Esempio n. 1
def read_chl_events(raw, times, threshold=.5):
    ''' Returns a list of events with the time points where there was crossing of the head movement threshold (begin and end). raw is the raw structure, times is a time vector '''

    # just like the marker files, the goal here is to create events any time the CHL signal goes bad and then becomes good again (i.e. marking the bad segment)
    markers = []
    motion = hm.get_head_motion(raw)

    movement = np.sqrt(np.sum(motion**2, axis=0))

    # smooth the movement
    movement = mne.filter.low_pass_filter(movement, 300, 1)
    # store the sample locations where movement crosses threshold
    bad_segs = np.nonzero(movement >= threshold)[0]

    if len(bad_segs) > 0:
        # finding non-consecutive bad segments. We need to add one because we used diff() before
        start_bad_segs = np.nonzero(np.diff(bad_segs) > 1)[0] + np.ones(1)
        # add back the first bad segment
        start_bad_segs = np.concatenate(([0], start_bad_segs))
        # now start_bad_segs stores the positions when the bad segments started. Following the same logic, we compute the end of each segment
        end_bad_segs = np.nonzero(np.diff(bad_segs) > 1)[0]
        end_bad_segs = np.concatenate((end_bad_segs, [len(bad_segs) - 1]))
        start_end = np.sort(np.concatenate((start_bad_segs, end_bad_segs)))

        markers = [times[bad_segs[int(i)]] for i in start_end]

    return markers
Esempio n. 2
def crop_good_epochs(raw, window_length=13, step_length=1, threshold=4000e-13, allowed_motion=-1, verbose=1, fmin=0, fmax=np.Inf):
    ''' Returns an Epochs structure with what time periods to use. window_length and step_length are in seconds. Set allowed_motion to < 0 to avoid checking head position. '''

    picks = mne.fiff.pick_channels_regexp(['ch_names'], 'M..-*')
    # pdb.set_trace()
    # note that we need to filter raw, so that we can pass it on later
    if fmin > 0 and fmax < np.Inf:
        # bandpass the signal accordingly
        for s in picks:
            raw[s, :] = mne.filter.band_pass_filter(raw[s, :][0],['sfreq'], fmin, fmax, l_trans_bandwidth=.25)
    elif fmax < np.Inf:
        for s in picks:
            raw[s, :] = mne.filter.low_pass_filter(raw[s, :][0],['sfreq'], fmax)
    elif fmin > 0:
        for s in picks:
            raw[s, :] = mne.filter.high_pass_filter(raw[s, :][0],['sfreq'], fmin, trans_bandwidth=.25)

    ''' We search for windows of the given length. If a good window is found, add it to the list and check the next window (non-overlapping). If the current window is no good, step to the next available window. '''

    # # if there's no CHL, discard the subject right away
    # if hm.get_head_motion(raw) is None:
    #     return None

    events = []
    cur = 0
    window_size = int(window_length *['sfreq'])
    step_size = int(step_length *['sfreq'])
    while cur + window_size < raw.n_times:
        chunk = raw[picks, cur:(cur + window_size)][0]
        peak2peak = abs(np.amax(chunk, axis=1) - np.amin(chunk, axis=1))
        num_good_channels = np.sum(peak2peak < threshold, axis=0)
        # We can either completely disregard head position markers
        if allowed_motion < 0:
            max_motion = -np.Inf
        # if we're using them, check if the subject actually has them first
        elif hm.get_head_motion(raw) is not None:
            max_motion = hm.get_max_motion(raw, smin=cur, smax=(cur + window_size))
        # if the subject doesn't have them, return right away
            return None
        # print str(max_motion)
        # if all channels have p2p smaller than threshold, check head movement
        if num_good_channels == len(picks) and max_motion < allowed_motion:
            events.append([cur, 0, 0])
            cur += window_size
            cur += step_size

    print 'Found ' + str(len(events)) + ' good epochs (' + str(len(events)*window_length) + ' sec).'

    if len(events) > 0:
        events = np.array(events)
        epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, None, 0, window_length, keep_comp=True, preload=True, baseline=None, detrend=0, picks=picks)
        epochs = None

    return epochs