def get_exception(excp, filt, chat): if excp.message == "Unsupported url protocol": return "Anda tampaknya mencoba menggunakan protokol url yang tidak didukung. Telegram tidak mendukung tombol untuk beberapa protokol, seperti tg://. Silakan coba lagi." elif excp.message == "Reply message not found": return "noreply" else: LOGGER.warning("Message %s could not be parsed", str(filt.reply)) LOGGER.exception("Could not parse filter %s in chat %s", str(filt.keyword), str( return "Catatan ini tidak dapat dikirim karena formatnya salah."
def tl(message, text): if type(message) == int or type(message) == str and message[1:].isdigit(): getlang = sql.get_lang(message) if getlang == 'None' or not getlang: getlang = 'id' else: getlang = sql.get_lang( if getlang == 'None' or not getlang: if message.from_user.language_code: if message.from_user.language_code in LOADED_LANGS_ID: sql.set_lang(, message.from_user.language_code) getlang = message.from_user.language_code else: sql.set_lang(, 'en') getlang = 'en' else: if == "private": sql.set_lang(, 'en') getlang = 'en' else: sql.set_lang(, 'id') getlang = 'id' getlangid = {} for x in LOADED_LANGS_ID: getlangid[x] = x if str(getlang) == 'id': get = getattr(FUNC_LANG['id'], 'id') if text in tuple(get): return get.get(text) if text in ("RUN_STRINGS", "SLAP_TEMPLATES", "ITEMS", "THROW", "HIT", "RAMALAN_STRINGS", "RAMALAN_FIRST"): runstr = getattr(FUNC_LANG['id'], text) return runstr return text elif str(getlang) in LOADED_LANGS_ID: func = getattr(FUNC_LANG[getlang], getlang) if text in ("RUN_STRINGS", "SLAP_TEMPLATES", "ITEMS", "THROW", "HIT", "RAMALAN_STRINGS", "RAMALAN_FIRST"): runstr = getattr(FUNC_LANG[getlang], text) return runstr langtxt = func.get(text) if not langtxt: LOGGER.warning( "Can't get translated string for lang '{}' ('{}')".format( str(getlang), text)) langtxt = text return langtxt else: return text
def send_log(bot: Bot, log_chat_id: str, orig_chat_id: str, result: str): try: bot.send_message(log_chat_id, result, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Chat not found": bot.send_message(orig_chat_id, tl(update.effective_message, "Saluran log ini telah dihapus - tidak bisa dibuka.")) sql.stop_chat_logging(orig_chat_id) else: LOGGER.warning(excp.message) LOGGER.warning(result) LOGGER.exception("Could not parse") bot.send_message(log_chat_id, result + tl(update.effective_message, "\n\nMemformat telah dinonaktifkan karena kesalahan tak terduga."))
def broadcast(bot: Bot, update: Update): to_send = update.effective_message.text.split(None, 1) if len(to_send) >= 2: chats = sql.get_all_chats() or [] failed = 0 for chat in chats: try: bot.sendMessage(int(chat.chat_id), to_send[1]) sleep(0.1) except TelegramError: failed += 1 LOGGER.warning("Couldn't send broadcast to %s, group name %s", str(chat.chat_id), str(chat.chat_name)) send_message( update.effective_message, "Siaran selesai. {} grup gagal menerima pesan, mungkin " "karena ditendang.".format(failed))
def log_action(bot: Bot, update: Update, *args, **kwargs): result = func(bot, update, *args, **kwargs) chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if result: if chat.type == chat.SUPERGROUP and chat.username: result += "\n<b>Link:</b> " \ "<a href=\"{}/{}\">klik disini</a>".format(chat.username, message.message_id) log_chat = sql.get_chat_log_channel( if log_chat: try: send_log(bot, log_chat,, result) except Unauthorized: sql.stop_chat_logging( elif result == "": pass else: LOGGER.warning("%s was set as loggable, but had no return statement.", func) return result
def reply_filter(bot: Bot, update: Update): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] to_match = extract_text(message) if not to_match: return chat_filters = sql.get_chat_triggers( for keyword in chat_filters: pattern = r"( |^|[^\w])" + re.escape(keyword) + r"( |$|[^\w])" if, to_match, flags=re.IGNORECASE): filt = sql.get_filter(, keyword) if filt.reply == "there is should be a new reply": buttons = sql.get_buttons(, filt.keyword) keyb = build_keyboard(buttons) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb) if filt.file_type in (sql.Types.BUTTON_TEXT, sql.Types.TEXT): try: bot.send_message(, filt.reply_text, reply_to_message_id=message.message_id, parse_mode="markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=keyboard) except BadRequest as excp: error_catch = get_exception(excp, filt, chat) if error_catch == "noreply": try: bot.send_message(, filt.reply_text, parse_mode="markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=keyboard) except BadRequest as excp: LOGGER.exception("Gagal mengirim pesan: " + excp.message) send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, get_exception(excp, filt, chat))) pass else: try: send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, get_exception(excp, filt, chat))) except BadRequest as excp: LOGGER.exception("Gagal mengirim pesan: " + excp.message) pass else: ENUM_FUNC_MAP[filt.file_type](, filt.file_id, caption=filt.reply_text, reply_to_message_id=message.message_id, parse_mode="markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=keyboard) break else: if filt.is_sticker: message.reply_sticker(filt.reply) elif filt.is_document: message.reply_document(filt.reply) elif filt.is_image: message.reply_photo(filt.reply) elif filt.is_audio: message.reply_audio(filt.reply) elif filt.is_voice: message.reply_voice(filt.reply) elif filt.is_video: message.reply_video(filt.reply) elif filt.has_markdown: buttons = sql.get_buttons(, filt.keyword) keyb = build_keyboard(buttons) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb) try: send_message(update.effective_message, filt.reply, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=keyboard) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Unsupported url protocol": try: send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Anda tampaknya mencoba menggunakan protokol url yang tidak didukung. Telegram " "tidak mendukung tombol untuk beberapa protokol, seperti tg://. Silakan coba " "lagi.")) except BadRequest as excp: LOGGER.exception("Gagal mengirim pesan: " + excp.message) pass elif excp.message == "Reply message not found": try: bot.send_message(, filt.reply, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=keyboard) except BadRequest as excp: LOGGER.exception("Gagal mengirim pesan: " + excp.message) pass else: try: send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Catatan ini tidak dapat dikirim karena formatnya salah." )) except BadRequest as excp: LOGGER.exception("Gagal mengirim pesan: " + excp.message) pass LOGGER.warning("Message %s could not be parsed", str(filt.reply)) LOGGER.exception( "Could not parse filter %s in chat %s", str(filt.keyword), str( else: # LEGACY - all new filters will have has_markdown set to True. try: send_message(update.effective_message, filt.reply) except BadRequest as excp: LOGGER.exception("Gagal mengirim pesan: " + excp.message) pass break
def sed(bot: Bot, update: Update): start = time.time() spam = spamfilters(update.effective_message.text,,, update.effective_message) if spam == True: return if != 388576209: return while elapsed_time() < max_time: sed_result = separate_sed(update.effective_message.text) if sed_result and update.effective_message.reply_to_message: if update.effective_message.reply_to_message.text: to_fix = update.effective_message.reply_to_message.text elif update.effective_message.reply_to_message.caption: to_fix = update.effective_message.reply_to_message.caption else: return repl, repl_with, flags = sed_result if not repl: update.effective_message.reply_to_message.reply_text( "Anda mencoba untuk mengganti... " "tidak ada apa-apa dengan sesuatu?") return try: check = re.match(repl, to_fix, flags=re.IGNORECASE) if check and == to_fix.lower(): update.effective_message.reply_to_message.reply_text( "Hai semuanya, {} sedang mencoba untuk membuat " "saya mengatakan hal-hal yang saya tidak mau " "katakan!".format(update.effective_user.first_name)) return if 'i' in flags and 'g' in flags: text = re.sub(repl, repl_with, to_fix, flags=re.I).strip() elif 'i' in flags: text = re.sub(repl, repl_with, to_fix, count=1, flags=re.I).strip() elif 'g' in flags: text = re.sub(repl, repl_with, to_fix).strip() else: text = re.sub(repl, repl_with, to_fix, count=1).strip() except sre_constants.error: LOGGER.warning(update.effective_message.text) LOGGER.exception("SRE constant error") update.effective_message.reply_text( "Apakah itu sed? Sepertinya tidak.") return # empty string errors -_- if len(text) >= telegram.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: return update.effective_message.reply_text( "Hasil dari perintah sed terlalu lama untuk \ telegram!") elif text: return update.effective_message.reply_to_message.reply_text( text) return update.effective_message.reply_to_message.reply_text( "Hasil terlalu lama untuk di proses!")
