f_in_3['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in_3:
                    im_dark_3 = _medianize(f_in_3['dark'])
                    skipdark_3 = True
                skipflat_3 = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in_3:
                flat_dset_3 = f_in_3['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in_3:
                    im_dark_3 = _medianize(f_in_3['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark_3 = True
                skipflat_3 = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat_3:
            EFF_3, filtEFF_3 = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset_3, 16, im_dark_3)

    # Outfile shape can be determined only after first processing in ext FOV mode:
    if (ext_fov):

        # Read input sino:
        idx = num_sinos / 2
        im = tdf.read_sino(dset_1, idx).astype(float32)
        im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
                               ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)

        # Get the corrected outshape:
        outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], num_sinos, im.shape[0])

        # Get the corrected outshape (in this case it's easy):
        im = tdf.read_tomo(dset_1, 0).astype(float32)
        outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_proj)


    # Create the output HDF5 files:
    f_out_abs = getHDF5(outfile_abs, 'w')
    f_out_dset_abs = f_out_abs.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape,
    f_out_dset_abs.attrs['min'] = str(finfo(float32).max)
    f_out_dset_abs.attrs['max'] = str(finfo(float32).min)
    f_out_dset_abs.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
    f_out_dset_abs.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"

    f_out_ref = getHDF5(outfile_ref, 'w')
    f_out_dset_ref = f_out_ref.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape,
    f_out_dset_ref.attrs['min'] = str(finfo(float32).max)
    f_out_dset_ref.attrs['max'] = str(finfo(float32).min)
    f_out_dset_ref.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
    f_out_dset_ref.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"

    f_out_sca = getHDF5(outfile_sca, 'w')
    f_out_dset_sca = f_out_sca.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape,
    f_out_dset_sca.attrs['min'] = str(finfo(float32).max)
    f_out_dset_sca.attrs['max'] = str(finfo(float32).min)
    f_out_dset_sca.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
    f_out_dset_sca.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"

    # Log infos:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tWork plan prepared correctly.")
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming GDEI...")

    # Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads
    # completion:
    for num in range(nr_threads):
        start = (num_sinos / nr_threads) * num
        if (num == nr_threads - 1):
            end = num_sinos - 1
            end = (num_sinos / nr_threads) * (num + 1) - 1
            args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile_1, infile_2, infile_3,
                  outfile_abs, outfile_ref, outfile_sca, r1, r2, r3, d1, d2,
                  d3, dd1, dd2, dd3, shiftVert_1, shiftHoriz_1, shiftVert_2,
                  shiftHoriz_2, shiftVert_3, shiftHoriz_3, outshape, float32,
                  skipflat_1, skipflat_2, skipflat_3, plan_1, plan_2, plan_3,
                  norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line,
                  ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
                  ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, dynamic_ff,
                  EFF_1, EFF_2, EFF_3, filtEFF_1, filtEFF_2, filtEFF_3,
                  im_dark_1, im_dark_2, im_dark_3, logfilename)).start()
Esempio n. 35
def main(argv):          
	"""Try to guess the center of rotation of the input CT dataset.

    infile  : array_like
        HDF5 input dataset

    outfile : string
        Full path where the identified center of rotation will be written as output

	scale   : int
        If sub-pixel precision is interesting, use e.g. 2.0 to get a center of rotation 
		of .5 value. Use 1.0 if sub-pixel precision is not required

	angles  : int
        Total number of angles of the input dataset	

	method : string
		One of the following options: "registration"

	tmppath : string
        Temporary path where look for cached flat/dark files
	# Get path:
	infile  = argv[0]          # The HDF5 file on the
	outfile = argv[1]          # The txt file with the proposed center
	scale   = float(argv[2])
	angles  = float(argv[3])
	method  = argv[4]
	tmppath = argv[5]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep	


	# Create a silly temporary log:
	tmplog  = tmppath + basename(infile) + str(time.time())
	# Open the HDF5 file (take into account also older TDF versions):
	f_in = getHDF5( infile, 'r' )
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)	
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)	

	# Get flats and darks from cache or from file:
		corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
	except Exception as e:
		#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
		corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, True, tmplog)
		plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

	# Get first and the 180 deg projections: 	
	im1 = tdf.read_tomo(dset,0).astype(float32)	

	idx = int(round(num_proj/angles * pi)) - 1
	im2 = tdf.read_tomo(dset,idx).astype(float32)		

	# Apply simple flat fielding (if applicable):
	if (isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray) and isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray) and
		isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray) and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray)) :		
		im1 = ((abs(im1 - corrplan['im_dark'])) / (abs(corrplan['im_flat'] - corrplan['im_dark']) 
			+ finfo(float32).eps)).astype(float32)	
		im2 = ((abs(im2 - corrplan['im_dark_after'])) / (abs(corrplan['im_flat_after'] - corrplan['im_dark_after']) 
			+ finfo(float32).eps)).astype(float32)	

	# Scale projections (if required) to get subpixel estimation:
	if ( abs(scale - 1.0) > finfo(float32).eps ):	
		im1 = imresize(im1, (int(round(scale*im1.shape[0])), int(round(scale*im1.shape[1]))), interp='bicubic', mode='F');	
		im2 = imresize(im2, (int(round(scale*im2.shape[0])), int(round(scale*im2.shape[1]))), interp='bicubic', mode='F');	

	# Find the center (flipping left-right im2):
	cen = findcenter.usecorrelation(im1, im2[ :,::-1])
	cen = cen / scale
	# Print center to output file:
	text_file = open(outfile, "w")
	# Close input HDF5:
def main(argv):
    """Try to guess the amount of overlap in the case of extended FOV CT.

    infile  : array_like
        HDF5 input dataset

    outfile : string
        Full path where the identified overlap will be written as output

	scale   : int
        If sub-pixel precision is interesting, use e.g. 2.0 to get an overlap 
		of .5 value. Use 1.0 if sub-pixel precision is not required

	tmppath : int
        Temporary path where look for cached flat/dark files

    # Get path:
    infile = argv[0]  # The HDF5 file on the SSD
    outfile = argv[1]  # The txt file with the proposed center
    scale = float(argv[2])
    tmppath = argv[3]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep

    # Create a silly temporary log:
    tmplog = tmppath + basename(infile) + str(time.time())

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)

    # Get first and 180 deg projections:
    im1 = tdf.read_tomo(dset, 0).astype(float32)
    im2 = tdf.read_tomo(dset, num_proj / 2).astype(float32)

    # Get flats and darks from cache or from file:
        corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
    except Exception as e:
        #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
        corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, True, tmplog)
        plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

    # Apply simple flat fielding (if applicable):
    if (isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray)
            and isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray)
            and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray)
            and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray)):
        im1 = ((abs(im1 - corrplan['im_dark'])) /
               (abs(corrplan['im_flat'] - corrplan['im_dark']) +
        im2 = ((abs(im2 - corrplan['im_dark_after'])) /
               (abs(corrplan['im_flat_after'] - corrplan['im_dark_after']) +

    # Scale projections (if required) to get subpixel estimation:
    if (abs(scale - 1.0) > finfo(float32).eps):
        im1 = imresize(im1, (int(round(
            scale * im1.shape[0])), int(round(scale * im1.shape[1]))),
        im2 = imresize(im2, (int(round(
            scale * im2.shape[0])), int(round(scale * im2.shape[1]))),

    # Find the center (flipping left-right im2): DISTINGUISH BETWEEN AIR ON THE RIGHT AND ON THE LEFT??????
    cen = findcenter.usecorrelation(im1, im2[:, ::-1])
    cen = (cen / scale) * 2.0

    # Print center to output file:
    text_file = open(outfile, "w")

    # Close input HDF5:
def process(sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outfile, preprocessing_required, corr_plan, skipflat, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, 
			half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, 
			ringrem, phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod, phrt_param1,
			phrt_param2, energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad, approx_win, angles, angles_projfrom, angles_projto,
			offset, logtransform, recpar, circle, scale, pad, method, rolling, roll_shift,
			zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, postprocess_required, 
            polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, nr_threads, logfilename, tmppath):
	"""To do...

	# Perform reconstruction (on-the-fly preprocessing and phase retrieval, if
	# required):
	if (phaseretrieval_required):
		# In this case a bunch of sinograms is loaded into memory:

		# Load the temporary data structure reading the input TDF file.
		# To know the right dimension the first sinogram is pre-processed.

		# Open the TDF file and get the dataset:
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		# Downscaling and decimation factors considered when determining the
		# approximation window:
		zrange = arange(sino_idx - approx_win * downsc_factor / 2, sino_idx + approx_win * downsc_factor / 2, downsc_factor)
		zrange = zrange[(zrange >= 0)]
		zrange = zrange[(zrange < num_sinos)]
		approx_win = zrange.shape[0]
		# Approximation window cannot be odd:
		if (approx_win % 2 == 1):
			approx_win = approx_win - 1 
			zrange = zrange[0:approx_win]
		# Read one sinogram to get the proper dimensions:
		test_im = tdf.read_sino(dset, zrange[0]*downsc_factor).astype(float32)	

		# Apply projection removal (if required):
		test_im = test_im[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]

		# Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
		test_im = test_im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]

		# Perform the pre-processing of the first sinogram to get the right
		# dimension:
		if (preprocessing_required):
			if not skipflat:			
				if dynamic_ff:
					# Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
					#test_im = dynamic_flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[0] / downsc_factor, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
					test_im = dynamic_flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[0] , EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
					#test_im = flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[0] / downsc_factor, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, 
					#						half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)
					test_im = flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[0], corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, 
											half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)
			if ext_fov:
				test_im = extfov_correction(test_im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average).astype(float32)			
			if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
				test_im = ring_correction(test_im, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, 
											half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov).astype(float32)	
				test_im = ring_correction(test_im, ringrem, False, False, half_half, 
											half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov).astype(float32)	
		# Now we can allocate memory for the bunch of slices:
		tmp_im = empty((approx_win, test_im.shape[0], test_im.shape[1]), dtype=float32)
		tmp_im[0,:,:] = test_im

		# Reading all the the sinos from TDF file and close:
		for ct in range(1, approx_win):

			# Read the sinogram:
			test_im = tdf.read_sino(dset, zrange[ct]*downsc_factor).astype(float32)

			# Apply projection removal (if required):
			test_im = test_im[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]

			# Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
			test_im = test_im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]
			# Perform the pre-processing for each sinogram of the bunch:
			if (preprocessing_required):
				if not skipflat:
					if dynamic_ff:
						# Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
						#test_im = dynamic_flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[ct] / downsc_factor, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
						test_im = dynamic_flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[ct], EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
						#test_im = flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[ct] / downsc_factor, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, 
						#					half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)	
						test_im = flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[ct], corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, 
											half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)	
				if ext_fov:
					test_im = extfov_correction(test_im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average).astype(float32)
				if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
					test_im = ring_correction(test_im, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, 
											half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov).astype(float32)	
					test_im = ring_correction(test_im, ringrem, False, False, half_half, 
											half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov).astype(float32)				

			tmp_im[ct,:,:] = test_im

		# Now everything has to refer to a downscaled dataset:
		sino_idx = ((zrange == sino_idx).nonzero())

		# Perform phase retrieval:

		# Prepare the plan:
		if (phrtmethod == 0):
			# Paganin's:
			phrtplan = tiehom_plan(tmp_im[:,0,:], phrt_param1, phrt_param2, energy, distance, pixsize * downsc_factor, phrtpad)
			phrtplan = phrt_plan(tmp_im[:,0,:], energy, distance, pixsize * downsc_factor, phrt_param2, phrt_param1, phrtmethod, phrtpad)
			#phrtplan = prepare_plan (tmp_im[:,0,:], beta, delta, energy, distance,
			#pixsize*downsc_factor, padding=phrtpad)
		# Process each projection (whose height depends on the size of the bunch):
		for ct in range(0, tmp_im.shape[1]):
			#tmp_im[:,ct,:] = phase_retrieval(tmp_im[:,ct,:], phrtplan).astype(float32)
			if (phrtmethod == 0):
				tmp_im[:,ct,:] = tiehom(tmp_im[:,ct,:], phrtplan).astype(float32)			
				tmp_im[:,ct,:] = phrt(tmp_im[:,ct,:], phrtplan, phrtmethod).astype(float32)					
		# Extract the requested sinogram:
		im = tmp_im[sino_idx[0],:,:].squeeze()	


		# Read only one sinogram:
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		im = tdf.read_sino(dset,sino_idx * downsc_factor).astype(float32)		

