def rename_file(file_id, name): """ Renames the file in the local sqlite database to reflect the remote change. Infers fileExtension from the filename. Returns: id of renamed file """ conn = connect() cursor = conn.cursor() tokens = name.split(".") fileExtension = tokens[len(tokens) - 1] cursor.execute(""" UPDATE tbl_files SET title = ?, fileExtension = ? WHERE id = ?; """, ( name, fileExtension, file_id )) conn.commit() cursor.close() return file_id
def main(): # check is user is conncted to internet if not connect(): print('No Internet Connection!\nExiting....') exit() #exit if not else: while True: # url='' url=input('Enter the Playlist link to Download: ') if urlChecker(url): break else:print('Invalid Url!') while True: temp=pathExistsElseCreate(input('\nEnter Destination Path("." for this dir):')) if temp is not None: SAVE_PATH=temp break else:print('Invalid Path!') print("\nGetting Details of Playlist") pl = Playlist(url) os.system('cls') print("\nDetails for Playlist","\n") print("Title: ",pl.title()) #may not work for some playlist print("\nDownloading...") pl.download_all(SAVE_PATH) print("\nDownload completed!!")
def match_to_umail(): ldap_conn = helper.connect() for user in sorted( User.query_by().filter( not_(User.username.contains(''))).all()): if user.admin_for or user.is_admin or '(' in continue match = helper.find_user(ldap_conn, if match: print match, user.username
def update_umail_users(): ldap_conn = helper.connect() for user in User.query_by().order_by( email = user.username if email.endswith(''): name = helper.fetch_name(ldap_conn, email) if name and name != = name elif not name: print email, transaction.commit()
def select_all_files(): """ Generates a basic listing of files in tbl_files """ conn = connect() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT title, id FROM tbl_files") files = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.commit() return files
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage(sys.argv) config_uri = sys.argv[1] setup_logging(config_uri) settings = get_appsettings(config_uri) engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.') Session.configure(bind=engine) mailer = Mailer.from_settings(settings) ldap_conn = helper.connect() for line in sys.stdin: merge_to_umail(ldap_conn, mailer, *line.strip().split()) transaction.commit()
def get_file_id_by_name(file_name): """ Returns the id associated with 'file_name' """ file_name = file_name.strip() conn = connect() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM tbl_files WHERE title = ?; ", (file_name,)) file_id = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() conn.commit() return file_id[0]
def create_schema(): conn = connect() cursor = conn.cursor() """ tbl_files -> tbl_labels -> tbl_parentsCollection -> tbl_userPermission """ cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE tbl_files ( createdDate TEXT, description TEXT, downloadUrl TEXT, etag TEXT, fileExtension TEXT, fileSize TEXT, id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, kind TEXT, lastViewedDate TEXT, md5Checksum TEXT, mimeType TEXT, modifiedByMeDate TEXT, modifiedDate TEXT, title TEXT ); """) """ tbl_labels <- tbl_files """ cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE tbl_labels ( files_id TEXT, hidden INTEGER, starred INTEGER, trashed INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (files_id) REFERENCES tbl_files(id) ); """) """ tbl_parentsCollection <- tbl_files """ cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE tbl_parentsCollection ( files_id TEXT, parent_id TEXT, parentLink TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (files_id) REFERENCES tbl_files(id) ); """) """ tbl_userPermission <- tbl_files """ cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE tbl_userPermission ( files_id TEXT, etag TEXT, kind TEXT, role TEXT, type TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (files_id) REFERENCES tbl_files(id) ); """) conn.commit() cursor.close()
def insert_file(metadata): """ Inserts file metadata returned by gdrive.insert_file into the tbl_files table and tables related to it. Returns: id of the inserted data """ conn = connect() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO tbl_files ( createdDate, description, downloadUrl, etag, fileExtension, fileSize, id, kind, lastViewedDate, md5Checksum, mimeType, modifiedByMeDate, modifiedDate, title ) VALUES ( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? ); """, ( metadata["createdDate"], metadata["description"], metadata["downloadUrl"], metadata["etag"], metadata["fileExtension"], metadata["fileSize"], metadata["id"], metadata["kind"], metadata["lastViewedDate"], metadata["md5Checksum"], metadata["mimeType"], metadata["modifiedByMeDate"], metadata["modifiedDate"], metadata["title"], ) ); cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO tbl_labels ( files_id, hidden, starred, trashed ) VALUES ( ?,?,?,? ); """, ( metadata["id"], metadata["labels"]["hidden"], metadata["labels"]["starred"], metadata["labels"]["trashed"], ) ); for parent in metadata["parentsCollection"]: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO tbl_parentsCollection ( files_id, parent_id, parentLink ) VALUES ( ?,?,? ); """, ( metadata["id"], parent["id"], parent["parentLink"], ) ); cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO tbl_userPermission ( files_id, etag, kind, role, type ) VALUES ( ?,?,?,?,? ) """, ( metadata["id"], metadata["userPermission"]["etag"], metadata["userPermission"]["kind"], metadata["userPermission"]["role"], metadata["userPermission"]["type"], ) ); conn.commit() cursor.close() return metadata["id"]
def update_file(metadata): """ Updates file metadata returned by gdrive.update_file into the tbl_files table and tables related to it. Returns: id of the inserted data """ conn = connect() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE tbl_files SET createdDate = ?, description = ?, downloadUrl = ?, etag = ?, fileExtension = ?, fileSize = ?, kind = ?, lastViewedDate = ?, md5Checksum = ?, mimeType = ?, modifiedBymeDate = ?, modifiedDate = ?, title = ? WHERE id = ?; """, ( metadata["createdDate"], metadata["description"], metadata["downloadUrl"], metadata["etag"], metadata["fileExtension"], metadata["fileSize"], metadata["kind"], metadata["lastViewedDate"], metadata["md5Checksum"], metadata["mimeType"], metadata["modifiedByMeDate"], metadata["modifiedDate"], metadata["title"], metadata["id"], ) ); cursor.execute(""" UPDATE tbl_labels SET hidden = ?, starred = ?, trashed = ? WHERE files_id = ?; """, ( metadata["labels"]["hidden"], metadata["labels"]["starred"], metadata["labels"]["trashed"], metadata["id"], ) ); for parent in metadata["parentsCollection"]: cursor.execute(""" UPDATE tbl_parentsCollection SET parent_id = ?, parentLink = ? WHERE files_id = ? """, ( parent["id"], parent["parentLink"], metadata["id"], ) ); cursor.execute(""" UPDATE tbl_userPermission SET etag = ?, kind = ?, role = ?, type = ? WHERE files_id = ?; """, ( metadata["userPermission"]["etag"], metadata["userPermission"]["kind"], metadata["userPermission"]["role"], metadata["userPermission"]["type"], metadata["id"], ) ); conn.commit() cursor.close() return metadata["id"]
print('Refilled ' + str(refillCount) + ' times') h.wait(1) h.touchRefillIntellect() h.wait(1) h.touchRefillIntellectConfirm() h.wait(3) else: h.touchStartMissionB() h.waitFightStart() h.waitFightEnd() h.touchFightEnd() h.waitUntilSelectMission() if __name__ == '__main__': from log import logger as l"Starting...") import helper as h h.connect()"Started") main()"Stop")"-------------------")"-------------------")"-------------------") input()
def main(): # check is user is conncted to internet if not connect(): print('No Internet Connection!\nExiting....') exit() #exit if not else: # links=[''] while True: # check is user want to download multiple files multiple=input('\nDo you want to dowanlod multiple videos?(y/n): ').lower() if(multiple==('y')): while True: # get txt file from user via_txt=input('\nDo you want to send links via a txt file?(y/n)').lower() if(via_txt=='y'): while True: path=input('\nEnter the path of txt file with video links on each line: ') if(fileExists): # urlChecker checks if the url is valid youtube link links=[url for url in open('Example_links.txt', "r").read().splitlines() if urlChecker(url)] break else: print('File Not Found!, Please Check the file path') elif(via_txt=='n'): # get one by one link from user while True: try: n = int(input("Enter the number of youtube videos to download: ")) print("\nEnter all the links one per line:") links=[] for i in range(0,n): while True: url=input() if(urlChecker(url)): links.append(url) break else: print('Invalid Input!') except ValueError: print('Invalid Input!') else: print('Invalid Input!') elif(multiple=='n'): # get single link from user while True: print("\nEnter the link of Video:") url=input() links=[] if(urlChecker(url)): links.append(url) break else:print('Invalid Input!') break else: print('Invalid Input!') while True: temp=pathExistsElseCreate(input('\nEnter Destination Path("." for this dir):')) if temp is not None: SAVE_PATH=temp break else:print('Invalid Path!') def progress_function(stream, chunk, bytes_remaining): size = ys.filesize print(round((1-bytes_remaining/size)*100, 3), '% done...',end='\r') for i in range(0,len(links)): link = links[i] print("\nGetting Details of Video") # get video object yt = YouTube(link,on_progress_callback=progress_function) os.system('cls') print("\nDetails for Video","\n") print("Title: ",yt.title) print("Length of video: ",yt.length,"seconds") # get progressive streams i.e audio+video stream_ = yt.streams.filter(progressive=True) stream=str(stream_) stream = stream[1:] stream = stream[:-1] streamlist = stream.split(", ") # display available options print("\nAll available options for downloads:\n") for i in range(0,len(streamlist)): st = streamlist[i].split(" ") print(i+1,") ",st[1]," ",st[3],' size=',humanbytes(stream_[i].filesize),sep='') tag = int(input("\nEnter the itag of your preferred stream to download: ")) ys = yt.streams.get_by_itag(tag) print("\nDownloading...") print("\nDownload completed!!")