Esempio n. 1
def getHalTreeMutations(halPath, args, rootName=None):
    root = rootName
    if root is None:
        root = getHalRootName(halPath)
    for child in getHalChildrenNames(halPath, root):
        getHalBranchMutations(halPath, child, args)
        getHalTreeMutations(halPath, args, child)
Esempio n. 2
def getHalTreeMutations(halPath, args, rootName=None):
    root = rootName
    if root is None:
        root = getHalRootName(halPath)
    for child in getHalChildrenNames(halPath, root):
        getHalBranchMutations(halPath, child, args)
        getHalTreeMutations(halPath, args, child)
Esempio n. 3
def computeTreePhyloP(args):
    visitQueue = [args.root]
    bigwigCmds = []
    while len(visitQueue) > 0:
        genome = visitQueue.pop()
        bedFlags = ""
        # Generate a bed file of all regions of 
        # genome that dont align to parent
        bedInsertsFile = outFileName(args, genome, "bed", "inserts", True)
        if genome != args.root:
            "halAlignedExtract %s %s --alignedFile %s --complement" % (
                args.hal, genome, bedInsertsFile))
            bedFlags = "--refBed %s" % bedInsertsFile

        # Run halPhyloP on the inserts
        wigFile = outFileName(args, genome, "wig", "phyloP", False)
        cmd = " %s %s %s %s --numProc %d %s" % (
            args.hal, genome, args.mod, bedFlags, args.numProc, wigFile)
        if args.subtree is not None:
            cmd += " --subtree %s" % args.subtree
        if args.prec is not None:
            cmd += " --prec %d" % args.prec

        runShellCommand("rm -f %s" % bedInsertsFile)

        # Lift down from the parent, appending to the wig file computed above
        if genome != args.root:
            parent = getHalParentName(args.hal, genome)
            parentWig = outFileName(args, parent, "wig", "phyloP", False)
            if os.path.isfile(parentWig):
                runShellCommand("halWiggleLiftover %s %s %s %s %s --append" % (
                    args.hal, parent, parentWig, genome, wigFile))

        # Convert to bigwig if desired and delete wig file
        if args.bigWig is True and os.path.isfile(wigFile):
            sizesFile = outFileName(args, genome, "sizes", "chr", True)
            bwFile = outFileName(args, genome, "bw", "phyloP", False)
            bwCmd = "halStats %s --chromSizes %s > %s && " % (args.hal, genome,
            bwCmd += "wigToBigWig %s %s %s && " % (wigFile, sizesFile, bwFile)
            bwCmd += "rm -f %s &&" % wigFile
            bwCmd += "rm -f %s" % sizesFile

        # Recurse on children.
        children = getHalChildrenNames(args.hal, genome)
        for child in children:

    #parallel bigwig conversion
    runParallelShellCommands(bigwigCmds, args.numProc)