		# Apply projection removal (if required):
		im = im[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]

		# Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
		im = im[::decim_factor,::downsc_factor]
		#sino_idx = sino_idx / downsc_factor	# Downscaling for the index already applied
		# Perform the preprocessing of the sinogram (if required):
		if (preprocessing_required):
			if not skipflat:
				if dynamic_ff:
					# Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
					im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, sino_idx, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
					im = flat_fielding(im, sino_idx, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line / decim_factor, 
								norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)	
			if ext_fov:	
				im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
			if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
				im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, 
								half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)
				im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, False, False, half_half, 
								half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)

	# Additional ring removal before reconstruction:
	#im = boinhaibel(im, '11;')
	#im = munchetal(im, '5;1.8')
	#im = rivers(im, '13;')
	#im = raven(im, '11;0.8')
	#im = oimoen(im, '51;51')

	# Actual reconstruction:
	im = reconstruct(im, angles, offset / downsc_factor, logtransform, recpar, circle, scale, pad, method, 
					zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, corr_offset, rolling, roll_shift, tmppath).astype(float32)	

	# Apply post-processing (if required):
	if postprocess_required:        
		im = polarfilter(im, polarfilt_opt)
		im = croprescale(im, convert_opt, crop_opt)
		# Create the circle mask for fancy output:
		if (circle == True):
			siz = im.shape[1]
			if siz % 2:
				rang = arange(-siz / 2 + 1, siz / 2 + 1)
				rang = arange(-siz / 2,siz / 2)
			x,y = meshgrid(rang,rang)
			z = x ** 2 + y ** 2
			a = (z < (siz / 2 - int(round(abs(offset) / downsc_factor))) ** 2)
			im = im * a			

	# Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):
	im = im.astype(float32)
	outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(amin(im)) + '$' + str(amax(im))	
Esempio n. 38
def process_gridrec(lock, int_from, int_to, num_sinos, infile, outpath,
                    preprocessing_required, skipflat, corr_plan, norm_sx,
                    norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov,
                    ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize,
                    ext_fov_average, ringrem, angles, angles_projfrom,
                    angles_projto, offset, logtransform, param1, circle, scale,
                    pad, rolling, roll_shift, zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max,
                    decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset,
                    postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt,
                    dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, outprefix, logfilename):
    """To do...

    # Process the required subset of images:
    for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1, 2):

        # Read two sinograms:
        t0 = time()
        f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        im1 = tdf.read_sino(dset, i * downsc_factor).astype(float32)
        if ((i + downsc_factor) <= (int_to + 1)):
            im2 = tdf.read_sino(dset, i * downsc_factor +
            im2 = im1
        t1 = time()

        # Apply projection removal (if required):
        im1 = im1[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]
        im2 = im2[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]

        # Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
        im1 = im1[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]
        im2 = im2[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]
        #i = i / downsc_factor

        # Perform the preprocessing of the sinograms (if required):
        if (preprocessing_required):
            if not skipflat:
                if dynamic_ff:
                    # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
                    im1 = dynamic_flat_fielding(im1, i, EFF, filtEFF, 2,
                                                im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
                    im1 = flat_fielding(im1, i, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half,
                                        half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx,
            if ext_fov:
                im1 = extfov_correction(im1, ext_fov_rot_right,
                                        ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor,
                                        ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
            if not skipflat:
                im1 = ring_correction(im1, ringrem, flat_end,
                                      corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                                      half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)
                im1 = ring_correction(im1, ringrem, False, False, half_half,
                                      half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)

            if not skipflat:
                if dynamic_ff:
                    # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
                    im2 = dynamic_flat_fielding(im2, i + 1, EFF, filtEFF, 2,
                                                im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
                    im2 = flat_fielding(im2, i + 1, corr_plan, flat_end,
                                        half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx,
            if ext_fov:
                im2 = extfov_correction(im2, ext_fov_rot_right,
                                        ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor,
                                        ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
            if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
                im2 = ring_correction(im2, ringrem, flat_end,
                                      corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                                      half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)
                im2 = ring_correction(im2, ringrem, False, False, half_half,
                                      half_half_line, ext_fov)

        # Actual reconstruction:
         im2] = reconstruct_gridrec(im1, im2, angles, offset / downsc_factor,
                                    logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad,
                                    rolling, roll_shift, zerone_mode, dset_min,
                                    dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor,

        # Appy post-processing (if required):
        if postprocess_required:

            # Filter (if required):
            im1 = polarfilter(im1, polarfilt_opt)
            im2 = polarfilter(im2, polarfilt_opt)

            im1 = croprescale(im1, convert_opt, crop_opt, circle)
            im2 = croprescale(im2, convert_opt, crop_opt, circle)

            # Create the circle mask for fancy output:
            if (circle == True):
                siz = im1.shape[1]
                if siz % 2:
                    rang = arange(-siz / 2 + 1, siz / 2 + 1)
                    rang = arange(-siz / 2, siz / 2)
                x, y = meshgrid(rang, rang)
                z = x**2 + y**2
                a = (z <
                     (siz / 2 - int(round(abs(offset) / downsc_factor)))**2)

                im1 = im1 * a
                im2 = im2 * a

        # Write down reconstructed slices:
        t2 = time()

        fname1 = outpath + outprefix + '_' + str(i).zfill(4) + '.tif'
        imsave(fname1, im1)

        fname2 = outpath + outprefix + '_' + str(i + 1).zfill(4) + '.tif'
        imsave(fname2, im2)

        t3 = time()

        # Write log (atomic procedure - lock used):
        write_log_gridrec(lock, fname1, fname2, logfilename, t2 - t1,
                          (t3 - t2) + (t1 - t0))
Esempio n. 39
def process_gridrec(lock, int_from, int_to, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, skipflat, corr_plan, 
			norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, 
			ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, angles, angles_projfrom, angles_projto,
			offset, logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad, rolling, roll_shift, zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, 
			downsc_factor, corr_offset,	postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, 
			outprefix, logfilename):
	"""To do...

	# Process the required subset of images:
	for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1, 2):               
		# Read two sinograms:
		t0 = time()
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		im1 = tdf.read_sino(dset,i*downsc_factor).astype(float32)		
		if ( (i + downsc_factor) <= (int_to + 1) ):
			im2 = tdf.read_sino(dset,i*downsc_factor + downsc_factor).astype(float32)		
			im2 = im1
		t1 = time() 	

		# Apply projection removal (if required):
		im1 = im1[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]				
		im2 = im2[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]	
		# Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
		im1 = im1[::decim_factor,::downsc_factor]
		im2 = im2[::decim_factor,::downsc_factor]
		#i = i / downsc_factor				
		# Perform the preprocessing of the sinograms (if required):
		if (preprocessing_required):
			if not skipflat:			
				if dynamic_ff:
					# Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
					im1 = dynamic_flat_fielding(im1, i, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
					im1 = flat_fielding (im1, i, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)		
			if ext_fov:
				im1 = extfov_correction (im1, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
			if not skipflat:
				im1 = ring_correction (im1, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, 
						   half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)
				im1 = ring_correction (im1, ringrem, False, False, half_half, half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)

			if not skipflat:
				if dynamic_ff:
					# Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
					im2 = dynamic_flat_fielding(im2, i + 1, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
					im2 = flat_fielding (im2, i + 1, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)	
			if ext_fov:	
				im2 = extfov_correction (im2, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
			if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:		
				im2 = ring_correction (im2, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, 
						   half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)
				im2 = ring_correction (im2, ringrem, False, False, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov)

		# Actual reconstruction:
		[im1, im2] = reconstruct_gridrec(im1, im2, angles, offset / downsc_factor, logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad, rolling, roll_shift,
						zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset)					

		# Appy post-processing (if required):
		if postprocess_required:

			# Filter (if required):
			im1 = polarfilter(im1, polarfilt_opt)    
			im2 = polarfilter(im2, polarfilt_opt)

			im1 = croprescale(im1, convert_opt, crop_opt, circle)
			im2 = croprescale(im2, convert_opt, crop_opt, circle)

			# Create the circle mask for fancy output:
			if (circle == True):
				siz = im1.shape[1]
				if siz % 2:
					rang = arange(-siz / 2 + 1, siz / 2 + 1)
					rang = arange(-siz / 2,siz / 2)
				x,y = meshgrid(rang,rang)
				z = x ** 2 + y ** 2
				a = (z < (siz / 2 - int(round(abs(offset)/downsc_factor)) ) ** 2)
				im1 = im1 * a			
				im2 = im2 * a	
		# Write down reconstructed slices:
		t2 = time() 	

		fname1 = outpath + outprefix + '_' + str(i).zfill(4) + '.tif'
		imsave(fname1, im1)

		fname2 = outpath + outprefix + '_' + str(i + 1).zfill(4) + '.tif'
		imsave(fname2, im2)

		t3 = time()
		# Write log (atomic procedure - lock used):
		write_log_gridrec(lock, fname1, fname2, logfilename, t2 - t1, (t3 - t2) + (t1 - t0) )		
Esempio n. 40
def process(lock, int_from, int_to, num_sinos, infile, outpath,
            preprocessing_required, skipflat, corr_plan, norm_sx, norm_dx,
            flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right,
            ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem,
            angles, angles_projfrom, angles_projto, offset, logtransform,
            param1, circle, scale, pad, method, rolling, roll_shift,
            zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor,
            corr_offset, postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt,
            crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, outprefix,
    """To do...

    # Process the required subset of images:
    for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1):

        # Perform reconstruction (on-the-fly preprocessing and phase retrieval, if
        # required):
        #if (phaseretrieval_required):

        #	# Load into memory a bunch of sinograms:
        #	t0 = time()

        #	# Open the TDF file for reading:
        #	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
        #	if "/tomo" in f_in:
        #		dset = f_in['tomo']
        #	else:
        #		dset = f_in['exchange/data']

        #	# Prepare the data structure according to the approximation window:
        #	tmp_im = numpy.empty((tdf.get_nr_projs(dset),tdf.get_det_size(dset),
        #	approx_win), dtype=float32)

        #	# Load the temporary data structure reading the input TDF file:
        #	# (It can be parallelized Open-MP style)
        #	ct = 0
        #	for j in range(i - approx_win/2, i + approx_win/2 + 1):
        #		if (j < 0):
        #			j = 0
        #		if (j >= num_sinos):
        #			j = num_sinos - 1
        #		a = tdf.read_sino(dset,j).astype(float32)
        #		tmp_im[:,:,ct] = a
        #		ct = ct + 1

        #	# Close the TDF file:
        #	f_in.close()
        #	t1 = time()

        #	# Perform the processing:
        #	if (preprocessing_required):
        #		ct = 0
        #		# (It can be parallelized Open-MP style)
        #		for j in range(i - approx_win/2, i + approx_win/2 + 1):
        #			if (j < 0):
        #				j = 0
        #			if (j >= num_sinos):
        #				j = num_sinos - 1

        #			tmp_im[:,:,ct] = flat_fielding (tmp_im[:,:,ct], j, corr_plan, flat_end,
        #			half_half, half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)
        #			tmp_im[:,:,ct] = extfov_correction (tmp_im[:,:,ct], ext_fov,
        #			ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap).astype(float32)
        #			tmp_im[:,:,ct] = ring_correction (tmp_im[:,:,ct], ringrem, flat_end,
        #			corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, half_half_line,
        #			ext_fov).astype(float32)
        #			ct = ct + 1

        #	# Perform phase retrieval:
        #	# (It can be parallelized Open-MP style)
        #	for ct in range(0, tmp_im.shape[0]):

        #		tmp_im[ct,:,:] = phase_retrieval(tmp_im[ct,:,:].T,
        #		phrt_plan).astype(float32).T
        #		ct = ct + 1

        #	# Extract the central processed sinogram:
        #	im = tmp_im[:,:,approx_win/2]


        # Read only one sinogram:
        t0 = time()
        f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        im = tdf.read_sino(dset, i * downsc_factor).astype(float32)
        t1 = time()

        # Apply projection removal (if required):
        im = im[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]

        # Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
        im = im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]
        #i = i / downsc_factor

        # Perform the preprocessing of the sinogram (if required):
        if (preprocessing_required):
            if not skipflat:
                if dynamic_ff:
                    # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
                    im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, i, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark,
                    im = flat_fielding(im, i, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half,
                                       half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx,
            if ext_fov:
                im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right,
                                       ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor,
                                       ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
            if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
                im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, flat_end,
                                     corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                                     half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)
                im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, False, False, half_half,
                                     half_half_line, ext_fov)

