Esempio n. 1
def create_queryset(user):
    # ideally we'd do it this way, and not mention specific models here
    # (instead doing visibility checking in their respective files),
    # but there's no way to pass a user into serach_index.load_all_queryset.  yet.
    # return RelatedSearchQuerySet()

    qs = RelatedSearchQuerySet().load_all_queryset(GroupTopic, GroupTopic.objects.visible(user))
    qs = qs.load_all_queryset(Whiteboard, Whiteboard.objects.visible(user))
    qs = qs.load_all_queryset(Event, Event.objects.visible(user))
    return qs
Esempio n. 2
    def _haystack_search(self, content, queryset, max_results, partial, using):
        from haystack.query import RelatedSearchQuerySet
        from haystack.inputs import AutoQuery

        if content.strip() == '':
            return RelatedSearchQuerySet().none()

        # Limit to the model bound to this manager, e.g. DataConcept.
        # `load_all` ensures a single database hit when loading the objects
        # that match
        sqs = RelatedSearchQuerySet().models(self.model).load_all()

        # If a non-default backend is being used, set which backend is to
        # be used.
        if using is not None:
            sqs = sqs.using(using)

        if partial:
            # Autocomplete only works with N-gram fields.
            sqs = sqs.autocomplete(text_auto=content)
            # Automatically handles advanced search syntax for negations
            # and quoted strings.
            sqs = sqs.filter(text=AutoQuery(content))

        if queryset is not None:
            sqs = sqs.load_all_queryset(self.model, queryset)

        if max_results:
            return sqs[:max_results]

        return sqs
Esempio n. 3
    def _haystack_search(self, content, queryset, max_results, partial, using):
        from haystack.query import RelatedSearchQuerySet
        from haystack.inputs import AutoQuery

        if content.strip() == '':
            return RelatedSearchQuerySet().none()

        # Limit to the model bound to this manager, e.g. DataConcept.
        # `load_all` ensures a single database hit when loading the objects
        # that match
        sqs = RelatedSearchQuerySet().models(self.model).load_all()

        # If a non-default backend is being used, set which backend is to
        # be used.
        if using is not None:
            sqs = sqs.using(using)

        if partial:
            # Autocomplete only works with N-gram fields.
            sqs = sqs.autocomplete(text_auto=content)
            # Automatically handles advanced search syntax for negations
            # and quoted strings.
            sqs = sqs.filter(text=AutoQuery(content))

        if queryset is not None:
            sqs = sqs.load_all_queryset(self.model, queryset)

        if max_results:
            return sqs[:max_results]

        return sqs
Esempio n. 4
 def search(self, content, queryset=None, max_results=10):
     from haystack.query import RelatedSearchQuerySet
     sqs = RelatedSearchQuerySet().models(self.model).load_all()\
     if queryset is not None:
         sqs = sqs.load_all_queryset(self.model, queryset)
     if max_results:
         return sqs[:max_results]
     return sqs
Esempio n. 5
def create_queryset(user):
    # ideally we'd do it this way, and not mention specific models here
    # (instead doing visibility checking in their respective files),
    # but there's no way to pass a user into serach_index.load_all_queryset.  yet.
    # return RelatedSearchQuerySet()

    qs = RelatedSearchQuerySet().load_all_queryset(
        GroupTopic, GroupTopic.objects.visible(user))
    qs = qs.load_all_queryset(Whiteboard, Whiteboard.objects.visible(user))
    qs = qs.load_all_queryset(Event, Event.objects.visible(user))

    # TODO: centralize this somewhere?
    execlist = get_object_or_none(Community, slug='exec')
    if execlist and execlist.user_is_member(user, True):
        qs = qs.load_all_queryset(Activity, Activity.objects.all())
        qs = qs.load_all_queryset(Activity, Activity.objects.none())

    return qs
Esempio n. 6
def create_queryset(user):
    # ideally we'd do it this way, and not mention specific models here
    # (instead doing visibility checking in their respective files),
    # but there's no way to pass a user into serach_index.load_all_queryset.  yet.
    # return RelatedSearchQuerySet()

    qs = RelatedSearchQuerySet().load_all_queryset(GroupTopic, GroupTopic.objects.visible(user))
    qs = qs.load_all_queryset(Whiteboard, Whiteboard.objects.visible(user))
    qs = qs.load_all_queryset(Event, Event.objects.visible(user))
    qs = qs.load_all_queryset(Term, Term.objects.all())