def ban(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: currentchat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] spam = spamfilters(update.effective_message.text,,, update.effective_message) if spam == True: return user_id, reason = extract_user_and_text(message, args) conn = connected(bot, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda bisa lakukan command ini pada grup, bukan pada PM")) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = check = bot.getChatMember(chat_id, if check.status == 'member' or check['can_restrict_members'] == False: if conn: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak bisa membatasi orang di {}! Pastikan saya admin dan dapat menunjuk admin baru.").format(chat_name) else: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak bisa membatasi orang di sini! Pastikan saya admin dan dapat menunjuk admin baru.") send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return "" if not user_id: send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda sepertinya tidak mengacu pada pengguna.")) return "" try: if conn: member = bot.getChatMember(chat_id, user_id) else: member = chat.get_member(user_id) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "User not found": if conn: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak dapat menemukan pengguna ini pada *{}* π£").format(chat_name) else: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak dapat menemukan pengguna ini π£") send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return "" else: raise if user_id == send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak akan BAN diri saya sendiri, apakah kamu gila? π ")) return "" if is_user_ban_protected(chat, user_id, member): send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak bisa banned orang ini karena dia adalah admin π")) return "" if member['can_restrict_members'] == False: if conn: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Anda tidak punya hak untuk membatasi seseorang pada *{}*.").format(chat_name) else: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Anda tidak punya hak untuk membatasi seseorang.") send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return "" log = "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#BANNED" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {} (<code>{}</code>)".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, member.user.first_name), if reason: log += "\n<b>Reason:</b> {}".format(reason) try: if conn: bot.kickChatMember(chat_id, user_id) bot.send_sticker(, BAN_STICKER) # banhammer marie sticker send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Terbanned pada *{}*! π").format(chat_name), parse_mode="markdown") else: chat.kick_member(user_id) if message.text.split(None, 1)[0][1:] == "sban": update.effective_message.delete() else: bot.send_sticker(, BAN_STICKER) # banhammer marie sticker send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Terbanned! π")) return log except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Reply message not found": # Do not reply send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Terbanned! π"), quote=False) return log elif excp.message == "Message can't be deleted": pass else: LOGGER.warning(update) LOGGER.exception("ERROR membanned pengguna %s di obrolan %s (%s) disebabkan oleh %s", user_id, chat.title,, excp.message) send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Yah sial, aku tidak bisa banned pengguna itu π")) return ""
def temp_ban(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: currentchat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] spam = spamfilters(update.effective_message.text,,, update.effective_message) if spam == True: return user_id, reason = extract_user_and_text(message, args) conn = connected(bot, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda bisa lakukan command ini pada grup, bukan pada PM")) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = check = bot.getChatMember(chat_id, if check.status == 'member': if conn: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak bisa membatasi orang di *{}*! Pastikan saya admin dan dapat menunjuk admin baru.").format(chat_name) else: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak bisa membatasi orang di sini! Pastikan saya admin dan dapat menunjuk admin baru.") send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return "" else: if check['can_restrict_members'] == False: if conn: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak bisa membatasi orang di *{}*! Pastikan saya admin dan dapat menunjuk admin baru.").format(chat_name) else: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak bisa membatasi orang di sini! Pastikan saya admin dan dapat menunjuk admin baru.") send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return "" if not user_id: send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda sepertinya tidak mengacu pada pengguna.")) return "" try: if conn: member = bot.getChatMember(chat_id, user_id) else: member = chat.get_member(user_id) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "User not found": send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak dapat menemukan pengguna ini π£")) return "" else: raise if user_id == send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak akan BAN diri saya sendiri, apakah kamu gila? π ")) return "" if is_user_ban_protected(chat, user_id, member): send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak bisa banned orang ini karena dia adalah admin π")) return "" if member['can_restrict_members'] == False: send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda tidak punya hak untuk membatasi seseorang.")) return "" if not reason: send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda belum menetapkan waktu untuk banned pengguna ini!")) return "" split_reason = reason.split(None, 1) time_val = split_reason[0].lower() if len(split_reason) > 1: reason = split_reason[1] else: reason = "" bantime = extract_time(message, time_val) if not bantime: return "" log = "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#TEMPBAN" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {} (<code>{}</code>)" \ "\n<b>Time:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, member.user.first_name),, time_val) if reason: log += "\n<b>Reason:</b> {}".format(reason) try: if conn: bot.kickChatMember(chat_id, user_id, until_date=bantime) bot.send_sticker(, BAN_STICKER) # banhammer marie sticker send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Banned! Pengguna diblokir untuk *{}* pada *{}*.").format(time_val, chat_name), parse_mode="markdown") else: chat.kick_member(user_id, until_date=bantime) bot.send_sticker(, BAN_STICKER) # banhammer marie sticker send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Banned! Pengguna diblokir untuk {}.").format(time_val)) return log except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Reply message not found": # Do not reply send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Banned! Pengguna diblokir untuk {}.").format(time_val), quote=False) return log else: LOGGER.warning(update) LOGGER.exception("ERROR banning user %s in chat %s (%s) due to %s", user_id, chat.title,, excp.message) send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Yah sial, aku tidak bisa menendang pengguna itu π")) return ""
def temp_mute(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: spam = spamfilters(update.effective_message.text,,, update.effective_message) if spam == True: return chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] user_id, reason = extract_user_and_text(message, args) if not user_id: send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda sepertinya tidak mengacu pada pengguna.")) return "" conn = connected(bot, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": update.effective_send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda bisa lakukan command ini pada grup, bukan pada PM")) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = try: member = chat.get_member(user_id) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "User not found": send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Saya tidak dapat menemukan pengguna ini")) return "" else: raise if is_user_admin(chat, user_id, member): send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Saya benar-benar berharap dapat membisukan admin...")) return "" if user_id == send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Saya tidak akan membisukan diri saya sendiri, apakah kamu gila?" )) return "" check = bot.getChatMember(, if check['can_restrict_members'] == False: send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda tidak punya hak untuk membatasi seseorang.")) return "" if not reason: send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Anda belum menetapkan waktu untuk menonaktifkan pengguna ini!" )) return "" split_reason = reason.split(None, 1) time_val = split_reason[0].lower() if len(split_reason) > 1: reason = split_reason[1] else: reason = "" mutetime = extract_time(message, time_val) if not mutetime: return "" log = "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#TMUTE" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>Time:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, member.user.first_name), time_val) if reason: log += "\n<b>Reason:</b> {}".format(reason) try: if member.can_send_messages is None or member.can_send_messages: bot.restrict_chat_member(, user_id, until_date=mutetime, can_send_messages=False) if conn: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Dibisukan untuk *{}* pada *{}*!").format( time_val, chat_name) else: text = tl(update.effective_message, "Dibisukan untuk *{}*!").format(time_val) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return log else: send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Pengguna ini sudah dibungkam.")) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Reply message not found": # Do not reply send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Dibisukan untuk *{}*!").format(time_val), quote=False) return log else: LOGGER.warning(update) LOGGER.exception("ERROR muting user %s in chat %s (%s) due to %s", user_id, chat.title,, excp.message) send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Yah sial, aku tidak bisa membisukan pengguna itu.")) return ""