        # Actual reconstruction:
        im = reconstruct(im, angles, offset / downsc_factor, logtransform,
                         param1, circle, scale, pad, method, rolling,
                         roll_shift, zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max,
                         decim_factor, downsc_factor,

        # Apply post-processing (if required):
        if postprocess_required:
            im = polarfilter(im, polarfilt_opt)
            im = croprescale(im, convert_opt, crop_opt)
            # Create the circle mask for fancy output:
            if (circle == True):
                siz = im.shape[1]
                if siz % 2:
                    rang = arange(-siz / 2 + 1, siz / 2 + 1)
                    rang = arange(-siz / 2, siz / 2)
                x, y = meshgrid(rang, rang)
                z = x**2 + y**2
                a = (z < (siz / 2 - abs(offset))**2)
                im = im * a

        # Write down reconstructed slice:
        t2 = time()
        fname = outpath + outprefix + '_' + str(i).zfill(4) + '.tif'
        imsave(fname, im)
        t3 = time()

        # Write log (atomic procedure - lock used):
        write_log(lock, fname, logfilename, t2 - t1, (t3 - t2) + (t1 - t0))
Esempio n. 41
def main(argv):
    """To do...

    lock = Lock()

    skip_flat = True
    first_done = False

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    int_from = int(argv[0])
    int_to = int(argv[1])

    # Get full paths of input TDF and output TDF:
    infile = argv[2]
    outfile = argv[3]

    # Get the phase retrieval parameters:
    method = int(argv[4])
    param1 = double(argv[5])  # e.g. regParam, or beta
    param2 = double(argv[6])  # e.g. thresh or delta
    energy = double(argv[7])
    distance = double(argv[8])
    pixsize = double(argv[9]) / 1000.0  # pixsixe from micron to mm:
    pad = True if argv[10] == "True" else False

    # Number of threads (actually processes) to use and logfile:
    nr_threads = int(argv[11])
    logfilename = argv[12]

    # Log infos:
    log = open(logfilename, "w")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file: %s" % (infile))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    if (method == 0):
        log.write(linesep + "\tMethod: TIE-Hom (Paganin et al., 2002)")
        log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
        log.write(linesep + "\tDelta/Beta: %0.1f" % ((param2 / param1)))
    elif (method == 1):
        log.write(linesep +
                  "\tMethod: Generalized TIE-Hom (Paganin et al., 2020)")
        log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
        log.write(linesep + "\tDelta/Beta: %0.1f" % ((param2 / param1)))
        log.write(linesep + "\tMethod: Projected CTF (Moosmann et al., 2011)")
        log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
        log.write(linesep + "\tRegularization: %0.3f" % (param2))
        log.write(linesep + "\tThreshold: %0.3f" % (param1))
    log.write(linesep + "\tEnergy: %0.1f keV" % (energy))
    log.write(linesep + "\tDistance: %0.1f mm" % (distance))
    log.write(linesep + "\tPixel size: %0.3f micron" % (pixsize * 1000))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tBrowsing input files...")

    # Remove a previous copy of output:
    if exists(outfile):

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    if (num_proj == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput files browsed correctly.")

    # Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
    if ((int_to >= num_proj) or (int_to == -1)):
        int_to = num_proj - 1

    if ((int_from < 0)):
        int_from = 0

    # Prepare the plan:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")

    im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, 0).astype(float32)

    outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_proj)
    f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'w')
    f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, float32)
    f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(amin(im[:]))
    f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(amax(im[:]))

    f_out_dset.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
    f_out_dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"


    if (method == 0):
        # Paganin 2020:
        plan = tiehom_plan(im, param1, param2, energy, distance, pixsize, pad)
    elif (method == 1):
        # Paganin 2020:
        plan = tiehom_plan2020(im, param1, param2, energy, distance, pixsize,
        plan = phrt_plan(im, energy, distance, pixsize, param2, param1, method,

    # Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads completion:
    for num in range(nr_threads):
        start = (num_proj / nr_threads) * num
        if (num == nr_threads - 1):
            end = num_proj - 1
            end = (num_proj / nr_threads) * (num + 1) - 1
                args=(lock, start, end, infile, outfile, outshape, float32,
                      method, plan, logfilename)).start()
Esempio n. 42
def main(argv):
    """To do...


	The following line processes the first ten TIFF files of input path 
	"/home/in" and saves the processed files to "/home/out" with the 
	application of the Boin and Haibel filter with smoothing via a Butterworth
	filter of order 4 and cutoff frequency 0.01:

	reconstruct 0 4 C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\output 
	9.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 true sino slice C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\tomo_conv flat dark

    lock = Lock()
    skip_flat = False
    skip_flat_after = True

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    int_from = int(argv[0])
    int_to = int(argv[1])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[2]
    outpath = argv[3]

    # Essential reconstruction parameters:
    angles = float(argv[4])
    offset = float(argv[5])
    param1 = argv[6]
    scale = int(float(argv[7]))

    overpad = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
    logtrsf = True if argv[9] == "True" else False
    circle = True if argv[10] == "True" else False

    outprefix = argv[11]

    # Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
    preprocessing_required = True if argv[12] == "True" else False
    flat_end = True if argv[13] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[14] == "True" else False

    half_half_line = int(argv[15])

    ext_fov = True if argv[16] == "True" else False

    norm_sx = int(argv[21])
    norm_dx = int(argv[22])

    ext_fov_rot_right = argv[17]
    if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
        ext_fov_rot_right = True
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_sx = 0
        ext_fov_rot_right = False
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_dx = 0

    ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[18])

    ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[19] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_average = True if argv[20] == "True" else False

    skip_ringrem = True if argv[23] == "True" else False
    ringrem = argv[24]

    # Extra reconstruction parameters:
    zerone_mode = True if argv[25] == "True" else False
    corr_offset = float(argv[26])

    reconmethod = argv[27]
    # Force overpadding in case of GRIDREC for unknown reasons:
    if reconmethod == "GRIDREC":
        overpad = True

    decim_factor = int(argv[28])
    downsc_factor = int(argv[29])

    # Parameters for postprocessing:
    postprocess_required = True if argv[30] == "True" else False
    polarfilt_opt = argv[31]
    convert_opt = argv[32]
    crop_opt = argv[33]

    angles_projfrom = int(argv[34])
    angles_projto = int(argv[35])

    rolling = True if argv[36] == "True" else False
    roll_shift = int(int(argv[37]) / decim_factor)

    dynamic_ff = True if argv[38] == "True" else False

    nr_threads = int(argv[39])
    logfilename = argv[40]
    process_id = int(logfilename[-6:-4])

    # Check prefixes and path:
    #if not infile.endswith(sep): infile += sep
    if not exists(outpath):

    if not outpath.endswith(sep): outpath += sep

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']

        tomoprefix = 'tomo'
        flatprefix = 'flat'
        darkprefix = 'dark'
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
            prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']

            tomoprefix = prov_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix']
            flatprefix = prov_dset.attrs['flat_prefix']
            darkprefix = prov_dset.attrs['dark_prefix']

    dset_min = -1
    dset_max = -1
    if (zerone_mode):
        if ('min' in dset.attrs):
            dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])
            zerone_mode = False

        if ('max' in dset.attrs):
            dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])
            zerone_mode = False

    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)  # Pay attention to the downscale factor

    if (num_sinos == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
    if ((int_to >= num_sinos / downsc_factor) or (int_to == -1)):
        int_to = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1

    # Log info:
    log = open(logfilename, "w")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput file: %s" % (infile))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput path: %s" % (outpath))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")

    # Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
    corrplan = -1
    phrtplan = -1

    skipflat = False

    im_dark = -1
    EFF = -1
    filtEFF = -1
    if (preprocessing_required):
        if not dynamic_ff:
            # Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file
            # and cache it for faster re-use:
            corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
            if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat'])
                    and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
                skipflat = True

            # Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan[
                    'im_flat'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan[
                    'im_dark'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan[
                    'im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan[
                    'im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]

            # Dynamic flat fielding:
            if "/tomo" in f_in:
                if "/flat" in f_in:
                    flat_dset = f_in['flat']
                    if "/dark" in f_in:
                        im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
                        skipdark = True
                    skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case
                if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
                    flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
                    if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
                        im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
                        skipdark = True
                    skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case

            # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
            if not skipflat:
                EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

                # Downscale images if necessary:
                im_dark = im_dark[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
                EFF = EFF[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor, :]
                filtEFF = filtEFF[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor, :]


    # Log infos:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tWork plan prepared correctly.")
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming reconstruction...")

    # Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads
    # completion:
    for num in range(nr_threads):
        start = ((int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads) * num + int_from
        if (num == nr_threads - 1):
            end = int_to
            end = ((int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads) * (num +
                                                            1) + int_from - 1
        if (reconmethod == 'GRIDREC'):
                args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile, outpath,
                      preprocessing_required, skipflat, corrplan, norm_sx,
                      norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov,
                      ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize,
                      ext_fov_average, ringrem, angles, angles_projfrom,
                      angles_projto, offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale,
                      overpad, rolling, roll_shift, zerone_mode, dset_min,
                      dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset,
                      postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt,
                      crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, outprefix,
                args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile, outpath,
                      preprocessing_required, skipflat, corrplan, norm_sx,
                      norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov,
                      ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize,
                      ext_fov_average, ringrem, angles, angles_projfrom,
                      angles_projto, offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale,
                      overpad, reconmethod, rolling, roll_shift, zerone_mode,
                      dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor,
                      corr_offset, postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt,
                      convert_opt, crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark,
                      outprefix, logfilename)).start()
def main(argv):
    """To do...


	The following line processes the first ten TIFF files of input path 
	"/home/in" and saves the processed files to "/home/out" with the 
	application of the Boin and Haibel filter with smoothing via a Butterworth
	filter of order 4 and cutoff frequency 0.01:

	destripe /home/in /home/out 1 10 1 0.01 4    

    lock = Lock()
    rescale_factor = 10000.0  # For 16-bit floating point

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    int_from = int(argv[0])
    int_to = int(argv[1])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[2]
    outfile = argv[3]

    # Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
    flat_end = True if argv[4] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[5] == "True" else False
    half_half_line = int(argv[6])

    # Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
    dynamic_ff = True if argv[7] == "True" else False

    # Parameters for rotation:
    rotation = float(argv[8])
    interp = argv[9]
    border = argv[10]

    # Nr of threads and log file:
    nr_threads = int(argv[11])
    logfilename = argv[12]

    # Log input parameters:
    log = open(logfilename, "w")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file: %s" % (infile))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tOpening input dataset...")

    # Remove a previous copy of output:
    if exists(outfile):

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')

    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']

        tomoprefix = 'tomo'
        flatprefix = 'flat'
        darkprefix = 'dark'
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
            prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']

            tomoprefix = prov_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix']
            flatprefix = prov_dset.attrs['flat_prefix']
            darkprefix = prov_dset.attrs['dark_prefix']

    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    if (num_sinos == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
    if ((int_to >= num_proj) or (int_to == -1)):
        int_to = num_proj - 1

    # Prepare the work plan for flat and dark images:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")

    # Extract flat and darks:
    skipflat = False
    skipdark = False

    # Following variables make sense only for dynamic flat fielding:
    EFF = -1
    filtEFF = -1
    im_dark = -1

    # Following variable makes sense only for conventional flat fielding:
    plan = -1

    if not dynamic_ff:
        plan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
        if (isscalar(plan['im_flat']) and isscalar(plan['im_flat_after'])):
            skipflat = True
            skipflat = False
        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            if "/flat" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat:
            EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

    # Get the corrected outshape (in this case it's easy):
    im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, 0).astype(float32)
    outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_proj)

    # Create the output HDF5 file:
    f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'w')
    #f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, im.dtype)
    f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, float16)
    f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(amin(im[:]))
    f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(amax(im[:]))
    f_out_dset.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
    f_out_dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
    f_out_dset.attrs['rescale_factor'] = str(rescale_factor)


    # Log infos:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tWork plan prepared correctly.")
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming pre processing...")

    # Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads
    # completion:
    for num in range(nr_threads):
        start = (num_proj / nr_threads) * num
        if (num == nr_threads - 1):
            end = num_proj - 1
            end = (num_proj / nr_threads) * (num + 1) - 1
                args=(lock, start, end, infile, outfile, outshape, float16,
                      skipflat, plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line,
                      dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, rotation, interp,
                      border, rescale_factor, logfilename)).start()
Esempio n. 44
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...