    # TODO: centralize this somewhere?
    execlist = get_object_or_none(Community, slug='exec')
    if execlist and execlist.user_is_member(user, True):
        qs = qs.load_all_queryset(Activity, Activity.objects.all())
        qs = qs.load_all_queryset(Activity, Activity.objects.none())
    return qs
def research_list(request, study_type="all", template="participant/research_list.html", extra_context=None):
    if request.method == "POST":
        q = request.POST.get("q", "")

        research_list = RelatedSearchQuerySet().filter(context=AutoQuery(q)).load_all()

        if study_type == "ol":
            research_list = research_list.load_all_queryset(
                Research.objects.filter(is_on_web=True, is_publish=True, is_complete=False)
        elif study_type == "nol" or study_type == "nol_map":
            research_list = research_list.load_all_queryset(
                Research.objects.filter(is_on_web=False, is_publish=True, is_complete=False)
        elif study_type == "all":
            research_list = research_list.load_all_queryset(
                Research.objects.filter(is_publish=True, is_complete=False)

        paginator = get_page(request, research_list, 15)

        context = {"study_type": study_type, "paginator": paginator, "research_list": research_list, "q": q}
        research_list = research_randomize(request, study_type)
        paginator = get_page(request, research_list, 15)

        context = {"study_type": study_type, "paginator": paginator, "research_list": research_list, "q": ""}

    if extra_context:
    return render_to_response(template, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Esempio n. 8
    def get_results(self, request):
        if not SEARCH_VAR in request.GET:
            return super(AllChangeList, self).get_results(request)

        # Note that pagination is 0-based, not 1-based.
        sqs = RelatedSearchQuerySet().models(self.model).auto_query(
        if not request.user.is_superuser:
            result = self.model.objects.distinct().filter(
                | Q(editor_groups__name__in=request.user.groups.values_list(
                    'name', flat=True)))
            result = self.model.objects.distinct()
        if 'storage_object__publication_status__exact' in request.GET:
            result = result.filter(
        sqs = sqs.load_all_queryset(self.model, result)
        paginator = Paginator(sqs, self.list_per_page)
        # Fixed bug for pagination, count full_result_count
        full_result_count = 0
        for sq in sqs:
            full_result_count += 1
        result_count = paginator.count
        # Get the number of objects, with admin filters applied.

        can_show_all = result_count <= list_max_show_all(self)
        multi_page = result_count > self.list_per_page

        # Get the list of objects to display on this page.
            result_list = + 1).object_list
            # Grab just the Django models, since that's what everything else is
            # expecting.
            result_list = [result.object for result in result_list]
        except InvalidPage:
            result_list = ()

        self.result_count = result_count
        self.full_result_count = full_result_count
        self.result_list = result_list
        self.can_show_all = can_show_all
        self.multi_page = multi_page
        self.paginator = paginator
Esempio n. 9
 def get_results(self, request):
     if not SEARCH_VAR in request.GET:
         return super(AllChangeList, self).get_results(request)
     # Note that pagination is 0-based, not 1-based.
     sqs = RelatedSearchQuerySet().models(self.model).auto_query(request.GET[SEARCH_VAR]).load_all()
     if not request.user.is_superuser:
         result = self.model.objects.distinct().filter(Q(owners=request.user)
                 | Q(editor_groups__name__in=
                        request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)))
         result = self.model.objects.distinct()
     if 'storage_object__publication_status__exact' in request.GET:
         result = result.filter(storage_object__publication_status__exact=request.GET["storage_object__publication_status__exact"])
     sqs = sqs.load_all_queryset(self.model, result)
     paginator = Paginator(sqs, self.list_per_page)
     # Fixed bug for pagination, count full_result_count
     full_result_count = 0
     for sq in sqs:
         full_result_count += 1
     result_count = paginator.count
     # Get the number of objects, with admin filters applied.
     can_show_all = result_count <= list_max_show_all(self)
     multi_page = result_count > self.list_per_page
     # Get the list of objects to display on this page.
         result_list =
         # Grab just the Django models, since that's what everything else is
         # expecting.
         result_list = [result.object for result in result_list]
     except InvalidPage:
         result_list = ()
     self.result_count = result_count
     self.full_result_count = full_result_count
     self.result_list = result_list
     self.can_show_all = can_show_all
     self.multi_page = multi_page
     self.paginator = paginator
Esempio n. 10
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(SAQuestionIndex, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        context['ministers'] = []
        ministers = Section.objects.filter(parent__heading='Questions')
        ministers = sorted(ministers, key=questions_section_sort_key)
        for minister in ministers:
                minister.title.replace('Questions asked to the ', ''),

