Esempio n. 1
def gauss(input, k, rdom, name):
    blur_x = hl.Func(name + "_x")
    output = hl.Func(name)

    x, y, c, xi, yi = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y"), hl.Var("c"), hl.Var("xi"), hl.Var("yi")

    val = hl.Expr("val")

    if input.dimensions() == 2:
        blur_x[x, y] = hl.sum(input[x + rdom, y] * k[rdom])
        val = hl.sum(blur_x[x, y + rdom] * k[rdom])
        if input.output_types()[0] == hl.UInt(16):
            val = hl.u16(val)
        output[x, y] = val
        blur_x[x, y, c] = hl.sum(input[x + rdom, y, c] * k[rdom])
        val = hl.sum(blur_x[x, y + rdom, c] * k[rdom])
        if input.output_types()[0] == hl.UInt(16):
            val = hl.u16(val)
        output[x, y, c] = val

    blur_x.compute_at(output, x).vectorize(x, 16)

    output.compute_root().tile(x, y, xi, yi, 256, 128).vectorize(xi, 16).parallel(y)

    return output
Esempio n. 2
def shift_bayer_to_rggb(input, cfa_pattern):
    print(f'cfa_pattern: {cfa_pattern}')
    output = hl.Func("rggb_input")
    x, y = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y")

    cfa = hl.u16(cfa_pattern)

    output[x, y] = == hl.u16(1), input[x, y],
                             cfa == hl.u16(2), input[x + 1, y],
                             cfa == hl.u16(4), input[x, y + 1],
                             cfa == hl.u16(3), input[x + 1, y + 1],
    return output
    def __init__(self, input):

        assert input.type() == hl.UInt(8)

        self.lut = hl.Func("lut")
        self.padded = hl.Func("padded")
        self.padded16 = hl.Func("padded16")
        self.sharpen = hl.Func("sharpen")
        self.curved = hl.Func("curved")
        self.input = input

        # For this lesson, we'll use a two-stage pipeline that sharpens
        # and then applies a look-up-table (LUT).

        # First we'll define the LUT. It will be a gamma curve.
        gamma = hl.f32(1.2)
        self.lut[i] = hl.u8(hl.clamp(hl.pow(i / 255.0, gamma) * 255.0, 0, 255))

        # Augment the input with a boundary condition.
        self.padded[x, y, c] = input[hl.clamp(x, 0,
                                              input.width() - 1),
                                     hl.clamp(y, 0,
                                              input.height() - 1), c]

        # Cast it to 16-bit to do the math.
        self.padded16[x, y, c] = hl.u16(self.padded[x, y, c])

        # Next we sharpen it with a five-tap filter.
        self.sharpen[x, y, c] = (
            self.padded16[x, y, c] * 2 -
            (self.padded16[x - 1, y, c] + self.padded16[x, y - 1, c] +
             self.padded16[x + 1, y, c] + self.padded16[x, y + 1, c]) / 4)

        # Then apply the LUT.
        self.curved[x, y, c] = self.lut[self.sharpen[x, y, c]]
Esempio n. 4
def get_blur(input):
    assert type(input) == hl.ImageParam
    assert input.dimensions() == 2

    x, y = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y")

    clamped_input = hl.BoundaryConditions.repeat_edge(input)

    input_uint16 = hl.Func("input_uint16")
    input_uint16[x, y] = hl.u16(clamped_input[x, y])
    ci = input_uint16

    blur_x = hl.Func("blur_x")
    blur_y = hl.Func("blur_y")

    blur_x[x, y] = (ci[x, y] + ci[x + 1, y] + ci[x + 2, y]) / 3
    blur_y[x, y] = hl.cast(
        hl.UInt(8), (blur_x[x, y] + blur_x[x, y + 1] + blur_x[x, y + 2]) / 3)

    # schedule
    xi, yi = hl.Var("xi"), hl.Var("yi")
    blur_y.tile(x, y, xi, yi, 8, 4).parallel(y).vectorize(xi, 8)
    blur_x.compute_at(blur_y, x).vectorize(x, 8)

    return blur_y
Esempio n. 5
def test_compiletime_error():
    x = hl.Var('x')
    y = hl.Var('y')
    f = hl.Func('f')
    f[x, y] = hl.u16(x + y)
    # Deliberate type-mismatch error
    buf = hl.Buffer(hl.UInt(8), [2, 2])
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'Output buffer f has type uint16 but type of the buffer passed in is uint8' in str(e)
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'
Esempio n. 6
def gamma_inverse(input):
    output = hl.Func("gamma_inverse_output")

    x, y, c = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y"), hl.Var("c")

    cutoff = 2575
    gamma_toe = 0.0774
    gamma_pow = 2.4
    gamma_fac = 57632.49226
    gamma_con = 0.055