	The following line processes the first ten TIFF files of input path 
	"/home/in" and saves the processed files to "/home/out" with the 
	application of the Boin and Haibel filter with smoothing via a Butterworth
	filter of order 4 and cutoff frequency 0.01:

	reconstruct 0 4 C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\output 
	9.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 true sino slice C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\tomo_conv flat dark

	lock = Lock()
	skip_flat = False
	skip_flat_after = True	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1])
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[2]
	outpath = argv[3]

	# Essential reconstruction parameters:
	angles = float(argv[4])
	offset = float(argv[5])
	param1 = argv[6]	
	scale  = int(float(argv[7]))
	overpad = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	logtrsf = True if argv[9] == "True" else False
	circle = True if argv[10] == "True" else False

	outprefix = argv[11]	
	# Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
	preprocessing_required = True if argv[12] == "True" else False		
	flat_end = True if argv[13] == "True" else False		
	half_half = True if argv[14] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[15])
	ext_fov = True if argv[16] == "True" else False
	norm_sx = int(argv[21])
	norm_dx = int(argv[22])	
	ext_fov_rot_right = argv[17]
	if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
		ext_fov_rot_right = True
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_sx = 0
		ext_fov_rot_right = False
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_dx = 0
	ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[18])

	ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[19] == "True" else False
	ext_fov_average = True if argv[20] == "True" else False
	skip_ringrem = True if argv[23] == "True" else False
	ringrem = argv[24]
	# Extra reconstruction parameters:
	zerone_mode = True if argv[25] == "True" else False		
	corr_offset = float(argv[26])
	reconmethod = argv[27]	
	# Force overpadding in case of GRIDREC for unknown reasons:
	if reconmethod == "GRIDREC":
		overpad = True	
	decim_factor = int(argv[28])
	downsc_factor = int(argv[29])
	# Parameters for postprocessing:
	postprocess_required = True if argv[30] == "True" else False
	polarfilt_opt = argv[31]
	convert_opt = argv[32]
	crop_opt = argv[33]

	angles_projfrom = int(argv[34])	
	angles_projto = int(argv[35])

	rolling = True if argv[36] == "True" else False
	roll_shift = int(int(argv[37]) / decim_factor)

	dynamic_ff 	= True if argv[38] == "True" else False
	nr_threads = int(argv[39])	
	logfilename = argv[40]	
	process_id = int(logfilename[-6:-4])
	# Check prefixes and path:
	#if not infile.endswith(sep): infile += sep
	if not exists(outpath):
	if not outpath.endswith(sep): outpath += sep
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']
		tomoprefix = 'tomo'
		flatprefix = 'flat'
		darkprefix = 'dark'
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
			prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']		
			tomoprefix = prov_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix']
			flatprefix = prov_dset.attrs['flat_prefix']
			darkprefix = prov_dset.attrs['dark_prefix']
	dset_min = -1
	dset_max = -1
	if (zerone_mode):
		if ('min' in dset.attrs):
			dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])								
			zerone_mode = False
		if ('max' in dset.attrs):
			dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])				
			zerone_mode = False	
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset) # Pay attention to the downscale factor
	if (num_sinos == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	

	# Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
	if ((int_to >= num_sinos / downsc_factor) or (int_to == -1)):
		int_to = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1
	# Log info:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(linesep + "\tInput file: %s" % (infile))	
	log.write(linesep + "\tOutput path: %s" % (outpath))		
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")		
	log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")	
	# Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
	corrplan = -1
	phrtplan = -1
	skipflat = False	

	im_dark = -1
	EFF = -1
	filtEFF = -1
	if (preprocessing_required):
		if not dynamic_ff:
			# Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file and cache it for faster re-use:			
			corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
			if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat']) and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after']) ):
				skipflat = True
			# Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan['im_flat'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]		
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan['im_dark'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan['im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan['im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]			

			# Dynamic flat fielding:
			if "/tomo" in f_in:				
				if "/flat" in f_in:
					flat_dset = f_in['flat']
					if "/dark" in f_in:
						im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
						skipdark = True
					skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case			
				if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
					flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
					if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
						im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])	
						skipdark = True
					skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
			# Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:		
			if not skipflat:
				EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

				# Downscale images if necessary:
				im_dark = im_dark[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]
				EFF = EFF[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor,:]	
				filtEFF = filtEFF[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor,:]	
	# Log infos:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\tWork plan prepared correctly.")	
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
	log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming reconstruction...")			

	# Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads completion:
	for num in range(nr_threads):
		start = ( (int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads)*num + int_from
		if (num == nr_threads - 1):
			end = int_to
			end = ( (int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads)*(num + 1) + int_from - 1
		if (reconmethod == 'GRIDREC'):
			Process(target=process_gridrec, args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, skipflat, 
						corrplan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, 
						ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, angles, angles_projfrom, angles_projto, 
						offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale, overpad, rolling, roll_shift,
						zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, 
						postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, outprefix, 
						logfilename )).start()
			Process(target=process, args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, skipflat, 
						corrplan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, 
						ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, angles, angles_projfrom, angles_projto, 
						offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale, overpad, reconmethod, rolling, roll_shift,
						zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, 
						postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, outprefix, 
						logfilename )).start()
def _process(lock, int_from, int_to, infile, outfile, outshape, outtype,
             skipflat, plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, dynamic_ff,
             EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, rotation, interp, border, rescale_factor,

    # Process the required subset of images:
    for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1):

        # Read input image:
        t0 = time()
        f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, i).astype(float32)
        t1 = time()

        # Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):
        if not skipflat:
            if dynamic_ff:
                # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
                im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark)
                im = flat_fielding(im, i, plan, flat_end, half_half,
                                   half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)
        t2 = time()

        # Rotate:
        rows, cols = im.shape
        #if (cols > rows):
        #	angle = - arctan(2.0 / cols) * (rows / 2.0) / 2.0
        #	angle = - arctan(2.0 / rows) * (cols / 2.0) / 2.0

        M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), rotation, 1)

        if interp == 'nearest':
            interpflag = cv2.INTER_NEAREST
        elif interp == 'cubic':
            interpflag = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
        elif interp == 'lanczos':
            interpflag = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4
            interpflag = cv2.INTER_LINEAR

        if border == 'constant':
            borderflag = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT
            borderflag = cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE

        im = cv2.warpAffine(im,
                            M, (cols, rows),

        # Save processed image to HDF5 file (atomic procedure - lock used):
        _write_data(lock, im, i, outfile, outshape, outtype, rescale_factor,
                    logfilename, t2 - t1, t1 - t0)
Esempio n. 46
def process(lock, int_from, int_to, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, corr_plan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, 
			half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ringrem,  
			angles, offset, logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad, method, zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, 
			downsc_factor, corr_offset,	postprocess_required, convert_opt, crop_opt, outprefix, logfilename):
	"""To do...

	# Process the required subset of images:
	for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1):                 
		# Perform reconstruction (on-the-fly preprocessing and phase retrieval, if required):
		#if (phaseretrieval_required):
		#	# Load into memory a bunch of sinograms:
		#	t0 = time()

		#	# Open the TDF file for reading:
		#	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		#	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		#		dset = f_in['tomo']
		#	else: 
		#		dset = f_in['exchange/data']

		#	# Prepare the data structure according to the approximation window:
		#	tmp_im = numpy.empty((tdf.get_nr_projs(dset),tdf.get_det_size(dset), approx_win), dtype=float32)

		#	# Load the temporary data structure reading the input TDF file:
		#	# (It can be parallelized Open-MP style)
		#	ct = 0
		#	for j in range(i - approx_win/2, i + approx_win/2 + 1):
		#		if (j < 0):
		#			j = 0
		#		if (j >= num_sinos):
		#			j = num_sinos - 1
		#		a = tdf.read_sino(dset,j).astype(float32)
		#		tmp_im[:,:,ct] = a			
		#		ct = ct + 1
		#	# Close the TDF file:	
		#	f_in.close()
		#	t1 = time() 					

		#	# Perform the processing:
		#	if (preprocessing_required):
		#		ct = 0
		#		# (It can be parallelized Open-MP style)
		#		for j in range(i - approx_win/2, i + approx_win/2 + 1):
		#			if (j < 0):
		#				j = 0
		#			if (j >= num_sinos):
		#				j = num_sinos - 1					

		#			tmp_im[:,:,ct] = flat_fielding (tmp_im[:,:,ct], j, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)			
		#			tmp_im[:,:,ct] = extfov_correction (tmp_im[:,:,ct], ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap).astype(float32)			
		#			tmp_im[:,:,ct] = ring_correction (tmp_im[:,:,ct], ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov).astype(float32)
		#			ct = ct + 1

		#	# Perform phase retrieval:
		#	# (It can be parallelized Open-MP style)
		#	for ct in range(0, tmp_im.shape[0]):

		#		tmp_im[ct,:,:] = phase_retrieval(tmp_im[ct,:,:].T, phrt_plan).astype(float32).T
		#		ct = ct + 1
		#	# Extract the central processed sinogram:
		#	im = tmp_im[:,:,approx_win/2]

		# Read only one sinogram:
		t0 = time()
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		im = tdf.read_sino(dset,i).astype(float32)		
		t1 = time() 		
		# Perform the preprocessing of the sinogram (if required):
		if (preprocessing_required):
			im = flat_fielding (im, i, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)			
			im = extfov_correction (im, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap)
			im = ring_correction (im, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov)

		# Actual reconstruction:
		im = reconstruct(im, angles, offset, logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad, method, 
						zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset).astype(float32)			
		# Appy post-processing (if required):
		if postprocess_required:
			im = postprocess(im, convert_opt, crop_opt)
			# Create the circle mask for fancy output:
			if (circle == True):
				siz = im.shape[1]
				if siz % 2:
					rang = arange(-siz / 2 + 1, siz / 2 + 1)
					rang = arange(-siz / 2,siz / 2)
				x,y = meshgrid(rang,rang)
				z = x ** 2 + y ** 2
				a = (z < (siz / 2 - abs(offset) ) ** 2)
				im = im * a			

		# Write down reconstructed slice:
		t2 = time() 	
		fname = outpath + outprefix + '_' + str(i).zfill(4) + '.tif'
		imsave(fname, im)
		t3 = time()
		# Write log (atomic procedure - lock used):
		write_log(lock, fname, logfilename, t2 - t1, (t3 - t2) + (t1 - t0) )
Esempio n. 47
def main(argv):          
	Converts a TDF file (HDF5 Tomo Data Format) into a sequence of TIFF (uncompressed) files.
	from : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) data, a subset of the volume can 
		be specified, ranging from the parameter "from" to the parameter "to" 
		(see next). In most cases, this parameter is 0.
	to : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) data, a subset of the volume can 
		be specified, ranging from the parameter "from" (see previous parameter) to 
		the parameter "to". If the value -1 is specified, all the projection (or sinogram)
		data will be considered.
	in_file : string
		path with filename of the TDF to read from (e.g. "Z:\\sample1.tdf").
	out_path : string
		path that will contain the sequence of TIFF files (e.g. "Z:\\sample1\\tomo\\"). WARNING: 
		the program does NOT automatically create non-existing folders and subfolders specified 
		in the path. Moreover, if files with the same name already exist they will be automatically 
	file_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to create for the projection (or 
		sinogram) data. E.g. "tomo" will create files having name "tomo_0001.tif", "tomo_0002.tif".
	flat_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to create for the flat (white field)
		data. E.g. "flat" will create files having name "flat_1.tif", "flat_2.tif". If dark or flat data have
		to be skipped the string "-" can be specified.
	dark_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to create for the dark (dark field)
		data. E.g. "dark" will create files having name "dark_1.tif", "dark_2.tif". If dark or flat data have
		to be skipped the string "-" can be specified.
	projection_order : boolean string
		specify the string "True" to create TIFF files for projections (the most common case), "False" 
		for sinograms.		

	TIFF_format : boolean string
		specify the string "True" to create TIFF files, "False" for RAW files.	
	log_file : string
		path with filename of a log file (e.g. "R:\\log.txt") where info about the conversion is reported.

	no return value
	Example call to convert all the projections data to a sequence of tomo*.tif files:
		python 0 -1 "C:\Temp\wet12T4part2.tdf" "C:\Temp\tomo" tomo flat dark True True "C:\Temp\log.txt"
	- Python 2.7 with the latest NumPy, SciPy, H5Py.
	- TIFFFile from C. Gohlke's website 
	   (consider also to install TIFFFile.c for performances).
	Tested with WinPython-64bit- (Windows) and Anaconda 2.1.0 (Linux 64-bit).		