        context['orderby'] = 'recentanswers'
        context['minister'] = 'all'
        context['q'] = ''

        #set filter values
        for key in ('orderby', 'minister', 'q'):
            if key in self.request.GET:
                context[key] = self.request.GET[key]

        if not context['orderby'] in ['recentquestions', 'recentanswers']:
            context['orderby'] = 'recentquestions'

        search_result_sections = []

        if context['q'] != '':
            #using a RelatedSearchQuerySet seems to result in fewer
            #queries, although the same results can be achieved with a
            query = RelatedSearchQuerySet().models(Speech)
            query = query.filter(
                tags__name__in=['question', 'answer'],

            all_speeches = Speech.objects.all().filter(
                tags__name__in=['question', 'answer'])

            if context['minister'] != 'all':
                all_speeches = all_speeches.filter(

            query = query.load_all_queryset(Speech, all_speeches)

            for result in query:

        sections = Section \
            .objects \
            ) \
            .select_related('parent') \
            .prefetch_related('speech_set') \

        if context['minister'] != 'all':
            sections = sections.filter(parent__slug=context['minister'])

        if len(search_result_sections) > 0:
            sections = sections.filter(id__in=search_result_sections)

        if context['orderby'] == 'recentanswers':
            sections = sections.filter(number_speeches__gt=1).order_by(
                '-latest_date', '-smallest_id')
            sections = sections.order_by('-earliest_date', '-smallest_id')

        paginator = Paginator(sections, 10)
        page = self.request.GET.get('page')

            sections =
        except PageNotAnInteger:
            sections =
        except EmptyPage:
            sections =

        context['paginator'] = sections

        #format questions and answers for the template
        questions = []
        for section in sections:
            question = section.speech_set.all()[0]
            question.questionto = section.parent.heading.replace(
                'Questions asked to the ', '')
            question.questionto_slug = section.parent.slug

            #assume if there is more than one speech that the question is answered
            if len(section.speech_set.all()) > 1:
                question.answer = section \
                    .speech_set \
                    .all()[len(section.speech_set.all()) - 1]

                #extract the actual reply from the reply text (replies
                #often include the original question and other text,
                #such as a letterhead)
                text = question.answer.text.split('REPLY')
                if len(text) > 1:
                    question.answer.text = text[len(text) - 1]
                    if question.answer.text[0] == ':':
                        question.answer.text = question.answer.text[1:]


        context['speeches'] = questions

        return context
Esempio n. 11
def plus_search(tags,
    items = get_resources_for_tag_intersection(tags)
    q = None
    for typ, info in search_types:
        if info[0]:
            typ_items = Q(**info[0])
            if info[1]:
                typ_items = typ_items & ~Q(**info[1])
        elif info[1]:
            typ_items = ~Q(**info[1])
        if not q:
            q = typ_items
            q = q | typ_items

    if extra_filter:
        q = q & Q(**extra_filter)

    if q:
        items = items.filter(q)

    included = None
    for obj_class, included_filter in object_type_filters.items():
        objs = obj_class.objects.filter(**included_filter)
        included_search = {
            'content_type__model': obj_class.__name__.lower(),
            'object_id__in': objs

        if not included:
            included = Q(**included_search)
        included = included | Q(**included_search)

    items = items.filter(included)

    if in_group:
        # this should be implemented using the code just above and an external search filter arg
        page_ids = WikiPage.objects.filter(in_agent=in_group, stub=False)
        wikipages = Q(**{
            'content_type__model': 'wikipage',
            'object_id__in': page_ids
        resource_ids = Resource.objects.filter(in_agent=in_group, stub=False)
        resources = Q(**{
            'content_type__model': 'resource',
            'object_id__in': resource_ids