def get(bot, update, notename, show_none=True, no_format=False): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] conn = connected(bot, update, chat,, need_admin=False) if conn: chat_id = conn send_id = else: chat_id = send_id = chat_id note = sql.get_note(chat_id, notename) message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if note: # If we're replying to a message, reply to that message (unless it's an error) if message.reply_to_message: reply_id = message.reply_to_message.message_id else: reply_id = message.message_id if note.is_reply: if MESSAGE_DUMP: try: bot.forward_message(chat_id=chat_id, from_chat_id=MESSAGE_DUMP, message_id=note.value) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Message to forward not found": send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Pesan ini tampaknya telah hilang - saya akan menghapusnya " "dari daftar catatan Anda.")) sql.rm_note(chat_id, notename) else: raise else: try: bot.forward_message(chat_id=chat_id, from_chat_id=chat_id, message_id=note.value) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Message to forward not found": send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Sepertinya pengirim asli dari catatan ini telah dihapus " "pesan mereka - maaf! Dapatkan admin bot Anda untuk mulai menggunakan " "pesan dump untuk menghindari ini. Saya akan menghapus catatan ini dari " "catatan tersimpan Anda.")) sql.rm_note(chat_id, notename) else: raise else: text = note.value keyb = [] parseMode = ParseMode.MARKDOWN buttons = sql.get_buttons(chat_id, notename) if no_format: parseMode = None text += revert_buttons(buttons) else: keyb = build_keyboard(buttons) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb) try: is_private, is_delete = sql.get_private_note( if note.msgtype in (sql.Types.BUTTON_TEXT, sql.Types.TEXT): try: if is_delete: update.effective_message.delete() if is_private: bot.send_message(, text, parse_mode=parseMode, disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=keyboard) else: bot.send_message(send_id, text, reply_to_message_id=reply_id, parse_mode=parseMode, disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=keyboard) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Wrong http url": failtext = tl( update.effective_message, "Kesalahan: URL pada tombol tidak valid! Harap perbaruhi catatan ini." ) failtext += "\n\n```\n{}```".format( note.value + revert_buttons(buttons)) send_message(update.effective_message, failtext, parse_mode="markdown") elif excp.message == "Button_url_invalid": failtext = tl( update.effective_message, "Kesalahan: URL pada tombol tidak valid! Harap perbaruhi catatan ini." ) failtext += "\n\n```\n{}```".format( note.value + revert_buttons(buttons)) send_message(update.effective_message, failtext, parse_mode="markdown") elif excp.message == "Message can't be deleted": pass elif excp.message == "Have no rights to send a message": pass except Unauthorized as excp: send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Hubungi saya di PM dulu untuk mendapatkan catatan ini." ), parse_mode="markdown") pass else: try: if is_delete: update.effective_message.delete() if is_private: ENUM_FUNC_MAP[note.msgtype](, note.file, caption=text, parse_mode=parseMode, disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=keyboard) else: ENUM_FUNC_MAP[note.msgtype]( send_id, note.file, caption=text, reply_to_message_id=reply_id, parse_mode=parseMode, disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=keyboard) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Message can't be deleted": pass elif excp.message == "Have no rights to send a message": pass except Unauthorized as excp: send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Hubungi saya di PM dulu untuk mendapatkan catatan ini." ), parse_mode="markdown") pass except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Entity_mention_user_invalid": send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Sepertinya Anda mencoba menyebutkan seseorang yang belum pernah saya lihat sebelumnya. " "Jika kamu benar-benar ingin menyebutkannya, meneruskan salah satu pesan mereka kepada saya, " "dan saya akan dapat untuk menandai mereka!")) elif FILE_MATCHER.match(note.value): send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Catatan ini adalah file yang salah diimpor dari bot lain - saya tidak bisa menggunakan " "ini. Jika Anda benar-benar membutuhkannya, Anda harus menyimpannya lagi. " "Sementara itu, saya akan menghapusnya dari daftar catatan Anda." )) sql.rm_note(chat_id, notename) else: send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Catatan ini tidak dapat dikirim karena formatnya salah." )) LOGGER.exception( "Tidak dapat menguraikan pesan #%s di obrolan %s", notename, str(chat_id)) LOGGER.warning("Pesan itu: %s", str(note.value)) return elif show_none: send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Catatan ini tidak ada"))