	# To be used without flat fielding (just conversion):
	first_done = False	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1]) # -1 means "all files"
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[2]
	outpath = argv[3]
	fileprefix = argv[4]
	flatprefix = argv[5]
	darkprefix = argv[6]
	if (flatprefix == "-") or (darkprefix == "-"):
		skipflat = True
		skipflat = False
	projorder = argv[7]
	if projorder == "True":
		projorder = True
		projorder = False	
	TIFFFormat = argv[8]
	if TIFFFormat == "True":
		TIFFFormat = True
		TIFFFormat = False	
	logfilename = argv[9]
	# Check prefixes and path:
	if not outpath.endswith(os.path.sep): outpath += os.path.sep
	# Init variables:
	num_files = 0
	num_flats = 0
	num_darks = 0

	# Get the files in infile:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tInput TDF: %s" % (infile))
	if ( TIFFFormat ):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tOutput path where TIFF files will be created: %s" % (outpath))		
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tOutput path where RAW files will be created: %s" % (outpath))		
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")			
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tFile output prefix: %s"  % (fileprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tDark images output prefix: %s" % (flatprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tFlat images output prefix: %s" % (darkprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")	
	if (int_to != -1):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tThe subset [%d,%d] of the data will be considered." % (int_from, int_to))
	if (projorder):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tProjection order assumed.")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tSinogram order assumed.")
	if (skipflat):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: flat/dark images (if any) will not be considered.")		
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")	

	if not os.path.exists(infile):		
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: input TDF file not found. Process will end.")				

	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f = getHDF5( infile, 'r' )
	oldTDF = False;
		dset = f['tomo']			
		oldTDF = True
	except Exception:
	if not oldTDF:
			dset = f['exchange/data']
		#except Exception:		
		#	log = open(logfilename,"a")
		#	log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: invalid TDF format. Process will end.")					
		#	log.close()			
		#	exit()
	if projorder:
		num_files = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)	
		num_files = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)			

	# Get attributes:
		f = getHDF5( infile, 'r' )
		if ('version' in f.attrs) and (f.attrs['version'] == 'TDF 1.0'):	
			log = open(logfilename,"a")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tTDF version 1.0 found.")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: TDF version unknown. Some features will not be available.")				
		log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")

	# Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
	if ( (int_to >= num_files) or (int_to == -1) ):
		int_to = num_files - 1
	# Get the files in infile:
	if not skipflat:			
		# Flat part

			t0 = time.time() 
			f = getHDF5( infile, 'r' )	

			if oldTDF:	
				dset = f['flat']
				dset = f['exchange/data_white']			
			num_flats = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)	
			#if ('version' in f.attrs) and (f.attrs['version'] == "TDF 1.0"):	
			if ('version' in f.attrs):
				if (f.attrs['version'] == '1.0'):
					provenance_dset = f['provenance/detector_output']
			# Process the required subset of images:
			for i in range(0, num_flats):                  			
				# Read input image:
				t1 = time.time()
				im = tdf.read_tomo( dset, i )
				if ( TIFFFormat ):
					if ('version' in f.attrs):
						if (f.attrs['version'] == '1.0'):
							if (os.path.splitext(provenance_dset["filename", i])[0] == provenance_dset["filename", i]):
								fname = outpath + provenance_dset["filename", i] + '.tif'
								fname = outpath + provenance_dset["filename", i]
						fname = outpath + flatprefix + '_' + str(i + 1).zfill(4) + '.tif'
					fname = outpath + flatprefix + '_' + str(i + 1).zfill(4) + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(im.dtype)	+ '.raw'
				# Cast type (if required but it should never occur):		
				if ((im.dtype).type is float64):
					im = im.astype(float32, copy=False)
				if ( TIFFFormat ):
					imsave(fname, im)
					if ('version' in f.attrs):
						if (f.attrs['version'] == '1.0'):															
							t = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(provenance_dset["timestamp", i], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f").timetuple()))							
							os.utime(fname, (t,t) )

				t2 = time.time() 

				# Print out execution time:	
				log = open(logfilename,"a")		
				log.write(os.linesep + "\t%s created in %0.3f sec." % (os.path.basename(fname), t2 - t1))			
		except Exception: 
			log = open(logfilename,"a")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: no dataset named \"flat\" found.")
		# Dark part
			t0 = time.time() 
			f = getHDF5( infile, 'r' )
			if oldTDF:	
				dset = f['dark']
				dset = f['exchange/data_dark']			
			num_darks = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)	
			if ('version' in f.attrs):
				if (f.attrs['version'] == '1.0'):	
					provenance_dset = f['provenance/detector_output']
			# Process the required subset of images:
			for i in range(0, num_darks):                  
				# Read input image:
				t1 = time.time()
				im = tdf.read_tomo( dset, i )
				if ( TIFFFormat ):
					if ('version' in f.attrs):
						if (f.attrs['version'] == '1.0'):							
							if (os.path.splitext(provenance_dset["filename", num_flats + i])[0] == provenance_dset["filename", num_flats + i]):
								fname = outpath + provenance_dset["filename", num_flats + i] + '.tif'
								fname = outpath + provenance_dset["filename", num_flats + i]
						fname = outpath + darkprefix + '_' + str(i + 1).zfill(4) + '.tif'
					fname = outpath + darkprefix + '_' + str(i + 1).zfill(4) + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(im.dtype)	+ '.raw'
				# Cast type (if required but it should never occur):		
				if ((im.dtype).type is float64):
					im = im.astype(float32, copy=False)
				if ( TIFFFormat ):
					imsave(fname, im)
					if ('version' in f.attrs):
						if (f.attrs['version'] == '1.0'):																
							t = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(provenance_dset["timestamp", num_flats + i], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f").timetuple()))							
							os.utime(fname, (t,t) )
				t2 = time.time() 

				# Print out execution time:	
				log = open(logfilename,"a")		
				log.write(os.linesep + "\t%s created in %0.3f sec." % (os.path.basename(fname), t2 - t1))			
		except Exception: 
			log = open(logfilename,"a")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: no dataset named \"dark\" found.")
		num_flats = 0
		num_darks = 0
	# Tomo part
	# Read i-th image from input folder:
	t0 = time.time() 
	f = getHDF5( infile, 'r' )
	if oldTDF:		
		dset = f['tomo']
		dset = f['exchange/data']	
	if ('version' in f.attrs):
		if (f.attrs['version'] == '1.0'):	
			provenance_dset = f['provenance/detector_output']
	if not skipflat:	
		offset = num_flats + num_darks
		offset = 0
	# Process the required subset of images:
	for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1):                  
		# Read input image:
		t1 = time.time()
		if projorder:
			im = tdf.read_tomo( dset, i )			
			im = tdf.read_sino( dset, i )			
		# Cast type (if required but it should never occur):		
		if ((im.dtype).type is float64):			
			im = im.astype(float32, copy=False)
		# Save file:
		if ( TIFFFormat ):
			if ('version' in f.attrs):
				if (f.attrs['version'] == '1.0'):	
					if (os.path.splitext(provenance_dset["filename", offset + i])[0] == provenance_dset["filename", offset + i]):
						fname = outpath + provenance_dset["filename", offset + i] + '.tif'
						fname = outpath + provenance_dset["filename", offset + i]
				fname = outpath + fileprefix + '_' + str(i + 1).zfill(4) + '.tif'
			imsave(fname, im)				
			fname = outpath + fileprefix + '_' + str(i + 1).zfill(4) + '_'	+ str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(im.dtype)	+ '.raw'
		# Change modified date:
			if ('version' in f.attrs):
				if (f.attrs['version'] == '1.0'):														
					t = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(provenance_dset["timestamp", offset + i], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f").timetuple()))							
					os.utime(fname, (t,t) )
		t2 = time.time() 

		# Print out execution time:	
		log = open(logfilename,"a")		
		log.write(os.linesep + "\t%s created in %0.3f sec." % (os.path.basename(fname), t2 - t1))			
Esempio n. 48
def process(sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required,
            corr_plan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line,
            ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize,
            ext_fov_average, ringrem, phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod,
            phrt_param1, phrt_param2, energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad,
            approx_win, angles, angles_projfrom, angles_projto, offset,
            logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad, method, zerone_mode,
            dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset,
            postprocess_required, convert_opt, crop_opt, nr_threads, off_from,
            off_to, logfilename, lock, slice_prefix):
    """To do...

    slice_nr = sino_idx

    # Perform reconstruction (on-the-fly preprocessing and phase retrieval, if required):
    if (phaseretrieval_required):

        # In this case a bunch of sinograms is loaded into memory:

        # Load the temporary data structure reading the input TDF file.
        # To know the right dimension the first sinogram is pre-processed.

        # Open the TDF file and get the dataset:
        f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']

        # Downscaling and decimation factors considered when determining the approximation window:
        zrange = arange(sino_idx - approx_win * downsc_factor / 2,
                        sino_idx + approx_win * downsc_factor / 2,
        zrange = zrange[(zrange >= 0)]
        zrange = zrange[(zrange < num_sinos)]
        approx_win = zrange.shape[0]

        # Approximation window cannot be odd:
        if (approx_win % 2 == 1):
            approx_win = approx_win - 1
            zrange = zrange[0:approx_win]

        # Read one sinogram to get the proper dimensions:
        test_im = tdf.read_sino(dset,
                                zrange[0] * downsc_factor).astype(float32)

        # Apply projection removal (if required):
        test_im = test_im[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]

        # Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
        test_im = test_im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]

        # Perform the pre-processing of the first sinogram to get the right dimension:
        if (preprocessing_required):
            test_im = flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[0], corr_plan, flat_end,
                                    half_half, half_half_line / decim_factor,
                                    norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)
            if ext_fov:
                test_im = extfov_correction(test_im, ext_fov_rot_right,
                                            ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor,
            test_im = ring_correction(test_im, ringrem, flat_end,
                                      corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                                      half_half_line / decim_factor,

        # Now we can allocate memory for the bunch of slices:
        tmp_im = empty((approx_win, test_im.shape[0], test_im.shape[1]),
        tmp_im[0, :, :] = test_im

        # Reading all the the sinos from TDF file and close:
        for ct in range(1, approx_win):

            test_im = tdf.read_sino(dset,
                                    zrange[ct] * downsc_factor).astype(float32)

            # Apply projection removal (if required):
            test_im = test_im[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]

            # Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
            test_im = test_im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]

            # Perform the pre-processing for each sinogram of the bunch:
            if (preprocessing_required):
                test_im = flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[ct], corr_plan,
                                        flat_end, half_half,
                                        half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx,
                if ext_fov:
                    test_im = extfov_correction(
                        test_im, ext_fov_rot_right,
                        ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor, ext_fov_normalize,
                test_im = ring_correction(test_im, ringrem, flat_end,
                                          half_half_line / decim_factor,

            tmp_im[ct, :, :] = test_im


        # Now everything has to refer to a downscaled dataset:
        sino_idx = ((zrange == sino_idx).nonzero())

        # Perform phase retrieval:

        # Prepare the plan:
        if (phrtmethod == 0):
            # Paganin's:
            phrtplan = tiehom_plan(tmp_im[:, 0, :],
                                   pixsize * downsc_factor,
            phrtplan = phrt_plan(tmp_im[:, 0, :],
                                 pixsize * downsc_factor,

        # Process each projection (whose height depends on the size of the bunch):
        for ct in range(0, tmp_im.shape[1]):
            if (phrtmethod == 0):
                tmp_im[:, ct, :] = tiehom(tmp_im[:, ct, :],
                tmp_im[:, ct, :] = phrt(tmp_im[:, ct, :], phrtplan,

        # Extract the requested sinogram:
        im = tmp_im[sino_idx[0], :, :].squeeze()


        # Read only one sinogram:
        f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        im = tdf.read_sino(dset, sino_idx * downsc_factor).astype(float32)

        # Apply projection removal (if required):
        im = im[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]

        # Downscale and decimate the sinogram:
        im = im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]
        #sino_idx = sino_idx/downsc_factor

        # Perform the preprocessing of the sinogram (if required):
        if (preprocessing_required):
            im = flat_fielding(im, sino_idx, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half,
                               half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx,
            if ext_fov:
                im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right,
                                       ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor,
                                       ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
            im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, flat_end,
                                 corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                                 half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)

    # Log infos:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
        linesep +
        "\tPerforming reconstruction with multiple centers of rotation...")
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")

    # Split the computation into multiple processes:
    for num in range(nr_threads):
        start = ((off_to - off_from + 1) / nr_threads) * num + off_from
        if (num == nr_threads - 1):
            end = off_to
            end = ((off_to - off_from + 1) / nr_threads) * (num +
                                                            1) + off_from - 1

                args=(im, angles, angles_projfrom, angles_projto,
                      offset / downsc_factor, logtransform, param1, circle,
                      scale, pad, method, zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max,
                      corr_offset, postprocess_required, convert_opt, crop_opt,
                      start, end, outpath, slice_nr, downsc_factor,
                      logfilename, lock, slice_prefix)).start()
Esempio n. 49
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...