        q = resources | wikipages
        items = items.filter(q)

    results_map = {}
    tag_intersection = []
    if search:
        results = RelatedSearchQuerySet().auto_query(search)
        results_map = {}
        if results:
            all_results = results.load_all_queryset(GenericReference, items)
            if order == 'relevance':
                all_results = all_results.load_all(
                )  # this bit is quite evil and makes things really inefficient for large searches
                # a better approach would be to get all the ids directly from the fulltext index and use them as a filter for GenericReferences
                results_map['All'] = [item.object for item in all_results
                                      ]  #we really really shouldn't do this
                items_len = len(results_map['All'])
                search_results = [ for result in all_results]
                results_map['All'] = items.filter(
                items_len = results_map['All'].count()
            results_map = {'All': EmptySearchQuerySet()}
            items_len = 0
        if items:
            items = items.order_by('creator')
            items_len = items.count()
            results_map['All'] = items
            items_len = 0
            results_map = {'All': EmptySearchQuerySet()}

    if order == 'modified':
        results_map['All'] = results_map['All'].order_by('-' + order)
    elif order == 'display_name':
        results_map['All'] = results_map['All'].order_by(order)

    if 'All' in results_map:
        tag_intersection = get_intersecting_tags(results_map['All'], n=15)

        if len(search_types) > 1:
            for typ, info in search_types:
                if info[0]:
                    typ_items = items.filter(**info[0])
                if info[1]:
                    typ_items = items.exclude(**info[1])
                if search and results and order == 'relevance':
                    # why do this again when we could just separate results using python
                    typ_items = all_results.load_all_queryset(
                        GenericReference, typ_items)
                    typ_items = [item.object for item in typ_items
                                 ]  #we really really shouldn't do this
                if typ_items:
                    results_map[typ] = typ_items
        results_map = {'All': EmptySearchQuerySet()}

    search_type_data = []
    for typ, data in search_types:
        if results_map.has_key(typ):
                type_len = results_map[typ].count()
            except TypeError:
                type_len = len(results_map[typ])

            search_type_data.append((typ, data[2], results_map[typ], type_len))

    return {
        'All': results_map['All'],
        'items_len': items_len,
        'search_types': search_type_data,
        'tag_intersection': tag_intersection
Esempio n. 12
def plus_search(tags, search, search_types, order=None, in_group=None, extra_filter=None):
    items = get_resources_for_tag_intersection(tags)
    q = None
    for typ, info in search_types:
        if info[0]:
            typ_items = Q(**info[0])
            if info[1]:
                typ_items = typ_items & ~Q(**info[1])
        elif info[1]:
            typ_items = ~Q(**info[1])
        if not q:
            q = typ_items
            q = q | typ_items

    if extra_filter:
        q = q & Q(**extra_filter)
    if q:
        items = items.filter(q)

    included = None
    for obj_class, included_filter in object_type_filters.items():
        objs = obj_class.objects.filter(**included_filter)
        included_search = {'content_type__model':obj_class.__name__.lower(),
        if not included:
            included = Q(**included_search)
        included = included | Q(**included_search)

    items = items.filter(included)

    if in_group:
        # this should be implemented using the code just above and an external search filter arg
        page_ids = WikiPage.objects.filter(in_agent=in_group, stub=False)
        wikipages = Q(**{'content_type__model':'wikipage',
        resource_ids = Resource.objects.filter(in_agent=in_group, stub=False)
        resources = Q(**{'content_type__model':'resource',

        q = resources | wikipages
        items = items.filter(q)
    results_map = {}
    tag_intersection = []
    if search:
        results = RelatedSearchQuerySet().auto_query(search)
        results_map = {}
        if results:
            all_results = results.load_all_queryset(GenericReference, items)
            if order == 'relevance':
                all_results = all_results.load_all()  # this bit is quite evil and makes things really inefficient for large searches
                                              # a better approach would be to get all the ids directly from the fulltext index and use them as a filter for GenericReferences 
                results_map['All'] = [item.object for item in all_results]   #we really really shouldn't do this 
                items_len = len(results_map['All'])
                search_results = [ for result in all_results]
                results_map['All'] = items.filter(id__in=search_results).order_by(order)
                items_len = results_map['All'].count()
            results_map = {'All':EmptySearchQuerySet()}
            items_len = 0
        if items:
            items = items.order_by('creator')
            items_len = items.count()
            results_map['All'] = items
            items_len = 0
            results_map = {'All':EmptySearchQuerySet()}            

