def __init__(self,host,target): self.connections = {} #is a dict mapping node to connection self.nodes = {} #is a dict mapping connections to nodes self.predecessors = [] self.successors = [] self.fingers = Ring() = host #The Node of the server = host = target #The initial server to connect to self.state = "ALONE" self.path = os.getcwd() self.files = [] #A list of all the file from donwnload dir and shared self.sharedPath = "../userspace/Shared" self.downloadPath = "../userspace/Downloads" self.verbose = False self.requestedFileName =""
class ChordServer(): def __init__(self,host,target): self.connections = {} #is a dict mapping node to connection self.nodes = {} #is a dict mapping connections to nodes self.predecessors = [] self.successors = [] self.fingers = Ring() = host #The Node of the server = host = target #The initial server to connect to self.state = "ALONE" self.path = os.getcwd() self.files = [] #A list of all the file from donwnload dir and shared self.sharedPath = "../userspace/Shared" self.downloadPath = "../userspace/Downloads" self.verbose = False self.requestedFileName ="" def readInput(self): print "Request files with: get [file]" print "Search available files with: ls [term]" pattern = re.compile("get\s+(.+)$") patternTwo = re.compile("ls\s+(.+)$") while(True): cmd = raw_input() match = pattern.match(cmd) matchLs = patternTwo.match(cmd) if match: self.requestedFileName = # kind of hacked it for now...There's a better solution self.query(, elif matchLs: #TODO: Need to traverse the tree and collect all available files that matches the search term print "ls: "+ elif cmd == "show": print "Node{} has:".format( print "Predecessor" for p in self.predecessors: print p.toString() print "Successor" for s in self.successors: print s.toString() print "Connections" for n in self.connections.keys(): print n.toString() elif cmd =="debug": self.verbose = not self.verbose if self.verbose: print "Turned on log messages" else: print "Turned off log messages" else: print "Sending string: "+cmd for c in self.connections.itervalues(): c.sendLine(Message(cmd).tobytes()) def stabilize(self): self.log("Stabilizing") if(self.successors != [] and self.successors[0] in self.connections): self.connections[self.successors[0]].sendLine(Ping( reactor.callLater(20,self.stabilize)#@UndefinedVariable def run(self): self.getSharedDirect() print("Initializing " + reactor.connectTCP(,,ChordFactory(self))#@UndefinedVariable reactor.listenTCP(,ChordFactory(self))#@UndefinedVariable reactor.callInThread(self.readInput)#@UndefinedVariable reactor.callInThread(self.stabilize)#@UndefinedVariable reactor.listenTCP(,FileFactory(self)) ########################## #SERVER UTILITY FUNCTIONS# ########################## def log(self,msg): if self.verbose: print msg def add(self,node,connection): if(not isinstance(node,Node) or not isinstance(connection, Chord)): raise Exception() self.connections[node]=connection self.nodes[connection]=node def addd(self,connection,node): self.add(node, connection) def remove(self,connection): #toDelete = None #for n,c in self.connections.iteritems(): # if c==connection: # toDelete = n #del self.connections[toDelete] if (connection in self.nodes): toDelete = self.nodes[connection] del self.connections[toDelete] del self.nodes[connection] def setState(self,state): print "Setting state to "+state self.state = state #TODO, sort the predecessors as they come in #see setSucc for reference. def setPred(self,pred): print "Setting predecessor to {0}".format(pred.toString()) self.predecessors.append(pred) #The successor list is sorted #according to the hash values #which unfortunately wraps around #so I've defined a function Hash.ascend #handle the math for the various cases def setSucc(self,succ): print "Setting successor to {0}".format(succ.toString()) #new successor if (self.successors == []): self.successors.append(succ) #special case for started node. elif (self.successors[0] self.successors[0]=succ #new 1st pos succesor elif (self.fingers.ascending(, succ, self.successors[0])): self.successors.insert(0,succ) #2nd and on successors else: i = 1 for s in self.successors: i = i + 1 if (self.fingers.acsending(, s, succ)): break self.successors.insert(i,succ) def balencePred(self): self.predecessors.sort(key = lambda node : node.sortingPred( ########################## #CHORD SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS# ########################## def query(self,node,aFile): newFind = Find(node, aFile) self.connections[self.successors[0]].sendLine(newFind.tobytes()) def checkForFile(self,aFile): self.getSharedDirect() temp = [] print "Looking for {0}!".format(aFile) for i in self.files: if aFile == i: temp.append(i) print "200: Your request for {0} was