	The following line processes the first ten TIFF files of input path 
	"/home/in" and saves the processed files to "/home/out" with the 
	application of the Boin and Haibel filter with smoothing via a Butterworth
	filter of order 4 and cutoff frequency 0.01:

	destripe /home/in /home/out 1 10 1 0.01 4    

	lock = Lock()

	skip_ringrem = False
	skip_flat = False
	skip_flat_after = True
	first_done = False	

	# Get the number of sino to pre-process:
	idx = int(argv[0])
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[1]
	outfile = argv[2]
	# Normalization parameters:
	norm_sx = int(argv[3])
	norm_dx = int(argv[4])
	# Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
	flat_end = True if argv[5] == "True" else False
	half_half = True if argv[6] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[7])
	# Params for extended FOV:
	ext_fov = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	ext_fov_rot_right = argv[9]
	if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
		ext_fov_rot_right = True
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_sx = 0
		ext_fov_rot_right = False
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_dx = 0		
	ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[10])
	# Method and parameters coded into a string:
	ringrem = argv[11]	
	# Tmp path and log file:
	tmppath = argv[12]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep		
	logfilename = argv[13]		

	# Open the HDF5 file:	
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']		
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']			
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)
	# Check if the HDF5 makes sense:
	if (num_sinos == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	

	# Get flat and darks from cache or from file:
		corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
	except Exception as e:
		#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
		corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
		plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)		

	# Read input image:
	im = tdf.read_sino(dset,idx).astype(float32)		

	# Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):	
	im = flat_fielding(im, idx, corrplan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)			
	im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap)
	im = ring_correction (im, ringrem, flat_end, corrplan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov)							
	# Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):		
	im = im.astype(float32)
	outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str( nanmin(im)) + '$' + str( nanmax(im) )	
Esempio n. 50
def process(sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outfile, preprocessing_required,
            corr_plan, skipflat, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half,
            half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
            ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem,
            phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod, phrt_param1, phrt_param2,
            energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad, approx_win, angles,
            angles_projfrom, angles_projto, offset, logtransform, recpar,
            circle, scale, pad, method, rolling, roll_shift, zerone_mode,
            dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset,
            postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt,
            dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, nr_threads, logfilename,
    """To do...

    # Perform reconstruction (on-the-fly preprocessing and phase retrieval, if
    # required):
    if (phaseretrieval_required):

        # In this case a bunch of sinograms is loaded into memory:

        # Load the temporary data structure reading the input TDF file.
        # To know the right dimension the first sinogram is pre-processed.

        # Open the TDF file and get the dataset:
        f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']

        # Downscaling and decimation factors considered when determining the
        # approximation window:
        zrange = arange(sino_idx - approx_win * downsc_factor / 2,
                        sino_idx + approx_win * downsc_factor / 2,
        zrange = zrange[(zrange >= 0)]
        zrange = zrange[(zrange < num_sinos)]
        approx_win = zrange.shape[0]

        # Approximation window cannot be odd:
        if (approx_win % 2 == 1):
            approx_win = approx_win - 1
            zrange = zrange[0:approx_win]

        # Read one sinogram to get the proper dimensions:
        test_im = tdf.read_sino(dset,
                                zrange[0] * downsc_factor).astype(float32)

        # Apply projection removal (if required):
        test_im = test_im[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]

        # Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
        test_im = test_im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]

        # Perform the pre-processing of the first sinogram to get the right
        # dimension:
        if (preprocessing_required):
            if not skipflat:
                if dynamic_ff:
                    # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
                    #test_im = dynamic_flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[0] / downsc_factor, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
                    test_im = dynamic_flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[0], EFF,
                                                    filtEFF, 2, im_dark,
                                                    norm_sx, norm_dx)
                    #test_im = flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[0] / downsc_factor, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half,
                    #						half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)
                    test_im = flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[0], corr_plan,
                                            flat_end, half_half,
                                            half_half_line / decim_factor,
                                            norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)
            if ext_fov:
                test_im = extfov_correction(test_im, ext_fov_rot_right,
                                            ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor,
            if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
                test_im = ring_correction(test_im, ringrem, flat_end,
                                          half_half_line / decim_factor,
                test_im = ring_correction(test_im, ringrem, False, False,
                                          half_half_line / decim_factor,

        # Now we can allocate memory for the bunch of slices:
        tmp_im = empty((approx_win, test_im.shape[0], test_im.shape[1]),
        tmp_im[0, :, :] = test_im

        # Reading all the the sinos from TDF file and close:
        for ct in range(1, approx_win):

            # Read the sinogram:
            test_im = tdf.read_sino(dset,
                                    zrange[ct] * downsc_factor).astype(float32)

            # Apply projection removal (if required):
            test_im = test_im[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]

            # Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
            test_im = test_im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]

            # Perform the pre-processing for each sinogram of the bunch:
            if (preprocessing_required):
                if not skipflat:
                    if dynamic_ff:
                        # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
                        #test_im = dynamic_flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[ct] / downsc_factor, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
                        test_im = dynamic_flat_fielding(
                            test_im, zrange[ct], EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark,
                            norm_sx, norm_dx)
                        #test_im = flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[ct] / downsc_factor, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half,
                        #					half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)
                        test_im = flat_fielding(test_im, zrange[ct], corr_plan,
                                                flat_end, half_half,
                                                half_half_line / decim_factor,
                if ext_fov:
                    test_im = extfov_correction(
                        test_im, ext_fov_rot_right,
                        ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor, ext_fov_normalize,
                if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
                    test_im = ring_correction(test_im, ringrem, flat_end,
                                              half_half_line / decim_factor,
                    test_im = ring_correction(test_im, ringrem, False, False,
                                              half_half_line / decim_factor,

            tmp_im[ct, :, :] = test_im


        # Now everything has to refer to a downscaled dataset:
        sino_idx = ((zrange == sino_idx).nonzero())

        # Perform phase retrieval:

        # Prepare the plan:
        if (phrtmethod == 0):
            # Paganin 2002:
            phrtplan = tiehom_plan(tmp_im[:, 0, :], phrt_param1, phrt_param2,
                                   energy, distance, pixsize * downsc_factor,
        elif (phrtmethod == 1):
            # Paganin 2020:
            phrtplan = tiehom_plan2020(tmp_im[:, 0, :], phrt_param1,
                                       phrt_param2, energy, distance,
                                       pixsize * downsc_factor, phrtpad)
            phrtplan = phrt_plan(tmp_im[:, 0, :], energy, distance,
                                 pixsize * downsc_factor, phrt_param2,
                                 phrt_param1, phrtmethod, phrtpad)
            #phrtplan = prepare_plan (tmp_im[:,0,:], beta, delta, energy, distance,
            #pixsize*downsc_factor, padding=phrtpad)

        # Process each projection (whose height depends on the size of the bunch):
        for ct in range(0, tmp_im.shape[1]):
            #tmp_im[:,ct,:] = phase_retrieval(tmp_im[:,ct,:], phrtplan).astype(float32)
            if (phrtmethod == 0):
                tmp_im[:, ct, :] = tiehom(tmp_im[:, ct, :],
            elif (phrtmethod == 1):
                tmp_im[:, ct, :] = tiehom2020(tmp_im[:, ct, :],
                tmp_im[:, ct, :] = phrt(tmp_im[:, ct, :], phrtplan,

        # Extract the requested sinogram:
        im = tmp_im[sino_idx[0], :, :].squeeze()


        # Read only one sinogram:
        f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        im = tdf.read_sino(dset, sino_idx * downsc_factor).astype(float32)

        # Apply projection removal (if required):
        im = im[angles_projfrom:angles_projto, :]

        # Apply decimation and downscaling (if required):
        im = im[::decim_factor, ::downsc_factor]
        #sino_idx = sino_idx / downsc_factor	# Downscaling for the index already applied

        # Perform the preprocessing of the sinogram (if required):
        if (preprocessing_required):
            if not skipflat:
                if dynamic_ff:
                    # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
                    im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, sino_idx, EFF, filtEFF, 2,
                                               im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
                    im = flat_fielding(im, sino_idx, corr_plan, flat_end,
                                       half_half_line / decim_factor, norm_sx,
            if ext_fov:
                im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right,
                                       ext_fov_overlap / downsc_factor,
                                       ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
            if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
                im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, flat_end,
                                     corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                                     half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)
                im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, False, False, half_half,
                                     half_half_line / decim_factor, ext_fov)

    # Additional ring removal before reconstruction:
    #im = boinhaibel(im, '11;')
    #im = munchetal(im, '5;1.8')
    #im = rivers(im, '13;')
    #im = raven(im, '11;0.8')
    #im = oimoen(im, '51;51')

    # Actual reconstruction:
    im = reconstruct(im, angles, offset / downsc_factor, logtransform, recpar,
                     circle, scale, pad, method, zerone_mode, dset_min,
                     dset_max, corr_offset, rolling, roll_shift,

    # Apply post-processing (if required):
    if postprocess_required:
        im = polarfilter(im, polarfilt_opt)
        im = croprescale(im, convert_opt, crop_opt)
        # Create the circle mask for fancy output:
        if (circle == True):
            siz = im.shape[1]
            if siz % 2:
                rang = arange(-siz / 2 + 1, siz / 2 + 1)
                rang = arange(-siz / 2, siz / 2)
            x, y = meshgrid(rang, rang)
            z = x**2 + y**2
            a = (z < (siz / 2 - int(round(abs(offset) / downsc_factor)))**2)
            im = im * a

    # Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):
    im = im.astype(float32)
    outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(
        im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(amin(im)) + '$' + str(amax(im))
Esempio n. 51
def process_gridrec(lock, int_from, int_to, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, corr_plan, norm_sx, 
			norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, 
			half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ringrem, 
			angles, offset, logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad, zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, 
			downsc_factor, corr_offset,	postprocess_required, convert_opt, crop_opt, outprefix, logfilename):
	"""To do...

	# Process the required subset of images:
	for i in range(int_from, int_to + 1, 2):               
		# Read two sinograms:
		t0 = time()
		f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		im1 = tdf.read_sino(dset,i).astype(float32)		
		if ( (i + 1) <= (int_to + 1) ):
			im2 = tdf.read_sino(dset,i + 1).astype(float32)		
			im2 = im1
		t1 = time() 		
		# Perform the preprocessing of the sinograms (if required):
		if (preprocessing_required):
			im1 = flat_fielding (im1, i, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)			
			im1 = extfov_correction (im1, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap)
			im1 = ring_correction (im1, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov)

			im2 = flat_fielding (im2, i + 1, corr_plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx).astype(float32)			
			im2 = extfov_correction (im2, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap)
			im2 = ring_correction (im2, ringrem, flat_end, corr_plan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov)

		# Actual reconstruction:
		[im1, im2] = reconstruct_gridrec(im1, im2, angles, offset, logtransform, param1, circle, scale, pad,  
						zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset)					

		# Appy post-processing (if required):
		if postprocess_required:
			im1 = postprocess(im1, convert_opt, crop_opt, circle)
			im2 = postprocess(im2, convert_opt, crop_opt, circle)
			# Create the circle mask for fancy output:
			if (circle == True):
				siz = im1.shape[1]
				if siz % 2:
					rang = arange(-siz / 2 + 1, siz / 2 + 1)
					rang = arange(-siz / 2,siz / 2)
				x,y = meshgrid(rang,rang)
				z = x ** 2 + y ** 2
				a = (z < (siz / 2 - int(round(abs(offset)/downsc_factor)) ) ** 2)
				im1 = im1 * a			
				im2 = im2 * a	
		# Write down reconstructed slices:
		t2 = time() 	

		fname1 = outpath + outprefix + '_' + str(i).zfill(4) + '.tif'
		imsave(fname1, im1)

		fname2 = outpath + outprefix + '_' + str(i + 1).zfill(4) + '.tif'
		imsave(fname2, im2)

		t3 = time()
		# Write log (atomic procedure - lock used):
		write_log_gridrec(lock, fname1, fname2, logfilename, t2 - t1, (t3 - t2) + (t1 - t0) )		
def main(argv):
    """To do...

