def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' # Call the parents constructor pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) spriteSheet = spritesheet.SpriteSheet("resources/images/player.png") # Load the static images self.standImgR = spriteSheet.get_image(0, 0, 27, 62) self.jumpImgR = spriteSheet.get_image(113, 0, 30, 69) self.fallImgR = spriteSheet.get_image(143, 0, 35, 67) self.attackImgR = spriteSheet.get_image(178, 0, 33, 62) self.standImgL = pygame.transform.flip(self.standImgR, True, False) self.jumpImgL = pygame.transform.flip(self.jumpImgR, True, False) self.fallImgL = pygame.transform.flip(self.fallImgR, True, False) self.attackImgL = pygame.transform.flip(self.attackImgR, True, False) # Load all the right-facing images into the list image = spriteSheet.get_image(0, 0, 27, 62) self.walkingFramesR.append(image) image = spriteSheet.get_image(27, 0, 31, 62) self.walkingFramesR.append(image) image = spriteSheet.get_image(58, 0, 27, 62) self.walkingFramesR.append(image) image = spriteSheet.get_image(85, 0, 28, 62) self.walkingFramesR.append(image) # Do the same, but flip them to left for frame in self.walkingFramesR: image = pygame.transform.flip(frame, True, False) self.walkingFramesL.append(image) # Set the starting image self.image = self.standImgR # Set a reference to the image rect self.rect = self.image.get_rect() # Load sounds self.jumpSound = pygame.mixer.Sound("resources/sounds/Jump Sound.wav") self.deathSound = pygame.mixer.Sound( "resources/sounds/Death Sound.wav") self.attackSound = pygame.mixer.Sound( "resources/sounds/Attack Sound.wav") self.jumpSound.set_volume(0.25) self.deathSound.set_volume(0.25) self.attackSound.set_volume(0.25) # Initiate the hearts self.heartList = pygame.sprite.Group() for n in range(int(constants.PLAYER_HEALTH / 2)): newHeart = heart.Heart(n) newHeart.player = self self.heartList.add(newHeart)
def run(host, port, ns_host, ns_port, name): """ Runs the server. @param host The host for the server @param port The port for the server """ hb = heart.Heart(name, host, port, ns_host, ns_port, 1) while True: try: hb.register() break except: pass hb.start(), port=int(port), debug=True, use_reloader=False)
def __init__(self, file_path): self.starting_blocks = [] self.starting_enemies = [] self.starting_coins = [] self.starting_powerups = [] self.starting_flag = [] self.starting_fires = [] self.blocks = pygame.sprite.Group() self.enemies = pygame.sprite.Group() self.coins = pygame.sprite.Group() self.powerups = pygame.sprite.Group() self.flag = pygame.sprite.Group() self.fires = pygame.sprite.Group() self.active_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group() self.inactive_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group() with open(file_path, 'r') as f: data = map_data = json.loads(data) self.width = map_data['width'] * game.GRID_SIZE self.height = map_data['height'] * game.GRID_SIZE self.start_x = map_data['start'][0] * game.GRID_SIZE self.start_y = map_data['start'][1] * game.GRID_SIZE for item in map_data['blocks']: x, y = item[0] * game.GRID_SIZE, item[1] * game.GRID_SIZE img = game.block_images[item[2]] self.starting_blocks.append(block.Block(x, y, img)) for item in map_data['fires']: x, y = item[0] * game.GRID_SIZE, item[1] * game.GRID_SIZE self.starting_fires.append(fire.Fire(x, y, game.fire_img)) for item in map_data['bears']: x, y = item[0] * game.GRID_SIZE, item[1] * game.GRID_SIZE self.starting_enemies.append(bear.Bear(x, y, game.bear_images)) for item in map_data['monsters']: x, y = item[0] * game.GRID_SIZE, item[1] * game.GRID_SIZE self.starting_enemies.append( monster.Monster(x, y, game.monster_images)) for item in map_data['coins']: x, y = item[0] * game.GRID_SIZE, item[1] * game.GRID_SIZE self.starting_coins.append(coin.Coin(x, y, game.coin_img)) for item in map_data['oneups']: x, y = item[0] * game.GRID_SIZE, item[1] * game.GRID_SIZE self.starting_powerups.append(oneUp.OneUp(x, y, game.oneup_img)) for item in map_data['hearts']: x, y = item[0] * game.GRID_SIZE, item[1] * game.GRID_SIZE self.starting_powerups.append(heart.Heart(x, y, game.heart_img)) for i, item in enumerate(map_data['flag']): x, y = item[0] * game.GRID_SIZE, item[1] * game.GRID_SIZE if i == 0: img = game.flag_img else: img = game.flagpole_img self.starting_flag.append(flag.Flag(x, y, img)) self.background_layer = pygame.Surface([self.width, self.height], pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) self.scenery_layer = pygame.Surface([self.width, self.height], pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) self.inactive_layer = pygame.Surface([self.width, self.height], pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) self.active_layer = pygame.Surface([self.width, self.height], pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) if map_data['background-color'] != "": self.background_layer.fill(map_data['background-color']) if map_data['background-img'] != "": background_img = pygame.image.load( map_data['background-img']).convert_alpha() if map_data['background-fill-y']: h = background_img.get_height() w = int(background_img.get_width() * game.HEIGHT / h) background_img = pygame.transform.scale( background_img, (w, game.HEIGHT)) if "top" in map_data['background-position']: start_y = 0 elif "bottom" in map_data['background-position']: start_y = self.height - background_img.get_height() if map_data['background-repeat-x']: for x in range(0, self.width, background_img.get_width()): self.background_layer.blit(background_img, [x, start_y]) else: self.background_layer.blit(background_img, [0, start_y]) if map_data['scenery-img'] != "": scenery_img = pygame.image.load( map_data['scenery-img']).convert_alpha() if map_data['scenery-fill-y']: h = scenery_img.get_height() w = int(scenery_img.get_width() * game.HEIGHT / h) scenery_img = pygame.transform.scale(scenery_img, (w, game.HEIGHT)) if "top" in map_data['scenery-position']: start_y = 0 elif "bottom" in map_data['scenery-position']: start_y = self.height - scenery_img.get_height() if map_data['scenery-repeat-x']: for x in range(0, self.width, scenery_img.get_width()): self.scenery_layer.blit(scenery_img, [x, start_y]) else: self.scenery_layer.blit(scenery_img, [0, start_y])['music']) self.gravity = map_data['gravity'] self.terminal_velocity = map_data['terminal-velocity'] self.completed = False self.blocks.add(self.starting_blocks) self.enemies.add(self.starting_enemies) self.coins.add(self.starting_coins) self.powerups.add(self.starting_powerups) self.flag.add(self.starting_flag) self.fires.add(self.starting_fires) self.active_sprites.add(self.coins, self.enemies, self.powerups, self.fires) self.inactive_sprites.add(self.blocks, self.flag) # with this speed up blitting on slower computers? for s in self.active_sprites: s.image.convert() for s in self.inactive_sprites: s.image.convert() self.inactive_sprites.draw(self.inactive_layer) # is converting layers helpful at all? self.background_layer.convert() self.scenery_layer.convert() self.inactive_layer.convert() self.active_layer.convert()
def __init__(self, player): """ Create level 2. """ # Player start position self.posx = 290 self.posy = 580 # Call the parent constructor Level.__init__(self, player) # Door block = door.Door() block.rect.x = 522 block.rect.y = 0 block.player = self.player self.door_list.add(block) # Walls self.walls = [[wall.Wall(0), 58, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 116, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 174, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 232, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 290, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 348, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 406, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 464, 0]] for w in self.walls: block = w[0] block.rect.x = w[1] block.rect.y = w[2] block.player = self.player self.walls_list.add(block) # Chest self.hearts_needed = 4 block = chest.Chest(4) block.rect.x = 58 block.rect.y = 348 block.player = self.player self.chest_list.add(block) # Hearts self.hearts = [[heart.Heart(2), 116, 116], [heart.Heart(0), 580, 116], [heart.Heart(0), 58, 638], [heart.Heart(0), 464, 522]] for h in self.hearts: block = h[0] block.rect.x = h[1] block.rect.y = h[2] block.player = self.player self.hearts_list.add(block) # Dragon #block = snake.Snake() #block.rect.x = 406 #block.rect.y = 348 #block.player = self.player #self.enemy_list.add(block) # Array with type of artifacts, and x, y location of them. level = [[artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 348, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 406, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 464, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 348, 116], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 406, 116], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 464, 116], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 348, 464], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 348, 522], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 406, 464], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 406, 522], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 174, 348], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 174, 406], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 232, 348], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 232, 406], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 464, 406], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 522, 406], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 464, 464], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 522, 464], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 406, 174], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 464, 174]] for a in level: block = a[0] block.rect.x = a[1] block.rect.y = a[2] block.player = self.player self.artifact_list.add(block) # Green blocks block = artifact.Artifact("Assets/Block.png", self, True) block.rect.x = 232 #406 block.rect.y = 580 block.player = self.player self.block_list.add(block) waters = [[water.Water(), 58, 232], [water.Water(), 116, 232], [water.Water(), 174, 232], [water.Water(), 232, 232], [water.Water(), 58, 290], [water.Water(), 116, 290], [water.Water(), 174, 290], [water.Water(), 232, 290], [water.Water(), 348, 232], [water.Water(), 406, 232], [water.Water(), 464, 232], [water.Water(), 522, 232], [water.Water(), 348, 290], [water.Water(), 406, 290], [water.Water(), 464, 290], [water.Water(), 522, 290], [water.Water(), 638, 232], [water.Water(), 638, 290], [water.Water(), 638, 348], [water.Water(), 638, 406], [water.Water(), 638, 464], [water.Water(), 638, 522], [water.Water(), 638, 580], [water.Water(), 638, 638], [water.Water(), 580, 638], [water.Water(), 522, 638], [water.Water(), 464, 638], [water.Water(), 406, 638]] for w in waters: block = w[0] block.rect.x = w[1] block.rect.y = w[2] block.player = self.player self.water_list.add(block) bridges = [[bridge.Bridge("VERTICAL"), 290, 232], [bridge.Bridge("VERTICAL"), 290, 290], [bridge.Bridge("VERTICAL"), 580, 232], [bridge.Bridge("VERTICAL"), 580, 290]] for b in bridges: block = b[0] block.rect.x = b[1] block.rect.y = b[2] block.player = self.player self.bridge_list.add(block)
def __init__(self, player): """ Create level 1. """ # Player start position self.posx = 58 self.posy = 232 # Call the parent constructor Level.__init__(self, player) # Door block = door.Door() block.rect.x = 348 block.rect.y = 0 block.player = self.player self.door_list.add(block) # Walls self.walls = [[wall.Wall(0), 58, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 116, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 174, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 232, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 290, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 522, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 580, 0], [wall.Wall(1), 638, 0]] for w in self.walls: block = w[0] block.rect.x = w[1] block.rect.y = w[2] block.player = self.player self.walls_list.add(block) # Chest self.hearts_needed = 2 block = chest.Chest(2) block.rect.x = 290 block.rect.y = 580 block.player = self.player self.chest_list.add(block) # Hearts self.hearts = [[heart.Heart(0), 290, 116], [heart.Heart(2), 638, 290]] for h in self.hearts: block = h[0] block.rect.x = h[1] block.rect.y = h[2] block.player = self.player self.hearts_list.add(block) # Snake block = snake.Snake(self.player, self) block.rect.x = 406 block.rect.y = 348 self.enemy_list.add(block) # Array with type of artifacts, and x, y location of them. level = [[artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 58, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 58, 116], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 116, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 174, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 232, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 290, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 348, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 232, 116], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 232, 174], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 290, 174], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 348, 174], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 290, 232], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 348, 232], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 290, 290], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 348, 290], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 464, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 464, 116], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 464, 174], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 464, 232], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 464, 290], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 522, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 522, 116], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 522, 174], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 522, 232], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 522, 290], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 522, 348], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 580, 174], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 580, 232], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 58, 580], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 232, 580], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 58, 638], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 116, 638], [ artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 174, 638, ], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 232, 638], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 290, 638], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Rock.png", self), 348, 638], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 58, 464], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 58, 522], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 116, 116], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 116, 174], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 116, 406], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 116, 464], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 116, 522], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 116, 580], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 174, 116], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 174, 174], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 174, 232], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 174, 406], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 174, 464], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 174, 522], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 174, 580], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 232, 232], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 232, 464], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 232, 522], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 464, 464], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 464, 522], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 522, 464], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 522, 522], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 522, 580], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 580, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 580, 116], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 580, 290], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 580, 522], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 580, 580], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 638, 58], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 638, 116], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 638, 174], [artifact.Artifact("Assets/Tree.png", self), 638, 232]] for a in level: block = a[0] block.rect.x = a[1] block.rect.y = a[2] block.player = self.player self.artifact_list.add(block)
import time from neopixel_animation_helpers import Timer, Spiral, apply_overlay from board import A1 import heart import neopixel import twinkle pixel_pin = A1 num_pixels = 64 rows = 8 cols = 8 animation = heart.Heart() overlay = twinkle.Twinkle(1, (50, 50, 50), 8, 8) spiral = Spiral(8, 8) pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(pixel_pin, num_pixels, auto_write=False) def animation_callback(): animation.calc_next_frame() overlay.calc_next_overlay() apply_overlay(animation.frame, overlay.overlay) for x in range(0, rows): for y in range(0, cols): pixels[spiral.convert_xy_to_index(x, y)] = animation.frame[x][y] timer = Timer(10, animation_callback)