found!".format(aFile) return True if not temp: print "404: Your request for {0} was not found!".format(aFile) return False #List all the file names in the Shared directory def getSharedDirect(self): self.log("Getting my Files") del self.files[:] self.log("Root is: " + os.getcwd()) self.files = os.listdir(self.sharedPath) for f in self.files: self.log("Found " + f) def fileExist(self, message): #TODO keep sending the file request along the chain #When the file is found connect to the node and send the file self.getSharedDirect() node = message.node for f in self.files: if ( message.file == f): p=open(self.sharedPath+"/"+message.file, "rb") reactor.connectTCP(node.ip,node.filePort,FileFactory(self, self.sendFile, [p])) print "200***: The requested file {0} was found!".format(message.file) return #if the file isn't found, forward the request self.query(node, message.file) def sendFile(self, connection, aFile): connection.sender = FileSender() deffered = connection.sender.beginFileTransfer(aFile, connection.transport, lambda x: x) #check me later deffered.addCallback(lambda r: connection.transport.loseConnection()) def notify(self, node): if(self.predecessors == [] or self.fingers.ascending(self.predecessors[0], node, self.setPred(node) def prepareNotify(self,node): print "Notifying node{0}".format( if (node in self.connections): msg = Notify( self.setSucc(node) self.connections[node].sendLine(msg.tobytes()) else: reactor.connectTCP(node.ip,node.port,ChordFactory(self,self.sendNotify,[node]))#@UndefinedVariable def sendNotify(self,connection,node): #Check in case successor has changed #Guard against possible race condition if(self.successors[0]==node): self.add(node, connection) self.setSucc(node) self.connections[node].sendLine(Notify( def inform(self,node,successor): print "informing node of successor" node.sendLine(Inform(successor).tobytes()) def find_successor(self,node,msg): #if there is only one node eg the pred==succ #or the key is between this node and it's successor #or the wrap around case when pred > succ key = self.fingers.key( pred = self.fingers.pos( succ = self.fingers.pos(self.successors[0]) if(pred==succ or (pred<key and key <succ and pred < succ) or (pred>succ and (key > pred or key < succ))): #use the current connection to inform if ( == msg.node): self.add(msg.node, node) node.sendLine(Inform(self.successors[0]).tobytes()) #create a connection back to the new node elif(not in self.connections): reactor.connectTCP(,,ChordFactory(self,Inform(self.successors[0])))#@UndefinedVariable #or this node is already connected for some reason so use that else: self.inform(self.connections[]) #update my successor to the new node self.setSucc( else: #forward the join request to my successor self.connections[self.successors[0]].sendLine(Join(, print("Forward Join msg to succesor") def create(self): print "Initializing Chord at {0}".format( self.fingers.add( self.setState("CONNECTED") self.predecessor = None self.setSucc( def join(self,node): self.predecessor = None node.sendLine(Join(, def informed(self,node,msg): self.setSucc(msg.node) if(not msg.node in self.connections): reactor.connectTCP(msg.node.ip,msg.node.port,ChordFactory(self,self.addd,[msg.node]))#@UndefinedVariable def handleMsg(self,node,msg): #Once connected request to join is sent #Eventually node is informed of it's new successor if self.state == "WAITING": if isinstance(msg, Inform): print "Received: {1} from node {0}".format(,msg.msg) self.informed(node,msg) self.setState("CONNECTED") else: print "Incorrect or Unknown Message Received: {0}".format(msg.msg) #The server is now connected to the Chord Network #The remaining Chord functionality should go in here elif self.state == "CONNECTED": if isinstance(msg, Notify): print "Received: {1} from node {0}".format(,msg.msg) self.notify(msg.node) elif isinstance(msg, Join): print "Received: {1} from node {2} for node {0}".format(,msg.msg, self.find_successor(node,msg) elif isinstance(msg,Find): if(msg.node == print "{0} not found on network".format(msg.file) else: self.fileExist(msg) print "Node {0} wants file: {1}".format(,msg.file) elif isinstance(msg,Ping): self.log("Received: {1} from node {0}".format(,msg.msg)) if (self.predecessors == []): node.sendLine(Pong(,None).tobytes()) else: node.sendLine(Pong(,self.predecessors[0]).tobytes()); elif isinstance(msg, Pong): self.log("Received Pong from Node{0}".format( if (msg.node == None): self.log("Notifying successor about myself") node.sendLine(Notify( elif(msg.node == return elif(self.fingers.ascending(, msg.node, self.successors[0])): self.prepareNotify(msg.node) else: node.sendLine(Notify( else: print "Incorrect or Unknown Message Received: {0}".format(msg.msg) else: print ("In bad state?!? Received: "+msg.msg)