def _spike_trains_plot(win, trains, units, trial_length, events, epochs): pW = BaseCurveWidget(win) plot = pW.plot if events is None: events = [] if epochs is None: epochs = [] offset = len(trains) legend_items = [] for u, t in sorted(trains.iteritems(), key=lambda (u,v) color = helper.get_object_color(u) train = helper.add_spikes(plot, t, color, 2, 21, offset,, units) if legend_items.append(train) if trial_length: plot.add_item(make.curve([0, trial_length], [offset, offset], color='k')) offset -= 1 helper.add_epochs(plot, epochs, units) helper.add_events(plot, events, units) plot.set_axis_title(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, 'Time') plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, units.dimensionality.string) win.add_plot_widget(pW, 0) legend = make.legend(restrict_items=legend_items) plot.add_item(legend) win.add_legend_option([legend], True) if len(trains) > 1: plot.set_axis_limits(BasePlot.Y_LEFT, 0.5, len(trains) + 0.5) win.add_custom_curve_tools()
def raster(trains, units=None, show_lines=True, events=None, epochs=None): """ Create a new plotting window with a rasterplot of spiketrains. :param dict trains: Dictionary of spike trains indexed by a Neo object (Unit or Segment). :param Quantity units: Unit of X-Axis. If None, milliseconds are used. :param bool show_lines: Determines if a horizontal line will be shown for each spike train. :param sequence events: A sequence of neo `Event` objects that will be marked on the plot. """ if not trains: raise SpykeException("No spike trains for rasterplot") if not units: units = win_title = "Spike Trains" win = PlotDialog(toolbar=True, wintitle=win_title, major_grid=False) pW = BaseCurveWidget(win) plot = pW.plot if events is None: events = [] if epochs is None: epochs = [] offset = len(trains) legend_items = [] for u, t in sorted(trains.iteritems(), key=lambda (u, v): color = helper.get_object_color(u) train = helper.add_spikes(plot, t, color, 2, 21, offset,, units) if legend_items.append(train) if show_lines: plot.add_item(make.curve([t.t_start.rescale(units), t.t_stop.rescale(units)], [offset, offset], color="k")) offset -= 1 helper.add_epochs(plot, epochs, units) helper.add_events(plot, events, units) plot.set_axis_title(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, "Time") plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, units.dimensionality.string) win.add_plot_widget(pW, 0) legend = make.legend(restrict_items=legend_items) plot.add_item(legend) win.add_legend_option([legend], True) if len(trains) > 1: plot.set_axis_limits(BasePlot.Y_LEFT, 0.5, len(trains) + 0.5) win.add_custom_curve_tools() return win
def raster(trains,, show_lines=True, events=None, epochs=None): """ Create a new plotting window with a rasterplot of spiketrains. :param dict trains: Dictionary of spike trains indexed by a Neo object (Unit or Segment). :param Quantity time_unit: Unit of X-Axis. :param bool show_lines: Determines if a horizontal line will be shown for each spike train. :param sequence events: A sequence of neo `Event` objects that will be marked on the plot. """ if not trains: raise SpykeException('No spike trains for rasterplot') if not time_unit: time_unit = win_title = 'Spike Trains' win = PlotDialog(toolbar=True, wintitle=win_title, major_grid=False) pW = BaseCurveWidget(win) plot = pW.plot if events is None: events = [] if epochs is None: epochs = [] offset = len(trains) legend_items = [] for u, t in trains.iteritems(): color = helper.get_object_color(u) train = helper.add_spikes(plot, t, color, 2, 21, offset,, time_unit) if legend_items.append(train) if show_lines: plot.add_item( make.curve([ t.t_start.rescale(time_unit), t.t_stop.rescale(time_unit) ], [offset, offset], color='k')) offset -= 1 helper.add_epochs(plot, epochs, time_unit) helper.add_events(plot, events, time_unit) plot.set_axis_title(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, 'Time') plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, time_unit.dimensionality.string) win.add_plot_widget(pW, 0) legend = make.legend(restrict_items=legend_items) plot.add_item(legend) win.add_legend_option([legend], True) if len(trains) > 1: plot.set_axis_limits(BasePlot.Y_LEFT, 0.5, len(trains) + 0.5) win.add_custom_curve_tools() return win
