Esempio n. 1
def knn_atoms(x, y, x_batch, y_batch, k):
    N, D = x.shape
    x_i = LazyTensor(x[:, None, :])
    y_j = LazyTensor(y[None, :, :])

    pairwise_distance_ij = ((x_i - y_j) ** 2).sum(-1)
    pairwise_distance_ij.ranges = diagonal_ranges(x_batch, y_batch)

    # N.B.: KeOps doesn't yet support backprop through Kmin reductions...
    # dists, idx = pairwise_distance_ij.Kmin_argKmin(K=k,axis=1)
    # So we have to re-compute the values ourselves:
    idx = pairwise_distance_ij.argKmin(K=k, axis=1)  # (N, K)
    x_ik = y[idx.view(-1)].view(N, k, D)
    dists = ((x[:, None, :] - x_ik) ** 2).sum(-1)

    return idx, dists
Esempio n. 2
def project_iface_labels(
    queries, batch_queries, source, batch_source, labels, threshold=2.0
    x_i = LazyTensor(queries[:, None, :])  # (N, 1, D)
    y_j = LazyTensor(source[None, :, :])  # (1, M, D)

    D_ij = ((x_i - y_j) ** 2).sum(-1)  # (N, M)
    D_ij.ranges = diagonal_ranges(batch_queries, batch_source)
    nn_i = D_ij.argmin(dim=1).view(-1)  # (N,)
    nn_dist_i = (
        D_ij.min(dim=1).view(-1, 1) < threshold
    ).float()  # If chain is not connected because of missing densities MaSIF cut out a part of the protein

    query_labels = labels[nn_i] * nn_dist_i

    return query_labels  # (N,)
    def load_mesh(self,
        """Loads the geometry of a triangle mesh.

        Input arguments:
        - xyz, a point cloud encoded as an (N, 3) Tensor.
        - triangles, a connectivity matrix encoded as an (N, 3) integer tensor.
        - weights, importance weights for the orientation estimation, encoded as an (N, 1) Tensor.
        - radius, the scale used to estimate the local normals.
        - a batch vector, following PyTorch_Geometric's conventions.

        The routine updates the model attributes:
        - points, i.e. the point cloud itself,
        - nuv, a local oriented basis in R^3 for every point,
        - ranges, custom KeOps syntax to implement batch processing.

        # 1. Save the vertices for later use in the convolutions ---------------
        self.points = xyz
        self.batch = batch
        self.ranges = diagonal_ranges(
            batch)  # KeOps support for heterogeneous batch processing
        self.triangles = triangles
        self.normals = normals
        self.weights = weights

        # 2. Estimate the normals and tangent frame ----------------------------
        # Normalize the scale:
        points = xyz / self.radius

        # Normals and local areas:
        if normals is None:
            normals, areas = mesh_normals_areas(points, triangles, 0.5, batch)
        tangent_bases = tangent_vectors(normals)  # Tangent basis (N, 2, 3)

        # 3. Steer the tangent bases according to the gradient of "weights" ----

        # 3.a) Encoding as KeOps LazyTensors:
        # Orientation scores:
        weights_j = LazyTensor(weights.view(1, -1, 1))  # (1, N, 1)
        # Vertices:
        x_i = LazyTensor(points[:, None, :])  # (N, 1, 3)
        x_j = LazyTensor(points[None, :, :])  # (1, N, 3)
        # Normals:
        n_i = LazyTensor(normals[:, None, :])  # (N, 1, 3)
        n_j = LazyTensor(normals[None, :, :])  # (1, N, 3)
        # Tangent basis:
        uv_i = LazyTensor(tangent_bases.view(-1, 1, 6))  # (N, 1, 6)

        # 3.b) Pseudo-geodesic window:
        # Pseudo-geodesic squared distance:
        rho2_ij = ((x_j - x_i)**2).sum(-1) * (
            (2 - (n_i | n_j))**2)  # (N, N, 1)
        # Gaussian window:
        window_ij = (-rho2_ij).exp()  # (N, N, 1)

        # 3.c) Coordinates in the (u, v) basis - not oriented yet:
        X_ij = uv_i.matvecmult(x_j - x_i)  # (N, N, 2)

        # 3.d) Local average in the tangent plane:
        orientation_weight_ij = window_ij * weights_j  # (N, N, 1)
        orientation_vector_ij = orientation_weight_ij * X_ij  # (N, N, 2)

        # Support for heterogeneous batch processing:
        orientation_vector_ij.ranges = self.ranges  # Block-diagonal sparsity mask

        orientation_vector_i = orientation_vector_ij.sum(dim=1)  # (N, 2)
        orientation_vector_i = (orientation_vector_i + 1e-5
                                )  # Just in case someone's alone...

        # 3.e) Normalize stuff:
        orientation_vector_i = F.normalize(orientation_vector_i, p=2,
                                           dim=-1)  #  (N, 2)
        ex_i, ey_i = (
            orientation_vector_i[:, 0][:, None],
            orientation_vector_i[:, 1][:, None],
        )  # (N,1)

        # 3.f) Re-orient the (u,v) basis:
        uv_i = tangent_bases  # (N, 2, 3)
        u_i, v_i = uv_i[:, 0, :], uv_i[:, 1, :]  # (N, 3)
        tangent_bases =
            (ex_i * u_i + ey_i * v_i, -ey_i * u_i + ex_i * v_i),
            dim=1).contiguous()  # (N, 6)

        # 4. Store the local 3D frame as an attribute --------------------------
        self.nuv =
            (normals.view(-1, 1, 3), tangent_bases.view(-1, 2, 3)), dim=1)