    lock = Lock()

    skip_flat = True
    first_done = False

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    idx = int(argv[0])

    # Get full paths of input TDF and output TDF:
    infile = argv[1]
    outfile = argv[2]

    # Get the phase retrieval parameters:
    method = int(argv[3])
    param1 = double(argv[4])  # param1( e.g. regParam, or beta)
    param2 = double(argv[5])  # param2( e.g. thresh or delta)
    energy = double(argv[6])
    distance = double(argv[7])
    pixsize = double(argv[8]) / 1000.0  # pixsixe from micron to mm:
    pad = True if argv[9] == "True" else False

    # Tmp path and log file:
    tmppath = argv[10]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep
    logfilename = argv[11]

    # Open the HDF5 file and check it contains flat files:
    skipflat = False
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']
        if not "/flat" in f_in:
            skipflat = True
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        if not "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
            skipflat = True
    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    # Check if the HDF5 makes sense:
    if (num_proj == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Get flats and darks from cache or from file:
    if not skipflat:
            corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
        except Exception as e:
            #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
            corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, True, logfilename)
            plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

    # Read projection:
    im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, idx).astype(float32)

    # Apply simple flat fielding (if applicable):
    if not skipflat:
        if (isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray)
                and isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray)
                and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray)
                and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray)):
            if (idx < num_proj / 2):
                im = (im - corrplan['im_dark']) / (
                    abs(corrplan['im_flat'] - corrplan['im_dark']) +
                im = (im - corrplan['im_dark_after']) / (
                    abs(corrplan['im_flat_after'] - corrplan['im_dark_after'])
                    + finfo(float32).eps)

    # Prepare plan:
    im = im.astype(float32)
    if (method == 0):
        # Paganin 2002:
        plan = tiehom_plan(im, param1, param2, energy, distance, pixsize, pad)
        im = tiehom(im, plan).astype(float32)
    elif (method == 1):
        # Paganin 2020:
        plan = tiehom_plan2020(im, param1, param2, energy, distance, pixsize,
        im = tiehom2020(im, plan).astype(float32)
        plan = phrt_plan(im, energy, distance, pixsize, param2, param1, method,
        im = phrt(im, plan, method).astype(float32)

    # Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):
    im = im.astype(float32)
    outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(
        im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(nanmin(im)) + '$' + str(nanmax(im))
Esempio n. 53
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...


	The following line processes the first ten TIFF files of input path 
	"/home/in" and saves the processed files to "/home/out" with the 
	application of the Boin and Haibel filter with smoothing via a Butterworth
	filter of order 4 and cutoff frequency 0.01:

	reconstruct 0 4 C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\output 
	9.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 true sino slice C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\tomo_conv flat dark

	lock = Lock()
	skip_flat = False
	skip_flat_after = True	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1])
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[2]
	outpath = argv[3]

	# Essential reconstruction parameters::
	angles = float(argv[4])
	offset = float(argv[5])
	param1 = argv[6]	
	scale  = int(float(argv[7]))
	overpad = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	logtrsf = True if argv[9] == "True" else False
	circle = True if argv[10] == "True" else False

	outprefix = argv[11]	
	# Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
	preprocessing_required = True if argv[12] == "True" else False		
	flat_end = True if argv[13] == "True" else False		
	half_half = True if argv[14] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[15])
	ext_fov = True if argv[16] == "True" else False
	norm_sx = int(argv[19])
	norm_dx = int(argv[20])	
	ext_fov_rot_right = argv[17]
	if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
		ext_fov_rot_right = True
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_sx = 0
		ext_fov_rot_right = False
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_dx = 0
	ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[18])
	skip_ringrem = True if argv[21] == "True" else False
	ringrem = argv[22]
	# Extra reconstruction parameters:
	zerone_mode = True if argv[23] == "True" else False		
	corr_offset = float(argv[24])
	reconmethod = argv[25]		
	decim_factor = int(argv[26])
	downsc_factor = int(argv[27])
	# Parameters for postprocessing:
	postprocess_required = True if argv[28] == "True" else False
	convert_opt = argv[29]
	crop_opt = argv[30]
	nr_threads = int(argv[31])	
	logfilename = argv[32]	
	process_id = int(logfilename[-6:-4])
	# Check prefixes and path:
	#if not infile.endswith(sep): infile += sep
	if not exists(outpath):
	if not outpath.endswith(sep): outpath += sep
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']
		tomoprefix = 'tomo'
		flatprefix = 'flat'
		darkprefix = 'dark'
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
			prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']		
			tomoprefix = prov_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix']
			flatprefix = prov_dset.attrs['flat_prefix']
			darkprefix = prov_dset.attrs['dark_prefix']
	dset_min = -1
	dset_max = -1
	if (zerone_mode):
		if ('min' in dset.attrs):
			dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])								
			zerone_mode = False
		if ('max' in dset.attrs):
			dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])				
			zerone_mode = False	
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset) # Pay attention to the downscale factor
	if (num_sinos == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	

	# Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
	if ((int_to >= num_sinos) or (int_to == -1)):
		int_to = num_sinos - 1
	# Log info:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(linesep + "\tInput file: %s" % (infile))	
	log.write(linesep + "\tOutput path: %s" % (outpath))		
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")		
	log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the working plan...")	
	# Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
	corrplan = -1
	phrtplan = -1
	if (preprocessing_required):		
		corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
	# Log infos:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\tWorking plan prepared correctly.")	
	log.write(linesep + "\t-------")
	log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming reconstruction...")			

	# Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads completion:
	for num in range(nr_threads):
		start = ( (int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads)*num + int_from
		if (num == nr_threads - 1):
			end = int_to
			end = ( (int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads)*(num + 1) + int_from - 1
		if (reconmethod == 'GRIDREC'):
			Process(target=process_gridrec, args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, corrplan, norm_sx, 						norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ringrem, 
						angles, offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale, overpad, 
						zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, 
						postprocess_required, convert_opt, crop_opt, outprefix, logfilename )).start()
			Process(target=process, args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, corrplan, norm_sx, 
						norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ringrem, 
						angles, offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale, overpad, 
						reconmethod, zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, 
						postprocess_required, convert_opt, crop_opt, outprefix, logfilename )).start()
Esempio n. 54
def main(argv):
	Converts a sequence of TIFF files into a TDF file (HDF5 Tomo Data Format).
	from : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) files, a subset of files can be specified, 
		ranging from the parameter "from" to the parameter "to" (see next). In most 
		cases, this parameter is 0.
	to : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) files, a subset of files can be specified, 
		ranging from the parameter "from" (see previous parameter) to the parameter 
		"to". If the value -1 is specified, all the projection files will be considered.
	in_path : string
		path containing the sequence of TIFF files to consider (e.g. "Z:\\sample1\\tomo\\").
	out_file : string
		path with filename of the TDF to create (e.g. "Z:\\sample1.tdf"). WARNING: the program 
		does NOT automatically create non-existing folders and subfolders specified in the path. 
		Moreover, if a file with the same name already exists it will be automatically deleted and 
	crop_top : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the top of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_bottom : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the bottom of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_left : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the left of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	crop_right : scalar, integer
		during the conversion, images can be cropped if required. This parameter specifies the number 
		of pixels to crop from the right of the image. Leave 0 for no cropping.
	file_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to consider for the projection (or 
		sinogram) files. 	E.g. "tomo" will consider files having name "tomo_0001.tif", "tomo_0002.tif". 
	flat_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to consider for the flat (white field)
		files. E.g. "flat" will consider files having name "flat_1.tif", "flat_2.tif". If dark or flat files have
		to be skipped the string "-" can be specified.
	dark_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to consider for the dark (dark field)
		files. E.g. "dark" will consider files having name "dark_1.tif", "dark_2.tif". If dark or flat files have
		to be skipped the string "-" can be specified.
	projection_order : boolean string
		specify the string "True" if the TIFF files represent projections (the most common case), "False" 
		for sinograms.
	privilege_sino : boolean string
		specify the string "True" if the TDF will privilege a fast read/write of sinograms (the most common 
		case), "False" for fast read/write of projections.
	compression : scalar, integer
		an integer value in the range of [1,9] to be used as GZIP compression factor in the HDF5 file, where
		1 is the minimum compression (and maximum speed) and 9 is the maximum (and slow) compression.
		The value 0 can be specified with the meaning of no compression.

	nr_threads : int
		number of multiple threads (actually processes) to consider to speed up the whole conversion process.
	log_file : string
		path with filename of a log file (e.g. "R:\\log.txt") where info about the conversion is reported.

	no return value
	Example call to convert all the tomo*.tif* projections to a TDF with no cropping and minimum compression:
		python 0 -1 "Z:\\rawdata\\c_1\\tomo\\" "Z:\\work\\c1_compr9.tdf" 0 0 0 0 tomo flat 
		dark True True 1 "S:\\conversion.txt"
	- Python 2.7 with the latest NumPy, SciPy, H5Py.
	- TIFFFile from C. Gohlke's website 
	  (consider also to install TIFFFile.c for performances).
	Tested with WinPython-64bit- (Windows) and Anaconda 2.1.0 (Linux 64-bit).		

    lock = Lock()

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    int_from = int(argv[0])
    int_to = int(argv[1])  # -1 means "all files"

    # Get paths:
    inpath = argv[2]
    outfile = argv[3]

    crop_top = int(argv[4])  # 0 for all means "no cropping"
    crop_bottom = int(argv[5])
    crop_left = int(argv[6])
    crop_right = int(argv[7])

    tomoprefix = argv[8]
    flatprefix = argv[9]  # - means "do not consider flat or darks"
    darkprefix = argv[10]  # - means "do not consider flat or darks"

    if (flatprefix == "-") or (darkprefix == "-"):
        skipflat = True
        skipflat = False

    projorder = True if argv[11] == "True" else False
    privilege_sino = True if argv[12] == "True" else False

    # Get compression factor:
    compr_opts = int(argv[13])
    compressionFlag = True
    if (compr_opts <= 0):
        compressionFlag = False
    elif (compr_opts > 9):
        compr_opts = 9

    nr_threads = int(argv[14])
    logfilename = argv[15]

    # Check prefixes and path:
    if not inpath.endswith(os.path.sep): inpath += os.path.sep

    # Get the files in inpath:
    log = open(logfilename, "w")
    log.write(os.linesep + "\tInput path: %s" % (inpath))
    log.write(os.linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))
    log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(os.linesep + "\tProjection file prefix: %s" % (tomoprefix))
    log.write(os.linesep + "\tDark file prefix: %s" % (darkprefix))
    log.write(os.linesep + "\tFlat file prefix: %s" % (flatprefix))
    log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(os.linesep + "\tCropping:")
    log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tTop: %d pixels" % (crop_top))
    log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tBottom: %d pixels" % (crop_bottom))
    log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tLeft: %d pixels" % (crop_left))
    log.write(os.linesep + "\t\tRight: %d pixels" % (crop_right))
    if (int_to != -1):
            os.linesep +
            "\tThe subset [%d,%d] of the input files will be considered." %
            (int_from, int_to))

    if (projorder):
        log.write(os.linesep + "\tProjection order assumed.")
        log.write(os.linesep + "\tSinogram order assumed.")

    if (privilege_sino):
        log.write(os.linesep + "\tFast I/O for sinograms privileged.")
        log.write(os.linesep + "\tFast I/O for projections privileged.")

    if (compressionFlag):
        log.write(os.linesep + "\tTDF compression factor: %d" % (compr_opts))
        log.write(os.linesep + "\tTDF compression: none.")

    if (skipflat):
            os.linesep +
            "\tWarning: flat/dark images (if any) will not be considered.")
    log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")

    # Remove a previous copy of output:
    if os.path.exists(outfile):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
            os.linesep +
            "\tWarning: an output file with the same name was overwritten.")

    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(os.linesep + "\tBrowsing input files...")

    # Pythonic way to get file list:
    if os.path.exists(inpath):
        tomo_files = sorted(glob(inpath + tomoprefix + '*.tif*'))
        num_files = len(tomo_files)
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(os.linesep +
                  "\tError: input path does not exist. Process will end.")

    if (num_files == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
            os.linesep +
            "\tError: no projection files found. Check input path and file prefixes."

    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(os.linesep + "\tInput files browsed correctly.")

    # Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
    if ((int_to >= num_files) or (int_to == -1)):
        int_from = 0
        int_to = num_files - 1

    # In case of subset specified:
    num_files = int_to - int_from + 1

    # Prepare output HDF5 output (should this be atomic?):
    im = imread(tomo_files[0])

    # Crop:
    im = im[crop_top:im.shape[0] - crop_bottom,
            crop_left:im.shape[1] - crop_right]

    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(os.linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")

    #dsetshape = (num_files,) + im.shape
    if projorder:
        #dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], im.shape[0],
        datashape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_files)
        #dsetshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], num_files,
        datashape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], num_files, im.shape[0])

    if not os.path.isfile(outfile):
        f = getHDF5(outfile, 'w')

        f.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
        f.attrs['implements'] = "exchange:provenance"
        echange_group = f.create_group('exchange')

        if (compressionFlag):
            dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data',
            dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data', datashape, im.dtype)

        if privilege_sino:
            dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
            dset.attrs['axes'] = "theta:y:x"

        tmp = im[:].astype(numpy.float32)
        tmp = tmp[numpy.nonzero(numpy.isfinite(tmp))]
        dset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.amin(tmp[:]))
        dset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.amax(tmp[:]))
        dset.attrs['avg'] = str(0.0)

        # Get the total number of files to consider:
        tot_files = num_files
        if not skipflat:
            num_flats = len(sorted(glob(inpath + flatprefix + '*.tif*')))
            num_darks = len(sorted(glob(inpath + darkprefix + '*.tif*')))
            tot_files = tot_files + num_flats + num_darks

        # Create provenance dataset:
        provenance_dt = numpy.dtype([("filename", numpy.dtype("S255")),
                                     ("timestamp", numpy.dtype("S255"))])
        metadata_group = f.create_group('provenance')
        provenance_dset = metadata_group.create_dataset('detector_output',
                                                        (tot_files, ),

        provenance_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix'] = tomoprefix
        provenance_dset.attrs['dark_prefix'] = darkprefix
        provenance_dset.attrs['flat_prefix'] = flatprefix
        provenance_dset.attrs['first_index'] = int(tomo_files[0][-8:-4])

        # Handle the metadata:
        if (os.path.isfile(inpath + 'logfile.xml')):
            with open(inpath + 'logfile.xml', "r") as file:
                xml_command =
            tdf.parse_metadata(f, xml_command)


    # Print out about plan preparation:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(os.linesep + "\tWork plan prepared succesfully.")

    # Get the files in inpath:
    if not skipflat:

        # Flat part
        flat_files = sorted(glob(inpath + flatprefix + '*.tif*'))
        num_flats = len(flat_files)

        if (num_flats > 0):

            # Create acquisition group:
            im = imread(flat_files[0])
            im = im[crop_top:im.shape[0] - crop_bottom,
                    crop_left:im.shape[1] - crop_right]

            #flatshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], im.shape[0],
            flatshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_flats)
            f = getHDF5(outfile, 'a')
            if (compressionFlag):
                dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_white',
                dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_white', flatshape,

            tmp = im[:].astype(numpy.float32)
            tmp = tmp[numpy.nonzero(numpy.isfinite(tmp))]
            dset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.amin(tmp[:]))
            dset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.amax(tmp[:]))
            dset.attrs['avg'] = str(0.0)

            if privilege_sino:
                dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
                dset.attrs['axes'] = "theta:y:x"

            #process(lock, 0, num_flats - 1, 0, flat_files, True, outfile,
            #'exchange/data_white', dsetshape, im.dtype,
            #	crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, tot_files, provenance_dt,
            #	logfilename )

            log = open(logfilename, "a")
            log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: flat files not found.")

        # Dark part
        dark_files = sorted(glob(inpath + darkprefix + '*.tif*'))
        num_darks = len(dark_files)

        if (num_darks > 0):
            im = imread(dark_files[0])
            im = im[crop_top:im.shape[0] - crop_bottom,
                    crop_left:im.shape[1] - crop_right]

            #darkshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(privilege_sino, im.shape[1], im.shape[0],
            darkshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_darks)
            f = getHDF5(outfile, 'a')
            if (compressionFlag):
                dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_dark',
                dset = f.create_dataset('exchange/data_dark', darkshape,

            tmp = im[:].astype(numpy.float32)
            tmp = tmp[numpy.nonzero(numpy.isfinite(tmp))]
            dset.attrs['min'] = str(numpy.amin(tmp))
            dset.attrs['max'] = str(numpy.amax(tmp))
            dset.attrs['avg'] = str(0.0)

            if privilege_sino:
                dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
                dset.attrs['axes'] = "theta:y:x"

            #process(lock, 0, num_darks - 1, num_flats, dark_files, True, outfile,
            #'exchange/data_dark', dsetshape, im.dtype,
            #	crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, tot_files, provenance_dt,
            #	logfilename )


            log = open(logfilename, "a")
            log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: dark files not found.")

    # Process the required subset of images:
    if not skipflat:
        flatdark_offset = num_flats + num_darks
        flatdark_offset = 0

    # Spawn the process for the conversion of flat images:
    if (num_flats > 0):
                args=(lock, 0, num_flats - 1, 0, 0, flat_files, True, outfile,
                      'exchange/data_white', flatshape, im.dtype, crop_top,
                      crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, tot_files,
                      provenance_dt, logfilename)).start()

    # Spawn the process for the conversion of dark images:
    if (num_darks > 0):
                args=(lock, 0, num_darks - 1, num_flats, 0, dark_files, True,
                      outfile, 'exchange/data_dark', darkshape, im.dtype,
                      crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, tot_files,
                      provenance_dt, logfilename)).start()

    # Start the process for the conversion of the projections (or sinograms) in a multi-threaded way:
    for num in range(nr_threads):
        start = ((int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads) * num + int_from
        if (num == nr_threads - 1):
            end = int_to
            end = ((int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads) * (num +
                                                            1) + int_from - 1

                args=(lock, start, end, flatdark_offset, int_from, tomo_files,
                      projorder, outfile, 'exchange/data', datashape, im.dtype,
                      crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right, tot_files,
                      provenance_dt, logfilename)).start()
Esempio n. 55
def main(argv):
    """To do...

    lock = Lock()
    skip_flat = False
    skip_flat_after = True

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    sino_idx = int(argv[0])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[1]
    outpath = argv[2]

    # Essential reconstruction parameters::
    angles = float(argv[3])
    off_step = float(argv[4])
    param1 = argv[5]
    scale = int(float(argv[6]))

    overpad = True if argv[7] == "True" else False
    logtrsf = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
    circle = True if argv[9] == "True" else False

    # Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
    preprocessing_required = True if argv[10] == "True" else False
    flat_end = True if argv[11] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[12] == "True" else False

    half_half_line = int(argv[13])

    ext_fov = True if argv[14] == "True" else False

    norm_sx = int(argv[19])
    norm_dx = int(argv[20])

    ext_fov_rot_right = argv[15]
    if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
        ext_fov_rot_right = True
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_sx = 0
        ext_fov_rot_right = False
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_dx = 0

    ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[16])

    ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[17] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_average = True if argv[18] == "True" else False

    skip_ringrem = True if argv[21] == "True" else False
    ringrem = argv[22]

    # Extra reconstruction parameters:
    zerone_mode = True if argv[23] == "True" else False
    corr_offset = float(argv[24])

    reconmethod = argv[25]

    decim_factor = int(argv[26])
    downsc_factor = int(argv[27])

    # Parameters for postprocessing:
    postprocess_required = True if argv[28] == "True" else False
    convert_opt = argv[29]
    crop_opt = argv[30]

    # Parameters for on-the-fly phase retrieval:
    phaseretrieval_required = True if argv[31] == "True" else False
    phrtmethod = int(argv[32])
    phrt_param1 = double(argv[33])  # param1( e.g. regParam, or beta)
    phrt_param2 = double(argv[34])  # param2( e.g. thresh or delta)
    energy = double(argv[35])
    distance = double(argv[36])
    pixsize = double(argv[37]) / 1000.0  # pixsixe from micron to mm:
    phrtpad = True if argv[38] == "True" else False
    approx_win = int(argv[39])

    angles_projfrom = int(argv[40])
    angles_projto = int(argv[41])

    preprocessingplan_fromcache = True if argv[42] == "True" else False
    tmppath = argv[43]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep

    nr_threads = int(argv[44])
    off_from = float(argv[45])
    off_to = float(argv[46])

    slice_prefix = argv[47]

    logfilename = argv[48]

    if not exists(outpath):

    if not outpath.endswith(sep): outpath += sep

    # Log info:
    log = open(logfilename, "w")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput dataset: %s" % (infile))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput path: %s" % (outpath))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tLoading flat and dark images...")

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
            prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']

    dset_min = -1
    dset_max = -1
    if (zerone_mode):
        if ('min' in dset.attrs):
            dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])
            zerone_mode = False

        if ('max' in dset.attrs):
            dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])
            zerone_mode = False

    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)  # Pay attention to the downscale factor

    if (num_sinos == 0):

    # Check extrema:
    if (sino_idx >= num_sinos / downsc_factor):
        sino_idx = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1

    # Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
    corrplan = 0
    if (preprocessing_required):
        # Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file and cache it for faster re-use:
        if (preprocessingplan_fromcache):
                corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
            except Exception as e:
                #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
                corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
                plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)
            corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
            plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

        # Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
        if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
            corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan[
                'im_flat'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
        if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
            corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan[
                'im_dark'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
        if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
            corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan[
                'im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
        if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
            corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan[
                'im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]


    # Log infos:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming preprocessing...")

    # Run computation:
    process(sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required,
            corrplan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line,
            ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize,
            ext_fov_average, ringrem, phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod,
            phrt_param1, phrt_param2, energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad,
            approx_win, angles, angles_projfrom, angles_projto, off_step,
            logtrsf, param1, circle, scale, overpad, reconmethod, zerone_mode,
            dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset,
            postprocess_required, convert_opt, crop_opt, nr_threads, off_from,
            off_to, logfilename, lock, slice_prefix)
Esempio n. 56
def main(argv):
    """Try to guess the center of rotation of the input CT dataset.

    infile  : array_like
        HDF5 input dataset

    outfile : string
        Full path where the identified center of rotation will be written as output

	scale   : int
        If sub-pixel precision is interesting, use e.g. 2.0 to get a center of rotation 
		of .5 value. Use 1.0 if sub-pixel precision is not required

	angles  : int
        Total number of angles of the input dataset	

	proj_from : int
        Initial projections to consider for the assumed angles

	proj_to : int
        Final projections to consider for the assumed angles

	method : string
		(not implemented yet)

	tmppath : string
        Temporary path where look for cached flat/dark files
    # Get path:
    infile = argv[0]  # The HDF5 file on the
    outfile = argv[1]  # The txt file with the proposed center
    scale = float(argv[2])
    angles = float(argv[3])
    proj_from = int(argv[4])
    proj_to = int(argv[5])
    method = argv[6]
    tmppath = argv[7]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep


    # Create a silly temporary log:
    tmplog = tmppath + basename(infile) + str(time.time())

    # Open the HDF5 file (take into account also older TDF versions):
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    # Get flats and darks from cache or from file:
        corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
    except Exception as e:
        #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
        corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, True, tmplog)
        plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

    # Get first and the 180 deg projections:
    im1 = tdf.read_tomo(dset, proj_from).astype(float32)

    idx = int(round((proj_to - proj_from) / angles * pi)) + proj_from
    im2 = tdf.read_tomo(dset, idx).astype(float32)

    # Apply simple flat fielding (if applicable):
    if (isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray)
            and isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray)
            and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray)
            and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray)):
        im1 = ((abs(im1 - corrplan['im_dark'])) /
               (abs(corrplan['im_flat'] - corrplan['im_dark']) +
        im2 = ((abs(im2 - corrplan['im_dark_after'])) /
               (abs(corrplan['im_flat_after'] - corrplan['im_dark_after']) +

    # Scale projections (if required) to get subpixel estimation:
    if (abs(scale - 1.0) > finfo(float32).eps):
        im1 = imresize(im1, (int(round(
            scale * im1.shape[0])), int(round(scale * im1.shape[1]))),
        im2 = imresize(im2, (int(round(
            scale * im2.shape[0])), int(round(scale * im2.shape[1]))),

    # Find the center (flipping left-right im2):
    cen = findcenter.usecorrelation(im1, im2[:, ::-1])
    cen = cen / scale

    # Print center to output file:
    text_file = open(outfile, "w")

    # Close input HDF5: