Esempio n. 1
    def test_checksig_raise_on_uncompressed_pubkey(self):
        """ Uncompressed pubkeys shoud not be accepted, even if they solve the signature
        block = self.genesis_blocks[0]

        from hathor.transaction import Transaction, TxInput, TxOutput
        txin = TxInput(tx_id=block.hash, index=0, data=b'')
        txout = TxOutput(value=block.outputs[0].value, script=b'')
        tx = Transaction(inputs=[txin], outputs=[txout])

        import hashlib
        data_to_sign = tx.get_sighash_all()
        hashed_data = hashlib.sha256(data_to_sign).digest()
        signature = self.genesis_private_key.sign(hashed_data,

        from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PublicFormat
        pubkey_uncompressed = self.genesis_public_key.public_bytes(
            Encoding.X962, PublicFormat.UncompressedPoint)
        # ScriptError if pubkey is not a valid compressed public key
        # with wrong signature
        with self.assertRaises(ScriptError):
            op_checksig([b'123', pubkey_uncompressed], log=[], extras=None)
        # or with rigth one
        # this will make sure the signature is not made when parameters are wrong
        with self.assertRaises(ScriptError):
            op_checksig([signature, pubkey_uncompressed], log=[], extras=None)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_checksig(self):
        with self.assertRaises(MissingStackItems):
            op_checksig([1], log=[], extras=None)

        block = self.genesis_blocks[0]

        from hathor.transaction import Transaction, TxInput, TxOutput
        txin = TxInput(tx_id=block.hash, index=0, data=b'')
        txout = TxOutput(value=block.outputs[0].value, script=b'')
        tx = Transaction(inputs=[txin], outputs=[txout])

        import hashlib
        data_to_sign = tx.get_sighash_all()
        hashed_data = hashlib.sha256(data_to_sign).digest()
        signature = self.genesis_private_key.sign(hashed_data,
        pubkey_bytes = get_public_key_bytes_compressed(self.genesis_public_key)

        extras = ScriptExtras(tx=tx, txin=None, spent_tx=None)

        # wrong signature puts False (0) on stack
        stack = [b'aaaaaaaaa', pubkey_bytes]
        op_checksig(stack, log=[], extras=extras)
        self.assertEqual(0, stack.pop())

        stack = [signature, pubkey_bytes]
        op_checksig(stack, log=[], extras=extras)
        self.assertEqual(1, stack.pop())
Esempio n. 3
    def test_checksig_cache(self):
        block = self.genesis_blocks[0]

        from hathor.transaction import Transaction, TxInput, TxOutput
        txin = TxInput(tx_id=block.hash, index=0, data=b'')
        txout = TxOutput(value=block.outputs[0].value, script=b'')
        tx = Transaction(inputs=[txin], outputs=[txout])

        import hashlib
        data_to_sign = tx.get_sighash_all()
        hashed_data = hashlib.sha256(data_to_sign).digest()
        signature = self.genesis_private_key.sign(hashed_data,
        pubkey_bytes = get_public_key_bytes_compressed(self.genesis_public_key)

        extras = ScriptExtras(tx=tx, txin=None, spent_tx=None)

        stack = [signature, pubkey_bytes]
        op_checksig(stack, log=[], extras=extras)
        self.assertEqual(1, stack.pop())
Esempio n. 4
    def test_checksig_check_for_compressed_pubkey(self):
        """ Compressed pubkeys bytes representation always start with a byte 2 or 3
            - test for invalid bytes starting with bytes 2 and 3
            - test for bytes not starting with byte 2 or 3
        # ScriptError if pubkey is not a public key but starts with 2 or 3
        with self.assertRaises(ScriptError):
            op_checksig([b'\x0233', b'\x0233'], log=[], extras=None)
        with self.assertRaises(ScriptError):
            op_checksig([b'\x0321', b'\x0321'], log=[], extras=None)

        # ScriptError if pubkey does not start with 2 or 3
        with self.assertRaises(ScriptError):
            op_checksig([b'\x0123', b'\x0123'], log=[], extras=None)
        with self.assertRaises(ScriptError):
            op_checksig([b'\x0423', b'\x0423'], log=[], extras=None)