Esempio n. 1
 def add_value(self, notification):
     item_id = "{0}:{1}".format(notification.network_id, notification.node_id)
     obj_value_id = notification.value_id
     value_type = Manager.get_value_type( obj_value_id )
     value =  Manager.get_value_as_string( obj_value_id )
     last_changed = Manager.get_value_last_changed(obj_value_id)
     text="{0}={1} ({2})".format(value_type,value,last_changed)
     self.tree.insert(item_id,"end",, text=text)
Esempio n. 2
 def change_value(self, notification):
     obj_value_id = notification.value_id
     if self.tree.exists(
         value_type = Manager.get_value_type( obj_value_id )
         value =  Manager.get_value_as_string( obj_value_id )
         last_changed = Manager.get_value_last_changed(obj_value_id)
         text="{0}={1} ({2})".format(value_type,value,last_changed)
         self.tree.item(, text=text, tags=('updated'))
     self.root.after(10000, self.reset_foreground,    
Esempio n. 3
def OnNotification( notification, context ):
    global initFailed
    global criticalSection
    global initCondition
    with criticalSection:
        notification_type = notification.type
        if notification_type == Notification.Type_DriverReady:
            context.on_message("StatusUpdate","Driver Ready")
            initFailed = False
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_DriverFailed:
            context.on_message("StatusUpdate","Driver Failed")
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_DriverReset:
            context.on_message("StatusUpdate","Driver Reset")
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_AllNodesQueried:
            context.on_message("StatusUpdate","All Nodes Queried")
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_NodeAdded:
            node_info = NodeInfo()
            node_info.network_id = notification.network_id
            node_info.node_id = notification.node_id
            context.on_message('NodeAdded', notification)
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_NodeRemoved:
            network_id = notification.network_id
            node_id = notification.node_id
            for node in nodes[:]:
                if node_id == node.node_id and network_id == node.network_id:
                    del node
                    context.on_message('NodeRemoved', notification)
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_NodeChanged:
            context.on_message('NodeChanged', notification)
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_ValueAdded:
            #print("Manager: Value Added %s" % (notification.node_id ) )
            node_info = get_node_info( notification )
            if node_info is not None:
                node_info.value_ids.append( notification.value_id )    
                context.on_message('ValueAdded', notification)
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_ValueChanged:
            node_info = get_node_info( notification )
            network_id = node_info.network_id
            node_id = node_info.node_id
            value_id = notification.value_id
            value_type = Manager.get_value_type( value_id )
            value_id = Manager.get_value_id( value_id )
            value =  Manager.get_value_as_string( value_id )
            units = Manager.get_value_units( value_id )
            node_name = Manager.get_node_name( network_id, node_id )
            node_location_name = Manager.get_node_location_name( network_id, node_id )
            text = "{0} Node {1}: {2} @ {3} changed {4} to {5}".format( str(, node_id, node_name, node_location_name, value_type, value )
            context.on_message('ValueChanged', notification)
            context.on_message("StatusUpdate", text)
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_NodeQueriesComplete:
            node_name = Manager.get_node_name( notification.network_id, notification.node_id )
            context.on_message('NodeQueriesComplete', notification)
Esempio n. 4
def OnNotification( notification, context ):
    global initFailed
    global criticalSection
    global initCondition
    with criticalSection:
        notification_type = notification.type
        #print "OnNotification: %d" % type
        if notification_type == Notification.Type_DriverReady:
            print("Manager: Driver Ready!")
            initFailed = False
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_DriverFailed:
            print("Manager: Driver Failed!")
            with initCondition:
                initFailed = True
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_DriverReset:
            print("Manager: Driver Reset!")
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_AllNodesQueried:
            print("Manager: All Nodes Queried")
            with initCondition:
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_NodeAdded:
            print("Manager: Node Added %s" % (notification.node_id ) )
            node_info = NodeInfo()
            node_info.network_id = notification.network_id
            node_info.node_id = notification.node_id
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_NodeRemoved:
            print( "Manager: Node Removed %s" % (notification.node_id ) )
            network_id = notification.network_id
            node_id = notification.node_id
            for node in nodes[:]:
                if node_id == node.node_id and network_id == node.network_id:
                    del node
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_ValueAdded:
            print("Manager: Value Added %s" % (notification.node_id ) )
            node_info = get_node_info( notification )
            if node_info is not None:
                node_info.value_ids.append( notification.value_id )    
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_ValueChanged:
            node_info = get_node_info( notification )
            network_id = node_info.network_id
            node_id = node_info.node_id
            value_id = notification.value_id
            value_type = Manager.get_value_type( value_id )
            value_id = Manager.get_value_id( value_id )
            value =  Manager.get_value_as_string( value_id )
            units = Manager.get_value_units( value_id )
            node_name = Manager.get_node_name( network_id, node_id )
            node_location_name = Manager.get_node_location_name( network_id, node_id )
            print("%s" % str(, end="" )
            print(" Node %03s: %s in %s changed %s to %s" % ( node_id, node_name, node_location_name, value_type, value ))
        elif notification_type == Notification.Type_NodeQueriesComplete:
            print("Manager: NodeQueriesComplete %s" % (notification.node_id ))
Esempio n. 5
 print("Ready drivers %s:" % Manager.ready_drivers)
 if not initFailed:
     for node in nodes:
         is_light = Manager.is_node_light(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         is_dead = Manager.is_node_dead(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         node_type = Manager.get_node_type(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         name = Manager.get_node_name(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         room = Manager.get_node_location_name(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         desc = Manager.get_node_description(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         if is_light or True:
             print("Node id: %s, Name: %s, Room: %s, Type: %s, Light: %s, Dead: %s, Desc: %s" % (node.node_id, name, room, node_type, is_light, is_dead, desc) )
             for valueID in node.value_ids:
                 print("ValueID:%s Type: %s, Value %s" % (, Manager.get_value_type( valueID ), Manager.get_value( valueID ) ))
     for node in nodes:
         is_light = Manager.is_node_light(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         is_dead = Manager.is_node_dead(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         node_type = Manager.get_node_type(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         name = Manager.get_node_name(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         room = Manager.get_node_location_name(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         desc = Manager.get_node_description(node.network_id, node.node_id)
         if desc == "window":
             print("Node id: %s, Name: %s, Room: %s, Type: %s, Light: %s, Dead: %s, Desc: %s" % (node.node_id, name, room, node_type, is_light, is_dead, desc) )