def _plot_signal_array_on_window(win, signalarray, events=None, epochs=None, spike_trains=None, spikes=None, plot_separate=True): if signalarray is None: raise SpykeException( 'Cannot create signal plot: No signal data provided!') if events is None: events = [] if epochs is None: epochs = [] if spike_trains is None: spike_trains = {} if spikes is None: spikes = {} # X-Axis sample = (1 / signalarray.sampling_rate).simplified x = sp.arange(signalarray.shape[0]) * sample offset = 0 * signalarray.units channels = range(signalarray.shape[1]) if plot_separate: plot = None for c in channels: pW = BaseCurveWidget(win) plot = pW.plot helper.add_epochs(plot, epochs, x.units) plot.add_item(make.curve(x, signalarray[:, c])) helper.add_events(plot, events, x.units) _add_spike_waveforms(plot, spikes, x.units, c, offset) for train in spike_trains: color = helper.get_object_color(train.unit) helper.add_spikes(plot, train, color, units=x.units) win.add_plot_widget(pW, c) plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.Y_LEFT, signalarray.dimensionality.string) plot.set_axis_title(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, 'Time') plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, x.dimensionality.string) win.add_x_synchronization_option(True, channels) win.add_y_synchronization_option(False, channels) else: channels.reverse() pW = BaseCurveWidget(win) plot = pW.plot helper.add_epochs(plot, epochs, x.units) # Find plot y offset max_offset = 0 * signalarray.units for i, c in enumerate(channels[1:], 1): cur_offset = signalarray[:, channels[i - 1]].max() -\ signalarray[:, c].min() if cur_offset > max_offset: max_offset = cur_offset offset -= signalarray[:, channels[0]].min() for c in channels: plot.add_item(make.curve(x, signalarray[:, c] + offset)) _add_spike_waveforms(plot, spikes, x.units, c, offset) offset += max_offset helper.add_events(plot, events, x.units) for train in spike_trains: color = helper.get_object_color(train.unit) helper.add_spikes(plot, train, color, units=x.units) win.add_plot_widget(pW, 0) plot.set_axis_title(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, 'Time') plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, x.dimensionality.string) plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.Y_LEFT, signalarray.dimensionality.string) win.add_custom_curve_tools(False) units = set([s.unit for s in spike_trains]) units = units.union([s.unit for s in spikes]) helper.make_unit_legend(win, units, False)
def signals(signals, events=None, epochs=None, spike_trains=None, spikes=None, show_waveforms=True, use_subplots=True, time_unit=pq.s, y_unit=None, progress=None): """ Create a plot from a list of analog signals. :param list signals: The list of :class:`neo.core.AnalogSignal` objects to plot. :param sequence events: A list of Event objects to be included in the plot. :param sequence epochs: A list of Epoch objects to be included in the plot. :param list spike_trains: A list of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects to be included in the plot. The ``unit`` property (if it exists) is used for color and legend entries. :param list spikes: A list :class:`neo.core.Spike` objects to be included in the plot. The ``unit`` property (if it exists) is used for color and legend entries. :param bool show_waveforms: Determines if spikes from :class:`neo.core.Spike` and :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects are shown as waveforms (if available) or vertical lines. :param bool use_subplots: Determines if a separate subplot for is created each signal. :param Quantity time_unit: The unit of the x axis. :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. :type progress: :class:`spykeutils.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` """ if not signals: raise SpykeException( 'Cannot create signal plot: No signal data provided!') if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() # Plot title win_title = 'Analog Signal' if len(set((s.recordingchannel for s in signals))) == 1: if signals[0].recordingchannel and signals[0] win_title += ' | Recording Channel: %s' %\ signals[0] if len(set((s.segment for s in signals))) == 1: if signals[0].segment and signals[0] win_title += ' | Segment: %s' % signals[0] win = PlotDialog(toolbar=True, wintitle=win_title) if events is None: events = [] if epochs is None: epochs = [] if spike_trains is None: spike_trains = [] if spikes is None: spikes = [] if show_waveforms: for st in spike_trains: if st.waveforms is not None: spikes.extend(conversions.spike_train_to_spikes(st)) spike_trains = [] else: unit_spikes = {} for s in spikes: unit_spikes.setdefault(s.unit, []).append(s) for sps in unit_spikes.itervalues(): spike_trains.append(conversions.spikes_to_spike_train(sps, False)) spikes = [] channels = range(len(signals)) progress.set_ticks((len(spike_trains) + len(spikes) + 1) * len(channels)) offset = 0 * signals[0].units if use_subplots: plot = None for c in channels: pW = BaseCurveWidget(win) plot = pW.plot if signals[c].name: win.set_plot_title(plot, signals[c].name) elif signals[c].recordingchannel: if signals[c] win.set_plot_title(plot, signals[c] sample = (1 / signals[c].sampling_rate).simplified x = (sp.arange(signals[c].shape[0])) * sample + signals[c].t_start x.units = time_unit helper.add_epochs(plot, epochs, x.units) if y_unit is not None: plot.add_item(make.curve(x, signals[c].rescale(y_unit))) else: plot.add_item(make.curve(x, signals[c])) helper.add_events(plot, events, x.units) _add_spike_waveforms(plot, spikes, x.units, c, offset, progress) for train in spike_trains: color = helper.get_object_color(train.unit) helper.add_spikes(plot, train, color, units=x.units) progress.step() win.add_plot_widget(pW, c) plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.Y_LEFT, signals[c].dimensionality.string) progress.step() plot.set_axis_title(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, 'Time') plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, x.dimensionality.string) else: channels.reverse() pW = BaseCurveWidget(win) plot = pW.plot helper.add_epochs(plot, epochs, time_unit) # Find plot y offset max_offset = 0 * signals[0].units for i, c in enumerate(channels[1:], 1): cur_offset = signals[channels[i - 1]].max() - signals[c].min() if cur_offset > max_offset: max_offset = cur_offset offset -= signals[channels[0]].min() for c in channels: sample = (1 / signals[c].sampling_rate).simplified x = (sp.arange(signals[c].shape[0])) * sample + signals[c].t_start x.units = time_unit if y_unit is not None: plot.add_item(make.curve(x, (signals[c] + offset).rescale(y_unit))) else: plot.add_item(make.curve(x, signals[c] + offset)) _add_spike_waveforms(plot, spikes, x.units, c, offset, progress) offset += max_offset progress.step() helper.add_events(plot, events, x.units) for train in spike_trains: color = helper.get_object_color(train.unit) helper.add_spikes(plot, train, color, units=x.units) progress.step() win.add_plot_widget(pW, 0) plot.set_axis_title(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, 'Time') plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, x.dimensionality.string) plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.Y_LEFT, signals[0].dimensionality.string) win.add_custom_curve_tools(False) units = set([s.unit for s in spike_trains]) units = units.union([s.unit for s in spikes]) progress.done() helper.make_window_legend(win, units, False) if use_subplots: win.add_x_synchronization_option(True, channels) win.add_y_synchronization_option(False, channels) return win
def signals(signals, events=None, epochs=None, spike_trains=None, spikes=None, show_waveforms=True, use_subplots=True, subplot_names=True, time_unit=pq.s, y_unit=None, progress=None): """ Create a plot from a list of analog signals. :param list signals: The list of :class:`neo.core.AnalogSignal` objects to plot. :param sequence events: A list of Event objects to be included in the plot. :param sequence epochs: A list of Epoch objects to be included in the plot. :param list spike_trains: A list of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects to be included in the plot. The ``unit`` property (if it exists) is used for color and legend entries. :param list spikes: A list :class:`neo.core.Spike` objects to be included in the plot. The ``unit`` property (if it exists) is used for color and legend entries. :param bool show_waveforms: Determines if spikes from :class:`neo.core.Spike` and :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects are shown as waveforms (if available) or vertical lines. :param bool use_subplots: Determines if a separate subplot for is created each signal. :param bool subplot_names: Only valid if ``use_subplots`` is True. Determines if signal (or channel) names are shown for subplots. :param Quantity time_unit: The unit of the x axis. :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. :type progress: :class:`spykeutils.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` """ if not signals: raise SpykeException( 'Cannot create signal plot: No signal data provided!') if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() # Plot title win_title = 'Analog Signal' if len(set((s.recordingchannel for s in signals))) == 1: if signals[0].recordingchannel and signals[0] win_title += ' | Recording Channel: %s' %\ signals[0] if len(set((s.segment for s in signals))) == 1: if signals[0].segment and signals[0] win_title += ' | Segment: %s' % signals[0] win = PlotDialog(toolbar=True, wintitle=win_title) if events is None: events = [] if epochs is None: epochs = [] if spike_trains is None: spike_trains = [] if spikes is None: spikes = [] if show_waveforms: for st in spike_trains: if st.waveforms is not None: spikes.extend(conversions.spike_train_to_spikes(st)) spike_trains = [] else: unit_spikes = {} for s in spikes: unit_spikes.setdefault(s.unit, []).append(s) for sps in unit_spikes.itervalues(): spike_trains.append(conversions.spikes_to_spike_train(sps, False)) spikes = [] channels = range(len(signals)) channel_indices = [] for s in signals: if not s.recordingchannel: channel_indices.append(-1) else: channel_indices.append(s.recordingchannel.index) # Heuristic: If multiple channels have the same index, use channel order # as index for spike waveforms nonindices = max(0, channel_indices.count(-1) - 1) if len(set(channel_indices)) != len(channel_indices) - nonindices: channel_indices = range(len(signals)) progress.set_ticks((len(spike_trains) + len(spikes) + 1) * len(channels)) offset = 0 * signals[0].units if use_subplots: plot = None for c in channels: pW = BaseCurveWidget(win) plot = pW.plot if subplot_names: if signals[c].name: win.set_plot_title(plot, signals[c].name) elif signals[c].recordingchannel: if signals[c] win.set_plot_title(plot, signals[c] sample = (1 / signals[c].sampling_rate).simplified x = (sp.arange(signals[c].shape[0])) * sample + signals[c].t_start x.units = time_unit helper.add_epochs(plot, epochs, x.units) if y_unit is not None: plot.add_item(make.curve(x, signals[c].rescale(y_unit))) else: plot.add_item(make.curve(x, signals[c])) helper.add_events(plot, events, x.units) _add_spike_waveforms(plot, spikes, x.units, channel_indices[c], offset, progress) for train in spike_trains: color = helper.get_object_color(train.unit) helper.add_spikes(plot, train, color, units=x.units) progress.step() win.add_plot_widget(pW, c) plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.Y_LEFT, signals[c].dimensionality.string) progress.step() plot.set_axis_title(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, 'Time') plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, x.dimensionality.string) else: channels.reverse() pW = BaseCurveWidget(win) plot = pW.plot helper.add_epochs(plot, epochs, time_unit) # Find plot y offset max_offset = 0 * signals[0].units for i, c in enumerate(channels[1:], 1): cur_offset = signals[channels[i - 1]].max() - signals[c].min() if cur_offset > max_offset: max_offset = cur_offset offset -= signals[channels[0]].min() for c in channels: sample = (1 / signals[c].sampling_rate).simplified x = (sp.arange(signals[c].shape[0])) * sample + signals[c].t_start x.units = time_unit if y_unit is not None: plot.add_item( make.curve(x, (signals[c] + offset).rescale(y_unit))) else: plot.add_item(make.curve(x, signals[c] + offset)) _add_spike_waveforms(plot, spikes, x.units, channel_indices[c], offset, progress) offset += max_offset progress.step() helper.add_events(plot, events, x.units) for train in spike_trains: color = helper.get_object_color(train.unit) helper.add_spikes(plot, train, color, units=x.units) progress.step() win.add_plot_widget(pW, 0) plot.set_axis_title(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, 'Time') plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.X_BOTTOM, x.dimensionality.string) plot.set_axis_unit(BasePlot.Y_LEFT, signals[0].dimensionality.string) win.add_custom_curve_tools() units = set([s.unit for s in spike_trains]) units = units.union([s.unit for s in spikes]) progress.done() helper.make_window_legend(win, units, False) if use_subplots: win.add_x_synchronization_option(True, channels) win.add_y_synchronization_option(False, channels) return win