    if input.dimensions() == 2:
        output[x, y] = hl.u16([x, y] < cutoff,
                                        gamma_toe * input[x, y],
                                        hl.pow(hl.f32(input[x, y]) / 65535 + gamma_con, gamma_pow) * gamma_fac))
        output[x, y, c] = hl.u16([x, y, c] < cutoff,
                                           gamma_toe * input[x, y, c],
                                           hl.pow(hl.f32(input[x, y, c]) / 65535 + gamma_con, gamma_pow) * gamma_fac))

    output.compute_root().parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)

    return output
Esempio n. 7
def gamma_correct(input):
    output = hl.Func("gamma_correct_output")

    x, y, c = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y"), hl.Var("c")

    cutoff = 200
    gamma_toe = 12.92
    gamma_pow = 0.416667
    gamma_fac = 680.552897
    gamma_con = -3604.425

    if input.dimensions() == 2:
        output[x, y] = hl.u16([x, y] < cutoff,
                                        gamma_toe * input[x, y],
                                        gamma_fac * hl.pow(input[x, y], gamma_pow) + gamma_con))
        output[x, y, c] = hl.u16([x, y, c] < cutoff,
                                           gamma_toe * input[x, y, c],
                                           gamma_fac * hl.pow(input[x, y, c], gamma_pow) + gamma_con))

    output.compute_root().parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)

    return output
Esempio n. 8
def tone_map(input, width, height, compression, gain):
    print(f'Compression: {compression}, gain: {gain}')

    normal_dist = hl.Func("luma_weight_distribution")
    grayscale = hl.Func("grayscale")
    output = hl.Func("tone_map_output")

    x, y, c, v = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y"), hl.Var("c"), hl.Var("v")

    rdom = hl.RDom([(0, 3)])

    normal_dist[v] = hl.f32(hl.exp(-12.5 * hl.pow(hl.f32(v) / 65535 - 0.5, 2)))

    grayscale[x, y] = hl.u16(hl.sum(hl.u32(input[x, y, rdom])) / 3)

    dark = grayscale

    comp_const = 1
    gain_const = 1

    comp_slope = (compression - comp_const) / (TONE_MAP_PASSES)
    gain_slope = (gain - gain_const) / (TONE_MAP_PASSES)

    for i in range(TONE_MAP_PASSES):
        print('    pass', i)

        norm_comp = i * comp_slope + comp_const
        norm_gain = i * gain_slope + gain_const

        bright = brighten(dark, norm_comp)

        dark_gamma = gamma_correct(dark)
        bright_gamma = gamma_correct(bright)

        dark_gamma = combine2(dark_gamma, bright_gamma, width, height, normal_dist)

        dark = brighten(gamma_inverse(dark_gamma), norm_gain)

    output[x, y, c] = hl.u16_sat(hl.u32(input[x, y, c]) * hl.u32(dark[x, y]) / hl.u32(hl.max(1, grayscale[x, y])))

    grayscale.compute_root().parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)

    normal_dist.compute_root().vectorize(v, 16)

    return output
Esempio n. 9
def test_int_promotion():
    # Verify that (Exprlike op literal) correctly matches the type
    # of the literal to the Exprlike (rather than promoting the result to int32).
    # All types that use add_binary_operators() should be tested here.

    x = hl.Var('x')
    # All the binary ops are handled the same, so + is good enough

    # Exprlike = FuncRef
    f = hl.Func('f')
    f[x] = hl.u16(x)
    _check_is_u16(f[x] + 2)
    _check_is_u16(2 + f[x])

    # Exprlike = Expr
    e = hl.Expr(f[x])
    _check_is_u16(e + 2)
    _check_is_u16(2 + e)

    # Exprlike = Param
    p = hl.Param(hl.UInt(16))
    _check_is_u16(p + 2)
    _check_is_u16(2 + p)
Esempio n. 10
def white_balance(input, width, height, white_balance_r, white_balance_g0, white_balance_g1, white_balance_b):
    output = hl.Func("white_balance_output")

    print(width, height, white_balance_r, white_balance_g0, white_balance_g1, white_balance_b)

    x, y = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y")

    rdom = hl.RDom([(0, width / 2), (0, height / 2)])

    output[x, y] = hl.u16(0)

    output[rdom.x * 2, rdom.y * 2] = hl.u16_sat(white_balance_r * hl.f32(input[rdom.x * 2, rdom.y * 2]))
    output[rdom.x * 2 + 1, rdom.y * 2] = hl.u16_sat(white_balance_g0 * hl.f32(input[rdom.x * 2 + 1, rdom.y * 2]))
    output[rdom.x * 2, rdom.y * 2 + 1] = hl.u16_sat(white_balance_g1 * hl.f32(input[rdom.x * 2, rdom.y * 2 + 1]))
    output[rdom.x * 2 + 1, rdom.y * 2 + 1] = hl.u16_sat(white_balance_b * hl.f32(input[rdom.x * 2 + 1, rdom.y * 2 + 1]))

