def get_state_snapshots(state_info):
    rope_pr2_viz       = RopePR2Viz()
    seg_info, save_dir = state_info
    num_segs           = len(seg_info)

    snapshots = {}
    composite = None
    for i in xrange(num_segs):
        num_mini_segs = len(seg_info[i])
        for j in xrange(num_mini_segs):

            robot_tfm, robot_dofs, rope_nodes = seg_info[i][j]
            rope_pr2_viz.set_robot_pose(robot_dofs, robot_tfm)

            if i==0 and j==0:

            env_img = rope_pr2_viz.get_env_snapshot()
            snapshots['%d_%d.jpg'%(i,j)] = env_img
    composite = cpu.tile_images(snapshots, int(math.ceil(len(snapshots)/4.0)), 4, max_width=2500)
    return (composite, snapshots, save_dir)
def main(demo_type, n_clusters, n_segs=None, use_clouds=False):
	demofile = h5py.File(osp.join(demo_files_dir, demo_type, demo_type+'.h5'), 'r')
	iden = ''
	if n_segs is not None:
		iden = str(n_segs)
	if use_clouds:
		iden += '_clouds'
	smfile = "sim_matrix"+iden+".cp"
		with open(smfile, 'r') as f:
			sm = pickle.load(f)
		seg_num = 0
		keys = {}
		for demo_name in demofile:
			if demo_name != "ar_demo":
				for seg_name in demofile[demo_name]:
					if seg_name != 'done':
						keys[seg_num] = (demo_name, seg_name)
						print demo_name, seg_name
						seg_num += 1
						if n_segs is not None and seg_num >= n_segs: break 

	except IOError:
		if use_clouds:
			keys, clouds = extract_clouds(demofile)
			sm = similarity_matrix(clouds,n_segs)
			keys, segs = extract_segs(demofile)
			sm = similarity_matrix_segs(segs,n_segs)
		with open(smfile, 'wa') as f:
			pickle.dump(sm, f)
	print sm
	labels = spectral_clustering(sm, n_clusters = n_clusters, eigen_solver='arpack',assign_labels='discretize')
	names = {i:[] for i in xrange(args.num_clusters)}
	images = {i:[] for i in xrange(args.num_clusters)}
	print keys
	for i in xrange(len(labels)):
		label = labels[i]

	rows = []
	i = 0
	print "Press q to exit, left/right arrow keys to navigate"
	while True:
		print "Label %i"%(i+1)
		print names[i]
		import math
		ncols = 7
		nrows = int(math.ceil(1.0*len(images[i])/ncols))
		row = cpu.tile_images(images[i], nrows, ncols)
		cv2.imshow("clustering result", row)
		kb = cv2.waitKey()
		if kb == 1113939:
			i = min(i+1,args.num_clusters-1)
		elif kb == 1113937:
			i = max(i-1,0)
		elif kb == 1048689:
	bigimg = cpu.tile_images(rows, len(rows), 50)
	cv2.imshow("clustering result", bigimg)
	print "press any key to continue"
    names = dict(enumerate(demo_names))
    images = {i:[] for i in xrange(num_demos)}
    print "Getting images."
    for i,dname in names.items():
        print "Processing image %i."%(i+1)
        images[i] = [np.asarray(demofile[dname][sname]["rgb"]) for sname in demofile[dname]]
    print "Done images."

    i = 0
    inc = True
    print "Press q to exit, left/right arrow keys to navigate"
    while True:
        print names[i]
        row = cpu.tile_images(images[i], 1, len(images[i]))
        cv2.imshow("segments", row)
        kb = cv2.waitKey()
        if kb == 1113939 or kb == 65363:
            i = min(i+1,num_demos-1)
            inc = True
        elif kb == 1113937 or kb == 65361:
            i = max(i-1,0)
            inc = False
        elif kb == 1048689 or kb == 113:

    images = [np.asarray(demofile[args.demo_name][sname]["rgb"]) for sname in demofile[args.demo_name]]

