def enter_recipe(): """ Add a new recipe in DB """ title = request.form.get("title") description = request.form.get("description") source = request.form.get("source") cat_code = request.form.get("category") cuisine = request.form.get("cuisine") servings = request.form.get("servings") cooktime = request.form.get("cookTime") skillLevel = request.form.get("level") step1 = request.form.get("step1") step2 = request.form.get("step2") step3 = request.form.get("step3") steps = [step1, step2, step3] # json.loads(request.form.get("listIngr")) ingredients = json.loads(request.form.get("listIngr")) img_file = '' user = '' if 'User' in session: user = session['User'] if 'Image' in request.files: img_file = request.files['Image'] print "IMAGE FILE", img_file if img_file and allowed_file(img_file.filename): filename = secure_filename(img_file.filename) print filename['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) value = helpFunctions.addRecipe(img_file, title, description, cat_code, servings, cooktime, skillLevel, cuisine, ingredients, steps, user) if type(value) == int: message = { 'msg': "Recipe successfully added", 'recipeid': value } else: message = { 'msg': value } return jsonify(message)
def url_scraper(url, user): ######## SCRAP DATA FROM URL ######### r = requests.get(url) data = r.text soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser') title = soup.header.h1.contents[0].strip() description = '' if soup.find('div', 'topnote'): description = soup.find('div', 'topnote').p.contents[0] time = '' servings = '' img_url = '' cat_code = '' cuisine = '' skillLevel = '' if soup.find('span', 'icon icon-clock'): time = soup.find('span', 'icon icon-clock').next_sibling if soup.find('span', 'icon icon-person'): servings = soup.find('span', 'icon icon-person').next_sibling.contents[0] if soup.find('div', 'media-container '): if soup.find('div', 'media-container ').find('img'): img_url = soup.find('div', 'media-container ').find('img')['src'] elif soup.find('div', 'video-container'): img_url = soup.find('div', 'video-container').\ find_all(attrs={"itemprop" : "image"})[0]['content'] elif soup.find('div', 'media-container vertical'): if soup.find('div', 'media-container vertical').find('img'): img_url = soup.find('div', 'media-container vertical').find('img')['src'] text = soup.find('div', 'recipe grid-wrap').get_text(strip=True) text = set(text.split()) cat_code = calculateCategory(text) cuisine = calculateCuisine(text) print "CAT", cat_code ingredients = [] passi = [] unit = '' # FIND ALL THE INGREDIENTS for ingr_item in soup.find_all('ul', 'recipe-ingredients'): for li in ingr_item.find_all('li'): quantity = li.find('span', 'quantity') if quantity: qty = print "QUANTITY ", qty more_info = li.find('span','ingredient-name') ingredient = '' if more_info: info = more_info.text print "INFO", info unit = getUnit(info) if more_info.span: if isinstance(, unicode): # ingredient = unicode(ingredient) # print "SCRAPED INGR", ingredient # ingredient = ingredient.encode('utf-8','ignore') ingredient = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD','ascii','ignore') else: ingredient = print "INGREDIENT", ingredient if ingredient: ingredient = cleanIngredient(ingredient) ingredients.append( {'name': ingredient, 'qty': qty, 'unit': unit}) # FIND ALL THE STEPS for steps in soup.find_all('ol', 'recipe-steps'): for li in steps.find_all('li'): step = li.text passi.append(step) print "STEP", step ######## ADD TO DATABASE ######### # Missing info: CUISINE title = title.strip() time = time.strip() print "IMAGE_URL", img_url message = helpFunctions.addRecipe(img_url, title, description, cat_code, servings, time, skillLevel, cuisine, ingredients, passi, user) print "MESSAGE", message return message
def url_scraper(url, user): ######## SCRAP DATA FROM URL ######### r = requests.get(url) data = r.text soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser') title = soup.header.h1.contents[0].strip() description = '' if soup.find('div', 'topnote'): description = soup.find('div', 'topnote').p.contents[0] time = '' servings = '' img_url = '' cat_code = '' cuisine = '' skillLevel = '' if soup.find('span', 'icon icon-clock'): time = soup.find('span', 'icon icon-clock').next_sibling if soup.find('span', 'icon icon-person'): servings = soup.find('span', 'icon icon-person').next_sibling.contents[0] if soup.find('div', 'media-container '): if soup.find('div', 'media-container ').find('img'): img_url = soup.find('div', 'media-container ').find('img')['src'] elif soup.find('div', 'video-container'): img_url = soup.find('div', 'video-container').\ find_all(attrs={"itemprop" : "image"})[0]['content'] elif soup.find('div', 'media-container vertical'): if soup.find('div', 'media-container vertical').find('img'): img_url = soup.find('div', 'media-container vertical').find('img')['src'] text = soup.find('div', 'recipe grid-wrap').get_text(strip=True) text = set(text.split()) cat_code = calculateCategory(text) cuisine = calculateCuisine(text) print "CAT", cat_code ingredients = [] passi = [] unit = '' # FIND ALL THE INGREDIENTS for ingr_item in soup.find_all('ul', 'recipe-ingredients'): for li in ingr_item.find_all('li'): quantity = li.find('span', 'quantity') if quantity: qty = print "QUANTITY ", qty more_info = li.find('span', 'ingredient-name') ingredient = '' if more_info: info = more_info.text print "INFO", info unit = getUnit(info) if more_info.span: if isinstance(, unicode): # ingredient = unicode(ingredient) # print "SCRAPED INGR", ingredient # ingredient = ingredient.encode('utf-8','ignore') ingredient = unicodedata.normalize( 'NFKD','ascii', 'ignore') else: ingredient = print "INGREDIENT", ingredient if ingredient: ingredient = cleanIngredient(ingredient) ingredients.append({ 'name': ingredient, 'qty': qty, 'unit': unit }) # FIND ALL THE STEPS for steps in soup.find_all('ol', 'recipe-steps'): for li in steps.find_all('li'): step = li.text passi.append(step) print "STEP", step ######## ADD TO DATABASE ######### # Missing info: CUISINE title = title.strip() time = time.strip() print "IMAGE_URL", img_url message = helpFunctions.addRecipe(img_url, title, description, cat_code, servings, time, skillLevel, cuisine, ingredients, passi, user) print "MESSAGE", message return message