    if order == 'modified':
        results_map['All'] = results_map['All'].order_by('-' + order)
    elif order == 'display_name':
        results_map['All'] = results_map['All'].order_by(order)        

    if 'All' in results_map:
        tag_intersection = get_intersecting_tags(results_map['All'], n=15)

        if len(search_types) > 1:
            for typ, info in search_types:
                if info[0]:
                    typ_items = items.filter(**info[0])
                if info[1]:
                    typ_items = items.exclude(**info[1])
                if search and results and order == 'relevance':
                        # why do this again when we could just separate results using python
                        typ_items = all_results.load_all_queryset(GenericReference, typ_items)
                        typ_items = [item.object for item in typ_items] #we really really shouldn't do this
                if typ_items:
                    results_map[typ] = typ_items
        results_map = {'All':EmptySearchQuerySet()}

    search_type_data = []
    for typ, data in search_types:
        if results_map.has_key(typ):
                type_len = results_map[typ].count()
            except TypeError:
                type_len = len(results_map[typ])
            search_type_data.append((typ, data[2], results_map[typ], type_len))

    return {'All':results_map['All'], 'items_len':items_len, 'search_types':search_type_data, 'tag_intersection':tag_intersection}
Esempio n. 13
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(SAQuestionIndex, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        context['ministers'] = []
        ministers = Section.objects.filter(parent__heading='Questions')
        ministers = sorted(ministers, key=questions_section_sort_key)
        for minister in ministers:
                'title': minister.title.replace('Questions asked to the ', ''),
                'slug': minister.slug

        context['orderby'] = 'recentanswers'
        context['minister'] = 'all'
        context['q'] = ''

        #set filter values
        for key in ('orderby', 'minister', 'q'):
            if key in self.request.GET:
                context[key] = self.request.GET[key]

        if not context['orderby'] in ['recentquestions', 'recentanswers']:
            context['orderby'] = 'recentquestions'

        search_result_sections = []

        if context['q'] != '':
            #using a RelatedSearchQuerySet seems to result in fewer
            #queries, although the same results can be achieved with a
            query = RelatedSearchQuerySet().models(Speech)
            query = query.filter(
                tags__name__in=['question', 'answer'],

            all_speeches = Speech.objects.all().filter(
                tags__name__in=['question', 'answer'])

            if context['minister'] != 'all':
                all_speeches = all_speeches.filter(

            query = query.load_all_queryset(Speech, all_speeches)

            for result in query:

        sections = Section \
            .objects \
            ) \
            .select_related('parent__heading') \
            .prefetch_related('speech_set') \

        if context['minister'] != 'all':
            sections = sections.filter(parent__slug=context['minister'])

        if len(search_result_sections) > 0:
            sections = sections.filter(id__in=search_result_sections)

        if context['orderby'] == 'recentanswers':
            sections = sections.filter(number_speeches__gt=1).order_by(
            sections = sections.order_by(

        paginator = Paginator(sections, 10)
        page = self.request.GET.get('page')

            sections =
        except PageNotAnInteger:
            sections =
        except EmptyPage:
            sections =

        context['paginator'] = sections

        #format questions and answers for the template
        questions = []
        for section in sections:
            question = section.speech_set.all()[0]
            question.questionto = section.parent.heading.replace(
                'Questions asked to the ', '')
            question.questionto_slug = section.parent.slug

            #assume if there is more than one speech that the question is answered
            if len(section.speech_set.all()) > 1:
                question.answer = section \
                    .speech_set \
                    .all()[len(section.speech_set.all()) - 1]

                #extract the actual reply from the reply text (replies
                #often include the original question and other text,
                #such as a letterhead)
                text = question.answer.text.split('REPLY')
                if len(text) > 1:
                    question.answer.text = text[len(text) - 1]
                    if question.answer.text[0] == ':':
                        question.answer.text = question.answer.text[1:]


        context['speeches'] = questions

        return context