    row = cpu.tile_images(images, 1, len(images))
def main(demo_type, n_clusters, num_seg=None):
    demofile = h5py.File(osp.join(demo_files_dir, demo_type, demo_type+'.h5'), 'r')
    print "Loaded file."
    iden = ''
    if num_seg is not None:
        iden = str(num_seg)
    cost_file = osp.join(similarity_costs_dir, demo_type)+iden+'.costs'
    costs = get_costs(cost_file)
    print "Got costs."
    seg_num = 0
    keys = {}
    done = False
    for demo_name in demofile:
        if demo_name != "ar_demo":
            for seg_name in demofile[demo_name]:
                if seg_name != 'done':
                    keys[seg_num] = (demo_name, seg_name)
                    seg_num += 1
                    if num_seg is not None and seg_num >= num_seg:
                        done = True
        if done:

    ts = time.time()
    mat = generate_sim_matrix(costs, keys)
    print 'Time taken to generate sim matrix: %f'%(time.time() - ts)
    print mat
    ts = time.time()
    labels = spectral_clustering(mat, n_clusters = n_clusters, eigen_solver='arpack',assign_labels='discretize')
    print 'Time taken to cluster: %f'%(time.time() - ts)
    names = {i:[] for i in xrange(args.num_clusters)}
    images = {i:[] for i in xrange(args.num_clusters)}
    for i in xrange(len(labels)):
        label = labels[i]

    rows = []
    i = 0
    inc = True
    print "Press q to exit, left/right arrow keys to navigate"
    while True:
        if len(images[i]) == 0:
            if i == n_clusters-1: inc = False
            elif i == 0: inc = True
            if inc: i = min(i+1,n_clusters-1)
            else: i = max(i-1,0)                

        print "Label %i"%(i+1)
        print names[i]
        import math
        ncols = 7
        nrows = int(math.ceil(1.0*len(images[i])/ncols))
        row = cpu.tile_images(images[i], nrows, ncols)
        cv2.imshow("clustering result", row)
        kb = cv2.waitKey()
        if kb == 1113939 or kb == 65363:
            i = min(i+1,args.num_clusters-1)
            inc = True
        elif kb == 1113937 or kb == 65361:
            i = max(i-1,0)
            inc = False
        elif kb == 1048689 or kb == 113:
def cluster_demos (demofile, costs, n_clusters, visualize=False, save_images=False):
    seg_num = 0
    keys = {}
    for demo_name in demofile:
        if demo_name != "ar_demo":
            for seg_name in demofile[demo_name]:
                if seg_name != 'done':
                    keys[seg_num] = (str(demo_name), str(seg_name))
                    seg_num += 1
    print "Generating sim matrix."
    sm = generate_sim_matrix(costs, keys)
    print "Getting the cluster rankings"
    cdata = cluster_and_rank_demos(sm, n_clusters)
    if visualize:
        names = {i:[] for i in xrange(args.num_clusters)}
        images = {i:[] for i in xrange(args.num_clusters)}
        for i in cdata:
            names[i] = [get_name(keys[j]) for j in cdata[i]]
            images[i] = [np.asarray(demofile[keys[j][0]][keys[j][1]]["rgb"]) for j in cdata[i]]

        i = 0
        inc = True
        print "Press q to exit, left/right arrow keys to navigate"
        while True:
            if len(images[i]) == 0:
                if i == n_clusters-1: inc = False
                elif i == 0: inc = True
                if inc: i = min(i+1,n_clusters-1)
                else: i = max(i-1,0)                

            print "Label %i"%(i+1)
            print names[i]
            import math
            ncols = 7
            nrows = int(math.ceil(1.0*len(images[i])/ncols))
            row = cpu.tile_images(images[i], nrows, ncols)
            cv2.imshow("clustering result", row)
            kb = cv2.waitKey()
            if kb == 1113939 or kb == 65363:
                i = min(i+1,args.num_clusters-1)
                inc = True
            elif kb == 1113937 or kb == 65361:
                i = max(i-1,0)
                inc = False
            elif kb == 1048689 or kb == 113:
    if save_images and yes_or_no("Do you want to save images?"):
        cluster_img_dir = '/home/sibi/cluster_image_dir'
        if not osp.exists(cluster_img_dir):
        idx = 1
        for i in range(n_clusters):
            if len(images[i]) == 0:                

            print "Label %i"%(i+1)
            print names[i]
            ncols = 7
            nrows = int(math.ceil(1.0*len(images[i])/ncols))
            row = cpu.tile_images(images[i], nrows, ncols)
            cv2.imwrite(osp.join(cluster_img_dir,'image%02i'%idx), row)
            idx += 1