    output.compute_root().parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)


    return output
Esempio n. 11
def get_blur(input):
    assert type(input) == hl.ImageParam
    assert input.dimensions() == 2

    x, y = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y")

    clamped_input = hl.BoundaryConditions.repeat_edge(input)

    input_uint16 = hl.Func("input_uint16")
    input_uint16[x,y] = hl.u16(clamped_input[x,y])
    ci = input_uint16

    blur_x = hl.Func("blur_x")
    blur_y = hl.Func("blur_y")

    blur_x[x,y] = (ci[x,y]+ci[x+1,y]+ci[x+2,y])/3
    blur_y[x,y] = hl.cast(hl.UInt(8), (blur_x[x,y]+blur_x[x,y+1]+blur_x[x,y+2])/3)

    # schedule
    xi, yi = hl.Var("xi"), hl.Var("yi")
    blur_y.tile(x, y, xi, yi, 8, 4).parallel(y).vectorize(xi, 8)
    blur_x.compute_at(blur_y, x).vectorize(x, 8)

    return blur_y
Esempio n. 12
def test_complexstub():
    constant_image = _make_constant_image()
    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.UInt(8), 3, 'input')

    x, y, c = hl.Var(), hl.Var(), hl.Var()
    target = hl.get_jit_target_from_environment()

    float_arg = 1.25
    int_arg = 33

    func_input = hl.Func("func_input")
    func_input[x, y, c] = hl.u16(x + y + c)

    r = complexstub(target,
                    array_input=[input, input],
                    int_arg=[int_arg, int_arg],

    # return value is a tuple; unpack separately to avoid
    # making the callsite above unreadable
    (simple_output, tuple_output, array_output, typed_buffer_output,
     untyped_buffer_output, static_compiled_buffer_output,
     extra_func_output) = r

    b = simple_output.realize([32, 32, 3], target)
    assert b.type() == hl.Float(32)
    for x in range(32):
        for y in range(32):
            for c in range(3):
                expected = constant_image[x, y, c]
                actual = b[x, y, c]
                assert expected == actual, "Expected %s Actual %s" % (expected,

    b = tuple_output.realize([32, 32, 3], target)
    assert b[0].type() == hl.Float(32)
    assert b[1].type() == hl.Float(32)
    assert len(b) == 2
    for x in range(32):
        for y in range(32):
            for c in range(3):
                expected1 = constant_image[x, y, c] * float_arg
                expected2 = expected1 + int_arg
                actual1, actual2 = b[0][x, y, c], b[1][x, y, c]
                assert expected1 == actual1, "Expected1 %s Actual1 %s" % (
                    expected1, actual1)
                assert expected2 == actual2, "Expected2 %s Actual1 %s" % (
                    expected2, actual2)

    assert len(array_output) == 2
    for a in array_output:
        b = a.realize([32, 32], target)
        assert b.type() == hl.Int(16)
        for x in range(32):
            for y in range(32):
                expected = constant_image[x, y, 0] + int_arg
                actual = b[x, y]
                assert expected == actual, "Expected %s Actual %s" % (expected,

    # TODO: Output<Buffer<>> has additional behaviors useful when a Stub
    # is used within another Generator; this isn't yet implemented since there
    # isn't yet Python bindings for Generator authoring. This section
    # of the test may need revision at that point.
    b = typed_buffer_output.realize([32, 32, 3], target)
    assert b.type() == hl.Float(32)
    for x in range(32):
        for y in range(32):
            for c in range(3):
                expected = constant_image[x, y, c]
                actual = b[x, y, c]
                assert expected == actual, "Expected %s Actual %s" % (expected,

    b = untyped_buffer_output.realize([32, 32, 3], target)
    assert b.type() == hl.UInt(8)
    for x in range(32):
        for y in range(32):
            for c in range(3):
                expected = constant_image[x, y, c]
                actual = b[x, y, c]
                assert expected == actual, "Expected %s Actual %s" % (expected,

    b = static_compiled_buffer_output.realize([4, 4, 1], target)
    assert b.type() == hl.UInt(8)
    for x in range(4):
        for y in range(4):
            for c in range(1):
                expected = constant_image[x, y, c] + 42
                actual = b[x, y, c]
                assert expected == actual, "Expected %s Actual %s" % (expected,

    b = extra_func_output.realize([32, 32], target)
    assert b.type() == hl.Float(64)
    for x in range(32):
        for y in range(32):
            expected = x + y + 1
            actual = b[x, y]
            assert expected == actual, "Expected %s Actual %s" % (expected,