    return cdata, keys
def main(demo_type, n_base, n_perts, load_sm = False):
	demofile = h5py.File(osp.join(demo_files_dir, demo_type, demo_type+'.h5'), 'r')
	if load_sm:
		sm_file = osp.join(hd_data_dir, similarity_costs_dir, matrix_file%demo_type)
		with open(sm_file, 'r') as f: sm = pickle.load(f)
		sm = extract_init(demo_type)

	seg_num = 0
	keys = {}
	for demo_name in demofile:
		if demo_name != "ar_demo":
			for seg_name in demofile[demo_name]:
				if seg_name == 'seg00':
					keys[seg_num] = (demo_name, seg_name)
					#print demo_name, seg_name
					seg_num += 1
	n_clusters = n_base - len(BASIC_DEMOS)
	labels = spectral_clustering(sm, n_clusters = n_clusters, eigen_solver='arpack',assign_labels='discretize')
	names = {i:[] for i in xrange(n_clusters)}
	images = {i:[] for i in xrange(n_clusters)}
	demos = {i:[] for i in xrange(n_clusters)}
	for i in xrange(len(labels)):
		label = labels[i]

	rows = []
	i = 0
	inc = True
	print "Press q to exit, left/right arrow keys to navigate"
	while True:
		if len(images[i]) == 0:
			if i == n_clusters-1: inc = False
			elif i == 0: inc = True
			if inc: i = min(i+1,n_clusters-1)
			else: i = max(i-1,0)

		print "Label %i"%(i+1)
		print names[i]
		import math
		ncols = 7
		nrows = int(math.ceil(1.0*len(images[i])/ncols))

		row = cpu.tile_images(images[i], nrows, ncols)
		cv2.imshow("clustering result", row)
		kb = cv2.waitKey()
		if kb == 1113939 or kb == 65363:
			i = min(i+1,n_clusters-1)
			inc = True
		elif kb == 1113937 or kb == 65361:
			i = max(i-1,0)
			inc = False
		elif kb == 1048689 or kb == 113:
	bests = find_best(demos, sm)
	for i in BASIC_DEMOS:
		if i in bests:
	# add basic demos
	bests = BASIC_DEMOS+bests
	print bests

	best_xyz = []
	best_images = {i:None for i in bests}
	for best in bests:
		xyz = np.asarray(demofile[keys[best][0]][keys[best][1]]["cloud_xyz"])
		best_images[best] = np.asarray(demofile[keys[best][0]][keys[best][1]]["rgb"])

	print"Found %i clouds."%len(bests)
	print "These are the demos being saved."

	ncols = 10
	nrows = int(math.ceil(1.0*len(bests)/ncols))
	row = cpu.tile_images(best_images.values(), nrows, ncols)
	cv2.imshow("best", row)
	kb = cv2.waitKey()
	if not yes_or_no("Do these look fine to you?"):
	remaining = n_base-len(bests)
	print "remaining:", remaining
	while remaining > 0:
		fig = pylab.figure()
		xyz = best_xyz[remaining-1]
		while True:
			perturbed_xyz = sample_random_rope(xyz, True)
			ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
			ax.plot(perturbed_xyz[:,0], perturbed_xyz[:,1], perturbed_xyz[:,2], 'o')
			cv2.imshow("pert", best_images[bests[remaining-1]])
			kb = cv2.waitKey()
			if yes_or_no("Does this pert. look fine to you?"):
				remaining -= 1
	if n_perts != 0:		
		fig = pylab.figure()
		fig2 = pylab.figure()
		for i in xrange(len(best_xyz)):
			xyz = best_xyz[i]
			n_p = n_perts
			while n_p > 0:
				perturbed_xyz = sample_random_rope(xyz, True)
				ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
				ax.plot(perturbed_xyz[:,0], perturbed_xyz[:,1], perturbed_xyz[:,2], 'o')
				if i < len(bests):
					cv2.imshow("pert", best_images[bests[i]])
					kb = cv2.waitKey()
					ax = fig2.gca(projection='3d')
					ax.plot(xyz[:,0], xyz[:,1], xyz[:,2], 'o')
				if not yes_or_no("Does this pert. look fine to you?"):
					n_p -= 1
	pickle.dump(best_xyz, open(osp.join(demo_files_dir, perturbation_file), 'wa'))
